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NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE: 2nd SECTION: _______
ROLL NUMBER: ______ DATE: __________________TEACHER: __________________

Propósito  Competencia:
Lee textos en inglés e infiere Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
información específica y general  Capacidades:
de un texto relacionado a covid y
Infiere e interpreta información del texto.
sus consecuencias.
 Competencias Transversales
1. Se desenvuelve en entornos virtuales generados por las TICS.
Desarrollo de ejercicios de 2. Gestiona su aprendizaje de manera autónoma.
comprensión de textos sobre
covid-19 e infiere las preguntas.

Can I explain about COVID-19 in English and the lockdown? Cross the emoticon
and be honest with your answers

Can I do it? Not at all Somewhat Well Very well

Can I understand a
short text in English
1. about COVID-19
Can I write a
message in English
about activities I
2. can and can’t do
during the COVID-
19 lockdown using
a model?

Read the text message Sofia sent you about the COVID- 19 lockdown

Read the short text and fill in the chart

Action in
Person Age Job What is the topic?

Match with correct words about Sofia´s chat message.

Look at the pictures and write the coronavirus measures about Sofia’s message

Complete the sentences using CAN or CAN’T

1. During the lockdown, we ________ go to school.

2. We ________ have reunions.
3. I _________ go out to buy medecines, but I have to be quick.
4. Old people ________ go out to buy food, they are very vulnerable.
5. We ___________ study from home. We have a platform for that!

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