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Diyan Mei Lailiya Tis’ah
2-A D III Chemical Engineering



Topic sentence : A State Polytechnic of Malang is the best polytechnics in
1. Good campus facilities
a. Adequate classroom
b. Complete laboratory
c. Effective class capasity
d. Adequate sports hall
2. Campus achievements
a. Students achievements
b. Qualified lecturers
c. Good cooperation class with companies
d. Highest accreditation

Conclusion : State Polytechnic of Malang can maintain the title as the best
polytechnic in Indonesia by consistently achieving.

State Polytechnic of Malang

A State Polytechnic of Malang is the best polytechnics in Indonesia(1). There
are many aspects that show the superiority of State Polytechnic of Malang(2). First,
in the aspect of campus facilities(3). State Polytechnic of Malang has adequate
classroom buildings and there are close together, so it can make easy for access
between campus residents(4). State Polytechnic of Malang has a complete laboratory
that can support student activities for practical work(5). State Polytechnic of Malang
also provides facilities with a small class capacity, so that it will increase
effectiveness in learning activities(6). The small class capacity also will make it
easier for lecturers to teach more intensively(7). In addition to facilities in the aspect
of the learning system, State Polytechnic of Malang also provides a complete and
adequate sports hall facility which can support the talents, interests, and
achievements of students(8). The second aspect is the campus achievement(9). State
Polytechnic of Malang has many outstanding students, both at national and
international levels(10). This is supported by qualified lecturers who have guided the
students(11). In State Polytechnic of Malang also has a collaboration class with
companies, namely GMF and PLN, so it is good for students who want to get job
directly after graduation(12). With the all superiority, State Polytechnic of Malang
has been accredited A by BAN-PT(13). In conclusion, State Polytechnic of Malang
can maintain the title as the best polytechnic in Indonesia by consistently

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
Absorb (Penyerap) Absorbed
1 X
(Menyerap) Absorbance (Terserap)
(Daya serap)
Accelerate Acceleration Accelerated
2 X
(Mempercepat) (Percepatan) (Dipercepat)
Adjust Adjustor Adjustable
3 X
(Menyesuaikan) (Pengatur) (Disesuaikan)
Bend Bend (Bengkok)
4 X
(Membengkokkan) (Lengkukan) Bendable
(Dapat dibengkokkan)
Burn Burner Burnable
5 X
(Membakar) (Pembakar) (Dapat terbakar)
Compress Compressor Compressed
6 X
(Memampatkan) (Pemampat) (Yang dimampatkan)
Condense Condenser Condensed
7 X
(Mengembun) (Kondensator) (Terkondensasi)
Connect Connetion Connected
8 X
(Menghubungkan) (Sambungan) (Terhubung)
Contract Contractor Contracted
9 X
(Mengontrak) (Pemborong) (Dikontrak)
Convert Converter Converted
10 X
(Mengubah) (Pengubahan) (Diubah)
Evaporate Evaporator Evaporated
11 X
(Menguap) (alat penguap) (Yang diuapkan)
Expand Expansion Expansive
12 X
(Memperluas) (Perluasan) (Luas)
Ignite Ignition Ignited
13 X
(Menyalakan) (Penyalaan) (Dinyalakan)
Push Pusher Pushed
14 X
(Mendorong) (Pendorong) (Terdorong)
Rotate Rotation Rotatable
15 X
(Memutar) (Putaran) (Dapat diputar)
1. Menyerap : Panel surya menyerap cahaya matahari untuk menghasilkan arus listrik.
a. Absorb (V) : Solar panels absorb sunlight to produce electric current .
b. Absorbance (N) : Absorbance of the vacuum filter depends on the magnitude of
the pressure difference.
Absorber (N) : CO2 absorber is very needed in hydrogen gas industry.
c. Absorbed (Adj) : Absorbed sulfur will be treated for the production of sulfuric
2. Mempercepat : Penggunaan pupuk yang tepat akan membantu mempercepat
pertumbuhan tanaman.
a. Accelerate (V) : The use of appropriate fertilizers can accelerate plant growth.
b. Acceleration (N) : The acceleration of the reaction rate is influenced by the
catalyst that used.
c. Accelerated (Adj) : Accelerated bacterial breeding will facilitate the fermentation
3. Menyesuaikan : Ahli sains itu melakukan percobaan guna menyesuaikan pH pada
larutan A.
a. Adjust (V) : The scientists do an experiment to adjust the pH of solution A.
b. Adjustment (N) : The adjustments on the flow controller has been as desired.
c. Adjustable (Adj) : The position of the adjustable work tools will facilitate the
technician in working.
4. Membengkokkan : Mahasiswa teknik mesin melakukan percobaan untuk
membengkokkan besi menggunakan pleser.
a. Bend (V) : Mechanical engineering students conduct an experiment to bend iron
using bar bender.
b. Bend (N) : Bend of pipe can be used to drain water.
c. Bent (Adj) : The bent bones can be treated by surgery.
5. Membakar : Olahraga dapat membakar lemak dalam tubuh.
a. Burn (V) : Excercise can burn fat in the body.
b. Burner (N) : Bunsen burner can be used to sterilize glass tools.
c. Burnable (Adj) : Burnable materials must be avoided from sparks.
6. Memampatkan : Teknisi memampatkan udara untuk mengatur tekanan dalam
a. Compress (V) : The technician compresses the air to regulate the pressure in the
b. Compressor (N) : Air compressor is a mechanical device that serves to increase
the pressure or compress the gas fluid.
c. Compressed (Adj) : Compressed air will be removed from the tank.
7. Mengembun : Praktisi mengondensasikan etanol yang sudah menguap.
a. Condense (V) : Practitioners condense the ethanol that has evaporated.
b. Condenser (N) : The distillation process requires a condenser to cool the vapor in
the component substances, so that it becomes a liquid phase.
c. Condensed (Adj) : Condensed ethanol is used as an experimental material.
8. Menghubungkkan : kabel berfungsi untuk menghubungkan arus antara elemen satu
dengan elemen lainnya.
a. Connect (V) : Cable serves to connect the current element one to other elements.
b. Connection (N) : Wi-Fi connection 4G is faster than 3G.
c. Connected (Adj) : A cable connected to the battery can conduct electricity.
9. Mengontrak : Industri petrokimia gresik hanya mengontrak pegawai yang kompeten
a. Contract (V) : Petrochemical industry Gresik only contracts competent
b. Contractor (N) : A contractor is a person who is responsible for something that
has been agreed.
c. Contracted (Adj) : Contracted job is better than freelance job.
10. Mengubah : Prinsip kerja dari PLTS adalah mengubah energi cahaya matahari
menjadi energi listrik.
a. Convert (V) : Solar power plants convert sunlight energy into electrical energy.
b. Converter (N) : SO3 converter is used to convert SO2 to SO3.
c. Converted (Adj) : Converted electrical energy is used for electricity generation.
11. Menguapkan : Teknisi menguapkan etanol untuk melakukan proses destilasi.
a. Evaporate (V) : Technicians evaporate ethanol to conduct a distillation process.
b. Evaporator (N) : Evaporator functions to evaporate a substances at certain
boiling points.
c. Evaporated (Adj) : The evaporated coal is used to drive power generation
12. Memperluas : Memiliki banyak teman dapat memperluas relasi untuk mencari
a. Expand (V) : Having a lot of friends can expand relationships to find a job.
b. Expansion (N) : Ideal gas expansion can be learned found in the
thermodynamics lesson.
c. Expansive (Adj) : Expansive heart will give goodness.
13. Menyalakan : Insinyur kimia menyalakan mesin ekstraktor sesuai dengan SOP.
a. Ignite (V) : Chemical engineer ignite extractor machine carefully.
b. Ignition (N) : Ignition of fire near explosive materials is very dangerous.
c. Ignited (Adj) : Ignited material must be kept away from explosive material.
14. Mendorong : Semangat yang tinggi akan mendorong kesuksesan seseorang.
a. Push (V) : High spirits will push the someone's success
b. Pusher (N) : Passion can be used as a pusher of success.
c. Pushed (Adj) : Pushed table can be moved easily.
15. Memutar : Teknisi di laboratorium memutar valve untuk mengalirkan udara.
a. Rotate (V) : Tecnician in laboratory rotate valve to drain the air.
b. Rotation (N) : The rotation of valve can affect the amount of flowrate.
c. Rotatable (Adj) : Rotatable windmill can be used for electricity generation.


Topic sentence : Making “Nasi Kuning” can be done by three processes.

A. Preparing materials
1. Rice
2. Tumeric powder
3. Salt
4. Water
5. Coconut milk
6. Kaffir lime leaves
7. Stalk lemongrass
8. Bay leaf
B. Processing to make
1. Mixing
2. Cooking
C. Final product
1. Designing
2. Consumsing
Conclusion : Making “Nasi Kuning” is very easy and simple to be done.

How To Make “Nasi Kuning”

Making “Nasi Kuning” can be done by three processes(1). First step is
preparating materials(2). At this time, prepare the necessary ingredients consisting of
rice, tumeric powder, salt, water, coconut milk, kaffir lime leaves, stalk lemongrass,
and bay leaf(3). The ingredient must be washed before cooking(4). Turmeric and salt
dissolve in 100 cc warm water, then add coconut milk(5). Second step is processes,
combine washed rice with the turmeric – coconut milk mixture and the remaining
ingredients in the rice cooker(6). After that, add enough water more or less 300 cc(7).
Then, stir to mix it(8). Next step is turn the rice cooker ON and let it cook(9). Wait
until 30 – 60 minutes(10). When the rice is done, remove the lemongrass and kaffir
lime leaves(11). The final product, “Nasi Kuning” can be placed on plate and
garnished with omellete ribbons, sliced cucumber and chili, and celery leaves(12).
“Nasi Kuning” ready to be served(13). In conclusion, Making “Nasi Kuning” is very
easy and simple to be done(14).

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