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the human mind is thought to be the only self-envolvong thing that exist , and t he

more evolved , the more we develop its natural capacities , the more control it
will give us over our bodies

Mentzer's exact training "cycle" circa. 78-79 Monday and Thursday Chest: Pec-Deck
(to failure) Incline Barbell Press (forced reps) Cable or Dumbbell Fly 4 cycles
with no pause between movements Triceps: Triceps Extension (Nautilus) Weighted Dip
3 cycles of 8 reps to failure with no rest between movements (rest between cycle s)
Thighs: Heavy Leg Extension 1 x 10 reps Leg Press 1 x 10 reps Parallel Squat 1 x 10
reps Leg Curl 1 x 10 reps Sometimes the above exercises are performed in superset
style. He always uses ma ximum poundages. Tuesday and Friday Back: Pullover
(Nautilus) Close-Grip Chin (underhand) 2 cycles of superset Long Cable Pull 2 x 8
reps One Arm Dumbbell Row 2 x 8 reps Deltoids: Lateral Raise (Nautilus) Press
Behind Neck (Nautilus) 2 cycles of superset Biceps: Preacher Bench Curl Barbell
Curl superset above for 3 cycles (I have done this, it is awesome) Concentration
Dumbbell Curl
Calves: Toe Raise (calf machine) Toe Raise (leg press) 1 set each Abs: Leg Raise
(chinning bar) Crunch (machine) 3 supersets until he feels a burn

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