Elfira Bing

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Abattoir : a slaughterhouse, a place where animals

are killed for their meat. (rumah jagal, tempat
pemotongan, penjagalan)
2. Apiary : a place where bees are kept; a collection
of beehives. (tempat pemeliharaan lebah)
3. Arsenal : a place where weapons and military
equipment are stored or made. (tempat
penyimpanan,pembuatan senjata/alat perang
4. Brewery : a place where beer is made
commercially. (tempat pembuatan minuman beer)
5. Cannery : a factory where food is canned. (pabrik
6. Cathedral : the principal church of a diocese, with
which the bishop is officially associated. a very
large, usually stone, building for Christian worship.
(gereja besar tempat resmi uskup, keuskupan,
tempat berdoa umat Kristen)
7. Cemetery : a burial ground; a graveyard. (kuburan)
8. Nunnery : a building or group of buildings in which
nuns live as a religious community; a convent.
(biara perempuan)
9. Depot : a place for the storage of large quantities
of equipment, food, or some other commodity.
(tempat menyimpan barang dagangan dan
10. Dump : a site for depositing garbage. (tempat
11. Emporium : a large retail store selling a wide
variety of goods. (toko besar,pusat pertokoan)
12. Granary : a storehouse for threshed grain.
(rengkiang, lumbung padi)
13. Hatchery : a place where the hatching of fish or
poultry eggs is artificially controlled for
commercial purposes.( tempat memproduksi
benih ikan mulai dari pemijahan sampai
menghasilkan larva)
14. Inn : a restaurant or bar, typically one in the
country, in some cases providing
accommodations. (restoran, tempat penginapan
15. Igloo : a type of dome-shaped shelter built from
blocks of solid snow, traditionally used by Inuits.
(rumah orang eskimo)
16. Kennel : a small shelter for a dog or cat.
(kandang anjing)
17. Nursery : a place where young children are cared
for during the working day; a nursery school.
(kamar bayi)
18. Orphanage : a residential institution for the care
and education of orphans. (panti asuhan)
19. Paddock : a small field or enclosure where
horses are kept or exercised. (lapangan tempat
melatih kuda)
20. Porch : a covered shelter projecting in front of
the entrance of a building. (beranda atau teras
21. Pulpit : a raised platform or lectern in a church or
chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon.
(mimbar gereja atau mimbar khotbah)
22. Quay : a concrete, stone, or metal platform lying
alongside or projecting into water for loading and
unloading ships. (dermaga)
23. Quarry : a place, typically a large, deep pit, from
which stone or other materials are or have been
extracted. (tambang)
24. Sanctuary : a place of refuge or safety. (tempat
perlindungan, tempat suci)
25. Stable : a building in which domestic animals
are sheltered and fed (kandang)
26. Sty : keep (a pig) in a sty. (kandang babi)
27. Pier : a platform supported on pillars or girders
leading out from the shore into a body of water,
used as a landing stage for boats. (dermaga yang
menjorok ke laut)
28. Pagoda : a Hindu or Buddhist temple or sacred
building, typically a many-tiered tower, in India and
East Asia. (kuil keagamaan)
29. Orchard : a piece of land planted with fruit trees.
(kebun buah-buahan)
30. Monastery : a building or buildings occupied by a
community of monks living under religious vows.
31. Mosque : a Muslim place of worship. (masjid)
32. Mint : . A place where the coins of a country are
manufactured by authority of the
government. (pencetakan uang logam)
33. Reservoir : a large natural or artificial lake used
as a source of water supply.( waduk)
34. Hangar : a large building with an extensive floor
area, typically for housing aircraft. (tempat
penyimpanan pesawat udara)
35. Creche : a nursery where babies and young
children are cared for during the working day.
(tempat penitipan bayi)
36. Barrack : provide (soldiers) with
accommodations in a building or set of buildings.
(tempat tinggal tentara)
37. Dock : (of a ship) tie up at a dock, especially in
order to load or unload passengers or cargo.
38. Court : a tribunal presided over by a judge,
judges, or a magistrate in civil and criminal cases.
39. Distillery : a place where liquor is manufactured
(tempat atau perusahaan penyulingan)
40. Chapel : a small building for Christian worship,
typically one attached to an institution or private
house (kapel, gereja)
41. Dispensary : a room where medicines are
prepared and provided. (apotik, klinik)
42. aviary : a large cage, building, or enclosure for
keeping birds in. (kandang burung)
43. archives : a collection of historical documents or
records providing information about a place,
institution, or group of people. (tempat
penyimpanan dokumen, arsip penting)
44. incinerator : an apparatus for burning waste
material, especially industrial waste, at high
temperatures until it is reduced to ash. (alat
pembuangan sampah)
45. reformatory : an institution to which youthful
offenders are sent as an alternative to prison; a
reform school. (asrama pendidikan)
46. Resort : a place that is a popular destination for
vacations or recreation, or which is frequented for
a particular purpose. (tempat rekreasi)
47. semi-detached house : a house that is joined to
another house on one side by shared wall. (rumah
48. seminary : a college that prepares students to be
priests, ministers, or rabbis. (seminari, sekolah
49. temple : a building devoted to the worship, or
regarded as the dwelling place, of a god or gods or
other objects of religious reverence.
50. quadrangle : a square or rectangular space or

courtyard enclosed by buildings. (alun-alun segi


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