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American Journal of Primatology 71:1–10 (2010)

Population-Level Right-Handedness for a Coordinated Bimanual Task
in Naturalistic Housed Chimpanzees: Replication and Extension
in 114 Animals From Zambia and Spain
Unitat de Recerca i Laboratori d’Etologia, Fundació Mona, Riudellots de la Selva, Girona, Spain
Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Spain
Departament de Metodologia de les Cie`ncies del Comportament, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Departament de Psiquiatria i Psicobiologia Clı´nica, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Recently, many studies have been conducted on manual laterality in chimpanzees. Nevertheless,
whether nonhuman primates exhibit population-level handedness remains a topic of considerable
debate. One of the behaviors studied has been bimanual coordinated actions. Although recent studies
have highlighted that captive chimpanzees show handedness at population level for these tasks, some
authors have questioned the validity and consistency of these results. The first reason has been the
humanization of the samples. The second one has been that the results refer to animals in American
biomedical centers and the studies were conducted by the same team [WD Hopkins et al.]. This article
aims to assess the laterality in bimanual coordination (tube task) activities in animals housed in an
intermediate environment (Chimfunshi, Zambia). This has been conducted by replicating previous
studies on similar samples (Mona Foundation, Spain), and then by extending the results to
chimpanzees housed in intermediate settings. Individuals were evaluated through four experimental
sessions (tests). Results indicated that 86% of the Chimfunshi sample was lateralized (48% RH, 38%
LH). Furthermore, the sample showed population-level right-handedness in the mean handedness
index, in Test 1, Test 2, and the first half of the study (Test 112). Rearing experience did not have an
influence on hand preference. Taken together, the two sample (intermediate settings: Chimfunshi and
Mona) results indicate a clear right-handedness. In conclusion, this replication and extension shows
that (1) the Mona and Chimfunshi chimpanzees are right-handed in certain conditions, (2) the results
are consistent with those obtained by Hopkins in captive settings, (3) the humanization of the samples
does not affect manual laterality, (4) females are right-handed at population-level, but not males, and
(5) these results reinforce the fact that the complexity of the task plays a dominant role in the
expression of hand laterality among chimpanzees. Am. J. Primatol. 71:1–10, 2010. r 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: chimpanzee handedness; bimanual coordination; hand preferences; replication;

intermediate environments

INTRODUCTION Marchant, 1997]: at the individual level, hand

preferences seem to be consistent in all taxa from
The study of hand laterality in nonhuman
prosimians to great apes. At population level,
primates offers a major background to understand
evidence focuses on complex tasks; that is, those
human evolution for brain hemispheric specializa-
tion, asymmetries of the motor cortex, language, and
hand dominance at population level [Bradshaw & Contract grant sponsors: Fundación Atapuerca, Generalitat de
Catalunya (Ajut de mobilitat d’estudiants de Master); Spanish
Rogers, 1993]. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Contract grant number:
Unlike humans, nonhuman primates have evi- MICIIN-HAR2009-07223/HIST; Contract grant sponsor: Univer-
denced to be a very heterogeneous biological order sitat Rovira i Virgili; Contract grant number: URV-2009AIRE-05.
regarding manual asymmetries, as studies during Correspondence to: Miquel Llorente, Unitat de Recerca i
the last 25 years have shown. Globally, these studies Laboratori d’Etologia, Centre de Recuperació de Primats,
Fundació Mona. Carretera de Cassà 1 km, 17457, Riudellots de
yield wide variability concerning the methodology la Selva, Girona, Spain. E-mail:
used, the tasks observed, and the environments in Received 16 April 2010; revised 15 September 2010; revision
which the work was carried out. This has caused accepted 22 September 2010
strong limitations for making reliable comparisons DOI 10.1002/ajp.20895
both at inter- and intraspecific level [McGrew & Published online in Wiley Online Library (

r 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

2 / Llorente et al.

requiring coordinated bimanual and sequential coordinated actions, where one hand acquires the
actions, and also on some other behaviours required dominant role and the other subordinate. For this
for bipedal posture and postural readjustment, task, most of the studies done over the years have
among others [Blois-Heulin et al., 2006; Braccini shown clear evidence of right asymmetries at the
et al., 2010; Colell et al., 1995a,b; Hopkins, 1993; population level [Hopkins & Bard, 2000; Hopkins &
Hopkins & Pearson, 2000; Hopkins & Rabinowitz, Cantalupo, 2003; Hopkins & Pearson, 2000; Hopkins
1997; Hopkins et al., 1993, 2003b; Vauclair et al., et al., 2004; Wesley et al., 2002]. However, some
2005; Wesley et al., 2002; Westergaard & Suomi, authors question the validity and consistency of
1996; Zhao et al., 2010]. This heterogeneous pattern these results [Annett, 2006; Crow, 2005; McGrew &
is even more stressed on comparing wild and captive Marchant, 1997; Palmer, 2002, 2003], particularly
chimpanzees. Explanations of this heterogeneity are because of the possible humanization of the samples
still in debate, and they represent one of the major and their origin, because all the evidence was
keys around which the subject of manual laterality in obtained from animals belonging to American
these species turns. research centers and also because it was obtained
Several researchers have suggested major fac- by the same research team [Hopkins et al.] (Fig. 1).
tors, such as the human environment. In this sense, Therefore, in our view, it is important to
some authors [McGrew & Marchant, 1997; Palmer, replicate the same experiments with other types of
2003; Warren, 1980] claim that evidence of right- chimpanzees, those sheltered in naturalistic settings,
handedness at population level may be related to the in order to check the validity and consistency of the
humanized or encultured environments where sub- right-handedness in captive samples. Despite the fact
jects were raised. However, other researchers, such that NCh are also held in captivity, they are
as Hopkins and Cantalupo [2005], support the use of sheltered in environments that try to emulate the
different methodologies (experimental vs. observa- conditions of chimpanzees in the wild and allow
tional), and protocols of recording and analyzing the animals to develop species-specific behaviors.
among the studies may also cause this disparity of Therefore, studies with NCh increase the ecological
results. Finally, other authors [Fagot & Vauclair, validity of previous results.
1991; Hopkins & Cantalupo, 2005; Schweitzer et al., This study aims to assess the laterality in
2007] support the importance of variables inherent bimanual coordination (tube task) in animals housed
to the task, such as the grip morphology, posture, in an intermediate environment (Chimfunshi Sanc-
bimanual coordination vs. unimanual tasks, etc. tuary, Zambia), by replicating previous studies done
Most of the evidence on manual laterality in on similar samples (Mona Foundation [MF], Spain),
chimpanzees comes from captive animals, which in order to extend the results to chimpanzees housed
demonstrates clear right-hand asymmetry in simple in these settings.
motor tasks (i.e. bipedal reaching) [Hopkins &
Pearson, 2000], drinking water [Colell et al.,
1995a], eating–feeding [Hopkins & Fernández-Carriba,
2000], hand-to-mouth [Bard et al., 1990; Hopkins & Project Structure
Bard, 1995], throwing [Hopkins et al., 1993], and This study replicates the first experimental test
complex tasks, such as ball task [Hopkins & Pearson, of the tube task carried out at MF in 2007 [Llorente
2000], dipping task bimanual [Hopkins & Rabinowitz, et al., 2009]. This replica has later been performed at
1997], fixed tube task [Hopkins et al., 2007; Wesley Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage (CWO), following
et al., 2002], horizontal panel [Colell et al., 1995b], the same methodology. This research adhered to the
joystick manipulation [Hopkins et al., 1989], and American Society of Primatologists principles for the
tube task [Hopkins & Cantalupo, 2004; Hopkins & ethical treatment of primates.
Pearson, 2000; Hopkins et al., 2001, 2004, 2005;
Phillips & Hopkins, 2007; Wesley et al., 2002].
Subjects and Housing
Although there are fewer studies with wild chim-
panzees, right-hand asymmetries have been also Chimfunshi wildlife orphanage
found for certain complex tools behaviors, such as One hundred and twenty Chimpanzees (Pan
nut cracking, wadge dipping, and ant dipping troglodytes) distributed in seven captive groups were
[Boesch, 1991; Humle & Matsuzawa, 2002; Matsuzawa studied at the CWO. Their ages ranged between 0 and
et al., 2001]. However, till date, there is only one to more than 33 years old. Table I shows additional
experimental study focused on intermediate samples information about age classes, sex, and the rearing
(naturalistic housed chimpanzees [NCh]), which also history of each group. Most of the chimpanzees were
evidenced right-handedness [Llorente et al., 2009]. used for trading (smuggling, circuses, and shows)
The tube task is the task more used in experi- before being sheltered in this Center.
mental studies with nonwild animals. It was The groups were living in different enclosures,
proposed by Hopkins [1995], and it consists of which were distributed between two main areas: the
extracting the food from a tube through bimanual Project Area and the Orphanage, which were

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*Llorente et al (this study)-Chimfunshi (Tool)

Wesley, Fernández-Carriba et al. (2002)-Yerkes
*Llorente et al (this study)-Chimfunshi (Finger)
*Llorente et al (this study)-Chimfunshi
Hopkins, Wesley et al. (2004)-Alamogordo
Phillips & Hopkins (2007)-Yerkes
Hopkins & Pearson (2000)-Yerkes
Hopkins, Fernández-Carribat et al. (2001)-Yerkes
Hopkins & Cantalulo (2004)-Yerkes
Hopkins, Wesley et al. (2004)-Bastrop
Hopkins, Hook et al. (2003)-Bastrop
*Llorente et al (this study)-Chimfunshi+Mona (Finger)
*Llorente et al (this study)-Chimfunshi+Mona
Hopkins, Cantalupo et al. (2005)-Yerkes
Hopkins, Wesley et al. (2004)-Yerkes
*Llorente et al (this study)-Chimfunshi+Mona (Tool)
Hopkins & Cantalulo (2003)-Yerkes
Llorente et al. (2009)-Mona (Finger)
Llorente et al. (2009)-Mona
Llorente et al. (2009)-Mona (Tool)
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500
Mean HI

Fig. 1. Mean HI scores for different independent samples of chimpanzees that have been tested on the tube task. Black bar: significant
population preferences. Grey bar: nonsignificant population preferences. Data from this study.

TABLE I. Social Groups at Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage. Composition Expresses Both the Range of Ages in
Years and the Sex: M: Male; F: Female

Composition (range of years old) Rearing experience

Group N (0–4) (5–7) (8–12) (11–14) (16–33) (15–33) Human Mother

1 23 5M11F 2M11F 1M 3F 5M 5F 8 15
2 46 7M16F 5M16F 1M11F 3F 3M113F 1F433 17 29
3 13 1M11F 1M 4M14F 1M11F 10 3
4 13 2M 1M 2M13F 2M12F 1M 11 2
5 8 8M 7 1
6 5 1F 1F 1M 1M11F 2 3
7 12 1M11F 4M12F 3F 1M 9 3

physically separated from one another. In the Project The Orphanage was home to the other three
Area, groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 were housed in large groups of chimpanzees (groups 5, 6, and 7), which
outdoors compounds (enclosures 1, 2, 3, and 4, could not be relocated. In those cases, each group
respectively) with attached indoor quarters in which lived in different conditions. Some of the individuals
the animals were placed daily during feeding time in group 5 remained all day long inside the
(from 11:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m.). These indoors indoor enclosures for security reasons and the same
handling facilities consisted of different rooms of happened with the enclosed chimpanzees in group 6.
similar sizes and layouts. Specifically, the average size In contrast, group 7 spent the night and feeding time
of the rooms was 6  4 m. Outdoor enclosures were in the indoor facilities, but during the rest of the day,
carved out of the forest and floodplains along the they enjoyed a 5 ha enclosure.
Upper Kafue River, with enough thick jungle and fruit
groves and open grasslands to allow the chimpanzees
to roam as if in the wild. Enclosure 1, 2, and 3 Mona Foundation Sanctuary
measured 150 ha, whereas enclosure 4 measured Three captive groups of chimpanzees (P. troglo-
80 ha. In all the studied groups, access to the outside dytes) were studied at MF Primate Rescue Center
enclosure was blocked during data collection. (Girona, Spain) [Llorente et al., 2009; Mosquera et al.,

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2007]. They were between 4 and 51 years old. Animals paniscus [Chapelain & Hogervorst, 2009], and other
were in their social groups during the tests sessions. ape species [Hopkins et al., 2003a]. Hoses were filled
The first group (A) was composed of four males; the with food, thus preventing its extraction with the
second group (B) was composed of four males and tongue or by hitting it. In MF, the food was honey,
three females; and third group (C) was composed of peanuts, muesli, and seeds. In CWO, the food was
three males. Table II shows individual information, peanut butter, honey, peanuts, banana, apple, chow,
characteristics, and their background before arriving and nshima (cornmeal product, a staple food in
at MF. The subjects were housed in a naturalistic Zambia). Animals had to remove the food with their
outdoor enclosure of 5,640 m2, with wooden struc- fingers or by using tools, such as sticks, branches, or
tures and natural ground with Mediterranean and canes to facilitate extraction. We used a focal animal
riverside vegetation. Furthermore, the Center has two sampling [Altmann, 1974]; the session continued
socialization enclosures of each measuring 25 m2, until the individual lost interest or left the hose for
connected to a 140 m2 primate pavilion. one 1 min. Each individual was tested four times and
test sessions were separated by a minimum of 2 days
between sessions. Each animal needed to obtain a
Procedure minimum of 50 responses. Each test was valid if the
We used the same procedure to evaluate hand animal obtained a minimum of six responses. The
laterality in complex bimanual tasks as that applied hand used to extract the food was recorded each
in the previous study in MF [Llorente et al., 2009]. time the subject inserted its finger/tool, removed the
Evaluation was based on the tube task, proposed by food, and placed its finger/tool in its mouth. We also
Hopkins [1995], as a bimanual coordinated task recorded the finger used to remove the food (thumb,
sensitive to determine hand motor bias. For the tube index, middle, ring, and little).
task, we used cylindrical rubber hoses of 25 to
25.5 cm in length and with a diameter 2.5 cm, instead Procedural considerations
of rigid tubes. Therefore, we call this experiment Some authors have criticized recording beha-
‘‘hose task.’’ In MF, author (M.L.) carried out all the viors as events because it may cause problems in the
observations and the experiments. This study was data independence [McGrew & Marchant, 1997].
conducted from January 2007 to April 2007. In CWO, According to this criticism, recording repetitive
LP and LC carried out all the observations and motor actions of the subjects could increase the
experiments. That study was conducted between sample size and would thus increase the probability
October and November 2008. of detecting significant asymmetries in the hand use
The usefulness of the tube task as a manual at individual level. To date, some authors have found
laterality indicator has been proven by Hopkins in effects of the methodology used [Chapelain &
several studies with captive chimpanzees [Hopkins, Hogervorst, 2009]. However, other authors have
2006; Hopkins et al., 2004], and it has also been used failed to detect significant differences in recording
with other primate species, such as Cebus apella manual behaviors as events or bouts, both being
[Lilak & Phillips, 2008], Cebus capucinus [Meunier & sensitive to detect lateral biases [Hopkins, 2006;
Vauclair, 2007] Cercopithecus neglectus, [Schweitzer Hopkins et al., 2004; Meguerditchian et al., 2010].
et al., 2007], Papio anubis [Vauclair et al., 2005], Pan We have chosen to record the data as events, that is,

TABLE II. Individual Information, Characteristics, and Background of Mona Chimpanzee Sample

Year arrived Previous

at Mona human
Name Sex Birth date Age class Birth place Foundation Background contact Group

Toto Male 1956 Adult Wild, Nigeria 2003 Pet, Zoo Half B
Romie Female 1979 Adult Wild 2001 Reproduction, Circus Very high B
Julio Male 1979 Adult Wild? 2005 Zoo Half C
Vı́ctor Male 1982 Adult Wild, Côte d’Ivoire 2006 Pet Very high C
Toni Male 1983 Adult Wild, Guinea Bissau 2001 Zoo, Advertising Very high A
Marco Male June 04, 1984 Adult Captivity 2001 Advertising, Circus Very high A
Tico Male 1985 Adult Captivity? 2005 Pet, Zoo Half C
Charly Male July 02, 1989 Adult Captivity 2001 Advertising, Circus Very high A
Pancho Male May 27, 1990 Adult Captivity 2001 Advertising, Circus Very high A
Waty Female 1996 Adolescent Captivity 2002 Circus Very high B
Sara Female 1998 Adolescent Captivity 2004 Pet, TV Very high B
Bongo Male 2000 Juvenile Captivity 2002 Circus Very high B
Nico Male 2001 Juvenile Captivity 2004 Pet Very high B
Juanito Male 2003 Juvenile Captivity 2003 Pet Very high B

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considering the total frequency of manual use. In subjects expressed a right-hand bias. The MHI value
this way, we can replicate and compare our present is 0.122 (SE 5 0.063). SUMHI and MHI values
results and our previous results [Llorente et al., correlate highly (Rs 5 0.991; P 5 0.000), thus showing
2009] with most other experimental studies as they that both kinds of handedness characterization were
follow this same procedure. consistent among subjects. Hence, we used SUMHI
values to minimize Type I error. The average for
ABSHI for all subjects was 0.573 (SE 5 0.030).
Data analysis The ABSHI values among right- (0.676) and left-
We used a similar methodology to that carried handed (0.594) subjects were similar (U 5 714.500;
out by other authors for similar experiments P 5 0.086). There were differences between the
[Hopkins et al., 2004]. Data analyses were performed number of lateralized and nonlateralized subjects
at the individual and group level. At the individual (w2(1, n 5 100) 5 51.840, P 5 0.000), but there were no
level, we first calculated binomial tests on data for differences between the number of right- and left-
each individual to evaluate if they were significantly handed subjects (w2(1, n 5 86) 5 1.163, P 5 0.281).
lateralized. Second, a handedness index (HI) sug- Regarding the variables associated with the
gested by Hopkins [1995] was calculated for each sample, SUMHI showed differences for sex, because
subject to quantify individual laterality bias. This females were more right-handed than males
measure was estimated using the formula R L/R1L (U 5 955.000; P 5 0.047). However, no influence of
(R 5 number of times right hand was used; L 5 number rearing experience (U 5 1,198.000; P 5 0.889), group
of times left hand was used). Positive values show a (Kruskal 5 2.582; P 5 0.859), or age class (Kruskal 5
right-hand bias and negative values show a left-hand 0.162; P 5 0.922) were found in the direction of
bias. For the hose task, we calculated an individual lateralization (SUMHI). Also, we did not find
HI, adding the total frequencies obtained throughout differences in the strength of lateralization in sex
four tests sessions mixed in HOSE (SUM-HI), (U 5 1,194.500; P 5 0.743), rearing (U 5 1,114.500;
following the same formula for HI. We used absolute P 5 0.470), group (Kruskal 5 2.014; P 5 0.918), or age
values of HI (ABS-HI) as a reflection of the strength class (Kruskal 5 2.425; P 5 0.298).
of hand preference, independent of the direction. We According to the extraction technique, the sub-
calculated a mean HI averaging the HI values (MHI) jects removed the food 95.66% using their fingers and
of four hose task tests. To evaluate population level 4.34% using tools. They performed most of the actions
handedness, we used a one sample t-test based on with the index finger (D2; 89.02%), followed by the
individual HI values and Z-scores. We used nonpara- middle finger (D3; 3.77%), thumb (D1; 1.50%), little
metric tests (w2) to estimate the proportion of finger (D5; 1.31%), and ring finger (D4; 0.07%). We
right, left, or nonpreferent individuals. We used the found an effect of extraction technique on the hand
Spearman correlation test to evaluate the consis- (D1; D2; D3; D4; D5; TOOL; w2 5 217.022, P 5 0.000).
tency of hand preference throughout test sessions in On one hand, the analyses of adjusted residuals
the hose task. Wilcoxon’s and Friedman’s ANOVA showed certain correlations between subjects per-
tests assessed differences in the direction and forming extractions with the index finger (AR 5 9.3)
strength of hand preferences among tests. We used and preferentially with the right hand. On the other
Mann–Whitney U and Kruskal–Wallis to test sample hand, extractions with the little finger (AR 5 13.2) and
variables (sex, place of birth, group, or age class). tools (AR 5 5.7) were correlated with the left hand.
All the field protocols, data collection proce- There was no difference between digital and tool
dures, and data analyses were conducted in accor- extraction techniques in direction (HI Finger 5 0.103;
dance with all the principles of ethical treatment HI Tool 5 0.066; Z 5 0.048, P 5 0.654) or strength
established by ASAB, the Spanish and Catalonian (ABSHI Finger 5 0.577; ABSHI Tool 5 0.588; Z 5
governments, the Zambian government, and the 0.131, P 5 0.896) of hand preference.
internal rules and guidelines of the MF and CWO. Four tests showed a high correlation, indicating
that preferences were stable and consistent through-
RESULTS out sessions at the individual level (Table III). The
correlation between the values of HI for the first half
Replication: Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage of the experiment (Test 112) and the second half of
Of the 120 individuals in the sample, 100 the experiment (Test 314) was also significant
obtained the minimum of responses required (Rs 5 0.770; P 5 0.000). There is a trend for the HI
(n 5 50). Globally, there were 14,854 manual actions, values (direction) to decrease with the experimental
of which 55.48% (n 5 8,241) were performed by the tests (Table IV), but these differences are not
right hand and 44.52% (n 5 6,613) by the left hand. significant (Friedman’s ANOVA 5 4.887; P 5 0.180).
Based on binomial tests, 14 individuals were non- Strength (ABSHI) tends to increase from Test 1 to 3,
preferent, and 86 are lateralized for this task: 48 are decreasing the value at Test 4. However, again
right-handed and 38 left-handed. The average for the differences are not significant (Friedman’s
SUMHI (M-SUMHI) is 0.107 (SE 5 0.064); therefore, ANOVA 5 6.486; P 5 0.090).

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TABLE III. Spearman Correlations Between HI followed the same methodology used by Hopkins
Values Across Test Sessions From CWO et al. [Hopkins, 2006; Hopkins et al., 2004] in the
United States.
HI Test 1 HI Test 2 HI Test 3 HI Test 4 The total sample of MF and CWO includes 114
HI Test 1 0.664 0.623 0.587 NCh. The mean value for HI is 0.137, so the trend is
HI Test 2 0.707 0.712 toward right preferences. There are no significant
HI Test 3 0.791 differences between both colonies (U 5 532.000;
Significant at Po0.01.
P 5 0.147). The mean value for the absolute HI
(ABS-HI) is 0.603. Here, the MF sample showed
higher strength than the Zambian sample
TABLE IV. HI and ABSHI Values Throughout (U 5 359.000; P 5 0.003).
Experimental Sessions From CWO Results for the one sample t-test showed right-
handedness at population level in certain conditions
HI ABSHI (Table V). Both SUMHI (t (113) 5 2.220: P 5 0.028)
Test 1 0.170 0.632
and MHI (t(113) 5 2.611: P 5 0.010) showed clear
Test 2 0.160 0.642 right asymmetry. Results of the one sample t-test
Test 3 0.136 0.701 with the Z-score values also indicated a right
Test 4 0.021 0.646 preference at population level (t(113) 5 2.246: P 5
0.027). Based on binomial tests, 14 individuals were
nonpreferent and 100 are lateralized for this task: 58
Regarding hand preferences at population level, are right-handed and 42 left-handed. There were
one sample t-test does not point to handedness for differences between the number of lateralized
the SUMHI value (t(99) 5 1.678: P 5 0.097), and we and nonlateralized subjects (w2(1,n 5 114) 5 64,877,
found a borderline right-hand preference for the P 5 0.000), but there were no differences between
MHI value (t(99) 5 1.943: P 5 0.055). Additionally, the number of right- and left-handed subjects
we carried out another one sample t-test with the (w2(1,n 5 100) 5 2,560, P 5 0.110).
Z-score values, and results were consistent with that SUMHI also revealed right population asymme-
obtained for HI (t(99) 5 1.621: P 5 0.108). The try for the first part of the study (Test 112;
evaluation of the population preferences in both [t(113) 5 3.059: P 5 0.003]) and for the finger use
parts of the study yielded right asymmetry for the (t(112) 5 2.070: P 5 0.041).
first part (Test 11Test 2) (t(99) 5 2.480: P 5 0.015),
but not for the second part (Test 31Test 4) (t(99) 5
1.104: P 5 0.272) of the experiment. The estimation DISCUSSION
of the population preferences for each test indicates At CWO, subjects expressed a right-hand bias.
that Test 1 (t(99) 5 2.455: P 5 0.016) and Test 2 Right- and left-handedness was consistent among
(t (99) 5 2.270: P 5 0.025) show clear right popula- subjects and the strength of hand preference did
tion asymmetry; Test 3 (t(99) 5 1.795: P 5 0.076) not vary between groups. There were differences
shows borderline significant right asymmetry; and between the number of lateralized and nonlatera-
Test 4 (t(99) 5 0.292: P 5 0.771) do not show any lized subjects, but there were no differences between
kind of significant asymmetries at population level. the numbers of right- and left-handed subjects.
Regarding the variables associated to the sample When taking into consideration data from CWO
at population level, there is a right asymmetry for and MF, the samples are right lateralized at
females (t(53) 5 2.582: P 5 0.013), but not for males individual and population level, without differences
(t(45) 5 0.255: P 5 0.800). The rest of the variables, between both colonies. However, the MF sample
human reared (t(57) 5 1.251: P 5 0.216), mother showed higher strength than the Zambian sample,
reared (t(41) 5 1.104: P 5 0.276), juveniles (t(35) 5 which may be an effect of the bigger sample of the
0.689: P 5 0.495), adolescents (t(27) 5 1.582: P 5 latter.
0.125), adults (t(35) 5 0.786: P 5 0.437), and Group A similar effect may occur at CWO where sex
1–7 have not shown any population asymmetry, as seems to be the only associated variable that shows
occur with the actions performed by fingers (t(99) 5 differences both at individual and population level,
1.606: P 5 0.111) and tools (t(19) 5 0.413: P 5 0.684). because females were more right-handed than males.
At MF, this difference has not been observed. CWO
has a sample of 54 females out of 100 individuals,
Extension: Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage1 whereas MF has 3 females out of 14 individuals. This
Mona Foundation fact makes it difficult to validate the possible effect of
In order to evaluate the global pattern of hand the sex variable in MF.
lateralization of chimpanzees housed in naturalistic- However, the fact that CWO females are more
intermediate environments, we estimate both HI and right-handed than males is an outstanding result,
ABSHI from the MF and CWO as a whole. We because most studies did not find any difference

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TABLE V. Results for the One Sample t-Test in Naturalistic Housed Chimpanzees From CWO1MF

MHI score Sample N MHI SE t df P

SUMHI CWO 100 0.107 0.064 1.678 99 0.097

MHI CWO 100 0.122 0.063 1.943 99 0.055
Test 112 CWO 100 0.159 0.064 2.480 99 0.015
Test 314 CWO 100 0.077 0.070 1.104 99 0.272
Test 1 CWO 100 0.170 0.069 2.455 99 0.016
Test 2 CWO 100 0.160 0.070 2.270 99 0.025
Test 3 CWO 100 0.136 0.076 1.795 99 0.076
Test 4 CWO 100 0.021 0.072 0.292 99 0.771
Finger use CWO 100 0.103 0.064 1.606 99 0.111
Tool use CWO 20 0.066 0.159 0.413 19 0.684
Males CWO 46 0.024 0.094 0.255 45 0.800
Females CWO 54 0.219 0.085 2.582 53 0.013
Human rear CWO 58 0.103 0.082 1.251 57 0.216
Mother rear CWO 42 0.113 0.102 1.104 41 0.276
Juveniles CWO 36 0.080 0.117 0.689 35 0.495
Adolescents CWO 28 0.172 0.109 1.582 27 0.125
Adults CWO 36 0.083 0.106 0.786 35 0.437
SUMHI MF 14 0.352 0.211 1.670 13,000 0.119
MHI MF 14 0.416 0.198 2.101 13,000 0.056
Test 1 MF 14 0.388 0.200 1.939 13,000 0.075
Test 2 MF 14 0.510 0.194 2.636 13,000 0.021
Test 3 MF 14 0.453 0.203 2.234 13,000 0.044
Test 4 MF 14 0.312 0.221 1.413 13,000 0.181
Finger use MF 13 0.333 0.228 1.459 12,000 0.170
Tool use MF 7 0.468 0.292 1.602 6,000 0.160
SUMHI CWO1MF 114 0.137 0.062 2.220 113,000 0.028
MHI CWO1MF 114 0.158 0.060 2.611 113,000 0.010
Finger use CWO1MF 113 0.130 0.063 2.070 112,000 0.041
Tool use CWO1MF 27 0.170 0.141 1.203 26,000 0.240

when evaluating the sex variable. Only the work of food 95.66% with their fingers (mostly the index
Corp and Byrne [2004] on a wild population of finger) and 4.34% with tools. According to our
chimpanzees at Mahale got similar results studying results, subjects performing extractions with the
bimanual coordinated conducts linked to fruit pro- index finger preferentially did it with the right hand,
cessing. In that study, males also tended to be more and extractions with the little finger and tools did it
left-handed, whereas females were clearly more with the left hand. Concerning the former, our
right-handed. In our study at CWO, this result is results are consistent with other studies on chim-
even at population level. Although few studies panzees [Hopkins, 1995] and other primates
observe the same pattern, our result is very [Schweitzer et al., 2007]. It looks like the use of the
suggestive for its similarity to humans, because index finger as an extracting technique seems to
women show higher preference in using the right encourage the use of the right hand.
hand than men [Annett, 1985, 2002; Medland et al., Also, there is a relation between the use of the
2004]. Medland et al. [2004] suggest that this pattern little finger, tools, and the left hand. No explanation
in humans may be conditioned by biological (parti- has been proposed yet. However, it seems that hand
cularly genetic and hormonal) factors. Therefore, the laterality is affected by the distal motions of fingers
pattern found in our study may reflect the existence and hands when performing bimanual complemen-
of one common ancestor between chimpanzees and tary tasks—where hands differ in their roles.
humans regarding sexual differences in hand later- According to Brinkman and Kuypers [1973], distal
ality. Furthermore, some authors support an evolu- movements require a frequent use of the contral-
tive continuity for the relation between both ateral brain hemisphere, which may explain our
variables: sex and hand preference. According to results. Regarding humans, McManus et al. [1986]
them, this relation may have a very old phylogeny found that differences in the extensor muscles and
because some species of prosimians show similar connections of the tendons of the fingers may explain
patterns [Ward et al., 1990]. why, in a tapping task, the index finger was the most
None of the features involved in the extraction efficient and the ring finger the worst. These results
technique were significant at population level at both regarding the use of fingers are coincident with this
CWO and MF. Despite this, subjects removed the study: index finger, pinky, and thumb are the most

Am. J. Primatol.
8 / Llorente et al.

used fingers and ring finger the least used. In fact, in ing hand laterality, particularly in those tasks
humans, similar to chimpanzees [Ogihara et al., requiring strong cognitive demands and bimanual
2005], the fingers have two independent extensors coordination.
(extensor indicis propius) and five (extensor digiti
minimi) and one extensor (extensor pollicis longus),
which could explain the improved implementation of
certain actions and agrees with most used fingers in D.R. has a grant from the Fundación Atapuerca
the tube task. Furthermore, the index finger is the and L.C. received a grant from the Generalitat
most sensitive because it has the largest neuronal de Catalunya (Ajut de mobilitat d’estudiants de
representation in motor cortex [Sutherling et al., Master). M.M. is a member of the Atapuerca
1992]. Therefore, this could be an additional factor Research Team. This study has been supported by
causing it to be used most. both the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
The statistical test used to observe different (MICIIN-HAR2009-07223/HIST) and the Universi-
conducts between human- and mother-reared chim- tat Rovira i Virgili (URV-2009AIRE-05). Our thanks
panzees have not revealed significant differences to Charles Duke for revision of this article and we
both in direction and degree of preference. Thus, the also thank Sheila Siddle, Innocent Mulenga, Tony
original environment and context where these Rauch, and all the managers at Chimfunshi.
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