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ASHRAE Guideline 8-1994

Energy Cost
Allocation for
Residential Buildings
Approved by the ASHRAE Standards Committee June
29, 1994, and by the ASHRAE Board of Directors June 30,

ASHRAE Guidelines are updated on a five-year cycle; the

date following the Guideline is the year of approval. The
latest edition of an ASHRAE Guideline may be purchased
from ASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE,
Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: Fax:
404-321-5478. Telephone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide) or toll
free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in U.S. and Canada).

©Copyright 1994 American Society of Heating,

Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
ISSN 1049-894X


1791 Tullie Circle, NE • Atlanta, GA 30329
ASHRAE Guideline Project Committee 8P
Cognizant TC: TC 6.1, Hydronic and Steam Equipmentand Systems
Project CommitteeLiaison: JamesE. Woods

MarthaJ. Hewett, Chair* Bonnie Janssen

Louis P. Accurso David S. Keegan*
Peggy H. Adams FrankX. Lutz*
Martin A. Anderson Catherine Milmore Lacy
Albert W.Black,II1" Thomas K. McHugh
RogerD. Colton* Patrick E. Nichols*
Milton R. DiGregorio* Michael Patrick O’Rourke
Frann G. Francis Alexander H. Sleiman*
RogerLee Freischlag* HarveyG. Stenger, Sr.
Dieter R. Goettling* SherwoodG. Talbert
Richard A. Hegberg* Tim M. Tierney
Kenneth Hoberrnan* Robert Tumielewicz

LeeW. Burgett, Chair Daniel E. Kramer
HarryJ. Sauer,Jr., Vice-Chair JamesA. Ranfone
M. Kent Anderson John M. Talbott
HermanE Behls Michael W. Woodford
Larry O. Degelman James E. Woods
Allen J. Hanley ThomasP. Wutka
John K. Hodge George S. Yamamoto
Peter J. Hoey GrenvilleK. Yuill
Sally A. Hooks John S. Blossom, CO
Rona!dH. Howell Michael1=. Dillon, ExO.
Jim L Heldenbrand,Managerof Standards

This Guidelinewasdeveloped underthe auspicesof the AmericanSociety of Heating, Refrigerating, andAir-
Conditioning Engineers(ASHRAE). ASHRAE Guidelines are developedunder a review process, identifying
a guidelinefor the design,testing, application, or evaluationof a specific product,concept,or practice. Asa
guideline it is not definitive but encompasses areas wherethere maybe a variety of approaches,noneof
whichmustbe precisely correct. ASHRAE Guidelinesare written to assist professionalsin the areaof concern
and expertise of ASHRAE’s Technical Committeesand Task Groups.
ASHRAE Guidelinesare preparedby project committees appointedspecifically for the purposeof writing
Guidelines. The project committeechair and vice-chair mustbe members of ASHRAE; while other members
of the project committee mayor maynot be ASHRAE members, all mustbe technically qualified in the subject
areaof the Guideline.
Development of ASHRAE Guidelines follows proceduressimilar to those for ASHRAE Standardsexcept
that (a) committeebalance is desired but not required, (b) an effort is madeto achieveconsensus
consensus is not required, (c) guidelines are not appealable,and(d) guidelines are not submittedto
for approval.
The Managerof Standardsof ASHRAE should be contacted for
a. interpretationof the contentsof this Guideline,
b. participation in the next reviewof this Guideline,
c. offering constructivecriticism for improvingthis Guideline,and
d. permission to reprint portionsof this Guideline.


ASHRAE Standardsand Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a
uniformmethodof testing for rating purposes,by suggestingsafe practices in designingandinstalling
equipment,by providing proper definitions of this equipment,andby providing other information that
mayserve to guide the industry. Thecreation of ASHRAE Standardsand Guidelines is determinedby
the needfor them, andconformanceto themis completelyvoluntary.
In referring to this Standardor Guidelineandin markingof equipmentandin advertising, no claim
shall be made,either stated or implied, that the product has beenapprovedby ASHRAE.

ASHRAE usesits best efforts to promulgateStandardsandGuidelinesfor the benefit of the public in
light of available information and acceptedindustry practices. However,ASHRAEdoesnot guarantee,
certify, or assurethe safety or performance
of any products,components,
or systemstested, installed,
or operated in accordancewith ASHRAE’s Standardsor Guidelines or that any tests conductedunder
its Standardsor Guidelineswill be nonhazardous or free from risk.


1. Purpose ................................................................ 2
2. Scope .................................................................. 2
3. Definitions .............................................................. 2
4. Implementation/Utilization .................................................. 3
5. Equipment .............................................................. 3
6. Recommended Applications ................................................. 7
7. Conversion from Measurement to Allocation ..................................... 8
8. Installation .............................................................. 8
9. Maintenance, Error Checking, and Repairs ...................................... 9
10. Division of Energy Use into Monitored Use and Non-Monitored Use
and Allocation of Non-Monitored Use .......................................... 10
11. Documentation ........................................................... 12
12. Billing Procedures ......................................................... 13
13. Building and HVACSystem Efficiency and Maintenance ............................ 14
14. References .............................................................. 14
15. Bibliography of Related European Standards and Rega~lations ........................ 14
Appendix A, Principles of Equitable Allocation of Energy Costs .......................... 15
Appendix B, Sample Agreement on Maintenance, Error Checking, and Repairs ............... 18
Appendix C, Division of HVACEnergy Use into Monitored Use and Non-Monitored Use ...... 19
Appendix D, National Conference on Weights and Measures Task Force on Energy Allocation:
RecommendedRegulation for Energy or Utility Allocation System, Final Version ......... 23
Appendix E, Sample Complaint Forms ............................................. 29
Appendix F, Data Sheets for Application of Various ECASystems to Various HVACSystems ... 31
(This foreword is not part of this guideline but is was submitted to the Standards Committee by TC 6.1 in
included for information purposes only.) April 1990. The Standards Committeeapproved development
of a guideline, with revisions to the title, purpose, and
FOREWORD scope, in January 1991.
The National Conference on Weights and Measures
This guideline has been written following the principles (NCWM) undertook activity relating to energy cost alloca-
of the guideline "Principles of Equitable Allocation of tion during this same time period. NCWM established a
Energy Costs" in Appendix A. Task Force on Energy Allocation in July 1988 because of
Energycost allocation (ECA) systems are combinations questions about the accuracy of allocation programs, as
of monitoring devices and accounting procedures designed well as the report submitted to NBSin 1986 by the Minne-
to allow the energy costs in master-metered multiple- apolis Energy Office. The task force met in October 1988
occupancyresidential buildings to be apportionedamongthe and in April and June 1989 at the National Institute for
individual units on the basis of use. ECAsystems have been Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD.
used in Europe since the 1920s and in North Americasince Based on extensive study and discussion, the salient task
the 1970s. They provide a means of encouraging energy force conclusions were that
conservation on the part of residents and provide the
building owner with an equitable billing method without "1) energy or utilities allocation is not a weights and
requiring the use of exact measurementequipment on each measures concern with respect to device regulation;
2) the NCWMLiaison Committee should approach an
space-conditioning terminal element. Resident education and
organization which might more appropriately regulate
formula-basedbilling (resident utility billing systems, or
energy or utilities allocation systems;
RUBS)have been found to be relatively ineffective in
3) information collected by the Task Force should be
motivating residents to reduce energy use in many cases,
presented to such organization in the form of a recom-
and manycost-allocation approaches have evolved employ-
ing electronic sensing anddata acquisition anddirect billing mendedregulation as a basis for that organization to
begin its work."
of residents. Research has shown that energy costs in
multiple-occupancy residential buildings can be reduced Their final report and "RecommendedRegulation for
10%to 25%when residents are billed on the basis of an Energyor Utilities Allocation Systems, Final Version" are
energy cost allocation system. In addition, there is now a contained in the Report of the 74th National Conferenceon
strong preference for resident-paid utilities amongdevelop- Weights and Measures 1989 Executive Committee, Appen-
ers and ownersof multiple-occupancyresidential buildings. dices F and G (NIST 1989). In 1990, representatives of the
Cost allocation is mandatoryin some Europeancountries Task Force on EnergyAllocation and the National Utilities
and widely practiced in others. Cost allocation has been Allocation Association (NUAA)met with the NCWM Liaison
practiced on a limited scale in the U.S. since the first Committee to target national governmental, consumer,
energy crisis, but no national standards or guidelines and landlord~tenant, and technical organizations that should
very few state or local regulations have been developed to receive the "Recommended Regulation for Energy or
guide this activity. Utilities Allocation Systems." Due to staff turnover, the
The origin of Guideline 8 beganwith a report submitted Liaison Committee of NCWM had not approached any other
to the National Bureauof Standards (NBS, now the National organizations at the time ASHRAEbegan its guideline
Institute for Standards and Technology, or NIST) by the development, though ASHRAEwas one of the intended
Minneapolis Energy Office in 1986, citing the need for targets of such a request and NCWM was subsequently
national standards to provide guidance to state and local made aware of ASHRAE’splans to write a guideline. A
jurisdictions in ensuring equitable allocation systems and number of membersof the NCWM Task Force served on the
protecting residents from owners’ reduced financial incen- Guideline Project Committee, and the NCWM-recommended
tive to upgradebuilding efficiencies once allocation is in regulation was reviewed and drawn on heavily.
place. This report was forwarded by NBSto the American The NCWM-recommendedregulation, with minor
National Standards Institute (ANSI). ANSI forwarded the modifications, formed the basis for "Guidelines and Stan-
information to the ASHRAE Managerof Standards, suggest- dards for Utilities Allocation Systems, " adopted by the
ing that there was a need for a standard covering heating National Utilities Allocation Association in October1989.
cost allocation in multi-family rental housing and that Readers are referred to the NCWMrecommended
ASHRAEwas the proper group to write a standard. Input regulation (NIST1989), included for information purposes
was requested from ASHRAETechnical Committee 6.1, as AppendixD to this guideline, and the NUAA guidelines
Hydronic and Steam Heating Equipment and Systems. To and standards for information on assignment of contractual
gather further information on the issue and the need for a responsibilities relating to ECAsystems, whichfalls outside
standard, TC 6.1 sponsoredseveral sessions in conjunction the purview of ASHRAE guidelines.
with ASHRAEannual and winter Ineetings: a forum (June Regulations and standards of Europeancountries, draft
1988, Ottawa) and two sylnposia (January 1989, Chicago, standards of the European Committee for Standardization
and January 1991, New York). TC 6.1 unanimously ap- (CEN),andrelated activities of state and local jurisdictions
proved a proposed title, purpose, and scope in June 1989 in the U.S. were also reviewed and used in developing the
and again in January 1990. A request to develop a standard guideline.

8-1994 1
1. PURPOSE commonarea: the conditioned areas of a building common
to the residents and guests, such as halls, entries, and
1.1 The purpose of this guideline is to establish recom- storage and meeting rooms.
mendedmethods, applications, and terminology for energy
cost allocation systems in multiple-occupancy residential distributed energycosts: those fees, charges, or assessments
buildings. for energy use that are apportioned to individual units on
any pro-rata basis, rather than on the basis of measure-
1.2 The objective of this guideline is equitable and econom- ments.
ically justified cost distribution of energy usage among
occupancyunits. energy cost allocation systems (ECA systems): systems
providing a means to apportion approximate energy con-
2. SCOPE sumptionto individual dwelling units in a multiple-occupan-
cy residential building, based on one or more parameters
2.1 This guideline covers (a) all types of HVAC system controlled by the resident.
energy use and all types of energy use on the conmaon
utility meter with the HVAC system or included in the same energy cost allocation (ECA):the allotment of energy costs
fuel delivery and (b) newand existing residential buildings to residents at an aggregate cost sum that does not exceed
intended for multiple occupancy. the actual costs paid to purchase and rebill that energy.

2.2 It is not intended that the means or methodsin this estimated bill: a bill issued to a resident that is based on
guideline be used for the purpose of resale of energy, which utility companyestimated ~neter readings for either the
practice is prohibited in manyareas. starting or the ending date of the utility company’sbilling
period, or both.
2.3 This guideiine does not cover the Use of g~ or electric
meters for submetering, as defined herein. flow sensor: a sensor capable of providing a signal (output)
that is related to the volumetric flow of liquid through the
3. DEFiNITiONS sensor.

3.1 Applicable definitions contained in the following individual unit: a single unit within a multiple-occupancy
publications should be utilized in the interpretation of this residential building.
master meter: central utility meter for an aggregation of
ASHRAETerminology of Heating, Ventilation, Air individual housing units.
Conditioning, & Refrigeration. 1991.

1993 ASHRAEHandbook--Fundamentals measurement unit: the unit of measurement used to

measurethe parameter(s) recorded by an allocation device.
Both are published by the AmericanSociety of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1791 monitored energy use: the energy delivered directly to
Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA30329. individual units for space conditioning, and monitored by
the allocation devices. Costs for this energy use are appor-
3.2 Additional terms used in this guideline not found in the tioned according to the allocation device measurements.
publications referenced in 3.1 are defined in this section.

adjusted bill: a bill issued to a resident that is based on monitoredenergy costs: those fees, charges, or assessments
usage that has been adjusted from the utility company’s that are made for net HVAC energy consumedin condition-
reported meter readings. ing individual units ("monitored energy use") and are
apportioned among the units on the basis of regularly
allocation." the apportionment of energy costs on a moni- recurring tneasurements of specified measurementparame-
tored or distributed basis, or a combinationof the two, to ters by the allocation devices.
individual units within a multiple-occupancy residential
building. non-monitored energy uses: energy uses on the common
utility meter with the HVAC system or included in the same
allocation device: a device that monitors parameters used to fuel delivery, other than monitoredenergy uses. Costs for
deternfine the net HVAC energy consumedin conditioning these energy uses maybe treated as distributed energy costs
an individual unit. or owner-paid costs. Non-monitoredenergy uses include

base use: primary HVACsystem losses incurred and on-site plant and distribution losses and auxiliary
auxiliary system energy consumedin maintaining a central energy uses of central HVAC systems and district
HVAC energy source available for consumptionby all resi- heating and cooling systems ("base use"),
dents. primary HVACsystem energy consumed in condi-


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