Guia No. 1 Ingles Ciclo 3

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Guide No. 1 Week No.


Código Class Room: jctwigb WhatsApp: 3188487474

Activity No. 1 Read the general information and translate it for your better understanding. Do all
the activities in your notebook (Lea la información general y traduzcala parasu mayor
comprensión, recuerde realizar todas las actividades en su cuaderno)
Cycle 3.1 (sixth grade) Content
Presentation and rules of work

Feedback, Alphabet,

informal greetings

Introduction, general vocabulary

Countries and nationalities

Personal pronouns

to be verb affirmative form

To be negative and interrogative form

Indefinite and definite articles

Vocabulary adjectives

There is and there are

Questions word, adjectives, vocabulary

Days of the week, months of the year

Adjectives for feelings and personality

Body parts

Present progressive tense in all forms

Cardinal numbers and time O´clock

Prepositions of time

Simple present tense

My daily routine


Prepositions of place
Cycle 3.2 (seventh grade) content
Presentation and rules of work

Introduction and general vocabulary

Simple present tense

“wh” questions

Auxiliar Do

Daily Routines

Conjunctions: and, about, because

Descriptions (Favorite artists) Offices,

Professions, occupations

Reading and comprehension

Simple Present tense

regular and irregular verbs

Quantifiers: Much, many, some, any

Completing texts

Reading comprehension

Progressive tense

Review to be on present and past tense

Auxiliar CAN

Future with “going to” Review

Presentation All cycles (3 and 4)
My name is María Angélica Vargas Morato
I a.m. 51 years old
I live in Funza
I live with my two twin daugthers

Now in your note book s make your own presentation following the example (ahora en sus cuadernos realicen su
propia presentación según el ejemplo)

Homework cycle 3
(sixth and seventh grade)
For: Augusto 06 th/20

1. Listen to the audio (Voz 001) and, as understood, answer false or true (in your notebooks):
El órden en que se presentan son Sandra, Saray, Andrea y Duván ________
Sandra, Duván, Andrea y Saray tienen la misma edad ___________
Sandra y Andrea tienen 13 años y Saray y Duván tienen 12 años ______
Sandra tiene 13 años y el resto tienen 12 años _____

2. Reproduce el video del enlace y refuerza tu aprendizaje, en tu cuaderno responde: te fue

fácil entender lo que decían en el diálogo? Te fue útil el video?

Voz 001 presentación.m4a



Vídeo de YouTube ‪1 minuto‪

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