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Facilities Navigator
Facilities Navigator is a cloud hosted solution designed to empower facilities and property management
teams, reducing their administrative burden by enabling them to perform quick and cost effective audits
and inspections. Team tillr has been in collaboration with a variety of facilities and property management
professionals across multiple sectors, putting the spotlight on their areas of pain and frustration, enabling
validation and prioritisation of their real business needs.

Key Points
● Increased pressure to perform at higher service levels with fewer resources and less budget
● Aging facilities and properties have the increasing need for maintenance at the right time, always
ensuring a good quality of service
● Communication and coordination across teams is essential to ensure effective audits, inspections and
maintenance tasks

The continual demands placed upon facilities and property management teams are ever increasing, from
the pressure to ensure that the quality of formal service levels at consistently delivered, to mitigation of risk
such as litigious actions or reputational damage.

2 Key Facilities Management Statistics

● UK businesses that fail to adopt a more effective approach to facilities management could lose up
to a total of £1 billion
● Organisations using facilities management in a strategic capacity could be saving themselves as
much as £120,000 on average

Facilities Management, Made Simple

Facilities Navigator significantly reduces the burden placed upon facilities and property management
teams, providing standardisation, task management, team collaboration and coordination. There’s no
longer a need for creating and maintaining multiple hard-copies of audit and inspection checklists,
re-keying of essential data and versioning of documents becomes a thing of the past.

The Power of Technology

tillr’s technology takes away the need for a pen and paper or spreadsheet based approach to facilities
management, you no longer have a dependency upon IT teams. All tillr solutions are based upon a cloud
based Software as a Service (Saas) platform, providing unification and coordination for disparate teams
always on the move. tillr enables facilities and property management teams to easily allocate, monitor,
measure and schedule audits, inspections, simple housekeeping and more complex maintenance tasks.
Comprehensive reporting capability ensures that all activities are monitored, enabling informed
decision-making, and fact-based resource planning.

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