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Guide No. 1 Week No.


Código Class Room: cftax5 WhatsApp: 3188487474

Activity No. 1 Read the general information and translate it for your better understanding. Do all
the activities in your notebook (Lea la información general y traduzcala parasu mayor
comprensión, recuerde realizar todas las actividades en su cuaderno)
Cycle 6 (eleventh grade) content
Presentation and rules of work

Introduction and general vocabulary

Greetings and usual commons

Possessive adjectives, connectors

Comprehension text in all verbal tenses


Places and directions

Review demonstratives, prepositions

Review Quantifiers

Synonymous and antonymous

For, since, along

Passive voice

Phrasal verbs Interview Review

Activity No. 2

Watch the video (at least the first 4 units) and answer in your notebook:
1. Is it easy to understand without seeing the translation?
2. Did you have to go to the translation to understand what it was taken from?
3. Did you find the pronunciation simple or complicated?

English Conversation 01
Vídeo de YouTube ‪39 minutos ‪
Homework for August 06 th /20
Watch the video, choose 2 of the 20 units and transcribe them in your notebook and illustrate them
(put pictures or images), after that make a summary of what each unit is about .

English Conversation 01
Vídeo de YouTube ‪39 minutos ‪

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