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Prepared By :

Student’s Name Matric Number


Section: 11
Group : 10

Lecturer Name: 1. Encik Khairul Nizam Bin Mohd Yunus

2. Ts. Ahmad Raqib Bin Ab. Ghani

Table of Content

No. Topic Page












According to Hayes (2020), business is an organization or enterprising entity engaged in

commercial, industrial, or professional activities. He also explained that from business it can
be either for-profit or non-profit organizations which operate to fulfil a charitable mission or
further social cause. As people know that business is one of the activities which making money
for life. By producing and selling the products, a seller can do business from small to big
business. This activity is trusted by people because from business, seller can earn profit and
money increase monthly or yearly.

Moreover, business is not things that seller can makes money from selling the products. It also
can be in business services such as food services which are mostly used in this era. Business it
can be as occupation, profession or as passion for the businessman. In business, it will provide
a good selling or best service for get the unpredictable profits. The organization in business is
one of the important things in business since before seller start their business, they must have
an organisation for their business. The business objective is what makes the business go on and
conduct its activities in a long run and according to the traditional concept, business exists only
to earn profits by providing the goods and services to the customers while in modern concept,
business’s objectives to make sure the customer satisfied for the products or services provides
because it will give big profit to seller (Pahwa, 2019)

Besides that, a business plan is a document in which a business opportunity, or a business

already under way, is identified, described and analyzed, examining its technical, economic
and financial feasibility. The Plan develops all of the procedures and strategies necessary in
order to convert the business opportunity into an actual business plan is
document which have been analysis and compiled by the seller which all the documentary
about their business is describes in details.

Business plans are important documents used to attract investment before a company has
established a proven track record. They are also a good way for companies to keep themselves
on target going forward (Hayes, 2020). From business plan, the company can set up the plans
on how to achieve their objectives and goals. The organization, strategies and financial for the
business company should be written in the business plan. These will help company will have
the strategic in doing their business and success in the future even though they need to face the
risk in business. Because this business plan will help the company to be in organize company.

Figure 1 shows the organization chart in this company. The name of the company is 4dara
created by the membership. This company making business in selling foods or snacks called
as ‘peyek’ or ‘rempeyek’ in Malay. This team is conducted by the president which is Nurun
Najiha Binti Mohd Shafie. The leadership in herself help us in organize the company. She very
helpful and like to share her experience in business since her family have a big company too.
Under her management, there are three members who contribute their work and effort in this
company. Start with the product manager, Aida Naziha Binti Md Azli, who have managed the
company product in the business. Her skills in manage the import and export the product was
so strategic. Next, products’ sticker, advertisement and video has been designed by our product
designer which is Nur Hikmah Binti Kasmion. Her talent in design was excellent and attractive.
Lastly, Zahirah Binti Mohd Saffri as product marketing has throw their effort in marketing
company product in the social media. Her effort was incredible in promote the product for
attract the customer.




Figure 1: The organization chart of 4dara company

Furthermore, organization’s objectives are worked out based on the organization’s mission,
vision and strategies developed to take advantage of the external opportunities available and to
suit the resources that can be mobilized by the organization while the organization management
involves the process of organizing, planning, leading and controlling resources and activities
of an organization to achieve the set objectives. The explanation will be explained below.




Figure 2: Shows the organization management

2.1 Planning

Figure 3: Gantt chart of 4dara planning

For organization in business, company should have planning in get higher selling in their
business. Moreover, the planning in business company will help the company more organize
and easier to achieve target or goals. Gantt chart is one of ways that can help company to
achieve target. Company also has to make a long-term strategic plan, especially in choosing
which business sector is suitable and offers the best opportunity for them. Business Model
Canvas also have been used by others successful company as reference. It is also have been
used in this company. For a business start-up, an entrepreneur may need to do a simple project
planning for main activities in the form of a Gantt chart. The Gantt chart will outline for each
activity the start-up date, duration and its completion date.

2.2 Leading

In company, leader must lead, motivate, direct, guide, control and correct them so that the team
will be motivated, coordinated and can work effectively and harmoniously together as a team
to achieve group objectives. The leader will be responsible and accountable for the
performance of the whole team and he may have to delegate some of these tasks to his
subordinates. In this 4dara company, Nurun Najiha Binti Mohd Shafie as leader team was
responsible in lead the company. Every week, she will help other members to manage the
products selling. She also gives some motivation for members boost up or increase their
confident in business. She is a good leader who was not selfish in help others member since
she has a lot of knowledge in business.

2.3 Controlling Resources

Controlling refers to the act of controlling and guiding the enterprise’s work, executing and
monitoring work progress involving work schedules, resources, manpower, machines and
space where required activities may have to be speeded up, corrected or even stopped.
Controlling can be improved if an enterprise develops controlling documentations including
outlining its mission, vision, objectives, strategies, work schedules and process. In order for a
company to complete its work in the most efficient way possible. This process is often done
by people with training in project management who have the expertise and background to make
these kinds of judgments calls on behalf of a business.

From the controlling resources there are a few of benefits which give benefits to company.
First when company resources are managed well, teams and individuals can feel like they have
what they need more often. When they have what they need, there may be fewer conflicts in
the workplace over limited resources. A solid resource breakdown structure also creates the
mechanism for conflict resolution within the company, by identifying where resources and
needs stand with regard to one another throughout the organization.

Next, lower overhead costs. Good resource management involves allocating resources
efficiently. When this is done right, there’s less need for project micromanagement. If the
company allocate resources well within business, they can save money on administrative costs
in the long run. Better profits. When company can do work with lower overhead costs and
teams are more productive within a given timeframe, they will have the potential to improve
company’s profits. Last but not least, greater productivity. Great efficiency in your resource
management extends to all areas of your business. If you’re more efficient in how you’re
distributing your company’s resources, your whole business will be able to operate more
efficiently. That means getting projects done quickly and with fewer resources overall.

According to the benefits that have been explained above, in this company, we used the ways
to controlling the resources to get the positive benefits. Hence, all the benefits that we get in
the company give big impacts to this company for more success in future.

2.4 Activities

Activities in 4dara company have done to sell the products by promote in social media such as
Facebook, Intagram, and Whatsapp. The member has been contributed in promote the product

Figure 3: Mini Peyek by 4dara Facebook page


Mini Peyek by 4dara is business that sells snacks or ‘rempeyek’ as called in Malay. The
traditional snacks which have been innovate the shape in small round circle. The price only
RM 10 per bottle with many special flavours such as Original flavour, Spicy flavour, and
‘Pedas Basah’ flavour. This food can be eaten by all ages exclude baby or kids below 6 years
because it is so crunchy. This crunchy and super delicious snack has been sold more than 20
bottle per month. Since it is a unique and new snack in Malaysia, many customers bought in
more than one bottle per person. Many good and positive feedback received from the customer
about Mini Peyek. The hot selling flavours which always out of stock is Pedas Basah. Unique
taste of Mini Peyek makes customers keep repeat buy the products. 4dara business company
has been known from social media such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. Mostly all the
customers buy the products by online hence this company also keep promote Mini Peyek in
social media to achieve company target and goals.


4DARA is a small business company that sells Mini Peyek. Mini peyek or also known as
Rempeyek is one of the famous snacks that came from Indonesia. Rempeyek is a deep-fried
savoury Javanese cracker that is made from flour, peanuts, and other ingredients. Since this is
well-known by people all around Asia, we choose Rempeyek as our main product but it comes
with different flavours such as Original flavour, Spicy flavour, and Pedas Basah flavor. The
most popular flavour that customers loved was Pedas Basah. The price for per bottle is only
RM 10.

Since, the company is state at Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, many of customers from Johor
likes to buy since it easier for them to get the products. Moreover, there are also have few of
customers likes to buy our products which come from another district such as Melaka and
Kuala Lumpur. Since Mini Peyek have different taste from others company thus, 4dara creates
a new flavour for the mini peyek and it shows good feedback from the customer.

Hence, most of the customer keep repeat buy our products. Our business often targets
customers of all gender and suitable for ages 7 years and older. Every business always had
their competitor thus we also need to compete with another brand which sold Salted egg Mini
Peyek. Indeed, people loved it since it has a unique flavour but Mini Peyek by 4DARA is
much better than their brand. 4DARA offered 3 different flavours at the same price, Rm10
per bottle with any kind of flavours.

4.1 Logo

Figure 4: Sticker for Mini Peyek

Our business logo that literally were used as a sticker to be the face of our company which is
4DARA. The name of 4DARA stands for four girls which is represents the four beautiful and
talented girls in this group who want to bring their business in and outside the Malaysia with
same level to other big famous company. The colour we used in this logo are black and golden
which stands for the exclusive, unique and riches. This can explain in our unique taste of Mini
Peyek which can only get from the 4DARA company. To be a successful entrepreneur, mission
and vision are needed because it is used as something to stand for or wants to work towards.
As shown above, our mission and vision statement are used to set this business on new goals
and help to build a strategy to achieve them.

We also create an Instagram and Facebook for our business to get more customer attraction.
For a start-up business, it was a difficult situation for us to get a customer. But with the help
of teammates, friends, and family, we able to sell our Mini Peyek. As we work in a group in
this business, it is much easier because all of us give our best and always work together to
contribute to the planning and coordination of group work.

4.2 Mission and Vision


 To achieve the big profit target in business company in long term

 To give a good quality product to customer with the affordable price


 To be a big successful company which be known and remembered by customer while

explore and place in the high market either in all domestic or international level.

4.3 Business Model Canvas

Figure 5: Shows example of Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas, introduced by Osterwalder (2008) is a method of analyzing,

designing, strategizing and testing a business model based on nine business areas. The
strategies are put up on a board so that the entire model can be seen at once. This will allow
the entrepreneur to understand each of the strategies and relate it easily to the other strategies
on display. The Business Model Canvas is a canvas or a chart which includes at least nine areas
or elements in a business model which includes customer segments, value propositions
channels segments, customer relationships, key partners, key activities, key resources, cost
structure and revenue streams.

Customer segments refer to the target people and organizations company are offering value
proposition. They can be divided into groups of individuals or organizations that have similar
demographics, psychographics, behaviour, geographical characteristics or other
multidimensional combinations. Customer segmentation is most effective when a company’s
offerings are tailor-made to segments that are the most profitable and serve them with distinct
competitive advantages. This prioritization can help companies develop marketing campaigns
and pricing strategies to extract maximum value from both high- and low profit customers.

According to Osterwalder (2008), a company’s value proposition is what distinguishes itself
from its competitors. Value is provided through various elements such as newness,
performance, customization, reliability in ‘getting the job done’, design, brand, price, cost
reduction, risk reduction, accessibility, and convenience. The value propositions may be
quantitative or qualitative. A company can deliver its value proposition to its targeted
customers through different channels. Effective channels will distribute a company’s value
proposition in ways that are fast, efficient and cost-effective.

The first decision to be made when trying to sell products or services to the target market is
whether to sell directly to that target market, or to use intermediary services. The most common
methods of direct marketing include direct selling, Internet marketing and catalogues.
Although direct marketing involves a simple and straightforward process, it does not always
move goods from producers to consumers efficiently, due to the lack of expertise, experience
and economies of scale. In order to be more efficient, many companies rely on marketing
intermediaries to market their products

Customer relationships are the types of relationships a company establishes with specific
customer segments. Studies show that it costs four to six times as much to get a new customer
as it does to keep a customer loyal, hence, it is imperative for companies to build brand loyalty.
Key partners are the network of suppliers and partners that make the business model work.
Companies forge partnerships to optimize business models, reduce risk, and acquire resources.
Key activities are activities that a company must do in order to make its business model work.
Key resources are the most important assets needed to make a business model work.

The entrepreneur should strategize the best and appropriate cost structure to suit the project
concept. The opted cost structured model will have to be aligned with the other activities in the
business model to match the total products and services concept offered to customers. Revenue
streams represent the cash a company generates from each customer/product segment. An
entrepreneur will have to strategize and modify his products and services to create attractive
values for target customers. An entrepreneur may explore additional revenue streams through
export markets or online marketing, or for example, lease idle assets to generate additional
revenue. All this definition of the Business Module Canvas has been applied in our company
to help in organize and achieve the goal strategically.

4. Management and Organization
4.1. Organization
4.1.1. Organizational Chart

Figure 1 it shows the structure of organization chart.




Figure 1: The organization chart of company

4.1.2. Background of Company

We plan to sell items that are readily available and the products made are
no doubt by anyone.Coincidentally, Nurun Najiha is the daughter of a chip
factory operator, so we decided to sell rempeyek chips. Then, the thought
was determined when we decided to make discussion after discussion and
stay with the idea. We formed an organization which consist of four

4.1.3. Mission and Vision Detail

Our mission is to produce products that can be felt by all people regardless
of time. We also hope that our products will be able to survive in the future.
We will also provide high quality products to customers at reasonable

prices. Therefore, everyone can taste the deliciousness of the rempeyek
chips that we have produced.

Our vision is to make the company known and remembered by all customers
while expanding the market to all domestic and international levels. We are
determined to raise Malaysia's name to the eyes of the world with the
products we have produced.

4.1.4. Member Identification and Expertise

From the organizational chart, we can see the division of work among
workers. The scope of work for each position and expertise of each member
is as below:

1) President

Name: Nurun Najiha Binti Mohd Shafie

Scope of work: Undergoes agreement of partnership and external business

affair as the company representative

Expertise: Good in dealing with external and internal resources of the


2) Product Manager

Name: Aida Nazihah Binti Md Azli

Scope of work: Manage the company internally and making sure the
progress of work to stay on track.

Expertise: Keeping track of time and supervise in detail

3) Product Design

Name: Nur Hikmah Binti Kasmion

Scope of work: Develop idea to design the packaging and the logo, and
present the idea to the team.

Expertise: Give best ideas for packaging and logo the product.

4) Sales

Name: Zahirah Binti Mohd Saffri

Scope of work: Develop idea to promote and sell products to public, and
present the idea to sale department after administration approved the idea.

Expertise: Give best ideas on promoting any product and excellent

promoting skills that attract people.

4.2. Management

4.1.1 Member information

1) Nurun Najiha Binti Mohd Shafie

Percentage of ownership: 25%

Position: President

Responsibilities: Act as company representative and dealing with external

affair of the company

Past employment: None

Skills that benefit company: Good communication skills that help expand
the business

Compensation: Given from 50% of share from profit

2) Aida Nazihah Binti Md Azli

Percentage of ownership: 25%

Position: Product Manager

Responsibilities: Manage company internal affair and the flow of work and

Past employment: None

Skills that benefit company: Skills in handling the internal business

company and manage progress of work for the company

Compensation: Given from 50% of share from profit

3) Nur Hikmah Binti Kasmion

Percentage of ownership: 25%

Position: Sales

Responsibilities: Work together with marketing department, and help

promote and sell product to public

Past employment: None

Skills that benefit company: Have many connections in terms of

communication that helps to introduce company to the outside world

Compensation: Given from 50% of share from profit

4) Zahirah Binti Mohd Saffri

Percentage of ownership: 25%

Position: Marketing

Responsibilities: Give idea for marketing of the product and how to promote
the product

Past employment: None

Skills that benefit company: Provide newest idea that affect external and
internal affair of the company

Compensation: Given from 50% of share from profit

4.3. Production quality

The production of chips is directly connected to the supplier factory which we

agreed to make the purchase of chips in bulk every month. The plant usually
produces about 10 types of chips per day. This shows excellent factory
productivity and from this we ensure that the product will always be on schedule
when we take it every month.

These rempeyek chips are made with high quality materials supplied from trusted
sources. The testimony we received after selling it also stated that the ingredients
used were safe and there was no doubt about the ingredients. Therefore, it
determines the quality and taste given by the product.

4.4. Location

For our location specializing in the district of Johor. We provide direct delivery
in Pasir Gudang and Mersing areas only. We focus more the on area around Johor
Baharu since all of us are stay at Johor Baharu.

4.5. Budget

According to the finance section of the business plan, we collect estimates to

purchase rempeyek chips from the factory which we agree to wholesale every
month. The initial estimate as the start of this business is RM500 for rempeyek
chips and we brought the first batch of rempeyek chips to promote it online. When
a month is over, we calculate our profit and divide it into two parts. Each member
will receive 15% of the 40% profit as their share. Then, the remaining 40% will be
used to buy the next rempeyek chips.


5.1. Introduction

Marketing can be defined as the activities that are carried out systematically to
encourage and increase sales of products or services as long as the activities are in
line with religious and ethical practices. Marketing is one of important factors that can
help the company to increase the sales of its products. Consequently, this can
transform the company's profit to increase significantly. Besides that, the customers
need and want also can be fulfilling if the marketing project of a company works. For
example, variation of the company product can make the customer satisfied and felt
that their needs are fulfilled. The variation done by the company is a good marketing
strategy because every customer has a different taste and by doing this strategy; this
can increase the support from the customers to the company. Thus, the company sales
can be improved.

5.2 Products Description

Type of business Partnership

Name of company 4 DARA
Name of product Mini Peyek
Flavor Pedas Basah, Spicy, and Original
Target Customers Student
Working person
Ingredients rice flour, eggs, coconut milk,
coriander,cumin, cumin, garlic, onion,
lime food, peanuts, salt
Design and packaging In jar
Price / unit Rm10

5.3. Target Market

A target market is a specific group of people that you want to reach through
your marketing campaign. These people are more likely to visit your online shop and
make a purchase that any other random group of people. They have certain
characteristics in common, such as their demographics or psychological and
behavioural patterns.

The existence of a target market does not mean that the business should ignore
the other groups of customers that exist in the same market. These other groups may
be the secondary market and may bring income to the business. However, the main
income is derived from the primary target market. As a matter of circumstance, a
business may also change its target market.

5.3.1. Demographic

Age 5 and above

Gender Male / Female

Generation All

Occupation All

Education Not specifically

Ethnicity All

Nationality Malaysian

5.4. Marketing strategies
5.4.1. Product strategies
We make sure that our product is high quality. A few characteristics are:

 For the importance of the quality of the product, we use halal ingredients.

 Determination of the price that is appropriate with the quality of the product.

 Our product can fulfil the customer’s tastes. Quality

 Very high quality of product.

 Use a high quality of ingredients such as the peanuts, eggs, coconut milk and etc. Design

 The product that we produce is different from competitor’s product, it is because

our product has specialized characteristics compared to other products in terms of
product design.

 Modern and up-to-date design. Packaging

 We choose to make a great packaging for our product, so that it will be able to
protect the product during the process of transportation, display and sales until the
product is ready to use for customers.

 With the perfect packaging, it avoids our product from breaking during the
transportation process.

 The size, shape and materials used for packaging are suitable for our product.

23 Labelling

• Identifying, grading, describing or promotion of the product.

• Information about our name compony, the flavor, and brand pricing strategies. Pricing Strategies

As a seller, the best way to achieve the target market is via pricing strategy. This
strategy is very important to achieve our sales forecast. The price that our company
offers is among the cheapest and we believe that customers are willing to pay for the
price. The price that we offered is economical. Cost based pricing

Cost for our product with the sales pricing that we offered is stable.

Price of mini peyek = cost + mark-up

= Rm 4.50+ (55% X RM10)

= RM10 Factor affecting pricing

Our shop can set prices according to their product design, cost, target market,
marketing objectives or targeted profit, several factors must be considered as we
have a strong impact on the firm’s pricing strategies. These factors include economic
conditions, government regulation, social concerns and consumer groups.

5.4.3. Promotion strategies

Promotion strategies are important in order to inform our product to the customer. This
is to make sure all the customers know about our product. To inform them that we have
a product that has a high quality and the pricing that offered is affordable. As a new
company, advertisement is an important rule. To make sure that our product to be well
known in market, we have to plan a few systematic strategies that are:

1. Personal sales

 A salesman will promote our product face to face and online marketing.

2. Pamphlet

 We distribute our online pamphlets within our target person. Pamphlets are
sustainable, easy to spread and saving costs.

3. Sales Promotion

 We provide short term incentives or special offers to encourage purchase or

speed up the purchase decision.

 Examples:

 Free delivery service

 Discounts

 Free Gift


6.1 Introduction

Operation unit is one of the most important parts in the business organization because
through the operations of its product it will lead to a business growth. From this operation
of our business company, we can also maximize the profit gain.

All activities in this operation will be done according to the plan so that it will meet
with our customer’s expectation. In this term of office, we are ensuring that the promotion
and sales will be produced continuously to fulfil the increasing demand from the public.
This operation states the information about the cost of product, salaries of workers,
operation flow chart, operation hours, and operation budget.

In the operation unit, we applied a systematic technique and management in order to

ensure that the business will be more efficient and effective in selling our shoes. Therefore,
it can fulfil the demand for customers’ needs and wants by providing the best services to
them and indirectly the business can gain the optimum profit.

6.2 Process planning

Planning operations are important in order to make sure that our product is in good
condition when it arrives to the customers. Our product gets direct from our seller. Our
product only can be sent to the customer after the process quality checking.


6.3 Production schedule

Business hours refer to the time the business is open to the customers. Operation hours
refer to the hours the workers have to work. For online marketing, usually the business
will operate on 8 hours per shift. In our business, we decide to operate our business for
8 hours per day. Our business operation has to operate in two shifts because one of our
business policies is to care about our customer besides the sales performance.

6.4 The business and operation hours

The business and operation hours in our operation business are as follow:

Days Time Rest

Sunday – Thursday 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

1.00 pm -2.00 pm

Friday & Saturday 10.00 am – 6.00 pm

6.5 Operation budget

6.5.1 Staff salary

Monthly EPF
SOCSO Total Total Salary
Position Number Salary Contribution
(2%) (RM) (RM)/Person (RM)
(RM) (12%) (RM)
manager 1 1200 144 24 1032 1032
Clerk 1 700 84 14 602 602
Salesman 2 900 108 18 774 1548
Total 4 2800 336 56 2408 3182

6.5.2 Operation overhead

Utilities Cost (RM)

Water 100
Electricity 300
Telephone 200
Total 600

6.5.3 Monthly operating costs

Operation Cost Per Month Cost (RM)

Raw Material 1500
Worker Salary 3182
Utilities 600
Patty Expenses 500
Total 5782


7.1 Financial planning for business start-ups

Financial planning is the basics of financial management. It gives an example on how to

prepare a simple financial plan and how it can be used as a guide for preparing a financial
plan for the entrepreneurial practicum project.

1. Project implementation cost and sources of fund

2. Loan amortization
3. Depreciation of asset
4. Projected financial statement

7.2 Project implementation cost and sources of fund

Bill Implementation Cost Project

A. Assets Cost

Display cabinet for rempeyek RM 1000.00


Fire extinguisher RM 500.00

Furniture RM 1800.00

Table and chairs RM 600.00

Air conditioners and lights RM 550.00

COWAY air and COWAY water RM 1000.00

Total RM 3650.00

Working capital for one-week Salary + Raw material

salary and raw material
B. = (RM 106.07 X 6 days) + (RM 50 X 6 days)

= RM 936.42

C. Miscellaneous cost 1 Month 1 Week

Water bill RM 100 RM 25

Electricity RM 300 RM 75

Phone and Wi-Fi RM 200 RM 50

Utilities RM 600 RM 150

Patty expenses RM 500 RM 125

Registration cost RM 300 RM 75

Total RM 2000 RM 500

D. Overall total RM 2500

No. Type money Value (RM)

1. Own money RM 1500.00

2. Loan RM 5000.00

3. Total RM 6500.00

Project implementation cost = RM 6500 sources of fund for the business

7.6 Projection financial statement

Projected Financial Statement for 1 Month (4 Weeks)

Sale RM 6000.00

Cost of Goods Sold (Raw Material) RM 1000.00

Cross Profit RM 3000.00


Salary RM 3182.00

Registration and Promotion RM 785.00

Interest RM 60.00

Depreciation RM 650.00

Net Profit RM 4677.00

Based on projected financial statement, the profit margin on sale:

Profit Margin on Sale = Net Profit / Sale X 100%
= (4677 / 6000) X 100%
= 78%



In conclusion, 4dara company has achieve their target in cost selling. The biggest happiness is
when our company have achieved on of our company mission which is to give the good quality
product with affordable price and give the customer the best service. Even though, our
company still not achieve the vision but we will promise to the company that we can continue
to achieve what have been written in our company vision and mission. Thus, experience in
business have taught us the road of business in real life. Instead of get the profit and money
from the business, the experience in business has changed us now. The risk, hard, depress and
arguments in business are such a good memory which can be taught us about the business. In
real life, people think the business is easy but the reality is there are a lot of challenges need to
faces in the business. but this hard work, will pay off. Hence, in business the patient is needed
to be a successful entrepreneur. This business plan teaches us the pre-step of starting up a
business. Business plan is an important part in creating business since it ensures the business
to be progressive from time to time. This plan introduces students to the basics of business
management. The steps for preparing business plan will help students in their entrepreneurial
practicum project. The experience will also enhance students understanding on conducting


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