Nenek Pakande

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Nenek Pakande

            This story is taken from the residents of soppeng regency. Nenek pakande was a
ghost grandma who ate human flesh, especially to the baby’s flesh. She was
supranatural, she was very strong,  nobody can defeat her. So one day, there was smart
youth whose named Labeddu tried to expelled nenek pakande from the region. Could
Labeddu expell nenek pakande from the region?
Ladies and gentlemen. And my boloved brothers and sisters
Well, let me tell you the whole story.
Once upon a time, a peaceful village disturbed by the presence of the old grandma. The
old grandma which used batik sarong and shirt. she ate human especially childrens'
flesh. She used to roam when the day getting dark. She walked around the resident’s
home to found her victim. So the residents called her, nenek pakande.
One evening, there was a pair of brother who were playing. Their mother told them to
go home because it was already getting dark. But they ignore their mother's order.
When their mother came out, she couldn't find her son. Then, she yelled for help. When
the residents gathered, she told the chronology. The residents helped her to found her
son but they couldn't find her son.
The next day, there was a resident which lost her baby. It was like the accident
before,there was not footprints. There was one of them  said that it was Nenek
Pakande's act.
Ladies and gentlemen.
And my boloved brothers and sisters
A youth whose named La Beddu proposed to throw out Nenek Pakande by pretended to
be a giant, Raja Bangkung Pittu Reppa Rawo Ale. Because Nenek Pakande was really
scared of that giant.
But the residents didn't believe La Beddu could throw out Nenek Pakande by his plans
because Nenek Pakande was very powerful and they thought that no one could beat
Nenek Pakande.
La Beddu ordered the residents to gather some eels, turtles, salaga, a bucket of soap
foam, the skin of bamboo shoot and a big stone in La Beddu's house and he told the
function of those items. Then, all of the residents gather some eels, turtles, salaga, a
bucket of soap foam, the skin of bamboo shoot and a big stone in La Beddu's house to
trapped Nenek Pakande.
Ladies and gentlemen. And my boloved brothers and sisters
In the afternoon, La Beddu and all of the residents made a plan to trapped Nenek
Pakande. They went to the house which called Balla Raja. They put eels and a big stone
there and put the baby inside the house. Nenek Pakande came to the house want to took
the baby, suddenly, Labeddu who disguese as Raja Bangkung Pittu Reppa Rawo Ale
appeared and greeted Nenek Pakande. He was angry and wanted to ate Nenek Pakande.
Initially, Nenek Pakande didn't believe that it was the real Raja Bangkung Pittu Reppa
Rawo Ale but after the turtles came out, Nenek Pakande ran away and fell down because
slipped by the eels and hit by a big stone. Then, Nenek Pakande flew away to the moon
and said that she would return to this village and ate many childrens. the smart of
labeddu, and helping from the resident, so nenek pakande can be expelled from the
The honourable to the jury
Ladies and gentlemen. And my boloved brothers and sisters
Therefore, now many parents advise their childrens to not to go out if it's late night,
later you'll be eaten by Nenek Pakande.
Ladies and gentlemen. And my boloved brothers and sisters
The character of smartness have been described in bugis cathword:
“naia riyasennge’ pannawanawa, mapaccingngi riatinna, sappai rinawanawanna,
nalolongenngi sininna adae’..”
The means it: smartness is sincare people who usually think to looking for the way to
overcame his problem. from this story we can know the prominance of using common
sense in our life.

Yuli Dwi Putri Budiamin X MIA 3

Cerita ini diambil dari warga Kabupaten Soppeng. Nenek Pakande adalah hantu nenek
yang memakan daging manusia, terutama daging bayi. Dia supernatural, dia sangat kuat, tidak
ada yang bisa mengalahkannya. Maka suatu saat, ada pemuda pintar bernama Labeddu yang
berusaha mengusir nenek pakande dari daerah tersebut. Mampukah Labeddu mengusir nenek
pakande dari daerah itu?
Baiklah, izinkan saya menceritakan keseluruhan ceritanya.
Alkisah, desa yang damai terusik dengan kehadiran nenek tua. Nenek tua yang menggunakan
sarung dan kemeja batik. dia makan daging manusia terutama anak-anak. Dia biasa berkeliaran
saat hari mulai gelap. Dia berjalan mengitari rumah warga untuk menemukan korbannya. Jadi
warga memanggilnya enek pakande.
Suatu malam, ada sepasang saudara yang sedang bermain. Ibu mereka menyuruh
mereka pulang karena hari sudah mulai gelap. Tapi mereka mengabaikan perintah ibu mereka.
Ketika ibu mereka keluar, dia tidak dapat menemukan putranya. Kemudian, dia berteriak minta
tolong. Saat warga berkumpul, dia menceritakan kronologisnya. Penduduk membantunya
menemukan putranya tetapi mereka tidak dapat menemukan putranya.
Keesokan harinya, ada warga yang kehilangan bayinya. Seperti kecelakaan sebelumnya, tidak
ada jejak kaki. Ada yang bilang itu ulah Nenek Pakande.
Seorang pemuda bernama La Beddu mengusulkan untuk mengusir Nenek Pakande
dengan berpura-pura menjadi raksasa, Raja Bangkung Pittu Reppa Rawo Ale. Karena Nenek
Pakande sangat takut pada raksasa itu.
Namun warga tidak percaya La Beddu bisa mengusir Nenek Pakande dengan rencananya
karena Nenek Pakande sangat sakti dan mereka mengira tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkan
Nenek Pakande.
La Beddu memerintahkan warga untuk mengumpulkan beberapa belut, penyu, salaga,
seember busa sabun, kulit rebung dan batu besar di rumah La Beddu dan dia menceritakan
fungsi barang-barang tersebut. Kemudian, seluruh warga mengumpulkan beberapa belut,
penyu, salaga, seember busa sabun, kulit rebung dan batu besar di rumah La Beddu untuk
menjebak Nenek Pakande.
Sore harinya, La Beddu dan seluruh warga membuat rencana untuk menjebak Nenek
Pakande. Mereka pergi ke rumah yang disebut Balla Raja. Mereka menaruh belut dan batu besar
di sana dan memasukkan bayi itu ke dalam rumah. Nenek Pakande datang ke rumah ingin
mengambil bayinya, tiba-tiba Labeddu yang menyamar sebagai Raja Bangkung Pittu Reppa
Rawo Ale muncul dan menyapa Nenek Pakande. Dia marah dan ingin makan Nenek Pakande.
Awalnya Nenek Pakande tidak percaya bahwa itu adalah Raja Bangkung Pittu Reppa Rawo Ale
yang asli namun setelah penyu keluar, Nenek Pakande kabur dan terjatuh karena terpeleset
belut dan terkena batu besar. Kemudian, Nenek Pakande terbang ke bulan dan berkata bahwa
dia akan kembali ke desa ini dan memakan banyak anak. pintar labeddu, dan membantu warga,
agar nenek pakande bisa terusir dari daerah.
Oleh karena itu, kini banyak orang tua yang menasihati anaknya untuk tidak keluar jika
sudah larut malam, nanti dimakan oleh Nenek Pakande.
Wanita dan pria. Dan saudara-saudariku yang terkasih
Karakter kecerdasan telah dijelaskan dalam katword bugis:
"Naia riyasennge" pannawanawa, mapaccingngi riatinna, sappai rinawanawanna, nalolongenngi
sininna adae ".."
Artinya: kepintaran adalah orang yang ikhlas yang biasanya berpikir untuk mencari cara untuk
mengatasi masalahnya. dari cerita ini kita bisa mengetahui pentingnya menggunakan akal sehat
dalam hidup kita.
Nenek Pakande | Legend from South Sulawesi

Once upon a time, a peaceful village disturbed by the presence of the old grandmother.
The old grandmother which used batik sarong and shirt. The residents thought that
grandmother was an ordinary grandmother, but it turns out she is a stealth
grandmother. The residents called her Nenek Pakande. Nenek Pakande ate childrens'
Complication 1:
One evening, there was a pair of brother who were playing. Their mother told them to
go home because it was already getting dark. But they ignore their mother's order.
When their mother came out, she couldn't find her son. Then, she yelled for help. When
the residents gathered, she told the chronology. The residents helped her to found her
son but they couldn't find her son. The next day, there was a resident which lost her
baby. The other residents convinced that it was Nenek Pakande's act.
Resolution 1:
A youngster who named La Beddu proposed to throw out Nenek Pakande by pretended
to be a giant, Raja Bangkung Pittu Reppa Rawo Ale. Because Nenek Pakande was really
scared of that giant.
Complication 2:
But the residents didn't believe La Beddu could throw out Nenek Pakande by his plans
because Nenek Pakande was very powerful and they thought that no one could beat
Nenek Pakande.
Resolution 2:
La Beddu ordered the residents to gather some eels, turtles, salaga, a bucket of soap
foam, the skin of bamboo shoot and a big stone in La Beddu's house and he told the
function of those items. Then, all of the residents gather some eels, turtles, salaga, a
bucket of soap foam, the skin of bamboo shoot and a big stone in La Beddu's house to
trick Nenek Pakande.
In the afternoon, La Beddu and all of the residents devised a plan to trick Nenek
Pakande. They went to the house which called Balla Raja. They put eels and a big stone
there and put the baby inside the house. Nenek Pakande came and a giant, Raja
Bangkung Pittu Reppa Rawo Ale greet Nenek Pakande. The giant was angry and wanted
to ate Nenek Pakande. Initially, Nenek Pakande didn't believe that it was the real Raja
Bangkung Pittu Reppa Rawo Ale but after the turtles came out, Nenek Pakande ran
away and fell down because slipped by the eels and hit by a big stone. Then, Nenek
Pakande flew to the moon and said that she would return to this village and ate many
Therefore, now many parents are advise their childrens to not to go out if it's late, later
you'll be eaten by Nenek Pakande.

Yuli Dwi Putri Budiamin X MIA 3

Nenek Pakande | Legend from South Sulawesi

Once upon a time in an area in Soppeng (a district in South Sulawesi), there was
a village with a very friendly people, always peaceful, peaceful and prosperous. Almost
or even all the people living in the area have a livelihood as farmers. Every day they
flock to the fields to farm on their respective fields. At one time, the peaceful village was
disturbed by an old grandmother whose white hair used a head on her head, a wrinkled
face, with a half-bent body, then wearing a batik sarong and shirt. At first glance, the
grandmother was just an ordinary grandmother who was looking for a place to live. But
who would have thought that the old grandmother was a stealth who liked to prey on
human flesh, especially the flesh of children. With his character known as that, the local
people also named the grandmother as ‘Nenek Pakande’ (taken from the Bugis
language, the word manre which means eating). Usually ‘Pakande's’ wanders
around the village in search of prey on the day when the dawn has begun to sunk.

Alkisah di suatu daerah di Soppeng (sebuah Kabupaten di Sulawesi Selatan),
terdapatsuatu desa dengan rakyatnya sangat bersahabat, senantiasa hidup tentram,
damai, dan sejahtera. Hampir atau bahkan seluruh masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah
itu bermata pencaharian sebagai seorang petani. Setiap hari mereka berbondong-
bondong ke sawah untuk bertani di lahan mereka masing-masing. Pada suatu
ketika, desa yang terkenal tentram tersebut terusik oleh seorang nenek tua yang
rambutnya berwarna putih memakai konde di kepalanya, wajah yang keriput, dengan
badan yang setengah membungkuk, lalu memakai sarung batik dan kemeja. Sekilas
terlihat nenek itu hanyalah seorang nenek tua yang biasa-biasa saja yang sedang
mencari tempat tinggal.Tapi siapa yang menyangka bahwa nenek tua itu adalah
seorang siluman yang suka memangsa daging manusia terlebihnya daging anak-
anak. Dengan karakternya yang dikenal seperti itu, maka warga setempat pun
menamai nenek itu dengan sebutan ‘Nenek Pakande’ (diambil dari bahasa Bugis yaitu
kata manre yang berarti makan). Biasanya Nenek Pakande itu berkeliaran keliling
kampung untuk mencari mangsa pada hari ketika sang fajar sudah mulai tenggelam.

Yuli Dwi Putri Budiamin X MIA 3

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