03 - Data Representation (Question)

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CT049-3-1- Operating Systems & Computer Architecture Data Representation

Data Representation


This worksheet contains exercises on some of the material converted in chap2, Data
Representation. This exercise is not assessed.

1. Conversion from Binary to Decimal.

Covert the following unsigned binary numbers into decimal.
a) 110100 = 52
b) 01011011 = 91
c) 10010110 = 150

2. Conversion from Decimal to Binary

Convert the following decimal numbers into binary. How many bits are needed in
each case?
a) 14 = 1110
b) 127 = 1111111
c) 249 = 11111001

3. Addition in Binary
Work out the following sums in unsigned binary. In each case, check your answer by
converting the numbers and the result into decimal.
a) 11011 + 1101 = 101000 (40)
b) 11010101 + 00111110 = 100010011 (275)
c) 1111 + 1 = 10000 (16)

4. Hexadecimal
Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into binary and decimal.
a) 3A = 00111010 (58)
b) FF = 11111111 ( 255)
c) A5 = 10100101 (165)

5. Convert the following decimal numbers into hexadecimal (an easy way to do this is to
convert into binary firs).
a) 254 = FE (11111110)
b) 256 =
c) 64 =

6. Identify 3 differences between Analog and Digital signals.

- Analog represented by a sine wave while Digital signals represented by square
- Analog described by amplitude, period or frequency and phase while digital
signal described by bit rate and bit intervals.
- Analog signal have no fixed range while digital signal has finite number ( 1 and
- Analog signal is more prone to distortion than digital signal

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CT049-3-1- Operating Systems & Computer Architecture Data Representation

7. State 2 reasons why computers use Digital signals.

- Computers cant work with analog info directly, so it need to digitises the analog
- Then breaking the analog info into pieces and represent them using binary digit
which are available in digital signals.

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