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Described the main events of Holy Prophet (PBUH) conquest of Makkah?

✔ By 630 A.D, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had grown powerful in Arabia.
✔ He decided to capture Mecca when the Quraysh broke the treaty of Hudaibiya after two years.
✔ Banu Bakr, an ally of Quraysh, attacked Banu-Khuza, an ally of Muslims, with the help of Quraysh. Banu
khuza came to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) for Help.
✔ The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave 3 options to Quraysh;
o 1. To pay compensation to Banu khuza .
o 2. To break their alliance with Banu Bakr.
o 3. Dissolve the treaty of Hudaibiya.
✔ The Quraysh accepted the 3rd option & dissolved the treaty.
✔ Later Abu Sufyan, the leader of Quraysh came to Holy Prophet (PBUH) and met other Muslims like
Hazrat Abu Bakr, Umar (RA) and Hazrat Usman, in Madina, to resolve the treaty, however he was
✔ Now the Holy Prophet (PBUH) marched towards Mecca with an army of 10,000 men.
✔ Before his entry in Mecca, Abu Sufyan accepted Islam & the Holy Prophet (PBUH) honored him by
declaring his house as a place of refuge for Meccans.
✔ He also made extensive efforts to avoid violence e.g. He announced the Meccans taking refuge in the
Holy Kabah would be safe and those who closed the doors of their houses would be safe.
✔ Abu Sufyan returned to Makka and warned the Quraysh not to resist the Muslim army so most of them
put down their arms, but a few Quraish like Safwan, Ikrimah, Suhayl swore to block the Muslim army
from entering Makka.
✔ Holy Prophet (PBUH)’s entry in Mecca was peaceful.
✔ He divided His army in 4 groups who approached Mecca from different directions. One group was led by
Holy Prophet (PBUH), second by Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed, Third by Hazrat Abu Ubadiah and fourth by
Hazrat Sa’ad bin Ubadah.
✔ All entered Mecca safely except for the group under Khalid bin Waleed. They were attacked by some
hostile Quraysh & some people of Banu Bakr. As a result 12 men were killed in this clash and 2 Muslims
were martyred.
✔ Holy Prophet (PBUH) went to the Holy Kabah, kissed the Black stone and circumambulated it. Then he
destroyed 360 idols which were placed by the pagans in Kabah. While destroying them he recited the
following verses of Quran :“The truth has come & falsehood has perished, no doubt the falsehood is
bound to perish.”
✔ When he came out of the Kabah, he saw the Makkans waiting for him. He asked them what type of
treatment they expected from him (PBUH)? and they said : We hope for the best. You are a noble
brother & son of a noble brother.” Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied : “I will treat you as Yousaf treated his
brother. You are free from all fears today, may Allah forgive you”. Thus, Holy Prophet (PBUH)
announced a general pardon for them except for 9 stubborn people who were executed e.g. Abdullah
bin Khatal.
✔ Due to his sympathetic attitude many Meccans accepted Islam, which included some of the worst
enemies of Islam like Hind & Wehshi.
✔ Ikaramah bin Abu Jahl also accepted Islam.
✔ The keys to the Ka'bah were given to ‘Uthman bin Talha.
✔ Before the Zuhr prayer the Holy Prophet (PBUH) asked Hazrat Bilal to ascend on the roof of Kabah and
call Azan.
✔ Holy Prophet (PBUH) stayed in Mecca for more than 20 days & decided the boundaries of Haram
✔ After making some administrative arrangements & appointing a governor in Mecca he returned to
Medina. He appointed Hazrat ‘Itab as the Governor.
✔ Thus Allah fulfilled his promise and false did perish and Mecca became an Islamic centre.

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