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Chapter 2.

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2 · System Planning

interconnection costs are usually borne by the consumer for a system that is a commercial
venture. However the magnitude of interconnection costs must be considered in the eco-
nomic analysis discussed below. High interconnection costs may favor an in-building plant
for the customer instead of a DCS.
The consumer interconnection, the consumer’s in-building equipment, and their con-
trol will ultimately determine the T that the system will be able to achieve. Chapter 5 dis-
cusses the consumer interconnection and its impacts on the all important system T. This
fact cannot be highlighted enough as to its importance. In the planning phase, it is impor-
tant to recognize the importance that must be placed on proper consumer interconnection
and in-building systems, and thus be certain that adequate study of the existing building
systems has been conducted and that future buildings are being planned for connection to
a DCS. To achieve a high T, as well as to provide proper comfort and control within the
building, the building design should follow to the recommendations of Chapter 5. For ret-
rofit of existing buildings, Chapter 5 should also be consulted in the planning phase to be
certain that adequate resources are allocated to this portion of the system.
Retrofit costs for buildings will vary widely. Factors that will tend to increase cost are:
• Tall buildings
• The need to run piping to the roof to connect to header piping from prior chillers
• Replacing 3-way valves with 2-way valves to improve T
• Implementing variable flow pumping to improve T
• Adding redundancy or oversizing equipment (pumps, heat exchangers, etc.)

Metering is a necessary component in most all consumer interconnections and appro-

priate allowance should be made for such costs in budget construction cost estimates.
While it is tempting to not include metering when there is a common owner for all build-
ings (i.e., a college, military, or institution campus), experience has shown that trouble-
shooting both network and building systems operations and any problems therein is
greatly enhanced by metering. Metering should include the ability to obtain flow and tem-
perature data as well as energy usage, and many systems will allow for remote monitoring
of this data at a central point such as the district cooling central plant. See Chapter 5 for a
detailed discussion on metering and remote systems monitoring.

Energy Cost
Energy will be the major operating cost of a DCS, and, thus, where multiple alterna-
tives are available, each should be carefully considered. For example, the higher capital
and maintenance cost of engine-driven chillers could possibly be more than offset by
lower energy costs for the engine fuel as opposed to electricity.
Since the prime driver of the chiller (electric motor, steam turbine, gas engine, etc.) is
usually the largest motor, it is typically the largest consumer of energy in the CHW sys-
tem. Pumps for the CHW distribution system water as well as condenser water pumps
will also require significant amounts of energy, as will the cooling towers fan motors.
Because distribution system pumping is normally accomplished at the chilled water plant,
it is conventional practice to quote overall chiller plant performance including all pump-
ing, chillers, and cooling towers in terms electric energy consumed at the plant per unit of
cooling produced, normally in kW/ton (kW/kW). The overall efficiency of the chiller
plant expressed in this manner will vary significantly depending on many factors, includ-
ing the climate, chillers, system T, load density of the users, etc. The expected range of
overall chiller plant performance at peak-load conditions will normally fall within the
range of 0.80 to 1.2 kW/ton (0.23 to 0.34 kW/kW).


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