(Springer Specialist Surgery Series) Anne J. Moore, David W. Newell - Tumor Neurosurgery - Principles and Practice - Springer (2006)

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Other titles in this grouping include:

Transplantation Surgery edited by Hakim & Danovitch, 2001

Vascular Surgery edited by Davies & Brophy, 2005
Neurosurgery edited by Moore & Newell, 2004
Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery edited by Fielding & Hallissey, 2004
Anne I, Moore and David W. Newell (Eds)

Principles and Practice

Series Editor: John lumley

~ Springer
Anne J. Moore, MB BS, BSc, FRCS
South West Neurosurgery Centre
Derriford Hospital
Plymouth, UK

David W. Newell
The Seattle Neuroscience Institute
Seattle, WA, USA

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Control Number: 2006921750

ISBN-IO: 1-84628-291-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-84628-291-1
e-ISBN: 1-84628-294-2
Printed on acid-free paper
© Springer-Verlag London Limited 2006

All chapters in this edition are being reproduced from Moore AI, Newell DW. Neurosurgery: Principles and
Practice. Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005; 1-297,489-532.
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This book provides coverage of relevant topics in the field of tumor neurosurgery, for
residents and registrars in training, and for recent graduates of training programs. As
neurosurgical training incorporates expertise from centers worldwide, there is a need
to have input from specialists in neurosurgery from various countries. This text is a
compilation by expert authors in the USA and the UK to provide information on the
basic knowledge and clinical management required for optimal care of neuro -oncology
patients . The text is an up-to -date synopsis of the field of tumor neurosurgery from
American and British perspectives , which covers the most common sites and tumor
pathologies encountered by neurosurgeons. The chapters are organized under broad
topics, including investigative studies, perioperative care and the role of newer tech-
niques . The clinical management of eNS tumors in adults and children is described ,
including spinal tumors, both intradural and extradural. We anticipate that trainees
will find this information useful for certification examinations and recent graduates of
neurosurgical training programs can utilize this text as an update.

Anne J. Moore
Plymouth, UK
David W. Newell
Seattle, USA


I - Investigations

1. Neurophysiology
Alien E. Waziri, Derek A. Taggard, Vincent C. Traynelis 3
2. Neuroradiology and Ultrasound
David G. Hughes, Roger Chisholm 23
3. Neuropathology
Cheng-Mei Shaw, ElIsworth C. Alvord, Jr. . 39

11 - Perioperative Care

4. Neuroanesthesia
Maryke Kraayenbrink, Gregory McAnulty 71
5. Neurosurgical Intensive Care
Tessa 1. Whitton, Arthur M. Lam 85

III - Techniques

6. Neuroendoscopy
lonathan Punt 107
7. Principles and Practice of Image-guided Neurosurgery
Kristian Aquilina, Philip Edwards, Anthony Strong 123
8. Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Andras A. Kemeny, Matthias W.R. Radatz, [eremy Rowe 139

IV- Tumors

9. Low-grade Gliomas in Adults

Henry Marsh 155
10. Neurosurgical Management of High-grade Gliomas
Robert C. Rostomily, Alexander M. Spence, Daniel 1. Silbergeld .... 167



11 . Sellar and Parasellar Tumors

Richard]. Stacey, Michael P. Powell 187
12. Meningiomas
lames ]. Evans, ]oung H. Lee, John Suh, Mladen Golubic 205
13. Intraventricular and Pineal Region Tumors
Sandeep Kunwar, G. Evren Keles , Mitchell S. Berger 235
14. Cerebello-pontine Angle Tumors
Peter C. Whitfield, David G. Hardy 247
15. Skull Base Tumors
R.S.c. Kerr, C.A. Milford 263
16. Tumors: Cerebral Metastases and Lymphoma
Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, Griffith R. Harsh, IV 281
17. Pediatric Neuro-oncology
Kevin L. Stevenson, ]. Russell Geyer, Richard G. Ellenbogen 299
18. Management of Spinal Tumors
Karl F. Kothbauer, George 1. ]allo, Fred]. Epstein 313
19. Management of Extradural Spinal Tumors
David A. Lundin, Charlie Kuntz, Christopher 1. Shaffrey 329

Index 341

Ellsworth C. Alvord , j-, MD Fred J. Epstein, MD

Department of Pathology Hyman-Newman Institute for Neurology and
Neuropathology Laboratory Neurosurgery
University of Washington School of Medicine Pediatric Neurosurgery
Harborview Medical Center Beth Israel Medical Center, Singer Division
Seattle, WA, USA New York, NY, USA

Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD lames J. Evans, MD

Neurosurgery Service Division of Neuro-oncologic Neurosurgery
Massachusetts General Hospital and Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Harvard Medical School Department of Neurosurgery
Boston , MA, USA Thomas Iefferson University
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Kristian Aquilina, FRCS
Department of Neurosurgery J. Russell Geyer MD
Beaumont Hospital Department of Pediatrics
Dublin, Ireland University of Washington School of Medicine
Children's Hospital and Regional Medical
Mitchell S. Berger, MD Center
Department of Neurological Surgery Seattle, WA, USA
Brain Tumor Surgery Prog ram
University of California Mladen Golubic, MD, PhD
San Francisco School of Medicine Brain Tumor Institute/Department of
San Francisco, CA, USA Neurosurgery
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Roger A. Chisholm, MA, MB BChir, MRCP, Cleveland, OH, USA
Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust David G. Hardy, BSc, MA, MB ChB, FRCS,
Salford, UK Department of Neurosurgery
Addenbrookes NHS Trust,
Philip Edwards, PhD Cambridge, UK
Department of Radiological Sciences
Medical School of Guy's, King's and St. Griffith R. Harsh IV, MD, MA, MBA
Thomas' Hospitals Neurosurgical Oncology
King's College London Stanford Medical School
London, UK Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA
Richard G. Ellenbogen, MD
Department of Neurosurgery David G. Hughes MBBS, MRCP, FRCR
Harborview Medical Center Department of Neuroradiology
Univers ity of Wash ington School of Medicine Greater Manchester Neurosciences Centre
Seattle, WA, USA Hope Hospital
Salford, UK



George I. [allo, MD Henry Marsh, MA, MBBS, FRCS

Pediatric Neurosurgery Department of Neurosurgery
John Hopkins Hospital Atkinson Morley's Hospital
Baltimore, MD, USA London, UK

G. Evren Keles, MD Gregory R. McAnulty, BA, FRCA

Department of Neurological Surgery Department of Anaesthesia
University of Californ ia St George's Hospital
San Francisco School of Medicine London, UK
San Fran cisco, CA, USA
Christopher A. Milford, BA, FRCS
Andras A. Kemeny, FRSC, MD Oxford Skull Base Unit
The National Centre for Stereotactic Radcliffe Infirmary
Radiosurgery Oxford, UK
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Sheffield, UK Anne J. Moore, MBBS, BSc, FRCS
South West Neurosurgery Centre
Richard S. C. Kerr, BSc, MS, FRCS Derriford Hospital
Oxford Skull Base Unit Plymouth, UK
Radcliffe Infirmary
Oxford, UK David W. Newell, MD
Th e Seattle Neuroscience Institute
Karl F. Kothbauer, MD Seattle , WA, USA
Division of Neurosurgery
Department of Surgery Micha el P. Powell, MA, MBBS, FRCS
Kantonsspital Luzern Victor Horsley Department of Neurosurgery
Luzern , Switzerland The Nationa l Hospital for Neurology and
Maryke A. Kraayenbrink, MRCP, FRCA London, UK
Department of Anae sthesia
St George 's Hospital Ionathan Punt, MB BS, FRCS, FRCPCH
London, UK Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre
Academic Department of Child Health
Charlie Kuntz, MD University of Nottingham
Department of Neurological Surgery Nottingham, UK
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH, USA Matthias W. R. Radatz, MD
The National Centre for Stereotactic
Sandeep Kunwar, MD Radiosurgery
Brain Tumor Research Center Royal Hallam shire Hospital
Department of Neurological Surgery Sheffield, UK
University of California
San Francisco School of Medic ine Robert C. Rostomily, MD
San Francisco, CA, USA Department of Neurological Surgery
University of Washington Medical Center
Arthur M. Lam, MD, FRCPC Seattle , WA, USA
Departments of Anesthesiology and
Neurological Surge ry Jerem y G. Rowe, BM BCh, FRCS
Harborview Medical Cent er The National Centre for Stereo tactic
University of Wash ington Radio surgery
Seattle , WA, USA Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Sheffield, UK
Joung H. Lee, MD
Section of Skull Base Surge ry Christopher I. Shaffrey , MD
Brain Tumor Insti tute/Department of Department of Neurological Surgery and
Neurosurgery Orthopedic Surgery
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation University of Washington Medical Center
Cleveland, OH, USA Seattle, WA, USA


Cheng-Me i Shaw, MD John Suh, MD

Department of Pathology Department of Radiation Oncology
Neuropathology Laboratory The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
University of Washington School of Medicine Cleveland , OH, USA
Harborview Medical Center
Seattle, WA, USA Derek A. Taggard, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Daniel 1. Silbergeld, MD University of Iowa
University of Washington Medical Center Iowa City, lA, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery
Seattle, WA, USA Vincent C. Traynelis, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Alexander M. Spence, MD University of Iowa Hospital
Department of Neurology Iowa City, lA, USA
University of Washington Medical Center
Seattle, WA, USA Alien E. Wazir i, MD
Neurological Surgery
Richard J. Stacey, MBBS Columbia University
Department of Neurosurgery New York, NY, USA
Radcliffe Infirmary
Oxford, UK Peter C Whitfield , BM, PhD, FRCS
Department of Neurosurgery
Kevin 1. Stevenson, MD Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Pediatric Neurosurgery Associates Aberdeen, UK
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Atlant a, GA, USA Tessa 1. Whitton, BM, FRCA
Department of Anesthesiology
Anthony Strong, MA, DM, FRCSEd Harborview Medical Center
Department of Neuro surgery University of Washington
Medical School of Guy's, King's and St. Seattle, WA, USA
Thomas' Hospitals
King's College London
London, UK
Allen E. Waziri, Derek A. Taggard and
Vincent C. Traynelis

to detect neurological damage at an early and

Summary reversible stage. Second, any modifications of
the operative technique to allow for monitoring
The goal of this chapter is to provide a brief must not interfere with the surgeon's ability to
description and critical review of the various achieve the operative goal. Components of the
intraoperative monitoring techniques avail- monitoring system should be easy to use and
able to the modern neurosurgeon. provide consistent, reliable data. The informa-
tion obtained should be resistant to variables
of the operative environment, such as depth of
Introduction anesthesia, choice of anesthetic agents, temper-
ature, or electrical artifact. Last, the neuro-
Since the mid-1960s, neurosurgeons have been logical function or region being monitored must
increasingly dedicated to utilizing technology be that which is placed at risk by the operative
that allows for the monitoring of neurological procedure. The goal of intraoperative monitor-
integrity and assessment of progress towards ing is to provide the surgeon with information
operative goals while a procedure is under way. that will guide or improve the current procedure
Most neurosurgical procedures bear the risk as well as subsequent procedures. All currently
of permanent neurological injury and, in the available techniques fulfill these ideals to vari -
worst cases, devastation. In an attempt to able degrees.
reduce such morbidity, numerous methods of In addition to the theoretical goals of intra-
intraoperative monitoring have been created to operative monitoring, there are a number of
guide the neurosurgeon in altering operative practical issues that must be taken into con-
activity in a way that will prevent or minimize sideration if such techniques are to be used
neurological damage. Ideally, these monitoring efficiently and successfully. Appropriate techni-
techniques involve minimal additional risks to cal and analytical assistance is required from
the patient. There are a number of methods that individuals who are thoroughly familiar with
have been in use for several decades and are well the particular technique to be used . The posi-
described. In addition, experimental techniques tioning of the patient and the monitoring
are being developed to provide further insight equipment must be optimized to allow for the
into the neurophysiological changes associated gathering of useful data without disruption of
with surgical manipulation of the nervous the surgical field or approach. The equipment to
system . be used should be in excellent working order
The ideal intraoperative monitoring tool sat- and calibrated for the particular needs of each
isfies several technical criteria. First is the ability case. Finally, potential sources of interference



that could mask or prohibit data acquisition, tioned using the International 10-20 Scalp
such as operating lights or other emitters of Electrode Placement System (Fig. 1.1). Data are
radiated electrical activity, should be minimized typically gathered from both cerebral hemi-
pre-operatively. spheres . Appropriate personnel, including an
This chapter attempts to provide a brief individual trained in interpretation of the
description and discussion of intraoperative ongoing recordings, are required to apply the
monitoring techniques that are currently used electrodes and maintain the system throughout
by neurosurgeons, some of which have been the surgical procedure. Conventional EEG
utilized with great success over the years, and recording generates a great deal of data and
others which remain in an experimental phase . requires continuous monitoring by a trained
Intraoperative imaging and image-guidance will individual; therefore, there has been some inter-
be covered in Chapter 7. est in developing computer-based methods of
real-time EEG analysis. Several methods of dig-
itally processing EEG signals with subsequent
Electroencephalography computer analysis have been described, which
utilize Fourier transforms to provide spectral
Electroencephalography (EEG) monitors and power representations that are easier to inter-
records spontaneously generated electrical pret than the raw EEG data (known as com-
potentials originating from the various surface pressed spectral array, or CSA). However, there
cortical regions of the brain. EEG was first util- has been concern over the failure of CSA to
ized as an intraoperative monitoring technique detect mild changes that could be detected with
in 1965. It has subsequently grown in popularity analog EEG monitoring, and the simplified data
owing to readily available equipment, familiar provided by CSA are more likely to be compli-
and consistent technique, relative simplicity of cated by artifacts introduced by the operative
pre-operative set-up, and well- characterized environment. This may be alleviated by com-
patterns of response to various states of neuro- parison of selected segments of raw data with
logical function. the histograms generated by the computer.
Traditional EEG relies on the application of a The primary utility of intraoperative EEG is in
standard grid of scalp electrodes that are posi- monitoring for the presence of prolonged and

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Fig. 1.1.The International 10-20Scalp Electrode Placement System used to obtain electroencephalographic recordings, asviewed
from the left side and topofthe head.


significant ischemia of the brain related to vari- levels measurable potentials may disappear
ous surgical manipulations. Numerous studies altogether. Although the effects of different
have demonstrated that synaptic transmission is anesthetics differ slightly at lower doses in
abolished when cerebral blood flow (CBF) terms of the particular patterns seen, slowing
decreases below 15 mlllOO g/m in, and the abil- with burst-suppression is the common feature
ity of the neuron to mainta in its membrane of all of these drugs. Anesthetic-induced EEG
potential fails when flow drops below 10 mll changes should be seen bilaterally and symmet-
100g/min. At this level, permanent neurological rically over both cerebral cortices.
damage may ensue within minutes ifblood flow Intraoperative use of EEG during neuro-
remains reduced. Unilateral hemispheric surgery has primarily been used in the moni-
ischemia will abrogate EEGactivity within about toring of ischemic changes associated with
20 seconds. However, permanent neuronal carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Recordings are
damage, which can be detected by potassium typically obtained pre-operatively, at induction,
efflux, does not begin to occur until 5 minutes intermittently during dissection, and continu-
post ischemia . Surgical trials in humans have ously during cross-clamp occlusion of the
demonstrated that major EEG changes occur internal carotid artery (lCA). Indications of sig-
with drops in CBF below 10 mlllOO g/min, nificant ischemia may potentially mandate use
while more minor changes occur with flows of of a shunt during the period of cross-clamping.
10-18 mlllOO g/min. The EEG pattern generally Considering that the use of a shunt increases
remains stable at flows of 25 mlllOO g/min or operative risk, related to either the potential for
greater. Zampella et al. demonstrated that only embolism or prolongation of operative time, the
5% of patients will have demonstrable EEG surgeon is required to balance these concerns
changes at flows of 20 ml/I 00 g/min, while 31% with the benefits of shunting. A retrospective
of patients showed these changes at flows ofless study by Salvian et al. compared a large cohort
than 13 mlllOO g/min [1]. The crucial role of of patients who had undergone CEA either with
EEG lies in identifying the "ischemic penum- routine shunting (n = 92) or with selective
bra ", which is the pathophysiological state of shunting using EEG changes as the indicator
acute ischemia in which neurons are non- (n = 213). Of the selectively shunted group, only
functional but still alive and salvageable by re- 16% had EEGchanges that led to shunting. Post-
perfusion. As EEG is capable of detecting thi s operatively, 4 of the 92 patients who were rou-
state of cerebral ischemia prior to the develop- tinely shunted had major stroke. In contrast, the
ment of permanent damage, it can be an selectively shunted group had only one case of
extremely valuable technique in monitoring pos t-operative stroke, suggesting that the use
procedures that may result in reduced blood of EEG in determining the need for shunt-
flow. In general, EEG has been shown to be ing may significantly reduce the risk of post -
more sensitive and to show more rapid changes operative neurological deficit [2].
than the recording of somatosensory-evoked The two major EEG changes predictive of
potentials for alerting the surgeon to potentially cerebral ischemia are: (1) slowing with
harmful manipulations, although the rate of decreased amplitude in the ischemic hemi-
false-positives is higher. sphere, and (2) attenuation of the anesthetic-
Importantly, EEG is particularly sensitive to induced fast rhythms. EEG change s may be
anesthesia. Most ane sthetic agent s, including classified as major or moderate, with tot al or
the halogenated gases, thiopental, midazolam, near-complete attenuation of 8-15 Hz activity
etomidate and propofol, cause similar EEG and/or at least a doubling of delta activity of
changes. At doses below the minimum alveolar 1 Hz or less representing major changes. These
concentration (MAC), widesp read, frontally alterations typically involve the ipsilateral
predominant, fast rhythms app ear. Increasing hemisphere but can also be seen bilaterally or
doses are generally characterized by a disap- exclusively in the contralateral hemisphere.
pearance of these alpha rhythms with concur- Moderate changes include amplitude attenua-
rent appearance of a beta rhythm, followed by a tion of at least 50% or an increase in delta
progressive slowing towards thet a and delta activity of 1 Hz or greater. When alterations of
rhythms. Deep ane sthesi a is associated with a the recorded activity occur, whether major or
bur st-suppression pattern, and at the deepest moderate, they generally begin within minutes


of cross-clamping the ICA. Nearly all of the the adequacy of cooling in cases where deep
major EEG changes that occur upon cross- hypothermic circulatory arrest is required. It
clamping will reverse with placement of a shunt. has been proposed that a total of 3 minutes of
It has been suggested that EEG monitoring electrocerebral silence (ECS) is an adequate
has a high false- positive rate in predicting endpoint for the assessment of therapeutic
stroke during CEA, thus unnecessarily subject- hypothermia.
ing many patients to the risks of shunt place-
ment. However, the sum of the data on EEG
monitoring in the setting of CEA indicates that Electrocorticography
it can identify the subset of patients at risk of
clamp-induced ischemic insult. Redekop and Electrocorticography (ECoG) has been used as
Ferguson described a cohort of 293 patients a tool to identify loci of epileptiform activity or
who underwent routine CEA without shunting. to delineate regions of eloquent cortex. As with
Eight percent of these individuals demonstrated EEG, ECoGrecords electrical potentials that are
major EEG changes following clamping of the generated by the changing oscillatory activity of
ICA; of this subset , 18% had immediate post- cortical neuronal groups. Unlike EEG, however,
operative deficits, compared with only 1% of the ECoGuses depth electrodes or surface electrode
individuals who did not have clamp-related EEG "grids" that are placed in direct contact with
changes [3]. Another large retrospective analy- the cortical tissue, allowing for much finer
sis demonstrated similar success with the use of spatial resolution of cortical electrical activity.
intraoperative EEG during CEA; stroke Synchronous neuronal activity must be within
occurred in only 0.3% of patients who had been approximately 6 ern- of the cortical surface in
monitored with EEG during their procedure order to be detectable by scalp electrodes, while
(and who had shunts placed upon the appear- ECoG is able to detect epileptiform discharges
ance of significant EEG changes), compared outside of this radius . As with standard EEG, the
with a stroke incidence of2.3% in the non-mon- interpretation of intraoperative ECoG is com-
itored group [4]. plicated by the effects of anesthetic agents.
It has been pointed out that the predictive The traditional use of intraoperative ECoG
value of EEG monitoring, as measured by the has been dedicated to the identification and
actual number of strokes associated with major demarcation of the limits of resectable epilepto-
alterations of EEG patterns, is relatively low. genic foci, primarily based on the detection of
There are a number of factors that are relevant interictal epileptiform activity. There has been
to this issue. The threshold between tolerable no agreement, however, on which interictal dis-
ischemia and irreversible infarction does not charges are predictive of continued risk of
clearly correlate with changes in the EEG pat- epileptiform activity. A study evaluating the
terns. Time is also a significant variable. A implications of residual epileptogenic dis-
patient may well tolerate relative ischemia for charges following tumor resection suggested
the short time in which the ICA is cross- that surgical irritation of the cortex could induce
clamped during endarterectomy; however, if such activity; furthermore, such discharges were
such ischemia were to persist for a greater not predictive of post-operative clinical seizures
length of time, permanent injury could result. [5]. In addition, ECoG may not be helpful in
Obviously, the utility of standard methods of determining whether such discharges are inde-
EEG, which require the placement of a grid of pendent of, or propagated from, another site.
scalp electrodes, is limited by specific require- The most widely accepted use of ECoG in
ments of the operative approach, so these epilepsy surgery has been in cases of extratem-
methods are of very little practical utility for a poral partial seizures, where it has been used
large proportion of intracranial cases. In addi- routinely to set the boundaries of tissue
tion, EEGmonitoring loses efficacy in cases per- resection . The use of ECoG in temporal lobe
formed under deep hypothermic circulatory procedures has been more dependent on indi-
arrest (e.g. complex intracranial aneurysm) ; in vidual institutional philosophy, as some centers
fact, EEG activity ceases at brain temperatures employ standard resection strategies or depend
of 19-26°C. Conversely, the disappearance of on pre-operative delineation of the epilepto -
EEG activity has been used as a method to assess genic focus. The use of post-excisional ECoG


is also variable, although the chances of seizure- are labeled as either positive or negative, rela-
free outcome are improved if there is no evi- tive to a reference electrode, followed numeri-
dence of persistent epileptiform activity fol- cally by their modal peak latency in
lowing resection. A comprehensive discussion milliseconds. As an examp le, characteristic
about the use of ECoG in the management of median nerve SSEP waves should include NI3,
primary epilepsy remains beyond the scope of PI4, N20, P20 and P25 peaks (Fig. 1.2). The clival
this chapter. area generates the NB deflection and reflects
activation of the caudal medial lemniscus.
Thalamocortical afferent activity is represented
Somatosensory Evoked by the PI4 wave, and N20 is associated with acti-
vation of cortical neurons in the primary
PotentiaIs somatosensory cortex. The latency difference
between NB and N20 is referred to as the
Neurosurgical monitoring of sensory evoked "central cond uction time" (CCT).
potentials (SEPs) relies on the recogni tion of There are several variables that must be
characteristic alterations in the excitable prop- taken into consideratio n when using SSEP
erties of compromised neurons. These alter- during neurosurgical procedu res. Factors that
ations generally occur before the onset of can alter SSEP performance intraoperatively
irreversible damage and can thus theoretically include anesthetic depth and type, patient tem -
guide or alter the subsequent surgical tech- perature, blood pressure, limb positioning, and
nique . Evoked potential recordings, in contrast specific placement of stimulator and recording
to those obtained via EEG, can only be gener- electrodes. In general, anesthetics cause an
ated via the use of external stimuli of various attenuation of the cortical components of the
means. In general, SEPs used in intraoperative SSEP, such as N20, while the subcortical com-
monitoring are generated by applying a periph- ponents remain resistant. Wave amplitudes
eral stimulus to the particular sensory modality are reduced and latencies are prolonged in a
that carries its signal through the neurological dose-related manner, particularly with the
region at risk, with recordings being taken at halogenated agents . Several exceptions include
standardized points along the afferent pathway etomidate and ketamine, which can enhance the
that allow for the assessment of both amplitude amplitude of the cortical components. Baseline
and latency of the signal. These stimuli can recordings are crucial for evaluating changes
take the form of peripheral nerve shocks for that occur as a result of the operative procedure;
somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs), individuals with caroti d stenosis often demon-
trains of aud itory clicks for brainstem auditory strate prolonged baseline CCTs and decreased
evoked potentials (BAEPs),or flashes oflight for amplitudes of various cor tical responses.
visual evoked potentia ls (VEPs). Waveforms of SSEP monitoring has been used as an indica-
the SEPs are amplified and undesirable back- tor of cerebral ischemia in much the same way
ground noise may be filtered out. Prolongation as EEG. However, SSEP has several advantages
of signal latency or decreased amplitude sug- over EEG as an intraoperative monitoring tech-
gests diminished function at some point along nique, which include greater relative resistance
the sensory pathway. to general anesthesia, fewer electrode sites, and
For the interpretation of SSEP data, adequate comparative ease of recording and interpreta-
analysis of the waveforms requires averaging of tion . Generally, reductions in SSEP amplitudes
at least 100 responses to provide reliable and are initiated by decreased cerebral oxidative
clear waveform morphology. The rate of stimu- mechanisms rather than by permanent neu-
lation is usually 4-5 Hz, which minimizes acqui- ronal damage. Decreases in CBFleading to SSEP
sition time without inducing attenuation of the changes parallel those causing noticeable EEG
cortical response. Therefore, feedback can be changes . Fisher et al. summarized a series of
provided to the surgeon about every 30-60 seven studies that analyzed outcomes of CEA as
seconds. It is optimal to perform bilateral a function of SSEP changes . Of the total of 3,028
recordings, which allows the contralateral hemi- patients in all studies, 5.6% demonstrated a sig-
sphere to serve as an internal control. nificant decline of SSEP as a direct result of sur -
Components of the evoked response recording gical manipulation. Among these individuals,






Fig. 1.2. Normal somatosensory evoked potentiaIs detected after stimulation of the right median nerve. The central conduction
time iscalculated as the difference between the NB and N20 peaks.

20% developed significant post-operative describes a similar system, which recommends

deficit. This number may have been larger had shunt placement whenever moderate-to-severe
not a number of the patients with SSEP changes SSEP alterations occur within 7 minutes after
undergone shunting as a result of those changes cross-clamping, and he suggests that some cases
[6]. Severe, irreversible SSEP changes appear to of mild-to-moderate SSEP change may be due
be a rare but ominous sign. This occurred in less to drops in blood pressure rather than to the
than 1% of cases in a series of 994 CEAsi ischemic effects of cross-clamping [8].
however, all awoke with neurological sequelae Experience of others has supported the sensi-
[7]. In contrast to EEG, no study has been tivity of N20 and P25 to ischemic insults, and
performed with the intent to delineate the false- amplitude reductions have proven to be more
positive rate of SSEP monitoring - as it relates predictive than latency increases. Most surgeons
to stroke - if a shunt is not placed. who rely on SSEPs place a shunt when the N20-
When cerebral ischemia occurs with the P25 complex decreases by 50% or rapidly disap-
application of a clamp upon the lCA, character- pears with clamping of the lCA. These changes
istic changes occur in the N20, P25 and N30 typically recover when flow is re-established
components of the SSEP. A defined sequence of through the shunt. Overall, the correlation of
alterations, or stages, that occur with progres - SSEP changes to clinical outcome is quite good.
sive ischemia has been described. Amplitude Neurological dysfunction is remarkably rare in
reduction combined with latency progression the setting of SSEP with little or no change. In
of N30 represents mild, or stage 1, ischemic the series by Haupt and Horsch , only one of the
change. Stage 2, or moderate, changes include 994 patients suffered a stroke in the face of
the disappearance of N30 as well as amplitude normal SSEPs. As with EEG, clamp-induced
reductions ofN20 and P25 up to 50%. Severe, or changes in SSEPs occur in about 20-30 % of
stage 3, changes are defined by the loss of P25 monitored cases. It is important to note that
with the concomitant progression of increasing temporary ischemia, whether due to intended
latency and amplitude reduction of N20. Guerit or accidental vessel occlusion, does not imme-


diately give rise to alterations in the relevant sensitive to environmental electrical noise and
SSEP [7]. is therefore better suited to identifying true ECS
SSEP monitoring has also been shown to be [8].
useful during intracranial procedures that SSEP has also been used for functional local-
directly or indirectly contribute to ischemia, ization in the cerebral cortex, most particularly
including aneurysm clipping or manipulation in defining the central sulcus, via the use of
and retraction of various brain structures. phase reversal. SSEPs recorded simultaneously
Isolated vascular territories can be assessed from the precentral and postcentral gyri exhibit
through judicious selection of the stimulus loca- typical responses of reversed polarity (Fig. 1.3).
tion to be used for SSEP. Regions of cortex The evoked potential from the precentral gyrus
subserved by the ICA and MCA can be moni- is a biphasic positive-negative waveform, com-
tored by stimulation through the median nerve ; pared with the mirror image of the postcentral
in addition, the median nerve can be used to gyrus, which is negative-positive. The typically
assess flow to the thalamic segment of the recorded response in the postcentral gyrus fol-
somatosensory pathway, an area provided for lowing median nerve stimulation is a negative
by the PCA. Posterior tibial nerve SSEPhas been deflection with a latency period of 20 ms (N20)
used for monitoring the territory of the ACA, followed by a positive deflection at 30 ms (P30).
although concurrent monitoring of the median Precentral recordings reveal somewhat lower
nerve may be necessary for adequate detection amplitude deflections that mirror the sensory
of ischemia involving the dependent regions of strip recordings (characteristically, a P22 com-
the recurrent artery of Huebner. In assessing ponent followed by an N33 deflection). The
the posterior circulation, isolated monitoring of precise etiology of these potentials and phase
either SSEP or BAEP during vertebrobasilar reversal is not fully understood. Brodman's area
aneurysm clipping may be of little use, as 3b, located on the primary sensory cortex along
ischemia due to basilar perforator occlusion
may not affect the aud itory or somatosensory
pathways traversing the brainstem; however, if
used in combination, SSEP and BAEP monitor-
ing may enhance the ability to detect brainstem
Currently, prospective data comparing EEG
and SSEP monitoring for reversible ischemia
and patient outcomes do not exist. On a theo-
retical level, EEG monitors a larger area of the 1
cerebral cortex and does not require time aver-
aging of signals. However, Fava et al. have sug-
gested that SSEP monitoring, in addition to
EEG, enhances the overall predictive value of
monitoring during CEA. Patients (n = 151) with
EEG changes indicating significant ischemia
were shunted only if severe SSEP changes 3
occurred within the first few minutes after vessel
occlusion. Fewer shunts were placed using this
protocol than if EEG were used independently.
No patient with significant EEG changes in con- 4 II_-~--
junction with insignificant SSEP changes had a
post-operative deficit. Patients who were
shunted did well, with the exception of subjects
whose ischemia was felt to be embolic and who
awoke with new deficit [9]. Guerit suggests that Fig. 1.3. Phase reversal across the central sulcusin response to
SSEP may be superior to EEG in the determina- contralateral median nerve stimulation. The reversal in polarity
tion of ECS in cases using deep hypothermic isevident when comparing leads 2and 3, positions thatbridge
circulatory arrest, as the SSEP is much less the central sulcus (darkened foremphasis).


the posterior wall of the central sulcus, receives the exception of subarachnoid leads, these leads
sensory impulses from the thalamus. This region may be placed percutaneously or at the site of
at least partially contributes to the generation of surgical exposure. Recording evoked potentials
the N20 wave. Neurons within the precentral at the spinal level has some advantages over cor-
gyrus are thought to be responsible for generat- tically recorded SSEPs. Spinal evoked potentials
ing the P22 deflection, as ablation of the post- have larger amplitudes, and repetition rates may
central gyrus does not eliminate this component be increased (which can reduce acquis ition
of the SSEP. The P22 wave probably results from time) . In addition, SSEPs recorded from the
direct projections from the thalamus to the spinal cord are more resistant to the effects of
motor strip, but may be influenced by associa- anesthetic agents than are cortically detected
tion fibers from area 3b. SSEPs.
SSEPs may also be recorded at the spinal level While median nerve stimulation has been
to monitor for insult to neurological tissues dur- commonly used for monitoring SSEP during
ing spinal surgery, assuming that the location of cervical spine procedures, caudal portions of
peripheral stimulation is optimized to assess the the cervical cord may not receive appropriate
level of cord at risk during a particular proce- coverage with this modality. The ulnar nerve
dure (Fig. 1.4). SSEP monitoring is commonly may offer more complete representation of
used during a number of spinal procedures, lower cervical levels. For procedures placing the
including correction of scoliosis, resection of thoracic or lumbar cord at risk, SSEPs generated
spinal AVM or tumor, therapeutic embolization through the posterior tibial or common per -
of spinal AVMs, correction of spinal instability, oneal nerves can be used. Recordings taken
and therapy for syringomyelia. Changes in simultaneously from both the upper and lower
spinal SSEP after the placement of hardware can limb may allow for an internal control in certain
suggest a need for changes in positioning of the procedures; specifically, evoked potentials that
hardware. Electrodes may be placed in the sub- are lost from both the upper and lower extrem-
arachnoid or epidural space, on the interspinous ity during a procedure which places the thoracic
ligament, or attached to a spinous process. With cord at risk suggest a technical error in stimu-

left Median Right Median

ET·C4' ET·C3'


n~~~~~"<:==~C~:::~:::: M~.~~:::
I~~~::::=;:~J=~ ~,."
1.25 11V ' - - i ' - - l ' - - l.........-.Io..-lo..-lo--i........... I
Urns 40 rns

Fig. 1.4. Left and right median nerve somatosensory evoked potentiaIs in apatient who underwent laminectomy and exposure of
an intradural, intramedullary tumor of the cervical spine. The right P14 waveform is initially diminished at baseline and then is
permanently lost during the midline myelotomy. Left-sided tracings are unaffected. The patient awoke with a permanent right
hemi-proprioceptive loss.


lation or recording. However, if only lower However, at this time there is no consensus as
extremity responses were lost in this case, the to the efficacy of isolated intraoperative spinal
surgeon would be more suspicious of injury to SSEP monitoring.
the thoracic cord. Monitoring techniques for surgery of the
A large (n = 51,263), multicenter retrospective lumbosacral spine have also been reported. In
survey examining the role of SSEPmonitoring in an attempt to reduce the limited morbidity
scoliosis surgery suggested a 50% reduction in associated with lumbosacral diskectomy or
the rate of neurological defects related to the pedicle screw fixation of the lumbosacral spine,
procedure in patients who had intraoperative some surgeons monitor nerve root function in
SSEP monitoring. The rate of false-negatives the lower extremity during the procedure.
was remarkably low in this survey (0.06%), and Again, no clear efficacy has been demonstrated
the authors concluded that spinal SSEP was by controlled study.
effective for detecting more than 90% of intra-
operative neurological deficits [10]. Others
have suggested that SSEPs may be useful in the Spinal Stimulation
assessment of compromising mechanical fac-
tors or decreases in relative blood flow to the Electrical stimulation of the spinal cord, both
spinal cord . A small study (n = 13) performed directly and indirectly, has been well described
on patients with syringomyelia, treated with over the last decade as an additional method for
syringo-subarachnoid shunting, demonstrated monitoring the integrity of the descending tracts
a rapid improvement in spinal SSEPs follow- during surgical manipulation of the spine. The
ing decompression of the syrinx. This improve- evoked motor responses, termed "neurogenic
ment correlated with increased local blood flow motor evoked potentials" (NMEPs), can be fol-
to these regions , and the patients had post- lowed by recording from the sciatic nerve at the
operative improvement in their symptoms [11]. popliteal fossa bilaterally or by monitoring for
However, larger trials have not demonstrated myogenic responses in the lower limbs . The
similar consistency. Falsely positive SSEP electrodes used to evoke NMEPs can be placed
changes are relatively common [10]. In a review in several locations rostral to the region to be
of 182 cervical spine procedures, complete loss manipulated, including the epidural space, the
of evoked potential recordings occurred in 33 spinous processes, or in a position that allows
subjects and was associated with post-operative for percutaneous stimulation. Direct stimula-
deficit in only 50% of these cases [12]. Partial tion through pedicle screws has also been
loss of response was even less predictive, pro- attempted as a means of assessing impingement
viding an overall specificity of only 27%. upon, or damage to, nerve roots owing to
Further, false-negative recordings have been misalignment of the hardware.
described. A large retrospective survey of nearly A recent study evaluated the efficacy of each
190 spine surgeons who routinely used intraop- of these electrode positions in 50 patients
erative SSEP monitoring found that nearly undergoing posterior thoracic or thoracolum-
30% of combined post-operative deficits seen bar procedures with instrumentation. The find-
in their patients occurred in the absence of ings demonstrated excellent results for each
observed spinal SSEP changes [13]. Confound- method; however, epidural placement of the
ingly, recordings may show improvement dur- stimulating electrodes was found to be most
ing a case without correlation to post-operative reliable in terms of the acquisition of initial
neurological improvement. Positive changes to NMEPs and in maintaining those NMEPs
SSEP waveforms may reassure the surgeon throughout the procedure [14]. The use of elec-
intraoperatively, while several studies have trodes placed on the spinous processes or in the
demonstrated that improvement of SSEPampli- epidural space often requires enlargement of the
tude or latency appears to be of little post - surgical field and placement of the electrodes
operative clinical significance. within the surgical field, which can result in
It has been suggested that the use of SSEP some inconvenience.
monitoring in spinal surgery may be augmented A comparison of NMEP and SSEP was per-
with the concurrent use of another monitoring formed by Pereon et al. in a consecutive series
technique (such as motor evoked potentials). of 112 patients undergoing surgical correction


of spinal deformity, in which both NMEPs and with the cortex. Transcranial electrical stimula-
SSEPs were generated and monitored. In three tion is remarkably painful, due to current flow
of the cases, surgical manipulation resulted in across the scalp. Therefore, non -anesthetized
sudden loss of both NMEPs and SSEPs. In these recordings are not feasible. Furthermore, tran-
cases, the electrodes used for elicitation of scranial electrical stimulation is contraindicated
NMEP were moved along the spinal cord until in patients with a history of seizure or an EEG
the precise level of involvement was appreci- suggestive of seizure tendency. Magnetically
ated, with subsequent laminectomy and decom- induced motor evoked potentials (MEPs) are
pression at that level. Two of the three patients generated by passing a changing current
exhibiting evoked potential loss were asympto- through a coil held perpendicular to the corti-
matic following the procedure, while a third cal surface, which induces a magnetic force per-
was left paraplegic . However, in two additional pendicular to the electrical field. Transcranial
operations, isolated changes in NMEP were magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the cortex is
seen without a concomitant change in SSEP. In painless, may be obtained both pre- and intra-
both of these cases, the surgical procedure was operatively, and does not require averaging for
altered accordingly and potential neurological analytical purposes. However, this method is
damage was avoided. In addition, the data from cumbersome, expensive and non-specific with
NMEPmonitoring, requiring no time averaging, regard to the cortex it stimulates.
were acquired more quickly than data from MEPs are exquisitely sensitive to the effects
SSEP, allowing for more timely interventions in of anesthetics. It has been conclusively demon -
the face of pend ing injury [15]. strated that isoflurane will abolish MEPs gener -
Monitoring of sacral root innervation to the ated by either electrical or magnetic stimulation
anal and urethral sphincters can be performed of the cortex. Barbiturates, propofol and benzo-
with either evoked potential monitoring or by diazepines exert a strong depressive effect on
manometric recordings. In cases of tethered MEPs; etomidate causes a milder depression
cord or tumor resection, a comprehensive strat- that eventually returns to baseline. Anesthetics
egy for monitoring has been proposed, which that have been shown to have little or no effect
provides coverage from L2 to S4 [16]. This on MEP are halothane, fentanyl and ketamine.
system uses a combination of SSEP monitoring MEPs generated by stimulation of the spinal
from tibial nerve and nerve root stimulation cord avoid the cortical effects of these anesthet-
with electromyographic (EMG) recordings of ics and will remain intact. Cortical MEPs may
muscle from the sphincters and relevant leg be difficult to generate in young children , in
musculature. The proposed benefit is an ability whom the motor cortex is relatively inexcitable.
to differentiate functional neural tissue from Enhanced patient outcome has not been
non-functional or fibrous tissue. Despite the clearly documented with the use of MEPs in
successful application of these various monitor- controlled trials. A retrospective study reviewed
ing techniques, there has been no controlled the resections of 130 intramedullary tumors
study documenting improved neurological out- performed with the assistance of MEP record-
comes in these cases, and the circumstances in ings. The results suggested that gross total
which lumbosacral spinal cord monitoring is resection of these tumors was more likely when
efficacious have not been well defined. MEP monitoring was used; however, no clear
reduction in morbidity or improvement in
patient outcome related to monitoring was
Motor Evoked PotentiaIs demonstrated [17].
In addition to assessing cortical elements of
Identification of the primary motor cortex and the motor system, MEP may prove to be a valu-
the specifics of the motor homunculus can be able technique in the assessment of intraopera-
accomplished via the use of cortical electrical or tive risk to the motor pathways of the brainstem
magnetic stimulation, using concomitant EMG and spinal cord. Considering that sensory
recording to assess a response to the evoked impulses travel in the posterior tracts of the
potential in the periphery. Electrical stimulation spinal cord and the lateral aspects of the brain-
is performed with single surface electrodes or stem, isolated monitoring of SSEP is incomplete
electrode grids that are placed in direct contact for assessing the integrity of all spinal pathways.


The use of simultaneous MEP and SSEP moni - out under general anesthesia, an initial cran-
toring has been suggested for this purpose and iotomy can be performed to place indwelling
has been studied to a limited extent . Nagle et al. surface electrode grids over the brain regions to
reviewed a series of 116 cases involving surgical be mapped. Following recovery from this initial
manipulation of the spinal cord or column procedure, detailed language-mapping proto-
in which simultaneous intraoperative SSEP and cols are carried out via the externalized electri-
MEP monitoring was utilized. Significant intra- cal leads. After language mapping has been
operative changes in both SSEP and MEP pat- completed, with all funct ionally important cor-
terns occurred in eight of these patients. An tical sites identified, the patient is returned to
additional patient had isolated MEP changes. the operating room for electrode removal and
All patients with intraoperative changes awoke an appropriately guided resection under general
with post-operative deficit. Therefore, the anesthesia.
authors support simultaneous use of both MEP Safe and effective language mapping is
and SSEP monitoring to achieve parallel, inde- accomplished via direct electrical stimulation of
pendent monitoring of spinal function [18]. the cortex at strengths that are below the after-
Additional data from another series of patients discharge (AD) threshold. ADs are abnormal
undergoing surgical correction of spinal defor- cortical discharges that are evoked by focal
mity suggested that relevant intraoperative electrical stimulation and which persist beyond
changes are acquired in a more timely fashion the period of stimulation. Electrocorticographic
with MEP than with SSEP [15]. recording electrodes must be positioned imme -
diately adjacent to the site of electrical stimula-
tion in order to detect ADs. Stimulation
Cortical Mapping strengths with the potential to evoke ADs are
also capable of evoking local seizure activity.
Techniques This can render stimulation mapping uninter-
pretable or, at worst, precipitate a generalized
Functional areas other than the primary motor seizure. Typically, electrical stimuli are deliv-
cortex can be localized with electrically or mag- ered via a hand-held probe and consist of pulse
netically driven cortical mapping techniques. trains of charge-balanced square waves (0.2 ms
Preservation of language function is a primary duration, 50 Hz). The patient is instructed to
concern when performing dominant temporal carry out a variety of language tasks (e.g, object
lobe resections. Investigations that have mapped identification, word repetition, counting, execu-
cortical regions subserving functional speech tion of verbal commands) as disruptive electri-
have demonstrated considerable variability in cal stimuli are delivered to various cortical
the specific location of these areas along the surface sites. Sites that are associated with
superior and medial temporal gyri. Resections of changes in speech and comprehension are iden-
the dominant temporal lobe using standardized tified and can be spared during the subsequent
strategies have the potential to significantly dam- surgical resection.
age the patient's ability to speak or, alternatively,
underestimate the potential limits of resection,
depending on the exact location of language
The most reliable and widely used technique Recording/Stimulation
for identifying cortical language areas involves
direct electrical stimulation of cortex that is Neurosurgical treatment options for the various
putatively involved in functional speech. movement disorders have been under investiga-
Numerous studies have shown that electrical tion for a number of decades. Parkinson's dis-
stimulation of speech-related cortex will inter- ease has perhaps received the greatest amount
fere with language tasks, generally resulting in of attention, partly owing to unsatisfactory long-
anomia or a complete abrogation of speech. term outcomes with current medical therapies,
Electrical-stimulation language mapping is typ- improved understanding of the pathophysiolog-
ically carried out in awake patients. When cir- ical connections relevant to Parkinson's disease,
cumstances dictate that a resection be carried and advances in monitoring techniques relevant


to these procedures. These cases generally

involve either ablation or deep-brain stimula- Brainstem Auditory
tion of the motor thalamus, the globus pallidus Evoked PotentiaIs
or the subthalamic nucleus via stereotactic
electrode placement; more recently, stem cell The recording of cortical potentials related to
transplantation has emerged as a potential auditory stimuli has proven to be difficult. In
treatment option. Precise advancement and the many patients, the primary auditory cortex is
final position of electrodes used for ablation located deep within the Sylvian fissure. This
or stimulation are of paramount importance in location generates potentials whose dipole is
reducing post-operative morbidity as well as perpendicular to the cortical surface, thereby
ensuring the best chance for therapeutic suc- rendering them undetectable by surface or scalp
cess. The primary method used over the last electrodes. However, detection and analysis of
decade for this purpose is electrophysiological BAEPs have been developed for a number of
monitoring of the brain structures that are tra- neurosurgical procedures involving areas that
versed by the micro electrode during the proce- are traversed by the ascending auditory signal,
dure . including both extra-axial (nerve) and intra-
The micro electrode mapping technique relies axial (brainstem) tissues. These procedures
on the development of a "physiological map" include resection of vestibular schwannomas,
based on the known spontaneous firing rate and microvascular decompression of cranial nerves,
pattern of particular neuronal groups and the retrolabyrinthine vestibular neurectomy, clip-
predictable pattern changes that are related to ping of basilar artery aneurysms, treatment of
various stimuli. The internal capsule and optic posterior fossa AVMs, and resection of tumors
tract can be identified through the recording of residing in the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) or
firing changes related to sensory stimuli such as brainstern.
limb movement or flashes of light, respectively. BAEPs are generated via the presentation of
As the recording/stimulating electrode is trains of clicks to one or both ears, resulting in
advanced, the physiological map that is devel- an afferent signal that can be detected by scalp
oped can be correlated to a standardized stereo - electrodes as it passes through the vestibulo-
tactic atlas or thin-slice high-resolution MRI cochlear nerve, lower brainstem and midbrain.
images from the particular patient. Once this As with SSEP, changes in waveform amplitude
map is developed, lesion or stimulation elec- or prolongation of signal latency are suggestive
trode placement can occur with maximum pre- of impending or actual damage to the pathway,
cision. and persistent loss of the BAEP is more indica-
The proven utility of micro electrode record- tive of permanent damage than transient loss.
ing for increasing accuracy and decreasing mor- Pre-operative assessment must be performed to
bidity in ablation or deep-brain stimulator obtain the baseline performance of the ascend-
placement is somewhat unclear . Although the ing auditory pathway for each individual prior
vast majority of surgeons performing these pro- to surgical manipulation. In most cases, hun-
cedures utilize micro electrode guidance, a crit- dreds or even thousands of responses to rapid
ical review of the relevant literature compiled by (10-30 Hz) stimuli are averaged to obtain high
Hariz and Fodstad questioned this practice. quality waveforms. There are five major peaks,
They noted that rates of severe complications numbered I-V, which are particularly relevant
and mortality appeared to be higher when in the analysis of BAEPs (Fig. 1.5). These waves
microelectrodes were used, rather than MRI- are thought to be generated from the proximal
based guidance, for either ablative or stimula- eighth cranial nerve (I), the entry zone into the
tory purposes, while concomitant gains in brainstem (II), the cochlear nuclear complex
accuracy and efficacyof the procedure were not (Ill), the superior olive (IV), and the contralat-
seen. Their final conclusion focused on the need eral lemniscus or nucleus (V). These associa-
for a prospective, randomized trial comparing tions become important in the operating room,
micro- and macro electrodes in movement dis- as brainstern ischemia may prolong the latency
order surgery [19]. of peak V but leave peaks I and III essentially
unaffected . Although it is possible to record
directly from an exposed eighth nerve, the



Fig. 1.5.Normal brainstem auditory evoked potentiaIs with labeling ofpeaks I-V. During CPA surgery, peak Vcommonly exhibits a
gradual prolongation oflatency and reduction ofamplitude thatis not predictive ofhearing loss (AS = left ear, AD = right ear).

potentials detected in this fashion are difficult number of hearing-intact individuals to 27%
to record and fail to provide insight into the (21). BAEP monitoring has also been used in
functional status of ascending pathways in the cases focusing on microvascular decompression
brainstem. of the facial or trigeminal nerves. Both retro-
The most frequent indication for the use of spective and prospective studies have suggested
BAEP monitoring has been in the resection of that post-operative hearing loss can be reduced
vestibular schwannomas. There are a number of in these cases with the use of BAEP monitoring
steps in the surgical procedure that are known before and during the procedure.
to place auditory function at risk, including Changes in BAEP that have been referred to
opening of the dura, cerebellar retraction, coag- as significant indicators of post-operative
ulation of tumor vessels, and removal of tumor hearing loss are: decreases in waveform ampli-
present in the auditory canal, particularly from tude of 50%, prolongation of waveform latency
the most lateral portion. A series presented by of 10% or greater, and dramatic alterations in
Fischer et al. demonstrated that hearing was waveform morphology. Obviously, disappear-
preserved in an average of 45% of patients who ance of the waveform is most concerning and is
underwent resection of a vestibular schwan- most likely to correlate with subsequent loss of
noma with concomitant recording of BAEP; this hearing. Upon exposure of the CPA, wave V may
number was variable depending on the particu- exhibit prolonged latency and amplitude reduc-
lar grade of the tumor (20). Similar findings tion that gradually continues until the potential
were described by Fahlbusch et al. in a series of is lost. When wave V is lost, no prediction of
61 patients who underwent resection of large post-operative hearing can be made . If the
vestibular schwannomas via a lateral suboccip- potential is unchanged throughout surgery, the
ital approach with pre-operative and intraoper- patient's post-operative auditory function will
ative BAEP monitoring. In this cohort, hearing be stable. Loss of wave I occurs more acutely
was preserved in approximately 43% of patients over minutes and is always associated with loss
in the early post-operative phase; however, a of wave V; return of this potential will occur
number of patients had subsequent decreases in within 15 minutes or will not return at all. If it
hearing, resulting in a decrease in the final fails to reappear within this time, hearing will


inevitably be lost. Hearing will be preserved if laris oris, and/or mentalis muscles. EMG
both waves remain unaffected . responses have been classified as either sponta-
neous or evoked. Spontaneous activity is com-
mon with the onset of mon itoring, gener ally
Cranial Nerve characterized by low-amplitude, low-density
unit potentials presenting as stead y trains or
Monitoring small repetitive bursts. Evoked responses, which
are more common, are further subdivided into
The most extensive experience with brainstem three patterns. "Pulse patterns" result from pur-
and cranial nerve monitoring has come from poseful stimulation of the facial nerve with the
procedures involving the CPA. Various sensory stimulating probe and have a frequenc y identi-
and motor functions of the cranial nerves can be cal to that generated by the stimulator. A second
monitored in an attempt to preserve function or response, the "burst pattern", results from
to assist intraoperative decision making. As pre- mechanical, chemical or thermal stimuli. Such
viously, sensory nerves are typically monitored alterations of nerve firing occur soon after the
with evoked potentials and motor nerves with inciting event, with the observed pattern con-
EMG recordings . The theoretical rationale for sisting of short « 1 s) bursts of synchronous
monitoring spontaneous EMG activity relies on motor activity. The final type of activity, known
the property that thermal, mechanical or meta- as the train pattern, presents as groups of asyn-
bolic irritation of the intracranial portion of a chronous discharges with durations of several
cranial motor nerve will lead to a predictable and minutes. These potentials may have a latency of
measurable activity in the innervated muscle. seconds to minutes after the aggravating event
Logistically, intraoperative EMG monitoring occurs . Traction on the nerve is usually the
of muscles innervated by the various cranial causative event, but chemical or thermal irrita-
nerves is relatively simple. Needle insertion into tion may also be responsible. Activity may also
the appropriate muscle is preferable to surface be seen if cold irrigation fluid is used. The train
electrode placement for increas ing the sensitiv- pattern is most concerning as an indicator of
ity and specificity of the system . Intramuscular potential or current damage to the nerve; the
electrodes increase the sensitivity of detection effect is typically delayed and outlasts the stim -
for spontaneous EMG activity, while surface ulus that incited it.
electrodes are more appropriate for the assess- Post-operative function of the facial nerve
ment of compound muscle action potentials can be predicted based on stimulation studies
(CMAPs). Most systems amplify and convert the performed prior to wound closure. Inability to
muscle action potential to aud ible signals that produce facial motion with high current stimu-
are immediately available to the surgical team. lation is predictive of post-operative paralysis.
A variety of probes are available for the pur- When stimulation of more than 3.0 mA in a con-
poses of stimulation. Both const ant current and stant voltage setting is required to produce
constant voltage stimulation paradigms exist, facial movement, post-operative palsy of the
and both have been used effectively and safely. seventh cranial nerve is expected. However,
Monopolar and bipolar stimulating electrodes potential for recovery exists if the nerve is
are available, with the latter providing more intact. Good movement induced by 0.05-0.2 mA
focal stimulation. Finally, appropriate commu- at the brainstem has been correlated with
nication with the anesthesiologist is crucial, as normal or minimal paresis of the facial nerve.
EMG potentials will be abrogated by significant Using a constant current setting, elevation of
neuromuscular blockade. stimulus threshold to 0.2 or 0.3 V following the
The efficacy of facial nerve monitoring in procedure is usually associated with good post-
reducing post-operative facial palsy during CPA operative function of the nerve. However,
tumor surgery is well established. Monitoring threshold potentials greater than 0.3 V may be
during vestibular schwannoma resection is indicative of post-operative loss of function.
particularly crucial, as up to 78% of these Antidromic stimulation of the facial nerve is
cases involve an impairment of the facial nerve. also possible via the use of a hand-held elec-
Facial nerve activity is usually recorded from the trode placed in the surgical field, with nerve
ipsilateral frontalis , orbicularis oculi, orbicu- stimulation at the stylomastoid foramen. This


technique is advantageous in cases where evoked potentials (VEPs) for use during proce-
neuromuscular blockade is required; however, dures that could compromise elements of the
continuous monitoring of nerve function is visual pathway from the retina to the occipital
obviously extremely difficult, and a certain cortex . Optic stimuli have been traditionally
amount of inconvenience is added due to the delivered through LED-emitting goggles or
need to introduce a hand-held device into the fitted contact lenses. There have been very few
surgical field. studies assessing the role of VEP monitoring in
EMG monitoring of the facial nerve has also neurosurgical procedures, perhaps due to the
been an important part of procedures per- enormous variation in observed waveform
formed to relieve hemifacial spasm. Abnormal characteristics in conjunction with persistently
muscle response to stimulation of the appropri- unreliable recordings. Preliminary results have
ate branch of the facial nerve, which is typically been mixed, but the overriding consensus sug-
seen in this patient population, disappears when gests that the use of VEP monitoring is not jus-
the nerve is released from the offending vessel. tified as a technique owing to this extensive
This finding has been associated with good post- variability. It has been demonstrated that alter-
operative outcomes, while perseverance of an ations in VEP have very poor sensitivity and
abnormal response parallels residual post-oper- specificity for the prediction of post-operative
ative spasm. visual changes. Therefore, this technique
Intraoperative monitoring of the other remains primarily in the experimental arena.
cranial nerves is also possible. Needle electrodes
can be placed into any of the extraocular
muscles, thereby monitoring cranial nerves Ill ,
IV and VI. The masseter or temporalis serve as
Measurement of
recording sites for the motor division of the Cerebral Blood Flow
trigeminal nerve. Electrodes placed into the soft
palate or posterior pharyngeal musculature can Two major methods have been devised for the
be used to monitor the function of cranial nerve purpose of primary quantification of CBF. As
IX. However, great care must be taken when opposed to EEG or SSEP monitoring, which give
stimulating these motor fibers, as some of them a secondary glimpse of CBF by detecting physi-
innervate the carotid body and stimulation may ological changes that occur owing to decreases
result in bradycardia or hypotension. Similarly, in flow, direct measurement of flowwould hypo-
vagal monitoring, using electrodes placed endo - thetically provide more rapid and relevant intra-
scopically into the vocal cords or cricothyroid operative feedback. The first of these methods
muscle, may also result in marked bradycardia, relies on measuring the clearance of an
arrythmias or alterations of blood pressure. The injectable tracer from brain tissue. The tracer
absence of vagal activity, as recorded in laryn- that has been used for this purpose, due to its
geal muscles, can be used to determine whether relative insolubility in water and rapid diffusion
posterior pharyngeal recordings are attribut- across the blood-brain barrier, is 133Xe.
able to cranial nerve IX rather than to nerve X. Typically, clearance is detected with a hand-held
EMG recordings from either the trapezeus or sensor placed over the region of interest follow-
sternocleidomastoid muscles will indicate activ- ing injection of the tracer into the ICA. A clear-
ity of cranial nerve XI; however, stimulus inten- ance curve is generated and the area under the
sity should be kept low to minimize the curve is used for calculating CBF. The use of
possibility of forceful jerking of the head with 133Xe for CBF measurement during CEA has
resulting trauma at the pin sites. Electrodes been well described. Sundt has reported the
placed in the tongue allow for recording of greatest experience with regional CBF (rCBF)
evoked potentials from hypoglossal stimulation. measurements during CEA [22]. It is primarily
his analysis of nearly 2,200 monitored patients
that supports shunt placement for flows of less
Visual Evoked PotentiaIs than 18-20 ml/lOO g/min. Others have ques-
tioned the efficacy of measuring rCBF during
There has been interest in developing a reliable CEA. Zampella et al. performed EEG monitoring
method of measuring and interpreting visual and rCBFmeasurements during 431 consecutive


CEAs without shunting [1]. No correlation was large study (n = 1058) of patients undergoing
found between rCBF measurements and neuro- CEA with intraoperative TCD monitoring con-
logical morbidity or overall complication rate . cluded that microemboli detected during dis-
A second method of measuring CBF relies on section/wound closure, decreases of MCA
near-infrared spectroscopy to assess cerebral velocities equal to or greater than 90%, and
oxygenation status. Also known as "cerebral increases of pulsatility index of 100% or more
oximetry", this technique measures changes in were significantly associated with post-opera-
the levels of oxygenated, deoxygenated and total tive stroke [23].
hemoglobin as well as oxidized cytochrome in Microvascular Doppler has several intraoper-
the local cerebral blood supply. The advantage ative uses, including evaluation of flow in the
of using the near-infrared spectrum is that this carotid artery following CEA, documentation of
wavelength of light passes easily through the graft patency in cases of EC-IC bypass, and
extracranial tissues, allowing for non-invasive assessment of flow in an aneurysm and adjacent
mon itoring. However, variations in anatomy or vessels before and after clip application.
extra- to intracranial collateral blood supply can
make interpretation of the results somewhat dif-
ficult. The sensor patch is placed over the fore-
head on the ipsilateral side and continuous
measurements of regional cerebral oxygen sat- Angiography
uration (rS0 2) are obtained. Several studies
have assessed the utility of cerebral oximetry as lntraoperative angiography is used during a
a monitoring technique during CEA; results wide range of neurovascular procedures includ-
have been mixed and it is clear that significant ing aneurysm clipping, AVM resection, and EC-
improvements need to be made to this tech- IC bypass. The imaging procedure itself is iden-
nique before it can be used with any consistency tical to non-operative angiography; however,
for intraoperative monitoring. patient positioning and preparation and the
use of radiolucent stabilizing equipment are
crucial for the successful use of this technique
Intraoperative in the operating room. The potential complica-
tions are similar to those seen during non -
Ultrasound operative cerebral angiography, namely groin
hematoma, femoral artery thrombosis, stroke
B-mode ultrasound began to be used by neuro- and vasospasm.
surgeons soon after it became available in the The utility of intraoperative angiography has
early 1980s. It quickly proved its value for local- been documented by several studies. In a series
izing lesions, delineating normal and patholog- of 115 patients undergoing various neurovascu-
ical anatomy, guiding instrumentation, and lar procedures with angiography, the operative
identifying residual tumor following resection. procedure was altered in 19 of these cases owing
It can be particularly useful for localizing to concerns raised by the intraoperative
intramedullary spinal cord pathology. More angiogram, while only 2 of the 115 patients had
recently, stereotactic intraoperative ultrasound a post-operative complication that could poten-
has been employed as an adjunct during surgi- tially have been related to angiography [24].
cal procedures using image guidance. As intra-
operative "shift" can instill significant error into
these systems, real-time ultrasound imaging can
be compared with the pre-operative scans used
Peripheral Nerve
for image guidance, and appropriate correc- Monitoring
tions can be made.
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound has Peripheral nerve monitoring relies primarily on
been used for the intraoperative assessment of EMG recordings, nerve conduction velocity
flow velocities and detection of embolic events (NCV), nerve action potentials (NAPs) and
during CEA by insonation of the terminal ICA, SSEPs, all of which are performed in the same
MCA or ACA through a temporal window. A fashion as during routine non-operative evalu-


ation of nerve function. These techniques can be In general, the recording electrode must be
used to assess the pre-operative function of the placed at a minimum of 5 cm from the stimula-
nerve, as related to pathological changes, in tion electrode; if the distance is smaller, any rel-
addition to allowing for the monitoring of func- evant NAP may be obscured by shock artifact.
tional status of the nerve during surgical manip- NAPs will not be affected by general anesthetics
ulation. Sources of insult to the nerve, capable or neuromuscular blockade. However, local
of instigating changes detectable with these ischemia, as caused by application of a tourni-
techniques, include compression, laceration, quet, may result in obliteration of the NAP.
stretching or ischemia. Circulation should be restored for a minimum
EMG recordings are particularly helpful in of 20 minutes before reliable NAPs can be
establishing the location, severity and extent of recorded.
a peripheral nerve problem. The recording elec- In a review of 25 years of experience, includ-
trode is placed into the belly of the muscle ing more than 2,000 patients, Kline and Happel
innervated by the peripheral nerve that is patho- found that recording intraoperative NAPs
logically involved or placed at risk by surgical was essential to surgical decision making and
manipulation. During the procedure, nerve successful outcome. When a NAP could be suc-
integrity can be monitored by proximal appli- cessfully recorded across a lesion in continuity,
cation of an electrical stimulus with assessment 93% of patients had good recovery of function
of the resulting muscle activity through EMG following neurolysis. If the NAP failed to cross
recordings. This technique can also be used to the region of pathology, the dysfunctional tissue
demonstrate the identity of a nerve by the could be resected and repaired with satisfactory
pattern of muscle responses seen after stimula- results in nearly two-thirds of cases [25].
tion .
NCVs can be used to specifically localize a
region of pathological change in a peripheral Conclusions
nerve. Measurement of NCVs requires the
placement of stimulating and recording elec- To assure the greatest possible success of any of
trodes along the length of the nerve of interest. the aforementioned intraoperative monitoring
Relevant pathology can be localized by measur- techniques, a number of factors need to be con-
ing the conduction time (and therefore velocity) sidered on a case-by-case basis. Cooperation
and amplitude of an action potential passing and communication between the surgeon, anes-
through a particular segment of the nerve. A thesiologist and physiologist or technician
decrease in velocity suggests a problem with responsible for collection and interpretation of
myelination (seen in entrapment syndromes) the monitoring data are paramount for accurate
whilst a dimin ished amplitude is indicative of intraoperative information. The operative team
axonal loss. Sensory and motor fibers cannot be must be dedicated to the proper set-up and use
delineated by this method. Direct stimulation of of the monitoring equipment, although the
a lesion may be extremely helpful in differenti- preparation may take a few extra moments, in
ating between pathological nervous tissue order to maxim ize data acquis ition and avoid
(e.g. neuroma) and normal nervous tissue and the unlikely possibility of harm related to the
for guiding the appropriate limits of surgical monitoring process itself. Similarly, the moni-
resection. toring team should maintain an unobtrusive
Typically, bipolar stimulation is used for presence in the operating room and provide no
optimal focusing of the stimulus current. unnecessary distraction or delay to the proce-
Hooked electrodes can be used, which allow for dure . Appropriate selection of a particular tech-
the nerve to be lifted free of surrounding tissue nique for a given case is crucial and the surgeon
in a gentle fashion, thereby minimizing stimu- must be willing to change his operative tech-
lus artifact due to volume conduction. Adequate nique if the appropriate warning signs become
stimulation can be accomplished using a setting apparent. Finally, it is important to note that no
of 50 V (constant current) or 10 mA (constant form of intraoperative monitoring guarantees a
voltage) for a duration of 0.05 ms. Greater good post-operative result, even in the absence
current may be necessary in cases where the of the relevant warning signs.
nerve is fibrotic or has decreased myelination.


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Neuroradiology and Ultrasound
David G. Hughes
With a contribution on Ultrasound by

Roger Chisholm

Summary Introduction
Neuroradiology has evolved as a subspecialty of
Neuroradiology utilises a wide range of
imaging modalities in the diagnosis and radiology by the application of different radio-
treatment of CNS pathologies. MRI is the logical techniques to the investigation of clini-
investigation of choice for most neuro- cal problems related to the central nervous
radiological imaging. CT remains the fore- system (CNS) and spine . Initially limited to
most modality in the emergency situation, radiographs, a number of techniques became
and is superior to MRI in the visualisation of available that required skill in performance
calcification, bone detail and acute hemor- and interpretation, demanding the establish-
rhage. Angiography should be considered for ment of "neuroradiology". We now have a
all patients without a clear cause of hemor- core of imaging modalities that allow ever
rhage and who are surgical candidates. more accurate diagnosis, and increasingly treat-
Digital subtraction angiography is currently ment, of CNS pathologies. These modalities
the gold standard in the investigation of sub- include radiographs, computed tomography
arachnoid hemorrhage, but in the future (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
MRA and CTA will replace it. Technological angiography, ultrasound, nuclear medicine,
advances are moving towards less invasive myelography and interventional neuro-
imaging modalities, supported by functional radiology. These present a complex permuta-
and physiological data. Ultrasound is the tion of possible investigation of given clinical
primary investigation in a neonate with an conditions that may be further influenced by
enlarging head and will reliably diagnose local availability and expertise.
ventriculomegaly. It is accurate in the This chapter will review these imaging
assessment of internal carotid artery sten- modalities and discuss the basic principles,
osis for potential carotid endarterectomy indications, weaknesses and complications
patients. illustrated by clinical examples. A comprehen-
sive imaging review of neurological disease is
not possible in the length of this chapter and the
reader is referred to recent neuroradiological
textbooks for further reading [1,2) .



Radiographs, once the only investigation avail-
able, are nearly redundant in modern neuro-
radiology. The use of skull radiographs has been
greatly reduced even in trauma, and are now
used in the UK as part of a triage exercise in
minor head injury cases to decide on the safe
discharge of a patient.
A person who has sustained a mild head
injury, has no skull fracture, is Glasgow Coma
Scale 15 and has adequate support at home can
be discharged with a head injury advice chart.
Even in this situation there is a case for CT scan-
ning, the limiting factors being radiation dosage
(ten times that of skull radiographs) and exten-
sive workload to the CT scanner. There may be Fig. 2.1 . Lateral radiograph ofthelumbosacral junction. Defect
a role for skull radiographs in mild trauma to in the pars interarticularis ofLS is clearly shown (arrow).
exclude a depressed skull fracture that is sus-
pected from the mechanism of injury. The skull There have been great improvements since
radiograph is still requested in myeloma and the early machines, with excellent resolution
renal bone disease "screens". and very fast scanning times, making it possible
Radiographs of the spine can be more helpful. to scan a head in a few seconds . Although MRI
They still form the basis of trauma cervical spine is superior in the investigation of most neuro-
imaging "clearing the spine", although there are logical and spinal diseases, CT scanners are both
advocates of CT in this role if the patient is readily available in virtually all hospitals and
already undergoing CT of another part of the very cost effective, so they are widely used as the
body. workhorse of neuroimaging. CT remains the
A vast number of radiographs are still used in foremost imaging modality in the emergency
the assessment of neck and back pain. The yield situation. This applies particularly to trauma,
of significant abnormalities is generally very where intracranial hematoma can be rapidly
low; in low back pain it is more productive if the assessed in the unstable patient and where, in
use of radiographs is limited to the young the case of polytrauma, other areas such as the
patient (under 20 years) for the detection of cervical spine or abdomen can be scanned. CT
spondylolisthesis (Fig. 2.1) and to older patients is superior to MRI in the visualization of calci-
(over 55 years) where metastasis is more likely. fication, bone detail and acute hemorrhage.
Degenerative disease seen on a radiograph cor- The CT appearances of hematoma are well
relates poorly with clinical signs and symptoms. recognized in the acute phase, being of higher
Where surgical management of degenerative attenuation than the adjacent brain. In hypera-
disease is considered, then there is a case for cute hematoma, areas of low density may be
MRI only [3]. seen consistent with active bleeding before a
clot has formed . The appearance of the
hematoma changes to become the same density
Computed Tomography as brain and eventually lower (Table 2.1). This
typical evolution of hematom a can be altered by
The first patient to be scanned using CT was at clotting disorder, anticoagulation, low haem-
Atkinson Morley's Hospital in London in 1972. ocrit and anemia, when the acute hematoma can
The technology invented by Sir Godfrey be isodense with brain in 50% of cases [5].
Hounsfield [4] (an engineer at the Central The presence of fluid-fluid levels within an
Research Laboratories, EMI, England) was the extra-axial hematoma often represents acute
single most important development in neuro- hemorrhage with a chronic bleed. Fluid levels
radiology. within a parenchymal hematoma are not only


Table 2.1.CT appearances of hematoma (relative to brain)

Phase Time Attenuation
Hyperacute Minutes to hours Hyperdense with

Acute Hours to 1 week Hyperdense

Subacute 1-6 weeks Isodense
Chronic >6 weeks Hypodense

seen in hemorrhagic tumors but also in any of toma is reduced, becoming the same as brain.
the many causes of cerebral hemorrhage. Therefore smaller SAHs will be subtle with
Low-density extra-axial collection s are not apparent effacement of sulci and cisterns - an
necessarily hematomas. Empyemas are low den- appearance that should not be mistaken for
sity with mass effect and , when subdural, may brain swelling. CTwill detect 95% of SAHswithin
expand the interhemispheric fissure (Fig. 2.2). 24 hours of the ictus. A reliable indirect sign is
Often the patient is more clinically unwell than the presence of mild hydrocephalus. After 1
would be suggested by the size of the collection . week, CT is much less reliable as the density of
Intravenous contrast typically causes enhance- the hematoma is significantly reduced.
ment of a surrounding membrane, which may Current CT scanners use multislice techniques
aid diagnosis. Contrast medium is used rou - of acquisition, allowing greater coverage in
tinely in CT scanning, particularly if there is a shorter times. This reduces any movement arti-
possibility of infection, tumor or vascular lesion. fact and facilitates CT angiography as a signi-
Unnecessary use should be avoided, e.g. in acute ficant length of vessel can be scanned while the
trauma or hydrocephalus, as there is a risk of bolus of contrast medium passes through. Refor-
serious reaction in 1 in 2,500 injections [6]. mation of the scans can be performed in several
When subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) ways, such as multi-planar reconstructions, max-
mixes with CSF, the attenuation of the hema- imum intensity projections, volume-rendered
images or even "fly through" endoluminal views.
CT angiography (CTA) has been used to demon-
strate carotid artery disease, intracranial vascular
anatomy, including arteriovenous malforma-
tions (AVMs), and aneurysms [7] and is now
frequently used as a first investigation of SAH.
The three-dimensional images obtained can be
used to decide between an endovascular or open
neurosurgical operation on an aneurysm. It is
useful in the emergency situation when a large
hematoma has been demonstrated and when
there is a suspicion of an underlying vascular
lesion. CTA in this situation may demonstrate an
underlying aneurysm, enabling the patient to
proceed rapidly to evacuation of the clot and
clipping of the aneurysm without the delay of
organizing a formal angiogram.
CTA requires the administration of iodinated
contrast media and also for the patient to lie
very still during the scan time of approximately
30 seconds.
Fig. 2.2. CT scan post i.v. contrast. Low-density subdural A large aneurysm may be apparent on the
collection with mass effect. Note fluid in the interhemispheric initial CT scan as blood within the aneurysm
fissure,which suggests asubdural empyema.This iscomplicated is less dense than the surrounding hematoma
byasagittal sinus thrombosis (arrow points to thedelta sign). (Fig. 2.3).


nique became known as "magnetic resonance

imaging". Extensive development has enabled
MRI to become the investigation of choice for
most neuroradiological imaging.
The quantum mechanics and mathematics
that attempt to explain MRI are beyond this
author and are not required for image interpre-
tation. An understanding of the simplified prin-
ciples and the various sequences produced is
necessary [2, 8].
From a practical view of image interpretation,
we need to know what is white, black or gray on
a particular MR sequence. These are summa-
rized in Table 2.2. Fat, very proteinaceous
tissues, certain degradation products of hem or-
rhage, and gadolinium influence free protons to
produce high signal on Tl weighting. Gray and
white matter will be intermediate signal, but
white will be slightly higher signal because of its
increased fat content. Brain edema and most
Fig. 2.3. CT scan demonstrating extensive subarachnoid pathologies will be intermediate signal, i.e. grey,
hematoma with the lower density aneurysm lumen visible and CSF will be black.
On T2 weighting, CSF is high signal and gray
matter is higher signal than white matter. Air
The ability of CT to detect subtle calcification and cortical bone are very low signal owing to
and show excellent bone detail highlights its use the small amount of free protons in these.
as an adjunct to MRI. Detection of calcification Arterial blood flow and certain venous flow will
within a tumor may aid the differential diagno- present no signal (flow void) on standard spin-
sis. Subtle calcification may not be apparent on echo sequences. Most pathologies will be high
an MR scan but is obvious on a CT scan , which signal, as are certain hemorrhagic bre akdown
may lead to the diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis products. So most tumors will be high signal on
in the investigation of epilepsy. Skull base detail T2 weighting and low on TI, although atypical
is very well shown on a CT scan and is comple- patterns of signal can help to characterize
mentary to MRI in fully defining complex certain tumors (Fig. 2.4).
lesions of this region. This ability to define bone Routine scanning with MRI usually involves
detail is also very useful in spinal imaging, par- Tl- and T2-weighted sequences in at least two
ticularly in trauma, to define and classify frac- planes. The weighting can be gained by various
tures. Reconstruction of data into sagittal and scanning techniques, including conventional
coronal planes is easily achieved and adds spin echo (CSE), fast spin echo (FSE) and
essential information on alignment and extent gradient echo (GE). Acquisitions can be
of abnormality. acquired in two- or three-dimensional modes.
Very fast scanning is possible with techniques
such as echo-planar imaging (EPI) or half-
Magnetic Resonance Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo
("HASTE"), although they may be limited by
Imaging artifact and poor signal-to-noise ratio. Special
sequences can be used to suppress fat, such as in
The principles of nuclear magnetic resonance "STIR" (short tau inversion recovery) , which is
were first described in the 1930s by C.J. Gorter useful for skull base and orbital imaging, and to
and used extensively as spectroscopy to study suppress CSF, as in "FLAIR" (fluid-attenuated
physical and chemical properties of matter. It inversion recovery) , which increases the con-
was not until the late 1970s that images of spicuity oflesions at brain-CSF interfaces. More
human anatomy were produced and the tech- recently, specialized applications of MR scan-


Table 2.2.Signal intensity onMRI

Substance On 11 weighting On T2 weighting
Water Black White
Fat White Gray/white
White matter Gray Gray/black
Gray matter Gray/black Gray/white
Cortex Black Black
Marrow White Gray/white
Calcification Gray/white Black
Intervertebral disk Gray White
Air Black Black
Hematoma See Table 2.3
Most pathology Gray/black White

Signalintensity(SI) dictates appearance on a gray scale. High signal is white; lowsignalis black. Substance isoften compared totheSI ofgray

ning include: functional (f)MRI [9], MR spec-

troscopy (MRS) [10], MR-guided therapy
(MRT) [11], and perfusion and diffusion MRI

Use of Contrast Media

Gadolinium, a rare earth metal, is used fre-
quently in MRI. The paramagneti c properties
of gadolinium affect free protons and hence
shorten Tl-weighted signal. It is not the gado-
linium that is being visualized but its effect
on free protons. Where there are increased
concentrations of gadolinium, this will result in
high signal, i.e. enhancement, on Tl weighting.
It highlights area s of blood-brain barrier break- a
down, areas of inflammation and increased
vascularity. Marked enhancement is visible
normally in the pituitary, the choroid plexus,
the nasal mucosa and turbinates, and in slow-
flowing blood in vessels. Contrast enhancement
is used frequently to improve detect ion and def-
inition of tumors, infection, meningeal disease,
vascular disease and the "post-operative spine".
Gadolinium is an extremely safe substance and
has been used in millions of cases worldwide
with side-effects that are less common and less
severe than with the iodin ated contrast media
used in CT.
MRI of Intracranial
Hemorrhage Fig. 2.4 a- b MRI scan for severe intermittent headaches. a
Sagittal T1 withahigh-signal mass intheregion of theforamen
The appearances of hemorrhage on MRI ofMomo. bCoronal FSE T2, withalow-signal mass.The position
demonstrate the possible permutations of signal and signal changes are characteristicof a colloid cyst.


pattern, mak ing its more detailed explanation is very high signal on both Tl- and T2-weighted
worthwhile as a model for understanding the images. Throughout these stages there will be an
principles of MR signal characteristics (Table admixture of products present. In large
2.3). These are affected by many factors both hematomas, the center will be hypoxic, delaying
intrinsic to the hemorrhage and related to MR hemoglobin desaturation. High signal occurs
scanning. Operator-dependent factors include from the outside of the hematoma and pro-
strength of magnet, pulse sequence (e.g. SE, GE, gresses inwards with time (Fig. 2.5a, b).
EPI, etc.) and parameters set, such as the repe-
tition time (TR) and the echo time (TE). Chronic Stage
Intrinsic factors are multifactorial but the Edema and mass effect will disappear and the
hemoglobin oxidation state and red cell mor- end -stage products of ferritin and hemosiderin
phology are the most important. form, which are very low on T2 weighting, par-
ticularly GE T2. Macrophages laden with these
Parenchymal Hematomas iron storage products will remain for years in
the wall of the old hematoma.
Hyperacute Stage
Within minutes of the hemorrhage, intact red
cells will contain oxyhemogloblin and there will Extra-axial Hemorrhage
be protein-rich serum and platelets. The
appearances are non-specific and virtually Acute subarachnoid hemorrhage can be impos-
indistinguishable from any brain lesion that sible to differentiate from normal CSF on MRI,
causes increased water content of the brain, i.e. and CT remains the imaging modality of choice,
white on T2 and gray/black on Tl. particularly if the hematoma is only small and
not focal. Sensitivity of MRI can be improved by
Acute Stage use of FLAIR sequence, particularly if the diag-
Within the first few hours, deoxyhemoglobin is nosis has been delayed, when the CT scan is
formed , which is paramagnetic. This particu- more likely to be negative. An MR angiogram
larly affects the T2 relaxat ion, resulting in can be performed whilst the patient is in the
marked reduction in signal (black) on T2 scanner.
weighting , but has little effect on Tl . The low Extradural and subdural hematomas are very
signal is accentuated on GE sequences because well demonstrated on MRI. Small collections
of the susceptibility effect. over the surface of the brain and tentorium will
be better demonstrated in the coronal plane.
Subacute Stage The evolving hematoma signal patterns are
After several days, methemoglobin forms, similar to those of parenchymal hematomas
which is initially intracellular and gives rise to except in the chronic stages, as hemosiderin is
high signal on Tl weighting but remains low on not stored. The collection becomes similar to
T2. As the cells hemolyze, extracellular methe - CSF on routine Tl and T2 weighting but
moglobin accumulates in the hematoma, which remains high signal on proton-density and

Table 2.3. Evolution of hematoma

Phase Time HbProduct T1 T2
weighted weighted
Hyperacute 0-12 h Oxy Hb Gray White
Acute 2-36 h Deoxy Hb Gray Black
Early Intracellular
subacute 2-7 days met Hb White Black
Late Extracellular
subacute 3-14 days metHb White White
Chronic Weeks to Hemosiderin
years Ferritin Gray Very black


is: "What is the underlying cause?". Paren-

chymal hematomas occurring anywhere near
the major intracranial arteries can be due to
aneurysmal bleed. This is particularly seen with
middle cerebral artery aneurysms, which can
bleed into the adjacent temporal lobe, produc-
ing large hematomas and often surprisingly
little SAH. Angiography should be considered
for all patients without a clear cause of hemor-
rhage and who are surgical candidates, particu-
larly young, normotensive patients [14]. Older,
hypertensive patients with a hemorrhage in the
basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum or brain-
stem do not need to undergo angiography [15].
a In a young adult who has negative investiga-
tions, drug abuse should then be suspected [5].
MRI is particularly helpful in the diagnosis of
hemorrhagic tumor. Although there are no
absolute criteria, features such as enhancement
with gadolinium, marked heterogeneity of
signal, and extent of edema are characteristic of
tumor. Multiplicity of lesions is not always
helpful as cavernous hemangiomas are multiple
in 30% of cases (Fig. 2.7). Delayed scanning will
be definitive with persisting edema, delayed and
very heterogeneous evolution of the hemoglo-
bin breakdown products being diagnostic of
tumor. Hemorrhage tends to occur in the more
aggressive tumors, such as glioblastoma multi-
forme, primitive neuroectodermal tumors,
ependymomas, oligodendrogliomas and vascu-
lar metastases (most commonly from lung or
renal primary tumors or malignant melanoma).
An exception to these is pituitary adenomas,
with hemorrhage occurring in up to 27% of
cases, and many of these will have no clinical
features of pituitary apoplexy [16].

Safety Issues ofMRI

Fig. 2.5. a-b Severe headaches 2 weeks previously, with cere-
bellar signs. Subacute hematoma isshown with high signal on There are several potential problems with MRI
theT1- and T2-weighted images. a Sagittal T1. bTransverse T2. and patient safety, namely the high magnetic
field, the radio frequency pulses, the gradient
coils and the size of the magnetic bore. Many
FLAIR sequence (Fig. 2.6). Re-bleeding into an studies have been performed to investigate the
old collection produces characteristic appear- biological effects of MRI, but no biological risk
ances, with loculated areas of different signal has been found with MR scanners in clinical use.
and fluid-fluid levels. Even so, routine MRI is not performed during
The ability of MRI to stage different ages of the first trimester of pregnancy, but if clinical
subdural hematoma has an important role in urgency dictates, it would be used in preference
the diagnosis of child abuse [13]. to imaging modalities that use ionizing radia-
One recurring question concerning intracra- tion. Acoustic noise produced by the gradient
nial, and particularly parenchymal, hematomas coils can be a problem, particularly with certain


a b

Fig. 2.6. a-c MRI ofchronic subdural hematoma. a T1: low

signal. b T2: high signal. c Proton density sequence:
collection is high signal butnote low signal of(SF.

types of sequence, and routine use of earplugs when it becomes the responsibility of the
is advisable. attending doctor.
Of most concern regarding patient safety is The final problem is the size of the magnet
the presence of metallic implants, materials and bore, which results in significant claustrophobia
foreign bodies. Listed in Table 2.4 are some of and anxiety in 5% of patients. Some patients
the more common contraindications to MRI. will require sedation, but once inside the
All patients should complete a questionnaire scanner, direct observation is not possible
to exclude these contraindications before enter- and MRI-compatible monitoring equipment is
ing the MR scan room. This may not be possi- required. Ferro-magnetic objects of certain
ble with the confused and unconscious patient, types should not be brought into the MRI


room as the y can be rapidly projected into the

scanner with the possibility of injury to any
adjacent person nel.
A comprehensive list of metallic implants,
devices and materials tested for MR safety is
listed in Shellock and Kanal's book [17] and up-
to-date information is available on the Internet
at www. radiology.upmc.edu/mrsafety.

Magnetic Resonance
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is per-
formed using special sequences based on GE
a techniques. These sequences produce signal in
flowing blood that can be distinguished from
adjacent stationary tissue. The ba sic concepts
involve either time of flight (TOP) or phase con-
trast (PC) techniques. With the TOP technique,
stationary tissue is satur ated with multiple
radio-frequency pulses. The free protons within
blood are un saturated so can be excited and give
back signal , i.e. appear white on the scan against
a black ba ckground. PC techniques rely on
change in phase of the transverse spin magne-
tization that occurs in moving protons (i.e,
within mo ving blood) within the magnetic field.
The TOP technique is more generally used as
it produces better spatial resolution and is more
easily obtained than the PC technique, which is
reserved for special applications such as assess-
ment of velocities of flow and CSP flow studies.
The PC technique is also helpful if there is a
large amount of hematoma present as high
signal from hematoma can interfere with the
Fig. 2.7.a-b Multiple cavernous hemangiomas. aCoronal T1 - TOP images and obscure subtle pathology.
subtle lesion in thetemporal lobe (arrow). b Gradient echo T2. Once the acquisition has been performed, the
This sequence accentuates the low signal produced by calcium "raw data" are processed by maximum intensity
and hemosiderin, demonstrating multiple lesions. projection techniques, which pick out the high
signal in the section (i.e. the flowing blood) and
reconstruct it into an image that is similar to

Table 2.4.Some contraindications to MRI (see reference 17 for complete list)

Cardiac pacemakers
Intracranial aneurysm clip
Artificial heart valves, e.g. Starr-Edwards valve
Cochlear implants
Shrapnel - if close tovascular structure
Metallic fragments intheglobe oftheeye


conventional angiography. Reconstruction in

multiple planes can be produced and viewed
Catheter Angiography
through 360°. Other reconstruction techniques,
Catheter angiography has been the investigation
such as multiple projection reconstruction and
that is definitive of a neuroradiologist. Whilst it
volume-rendered or endoluminal views, may be
is an invasive technique with significant com-
helpful in assessing complex vascular anatomy.
plications, cerebral angiography has become
The use of gadolinium enhancement can
progressively safer owing to DSA, non-ionic
reduce scanning time and is particularly useful
contrast media and improved catheters and
where small vessels are being studied, e.g.
guide wires.
spinal MRA. The patient does need to be coop-
erative and still for up to 10 minutes. This, and
the noisy environment, mean that it is not ideal Technique
in the investigation of SAH, when CTA is
quicker. Arterial digital subtraction angio- The right femoral artery is punctured using the
graphy (DSA) remains the gold standard for Seldinger technique. The catheter can then be
angiography. advanced up to the aortic arch and then selec-
MRA is most useful in the detection and eval- tively into the required artery. The catheters are
uation of aneurysms that have no history of usually 4F or SF in size and pre-shaped to facil-
SAH or where there has been a significant delay itate selective catheterization. Once in position
in the diagnosis. Standard MR sequences are in the desired artery, the formal DSA is under-
also performed at the time of the examination taken with the contrast injection by hand or
as aneurysms may be seen as low signal. mechanical pump [19]. Multiple projections
Aneurysms as small as 2 mm can be shown are used to demonstrate the vasculature and
but an accuracy of at least 80% is seen for images are obtained as far as the venous phase
aneurysms of 5 mm and larger. Aneurysms that in several planes. Commonly, the internal
present with mass effect and cranial nerve palsy carotid circulation is studied in lateral, postero-
can be very accurately demonstrated (or anterior 20° and oblique projection, e.g. 30°
excluded) by MRI with MRA. The non-invasive cranio-caudal, 30° lateral (Fig. 2.8a, b, c).
nature of MRA makes it very attractive as a The posterior circulation is studied in lateral
screening test for aneurysms. This may be and Townes' projection (30° fronto-occipital).
desirable in certain high-risk groups such as Numerous supplementary projections can be
polycystic kidney disease or familial aneurysm performed according to which vessel is to be
disease. The implications of aneurysm screen- demonstrated. This is particularly important in
ing for an incidental aneurysm have to be the demonstration of aneurysms where a clear
carefully discussed with the patient. Recent evi- demonstration of the neck of the aneurysm is
dence suggests a much lower risk ofhemorrhage required, especially if endovascular treatment is
(0.05%/year in small aneurysms) than have to be considered. When available, three-dimen-
previous studies and also a higher morbidity/ sional angiography simplifies and improves the
mortality (up to 14%) for surgical treatment definition of this anatomy. In the study of SAH,
[18]. all vessels need to be studied as multiple
Follow-up of aneurysm after endovascular aneurysms are reported in up to 45% of cases.
treatment may be performed with MRA. MRA Reflux down a contralateral vertebral artery will
can be helpful in the evaluation of AVMs, par- often demonstrate the posterior inferior cere-
ticularly when combined with standard MRI. bellar artery (PICA) so that formal four-vessel
Exact anatomical location and size of the AVM angiography is not always necessary.
can be obtained from conventional spin -echo
techniques, which greatly help management Complications
decisions about the possible permutations of
surgery, radiosurgery and endovascular treat- Local complications occur in about 5% of cases
ment. and range from self-limiting hematoma to fatal
Vascular stenosis, particularly of the carotid retroperitoneal hematoma. Vessel injury can
bifurcation, can be assessed by MRA usually as result in pseudo-aneurysm, arteriovenous
a confirmatory test following ultrasound. fistula and distal emboli.


Fig. 2.8. a-c Internal carotid injection. a PA projection.

a b Oblique projection, 30° in both planes. cLateral projection.

needs to have consented to the procedure in the

knowledge of these risks and a reasonable level
of risk to quote is 1% for transient neurological
deficit, permanent deficit 0.5% and death 0.1%

Current Indications
Cerebral DSA remains the investigation of
choice in a number of conditions despite
improvements in Doppler ultrasound, MRAand
b CTA. The most common reason for its use is in
the investigation of SAH, where DSA remains
the gold standard. Even with good-quality
angiography, in up to 20% of patients with SAH,
Systemic complications are related to the no abnormality will be found and repeat angiog-
contrast media or, very occasionally, to local raphy may be required. The peri-mesencephalic
anesthetics and sedation. Contrast media reac- pattern ofSAH is well recognized [21] in angio-
tions are common to all radiological procedures graphically negative patients. The clinical course
using iodinated contrast. The risk is increased of these patients appears to be different from
by history of previous reaction and in asthma that of aneurysmal SAH. Such patients often
sufferers , where the risk of severe reaction is appear "too well" to have had a SAH and clinical
about 0.2%. outcome is typically excellent. Even so, this pat-
Neurological complications range from tern of hem atom a is seen with CT in 10% of pos-
headache to disabling stroke or death. The risks terior fossa aneurysms. The PICA aneurysm can
are increased in the older population (over 50 be missed if both distal vertebral arteries
years), particularly if there is atherosclerosis, are not satisfactorily demonstrated by reflux
vasculitis or sickle cell disease. The patient or selective catheterization of both vertebral


arteries. As with other aneurysms, there are pat- sclerotic patients. Consideration should be
terns of hematoma on the CT scan that point to given to non-selective aortic arch angiography,
a PICA aneurysm. Intraventricular hemorrhage which may well produce adequate diagnostic
and hydrocephalus are seen in 93% of cases, and information, particularly in conjunction with
posterior fossa SAH - with or without supraten- the findings of other imaging modalities.
torial SAH - is seen in 95% of cases.
Whilst there are some advocates of repeat
angiography in all angiographically negative Myelography
SAH, others suggest that it is not necessary
in technically good, carefully evaluated angio- Myelography is still used to assess the contents
grams . A pragmatic approach to this problem is of the thecal sac and any abnormal or extrinsic
to perform MRI in negative cases; this can reveal impressions. It is now reserved for patients who
abnormalities in 14% of patients. MRA can be are unable to undergo MRI because of a non-
performed at the same time. Repeat angiogra- compatible implant, such as a pacemaker, or
phy is reserved for cases where severe spasm, where metallic spinal instrumentation causes
large focal hematoma or brain edema could severe local artifact, making MRI of the region
have obscured the aneurysm or vascular mal- uninterpretable.
formation, particularly if the pattern of blood on Typically, a total 00 g of non-ionic iodinated
the CT scan points to a particular site. In contrast medium is introduced by lumbar punc-
patients with repeated SAH and negative inves- ture before various radiographic projections are
tigations, it is worth considering a spinal cause taken . Further information is often obtained by
of the SAH as this has been reported with spinal CT, particularly to delineate the extent of a
tumors or vascular malformations. spinal block or provide more detail of the exit
If multiple aneurysms are detected, it is foramen.
important to decide which has bled. There may Myelography is unpleasant for the patient,
be clues on the CT scan such as surrounding with minor side-effects (eg. headache) occur -
hematoma giving rise to a filling defect or local- ring frequently. Small needle size (25 g) and
ized SAH. The larger aneurysm, the irregular pencil shape (Sprotte needle) significantly
lobulated configuration, and localized spasm reduce these complications. More serious com-
may point towards the aneurysm that has bled. plications of chemical meningitis, seizures and
If distinction is not possible, then multiple neurological deficit are now very rare with
aneurysms will need protecting at the same modern non-ionic contrast media.
operation. It is doubtful if myelography is ever indicated
Other indications for angiography include: when MRI can be used. Myelography has been
assessment of aneurysms (e.g.fusiform, dissect- a sensitive method of determining the presence
ing, mycotic, giant) that have not presented with of a spinal dural arteriovenous fistula (AVF),
SAH; assessment of AVMs and other vascular and a technically adequate normal myelogram
lesions, such as carotico-cavernous fistula or is said to exclude an AVF and make spinal
dural fistula; demonstration of tumor vascular- angiography unnecessary. Advances in MRI,
ity, particularly if pre-operative embolization is notably linear-array surface coils and the use of
being considered; and investigation of various gadolinium, have replaced myelography in this
cerebrovascular disorders, such as vasculitis . condition. The prominent draining vein of the
The final indication is to diagnose accurately AVF is enhanced with contrast on Tl -weighted
the degree of stenosis of cervico-cranial athero- images and is seen as low signal on spin -echo
sclerotic disease . Initial screening and investi- T2 weighting. It remains true that if myelogra-
gation of this should be non-invasive with a phy or MRI raises the suspicion of a spinal AVF,
combination of ultrasound, MRA and CTA, then form al spinal angiography becomes neces-
dependent on local expertise and availability. sary. This is a complex and time-consuming
Angiography should be reserved for patients procedure that requires selective catheteriza-
where the non-invasive investigations indicate tion of all prospective feeding vessels to the
stenosis on the borderline between surgical or spinal cord and canal.
conservative treatment, as complications of
angiography are undoubtedly higher in athero-


CSF rhinorrhea or otorrhea can be investigated

Nuclear Medicine with nuclear medicine but CT cisternography
(Fig. 2.9), or even MR cisternography [23], are
Nuclear medicine is used to look at function,
now advocated by many neuroradiologists.
physiology and metabolism, and the images are
generally of a low spatial resolution. Radioactive
elements such as technetium (Tc), which decay Ultrasound
to produce gamma-rays, are used. They are
labeled to pharmaceutical compounds (e.g. Ultrasound is a relatively cheap, portable and
hexamethyl propylene amine oxime, HMPAO), safe technology. Sound-wave reflection takes
enabling them to enter appropriate body com- place at tissue interfaces within the body, and
partments. The radiopharmaceutical can be the depth of reflection is determined by the time
introduced into the body and the gamma-rays taken for the echo to return to the crystal.
(photons) can be externally recorded to produce Tissues with a very high acoustic impedance,
an emission image. The recorded image can be such as bone, reflect almost all of the sound
a planar single-photon image or it can be pro- waves, producing an acoustic shadow and effec-
duced using single-photon emission computed tively no useful image in the distal field. This is
tomography (SPECT) or positron emission clearly of paramount importance in neuro-
tomography (PET). surgery when imaging the brain and spine.
PET and SPECT are used to create cross-sec- Some of the most important applications of
tional functional images of the brain. SPECT, ultrasound within neurosurgery are described
which is available in all nuclear medicine depart- below.
ments, can be used to study changes in regional
blood flow in the brain. It has been used in the Transcranial Ultrasound in
investigation of dementia, where changes in
regional blood flow can differentiate between the Neonate
multi-infarction dementia and Alzheimer's dis- The first real-time images of the neonatal brain
ease. It is helpful when considering surgery for were obtained through the anterior fontanelle of
intractable complex partial seizure disorder, giv- a newborn infant in 1979. The rate of subse-
ing further weight to structural information con- quent development has been exponential, with
cerning mesial temporal sclerosis seen on MRI. high-quality machines and high-frequency
PET radiopharmaceuticals are very short small footprint transducers now able to produce
lived, requiring close proximity to a cyclotron. extremely high resolution images of both the
Installation and maintenance costs are very normal and abnormal neonatal brain. Doppler
high, severely restricting their availability in studies of the cerebral vasculature allow physi-
many countries. PET can produce unique infor- ological monitoring of both the normal and
mation concerning regional utilization of abnormal brain with analysis of birth asphyxia,
glucose metabolism as well as oxygen, or even pre-term brain injury and hydrocephalus.
fatty acid, metabolism or neurotransmitter Vascular lesions are common in the brains of
receptor densities. It is mainly a research tool immature neonates - so frequently seen on
for neurophysiology and neuropharmacology. special-care baby units. Subependymal germi-
In a clinical context, it is used to help differen- nal matrix hemorrhage can be reliably demon-
tiate recurrent tumor from radiation necrosis strated, as can any subsequent intraventricular
and in assessing tumor response to therapy, but or parenchymal extension. The ischemic lesions
has a low accuracy. Applications in the study of of periventricular leukomalacia may also be rec-
psychiatric disease, movement disorders and ognized and are important in the differential
epilepsy, to name but a few, are reported [22]. diagnosis of brain injury. In the mature infant,
To some extent, the rapid developments in MRI extra- and intracerebral hemorrhage may result
have overtaken these applications of a very from both traumatic and other pathology and
expensive technique. may again be diagnosed with ultrasound.
Applications of conventional nuclear brain Ultrasound is the first investigation of choice
scans, such as diagnosis of cerebral infarction in a neonate with an enlarging head and will reli-
or subdural hematoma, are now historical. ably diagnose ventriculomegaly and, frequently,


a a

Fig. 2.10. Ultrasound scan of premature neonate, showing

marked hydrocephaluswithintraventricular hematoma (arrow).

surgical shunting procedures, while also moni-

toring subsequent progress.

Carotid Ultrasound
Multicenter, randomized clinical trials of
carotid endarterectomy have shown that the
operation significantly reduces the risk of stroke
in patients with severe (>70%) internal carotid
artery stenosis [24].
Whilst angiography is accepted as the "gold
standard" modality for diagnosing a significant
stenosis, carotid duplex imaging, in conjunction
with color and power imaging, is now recog-
b nized as the better initial test and often the
only test necessary. Not only does ultrasound
have the great advantage of being non-invasive,
but it is also in general the most cost effective
Fig. 2.9.a-b (SF rhinorrhea following head injury.Cl scan post of the possible relevant investigations. Ultra-
installation of contrast medium by lumbar puncture. a Direct
sound has been shown to be very accurate in
coronal Cl scan demonstrating defect in the anterior cranial
fossa filling with contrast media (arrow). b Rhinorrhea with a assessing the degree of stenosis, as assessed by
droplet of radiopaque contrast medium (arrow). pathological review of endarterectomy speci-
mens, although it must be noted that the degree
of operator skill is of crucial importance.
its cause (Fig. 2.10). Differentiation must be Angiography is required where the duplex
made between raised intracranial pressure and study is equivocal or if there is any doubt
cerebral atrophy. Ultrasound may guide neuro- about total vessel occlusion.


Miscellaneous D What are the compl ications of cerebral

Intraoperative ultrasound (laDS) may be used D A patient presenting with subarachnoid
as a guide in both brain and spinal surge ry. In hemorrhage is found to have multiple
the spine, ultrasound may be used to guide the aneurysms . How do you decide which has
approach to a tumor, reducing the extent of bled?
the laminectomy and dural opening. With
intramedullary tumors, the extent of the poste-
rior myelotomy can be defined, together with References
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Cheng-Mei Shaw and Ellsworth C. Alvord, [r

wrote that he owed to this system what little he

Summary knew of histological pathology and admitted
that his early bacteriological studies, some of
The history of Neuropathology is inseparable which got into print, would otherwise never
from that of Neurosurgery. Since the creation have been made.
of Cushing's Tumor Registry, it has been In the early 1900s, Cushing operated unsuc-
apparent that neurosurgeons should under- cessfully on a 14-year-old girl who presented
stand the elements of diagnostic neuro- with headache, failing vision, obesity and lack
pathology. Over the past few decades, there of secondary sexual development. The patient
have been extensive developments in histo- died several days after examination of the pos -
logic tools requiring lengthy specialized terior cranial fossa followed by occipital explo -
training for neuropathologists. The new
ration and decompression. Autopsy showed a
diagnostic imaging techniques enable clini-
large pituitary cyst, which William Welch called
cians to discover and locate numerous
a "teratoma", but which was probably a
lesions other than tumors and abscesses . The
"Rathke's cleft cyst" in today's terminology. The
imaging advances also allow the evolution of
the lesions to be studied. This chapter focuses importance of this case was not fully appreci-
on the neuropathologic approaches that ated until several years later, when Cushing
neurosurgical trainees should understand. asked the pathology department for the tissue;
The following three questions should be it could not be found. From then on, Cushing
answered, (1) How is histo -pathologic diag - was insistent that he should be responsible for
nosis made? (2) How can one understand the the pathological study of all specimens from the
changing diagnostic terminology? (3) What patients under his care. His insistence rightfully
are the limitations of histopathologic diagno- caused some difficulties with his colleagues but
sis of surgical specimens? was granted because he was fortunate to have
understanding friends, such as William Welch
and W.G. MacCallum. After he moved to
When the young Harvey Cushing arrived at Harvard, he made a similar request and more
Iohns Hopkins Hospital as an assistant resident difficulties were encountered, but he was
in William Halsted's Surgical Service, he knew unyielding. His insistence resulted in the devel-
very little about pathology and bacteriology. opment of his own neuropathological labora-
However, it was the responsibility of the house tory under the supervision of Percival Bailey,
officers to carry out all of the clinical bacterio- who had had unusual training in the techniques
logical and pathological studies for every of the microscopic study of the nervous system.
patient under their charge. Years later, Cushing The renowned "Cushing Tumor Registry", a



historical collection of more than 2,000 cases growth rate of tumors. The data collected by
of verified brain tumors, was thus founded. Cushing and his followers concerning the life
Through the study of this collection, a classifi- expectancy of brain tumors prior to CT-MRI
cation of brain tumors based on histogenesis (computed tomography/magnetic resonance
was made by Bailey and Cushing [1, 2] - the imaging) days, however, should be readjusted
forerunner of many subsequent and continu- for today's statistics. The neurosurgeons then
ously revised classifications of brain tumors. were operating on brain tumors that had
Cushing and his associates were fortunate become so large as to produce papilledema
because the basic histological techniques were and other signs that increased the morbidity
already well developed and the repertoire of and mortality of those patients. Today's patients
neuropathological lesions was limited in those are typically operated on after their first seizure,
days to expanding lesions, such as tumors and the lesion visualized via CT-MRI. The tumors
abscesses in the central nervous system (CNS). now are relatively small, sometimes even found
Thus, neurosurgeons were able to undertake incidentally after a head injury, and one would
pathological studies of the specimens they dug expect the life expectancy of each particular
out between their busy clinical and surgical patient to be much longer than that suggested
schedules. However, the extensive develop - by the data collected in the early days. The fact
ments of new techniques in neurosurgery, that the survival period of the patients can be
neuroradiology and neuropathology over the improved by finding diseases earlier is well
past few decades make it extremely difficult known as the "Will Rogers' effect"; the "Okies "
today for neurosurgeons to assume such who left Oklahoma for California increased the
studies. The new histological tools include IQ in both states! And all of this ignores the very
immunocytochemistry and molecular biology, valuable contributions of the anesthesiologists,
as well as numerous tinctorial staining tech- nurses, rehabilitation and other personnel com-
niques, and require an expensive set-up for prising today's neurosurgical team .
laboratories and lengthy specialized training As a side-product of CT-MRI, contemporary
for neuropathologists. Furthermore, the new neuropathologists are given many opportunities
diagnostic imaging techniques enable clinicians to observe the histological sequences in the evo-
today to discover and locate numerous lesions lution of tumors and the effects of radiation and
other than tumors and abscesses. As a result, the chemotherapy. Similarly, many non -neoplastic
repertoire for neuropathologists has expanded lesions are seen, such as various stages of inflam-
enormously to include many exotic lesions that matory processes, the early stages of active
were hitherto unknown in surgical pathology. demyelinating processes, embolized tumors and
The ability to visualize small millimeter-size vascular malformations, and numerous other
lesions under sophisticated diagnostic imaging conditions, which used to be seen only at autopsy
and by stereotactic biopsy now forces neuro- and were never considered in the practice of
pathologists to make more and more diagnoses surgical neuropathology.
from smaller and smaller specimens, including Thus, the history of neuropathology is
those that look much larger to the neuro- inseparable from that of neurosurgery, as if
surgeon, who removes them under open micro- the shadow follows the form . Neuropathology,
scopic control! especially oftumors, was born within Cushing's
Cushing was able to follow up his patients neurosurgical kingdom by neurosurgeons. It
by requesting them to write to him every year was fortunate for the future of neuropathology
on the anniversary of their operation. By this that it was founded as a subspecialty of pathol-
system he was able to collect data concerning ogy at the same time that neurosurgery was
the end results of his operations, ultimately to established as a subspecialty of surgery. It
learn the probable life expectancy of patients has become a tradition in the USA to require
with any particular type of tumor. Today, serial trainees in neurosurgery to spend some months
imagings give an advantage to the clinician , in a neuropathology lab in order to learn the ele-
enabling them to follow the patients post- ments of diagnostic neuropathology. As it is not
operatively, to visualize the subsequent evolu- possible for neurosurgical trainees to learn all
tion of the lesion, to disclose signs of recurrence aspects of neuropathology during the ir short
at an early stage, and even to calculate the rotation, we have tried to design some limited


approaches that will be most beneficial for their clinical signs and specific neuroanatomical
future practice of neurosurgery. It is our points.
opinion that the answers to the following three In order to decrease such inevitable bias we
questions should be emphasized: encourage students to study the surgical speci-
mens first without any prior demographic and
How is a histopathological diagnosis made?
clinical information and to leave the clinico-
How can one understand the changing pathological correlation to later, when the final
diagnostic terminology? diagnosis can be revised as appropriate. If
What are the limitations of the histopatho- the histopathological findings were unique
logical diagnosis of surgical specimens? and specific in each disease, one should be
able to make a diagnosis of a disease solely by
histopathological study with total objectivity.
Unfortunately, this has proven frequently not
1. How is a to be the case. The definition of a disease is
Histopathological often too arbitrary and there have been too
many diseases for the number of conceivable
Diagnosis Made? pathogenetic reactions of human tissue.
Therefore, pathologists may not be able to form
Neuropathology can frequently be used simply a specific diagnosis when they examine the
to confirm or disprove a clinical diagnosis that specimen without other supportive informa-
is made by clinicians based on the clinical pre- tion , although they should be able to form a
sentation and on radiological and laboratory group of diagnoses to be differentiated from
findings . Owing to remarkable advances in each other by more advanced techniques or by
diagnostic techniques with high-tech equ ip- other clinical information.
ment and sophisticated laboratory assays, the In order to be an unbiased observer, one
clinical diagnosis is probably correct in the great should not assume: (1) that all specimens are
majority of cases. MRI can easily demonstrate pathological, or (2) that all surgical specimens
neoplasms in the brain and spinal cord and can represent some kind of tumor. For those who
differentiate extra - or intra-axial site, low or are not very familiar with histopathological
high grade, with or without cyst, calcification diagnoses, we recommend that they consider
and hemorrhage. One can reach a fairly accu- the following questions when they confront an
rate histopathological diagnosis of tumors unknown slide:
without a biopsy by combining these factors. Of
special note is the fact that MRI is especially What is the origin of the tissue?
sensitive to water, which is notoriously difficult Is it normal or abnormal?
for pathologists primarily because we extract all If abnormal, is the abnormality specific or
of the water before embedding the tissue to be non -specific?
stained! If specific, to which of the following cate-
However, there are still groups of pathologi- gories does it belong :
cal processes in which the clinical data cannot Developmental anomalies?
be so precise, especially in non-neoplastic
Inflammatory processes?
lesions, when histopathological study becomes
crucial. Students who are trained in particular Vascular diseases?
clinical skills tend to rely on their own clinical Degenerative diseases?
experiences and can be prejudiced by their own Traumatic lesions?
knowledge. They may be searching for only Neoplasms?
those signs to support their clinical diagnosis If it belongs to one of the above processes,
and may overlook other important evidence can you narrow your diagnosis more specif-
leading to other diagnoses. On the other hand, ically as to the type of process?
those who are trained in basic pathological skills
Does your tentatively final diagnosis make
tend to rely on their primary trade and may be
sense clinically and anatomically?
caught not only on relatively insignificant arti -
facts but also on their lack of familiarity with Let us consider each of these in turn.


What is the Origin ofthe If Abnormal, is the

Tissue? Abnormality Specific or
The more abnormal the tissue, the more difficult Non-specific?
it may be to identify the origin of the tissue. There are certain pathological changes - abnor-
Frequently, however, some clues can be found at mal but very common, frequently associated
the edge of the specimen. One may see gray mat- with age or derived from old subclinical injuries
ter, recognizable with neurons, but bits of cere- - that usually pose no clinical significance.
bral cortex cannot easily be differentiated from These should not delay the investigation too
basal ganglia or spinal cord gray unless one sees much and include the following: thickening of
leptomeninges on the surface. One may see the leptomeninges, atherosclerosis, fibrosis or
white matter or myelinated fibers, which should hyalinization of blood vessels, mineral deposits
differ in CNS or peripheral nervous system in various parts of the nervous system, lipofus-
(PNS), but bits of CNS white matter in the cere- cin in neurons, corpora amylacea, mild gliosis
brum cannot be distinguished from those in the without other specific pathological changes,
spinal cord or cerebellum unless one sees other acute (usually operative) and even old (remote)
landmarks - again, leptomeninges being helpful hemorrhages, necrosis without other specific
in non-cortical locations. White matter bundles findings, and mild inflammatory changes in the
separated by thin connective tissue septa are a absence of other specific changes.
relatively specific architecture of the optic nerve. Among these may be considered the differ-
Other structures, such as the pituitary gland, ential diagnosis of gliosis vs low-grade glioma.
pineal gland, peripheral nerve, choroid plexus This is the most frequent problem that neo-
and leptomeninges can usually be identified phytes expect to encounter according to their
with little difficulty. grapevine! Actually, however, for the usual
neophyte the boundary lies well up in the scale
Is the Tissue Normal or of hypercellularity simply because the true
neophyte has had essentially no experience
Abnormal? with the normal, much less the abnormal.
If one can recogni ze the site, the degree of Gliosis is a scar in the CNSanalogous to fibro-
abnormality becomes relatively easy to deter- sis in other organs. It only tells us that the tissue
mine. Otherwise, the hypercellularity of most is abnormal because something has happened
there , or near there, in the remote past and has
neoplasms and inflammation is usually easy to
see. But in other diseases, especially in so-called been repaired. The scar rema ins but the cause
"borderline cases", hypercellularity may be of the scar is no longer present. An old gliosis
consists of abundant astrocytic fibers and few
absent or very difficult to see. A mild increase
cell bodies or nuclei. More recent gliosis con-
in glial cells and a mild decrease in neurons can
tains more cell bodies with plump cytoplasm
also relate to the thickness and plane of the
("gemistocytes") and less prominent fibers.
section. In addition, one may have to struggle
Such recent or progressive gliosis is difficult to
with artifacts, especially those that can appear
distinguish from a low-grade astrocytoma.
during the removal of the tissue or during the
preparation of the slides. It should be noted that
the presence of nodular clusters of neurons
Gliosis vs Glioma
without lamination is abnormal in neocortex This is a problem on which even expert neuro-
but normal in the pyriform cortex - found in pathologists disagree frequently, especially
the parahippocampal gyrus. The presence of an when the biopsy specimen is either insufficient
external granular cell layer in the cerebellar in quantity or misses the target. There is no
cortex is normal in the infant up to about 18 single easy criterion to separate the two condi -
months of age. Large clusters of immature gran - tions . Increased density of cells is not always
ular cells in the striato-thalamic junction or diagnostic of a glioma, since atrophic white
over the caudate nucleus, known as the "germi - matter can be more hypercellular than even a
nal matrix", are normal components of fetal real low-grade glioma. Immune stains for glial
brains. fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) usually show


multipolar star-shaped astrocytes distributed the presence of extremely bizarre neurons and
at relatively regular intervals in gliosis, com- astrocytes and other cells of indeterminate,
pared with a "shoulder-to-shoulder" pattern in intermediate or mixed nature. Cysts can be lined
gliomas. The most important criterion in by arachnoid cells, glial tissue (Fig. 3.1), epithe -
gliomas is nuclear pleomorphism. When other lial cells and non -specific connective tissue (pial
criteria, such as vascular changes, mitoses and or other) membranes [3]. Epidermoid and der-
Ki67cycling activity are present, the tumor is no moid cysts can be considered to be develop-
longer low grade and poses no problem in being mental anomalies but are customarily included
distinguished from gliosis. in the category of neoplasms.
When all is said and done, the most impor-
tant fact for the biopsist to remember is that Inflammatory Lesions
most lesions are spherical, with a center (which
may be actively growing neoplasm, necrotic Abscesses due to purulent bacteria and granulo-
neoplasm or other tissue, demyelination, etc.), mas secondary to tuberculosis were common in
an active edge and an outer surrounding reac- the old days but their incidence has decreased
tion. A radial biopsy is the best, a tangential markedly with the advent of antibiotics. The
(or further away) one rarely being helpful. In recent epidemic of AIDS, however, has revived
general, the active edge is pleomorphic, con- this category. Furthermore, the causative agents
taining a background of normal cells (neurons, are no longer limited to simple staphylococci,
blood vessels, glia), reacting cells (microglia in streptococci, pneumococci, Hemophilus infiu-
all stages of development, astrocytes in various enzae and tuberculosis, but have expanded
stages of reaction) and the "cells of the lesion". their spectrum enormously to include many
A low-magnificat ion orientation is at least that were hitherto unknown to be pathogenetic
helpful, if not essential. We have seen experts for humans. The most common opportunistic
get lost in the pleomorphism of the edge, not infections today are probably by Toxoplasma
seeing the center as either necrotic or demyeli- and Aspergillus, but many other exotic bacteria,
nated, and not seeing the surrounding reaction fungi and viruses can be found in patients with
as it decreases from the active edge of the tumor immunodeficiencies. AIDS leucoencephalopa-
or the plaque . thy is an uncommon new entity and should be
taken into consideration when one is dealing
with AIDS patients. Sarcoidosis and vasculitis
If Specific, To Which ofthe of various types may be considered among the
Following Categories Does differential diagnoses. Progressive multifocal
leucoencephalopathy (PML), another oppor-
the Tissue Belong? tunistic infection by a papovavirus, reveals
demyelinating and partially necrotic white-
Developmental Anomalies matter lesions that characteristically show
This category includes cerebral dysplasias, bizarre Alzheimer Type I astrocytes and
tubers, hamartomas, heterotopia, polymicro- intranuclear viral inclusions in glial cells.
gyria and cysts of various types. Encephaloceles
and meningomyeloceles are readily diagnosable Demyelinating Diseases vs Gliomas Until the
on the external appearance of the patients and advent of MRI and the culmination of studies of
usually contain fragments of CNS and PNS tis- experimental allergic encephalo-myelitis (EAE),
sues, nerves, nests of blood vessels and fibrous both occurring about 30 years ago, the concept
connective tissue. Cortical dysplasias , tubers, of multiple sclerosis (MS) was derived almost
heterotopia and polymicrogyria are frequently entirely from clinical and autopsy studies. The
resected for seizure control. "Hamartoma" is former remained questionable until evidence of
included but its diagnosis is difficult because the "multiple lesions in time and space" provided
definition is vague and controversial. We try not the clue, but this occurred only after the disease
to make a diagnosis of hamartoma except for was well established. The latter almost neces-
cases of hypo thalamic hamartoma, which has sarily revealed only the end stage: sharply
become a well established clinicopathological defined plaques involving the white matter and
entity. Tubers are relatively unique because of manifest by loss of myelin and gliosis with



Temporal horn
•• .

Figa. 3.1. a Incidentally observed at autopsy, this congenital intracerebral cyst is in theregion ofthehippocampal fissure. b Micro-
scopic section shows a glia-Iined cyst separated from theependyma-lined temporal horn by gliotic brain tissue. NP2391, H&E.


preservation ofaxons. There was a long tempo- They thus learned the hard way that demyeli-
ral gap between the two fields of study, so much nating disease must be added to their list of dif-
so that MS was frequently considered to be ferential diagnoses. However, it can still be quite
degenerative rather than inflammatory. The confusing because the edge is not always sharp
status of "activity" remained speculative. and the preservation ofaxons far from perfect.
Lesions that contained lipid-filled macrophages They know of several cases of litigation against
("gitter cells") were thought to be active, for- pathologists because of the misdiagnosis of
getting that macrophages can persist for many neoplasm.
months, even years. Other lesions were only
loose mesh works of astrocytic fibers and were Abscess and Granuloma vs Tumor Hypercellu-
truly old. Mild, focal, perivascular lymphocytic larity is one of the characteristics of most
cuffs were also considered "active" but rarely neoplasms but it is not specific. The number of
did neuropathologists encounter a really active cells increases even more markedly in many
lesion: a small focus at the circumference where inflammatory processes but the types of cells
microglia in various stages of phagocytosing are quite different and should cause only tem-
and digesting myelin (Fig. 3.2) could be seen as porary difficulty in differential diagnosis. The
evidence of some process beginning only a few granulation tissue in the wall of an organizing
days before death. Neuropathologists did not abscess or granuloma with abundant, actively
expect a biopsy of an MS lesion until modern proliferating, immature fibroblasts may look
scans began to reveal "solitary" expanding quite wild and mimic pleomorphic astro-
lesions that required a biopsy to differentiate a cytomas, especially if the adjacent reactive glio-
neoplasm (glioma, lymphoma or metastatic car- sis is included in the specimen and the more
cinoma) from an abscess or granuloma. MS was central inflammatory exudate is not. Macro -
just not on the list of differential diagnoses in phages are usually present in the granulation
those days. tissue and these contribute to the pleomophism
When the authors saw their first case of MS as the microglia evolve into macrophages. On
at biopsy (Fig. 3.3), their first impression was the other hand, acute and chronic inflammatory
anaplastic astrocytoma with pleomorphic nuclei exudates may be seen focally in glioblastomas,
(later shown to be both microglia and astrocytes probably in response to necrosis. This can cause
in various stages of evolution), the astrocytes a differential nightmare when the specimen is
being especially pleomorphic with chromatin small and does not show representative areas
patterns that were suggestive of mitoses but of the glioblastoma. Since the treatment for
which are now recognized as micronuclei. There glioblastoma and abscess is so different, re-
was only mild perivascular lymphocytic cuffing. biopsy has to be requested if the problem
The evolving macrophages were not obvious on cannot be solved.
H&E (hematoxylin & eosin)-stained sections
and, indeed, the authors were not sensitized
enough even to be looking for macrophages.
Vascular Diseases
Only when they saw the CT scan showing what Hemorrhages, old and recent, usually pose no
looked like a head full of marbles did they problem for diagnosis except that the gliosis
realize that not only were they wrong in their adjacent to an old hemorrhage can be so disor-
diagnosis of glioma but also that the clinicians ganized as to raise a question of glioma. Foci of
were wrong in diagnosing metastatic cancer. vascular malformation in gliomas, both low
The diagnosis had to be MS even though the and high grade, are not uncommon and oligo-
primary complaint had been an epileptic dendrogliomas are notorious for spontaneously
seizure! Fortunately, although the concept of bleeding as their first sign. When a large arteri-
pleomorphic xantho-astrocytorna (PXA) was ovenous malformation (AVM) is present adja-
not yet popularized in those days, the foamy cent to a glioma, it is difficult to tell whether the
and spongy stroma of the tissue raised their AVM is a focal change in the glioma or two inde-
suspicion of MS. Subsequent special stains pendent lesions that just happen to occur in
revealed that the lesion was packed with foamy the same location.
macrophages and had a sharply defined loss of Congophilic angiopathy should be consid-
myelin and preservation ofaxons. ered and the amyloid-containing blood vessels


~_ .....---.;~ ......__..........:;._..;;.;... b

Fig. 3.2. a An inactive plaque of MS at autopsy, packed with

lipid-filled gitter cells (red in the original), thesharp edge and
the uniformly plump macrophages indicating that thelesion is
atleast many months old. NP4249, oil-red-O-hematoxylin (ORO-
H). bAsmall focus ofactivity attheedge ofanother old plaque
inthe same patient, the gradation insize ofthemicroglia as they
digest the myelin intoORa-positive droplets indicating thatthe
lesion began less than a few days before death. NP4249, ORO-
H. c Another small focus of activity in another case of MS, the
progressively decreasing sizes of the myelin debris (blue in the
original) phagocytosed bymicroglia and converted intoperiodic
acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive granules (red in the original)
paralleling the lipid production in b. NP2169, Luxol-fast-blue-
c PAS-hematoxylin (LFB-PAS-H).


Fig. 3.3.a Pleomorphicnuclei and cytoplasms (H&E), atfirst suggesting an anaplastic astrocytoma. bThe Cl scan, however, showed
multiple lesions that suggested metastaticcancer and prompted the biopsy seen in a. The combination of aand b suggested MS,
which was confirmed bythe sharp-edged demyelination inc, the upper right triangular portion being blue in the original (LFB-PAS-
H), even though the astrocytes were quite pleomorphic in d (NP8667, Holzer'scrystal violet forastrocytes).


should be looked for in hematomas evacuated tion that cannot be characterized clinically. The
from anyone over 50 years of age. Other diag- location and amount of the specimen may be
noses include blood clot without abnormal critical but we generally recommend a good
blood vessels or neoplasm, vascular malforma- cubic centimeter of cortex and white matter so
tions of various types (AVM, cavernous mal- that adequate blocks for frozen and paraffin sec-
formation, venous angioma, telangiectasia and tions and electron microscopy can be per-
aneurysm), and ischemic and hemorrhagic formed . Unfortunately, often only non-specific
infarcts of various durations. Some may be gliotic tissue is obtained in these cases and the
biopsied when they cannot be differentiated disease remains frustratingly undetectable .
clinically from tumors. Atheromatous plaques
removed at carotid endarterectomy may appear Trauma
as non-specific fibrous tissue with or without Occasionally, cases may present as diagnostic
calcification, cholesterol clefts or cholesterol problems: (l) Did the patient fall because of an
granulomas. underlying disease or was the trauma primary?
(2) Is the necrosis due to the trauma (contusion
Degenerative Diseases of the crests of superficial gyri) or to vascular
So far, the authors have found it rare to have the disease (usually deep in the sulci)? Contused
final diagnosis be an unexpected degenerative cerebral tissue with petechiae; blood clots from
disease. Neurosurgeons may be asked by neu- epidural, subdural and intracerebral hemor-
rologists to perform a biopsy for suspected neu- rhages; and organizing subdural membrane
ronal storage diseases and leukodystrophies of usually give little difficulty in diagnosis. One can
different types, Creutzfeld-Iakob disease (CID), recognize the relatively slow evolution of the
Alzheimer's disease and Pick's disease, as well outer membrane of a subdural hematoma (Fig.
as for patients who show progressive deteriora- 3.4) compared with the almost-non-changing

Evolution ofsubdural hematoma

1 2 4 1 2 4 Wksl 2 4 8
Normal day days days wk wks 1mo mo mo mo Years


Arachnoid - - j - - t - o

Hemorrhage - f -- f-t

8rain 8rain

Fibrin -+--~ ~~l +--+t--t+--+ Inner

Arachnoid --t::--==~

Fig. 3.4. Schematic evolution of a subdural hematoma of moderately large size. Note that most of the reaction is in the outer
membrane. Trichrome (green staining dura and fibrous tissue and red staining hemorrhage in the original) and iron (blue staining
hemosiderin in the original) stains. Note RBC in dilated sinusoids at 1month.


inner membrane, and one must also recognize - that even benign meningiomas and cranio -
the much more rapid organization of an epidural pharyngiomas may break through the pia and
hemorrhage with its immediate access to the infiltrate the CNS, craniopharyngiomas espe-
surrounding connective tissue and blood vessels. cially evoking a remarkable gliosis with many
Rosenthal fibers.
Neoplasms In determining the type and grade of neo-
plasms, one usually relies on the cell morphol-
This category is obviously the largest - neuro- ogy, frequently assisted by the pattern of cellular
surgeons' biases historically shaped this direc - arrangement as well as by stromal and vascular
tion! - and consists of 70-80% of all neuro- changes. Let us consider each of these below.
surgical specimens, but the distribution depends
on the populations served and the strengths
of subspecialties of neurosurgeons in anyone Cell Morphology The authors assume familiar-
institute. The magnet effect of individuals - so ity with the neurohistology of normal neurons,
obvious in Cushing's pituitary tumors, but also astrocytes, oligodendroglia, ependymal cells
involving public, private, academic , large and and microglia, as well as that of blood vessels
small institutions - is still in play! There are and meninges. In general, touch or smear
already many books describing gross and micro- preparations of freshly removed specimens
scopic findings for each type of tumor and there stained with H&E generally reveal the structure
are already too many revisions of classifications of individual cells better than frozen or even
of tumors [4,5,6,7,8], so we will not be repetitive subsequently prepared paraffin sections, pro-
in describing each tumor. Books that not only vided, of course, that enough cells stick to the
describe the findings of each tumor but also dis- slide. Touch or smear preparations are espe-
cuss the differential diagnoses more extensively cially useful with pituitary adenomas as the
are more helpful [6]. The authors would caution, normal pituitary cells do not come out of their
however, that the types of tumors have changed enclosure in small pockets or capsules of con-
dramatically, from "wait until the tumor is large nective tissue . In adenomatous tissue, the
enough to be seen by pneumoencephalography" connective tissue septa diminish and large
to" biopsy after the MRI after the first fit". They nodules of adenoma cells are easily squeezed
would also suggest that the character of a tumor out. Cells with abundant processes that are
can be defined biologically (i.e. only the ranges tightly woven together, as in schwannomas and
of growth and invasive characteristics can be astrocytomas, come out only as thick chunks.
inferred, not measured histologically, and these Patterns of cellular arrangement and vascular
ranges are notoriously wide: fast, slow, diffuse, changes are usually not discerned in touch
etc.). But this may be a subject for discussion in preparations. Necrotic coagula are easily seen
its own right! but may be missed as an artifact.
Having reached a tentative conclusion that a To make a diagnosis of the cell type, one looks
given specimen probably represents a neo- for resemblance of tumor cells to normal cells.
plasm, one should be able to say whether it is: Sometimes our concept of "normal" may
(l) primary or secondary (metastatic), (2) seem a little strange ; witness the "fried egg" or
intrinsic (neural) or extrinsic (non-neural), and " honeycomb" (Fig. 3.5) pattern of oligoden -
(3) its type and grade. drogliomas. This pattern is really an autolytic
The nature of the edge is very helpful since artifact that most pathologists find diagnostic,
primary intrinsic neoplasms tend to be infiltra- even though the normal oligodendrocyte
tive of the CNS whereas metastatic or extrinsic usually shows much less of this artifact.
neoplasms tend to be sharply demarcated from Cells showing more deviation away from the
the CNS. Of course, truly extrinsic neoplasms norm are said to be less differentiated or more
are rarely excised with any CNS but there may anaplastic. At its maximal end , the cells appear
be a capsule of fibrous tissue that helps. One so undifferentiated and uncharacteristic - con-
must always be aware that rapidly growing sisting only of nuclei with little or no cytoplasm
primary gliomas may break through the pia, or processes - that their identity is lost and they
infiltrate the arachnoid and dura and grossly can only be designated as primitive neuroecto-
resemble meningiomas. The reverse is also true dermal cells. However, whether they are truly


a b

Fig. 3.5. a A honeycomb, some still filled with baby bees, corresponding to the nuclei of an oligodendroglioma. b "Honeycomb"
pattern of an oligodendroglioma. 5-4362-81 , H&E.

neuroectodermal or not needs to be proven by some common denominator for each group .
other studies. As we mentioned above, we first use the mor-
Many well differentiated tumors frequently phology of the tumor cells to estimate the
consist of more than one type of cell, just as a lineage of the cell and tumor. However,
family conta ins old and young persons, male although the histological variations on normal
and female, tall and short, even skinny and cells are very limited, those of tumor cells are
obese. This is especially true in gliomas, as quite marked. No matter how we combine the
astrocytes (fibrillary, gemistocytic or protoplas- shape, size and degree of staining of the nucleus
mic), oligodendroglia and even ependymocytes and cytoplasm and the shape, size and number
share the same progenitor. When a diagnosis of of cell processes, we can make only a limited
a particular type of glioma is made , it does not number of normal cell types, which can resem-
necessarily imply a pure culture of that partic- ble the tumor cells to various degrees. Not all
ular type of glia cell, only a majority of that type tumors are diffusely infiltrating or consist of
of cell. When the proportion of other types randomly arranged or packed cell masses.
becomes significant, a diagnosis of mixed Tumors belonging to a similar lineage have a
glioma can be made, although a determination tendency to show a particular pattern formed
of the necessary proportion is quite arbitrary by groups of cells. These patterns are not spe-
and subjective - usually at least 25%. This is cific and frequently overlap among different
another area where controversies arise. groups but are helpful when combined with
cell morphology. The patterns are not necessar-
Patterns of Cellular Arrangement ily present in the whole tumor but are often
Each tumor appears to be different . In order found only in small foci, which one has to
to classify tumors into groups, one has to find search for.


Diffusely Infiltrating with No Significant Pattern and abnormally in a satellite position but oligo-
This type of pattern can be seen in all types of dendrogliomas seem to be the most common
gliomas: gangliogliomas, lymphomas, primitive neoplasm to produce this pattern. Two or three
neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs), germino- glial cells around a neuron are common, indeed
mas, melanomas, sarcomas and some types of normal, but more than that is abnormal. In
carcinoma. Some show relatively subtle pat- tumors, there are an increased number of satel-
terns : germ inomas can be identified because of lite cells, which usually show some nuclear pleo-
the mixture of two distinct cell types: large morphism (Fig. 3.7). Often the presence of a
epithelioid cells and smalllymphocytes. Islands neuron in the center is obscure and one sees
of nuclei in a sea of glial fibers are seen in the only a regular scattering of clumps of tumor
adult spinal cord (Fig. 3.6a) and are typical of cells in the gray matter, suggesting the distrib-
subependymomas (Fig. 3.6b). Lymphoma cells ution of neurons previously present. Satellitosis
tend to be densely packed around blood vessels, is not specific for a neoplasm, but can be seen
even laminated. Homer Wright pseudo- in reactions to various non-specific infections
rosettes, described below, may be found in and intoxications.
PNETswith neuroblastic differentiation but fre-
quently require careful search. Streams and Bundles Most frequently seen in
schwannomas, streams of interlacing bundles of
Perineuronal Satellitosis Oligodendrogliomas elongated spindle-shaped cells are present in
have a tendency to proliferate close to the cell Antoni Type A regions (Fig. 3.8); cut in cross-
bodies of neurons in the gray matter, a phe- section, the spindle -shaped nuclei become small
nomenon known as "perineuronal satellitosis" . and round. Meningiomas, especially of the
Astrocytes and microglia also occur normally fibrous variant, can also show this pattern, but

,, ,, ".

a •b

Fig. 3.6.a Islands of nuclei inasea ofglial fibers in anormal adult spinal cord. NP282, H&E. b Similar islandsinasubependymoma.
NP171, H&E.


Fig. 3.7. Perineuronal satellitosis in an oligodendroglioma.

NP7146, H&E.

a ......_ _• ._' r _ _-..lI......_ _ b

Fig. 3.8. a-b Streams or bundles of spindle cells typical of a schwannoma. NP16042, H&E. a Low magnification. b High


the nuclei of meningioma cells tend to be less schwannoma"). Palisading of nuclei can also
spindle-shaped. In addition, streaming cells occur in PNET, again as a clone of the rare prim-
forming parallel rows with little interlacing can itive spongioblastoma. An area of coagulative
be seen in pilocytic astrocytomas, fibrillary necrosis surrounded by rows of nuclei is often
astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas. called "pseudopalisading", more accurately
called "perinecrotic palisading", and is often
Whorls, Loops, Onion-skin Pattern and Psam- seen in glioblastoma multiforme. Adjacent
moma Bodies These patterns are characteristic areas of dense (Antoni A) and loose (Antoni B)
of meningiomas in which there are concentric tissue is typical of schwannoma (Fig. 3.11).
layers of tumor cells around a center, which may
contain no structure or which may show a small Rosettes and Pseudo-rosettes There are four
blood vessel, a hyaline body or even a calcified types of these patterns: two types of true rosettes
granule . Psammoma bodies are calcified gran- and two types of pseudo-rosettes. All show cells
ules that are usually laminated and non-specific, radiating around a center. One true rosette is an
unless one can see the whorling meningioma ependymal rosette that has a small or large
cells around them (Fig. 3.9a, b). Whorls can also lumen in the center, resembling the central
be seen in schwannomas but they are not as dis- canal of the spinal cord with cilia or blephalo-
tinctly outlined by a thin fibrous membrane as plasts around the lumen (Fig. 3.12a). Such
in meningiomas and tend to be larger with an rosettes are found in some ependymomas (Fig.
indistinct border (Fig. 3.9c). Larger whorls may 3.12b). Another true rosette is composed of rods
look more like oval loops. Cross-sections of neu- and cones and is seen in some retinoblastomas.
rofibromas may show a somewhat similar pat- One type of pseudo-rosette includes a blood
tern, known as an "onion skin" or "onion bulb" . vessel in the center, a perivascular pseudo-
These structures are more numerous and rosette (Fig. 3.l3a, b), the cell processes from the
loosely spaced, typically with a demonstrable surrounding cells tapering toward the vascular
axon in the center of the onion bulb . wall. These can be seen with H&Estain but more
easily seen with van Gieson (VG) stain (Fig.
3.13c). Perivascular pseudo -rosettes are very
Nodular, Lobular and Alveolar Patterns
common in ependymomas, and are much more
Tumors consisting of nodules and lobules of
common than true rosettes . When the center
various sizes are numerous. Small nodules and
consists of anuclear eosinophilic cytoplasm (on
large lobules separated by thin fibrous mem-
H&E stain), it is known as a "Homer Wright
branes are typical of meningiomas, separated by
pseudo-rosette", a pattern typical of neuroblasts
capillarie s or hypo cellular gliotic tissue fre-
growing in culture. They are found in some
quently in oligodendrogliomas and separated
PNETs but more frequently in neuroblastomas
by connective tissue septa in pituitary adeno- (Fig. 3.14), central neurocytomas and pineocy-
mas. Similar lobular patterns are also seen in tomas. The eosinophilic amorphous areas tend
chordomas, chemodectomas, metastatic carci- to be larger and more irregular in pineocytomas
nomas and alveolar soft-part sarcomas. and neuroblastomas.
Alveolar and follicular patterns are more or less
synonymous with a lobular pattern (Fig. 3.10). Cartwheels and Perivascular Crowns Difficult
to distinguish from perivascular pseudoro-
Palisades and Pseudo-palisades Nuclei that settes , a cartwheel formation has been described
form parallel rows are known as "nuclear pal- as characteristic of astroblastomas in which
isades". Anuclear eosinophilic cytoplasmic radially arranged tumor cells show cell feet
bands between nuclear rows in a schwannoma attached to the vascular wall, whereas only
are known as "Verocay bodies" (Fig. 3.11). The tapering cytoplasmic processes are demon-
combination of nuclear palisades, Verocay's strable in ependymomas. When no cellular
bodies and interlacing bundles of spindle- processes are present around the blood vessel,
shaped cells (see Fig. 3.8) is relatively specific the pattern is simply called a "perivascular
for schwannoma, although an almost identical crown", as seen in numerous types of tumors,
pattern can be seen in occasional astrocy- including astrocytomas (Fig. 3.15), adenomas
tomas (bipolar spongioblastomas or "central and carcinomas .


a b

Fig. 3.9. a Whorls of plump viable meningioma cells pro-

gressively condensing intosmall, tight whorls of thin cells and
then into psammoma bodies. NP7807, H&E. b Transitional
forms of whorls typical of meningiomas. NP173S4, H&E.
c Looser whorls of cells seen occasionally in schwannomas.
5-67-787, H&E.


_ ._ _• .... b

Fig. 3.10. a Lobular pattern in a meningioma. N90, H&E.

b Lobular pattern in an oligodendroglioma produced by
"chicken wire" pattern of thick capillaries. Note absence of the
autolytic honeycomb pattern shown inFig. 3.5b. NP1 0891 , H&E.
c Lobular pattern in aprolactinoma. NP7275, H&E.


Fig. 3.11. Schwannoma showing nuclear palisades forming

Verocay bodies in Antoni A (dense) region next to Antoni B
(loose, foamy) region. NP15094, H&E.

a b

Fig.3.12. a-b True rosettes. aNormal ependymal canal and b ependymal rosette in an ependymoma. NP27902, H&E.


a O:-. -'_ _ ..... ....._ _.....,;;;..oII

l::>.~ ........

Fig. 3.13. a-<Perivascular pseudo-rosettes in anependymoma.

NP20617, H&E. a Low magnification. b High magnification.
c Special stains such as this Verhoeff-van Gieson stain can
differentiate theperivascular collagen (red in theoriginal) from
theglial fibers (yellow in theoriginal), thelatter tapering to a
point in ependymomas rather than expanding into a footplate,
asinastroblastomas. NP709.


Fig. 3.14. Homer Wright neuroblastic pseudo-rosette in a Fig. 3.1 S. Perivascular crowns inan astrocytoma. NP13936, H&E.
medulloblastoma (cerebellar PNET). NP25458, H&E.

Papillae Papillae are finger-like processes of

hyperplastic tumors, each process with a con-
nective tissue stroma, usually with accompany-
ing blood vessels, covered by epithelial cells.
The best example is, of course, a choroid plexus
papilloma but papillae can also be seen in
ependymomas, pituitary adenomas , metastatic
adenocarcinomas (Fig. 3.16) and in a rare form
of meningiomas known as "papillary menin-

Checkerboard and Lattice Formations This

mosaic pattern with alternating dense fibrillary
and loose hypocellular areas is typically found
in pilocytic astrocytomas (Fig. 3.17a, b). The
loose areas represent areas of mucinous degen-
eration and the beginning of cyst format ion.
Rosenthal fibers are usually found in the dense
part. A similar pattern with tumor nodules par-
titioned by connective tissue septa is found in
optic gliomas (Fig. 3.17c). Fig. 3.16. Papillary adenocarcinoma. NP16375, H&E.


a b

Fig. 3.17. a-e Lattice pattern in a pilocytic astrocytoma.

NP14609, H&E. a low magnification. b High magnification.
c c Septate pattern in an optic glioma. NP4260, H&E.


The var ious patterns described above are presence of pseudo-palisading around the
not necessarily specific for anyone type of necrosis as specific to tumor necrosis, but
tumor but are useful in beginning to formulate the absence is ambiguous since there may not
a histological differential diagnosis. When be sufficient numbers of remaining tumor cells
combined with other findings, such as the necessary to form palisades or the ir growth rate
morphology of the tumor cells and stromal and may have been slowed by the radiotherapy.
vascular changes, the particular pattern is very
helpful. Mineralizations (Calcification, Ferrugination
and Ossification) Calcification is found in rela-
Stromal Changes tively slow growing tumors, including menin-
In addition to the appearance of the principal giomas, oligodendrogliomas, gangliogliomas,
cells, there are many ancillary changes that craniopharyngiomas and astrocytomas, but it
occur in tumor tissue. These changes again are can also follow irradiation. It can be found in
not specific and diagnostic by themselves but the parenchyma and adjacent cerebral tissue
are helpful in making a diagnosis, especially in and in the blood vessel walls in oligoden-
determining the degree of anaplasia of the drogliomas. In meningiomas, calcification
tumors. may be present in the form of psammoma
bodies, which may show concentric lamination,
Necrosis with or without Palisading Necrosis and in the form of more amorphous larger
represents death of tissue. There are two types, calcified masses. In craniopharyngiomas, ter -
liquefactive and coagulative, but most of atomas, chordomas and dermoid cysts, the
the latter become liquefactive in time as calcification appears as masses of various
macrophages digest it. Liquefactive necrosis sizes. Scattered calcified granules within coagu-
from the beginning is typical of an abscess with lative necrosis are typically seen in radiation
pus, but the later stage of any other necrosis can necrosis.
be progressively soft and eventually liquid.
Tumor necrosis and radiation necrosis tend Cyst Formation and Mucoid Degeneration A
to be coagulative with very little phagocytic cyst is simply a fluid-filled closed cavity and
activity. Necrosis due to infarction is initially tends to be found in slow-growing tumors. The
coagulative, although grossly soft, but slowly fluid may be dark brown (so-called «motor oil"),
becomes liquefactive with extensive phagocyto- watery (like CSF), xanthochromic of various
sis to digest the dead tissue. Even when tumor degrees or hues, milky or mucinous depending
necrosis is considered to be due to vascular on the amount of hemosiderin and protein
occlusion within the turn or, the dead tumor present, and with or without cholesterol crystals
tissue does not appear to attract many phago- in craniopharyngiomas. The cyst usually arises
cytic cells. The presence of tumor necrosis with from liquefactive necrosis or mucoid degenera-
surrounding palisading is indicative of cellular tion of the tumor tissue . In oligodendrogliomas,
proliferation without concomitant vascular pilocytic astrocytomas and chordomas, both
and/or nutrient support and is, therefore, a sign mucoid degeneration and cyst formation may
of a rapidly growing turn or . The presence of be present. A large, more or less solitary, cyst is
necrosis is one of critical importance in the typically found in hemangioblastomas and pilo-
diagnosis of glioblastoma. The clinical correlate cytic astrocytomas that appear as a mural
of necrosis in ependymomas and oligoden- nodule. Numerous microcysts are common in
drogliomas is not as clear as in astrocytomas oligodendrogliomas (Fig. 3.18) and astroblas-
[9]. tomas as well as in pilocytic astrocytomas. Cysts
Radiation also induces coagulative necrosis, in craniopharyngiomas or chordomas are vari-
predominantly in the white matter, frequently able in size. Cysts are uncommon in menin-
almost identical to that of untreated glioblas- giomas and schwannomas and rare in PNETs
tomas. In cases of a re-operated tumor with and germinomas. Glioblastoma has been
a history of previous radiotherapy, it is practi- defined as a multiform glioma, so it should not
cally impossible to distinguish the necrosis be surprising to find foci of low-grade glioma
as being an inherent part of the tumor or with cysts and calcifications, not to forget cysts
secondary to radiation. Some emphasize the due to necrosis.


a b

Fig. 3.18. a-b Microcysts are frequently seen in oligodendrogliomas, usually owing to mucinous degeneration, as evidenced bythe
faintly stained contents. NP19529, H&E. aLow magnification. b High magnification.

Rosenthal Fibers, Cytoid Bodies and Eosinophilic lial membranes appear as thin parallel lines
Hyaline Bodies Eosinophilic hyaline bodies to hexagonal plates, depending on the plane of
of variable shapes and thicknesses (commas, section. They are known as "keratin" or "dry
sausages or just thick bands) are known as keratin" ("dandruff') and are typically seen in
"Rosenthal fibers". These structures are usually epidermoid and dermoid cysts (Fig. 3.19a),
densely red with a mild purplish tinge and where the dehydrating pattern of maturation
sometimes resemble columns of red blood cells. is to be expected on exposure to air. By contrast,
They are found typically in pilocytic astrocy- dead , swollen, mucosal epithelium ("wet
tomas and gliotic white matter surrounding keratin", where the swelling represents matura-
craniopharyngiomas. The origin of Rosenthal tion of cells exposed to moisture) appears as
fibers has been debated but they probably rep- eosinophilic masses with pale membranous
resent a degenerated form of glial fibers on septa representing cell walls and ghosts of nuclei
which crystalline is deposited. They stain vari- (Fig. 3.19b). Wet keratin is characteristic of
ably with GFAP but not so intensely as do the craniopharyngiomas, which develop from
usual astrocytic fibers. Eosinophilic hyaline Rathke's duct and nasopharyngeal mucosa.
bodies, cytoid bodies and eosinophilic granular
bodies are found in low-grade gliomas, such as Desmoplasia and Fibrosis Excessive fibrous
pilocytic astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas, connective tissue sometimes forms the stroma
but their origin has not been clarified. of tumors and at times divides tumors into
numerous small nodules or cords . This phe-
Keratin (Dry Keratin) and Parakeratin (Wet nomenon is seen especially when a tumor
Keratin) Multilaminated desquamated epithe- invades and infiltrates the leptomeninges, even


a b

Fig. 3.19.a Dry keratin appears as parallel lines expanding intohexagonal plates depending on the plane ofsection. NP3880, H&E.
b Wet keratin appears as swollen cells with ghosts of nuclei inacraniopharyngioma. NP-02-286, H&E.

more when it invades the dura, or when there is infantile ganglioglioma (DIG) and desmoplastic
an excessive reaction in the connective tissue cerebral astrocytoma of infancy (DCAI) occur in
portion of the vascular components. Fibrous the superficial cerebrum of infants, are rich in
scar formation is almost always found in cases collagenous tissue, and tend to have a relatively
with previous surgical intervention. Irradiation favorable prognosis.
also induces excessive proliferation of connec-
tive tissue. The differentiation from a sarcoma Inflammation Mild focal perivascular lympho-
or a mixed glio-sarcoma is difficult unless one cytic cuffs are common but non-specific in
can demonstrate neoplastic features in the many glioma s and other tumors. Pre-operative
connective tissue, i.e. mitoses and numerous diagnostic procedures such as angiography may
cycling nuclei in addition to the pleomorphism contribute to a mild inflammation. Foci of neu-
frequently seen in actively reacting fibrous trophilic reaction are occasionally seen in
tissue. glioblastomas, causing differential diagnostic
Terminology may be deleted with experience, problems with other causes of necrosis or
and the "cerebellar sarcoma " - so diagnosed inflammation, especially when the specimen is
decades ago because of its rich fibrous connec- inadequate. Lymphocytes of various types con-
tive tissue dividing the tumor into nodul es (Fig. stitute the small cells of germinomas and
3.20a) - is now known to be a desmoplastic become of diagnostic importance.
medulloblastoma, but the prognosis remains
the same with CSFmetastases (Fig. 3.20b, c), just Hemorrhages, Old and Recent Evidences of
as in other medulloblastomas. Terminology also recent and old hemorrhages may follow various
increases, of course , and both desmoplastic treatments but also occur spontaneously in


('V) ....:::::
"" ==
- Po.-=::

a ...... .......b

Fig. 3.20. a Medulloblastomas sometimes evoke somuch connective tissue reaction asto suggest sarcoma (NP243, reticulin). b
Although theposteriorfossa was irradiated,thefailuretoappreciate that thetumor was reallyamedulloblastoma led tothepatient's
death by metastases through the (SF, surrounding thespinal cord. cgross. H&E.


many tumors characterized by hypervascular- Capillary Networks Intersecting the Tumor into
ity: hemangioblastomas, meningiomas, schwan- Lobules So-called "chicken-wire capillary net-
nomas, oligodendrogliomas and ependymomas. works" that intersect the tumor into multiple
Melanomas often bleed and the cells may lobules are one of the characteristic architec-
contain both melanin and hemosiderin tural patterns of oligodendrogliomas (see Figs.
pigments. 3.sb and 3.lOb).
Vascular Changes Sinusoidal Networks Intersectingthe Tumor into
In general, high-grade neoplasms are more Lobules The normal pituitary gland consists of
vascular than low- grade ones, but there are small acini of cells of different types separated
many exceptions. Obviously, tumors of vascular by connective tissue septa with sinusoidal
origin, such as capillary hemangioblastomas, vessels. The acini expand in adenomas to
hemangioendotheliomas and hemangiopericy- destroy the connective tissue septa but the basic
tomas , are vascular by definition regardless of pattern may remain, only with enlargement of
their degree of anaplasia. Meningiomas have the acini (see Fig. 3.lOc).
long been known to be vascular, fed both intra-
and extra-cranially, and their surgical resection Hyalinized Necrosis and Thrombosis of Blood
was sometimes disastrous in the old days, but Vessels Hyalinized necrosis of blood vessel
they are easily handled today with pre-operative walls and recent thrombosis, together with
selective embolization. Among metastatic marked proliferation of abnormal blood vessels,
neoplasms, melanomas, hepatomas and chorio- including thin -walled and dilated veins and
carcinomas are well known to be vascular thick-walled fibrous blood vessels of indetermi-
and to bleed easily. Ependymomas are inher- nate nature, may be at least as diagnostic of
ently vascular as part of their perivascular
pseudo-rosettes, but an avascular cellular
ependymoma without perivascular pseudo-
rosettes can be readily mistaken for an astrocy-
toma . Oligodendrogliomas can also be very
vascular and have spontaneous intracerebral
hemorrhages. Pilocytic astrocytomas and
schwannomas often show focal areas of hyper-
vascularity, usually markedly hyalinized, but
occasionally even with capillary endothelial

Capillary Endothelial Proliferation Excessive

proliferation of capillary endothelium filling the
lumen and/or extending externally to form
glomerulus-like masses (Fig. 3.21} or chains is
one of the common ancillary "proofs of malig-
nancy" in glioblastomas. However, it is also
common in oligodendrogliomas and the walls
of cysts of any nature, and is occasionally found
in pilocytic astrocytomas and schwannomas
without affecting the grading or prognosis.

Telangiectasia and Angioma Formations Foci

of telangiectasia and angioma formations are
frequently found in high-grade glioblastomas
and low-grade oligodendrogliomas, but are not
useful as criteria for grading the neoplasm .
Spontaneous hemorrhages most frequently Fig. 3.21. A chain of glomeruloid masses of endothelial
occur in these tumors. proliferation is typical ofglioblastoma. NIH-575, H&E.


glioblastoma as the presence of necros is. Tumor are especially numerous, complicated and
necrosis is most likely the result of these abnor- controversial, particularly when considering
mal vascular channels with neovascularization, gliomas. The logical difficulties are circular:
which inappropriately slows or shunts the blood without knowing the histological variations, one
flow away from the tumor. cannot tabulate the biological variables. Even
though there are some strange compromises
Perivascular Fibrosis Perivascular fibrosis is that provoke continuing criticisms, the cur rent
very common and non -diagnostic. With multi- World Health Organization's classification
ple capillary channels it is characteristic of should be supported as an heroic attempt to
radiation, but it can be found in untreated standardize terminologies internationally -
glioblastomas as a "radio-mimetic effect". with all the inherent biases of international rela-
tions considered - since this approach is likely
to be far more advantageous in the long run.
If It Belongs to One ofthe Above In the mean time, a comment comparing other
Processes, Can You Narrow Your terminologies is frequently necessary.
As for the future, at least one of us believes
Diagnosis More Specifically as that the ultimate resolution lies in actually mea-
to the Type of Process? suring the growth rates and degree of infiltra-
tion to truly define high, intermediate or low
In narrowing one's list of differential diagnoses, grades and to suggest the probable degree of
it is frequently necessary to consult textbooks resection that should be attempted. The past
and journals [4,5,6,7,8,10] . Pathology is largely behavior should predict the future at least suf-
a visual science, so that picture-matching ficiently accurately to suggest when the next
becomes important! follow-up scans should be obtained and how
frequently thereafter, thus providing some esti-
mate of how effective the therapy has been in
Does Your Tentatively Final that particular patient [11,12]. Figure 3.22 illus-
Pathological Diagnosis Make trates the growth of the average diameter lin-
Sense Clinically and Anatomically? early with time, a pattern typical of infiltrating
gliomas oflow and high grade , the velocities dif-
There is rarely anything so satisfying as reach- fering by a factor of 10, each extreme being an
ing the same diagnosis as did the clinician , both average of +50%, as estimated by Woodward et
independently using different techniques inher- al. [13]. By contrast, constant volume-doubling
ent in each specialty. Even more satisfying is times are typical of the exponential growth of
suggesting a better diagnosis that each can then solid tumors (Fig. 3.23). Over short periods of
independently confirm by further studies! time the proof of one mathematical formula or
the other may be difficult clinically, but the dif-
ference over long periods of time is really quite
striking (Fig. 3.23). The biological difference
2..How Can One Understand relates to the subclinical and more or less sub-
the Changing Diagnostic microscopic, invisible, infiltrating cells that
convert the "edge" of the detectable tumor into
Terminologies? a "travelling wave" that expands linearly with
time rather than exponentially, as occurs if there
Time and space do not permit us to answer this is no external diffusion of cells.
question! The only safe method is to ask the When all is said and done , there are only a
other persons what terminology they are using few gliomas that are susceptible to total resec-
and try to work out a mutually satisfactory tion: cerebellar astrocytomas and PXAs.In these
translation! One may refer to book s already in cases, frozen section studies of the "margins"
print on tumors [4,5,6,7,8] and other diseases should be useful, and the surgeon should be
[10], but one must remember that these were tempted into resecting more than the gross may
probably out of date before they were publi shed! suggest, without, of course, increa sing the
The classifications and terminologies on tumors patient's disability.


Velocity of Growth of Gliomas



- 60
E 1 Untreated

(30 mm/year)

E 30 27 Untreated
.! Low-Grade Gliomas
c 20
(4 mm/year)
, ..

o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (years)
Fig.3.22. Linear increase in diameterwith time: about 4 mm/yearas the average of 27 untreated low-grade gliomas (data from
Mandonnet et al. [11]) and about30 mm/year inan untreated glioblastoma (data from Swansonet al. [12]).

Linear vs. Exponential Growth

14 '


slope =1
6 -
C slope =0.67
slope =0.33
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (arbitrary units)
Fig. 3.23. Comparison oflinear diametrical growth of infiltratinggliomas and constantvolume-doubling time (exponential) growth
of solid tumors over the clinically visible portion of most tumors. Time in arbitrary units: years for low-grade and monthsfor high-
grade tumors.


subjective, depending on the different training

3. What are the Limitations and experiences of various pathologists.
of the Histopathological In addition, some classifications or divisions
may be rather artificial, resulting in continuous
Diagnosis of Surgical debates . The best example is seen in the grading
of gliomas. The line drawn between grades II
Specimens? and III is still controversial and one first needs
to know whether the highest possible grade is
The classification and definition of diseases can grade III or IV! A similar argument concerns
be purely academic but they also serve two prac- the reporting of the degree of cycling activity:
tical purposes: namely interpersonal communi- Should one report the average (such as might be
cation and prediction of a patient's outcome. If most accurately measured by fiow-cytometry)
the terminologies of all diseases were standard or the highest percentage of cycling cells that
and unified, a patient could carry that diagnosis one can find in a high-dry field? What degree of
to any physician anywhere in the world and all staining should one regard as "positive"? Should
physicians would understand the significance of one actually count or just "eye-ball" it as a
the condition and know the types of treatment rough approximation? Satisfactory comments
that particular patient should receive. Obviously explaining the problems are required when
this is only the ideal. The reality is not that reporting these types of results.
simple, as we all know. There are some common Another important role of diagnostic terms is
diseases that are familiar to most physicians. For to predict the outcome of a patient, so that both
instance, most physicians are familiar with the physician and the patient know what to
meningiomas, which are common adult tumors, expect and what treatment would be best for the
and know roughly what types of treatment are patient. The long-term outcome and the life
useful, even though they may not know that expectancy of the average patient with a brain
there are double digits of variants that may be tumor are frequently compared with the pre-
descriptively added to the histological diagno- scan days, but these are not even a baseline for
sis. By contrast, there are many uncommon or comparison with today's results since the clini-
relatively newly described conditions in which cal diagnostic criteria have changed so much. If
the diagnostic terms are not always precise, well there is advancement in the timing of diagnosis,
established or standardized. Indeed, they are say 4 years in the case of the usual oligoden-
still being modified and changed from time to droglioma [14], then there had better be an
time as more is learned about their variations increase in survival of those same 4 years before
in appearance and behavior. improvement in treatment can be claimed! The
It is always interesting and usually helpful to Will Rogers' effect all over again!
know the historical transition of the concepts Furthermore, we are making a diagnosis from
and changes in the terms of particular diseases the specimen that has been removed from the
but it is cumbersome and potentially confusing patient, but the outcome of the patient really
for neophytes. Thus, it is not uncommon to find depends on what remains in the patient's CNS.
many different or similar names given to the That variable, plus the variety of individualized
same condition. A new disease is usually found treatments, makes it difficult to evaluate the
and defined by its discoverer. But with time, results that are currently being continuously
more cases are described with some variations, updated. How can one begin to define the his-
resulting in the modification of the definition tological features that characterize the malig-
and expansion of the diagnostic criteria until nancy of a particular type of neoplasm when one
they overlap with other conditions. The border- starts with subtotally resected tumors, the resid-
lines between these different conditions become ual volumes not measured even if solid and not
obscure. Consequently, arguments start as to measurable if infiltrating? Even the most benign
whether they should be lumped together under such tumor will "recur ", i.e. continue to grow!
one term or kept as separate entities based Contrary to the layman's belief that all
on some findings obtained by special diagnos- answers are there on the slides when neuro-
tic techniques. Under these conditions the pathologists look through the powerful micro-
diagnostic terms become ambiguous, even scope with or without special stains and even


with electron microscopy, there are many limi- 5. Bigner DD, McLendon RE, Bruner IM. Russell &
Rubinstein's pathology of tumors of the nervou s system,
tations to the histological diagnosis . Another
6th edn. London Sydney Auckland : Arnold; 1998.
problem is probably fixable: an accurate diag- 6. Berger PC, Scheithauer BW. Atlas of tumor pathology
nosis depends on a good specimen . This (vol 10, Tumors of the central nervou s system).
problem is an everyday affair. A representative Washington DC: AFIP, 1994.
site, an adequate quantity and no artifact are 7. Asa SI.. Atlas of tumor pathology, vol 22: tumors of the
three essential requisites from the supplier's pituita ry gland. Washington DC: AFIP, 1998.
8. Scheithauer BW, WoodruffJM, Erland son RA. Atlas of
side. Good technical and staining techniques tumor pathology , vol 24: tumors of the peripheral ner -
are crucial from the preparer's side, to which vous system. Washington DC: AFIP, 1999.
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Perioperative Care
Maryke Kraayenbrink and Gregory McAnulty

The induction of general anesthesia

Summary depresses normal protective reflexes, and
patients are at risk of aspiration of gastric
The basis of general anesthesia is to establish contents. Those with raised intracranial pres-
the "triad" of hypnosis, muscle relaxation sure or who have suffered recent trauma
and suppression of sympathetic reflexes. causing vomiting are at particular risk.
This, together with manipulation of mechan-
Manipulation of the blood pressure may
ical ventilation, fluid therapy, temperature
facilitate some procedures(e.g. the induction
and the circulation by the use of anesthetic
and vasoactive drugs, can produce the of hypotension during aneurysm surgery).
required operating conditions for complex Patients must be appropriately monitored
neurosurgery. and the risks of the failure of normal autoreg-
Most intravenous anesthetics decrease ulation of the cerebral circulation in patients
cerebral metabolism and blood flow and tend with cerebral vasospasm must be considered.
to have a cerebral protective effect and Careful monitoring control of the arterial
decrease intracranial pressure. The inhala- pressure is also required where there is
tional agents are all cerebral vasodilators that potential for cord ischemia.
can be offset by the induction of hypocapnia A significant number of patients suffer
through to hyperventilation. The overall moderate or severe pain after craniotomy.
effect on cerebral blood flow (CBF) depends Morphine appears to be a safe analgesic
on a balance between the concentration and is more effective than codeine in post-
of the inhalational agent and the degree of craniotomy patients.
hyperventilation. Management of the multiply injured
Moderate hyperventilation reduces CBF patient must initially focus upon the ABC
and brain volume. Extreme hyperventilation (airway, breathing and circulation) of basic
may be associated with critical reduction life support.
in flow to compromised areas and focal
ischemia. It is likely that barbiturates offer
some protection for the brain against
ischemia, but there is evidence that mild Introduction
hypothermia has a cerebral protective effect
that exceeds that of the barbiturates and Modern anesthetic drugs, improvements in
which is out of proportion to the degree to monitoring, a better understanding of cardio-
which the cerebral metabolic rate is lowered. vascular, respiratory and neurological physiol-
ogy, and advances in intensive care medicine



have all contributed to safer neuroanesthesia. It nial pressure (ICP). Ketamine, in the sponta-
is probably true to say that the development of neously breathing patient, produces increased
modern neurosurgery would not have been pos- cerebral blood flow (CBF) and ICP, but may also
sible without the advances that have taken place have cerebral protective effects as an N-methyl-
in anesthesia. D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor inhibitor [I].
Unlike the intravenous agents, inhalational
agents are all cerebral vasodilators that can be
offset by hyperventilation to hypocarbia. They
Drugs in Neuroanesthesia also decrease cerebral metabolism, leading to a
(see Table 4.1) coupled decrease in CBF. The overall effect on
CBFdepends on a balance between the concen-
The complex interplay between the effects of tration of the inhalational agent and the degree
drugs and physiological variables, such as arte- of hyperventilation [2,3]. In addition, nitrous
rial carbon dioxide (C0 2) tension, body tem- oxide is frequently used in anesthesia of all
perature and arterial blood pressure, during types as an adjunct to other agents, allowing
clinical neuroanesthesia makes the interpreta- them to be used in lower doses. Its use in
tion of experimental data from the use of par- neuroanesthesia is controversial because it
ticular drugs in isolation difficult. However, increases CBF and may increase ICP in suscep-
in most cases, the administration of a combina- tible patients [4]. This effect can also be offset
tion of agents, together with manipulation of by hyperventilation. Thus, while nitrous oxide
mechanical ventilation, fluid therapy and tem- has been extensively used in neuroanesthesia
perature, will allow the anesthesiologist to without apparent detrimental effect, it is prob-
produce the physiological conditions required ably prudent to avoid its use in the presence of
for optimal surgery. The basis of general anes- decreased intracranial compliance.
thesia is to establish the 'triad' of hypnosis (or
amnesia), muscle relaxation and suppression of Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs
sympathetic reflexes (or analgesia). Each aspect
of this triad may be achieved with a variety of Neuromuscular blocking drugs, or muscle
drugs and, in order to minimize dose-depen- relaxants, facilitate intubation of the trachea
dent adverse effects, combinations of agents are and mechanical ventilation of the lungs, and
generally used. Neuroanesthetic agents will prevent movement during surgery. They are
therefore be discussed here under the headings charged molecules that do not cross the
of "sedatives/hypnotics" (including volatile blood-brain barrier, and so have no direct
anesthetics), "neuromuscular blocking drugs " cerebral effects. However, they may indirectly
(muscle relaxants) and "opioids" (analgesics) . influence the central nervous system via cardio-
vascular side-effects, histamine release and
Sedatives/Hypnotics active metabolites. These drugs may be depo-
larizers or non -depolarizers, depending on their
A diverse group of agents produce sedation at mechanism of action at the neuromuscular
lower doses and hypnosis at higher doses. There junction.
is generally also a dose-related suppression of Depolarizing drugs (of which succinylcholine
protective reflexes and automatic functions - Anectine - is now the only commonly used
such as respiration and cardiovascular control. example) act very rapidly, have a short duration
The drugs are usually grouped into intravenous of action and produce excellent intubating con-
and volatile agents. The volatile (or inhala- ditions. Succinylcholine remains the drug of
tional) agents are administered from a vapor- choice for rapid-sequence intubation to protect
izer via an anesthetic breathing circuit. at-risk patients against aspiration of stomach
Intravenous agents include the barbiturates, contents. It produces initial muscle fascicula-
propofol, benzodiazepines, etomidate and tion and, frequently , post-anesthetic myalgia.
ketamine. With the exception of ketamine, A non-depolarizing-type block may be pro-
all intravenous anesthetics decrease cerebral duced with repeated doses. Vagal stimulation
metabolism and blood flow and tend to have a may occur , inducing bradycardia and asystole.
cerebral protective effect and decrease intracra- Serum potassium concentrations increase


Table 4.1. Drugs used in neuroanesthesia

Drug class Examples Beneficial effects Adverse effects
Barbiturates Pentobarbitone Cerebral vasoconstriction (in Respiratory depression
Methohexitone normo- or hypocapnia) Myocardial depression (potential for
Decrease in CMR0 2 circulatory collapse in hypovolemia or
Decrease in CBF with high doses)
Decrease in ICP Enhanced seizure focus activity
Isoelectric EEG with high doses (methohexitone)
of anticonvulsant
Isopropyl phenol Propofol Rapid recovery Hypotension due to vasodilatation and
Appropriate for total intravenous cardiac depression (may compromise
anesthesia (TIVA) and prolonged CPP)
Decrease in CMR0 2
Decrease in CBF
Decrease in ICP
Benzodiazepines Diazepam Anxiolysis Active metabolites (prolonged action in
Midazolam Anterograde amnesia renal failure)
Anticonvulsants Respiratory depression
Decrease in CMR02
Decrease in CBF
Antagonist (flumazenil) available
Carboxylated Etomidate Rapid recovery Suppression of adrenocortical axis
imidazoles Hemodynamic stability
Decrease in CMR0 2
Decrease in CBF
Phencyclidine Ketamine Analgesic at subhypnotic doses Increase in CBF and ICP in non-ventilated
derivatives NMDA antagonist patients
Respiratory and cardiovascular Emergence of delirium and hallucinations
Volatile liquids
Alkanes Halothane Non-irritant Myocardial depression
Cardiac arrhythmias
Rare hepatotoxicity
Ethers Enflurane Non-irritant Epileptiform paroxysmal spike EEG
activity in high concentrations,
accentuated by hypercapnia
Isoflurane Minimal metabolism Irritant
Least cerebral vasodilatation
Rapid induction and recovery
Desflurane Very rapid induction and recovery Irritant
Cerebral vasodilatation
Sevoflurane Non-irritant, ideal for inhalational
Very rapid induction and recovery
Cerebral pressure autoregulation
Muscle relaxants
Depolarizers Succinylcholine Rapid onset and recovery Occasional prolonged action
Excellent relaxation May cause increase in ICP in patients with
low intracranial compliance
Potassiumrelease, especially in burns
patients and following denervation


Table 4.1. continued

Drug class Examples Beneficial effects Adverse effects
Non-depolarizers Tubocurarine Flaccid paralysis without fasciculation Tubocurarine: histamine release, ganglion
Gallamine Atracurium, vecuronium, doxacurium, blockade (hypotension)
Alcuronium mivacurium, pipecuronium, Gallamine: muscarinic blockade
Pancuronium rocuronium with minimal Pancuronium: sympathetic action,
Atracurium cardiovascular side-effects muscarinic blockade
Vecuronium Atracurium and mivacurium do Atracurium: histamine release
Doxacurium notaccumulate in renal failure
Mivacurium Reversible with neostigmine
Ultra-short-acting Remifentanyl Rapidly metabolized byplasma Depressant effect onblood pressure
esterases, rapid termination of No residual analgesia
effect (minutes)
Short-acting Alfentanil Short duration (redistributed) Hypotension
? Increases ICP
Fentanyl Short duration (redistributed) Cardiovascular stability
Sufentanil Short duration (redistributed) Cardiovascular stability (less than
Long-acting Morphine Lasting analgesia Histamine release (hypotension)
Active metabolites
Codeine Limited analgesic and respiratory Wide variation in efficacy (genetic
effects variation in demethylation ability)

CMR01, cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen; CBF, cerebral blood flow;
ICP, intracranial pressure; CPP, cerebral perfusion pressure

owing to leakage of intracellular potassium. Non-depolarizing muscle relaxants competi-

Where sodium-potassium channel populations tively block the action of acetylcholine at the
increase (following burns, denervation, crush neuromuscular junction. They lead to a flaccid
injury or tetanus), potassium release may be paralysis and can be displaced from the acetyl
catastrophic. Approximately 1 : 3,000 of patients choline receptor by increasing the concen-
given succinylcholine fail to metabolize the drug tration of acetylcholine by the use of an
normally. This may lead to prolonged (several anticholinesterase (neostigmine). Earlier intro-
hours) paralysis, the so-called "Anectine duced agents of this group have side-effects
apnea". The effect of succinylcholine on ICP and such as histamine release or sympathetic stim-
CBF is controversial. There is evidence that ulation. Atracurium, cisatracurium and mivac-
succinylcholine can cause an increase in ICP urium are broken down to inactive metabolites
in individuals with compromised intracranial in the plasma and can be used without pro-
compliance [5). This may be because the longed effect in patients with renal failure [7).
increased muscle spindle activity resulting from
fasciculation causes increased cerebral afferent Opioids
input and increases CBF. Many different stimuli
that affect CBF and ICP occur at the time of Drugs of this group are extensively used during
induction of anesthesia when succinylcholine is neurosurgical anesthesia and for post-operative
given, and it is likely that the effect of succinyl- analgesia. If given in sufficiently large doses, all
choline on ICP is relatively unimportant in will cause unconsciousness; however, awareness
the clinical setting. It can be abolished by pre- and recall may occur in the absence of other
treatment with a non-depolarizing neuro- anesthetics. All are respiratory depressants and,
muscular blocker [6). therefore, in the absence of artificial ventilation,


can cause CO2 retention leading to cerebral important. The neurological status will be eval-
vasodilatation. All can cause mu scle rigidit y and uated with particular regard to specific deficits,
some release histamine. The eviden ce concern- evidence of raised ICP, brainstem dysfunction
ing the effects of these drugs on cerebral hemo- and, in the case of cervical spine surgery,
dynamics and ICP is conflicting and depends on stability of the cervical spine .
their cardiovascular effects as well as the back- Investigations will depend on the patient's
ground anesthetic. age, medical condition and the proposed
The drugs act on specific opioid receptors and surgery, and institutions will have their own
their effects can be reversed by specific antago - guidelines for investigations as well as for the
nists . The drugs in this group differ in their amount of blood to be cross-matched before
onset and duration of action. specific procedures. The perioperative manage-
Shorter acting drugs fentanyl , alfentanil and ment of coexisting diseases such as diabetes
sufentanil will allow rapid awakening at the end mellitus and ischemic heart disease is part of the
of the procedure. Remifentanil is an ultra-short- anesthesiologist's responsibility, in consultation
acting opioid. It is broken down in the plasma with other specialists.
and can be given as an intravenous infusion Pre-operative medication is sometimes pre-
[8]. Morphine and codeine are used for post- scribed in order to provide anxiolysis and seda-
operative analgesia after neurosurgery. tion, and a drying and vagolytic agent may also
Naloxone is a specific competitive antagonist be given. Other drugs, such as beta-blockers,
that reverses the analgesia and respiratory may be prescribed for specific indications.
depression caused by morphine and other Sedative pre-medication is commonly a benzo-
opioids. It has no agonist activity. Its duration diazepine or opioid, but sedatives should be
of action may be shorter than that of the opioid used with caution in patients with evidence of
it is intended to reverse, and therefore repeated raised ICP. Vagolytic drugs, such as atropine,
dosing may be necessary. Naloxone may have glycopyrrolate and hyoscine, are given to dry
deleterious effects in neurosurgical patients, oral secretions and to block undesirable vagal
including increased CBFand cerebral metabolic reflexes such as bradycardia. A drying agent is
rate (CMR), hypertension and rupture of particularly important in patients who are to
intracranial aneurysms [9]. Naloxone has been undergo fiberoptic intubation. Glycopyrrolate is
shown to dramatically reverse the lateralizing preferable to atropine in neurosurgical patients,
deficits in patients with cerebral ischemia [10]. as it does not cause the same degree of tachy-
cardia. Hyoscine causes sedation and can be
associated with delayed recovery, making it
Clinical Neuroanesthesia unsuitable for craniotomy patients. It can be
used before spinal surgery but is best avoided in
The selection of anesthetic drugs and tech- older patients in whom it can cause post-oper-
niques is planned so as to provide an optimal ative confusion. In general, it is best for patients
environment for the brain and good conditions to take their usual medications, apart, perhaps,
for surgery, and will vary according to the from diuretics, on the morning of surgery.
patient's condition and the planned operation. Guidelines for fasting before surgery aim to
There is no single correct "recipe" for neu- prevent pulmonary aspiration of gastric con-
roanesthesia and attention to detail is as impor- tents whilst avoiding dehydration from pro-
tant as the choice of drugs . longed fasting. Fasting times of2 hours for clear
fluids, 4 hours for milk and 6 hours for solids
Pre-operative Assessment have been shown to be safe in patients with
normal gastric emptying. Those with raised ICP
and Medication causing vomiting are at risk of deh ydration and
In all cases, anesthetic care starts with a pre- may require pre-operative intravenous fluids.
operative visit and assessment by the anesthesi-
ologist, who will be interested in the patient's Induction ofAnesthesia
general health , comorbidities, current medica-
tions and known allergies. For emergency cases, Induction of anesthesia is a time when the
the time of last oral intake of food and fluids is patient is subjected to the action of several


drugs and stimuli that have profound cardio- gas concentrations. Invasive blood pressure
vascular and respiratory effects. These need to monitoring via an intra-arterial line is required
be managed carefully in order to avoid adverse for major intracranial and spinal surgery, but
effects on intracranial dynamics ; therefore good non-invasive blood pressure monitoring may
monitoring and venous access must be present be adequate for less extensive operations
from the outset. The aim is to prevent large such as shunts, burr-hole biopsies and more
swings in blood pressure and heart rate, to minor spinal surgery where there is no risk of
maintain good oxygenation at all times and cord ischemia. The central venous pressure
to avoid hypercapnia. (CVP) should be monitored for vascular cases
The airway must be secured with an endotra- and where major blood loss is anticipated.
cheal tube for all intracranial and major spinal More extensive cardiovascular monitoring,
surgery. For some non-invasive investigations such as of pulmonary artery pressures, may be
performed under anesthesia or for minor pro- indicated by the patient's condition (e.g, severe
cedures, a laryngeal mask airway may be used. ischemic heart disease), but is not routinely nec-
The endotracheal tube must be carefully posi- essary. The core temperature should be moni -
tioned and very well secured , as access is diffi- tored except in the shortest cases and can be
cult once surgery has started. Intubation is recorded at several sites including the esopha-
carried out after induction of anesthesia when gus, where the temperature probe can be
relaxation has been achieved by muscle relax- combined with an esophageal stethoscope. A
ants, except where there is an indication for peripheral nerve stimulator is mandatory in
awake intubation. order to monitor the effects of the neuro-
While the induction agents are generally car- muscular blocking drugs, as patient movement
diovascular depressants, and the blood pressure or coughing could be disastrous during neuro-
often falls on induction, laryngoscopy and intu- surgical operations.
bation are stimulating and cause a rise in heart For patients in the sitting position, precordial
rate and blood pressure. It is essential to Doppler ultrasonography, transesophageal
monitor the blood pressure closely throughout echocardiography and pulmonary artery pres-
the whole period of induction and for the anes- sure monitoring may be used to detect venous
thesiologist to be prepared to intervene to treat air embolism.
hyper- or hypotension. A number of drugs have
been recommended to obtund the hypertensive Positioning
response. Commonly used drugs include a small
increment of the induction agent, a short-acting The position of the patient depends on the site
opioid such as alfentanil or sufentanil, a short- and nature of the surgery and the preference of
acting beta-blocker, or lignocaine. There should the surgeon. Serious complicat ions can occur as
be no attempts to intubate until muscle relax- a result of careless positioning and , because
ation has been achieved in order to avoid neurosurgical operations may last for many
coughing, with its attendant effect on ICP. hours, it is particularly important that patients
Some patients are difficult to intubate for are correctly positioned and pressure or trac-
anatomical or pathological reasons and special tion on nerves and venous or arterial obstruc-
techniques may be needed . Awake fiberoptic tion are avoided. Spinal cord damage can result
intubation may be the preferred approach in from poor positioning and great care must be
such patients as well as for those with an unsta- taken when moving the anesthetized patient
ble cervical spine. with an unstable spine. Pressure on the eye can
result in blindness.
Monitoring Specific problems are associated with the
use of the sitting position for operations in
Monitoring requirements will depend on the the posterior fossa and craniocervical region,
nature and extent of the planned surgery and including venous air embolism and postural
the patient's condition. In all cases, there should hypotension [11]. Resuscitation may be difficult
be continuous monitoring of the electrocardio- if cardiac arrest occurs in a patient in an
gram (ECG), blood pressure, pulse oximetry, unusual position, but a successful outcome is
inspired oxygen, expired CO2 and anesthetic still possible [12].


Maintenance ofAnesthesia kinases and free radicals). Physical means

include the maintenance of an adequate cere-
Anesthesia is maintained by inhalational agents bral perfusion pressure and arterial oxygen
or by an infusion of an intravenous agent such carriage and the optimizing of blood viscosity
as propofol. Rapid awakening is desirable after and temperature control.
neurosurgery to allow neurological assessment With the exception of barbiturates [15], direct
of the patient, and is best achieved with short- pharmacological brain protection has been,
acting drugs. Opioid analgesics and muscle so far, disappointing. Traditionally, the dose
relaxants are given as needed and the patient's of barbiturate is titrated to achieve burst sup-
lungs are ventilated. Moderate hyperventila- pression of the electroencephalogram (EEG).
tion is used for craniotomies in order to reduce However, this has been questioned and there is
CBF and brain volume, thereby providing good evidence from animal studies that lower doses
operating conditions. However, extreme hyper- may be equally effective [16]. Barbiturates
ventilation may be associated with critical depress the myocardium, dilate arterioles and
reduction in flow to compromised areas and interfere with normal baroreflexes and sympa-
focal ischemia, and is best avoided [13]. thetic tone, and may induce cardiovascular
Mannitol, frusemide, steroids and CSF collapse in patients who are hypovolemic or
drainage can all be used to decrease brain have already impaired cardiovascular systems.
swelling. In patients at risk of cerebral ischemia, Careful monitoring is essential and circulatory
mild hypothermia may be achieved by passive support may be required particularly in patients
cooling. A core temperature of 34°C provides receiving higher doses. The intravenous anes -
some degree of cerebral protection without thetic agent propofol may achieve a similar
exposing the patient to the risks of more severe degree of protection with better cardiovascular
hypothermia. Patients should be actively stability [17].
warmed to 36°C by the end of surgery if they are There is evidence that mild hypothermia has
to be wakened and extubated. a cerebral protective effect that exceeds that of
Cardiovascular parameters are kept as near as the barbiturates and which is out of proportion
possible to physiological in order to ensure to the degree to which the cerebral metabolic
good cerebral perfusion. Normovolemia is the rate is lowered [18]. Profound hypothermia
ideal, with a hematocrit of about 30%. Normal during total circulatory arrest has been shown
saline is the intravenous fluid of choice and 5% to be remarkably protective on gross measure-
dextrose should be avoided [14]. Occasionally, ment of outcome [19]. Animal studies suggest
deliberate hypotension is indicated for surgical that prolonged periods of arrest (>70 min) may
reasons. be associated with damage to Purkinje's cells of
In a number of centers, surgery that requires the cerebellum [20]; however, the techn ique
total circulatory arrest is undertaken. In order may allow procedures to be performed that
to minimize ischemic cerebral damage, this is would be otherwise impossible.
accomplished after the establishment of pro - Hypothermia has a number of adverse effects,
found hypothermia by femoral -femoral car- including poor wound healing, increased sus-
diopulmonary bypass . Barbiturates or propofol ceptibility to infection, alterations in platelet
are administered beforehand. function, changes in drug metabolism and
increased oxygen consumption during re-
warming. However, with mild hypothermia
Perioperative Brain Protection (brain temperature of 34°C) the benefits seem to
The means by which it may be possible to outweigh the risks.
protect the brain from ischemia are pharmaco- Action to increase the mean arterial pressure
logical or physical. Direct pharmacological whilst temporary vascular clips are in place
interventions have focused on drugs that reduce during clipping of cerebral aneurysms is advo-
the cerebral metabolic rate (and therefore cated by many authors. Some evidence exists for
reduce the demand for oxygen and energy sub- a beneficial effect of judiciously timed applica-
strate) and on agents that block the cellular tion of hyperbaric oxygen in focal and global
mediators of ischemic injury (including calcium ischemia, but the treatment may itself induce
influx and the production of destructive protein oxygen-free radical formation [21].


Despite the many possible avenues for inter- ongm [22]. Post-anesthetic shivering may
vention in the face of impending, established or occur, particularly after long operations, and is
relieved cerebral ischemia, in clinical anesthetic associated with a number of undesirable effects.
practice , only barbiturates given in anticipation Oxygen consumption, CO2 production and
of focal ischemia, and hypothermia before and metabolic rate may increase by up to 500%
after focal or global cerebral ischemia, have and it is not well tolerated by patients with
been shown to be useful in humans [21). cardiac or pulmonary disease. Patients should
Attention to cerebral perfusion pressure, be actively warmed to a core temperature of
avoidance of hyperthermia, appropriate levels of 36°C. Surface warming with a hot-air mattress
anesthesia and maintenance of normoglycemia is very effective.
are probably of greater overall importance.
Post-operative Analgesia
It is now recognized that a significant number
Towards the end of surgery, anesthetic agents of patients suffer moderate or severe pain
are reduced and then discontinued. The resid- after craniotomy. There is a tendency to avoid
ual neuromuscular block is reversed when the morphine for post-operative analgesia in cran-
operation is finished and, when the patient iotomy patients for fear of respiratory depres-
is able to breathe and protect his airway; the sion leading to hypercapnia and excessive
tracheal tube is removed. As with induction, sedation and because it may interfere with
emergence from anesthesia is a time when the assessment of the size and reactivity of
hemodynamic instability can occur, and the the pupils. However, morphine appears to be
awakening patient may cough on the tracheal safe and provides more effective analgesia than
tube. Specific medica tions may be needed to codeine in post-craniotomy patients [23].
control the blood pressure at this time. Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with mor-
On occasion , immediate extubation is not phine may be better for patients with normal
desirable, for example when there have been levels of consciousness.
serious intraoperative difficulties and the brain Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
is swollen at the end of surgery, or if problems (NSAIDs) can be a useful adjunct for post-oper-
with the airway are anticipated. In such cases a ative pain control. However, NSAIDshave some
decision may be made to keep the patient well-known adverse effects, including effects on
sedated and ventilated post -operatively for a platelet function and renal function, and may
period. Decisions of this kind should be made increase CBF [24]. Further studies comparing
jointly by the anesthesiologist and surgeon. the efficacy and safety of different analgesic
Patients who have had surgery in the poste- regimens in craniotomy patients are needed.
rior fossa or craniocervical region may have
inadequate airway protective reflexes post-
operatively and should not be extubated until
airway reflexes have returned.
Neuroanesthesia for
Specific Circumstances
Pediatric Neuroanesthesia
Patients who have had major intracranial or
spinal surgery should be cared for in a high- Induction of anesthesia in children can be intra-
dependency area where they can receive inten- venous or inhalational, depending on the child's
sive nursing care post -operatively. Frequent preference. A smooth, calm induction with
observations of cardiac and respiratory vari- avoidance of crying and struggling is more
ables as well as neurological observations are important than which drug is used. Gaining
mandatory for the early detection and treat- venous access can be made more acceptable to
ment of complications such as bleeding. Post- the child by the prior application of local anes-
operative nausea and vomiting are common thetic preparations to the skin, such as eutectic
after anesthesia and surgery, particularly poste- mixture of local anesthetic ("Emla") cream or
rior fossa surgery, and are multifactorial in amethocaine gel. Maintenance of anesthesia is


with controlled moderate hyperventilation, bulbar problems post-operatively and such

and many pediatric neuroanesthesiologists use children may need prolonged intubation.
nitrous oxide despite evidence that it is a sig- Craniofacial surgery often involves children
nificant cerebral vasodilator in children [25]. who have difficult airways, and special tech-
Muscle relaxants and analgesics are given as niques and expertise may be needed to gain
indicated. Good positioning is essential to avoid control of the airway. These operations are fre-
venous congestion, but positioning can be more quently prolonged and major blood loss is
difficult in small children as their relatively large likely. Post-operatively the airway may be in
heads and short necks can easily give rise to jeopardy from local edema and it may be safer
venous obstruction if the head is rotated. to keep the child intubated and ventilated until
Because of the relatively large size of the head the swelling has abated .
in a child, significant blood loss is to be expected Children who are awake, warm and breathing
in craniotomies and excellent venous access well with no airway problems can be extubated
is essential. Accurate estimation of blood loss at the end of surgery.
can be difficult and the anesthesiologist may be
aided by cardiovascular parameters such as Sedation
heart rate, blood pressure, capillary refill time Children may require sedation for procedures
and core-peripheral temperature difference in that adults are able to tolerate without seda-
maintaining normovolemia. Small children can tion . Proper supervision and monitoring are
become hypoglycemic during long procedures essential for the safe provision of sedation to
and blood glucose levels should be monitored children whether they are under the care of
during surgery. anesthesiologists or other medical personnel.
Children, because they have a larger surface- The aim should be for conscious sedation.
area-to-weight ratio and less subcutaneous fat, However, it is important to realize that the child
can become significantly hypothermic during may lapse into deep sedation once the stimulus
long operations unless active steps are taken of the procedure stops or if drug absorption is
to maintain body temperature. As with adults, delayed. Because of the possibility of respiratory
the aim is for normo- or mild hypothermia. and cardiovascular depression with deeper
Hyperthermia is highly detrimental. levels of sedation, it is essent ial that the attend-
Midline posterior fossa tumors account for ing personnel are trained in life-support tech-
a significant proportion of brain tumors in niques and that full resuscitation equipment is
children, and some pediatric neurosurgeons immediately available. Pulse oximetry should be
prefer to operate on them with the patient in a monitored as the minimum and should be con-
sitting position. This provides excellent operat- tinued until the child has recovered completely.
ing conditions and is associated with decreased Children must be adequately assessed before
blood loss [11]. Venous air embolism (VAE) is receiving sedation and the fasting guidelines
a serious complication that must be detected used for general anesthesia apply equally to
and treated immediately. Nitrous oxide will patients undergoing sedat ion. The presence of a
equilibrate rapidly with the air bubbles and, parent or carer can often give great comfort to
being 30 times more soluble than nitrogen, will a child undergoing medical procedures. Where
cause them to increase in size. If an air embolus procedures are expected to be painful, local
is suspected, immediate attempts should be anesthetics or analgesics, used as adjuncts, may
made to aspirate the air via a right atrial reduce the necessity for increasing the level
catheter. The surgeon should flood the wound of sedation. Drugs commonly used in pediatric
with saline and the anesthesiologist should sedation include benzodiazepines, opioids,
apply digital pressure to the jugular veins. This chloral hydrate, ketamine and trimeprazine.
allows the site of the open vein or sinus to be
identified and controlled.
Surgery for tumors in the floor of the fourth Anesthesia for Neuroradiology and
ventricle can be associated with cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
instability, usually bradycardia and hyperten-
sion, owing to surgical interference with vital Absolute patient immobility is often neces-
areas in the brainstem. This may also lead to sary for high-quality images to be obtained in


neuroradiology and, as these procedures are angiography is an increasingly popular alterna-

often prolonged and uncomfortable, general tive method of treatment to surgical clipping.
anesthesia or sedation may be needed. Addi- The procedure can be prolonged in particular
tional factors reducing patient acceptability of with large aneurysms and, as there is less need
the MRI scanner are claustrophobia and the for patient assessment during the procedure,
loud noise during scanning. Patients who need general anesthesia is often used for patient
anesthesia or sedation include infants and comfort.
children and confused or mentally ill adults. The strong magnetic field of an MRI scanner
Unconscious or critically ill patients will need can interfere with mon itoring and anesthetic
airway protection and ventilatory and cardio- equipment. At the same time the equipment can
vascular support. cause degradation of the nuclear magnetic
Procedures for which anesthesia may be signals, leading to poor-quality images. Because
required include computerized axial tomogra- of the strength of the magnetic field, ferromag-
phy (CAT scan), myelography, angiography and netic objects can become dangerous missiles in
interventional radiology. The X-ray department close proximity to the scanner and must be
is sometimes considered to be a hostile envi- excluded or adequately secured. Special non-
ronment for anesthesia, and patient access may ferromagnetic equipment is available but adds
be limited, but exactly the same standards of significantly to the cost. Metal objects distort the
monitoring and patient care are needed as in the field and result in poor image quality, and can
operating room . also heat up and cause burns when subjected to
The requirements for anesthesia are similar rad iofrequency electromagnetic fields. Reliable
to those for neurosurgery and include avoid- and accurate monitoring is essential in the MRI
ance of fluctuations in heart rate and blood scanner as the patient cannot be easily seen and
pressure, prevention of hypoxia, hypercapnia is remote from the anesthesiologist. Artifacts
and raised venous pressure, and rapid recovery can be induced in the ECG by the radiofre-
to allow for early neurolog ical assessment. In quency currents but can be minimized by the
many cases the laryngeal mask airway can be use of shielded cables, telemetry or fiberoptics .
used to maintain the airway and avoid the need ECG electrodes must be non-magnetic and
for intubation. Angiography in adults under should be place carefully to reduce artifacts .
local anesthes ia with sedation may provide Shielded MRI-compatible oximeters are avail-
greater cardiova scular stability than with able. Good airway control is important, as the
general anesthesia [26]. anesthesiologist is not easily able to intervene if
Many conditions are now treated by inter- airway obstruction develops during the scan.
ventional neuroradiology, including arteriove- The laryngeal mask airway is ideal for this
nous malformations (AVMs), vascular tumors purpose.
and aneurysms. Sometimes frequent neuro-
logical assessment is needed during the proce-
dure, e.g. during embolization of AVMs. The Anesthesia for Posterior
patient needs to be awake and able to cooperate Fossa Surgery
with testing but can be sedated for comfort
between assessments. Propofol, with its rapid Interference with the cardiorespiratory centers
onset and offset of action, is ideal for this in the brainstem can result in cardiovascular
purpose. Sedation of this kind should be admin- instability during surgery and in airway and
istered by an anesthesiologist as respiratory breathing problems post-operatively. Pressure
depression and even apnea can easily ensue. on the nucleus of the vagus results in profound
Adequate monitoring must be used, including bradycardia, even cardiac standstill, and other
pulse oximetry, ECG and blood pressure moni- cardiac arrhythmias and hypertension can be
toring, and supplemental oxygen should be caused by brainstem manipulation. Vigilance
available. Equipment and drugs to support the by the anesthesiologist and close coopera-
airway, breathing and cardiovascular system tion between surgeon and anesthes iologist are
must be readily available. essential.
Endovascular obliteration of aneurysm sacs Respiratory complications can occasionally
through superselective catheters placed during result from interference with the respiratory


centers, glVlng rise to impaired respiratory cerebral vasospasm. It is probably safe to use
drive post-operatively. More commonly, edema mild hyperventilation, but in the presence of
around the lower cranial nerve nuclei results induced hypotension, normocapnia should be
in inadequate airway protection with respira- maintained.
tory obstruction, difficulty in swallowing and
pulmonary aspiration. As a result , patients
occasionally need to remain intubated post- Anesthesia and the Cervical
operatively and a few need prolonged respira- Spine
tory support.
Several anesthetic problems may occur during
cervical spine surgery. The pathology for which
Anesthesia for Aneurysm Surgery the patient is receiving surgical treatment may,
in itself, render normal techniques for securing
During induction of anesthesia, intubation and the airway difficult or hazardous to the patient.
the placement of the pin head rest, meticulous For the anesthesiologist, access to the airway
attention to the patient's hemodynamics is and the tracheal tube is difficult once surgery
essential. Mean arterial pressure is the critical has started, so the possibility of tube dislodg-
determinant of cerebral perfusion but systolic ment or disconnection from the breathing
arterial pressure is probably more important in circuit is a real hazard. Trauma to, or ischemia
determining the wall stress and tendency to of, the cervical cord or damage to the phrenic
rupture in a cerebral aneurysm [27]. nerves may lead to respiratory paralysis or
Induced hypotension may be used during severe compromise post -operatively. Partial or
aneurysm surgery to reduce aneurysm wall complete airway obstruction may occur post-
tension and operative bleeding. However, it operatively as a result of edema of the tissues
must be used with caution as autoregulation is of the airway, recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy,
disrupted in patients with cerebral vasospasm. or hemorrhage into the neck.
Measurement of jugular bulb oxygen saturation Many conditions are associated with
can help to determine the minimum level of restricted movement or instability of the
mean arterial pressure that should be allowed cervical spine . The list includes: degenerative
[28]. Vasodilating drugs are used to induce osteoarthritis and spinal canal stenosis, anky -
hypotension (isofiurane, sodium nitroprusside, losing spondylosis, Down's syndrome,
phentolamine), frequently in combination with Klippel-Feil syndrome, Arnold-Chiari malfor -
a beta -adrenergic receptor blocker . Careful mation, other congenital malformations such as
monitoring is required and drugs that have a dwarfism, type IV Ehlers-Danlos syndrome,
relatively short half-life are preferred to allow metastatic lesions, osteo myelitis and rhe uma-
restoration of normal perfusion pressures as toid arthritis, as well as trauma with demon-
soon as possible once control has been gained. strated or suspected cervical spine injury.
The advent of temporary aneurysm clips has Induction of anest hesia and intubation
lessened the requirement for hypotension results in the loss of protective muscle tone as
during clipping of cerebral aneurysms and may well as the potential for fiexion and extension
result in better patient outcomes. Cerebral greater than that which would be tolerated by
vasospasm is less of a problem when AVM is the the awake patient. The cervical cord may be at
cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage; therefore risk if there is a tight stenosis or potential for
induced hypotension can more safely be used subluxation from either movement or a fall in
during excision of AVM where it may reduce the perfusion pressure of the neural tissue
bleeding and the need for blood transfusion. owing to hypotension. Potential for cord injury
The surgical exposure of the vessels at the dictates careful immobilization during manipu-
base of the brain by retraction of brain tissue lations to secure the airway and will frequently
can be aided by positioning of the patient, with- require special techniques and monitoring.
drawal of CSF and dehydration with diuretics. Fixed cervical vertebrae may make conventional
The use of induced hypocapnia by hyperventi- intubation very difficult or impossible because
lation is controversial in aneurysm patients as conventional laryngoscopy requires a certain
it may enhance vasoconstriction in those with amount of fiexion of the neck and exten sion of


the head. Awake intubation (most usually with Emergency Neuroanesthesia

a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope) may be the
safest option in many cases where there is Neurosurgical patients who require emergency
potential risk to the cord or where a secure anesthetic intervention fall into two groups.
airway cannot be obtained conventionally. This There are those who present with, or who have
is carried out with intravenous sedation and suffered an acute deterioration of, a condition
local anesthesia of the airway. of the brain or spinal cord. These patients
Careful control of the arterial pressure during may have compromised ventilation or other
induction and maintenance of anesthesia is system failure as a consequence of their primary
clearly critical when there is potential for cord disease. They have the potential for aspiration
ischemia in order to ensure maintenance of an of stomach contents if they have lost protective
adequate cord perfusion pressure. Good com- airway reflexes or if they are anesthetized
munication and cooperation between the anes- without specific measures to prevent regurgita-
thesiologist and the surgical team is essential tion. They may be hemodynamically unstable
during patient transfer and positioning, partic- because of dehydration, sepsis or interference
ularly if the patient is to be turned prone. with autonomic reflexes. They may have specific
At completion of surgery, patients are usually effects of a disease process that affects a number
extubated upon return of protective reflexes. of organ systems (e.g. rheumatoid disease,
However, if there is a risk of upper airway metastatic carcinoma).
obstruction, for example after transoral proce- The other group of neurosurgical patients
dures, the safest option is elective ventilation are victims of trauma in whom neurological
with sedation in the intensive care unit until the damage may be only one of a number of life- or
danger of post-extubation obstruction is past. limb-threatening conditions. In these patients
Emergency re-intubation of patients who have there may be several injuries that compete for
developed upper airway obstruction after cervi- intervention, but appropriate management of
cal spine fixation may be extremely difficult, one may be detrimental to the management
particularly if the neck has been immobilized in of others. A methodical and coordinated
a device that interferes with access and vision . approach will minimize the risk of missing
Efforts to maintain oxygenation may result in serious injuries and will treat life-threatening
undesired movement of the unstable neck and injuries in appropriate order of priority.
damage to the cord. It is therefore imperative Management of the multiply injured patient
that the patient is able to maintain a safe airway must initially focus upon the ABC (airway,
before extubation, and in some cases an elective breathing and circulation) of basic life support.
tracheostomy performed at the time of surgery Implicit in management of the airway is avoid-
may be advisable. ance of unnecessary movement of a potentially
Post-operative hematoma formation in the unstable cervical spine . However, hypoxia and
neck, although fortunately rare, can severely aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs are
compromise the airway. Not only does the more certain killers than theoretical cervical
hematoma compress and distort the airway; instability. Aggressive management to maintain
it may interfere with venous and lymphatic cerebral perfusion pressure in these patients
drainage, resulting in edema of the airway. appears to be associated with improved out-
Decompression of the hematoma may not come [30]. Novel therapies that may decrease
relieve the obstruction if there is significant secondary injury may have a place in the future.
airway edema, and re-intubation may be req-
uired but may be very difficult due to distortion
and swelling of the tissues . A high morbidity Anesthesia for Awake
may be associated with such cases [29]. Because Craniotomy
of the danger of airway obstruction, all patients
who have had cervical surgery should be cared In these procedures the patient is required to be
for in a high-dependency environment with responsive and cooperative so that immediate
close nursing supervision and frequent moni- assessment of the function of areas such as the
toring. Those who have had extensive proce- motor cortex or speech areas can be made
dures will need full intensive care. during resection of tissue close to, or involving,


these areas. However, until the brain tissue is

exposed and after the intended resection is com- • Close cooperation between the surgeon and
pleted , sedation or anesthesia can be adminis- the anesthesiologist is absolutely essential.
tered to improve patient acceptability during
such phases of the procedure as scalp incision,
drilling of the skull, fashioning of the bone flap
and closure. In the past, neurolept techniques
(using fentanyl, alfentanil or sufentanil) were o What are the three components of general
generally used, but short-acting opioid and anesthesia? Which of these is most important
propofol combinations are now the norm. The for neuroanesthesia?
airway may be secured with the laryngeal mask o How might rapid awakening at the end of
airway, which is removed for the awake part of surgery be best achieved?
the procedure. Additional local anesthetic infil- o Which patients may require post-operative
tration is given to reduce the stimulation of ventilation?
insertion of cranial pins and scalp incision. o How may anesthetic agents and techniques
Monitoring must be of the same intensity as for contribute to neuroprotection?
conventional craniotomy as complications such
as venous air embolism, airway obstruction and
o Discuss the implications of the use of
induced hypotension in aneurysmal surgery.
convulsions can occur. The anesthesiologist
must have a full understanding of surgical o What is the rationale for pre-operative star-
intentions in order to anticipate the need to vation? What precautions are needed for
alter the depth of sedation appropriately. Very emergency anesthesia?
close cooperation between the surgeon and
the anesthesiologist is absolutely essential to the
success of this procedure. References
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Neurosurgical Intensive Care
Tessa 1. Whitton and Arthur M. Lam

such complications. This chapter will discuss

Summary the theory and practice of intensive care man-
agement of the neurosurgical patient, with
Neurological disease frequently has multiple reference to general principles and specific
systemic manifestations, and management neurological conditions.
of patients with critical neurological illness
requires a multidisciplinary approach with
meticulous attention to organ dysfunctions.
Many of these patients will suffer a poor
Basic Physiological Concepts
outcome not as a result of the primary neuro-
logical disease, but as a result of medical Intracranial Pressure
complications. Th us, improvement of the The skull and vertebral canal form a rigid cov-
intensive med ical care of these patients will
ering for the brain, spinal cord, cerebrospinal
lead to an overall improvement of morbidity
fluid (CSF) and blood. All of these intracranial
and mortality.
compartments are non-compressible, thus the
intracranial volume is essentially constant (the
"Monro- Kellie doctrine"). Volume expansion
Introduction of any compartment can only occur at the
expense of compression of other compartments.
The prevention of secondary insults to the The only buffering capacity is secondary to
central nervous system and close monitoring of compression of the venous sinuses and the
neurological function are mainstays in the treat- caudal displacement of CSF to the lumbosacral
ment of patients requiring neurosurgical care . axis. Once this is exhausted, any tendency to
The neurosurgical intensive care unit provides increase volume in any of the compartments
a setting for an integrated approach to the care (as in an expanding mass) will result in an
of these patients and an organizational frame- increased intracranial pressure OCP).
work for delivery of this care. It represents The compliance of the intracranial system is
the continuum of care applied to monitoring often expressed as the "compliance curve" by
and treatment modalities instituted prior to or plotting ICP against the expanding volume,
during surgery, which is essential for optimal although it should more accurately be described
recovery. Early treatment of complications may as the "elastance curve" (Fig. S.l) . A steep curve
reduce morbidity from secondary insults; the implies increased elastance or decreased com-
intensive care unit should provide conditions pliance, as occurring with a rapidly expand-
for the rapid recognition and management of ing mass, as in a subdural or intracranial



ischemia in the damaged or edematous brain.

Under normal circumstances CBFis tightly con-
trolled by homeostatic mechanisms. Normal
CBF is approximately 50 ml/I 00 g/min, coupled
to a cerebral metabolic oxygen consump-
) tion rate of 3.2 mlll00 glmin. In patients with
brain injury, CBFof 18-20 mlll00 glmin is gen-
stiffness erally considered to be the ischemic threshold,
below which secondary injury may occur,
although cellular integrity is usually preserved
until CBF is <8-10 mlll00 g/min. Many factors
control the cerebrovascular tone , including
Apparent increase inintracranialvolume endothelial factors (nitric oxide, endothelin),
cerebral metabolism, neurotransmitter release,
Fig. 5.1. Intracranial compliance curve. systemic blood pressure, blood carbon dioxide
content, blood viscosity and humoral sub-
stances. In physiological terms the important
hematoma. This "compliance" can be quantified considerations include flow-metabolism cou-
by adding or withdrawing a known volume of pling, CO2 reactivity, and pressure autoregula-
saline to the CSF via a ventriculostomy, and tion . Under normal circumstances, blood flow
noting the rise in ICP - the volume pressure to the brain is tightly coupled to its metabolism,
response. globally as well as regionally. The cerebral
Elevation ofICP decreases cerebral perfusion, vasculature is exquisitely sensitive to carbon
and may result in secondary ischemia, as the net dioxide, changing by 3-4% per mmHg change
cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is determined in PaC02' In contrast, Pa02has a negligible effect
by the difference between mean arterial blood on CBF. Although the molecular mechanism of
pressure (MAP) and ICP. (CPP =MAP - ICP or cerebral autoregulation remains unknown, CBF
MAP - JVP, where JVP = jugular venous pres- is generally maintained constant between CPP
sure. This applies when the cranium is open and of 50-150 mmHg. Blood flowbecomes pressure-
ICP is zero.) In addition to its effect on CPP, an dependent at blood pressures outside the
elevated ICP can also result in herniation. normal range, and this flow-pressure curve is
Although a clear-cut threshold cannot be deter- shifted to the right in the presence of chronic
mined, an elevated ICP >30 mmHg is associated hypertension. The purported mechanisms of
with an increased risk of transtentorial or brain- autoregulation control include metabolic feed-
stem herniation. Thus monitoring and treat- back and myogenic feedback.
ment of ICP is of paramount importance in Intracranial pathology may impair one or
the ICU. more of these homeostatic mechanisms [1]. CO2
In patients with spinal cord injury, the perfu- reactivity appears to be more robust than
sion pressure to the cord is similarly determined autoregulation, and is frequently preserved even
by the difference between MAP and CSF pres- with severe brain injury. With the exception of
sure. Although most cord-injured patients arteriovenous malformation and vasospasm
present with complete lesions, anatomical dis- (see below), the loss of CO2 reactivity is gener -
ruption is rare, and maintenance of adequate ally associated with a poor prognosis.
perfusion is important to preserve cord func-
tion to ischemic regions proximal to the main Cushing's Response
site of injury.
CBF changes according to the formula:
Cerebral Blood Flow, CO 2 Reactivity or (MAP - ICP) / CVR
and Cerebral Autoregulation
where CVR is the cerebral vascular resistance.
Reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF) is one With elevation of ICP and compression of
of the major causes of secondary cerebral the brainstem, compensatory changes involving


both MAP and CVR may occur. This compen- or ischemic stroke. Recent advances in moni-
satory rise in MAP, effected by increased sym- toring modalities, which will be discussed later
pathetic discharge from the vasomotor center in in the chapter, have made it theoretically possi-
response to a rise in ICP causing brainstem ble to manipulate 'real-time' information to
ischemia, was first documented in 1901 by optimize treatment of these patients.
Cushing and is known as "Cushing's response".
While MAP increases as a result of increased
systemic vascular resistance, cerebral vasodila-
tion occurs in response to the decrease in CPP Management of Elevated
as the autoregulatory compensatory response. Intracranial Pressure
However, with decreased intracranial compli-
ance (increased intracranial elastance), this Intracranial hypertension is defined as an ICP
vasodilation may lead to further increase in ICP >15 mmHg. A progressive rise from this level,
and reduction in CPP. or sustained ICP >20 mmHg, should prompt
investigation and treatment. A progressive
Critical Closing Pressure rise in ICP may indicate the development of
hemorrhage/hematoma, edema, hydrocephalus
The CPP has traditionally been calculated as the or a combination of these causes, and an imme-
difference between MAP and ICP or JVP and diate CT scan is indicated. A sustained elevated
thus may easily be derived when ICP is moni- ICP increases the risk of secondary injury from
tored. Although not a frequent occurrence, ischemia and/or herniation.
regional compartmentalization of ICP may In patients with surgically correctable pathol-
result in regional variation in CPP, and hence in ogy, such as subdural/epidural/intracerebral
CBF. Moreover, when venous pressure is ele- hematoma, or hydrocephalus, prompt surgical
vated or higher than ICP, both the arterial treatment is indicated. In other patients ICP
inflow from the systemic driving force (MAP) can be effectively controlled by manipulating
and the venous outflow need to be considered the different compartments of the intracranial
in order to optimize CPP. contents. In patients refractory to medical man-
On the basis of studies of other organs and the agement, decompressive craniectomy is indi-
peripheral circulation, it can be demonstrated cated . These approaches are discussed below
that the critical closing pressure (CCP), located and summarized in Table 5.1.
at the arteriolar level, determines the down-
stream pressure in the vasculature of that organ.
The cerebral CCP is defined as the arterial pres- Reduction of Cerebral Blood
sure threshold below which arterial vessels col- Volume
lapse, and is determined by both the ICP and the
cerebral arterial tone . Thus CCP is the minimum
perfusion pressure necessary to keep the cere-
Head Elevation
bral vessels open. This is influenced by the Elevation of the head of the bed to an angle
surrounding extrinsic pressure (ICP) as well as of 20-30° reduces ICP by optimizing cerebral
by any distal resistance (e.g. jugular venous venous return. However, in hypovolemic
obstruction). This is not an easily quantifiable pat ients, head elevation may cause a decrease in
variable, but it represents the overall down - the CPP. If normovolemia is maintained, eleva-
stream resistance of the cerebral vasculature, tion to 30° has been shown to decrease ICP
and may be a more important determinant of without compromising CPP or CBF in head-
CPP than ICP (i.e. CPP = MAP - CCP) [2]. injured patients.
Complex relationships therefore exist between Care should be taken to avoid obstruction of
ICP, systemic blood pressure, cerebral metabo- cerebral venous return by cervical collars or
lism and CBF, all of which must be taken into endotracheal tube ties, and to keep the head
consideration in the intensive care management maintained in the neutral position.
of neurosurgical patients. These principles In patients with preserved cerebral autoregu-
apply whether the patients had suffered trau- lation, elevation of MAP will lead to compen-
matic brain injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage satory vasoconstriction with reduction of ICP.


Table 5.1. Treatment of elevated ICP

Conventional measures
1. Elevation of head and relief of potential venous obstruction
2. Elevation of MAP (if appropriate)
3. P,COl of 30-35 mmHg, or 25-30 mmHg if there are signs of brain herniation
4. Mannitol 0.5- 1.0g/kg q, 6 h pmand furosemide 20 mg pm. Keep serum osmolality <320.
5. Maintain hypovolemia; monitor CVP, if possible.
6. Ventriculostomy fordrainage of CSF, if applicable.
7. Sedation withopiates, benzodiazepines and/or propofol
8. Fine-tune thelevel of PEEP, if applicable.
9. Maintain normovolemia.
Aggressive measures(in patients refractory to conventional measures)
1. Induction of hypothermia to 33-34 ·C
2. Maximal EEG suppression with induction of propofol or barbiturate coma
3. Hyperventilation to P,COl of 20-25 mmHg (monitor 5,.02or Pbr0l )
4. Hypertonicsaline (3% or 7.5% 25-50 ml/h); monitor serum sodium
Extreme measures
1. Decompressive craniectomy
2. Excision of infarcted tissues ± lobectomy

This can be accomplished with maintenance of management of patients with head injury,
normovolemia and infusion of phenylephrine at unless the ability to monitor independently for
1-10 I-lg/kg/min, or norepinephrine at 0.05-0 .2 evidence of cerebral ischemia is available (CBF,
I-lg/kg/min. SjvOZ or PbPz}. In addition, because of normal-
ization of pH in cerebrospinal fluid, the efficacy
of hyperventilation on CBF, CBV and rcp
Hyperventilation declines after 24 hours. However, despite these
Because of the exquisite sensitivity of CBF to studies, the issue of hyperventilation remains
PaCO Z' hyperventilation will reduce CBF, and controversial. Whereas it is clear that a low
concomitantly cerebral blood volume (CBV), PaCO Zwould lead to a reduction in CBF, result-
resulting in an acute decrease in ICP. Although ing in regions with CBF approaching or below
the acute reduction in ICP and improvement in the ischemic threshold, the definitive evidence
CPP is theoretically desirable, and hyperventi- of "ischemia" is lacking. Using positron emis-
lation has been traditionally used as an effective sion tomography, Diringer et al. were unable to
treatment modality, in recent years the concern demonstrate any decrease in cerebral metabolic
for the risk of cerebral ischemia has curtailed rate or change in the pyruvate-lactate ratio with
its use. CBF studies have demonstrated that acute hyperventilation, suggesting that the low
even moderate hyperventilation may increase basal metabolic rate of brain-injured patients
brain regions with CBF below the ischem ic paradoxically "protects" these patients from the
threshold [3]. Reduction of jugular venous low CBF [4]. As we await more definitive evi-
oxygen concentration (SjvOz) and brain tissue dence on hyperventilation, PaCO z is best main-
POz (Pbp z) have also been repeatedly demon- tained at 35-40 mmHg. In acute situations
strated in studies in head-injured patients. where there is impending or ongoing brain her-
Moreover, in the only randomized controlled niation, hyperventilation to PaCO Z of 20-30
trial conducted on this therapeutic modality, mmHg is warranted. However, this should be
prophylactic hyperventilation has been shown viewed as a temporizing measure while waiting
to be associated with adverse outcome. Thus the for definitive therapy. For maintenance, PaCO Z
Brain Trauma Foundation Guidelines suggest should be kept at 30-35 mmHg. Xenon CT
that hyperventilation should not be used for the and SPECT (single-photon emission computed


tomography) may be useful in gauging regional and reduce CSF production. Patients who
CBF response to hyperventilation. become refractory to mannitol often would
respond to hypertonic saline infusion (3% or
Elevation ofBlood Pressure 7.5%). Despite numerous clinical reports attest-
ing to its efficacy, there have been no random-
In patients with intact cerebral autoregula-
ized clinical trials on the use of hypertonic
tion and decreased intracranial compliance,
saline, and rebound intracranial hypertension is
decrease in systemic blood pressure will lead to
a potential complication.
compensatory vasodilation and an increase in
In patients with vasogenic edema associated
CBV [5]. This will lead to a further decrease
with tumor, steroids are effective, and dexam-
in CPP, with a spiraling downhill effect and pro-
ethasone 10 mg is generally given every 6 hours.
gressive decrease in net cerebral perfusion. On
Steroids in general are considered to be con-
the other hand, patients with impaired cerebral
traindicated in patients with traumatic brain
autoregulation may exhibit an increase in ICP
injury and ineffective in patients with sub-
with increase in blood pressure. Since it is not
arachnoid hemorrhage or ischemic stroke. In
possible to predict the presence or absence of
patients with spinal cord injury, high-dose
autoregulation, it is important to maintain
methylprednisolone has been shown to improve
an adequate or even elevated systemic blood
functions when given within 8 hours. In most
pressure to delineate the ICP response.
centers, when seen within 3 hours, these
patients are given methypredisolone 30 mg/kg
Reduction of Brain Mass bolus, followed by 5.4 mg/kg/h for 24 hours, and
for 48 hours if seen between 3-8 hours (NACIS
Because of the presence of the blood-brain Ill). The improvement is, however, marginal,
barrier, which is relatively impermeable to and many query if the benefits outweigh the
sodium and chloride ions, the movement of risks of pneumonia and infection. Nevertheless,
water into and out of the brain cells is primar- in view of the efficacy of steroid in spinal cord
ily determined by the osmotic gradient. An injury, the use of high-dose methylprednisolone
effective osmotic diuretic that is frequently used in head injury is being re-examined, and a ran-
to treat elevated ICP is 20% mannitol. Given as domized trial aiming to enroll 20,000 patients is
a bolus at 0.5-1.0 g/kg, the action is immediate currently under way [6].
in onset, but peaks at 30 minutes, lasting for
about 90 minutes. The loop diuretic, furose- Reduction of(SF volume
mide, potentiates the actions of mannitol, may
also have direct ICP lowering effects, and is Twenty-five percent of patients with subarach-
often given as an adjunct. The effects of manni- noid hemorrhage from a ruptured aneurysm
tol on systemic hemodynamics are complex, will develop acute hydrocephalus with eleva-
with initial reduction of systemic vascular resis- tion of ICP. Insertion of ventriculostomy with
tance, followed by intravascular volume expan- controlled drainage of CSF is an effective treat-
sion, which may be accompanied by systemic ment of ICP. Some of these patients will even-
hypertension. Patients with poor cardiac func- tually require a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt.
tion may develop acute pulmonary edema with Placement of a lumbar subarachnoid drain can
infusion of mannitol. With the onset of diure- also reduce CSF volume, but at the increased
sis, contraction of intravascular volume occurs, risk of brain herniation. This is less useful in
and this would result in hypotension if fluid patients with head injury, as the ventricles are
replacement is inadequate. The complications frequently compressed, making them inaccessi-
from mannitol therapy include fluid overload, ble and drainage less effective.
dehydration and renal failure.
During mannitol therapy, electrolytes and Sedation and Paralysis
serum osmolality should be monitored fre-
quently, and serum osmolality should not Adequate sedation is essential in all patients
exceed 320 mOsm. Although the primary mech- with elevated ICP in order to minimize agita-
anism of mannitol is based on the osmotic gra- tion and movement, and to improve tolerance
dient, it may also cause reflex vasoconstriction of the endotracheal tube. Coughing or gagging


on the tracheal tube or during tracheobronchial adults, the actual incidence of this syndrome
suction can cause rapid, extreme elevations in is unknown and the pathophysiology remains
ICP. Neuromuscular paralysis effectively pre - unclear. However, given the high mortality
vents this but at the expense of eliminating reported in children, and apparently conclusive
neurological examination as a monitor of the data in a clinical trial (as yet unpublished), the
patient's condition. In addition, prolonged use of propofol infusion in children is currently
pharmacological blockade may result in the not advised. In adults, where indicated, the ben-
development of myopathy and persistent paral- efits of propofol outweigh this potential risk and
ysis. Moreover, neuromuscular blocking agents should not be withheld from patients in the
(NMBs) should only be used in patients who are neurointensive care unit. However, prolonged
adequately sedated in order to avoid paralysis infusion for more than 1 week, at doses greater
in an awake patient. Intermittent dosing and than 5 mg/kg/h, is not advised, and the infusion
periodic discontinuation, coupled with careful should immediately be discontinued should
monitoring of the degree of neuromuscular any acidosis or cardiac dysfunction develop. In
blockade, should allow regular neurological addition, propofol in high doses will result in
assessment. systemic hypotension, often necessitating the
use of vasopressors for blood pressure support.
Sedative drugs that decrease ICP via an effect on Etomidate
cerebral metabolism and CBF include most of Although etomidate had been used in the past
the intravenous anesthetic agents except keta- as a sedative agent, it should not be given by
mine. All have a depressant effect on the central infusion as it inhibits corticosteroid synthesis
nervous system, resulting in a dose -related by the adrenal glands. It causes less cardiovas-
decrease in level of consciousness and metabolic cular depression than propofol or barbiturates
rate. Propofol has a similar metabolic and vas- and has been used in intermittent dosage in less
cular profile to barbiturates, causing a dose- stable patients. It reduces ICP by its effects on
related decrease in cerebral metabolic rate and CBF and CVR.
coupled decrease in CBF, resulting in a reduc-
tion in ICP in patients with cerebral metabolic Dexmedetomidine
activity. However, in some studies the decrease
in CBF exceeded the concomitant decrease in Dexmedetomidine is a selective alpha-2-recep-
metabolic rate. Its pharmacokinetic profile, with tor agonist, and has recently been approved for
a short half-life, makes it a particularly suitable use as a sedative agent for cardiac patients in the
sedative agent in neurosurgical patients, allow- intensive care unit. Although not well investi-
ing prompt neurological assessment within 2-3 gated in neurosurgical patients, its pharmaco-
hours of discontinuation of the infusion in usual logical profile suggests that it may be a useful
doses (50-150 ug/kg/min). In a multicenter sedative in this group of patients. When given
trial, propofol was efficacious in reducing ICP as an infusion at 0.6 mg/kg/h, most patients are
although the study failed to show an improve- well sedated but arousable, with minimal res-
ment in neurological outcome. In high doses piratory depression. It causes cerebrovasocon-
(>300 f.Lg/kg/min), it can be used to induce striction and should reduce ICP, although the
pharmacological coma with burst-suppression reduction in CBF is not matched by reduction
on electroencephalogram to achieve maximal in cerebral metabolism. Our own studies show
metabolic suppression for control of ICP. In that autoregulation and CO2 reactivity are not
children, when used as a continuous infusion affected by sedative doses of dexmedetomidine
for a prolonged period, propofol has been (unpublished data). In experimental ischemia
reported to be associated with the development it has been shown to reduce the number of
of a metabolic syndrome that is characterized damaged neurons in transient global ischemia
by acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, cardiac failure and in gerbils, and following focal cerebral ischemia
a high mortality rate (7). More recently, a in rats. The mechanism of action is thought to
similar syndrome has also been reported to be via a reduction in norepinephrine release.
occur in head-injured adults treated with Additionally, it appears to enhance the dis-
propofol >5 mg/kg/h [8]. In both children and posal of glutamine by oxidative metabolism in


astrocytes, thus reducing the availability of glu- commenced in 2003. Despite the lack of proof
tamine as a precursor of neurotoxic glutamates. of definitive benefits, most studies demonstrate
As yet, there have been no clinical trials on its a favorable ICP response to hypothermia.
use as a sedative agent in the neurointensive Moreover, the beneficial effects of therapeutic
care unit, but the lack of significant respiratory hypothermia on neurological outcome were
depression makes it a very appropriate sedative recently demonstrated in patients who suffered
in spontaneously breathing patients with poor cardiac arrest from sudden ventricular fibrilla-
intracranial compliance. tion. For now, therapeutic hypothermia should
be used as an effective and useful adjunct for the
Barbiturates control of ICP.

Barbiturates reduce ICP by suppressing cerebral

metabolism and, correspondingly, CBF. They
Decompressive Craniectomy
do this both directly and by reducing seizure Decompressive craniectomy is indicated in
activity. Both pentobarbital and thiopental patients with persistent elevated ICP refractory
have been used to induce barbiturate coma. to medical treatments. In patients with unilat-
Their use is usually reserved for those patients eral swelling following hematoma evacuation or
whose intracranial hypertension has been tumor resection, hemicraniectomy or removal
refractory to other treatments. Similar to other of a large cranial flap with dural patching has
sedatives, thiopental use is associated with been successful in reducing ICP. In patients with
systemic hypotension and should only be used cerebral edema of both hemispheres, bilateral
in normovolemic patients. Two randomized craniectomy may be necessary. Rarely, removal
controlled trials have assessed the efficacy of of damaged tissue or lobectomy may be per-
thiopentone for the treatment of raised ICP in formed as a last-ditch effort to decrease the
patients with head injury. One trial showed a intracranial contents in the most severe cases
reduction in ICP that was significantly greater of intracranial hypertension. This procedure
in the group treated with barbiturates, but with appears to be effective both for traumatic brain
no improvement in long-term outcome. The injury as well as for swelling secondary to stroke
second trial found that the ICP was controlled or subarachnoid hemorrhage. A multicenter
in approximately one-third of the treatment trial to assess its efficacy as an early treatment
group , and that in those patients who res- for traumatic brain injury will determine its
ponded, long-term outcome was also improved. future role as a definitive treatment for intracra-
A proportion of patients treated with barbitu- nial hypertension (10).
rates show no decrease in ICP. This may be due
to uncoupling of cerebral metabolic rate of
oxygen consumption from CBF, and is an indi- Use of Positive End-expiratory
cator of poor prognosis. Pressure in Patients with
Elevated ICP
Positive end -expiratory pressure (PEEP) is fre-
Hypothermia reduces cerebral metabolism and quently used to improve oxygenation in
CBF, with resultant reduction in CBV and ICP. patients with respiratory distress syndrome
It may also be neuroprotective by decreasing the or loss of lung volume due to a variety of
release of excitotoxic amino acids. Despite pulmonary diseases. Theoretically, this can
initial enthusiasm reported with the therapeutic increase intrathoracic pressure, which in turn
use of moderate hypothermia in a single-center impedes venous inflow from the head, causing
trial, a multicenter, randomized controlled trial increase in ICP. However, this appears to be
could not demonstrate any beneficial effects, only clinically relevant if the patient has good
although a subset of patients aged less than 45 intrathoracic compliance and poor intracranial
years, who were admitted hypothermic and ran- compliance. Its safety was recently demon-
domized to hypothermia, had better results strated in patients with acute stroke [11].
than patients who were rendered normothermic In practical terms, when properly indicated,
[9). A new trial focusing on younger patients PEEP up to 10 mmHg seldom causes significant


elevation of ICP. However, it remains prudent edema (prostacyclin to improve microcircula-

to monitor the ICP response to PEEP in patients, tion) [12], and (5) the "cerebral ischemia
particularly when PEEP >10 mmHg is used. model " (Robertson option), which relies upon
the use of jugular venous oxygen saturation
(SjvOz) monitoring to avoid global cerebral
ischemia . These different options are summa-
Management of Blood rized in Table 5.2. Although there is not a
Pressure/Cerebral unified approach, with the exception of the
Lund therapy, the consensus appears to be CPP
Perfusion Pressure at >60 mmHg [13) and MAP at >80 mmHg .
Phenylephrine and norepinephrine are the most
Head Injury common agents used to support blood pressure
in these patients. Both agents have negligible
Optimal CPP-ICP management in the head- direct effects on the cerebral vasculature.
injured patient should be predicated on: (1) pre- Commonly used vasoactive agents are listed in
vention of secondary injury and (2) promotion Table 5.3.
of recovery and repair of damaged neurons.
Although maintenance of adequate CPP is the
obvious and intended goal, there is controversy Table 5.3. Vasoactive agents
about the precise level of blood pressure Vasopressors/inotropes
requ ired to achieve this goal. Because of the lack Phenylephrine: 1-10 IJ.g/kg/min
of randomized clinical trials, at least in the Norepinephrine: 0.05-0.2 IJ.g/kg/min
context of head injury, several approaches have Dopamine: 1-20 IJ.g/kg/min
been suggested, with all reporting improved Dobutamine: 1-20 IJ.g/kg/min
results in their series. There are currently five Vasopressin: 0.01 -0 .04 units/rnin
approaches to the treatment of severe head Vasodilatorslhypotensive agents
Labetalol: 5-10 mgbolus q. 10 min, infusion at
injury that have been advocated: (1) guidelines
50-100 mg/h, titrated to BP and HR
issued by the Brain Trauma Foundation, (2) Esmolol: 500 IJ.g/kg bolus, 3-15 mg/kg/h
ICP management (Marshall approach) , (3) CPP Clonidine: 0.1 mg q. 4 h
management (Rosner protocol), (4) "Lund Enlapril: 0.625-2 .5 mgq. 6 h
therapy", which maintains low systemic pres- Hydralazine: 10-20 mgq. 2 h prn
sures (MAP >50 mmHg) and normal colloid Sodium nitroprusside: 0.1-10 IJ.g/kg/min
osmotic pressure to avoid vasogenic cerebral

Table 5.2. Comparison of fourdifferent approaches and the Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines forthe management of acute
head injuries

Approach: Threshold for Therapy Ischemia

ICP CPP MAP/SBP for -!CPP monitors
BTF <20- 25 >70 SBP >90 Colloid, dopamine, SJV02' CBF,
guidelines phenylephrine AVD02if using
fCP <20 >60 SBP >80 N/A Notroutine
(Marshall approach)
epp >70- 80 MAP >90 Phenylephrine, Not routine
(Rosner protocol) norepi, colloid
Lund therapy <20- 25 >40- 60 N/A N/A Not routine
Cerebral ischemia <20 >70 MAP >90 Colloid, dopamine, SJV02' CBF,
(Robertson option) phenylephrine AVD0 1

ICP, intracranial pressure; CPP, cerebral perfusion pressure; BTF, Brain Trauma Foundation; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SBP, systolicblood
pressure; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; STP, sodium thiopental; norepi,norepinephrine; ~v02 jugularvenous oxygen saturation, CBF cerebral blood
flow; AVD02, arteriovenous oxygen difference.


Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (100 mmHg) in previously normotensive

patients. On the other hand, mild -to -moderate
In patients with ruptured and unsecured hypertension (160-180 systolic and 90-100 dias -
aneurysms and in good grade, blood pressure tolic blood pressure) should be left untreated in
should be controlled and maintained at normal patients with ischemic stroke. Vasopressors to
or slightly reduced values to reduce the risk of support blood pressure may be necessary.
re-bleeding. Labetalol and beta-blockers have
no effect on CBF and are the hypotensive Arteriovenous Malformation
agents of choice. In patients refractory to this
treatment, the addition of clonidine or enlapril Unlike cerebral aneurysms, increase in systemic
generally would control the blood pressure. In blood pressure has not been identified as an eti-
difficult cases, intravenous sodium nitroprus- ological factor in hemorrhage in patients with
side may be necessary. Agents such as nitro- arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Control
prusside, hydralazine and nicardipine are of blood pressure while the patient is awaiting
cerebral vasodilators, and thus must be used surgery following hemorrhage is therefore rela-
with caution in patients with poor intracranial tively unimportant. However, because of the
compliance or increased ICP. Continuous chronic adaptation of the adjacent blood vessels
monitoring of ICP will enhance safety in these to a low pressure system, following resection of
patients. In patients with elevated ICP and in AVM, patients may develop hyperperfusion
poor grades, ongoing cerebral ischemia is an syndrome at normal blood pressure. Control of
important consideration and blood pressure blood pressure at a normal or slightly reduced
may have to be maintained at normal levels level is therefore crucial in the post-operative
appropriate for the patient, albeit at the expense management.
of increased risk of bleeding. Prompt surgical
treatment will minimize this complication.
Patients in vasospasm will require hyperten-
sive therapy to improve cerebral perfusion. The
Monitoring inthe
optimal blood pressure should be guided by Intensive Care Unit
the patient's clinical conditions and the magni-
tude of vasospasm. In general, systolic blood
pressure of 140-160 mmHg is maintained for
Basic Monitoring
patients with mild vasospasm, and 160-180
Neurological Examination
mmHg for patients with evidence of moderate-
to-severe vasospasm. Occasionally, even higher Physical examination of the neurological
blood pressure may be required. A therapeutic system, although a non-parametric and subjec -
dilemma occurs when vasospasm occurs in tive tool, is rapid and easy to perform and
patients with unsecured aneurysms. However, is useful in the detection of changes in the
therapeutic hypertensive therapy should not be patient's neurological stat us. Its importance
withheld in these patients as the risk of hemor- should not be overlooked and it should be a
rhage appears to be very small. basic skill of all staff involved in the care of the
neurological patient. Inter-observer variation is
common but may be minimized by the use of
Hemorrhagic and Ischemic quantitative examination methods. Mental
Stroke status, motor/sensory assessment and coordi-
nation testing may all be rapidly evaluated in
In patients with hemorrhagic stroke, control of the conscious patient. Both conscious and
blood pressure is important to prevent further unconscious patients should be assessed for
hemorrhage. However, it is important to rule pupillary size and light response, deep tendon
out the occurrence of hypertension secondary reflexes and response to peripheral noxious
to increase in ICP (Cushing's response), in stimuli. Pupillary deviation and flexor or exten-
which event the mean arterial pressure should sor posturing may also be present.
be reduced gradually, and not below 130 mmHg The desire for quantification of neurological
in known hypertensive patients, and lower status has led to the development and wide-


Table 5.4. Glasgow Coma Scale

Eye opening Verbal response Motor response
Spontaneous 4 Oriented 5 Obeys commands 6
To verbal 3 Inappropriate 4 Localizes pain 5
To pain 2 Incomprehensible 3 Flexion/withdrawal 4
None 1 Makes sounds 2 Flexion/abnormal (decorticate) 3
None 1 Extension (decerebrate) 2
None 1

spread use of scoring scales, such as the Glasgow and aggressive treatment of elevated ICP can
Coma Scale (Table 5.4), originally developed for minimize secondary ischemia and improve
use in the head-injured patient. In addition to outcome. Thus the use of intracranial devices
establishing a baseline, these scales are most for the continuous measurement of ICP has
useful when performed regularly in order to become standard practice in the care of neuro-
give a more objective impression of deteriora- logical patients in whom an elevated ICP is an
tion or improvement over a period of time. issue. These devices include intraventricular
Sedatives and analgesics given in the inten- catheters, subarachnoid bolts, epidural systems
sive care unit should ideally have a short and fiberoptic intraparenchymal devices.
duration of action , and should be allowed to Ventriculostomy catheters and fiberoptic intra-
dissipate once a day to facilitate assessment parenchymal devices appear to give comparably
of the neurological status. accurate measurement of ICP (Fig. 5.2). Ven-
triculostomy catheters are generally considered
Monitoring ofIntracranial Pressure to be the gold standard for ICP monitoring. This
Although there are no data from randomized type of catheter has the additional advantage
trials, it is generally accepted that monitoring of allowing drainage of CSF to lower ICP.

Fiberoptic device Subarachnoid

(intraparenchymal) screw

Fig. 5.2. Methods of monitoringintracranial pressure.



However, it is associated with a higher risk of increase in CBV as a result of vasodilation and
infection compared with the fiberopt ic intra- a decrease in CBF. They manifest in an abrupt
parenchymal catheters. Subarachnoid monitors rise in the ICP to levels of 60-80 mmHg for a
should be placed on the same side as the lesion duration of 5-20 minutes and are an indicator
in order to avoid inaccuracy due to pressure of poor prognosis (Fig. 5.3).
differential between the two hemispheres. Rosner and Becker showed that plateau waves
Computerized recording and display of the in cats with mild brain trauma are preceded
transduced ICP pressure wave is now standard by a decrease in systemic blood pressure to
with most multimodal bedside patient moni- approximately 70-80 mmHg and that CBV
tors : the 'real-time' pressure wave and analysis increases exponentially with this decrease . In
of any trend in pressure may be viewed and association with poor intracranial compliance,
compared with other monitored signs such as this increase in CBV is accompanied by an expo-
systemic blood pressure or central venous pres- nential rise in ICP, seen as the plateau wave.
sure (CVP). Plateau waves may be abolished with an
increase in CPP or with maneuvers to improve
Indications for ICP Monitoring intracranial compliance.
An ICP monitor may be useful in the manage-
ment of any neurosurgical patient in whom a 100,----------------,
raised ICP is suspected, although it is in the
management of severe head injury that its utility
is most established. In those patients with mod-
erate head injury in whom non -neurosurgical ::c
surgery is essential , an ICP monitor may also 5 50
provide the only indication of deterioration of !:d
the patient whilst anaesthetized. Maintenance of
an adequate CPP is only possible with knowl-
edge of the ICP and systemic blood pressure in
order to avoid secondary ischemic insults . ICP 10 20 30 40 50
measurement also facilitates the ability to gauge Minutes
response to therapeutic measures and gives
early warning of the expansion of mass lesions. Fig. 5.3. Example ofan A-wave.
In general, ICP monitoring is indicated in all
patients who are comatose with brain injury, 100 - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
and in patients with deteriorating neurological
status with an abnormal CT scan. As mentioned
above, many consider ICP monitoring desirable
in patients with moderate head injury requiring
prolonged surgical procedure under general
anesthesia. In addition, routine post -operative
ICP monitoring following major neurosurgical Bwaves
procedures is performed in some centers. The
only absolute contraindication for ICP monitor-
ing is the presence of uncorrected coagulopathy. !!!
ICP Tracings
The nature and characteristics of ICP waves
were extensively described in 1960 by Lundberg
from his observation of ICP monitoring in
neurosurgical patients. He described three
wave-types: A-waves or plateau waves, B-waves o
and C-waves. Minutes
A-waves, termed "plateau waves" for their
characteristic shape, are associated with both an Fig.5.4 Example ofaB-wave.


The B-waves described by Lundberg are Combining this with lactate measurement
repeating waves of usually 10-20 mmHg with enhances its value as a monitor. The potential
a frequency of 0.5-2 waves/min, and reflect complications of this technique include bleeding
fluctuation in CBV owing to vasomotor waves and thrombosis, none of which has proved to be
of the regulating vessels. They usually indicate clinically significant. The most predominant
decreased intracranial compliance (Fig. 5.4). cause of jugular venous desaturation is probably
C-waves were considered by Lundberg excessive hyperventilation. Treatment of a low
to reflect arterial Traube-Hering waves and to Si"VOZ should include a careful examinat ion of
indicate decreased intracranial compliance. a I systemic and cerebral factors (Fig. 5.5).
Tissue POz electrodes are miniature Clark
electrodes that can be inserted into brain
Advanced Monitoring parenchyma to measure tissue POz (PbrO z)' The
placement of these electrodes necessitates the
Monitoring ofCerebral Oxygenation/ drilling of burr holes, and is therefore more
Metabolism invasive than jugular oximetry. However, they
provide regional measurement and can be
Jugular Venous Oximetry, Tissue P02, inserted into brain tissues considered to be at
and Near-infrared Spectroscopy risk. There are two types of electrodes that are
As cerebral ischemia and secondary injury are commercially available: the Neurotrend and the
the common factors leading to deterioration, Licox. The Neurotrend monitors PCO z and pH
monitoring of some indices of cerebral oxy- in addition to POz (requiring a larger burr hole)
genation would provide guide to appropriate whereas the Licox only measures POz' Both are
therapy. By placing a fiberoptic oximetric combined with ICP and temperature monitors.
catheter into the jugular bulb, cerebral venous The normal values of Pbpz are 25-30 mmHg .
oxygenation can be monitored continuously, Values below 15 mmHg are associated with poor
providing an index of the balance between cere- prognosis, and values less than 10 mmHg are
bral blood flow (supply) and cerebral metabolic usually incompatible with survival. It is debat-
consumption of oxygen (demand) (CMROz = able whether Pbp z truly reflects tissue oxygena-
CBF x AVDO z' or AVDO z = CMR0z/CBF). In tion or a balance between the delivery and
essence, it is the arteriovenous oxygen content consumption of oxygen at the local level.
difference that represents the balance between Studies with Pbpz have repeatedly demon-
supply and demand. However, if hemoglobin strated that increase in FPz consistently causes
concentration stays relatively constant, and we an immediate rise in PbrO Z' Although this is con-
ignore the contribution of dissolved oxygen, sidered beneficial by some, others consider it
then the jugular venous saturation (SjvOz) effec- may be more related to PaOZthan to brain tissue
tively reflects the adequacy of CBF relative to oxygenation.
oxygen consumption [AVDO z = Hgb x 1.39 x Near-infrared spectroscopy measures tissue
(1- SjvOz)]' Thus, a high SjvOZ implies luxury oxygenation non-invasively using reflectance
perfusion, and a low value reflects increased oximetry. Briefly, a light source is placed on the
extraction, or inadequate delivery relative to the scalp, and light reflected from the scalp and
degree of consumption. It has been demon- brain is measured by optodes placed at a dis-
strated that multiple episodes of desaturation tance from the light source . Theoretically this
below 50% are associated with poor prognosis can monitor not only oxygenation saturation,
in head-injured patients. Paradoxically, a high but also the amount of desaturated hemoglobin,
SjvOZ also indicates a poor prognosis as the brain regional CBV and the cytochrome redox state .
is no longer extracting oxygen. However, it is a Although attractive in theory, the many draw-
global measurement and does not and cannot backs, including variable optical path, contam-
reflect regional ischemia . Thus it is a highly spe- ination by scalp and bone, interference by
cific but very insensitive monitor. Despite these ambient light, and the necessary placement on
limitations, when used properly it yields infor- the forehead , have limited its usefulness as a
mation that can help management, and has clinical monitor. Extensive development and
become a standard monitor in the care of refinement are required before it can become a
the head-injured pat ient in many centers. functional monitor.


Systemic causes Cerebral causes

ICP therapy,
correct e.g. mannitol,
hypoxemia furosemide

elevated CMRO z
Yes hypothermia,
from hyperthermia

Yes vasospasm
Increase therapy

Fig. 5.5 Treatment algorithm forjugular venous desaturation.

Microdialysis mation has been used to evaluate autoregula-

With placement of an intraparenchymal micro- tion and CO2 reactivity, to ensure adequate CBF,
dialysis catheter, it is now possible to do bedside to assess the effect of treatments in modifying
measurement of local cerebral metabolitel CBF, and to assess CBF as an outcome predic-
neurotransmitter, including that of lactate, tor. Although many methods are available, as
pyruvate, glucose and glutamate [14]. These yet there is no functional bedside method for
microdialysis measurements complement other the measurement of CBF that can be performed
cerebral monitoring by confirming or refuting repetitively in a clinically useful manner. Several
the presence of cerebral ischemia . semi-quantitative methods are nevertheless
clinically useful.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
~ET can measure CBF,CBVand oxygen consump- Quantitative Global and Regional CBP
tion, as well as glucose consumption. It is, how-
Kety-Schmidt Technique The gold standard for
ever, expensive and remains an investigative
global CBF measurement is the Kety-
tool. Recent PET studies of head injuries show
Schmidt technique of nitrous oxide washin.
that some patients may develop regional hyper-
Although first described in 1945, the technique
glycolysis during the early stages of head injury.
remains valid today. It measures global hemi-
spheric blood flow, necessitates cannulation of
Monitoring ofCerebral Blood Flow the jugular bulb, thus allowing derivation
Numerous methods have been employed to of cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen, and can
assess both global and regional CBF. This infor- be performed at bedside.


Radioactive Xenon Washout The Xenon133 tion of blood flow can be quantified. However,
washout method is derived from the Kety- absolute CBF cannot be derived . This technique
Schmidt technique, and is probably the most is relatively non-invasive, involves less radiation
commonly used bedside technique today . Xe133 than a CT scan, and is useful in the assessment
can be administered by inhalation or intraarte- of cerebral ischemia secondary to vasospasm.
rial injection, but is most commonly given by
intravenous injection. Multiple detectors placed Transcranial Doppler The transcranial Doppler
next to the head allow measurements of regional (TCD) was introduced by Rune Aaslid in 1982.
CBF. Accuracy may be impaired in low-flow Using a 2 MHz pulsed Doppler, flow velocities
conditions, and areas with no flow cannot be of the basal cerebral arteries can be measured in
detected (the «look-through phenomenon"). a non-invasive manner. Although actual CBF
cannot be derived from the velocities, valuable
Stable Xenon CT Quantitative CBF can also be information can nevertheless be obtained
determined using stable xenon (30%) by inhala- that can aid patient management. When the
tion and CT. Flows at multiple regions of inter- diameter of the insonated vessel stays constant,
est can be measured. Transportation to the CT changes in flow velocity reflect corresponding
suite is necessary, and stable xenon is expensive change in flow. Under normal conditions, the
and, at 30%, has significant cerebral vasodila- basal cerebral arteries, being conductance
tory effects. Repetitive measurements are possi- vessels, vary little in diameter with physiologi-
ble and evaluation of therapeutic response to cal vasodilation or vasoconstriction, conditions
treatments aiming to modify CBF may be that depend on change in resistance vessels.
carried out with this method. On the other hand, pathological constriction of
the conductance vessel will lead to a dichotomy,
CT Perfusion Scan Quantitative CBF can also with increase in flow velocity paradoxically
be obtained using contrast CT. The computer reflecting a decrease in flow, as in the case of
algorithm examines the transit time of contrast vasospasm following subarachnoid hemor-
and derives the regional CBF. Compared with rhage. TCD has been found to be useful in
stable xenon, only limited slices can be obtained. the management of vasospasm, allowing early
This technique also allows repetitive measure- diagnosis and assessment of therapy.
ments, making it possible to assess the patient's
response to therapeutic maneuvers such as Vasospasm vs Hyperemia
hyperventilation or augmentation of blood Increase in flow velocity as diagnosed by
pressure. TCD can be secondary to development of
vasospasm or hyperemia, with obvious different
Positron Emission Tomography As mentioned clinical implications. This is particularly rele-
above, PET can measure regional CBF,metabo- vant in patients with traumatic suba rachnoid
lism and volume . This is, however, expensive hemorrhage (SAH), since 20-40% may develop
and, with limited availability, remains primar- vasospasm. To distinguish vasospasm from
ily an investigative tool. hyperemia, the ratio of intracranial flow veloc-
ity to extracranial internal carotid flow velocity
Local CBF (Lindegard index) is frequently used. Hyperemia
Laser Doppler Continuous monitoring of CBF is considered to be present when the index
is possible using laser Doppler flow probes. is less than 3. Mild vasospasm occurs when
This, however, involves implantation of a probe the index is greater than 3, moderate vaso-
via a small burr hole directly into the brain spasm when the index is 5-7, and severe
parenchyma and can only measure local CBF in vasospasm when the index is greater than 7.
a volume of 1 mm",
Non-invasive Assessment of ICP
SemiquantitativelQualitative Significant elevation ofICP compromising cere-
Cerebral Blood Flow bral perfusion results in a characteristic flow
Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography pattern on TCD with low diastolic flow veloci-
(SPECT) Using Technetium" isotope adminis- ties. Increasing ICP will result in correspond-
tered intravenously, relative regional distribu- ingly decreasing diastolic velocity, culminating


in a "reverberating flow" pattern, with forward (phenylephrine) will not affect cerebral
flow during systole, and backward flow during artery flow velocity when autoregulation is
diastole, signifying the onset of intracranial cir- intact.
culatory arrest. Based on these considerations,
many investigators have proposed using TCD as Imaging Modalities
a non-invasive monitor ofICP, and preliminary Computed tomography of the brain is the most
results are promising. important diagnostic imaging modality in the
care of the critically ill neurological patient.
Autoregulation Testing Patients with traumatic head injury may require
Patients who suffer traumatic brain injury daily CT during the initial course, and more
or SAH frequently develop impaired cerebral often if the neurological status is fluctuating. It
autoregulation, increasing the risk of brain is important to obtain CT whenever there is
injury with sudden changes in systemic blood sudden deterioration in the neurological status
pressure. Elevation of blood pressure may or sudden increase in ICP to rule out surgically
increase the risk of vasogenic edema, whereas correctable causes . Magnetic resonance (MR)
decrease in blood pressure may result in cere- imaging is more helpful in delineating infarcts
bral ischemia. Elucidation and quantifica- and ischemic lesions, particularly with diffu-
tion of the state of autoregulation would facili- sion-weighted and perfusion-weighted imaging.
tate clinical management of these patients. However, it is time consuming and generally not
Furthermore, it has been shown that delayed as available as CT. Angiography is essential in
ischemic deficits are more likely to develop in the establishment of vasospasm and institution
patients with the combination of vasospasm of interventional treatment.
and impaired cerebral autoregulation, as deter-
mined by TCD.
A number of different methods have been Monitoring Electrophysiological
investigated. These include: Functions
Spontaneous relationship between blood
pressure and flow velocity changes. With EEG and Evoked PotentiaIs
intact cerebral autoregulation there is a
negative correlation between changes in EEG and evoked potentials may be useful for
blood pressure and change in flow velocity, diagnostic purposes. In patients suspected of
and a positive correlation when autoregula- having seizures, a diagnostic EEG may be
tion is impaired. By monitoring both blood helpful. In patients with status epilepticus
pressure and flow velocity simultaneously treated with muscle relaxants, continuous EEG
over multiple time epochs, the state of cere- monitoring to guide pharmacological therapy is
bral autoregulation can be qualitatively essential.
determined. In patients with severe head injury, EEG is of
relatively little value, whereas somatosensory
Transient hyperemic response. When auto- evoked potentials (SSEPs) can provide impor-
regulation is intact, compression of the
tant prognostic information. With unilateral or
extracranial internal carotid artery for 7-10
bilateral absence of cortical SSEP, the outcome
seconds will result in a transient hyperemic
is uniformly fatal. Preservation or early recov-
response in the ipsilateral middle cerebral
ery of normal SSEP is compatible with high
degree of recovery. Brainstem evoked potential,
Dynamic autoregulation. When autoregula- in combination with cortical SSEP, may allow
tion is intact, a transient decrease in blood assessment of the integrity of brainstem func-
pressure effected by sudden deflation of tion and the site of injury to be located.
inflated thigh cuffs will cause a very brief
decrease in middle cerebral artery flow
Electrocardiographic and Cardiac
velocity, rapidly returning to baseline value.
Static autoregulation. Below the upper
limit of autoregulation, elevation of sys- Patients with isolated severe neurological injury
temic blood pressure using a vasopressor can develop ECG changes. In patients with


aneurysmal SAH, 40-60% of the patients may candidates for angioplasty with or without
exhibit ECG abnormalities comprising of ST papaverine infusion . Patients with vasospasm
segment changes or arrhythmia. Acute left ven- secondary to traumatic SAH generally respond
tricular dysfunction can also occur , and in some to the same treatment regimen, although the
patients acute pulmonary edema can develop. risk of development of vasogenic edema may
Frank myocardial necrosis secondary to SAH be higher .
has been documented, although it is exceedingly
rare. Patients with poor clinical grades are more
likely to have ECG abnormalities as well as ven-
Fluid and Electrolytes
tricular dysfunction, but there is poor correla- To maintain adequate cerebral perfusion, it is
tion between these two abnormalities. Cardiac important to maintain normovolemia. The
enzymes should be measured in patients with practice of keeping neurological patients dehy-
ECG changes to rule out myocardial infarction, drated to minimize cerebral edema is outdated,
and echocardiograms should be performed in and in head -injured patients is associated with
patients with clinical ventricular dysfunction . poor outcome [15). Fluid balance tallying total
Central venous pressure monitoring is indicated input and output should be monitored daily,
in these patients and , despite recent studies and insensible loss of 500-800 ml per day should
questioning the value of pulmonary artery be allowed. Patients with head injury often
catheter placement, measurement of filling suffer multiple injuries that may result in sig-
pressures may facilitate the management of nificant blood loss, contributing to hypovolemia
patients in vasospasm. and hypotension. On the other hand, patients
who suffer SAH can develop acute decrease in
circulating blood volume unrelated to blood
Management of Vasospasm loss. Patients with hemorrhagic or ischemic
Angiographic vasospasm occurs in up to 70% of stroke may also be hypovolemic, and the
patients after aneurysmal SAH, although only volume status cannot be assessed by the pres-
about 30-40% of patients become clinically ence or absence of systemic hypertension. A
symptomatic. Although nimodipine prophy- thorough history and clinical examination is
laxis improves the neurological outcome of crucial to the establishment of the correct diag-
patients, it neither decreases the incidence nor nosis. To ensure normovolemia, isotonic fluids
alters the magnitude of vasospasm. Vasospasm or normal saline should be given, although the
typically occurs on day 3 after SAH, peaks on latter, when given in large amounts, would
day 7, and generally subsides by the end of 14 inevitably lead to hyperchloremic metabolic
days. Vasospasm is the main cause of delayed acidosis.
ischemic deficit, resulting in brain infarction or In patients with partially disrupted
death . Early vasospasm results in elevated flow blood-brain barrier (BBB), colloids have a the-
velocities, which can be detected by TCD, but oretical advantage, and their benefits in reduc-
the diagnosis must be confirmed with angiogra- ing edema can be demonstrated in experimental
phy in symptomatic patients. SPECT can detect focal cerebral ischemia. However, there is no
regional differences in perfusion and facilitate clinical evidence of its efficacy. Moreover, meta-
management. Currently, the only medical treat- analysis of clinical trials suggests that the use of
ment for symptomatic vasospasm is augmenta- colloids for resuscitation of critically ill patients
tion of cerebral perfusion by elevation of blood is associated with an increase in mortality.
pressure, and cardiac output. Although its value If colloids are to be used, albumin is preferred
has not been established with randomized clin- to hetastarch, as the latter can interfere with
ical trials, triple-H therapy (hemodilution, coagulation system and may cause bleeding
hypervolemia, hypertension) is a standard man - in susceptible neurological patients, despite
agement therapy for severe vasospasm in many being given in small amounts. Monitoring of
neurointensive care units. This entails aggres- central venous pressu re or pulmonary wedge
sive fluid therapy to maintain pulmonary wedge pressure would help to guide fluid therapy,
pressure at 14-16 mmHg, systolic blood pres- particularly in the management of patients in
sure at 160-180 mmHg, and hematocrit at vasospasm . Anemia should be treated promptly
30. Patients not responding to therapy may be to maintain adequate oxygen delivery. The


optimal hemoglobin concentration for patients Hypo- and Hypernatremia

with brain injury has not been determined. In Both hyponatremia and hypernatremia can
critically ill patients it has been demonstrated occur in the neurological patient. The two major
that , with the exception of patients with signif- causes of sodium disturbances are: (1) iatro-
icant coronary artery disease , a conservative genic and (2) CNS pathology related. Iatrogenic
transfusion strategy is associated with better causes include administration of hypotonic
results than a liberal strategy, and transfusion fluids and the use of thiazide diuretics.
to a hematocrit value of higher than 25-27 is not Although normal hemostatic mechanisms will
warranted. However, until data on patients with regulate sodium and water balance to maintain
neurological disease are available, it remains serum sodium within the normal range, persis-
prudent to maintain hemoglobin at about 10 g tent administration of hypotonic fluids, partic-
or hematocrit at 30. ularly in patients with poor renal functions or
In patients with severe head injury and low cardiac output syndrome, will result in
stroke, as well as SAH, the presence of hyper- hyponatremia. The tonicity and composition of
glycemia is associated with a poor prognosis. usual intravenous fluids are listed in Table 5.5.
Although stress is clearly a contributing factor, Following SAH, hyponatremia is particularly
hyperglycemia itself can contribute to poor common, although only hypernatremia has
outcome. Thus hyperglycemia should be treated been noted to be associated with a poor
vigorously. outcome. Disease-related causes include the
Neurological patients are prone to develop- development of diabetes insipidus, the syn-
ment of electrolyte disturbances; thus they drome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
should be measured daily, and appropriate (SIADH), and cerebral salt-wasting syndrome
replacements made. In particular, because of (CSWS). It is extremely important to distinguish
the relative impermeability of the BBB to ions , between the last two entities as the treatment is
change in serum sodium and osmolality can vastly different. With SIADH, the patient retains
have profound influence on movement of water fluid, and excrete s urine with high serum
across the BBB into neurons, and can exacerbate sodium and osmolality. Thus the appropriate
brain swelling/dehydration, causing coma and/ treatment for SIADH is fluid restriction with
or seizures. or without diuretics, whereas with CSWS the

Table 5.5. Eledrolyte composition of crystalloid and colloid fluids

Fluids Osmolality Na Cl K Ca Mg HC03- * Glucose pH Oncotic

(mOsm/kg) (mEqll) (mEq/l) (mEqll) (mEqll) (mEqll) (mEq/l) (gm/I) pressure
Plasma-Iyte 294 140 98 5 3 7.4
0.9% NS 308 154 154 5.7 0
0.45% NS 154 77 77 o
3% NS 1024 Sl3 Sl3 o
7.5% NS 2566 1283 1283 o
Lactated Ringer's (LR) 273 130 109 4 2.7 28 6.7 0
05LR 525 130 109 4 2.7 28 50 o
05W 252 50 4
05NS 560 154 154 50
050.45%NS 406 77 77 50 o
Normosol 295 140 98 5 o 3 7.4
Mannitol (20%) 1098 o
Hetastarch (6%)in NS 310 154 154 5.5 30
Albumin (5%) 290 20

NS, normal saline

"Lactate inthese flu ids isconverted to bicarbonate.


patient is usually hypovolemic as well as organisms. Occasionally, empiric therapy with a

hyponatremic. Release of natriuretic peptides broad-spectrum antibiotic is indicated. Daily
following SAH contributes to the development chest X-ray is important in intubated patients,
of CSWS, and the resultant hypovolemia and and broncho-alveolar lavage is indicated in
hyponatremia may exacerbate symptomatic patients not responding to antibiotic therapy or
vasospasm. Both atrial natriuretic peptide and spiking a fever while on antibiotic therapy.
B-type natriuretic peptide are acutely elevated Patients with high cervical spinal cord injury
after SAH, while the role of C-type natriuretic frequently develop acute respiratory failure
peptide remains unclear. The appropriate because of the sudden loss of intercostal mus-
treatment for hyponatremia associated with cles. Thus it is not surprising that tracheal
hypovolemia in patients with SAH is volume intubation and mechanical ventilation are
replenishment with normal saline and increased frequently indicated in these patients. Other
salt intake. In symptomatic patients the use indications include: depressed level of con-
of hypertonic saline is warranted, although the sciousness, inability to maintain or protect air-
rate of correction should not exceed 1-2 way, respiratory failure, pneumonia, sepsis and
mEq/lIh to minimize the risk of development of pulmonary edema. Unconscious or obtunded
central pontine myelinolysis. Fludrocortisone is patients are at risk of aspiration and develop-
a useful adjunct; it reduces natriuresis and ment of pneumonia and adult respiratory
expands intravascular volume. distress syndrome (ARDS). In addition, many
The use of mannitol can also result in patients may require intubation and ventilation
hyponatremia and hypokalemia. In addition, for imaging or angiography procedures.
change in serum magnesium and phosphates Pulmonary edema can develop from fluid over-
frequently occur in critically ill patients, neces- load and/or cardiac failure. Neurogenic pul-
sitating appropriate replacement therapy. monary edema can develop in patients with
acute traumatic brain injury, SAH or acute cer-
Pneumonia, Antibiotics and vical spinal cord injury, presumably on the basis
of severe sympathetic stress, leading to pul-
Mechanical Ventilation
monary vasoconstriction, with increase in pul-
Pulmonary complications are common and are monary vascular permeability and disrupted
a major cause of morbidity and mortality for capillary endothelium. Some patients also
patients requiring neurointensive care. In one develop acute ventricular dysfunction. Although
study on patients with SAH, half the deaths diuretics may be helpful, improvement is mainly
attributable to medical causes were pulmonary dependent on dissipation of the sympathetic
in origin. Risk of pneumonia appears to peak stress, and recovery of cardiac function, with or
within the first 3 days (early-onset pneumonia without inotropic support. Placement of a pul-
or EOP) and has been found to be associated monary artery catheter and echocardiographic
with trauma and, in non-trauma patients, with a examination of the heart is indicated in these
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) ofless than 9. In this patients. Weaning off ventilatory support in
cohort of patients, the organisms responsible neurological patients should be no different
for EOP were Staphylococcus aureus (33%), from that in other patients. When weaning
Haemophilus (23%), other gram-positive cocci parameters are met using standard criteria
(22%) and other gram-negative bacilli (19%). (tidal volume, rapid shallow-breathing index,
A second peak occurred on days 5 and 6; in this negative inspiratory pressure), the patient
group, gram-negative bacilli other than Haemo- should be extubated. There is no standard
philus spp . accounted for 45.4% of organisms method of weaning in these patients, and either
isolated. EOP appears to be related to aspiration intermittent mandatory ventilation or sponta-
of gastric contents occurring at the time of, or neous continuous positive airway pressure can
soon after, injury or ictus. Late-onset pneumo- be used. Extubation should not be delayed
nia is more likely to be ventilator-associated because of depressed level of consciousness; the
pneumonia, and caused by organisms which delay results in increased rate of nosocomial
have colonized the airways. Appropriate antibi- pneumonia and prolongs hospital stay.
otic therapy should be guided by systemic In patients fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of
manifestations, cultures and sensitivity of ARDS, protective lung strategy with small tidal


volume , high frequency and low airway pressure erebral hemorrhage, placement of a filter in the
is indicated. This may lead to CO2 retention, inferior vena cava is appropriate.
resulting in cerebral vasodilation and increase
in ICP. Optimal management in these patients Nutritional Support
requires both careful consideration of both
Early nutritional support for critically ill
organs and a balancing of the relative risks and
patients is considered important. Specific guide-
benefits of protective lung therapy vs high CO2
lines have been issued for patients with trau-
to arrive at the appropriate strategy.
matic brain injury (Brain Trauma Foundation,
2000). In general, enteral feeding via a nasogas-
Gastrointestinal Complications
tric or nasoduodenal tube should commence
Neurological patients are at increased risk of within 24-48 hours of admission into the ICU.
gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation. In For patients who require long- term nutritional
one cohort of non-trauma neurosurgical ICU support, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
patients, 6.8% had endoscopically or surgically sho uld be performed.
documented evidence of post-operative GI
complications. The majority had bleeding, Seizure Prophylaxis
but two patients had both bleeding and perfo-
ration. Multivariate analysis suggested five The presence of intracranial lesions predispose
risk factors of independent significance: (1) the patients to risk of seizures, altho ugh the role of
presence of SIADH, (2) pre-operative coma , (3) seizure prophylaxis is not established for all
the presence of post-operative complications, conditions. Patients with traumatic head injury
(4) age over 60 years, and (5) pyogenic infec- should be treated with dilantin for 1 week,
tion of the CNS. Pre-operative coma was the as prophylaxis is effective for early but not for
only significant factor to predict the occurrence late post-traumatic seizure disorders. Patients
of life-threatening GI complications. Thus undergoing aneurysm surgery should be
prophylaxis with a proton pump inhibitor or maintained on dilantin during the periopera-
H2 an tagonists is routinely indicated in these tive period. For acute seizures, intravenous
patients. lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg or midazolam 0.1-0.15
Patients on broad-spectrum antibiotics may mg/kg is generally effective. Propofol and
also develop pseudomembranous colitis, which thiopental are also effective agents, but their use
usually subsides with discontinuation of antibi- would generally necessitate tracheal intubation.
otic therapy. Phenobarbital or thiopental can be used to
control status epilepticus, and dosage should be
Anticoagulation Prophylaxis guided by electroencephalography monitoring
as well as by serum levels.
Obtunded neurological patients are at risk of
development of deep venous thrombosis (DVT).
Unless contraindicated, all patients should be
Temperature Control
maintained on subcutaneous heparin or low- Because of the risk of nosocomial infections,
molecular-weight heparin in addition to com- fever is very common in patients in the neu-
pressor stockings. Contraindications include rointensive care unit. Moreover, patients with
active intracerebral hemorrhage and impending neurological illness may have dysfunction of the
surgery. Post-operatively, it is safe to restart temperature control mechanism and develop
subcutaneous heparin after 48 hours. Doppler fever without infections. Although the role of
ultrasound to rule out DVT in the lower extrem- hypothermia in neuroprotection remains to be
ities should be performed when indicated. defined, it is generally accepted that hyperther-
Pulmonary embolism occurs not infrequently mia is detrimental to neuronal recovery . In
in these patients, and any sudden deterioration addition, it is now recognized that a gradient
in gas exchange or systemic hemodynamics may exist between body temperature and brain
should prompt investigations. Spira l pulmonary temperature; thus temperature of the brain may
CT is a good diagnostic test and , when con- be underestimated, increasing the risk of neuro-
firmed , systemic heparinization is indicated. logical injury. Thus aggressive treatment of
Where this is contraindicated because of intrac- fever is warranted.


and cardiac failure in adult head-injured pat ients.

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Smet AM, Kalkman Cl. Long-term propofol infu sion Med 2002;30:739- 45.
[onathan Punt

Historical Landmarks
It is interesting to reflect that even 'high-tech'
Advances in optical technology and in neu- neurosurgery has its origins in the versatile
roimaging, together with a rising interest in skills and open minds of the earliest neurosur-
minimally invasive techniques, have resulted geons in the first two decades of the last mil-
in the establishment of modern neuroen- lennium, and that more recent technological
doscopy. As with most neurosurgical tech- advances have enabled latter day pioneers of
nologies, there is a regrettable dearth of Class
voyages into the intracranial compartments to
I evidence and, although there are areas in
venture further and more effectively, creating a
which the benefits appear to be self-evident,
renaissance in this elegant therapeutic modal-
this is unsatisfactory. Neuroendoscopic third
ventriculostomy is currently the primary ity. The history of neuroendoscopy has been
treatment of choice for selected cases of non- described elsewhere [1], and is seen to be a
tumorous and tumorous hydrocephalus; study in miniature of the ways in which tech-
the only demonstrable benefit on present niques wax and wane in surgery, more often
evidence is freedom of complications from riding on the ebb and flow of fashion than on
implanted devices. There are particular the hard facts of evidence-based science .
applications in the management of shunt In 1910, Lespinasse reported to a Chicago
complications, intraventricular and paraven- medical society that he had employed rigid
tricular tumors, and non-tumorous cysts. cystoscopes to perform choroid plexus ablation
The future may bring more sophisticated on two hydrocephalic infants; one child died
applications in conjunction with image guid- post -operatively but the other survived for
ance. Proper training is essential and the 5 years . Eighty-four years later, the phrase
technique should probably remain within "minimally invasive endoscopic neurosurgery"
the hands of a restricted number of special- was coined.
ists. Unstructured propagation is likely to In 1920, at Massachusetts General Hospital,
be associated with avoidable morbidity. Mixter performed the first endoscopic third
Prospective studies are requi red to evaluate ventriculostomy on a 10-month-old baby, using
the hazards as well as the benefits in com- a urethroscope and a sound. Although follow-
parison with older approaches. Regulatory up was for less than 1 year, he takes credit
authorities should monitor morbidity until for obtaining manometric and dye injection
the position is clear. proof of patency of the ventriculostomy.
Amongst the few neurosurgeons who persisted



with endoscopic neurosurgery, the most notable

were Putnam, who persevered with endoscopic
Instrumentation [3]
choroid plexectomy, and Scarff, who also
Modern neuroendoscopic techniques are
employed endoscopic third ventriculostomy.
enabled by, and are dependent upon, purpose-
The 1950s saw the advent of the first
built neuroendoscopes utilizing high-quality
implantable valved shunting systems for the
optical systems and dedicated instrumentation.
treatment of hydrocephalus, and inevitably the
Although there are a number of neuroendo-
interest in neuroendoscopy waned. However,
scopes available, there are three basic patterns:
even before widespread disenchantment with
rigid, flexible and, more recently, the disposable
the fickle nature of hydrocephalus shunts had
Channel" neuroendoscopes. The comparative
set in, this first era of neuroendoscopy was
features are detailed in Table 6.2. Individual
marked by important papers by Scarff [2), the
surgeons will inevitably have their own prefer-
results of which are summarized in Table 6.1. ences based upon the usual range of experiences,
An interesting observation was that, whereas prejudices, purchasing opportunities and per-
when 618 patients treated surgically by choroid suasiveness of sales people. However, it is
plexectomy or third ventriculostomy, without important in selecting neuroendoscopes to
an implanted device, were compared with 1,087 consider the use to which they will be put. The
patients treated by a shunt, there were equiva- most commonly performed intraventricular
lent operative mortalities of about 15% and procedure will always be third ventriculostomy;
early success of about 65%, the late complica- for some surgeons that may be the only neu-
tion rates were 3-5% without a shunt but roendoscopic operation that they adopt. The
35-100% with a shunt. This early experience superior visibility, ease of use, and simplicity
still holds true as, although the early mortality of orientation make a rigid endoscope or the
of both types of surgery has fallen , it serves to Channel" neuroendoscope the most frequently
emphasize that, in discussing the optimum employed devices . Although flexible neuroen-
treatment for any particular patient with doscopes are relatively unpopular, they come
hydrocephalus, one has to consider not only into their own when procedures are to be per-
the acute efficacy and hazard, but also the late formed at two anatomically distinct sites , such
morbidity. as tumor biopsy coupled with third ventricu-
Major improvements in visibility came with lostomy. Similarly, if there are unusual anatom-
the solid glass rod endoscope and the cohesive ical conditions such as those encountered in
fiberoptic bundle. Vries in the USA, followed by patients with hydrocephalus associated with the
Iones in Australia, Sainte-Rose in France, and dysraphic states or particularly narrow inter-
the present author in the UK, saw the potential ventricular foramina, then a flexible neuroendo-
for a return to a neuroendoscopic approach to scope may be the only safe and practical choice.
the treatment of hydrocephalus, while Griffith This is particularly the case in pediatric practice.
in the UK also perceived a wider application For tumor biopsy, the size of the specimen
of neuroendoscopy both within and outside is important so as to give the neuropathologist
of the ventricular system, coining along the way the maximum material for diagnosis and to
the term "endoneurosurgery" [1). minimize the effects of crush artifact; the

Table 6.1. Comparison ofsurgical treatments for hydrocephalus [2]

CP NTV Shunts
n 95 529 1087
Follow-up (years) up to 27 7.5 (avg) 2 (avg)
Operative mortality 15% 15% 10%
Success 60% 70% 60%
Adverse late effects 3% S7%
Alive at 5 years 30% 2%

CP, choroid plexeetomy; NTV, neuroendoscopic thirdventriculostomy



Table 6.2. Features ofneuroendoscopes: rigid vs flexible vs disposable

Type ofendoscope Advantages Disadvantages
Rigid Excellent optics Larger size
Ease of use Restricted range ofangulation
Good instrumentation
Relatively inexpensive
Flexible Manoeuverable Disorientation
Smaller size More difficult to use
Poorer optics
Poorer instrumentation
Smaller biopsies
Relatively expensive
Channel' (disposable) Very easy to set up Restricted range ofangulation
Good optics
Relatively small caliber
Excellent instrumentation
Convenient, safe single use

present author finds the generous caliber of 1922,the value and attraction of a photographic
biopsy forceps permitted by the Channel" neu- record have been recognized. The ability to
roendoscope to be superior. make good-quality videocassette recordings
The range and quality of adjunctive instru- cannot be overstated. Not only are they useful
mentation continue to increase, and currently for training and teaching purposes, but also
include monopolar and bipolar diathermy, they are of great value to the surgeon for self-
biopsy and grasping forceps, scissors, dissect- education and improvement on the rather steep
ing hooks, aspirating needles, catheters and learning curve involved. Recordable DVDs are
inflatable balloons. The laser has advocates, replacing videocassettes.
and the author has found the KTP laser
(Laserscope UK) to be particularly appropriate
to neuroendoscopy. More specialized viewing Neuroimaging
endoscopes have been developed for endo-
scope-assisted ventricular shunt insertion and Cranial ultrasonography can be usefully
for endoscope-assisted micro neurosurgery. A employed in babies with an open anterior
fine malleable endoscope is the most useful fontanelle. It is extremely ope rator dependent,
adjunct in aneurysm surgery and in some skull- but with care, skill and experience it can provide
base procedures. For transnasal endoscopic much information on ventricular size and con-
pituitary surgery, the endoscopes and allied figuration and the relationships between fluid-
instruments used in endoscopic sinus surgery filled intracranial spaces. Post-operatively, a
are the most appropriate. An absolute require- 5 MHz and color Doppler ultrasonogram can
ment is a competent irrigation system in order demonstrate CSF flow [4].
to maintain good visibility. There is no evidence Computed tomography (CT) remains the
that special 'physiological' irrigating fluids are mainstay of much diagnostic imaging in neuro-
advantageous. The author's practice is to surgery. CT can be used as a satisfactory basis
emp loy normal saline, irrigated under simple for planning many neuroendoscopic proce-
pulsed pressure that is operated by a footswitch dures, but there is no doubt that magnetic
and passed through a blood warmer. resonance (MR) is superior because of its
A camera, a monitor and a fiberoptic light multiplanar functionality, the better demon-
source are required. Ever since the first endo- stration of blood vessels, the identification of
scopic photographs of the living human membranes between fluid-filled spaces, and the
cerebral ventricles were taken in Philadelphia in ability to detect CSF flow.


A sequence of particular value, which is pro-

prietary to Siemens MR scanners, is "construc-
tive interference in the steady state" (CISS): this Procedures and
is of superior quality in demonstrating struc-
tures with one or more interfaces with CSF, such Applications
as the floor of the third ventricle, membranes
within the ventricular system, and paraventric- The operative interventions in which neuroen-
ular cysts and subarachnoid structures [5]. doscopy can play a definitive or supportive role
Patients with hydrocephalus in association with can be classified by site and disease into: those
the dysraphic states may have very complex within the internal cerebrospinal fluid spaces -
ventricular anatomy, which will be best under- principally the cerebral ventricles, those within
stood if examined by MR with CISS. The the brain parenchyma, and those outside the
avoidance of ionizing radiation, especially in brain in the subarachnoid or subdural spaces or
younger patients who may well require repeated extracranial skull base (Table 6.3).
imaging, is a further advantage . MR is therefore Although most neuroendoscopic operations
the modality of choice for pre-operative are minimally invasive, they should not be
planning and for post-operative evaluation. regarded as "minor procedures". They should
Close collaboration and good communication only be undertaken in fully staffed and
between neurosurgeon, neuroradiologist and equipped neurosurgical operating rooms by
neuroradiographer will be rewarded by a more surgeons who are prepared to proceed to an
effective analysis of cases and an optimized, open operation if necessary. Nursing and resi-
and safer, neuroendoscopic approach. Some dent medical staff must be available for post-
practitioners have found the employment operative observation and supervision as for
of intraoperative positive-contrast ventriculog- any other intracranial neurosurgical operation.
raphy of value in confirming patency of third The operations most commonly undertaken
ventriculostomies. relate to the management of hydrocephalus.

Table 6.3. Neuroendoscopic indications and procedures

Anatomical site Condition Treatment
Intraventricular Hydrocephalus Primary treatment
Shunt insertion
Choroid plexectomy
Shunt complications
Shunt liberation
Shunt removal
Tumors Biopsy
Cysts Marsupialization
ParenchymaI Hematomas Evacuation
Abscesses Drainage
Extracerebral Subdural collections Drainage
Aneurysm Assisted craniotomy & clipping
Skull base tumors Assisted craniotomy & excision
Microvascular decompression
Transnasal excision

NTV, neuroendoscopicthird ventriculostomy



Neuroendoscopic Third to how best to make the opening. Some sur-

geons simply perforate the floor with the tip of
Ventriculostomy (NTV) a rigid endoscope [6); others use biopsy forceps,
diathermy or laser, with or without enlargement
NTV can be employed as the primary treatment
of hydrocephalus (primary NTV) or as an alter- of the opening by an inflatable balloon [7).
Beneath the floor of the third ventricle lies
native to shunt revision in the management of
Liliequist's membrane; it is variable in extent,
shunt complications (secondary NTV). NTV is
and its superior attachment may lie anterior
the most frequently undertaken neuroendo-
scopic procedure. Ideally, pre-operative MR is or posterior to the mammillary bodies. In the
former case of pre-mammillary attachment,
acquired to give the necessary anatomical
failure to open it may result in ineffective CSF
details and to assist in the evaluation for suit-
ability and the operative approach. drainage [8].
An opening of at least 4 mm is desirable, and
Although techniques will differ in detail from
it is advisable to pass the endoscope through the
one surgeon to another, the principles are fairly
third ventriculostomy into the basal cisterns to
constant. The intention is to make an opening
confirm that the opening is of adequate pro-
in the floor of the third ventricle and thereby
portions and that there is indeed an unencum-
create an internal fistula between the ventricu-
bered passage into the interpeduncular or
lar system and the basal subarachnoid spaces.
prepontine cistern. On withdrawing the endo-
Although the full procedure can best be under-
scope into the third ventricle, an encouraging
stood by reference to video clips [3), there are a
sign that is likely to presage a successful
number of critical technical points that are outcome is a gentle undulation of the margins
worthy of attention. Under general orotracheal of the ventriculostomy that is clearly different
anaesthesia, the patient is placed supine with from the cardiac or respiratory cycle [9). There
mild-to-moderate flexion of the head and neck. is frequently a small amount of bleeding that
A burr hole is placed accurately on, or just ante- settles with irrigation. Often, one can observe
rior to, the coronal suture in the mid-pupillary a progressive spontaneous enlargement of the
line. The lateral ventricle is located with a ventriculostomy over the course of a few
brain cannula, which is then replaced with the minutes. In general it is best to resist the urge
neuroendoscope. to go on a tour of the ventricular system after
Most neuroendoscopes are inserted through completing the ventriculostomy, and it is
a sheath. If a disposable plastic 'peel away' preferable to leave the ventricles fairly plump
sheath is used, it is best not to peel it apart or rather than to aspirate them, so as to encourage
fix it to the scalp as the additional mobility flow through the opening.
afforded by keeping the sheath free can be an In patients with neural tube defects, a number
advantage. The sheath can be used to direct a of anatomical peculiarities may be encountered.
flexible neuroendoscope or can be advanced The interventricular foramen is frequently a
through the interventricular foramen so as to rather oblique narrow triangle. The massa inter-
protect its margins. The foramen of Monro is media may be unusually large, but more signif-
navigated carefully, without damaging the icantly there may be an extra commissure
choroid plexus, the thalamo-striate vein or the running in the sagittal plane above the anterior
fornices. The configuration of the foramen of part of the floor of the third ventricle obscuring
Monro is quite variable. Correct selection of the the site of the intended ventriculostomy; there
point at which to incise the floor of the third may be buckling of the floor of the third ventri-
ventricle is crucial so as to avoid the tip of the cle, and there can be multiple basal cistern
basilar artery. Careful attention to this critical subarachnoid adhesions. Many of these hurdles
vascular relationship on the pre-operative MR can be identified pre-operatively on CISS MR.
is recommended, as there is more anatomical In performing a secondary NTV, particular
variation than is generally appreciated. The attention should be paid to a variety of anatom-
correct site is on the anterior part of the floor ical considerations that may make the
of the third ventricle, slightly posterior to the procedure difficult, more hazardous, or even
pink vascular area that marks the pituitary impossible. The skull can be pathologically
infundibulum. Practices and opinions differ as thick in those who were shunted primarily in


infancy, and can restrict the range of direction Regression of clinical symptoms and avoid-
of approach when using a rigid neuroendo- ance of an implanted diversionary CSF shunt
scope. There may be thick, calcific subdural indicate a successful outcome. Routine post-
membranes from past subdural hematomas. operative imaging is not mandatory. In 60% of
The wall of the lateral ventricle may be tough cases ventricular size is unchanged despite relief
and thick, especially in those patients shunted of symptoms; ventricular volume may drop
for perinatal post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus, despite ventricular size remaining constant.
those with slit-ventricle syndrome, and those A flow void through the ventriculostomy on
who have suffered ventriculitis. The internal appropriate MR sequences is confirmation of
anatomy of the lateral ventricle can be bizarre. functional patency of the ventriculostomy and
There may be synechiae related and unrelated correlates with radionuclide studies ; flow voids
to the presence of a ventricular shunt catheter. in the interventricular foramina and interpe-
The usual landmarks leading to the interven- duncular cistern indicate active CSF flow, but
tricular foramen may be absent, especially in signal in the prepontine cistern alone reflects
patients who have suffered intraventricular basilar artery pulsation.
hemorrhage, or ventriculitis associated with
meningitis or serious ventricular shunt infec- Results of NTV
tions. On occasion, the lateral ventricles can be
One of the longest running and largest series is
subdivided by complete or incomplete septae.
that accumulated in Sydney, Australia, which
The septum pellucidum may be spontaneously
extends back to 1978. In a mixed series of 103
perforated or absent. The interventricular
children and adults, there was an overall success
foramen may be completely obliterated by
rate of 61%, with no difference between those
gliosis or may have assumed an abnormal con-
undergoing primary, as opposed to secondary,
figuration . Alternatively, patients with very
NTV [10]. In a purely adult series from
large lateral ventricles due to chronic shunt
Nottingham, UK, followed for a mean of3 years,
malfunction can have very large interventricu-
80% of 63 patients were successfully treated by
lar foramina that are so huge that the third ven-
NTV [11]. In both of these series there was no
tricle is almost assimilated into the lateral
difference between those having primary NTV
ventricle . The third ventricle can also be very
and those previously shunted patients undergo-
abnormal, with gliotic septae obscuring or
ing secondary NTV. In an earlier, predomi-
frankly obstructing the pathways. The cavity
nantly pediatric, series from Nott ingham, with
of the third ventricle may be narrow.
a median age of 16 months, there was a success
The usual landmarks on the third ventricle
rate of 62% [1]. Smaller series have reported
floor may be quite unclear. The anterior part of
much higher success rates, but in highly selected
the floor may be thick and opaque; fortunately,
cases. For example, a French center reported 33
the vascular area that marks the recess of the
successes in 35 previously untreated cases [12];
pituitary infundibulum is usually preserved.
around 60% would seem to be the overall
The interpeduncular cistern may be densely
success rate in unselected cases across all ages.
obliterated by subarachnoid adhesions that may
Although there is a wider range of experience
in themselves conceal the basilar artery and its
for secondary NTV, most reported series from
branches and cranial nerves III and VI.
experienced operators report success in 60-80%
Liliequist's membrane may be abnormally
of cases (Table 6.4). This probably reflects a
thick. The circle of Willis may be in an unusual
position. The two most frequent variants are an
unusual application of the basilar artery to the Table 6.4. Success rate of secondary NTV
dorsum sellae and upper clivus, usually due to
Series [ref] n Success (%)
subarachnoid scarring, and an abnormal tortu-
ousness of the anterior communicating artery, lanes, 1992 [6) 27 74
Tea. 1996 [19) 54 72
which may bulge into the anterior part of the
Nottingham, 1997 47 77
third ventricle . Patients with intracranial Cinalli, 1998 [20} 23 78
tumors may have anatomical distortions due to Hopf, 1999 [29) 25 84
the presence of tumor tissue or the effects of Nottingham, 2001 88 61
previous surgery and radiation therapy.


range of happenstance selection bias. There are, Neuroendoscopy in the

of course , clinical circumstances in which the
patient is so dogged by shunt complications that Management ofShunt
even a relatively low chance of success makes an Complications and Complex
attempt at secondary NTV justifiable. In Hydrocephalus
general , given the recurrent tendency of shunt
complications, it seems reasonable to at least Apart from secondary NTV, neuroendoscopy
consider secondary NTV in every case of shunt has other contributions to make in the manage-
malfunction, as proposed by some practitioners ment of shunt malfunction. Firstly, it should not
[13]. Such a strategy, adopted by some, does be overlooked that secondary NTV can still be
have implica tions in terms of staff and equip- used to provide ventricular drainage following
ment [1]. treatment of shunt infections. Most neurosur-
Some series have recorded a higher failure geons manage shunt infections by the technique
rate in the very young (Table 6.5), 16 out of 25 of shunt removal, inte rval external drai nage
NTVs failing in babies aged under 6 mon ths with antibiotics, and then shu nt insertion; the
[10]. This has led some surgeons to regard last stage can often be replaced by NTV [1, 20].
failure as being age-related to the point that Loculation of the cerebral ventricles is a
some are most reluctant to use NTV in the first serious complication of intraventricular hemor-
year of life. Although overall success rates of rhage and infection, which can be the cause of
23% for those undergoing NTV in the first year much morbidity and mortality and frustrated
oflife [14], and 32% for those born prematurely neurosurgical endeavor. Although the surgery
[15], have been reported, more recent studies looks seductively easy on viewing the imaging,
have shown that the outcome relates more to the the reality is very different - neuroendoscopic
pathology than to age [1]. For aqueductal steno- deloculation can be one of the most challenging
sis there is no difference in outcome between procedures. The absence of normal anatomy,
those aged younger than 6 months and those the unexpected thickness and the vascularity of
that are older [16], and success rate s of more the septa, and the tendency for the operative
than 80% for congenital aqueductal stenosis field to become rapidly like a souvenir of the
have been achieved [17]. A particularly unfa- Eiffel tower in a snowstorm all make for great
vorab le pathology for which primary NTV difficulties. Pre-operative planning should
should probably not be attempted is post- always include MR, prefe rably with CISS or
meningitic hydrocephalus. However, the low equivalent sequences. Intraoperative guidance
success rate for this pathology, and also for the by ultrasound may assist if there is an appro-
unfavorable post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus, priate sonographic window . Fenestrations
is less marked at a later age, and subsequent sec- shou ld be as large as possible, and certainly
ondary NTV for shunt failure is always worth greater than 1 cm in diameter. Cutting/coag u-
considering [16]. lating diathermy is the tool of choice. Multiple
Other patients for whom both primary and procedures may be required.
secondary NTV is particularly successful are The most dangerous varia nt is the loculated
those with midline tumors [18] and those with four th ventricle . Unfortunately a neuroendo-
myelomeningocele [19], with success rates of up scopic approach is only rarely feasible as the
to 100% and 80% respectively. cerebral aqueduct is usually densely occluded

Table 6.5. Success rate of NTV in infants

Series [ref) n Characteristics Success (%)
Jones, 1994 [10] 25 Age <2 years 32
Teo, 1996 [191 11 Myelomeningoceles 9
Buxton,1998 [14] 27 Age <1 year 23
Buxton, 1998 [15] 19 Prematures 32
Hopf,1999 (29) 4 Age <1 year 0
Javadpour, 2001 (17) 21 Age <1year 48


over most of its length. Occasionally there may exceeds the perceived difficulty in entering a
be a simple membrane, division of which will space that may not be particularly dilated.
restore communication between the third and Generous fenestrations of 1-2 cm are required,
the fourth ventricles. Again, MR with CISS is and are best made using cutting/coagulating
invaluable in defining the anatomy. diathermy. Suprasellar cysts are approached by
Neuroendoscopy can also be useful for liber- the right frontal route to the lateral ventricle,
ating ventricular shunt catheters, either to make and then via the interventricular foramen.
their removal safer, or as a definitive procedure The dome of the cyst is widely opened into
if secondary NTV is not feasible [13]. It can be the ventricular system (cysto-ventriculostomy)
used to retrieve loose shunt components. This is and the cyst then usually collapses, exposing
also a situation in which cutting/coagulating the hitherto obstructed posterior third ven-
diathermy is most useful to cut down on the ven- tricle and aqueduct. There is debate as to
tricular catheter, just as would be done in dis- whether the base of the cyst should then be
secting out the extracranial portion of a shunt. opened into the interpeduncular cistern (cysto -
Slit-ventricle syndrome is another most cisternostomy) [12].
unpleasant shunt complication in which neu - The author's approach is to perform both
roendoscopy may play a useful role . An initial cysto -ventriculostomy and cysto-cisternostorny
subtemporal decompression may be effective in if the latter seems safe. However, if the area
promoting sufficient ventricular enlargement to is very vascular, such that there is no very
permit secondary NTV. Alternatively, patients apparent safe route, then a generous cysto-
may undergo shunt externalization, followed ventriculostomy usually suffices. Quadrigeminal
by a period of invasive intracranial pressure plate cysts can usually be opened into the third
monitoring without CSF drainage, with tho se ventricle by an approach via the lateral ventricle
showing elevated or symptomatic intracranial and interventricular foramen, although on
hypertension then proceeding to NTV. The risk occasion there is an interface presenting into
of acute deterioration mandates very careful a lateral ventricle that can be accessed.
observation. Intraparenchymal cysts can often be marsupial-
The small ventricular size and relatively non- ized into a lateral ventricle. Other midline cysts
compliant ventricles do bring a risk of life- may be made to communicate with the ventric-
threatening cardiac dysrhythmias during NTV , ular system or the subarachnoid space.
so great care needs to be taken when irrigating. Symptomatic cysts of the septum pellucidum
may be approached via a lateral ventricle. If the
cyst is punctured directly, the very different
Neuroendoscopy in the anatomy will warn the surgeon of the pos ition
Management of and, with care regarding the midline vascular
Non-tumorous Cysts structures and the fornices, the cyst can be
marsupialized into the third ventricle. Many of
Neurodevelopmental arachnoid cysts in sup- these cysts will require unique approaches and
rasellar, quadrigeminal, middle cranial fossa, directions of attack that are not along straight
interhemispheric septum pellucidum, and par- lines; it is in this type of case that the flexible
enchymal locations have all been approached neuroendoscope really comes into its own and
neuroendoscopically. The guiding principle is has considerable advantages over a rigid instru-
to marsupialize the cyst into an adjacent normal ment. On occasion, small intraventricular third
cerebrospinal fluid chamber or pathway. Pre- ventricle cysts of presumed ependymal origin,
operative MR with CISS is again enormously unsuspected from pre-operative imaging, have
helpful in planning an approach by displaying come to light in the course of performing a NTV;
the fluid/cyst wall/fluid interfaces in three these can be readily opened up to relieve the
orthogonal planes. The next important princi- hydrocephalus.
ple is, wherever possible, to approach the lesion The place of neuroendoscopy in the manage-
via a normal cerebrospinal fluid space or ment of colloid cysts of the third ventricle
chamber. Even if this space is smaller than remains uncertain. Early reports concerned
the cyst, the advantage of having some normal, diagnostic rather than therapeutic interventions
and hopefully recognizable, anatomy greatly [1]. Subsequently it became clear that some


colloid cysts could be dealt with endoscopically, midline, neuroendoscopy has a considerable
and encouraging single-center reports continue role in the management of pediatric brain
to appear [21]. The debate tends to center on tumors. The value of neuroendoscopy is not
safety issues and the ability to achieve complete confined to children, and in a Nottingham series
resection. Proponents of endoscopy, image- of87 procedures in 77 patients, age ranged from
guided stereotactic drainage, and open micro- 5 months to 70 years [18]. Relief of hydro-
surgical resection continue to maintain their cephalus by NTV remains a principal indication
respective corners. These lesions are best with a high level of success: 63 out of 66 cases
tackled with a rigid or disposable Channel'" (95%) in the short term, with durable shunt-
neuroendoscope because of the superior visual- free outcome in 55 out of 66 cases (83%).
ization and better instrumentation. As always, Neuroendoscopic tumor biopsies were success-
the direction and line of approach is all impor- ful in providing a tissue diagnosis in 17 out of
tant; a pre-frontal entry point is required so as 29 cases (61%) [18]. A very particular applica-
to be able to access the roof of the third ventri- tion is in pineal region tumors, in which there
cle and deal with the origin of the cyst. Dense is the possibility of delivering "one-stop" neuro-
solid cysts will continue to pose problems by surgery that provides relief of hydrocephalus,
any route other than an open transcallosal tumor biopsy and cerebrospinal fluid sampling
approach but, happily, are in the minority. The for tumor cytology and biochemical evaluation
matter is clearly not going to be resolved of germ-cell tumor markers.
without a randomized prospective study. Very high diagnostic accuracy has been doc-
umented [22]; under these circumstances there
can be no justification in performing an open
Management of Intracranial operation for pineal germ-cell tumors unless
Tumors committed efforts have first been made to make
the diagnosis by these alternative means. It has
Certain intraventricular and paraventricular been stated that NTV is contraindicated in those
tumors can be approached endoscopically via patients who have undergone radiation therapy,
dilated ventricles. One of the pioneering appli- both on the grounds of inefficacy and risk of
cations of the flexible neuroendoscope was in complications [6); this has not been the experi-
this field, and both pineal region and paraven- ence of the present author. NTV can be suc-
tricular tumors were biopsied through custom- cessfully used to relieve hydrocephalus due to
made, flexible, fiberoptic neuroendoscopes. posterior fossa tumors [18]. The ideal timing is
Interestingly, the authors of these papers did yet to be defined; in patients with very chronic
not consider the possibility of performing a or massive hydrocephalus, there is a case for
concurrent NTV to relieve hydrocephalus. leaving an interval of a few days between NTV
The success rate for biopsy was low for those and definitive posterior fossa exploration. As a
tumors that were not actually in the ventricular relatively small proportion of patients with
system, and this was attributed to the small size hydrocephalus in association with a posterior
of the biopsies . Other problems are that many fossa tumor will require a ventricular shunt fol-
paraventricular tumors are still separated from lowing tumor resection, it is difficult to justify
the ventricular system by an intact layer of the routine performance of NTV in such cases,
ependyma that must be breached if tumor tissue and it might be appropriate to reserve the pro-
is to be obtained [3]. The relatively small size cedure for those at greatest risk of persistent
of the tissue samples is compounded by crush hydrocephalus, such as children under 5 years
artifact. This is a particular problem with the of age. The optimum strategy is yet to be estab-
flexible neuroendoscope and , wherever possi- lished. However, when NTV is performed there
ble, a rigid or disposable Channel ' " neuroendo- is the added value of being able to inspect the
scope is preferable because of the larger ventricular system for possible metastases, to
size of biopsy obtainable. One successful tech- take samples of cerebrospinal fluid for tumor
nique is to use a stereotactic biops y needle cytology, and, if a flexible neuroendoscope is
passed though the endoscope 0. Firth, personal used, to pass through the cerebral aqueduct and
communication). In view of the age-related inspect the relationship of the tumor to the floor
predilection for sites on and adjacent to the of the fourth ventricle.


Resection of intraventricular and parenchy- of sight. Simultaneous images through the

mal tumors remains a relatively infrequent microscope and through the endoscope can
practice owing to the limiting factors of hemor- be displayed on a single monitor. Particular
rhage, deteriorating visibility, length of opera- applications are: the improved application of
tion and the limited range of available aneurysm clips, access to skull base tumors,
instruments. microvascular decompression of the trigeminal
A dual-portal approach has been piloted that and facial nerves through very minimal access
uses one channel for illumination and visual- approaches, and transsphenoidal pituitary
ization, and the other for the passage of instru- surgery [26]. For those surgeons able to cope
ments; complete resection was achieved in five with the simultaneous integration of so much
out of six patients, one case being abandoned technology, and who can find space in the
in favor of open operation due to hemorrhage operating room for the additional equipment,
[23]. Although there was no immediate reported the rewards do seem substantial in terms of
morbidity, the potential hazards of multiple enhanced visualization and accuracy.
cortical punctures were a cause for concern.
Extensive endoscopic resection of deep-seated
parenchymal brain tumors has remained the Complications
practice of a very small number of committed
neurosurgeons, often using highly sophisticated When the author introduced neuroen-
image-guided stereotaxy and laser ablation, or doscopy into the Nottingham neurosurgical
ultrasound guidance. Notwithstanding the high department, he was concerned to register both
level of skill and elegance involved, the absence outcomes and complications, not only for the
of any randomized trial data regarding disease- purposes of scientific inquiry, but also to enable
free remission or survival makes it difficult to accurate data to be available to inform discus-
evaluate and define the role of this technology sions with patients and colleagues when reach-
in tumor management. ing decisions in management. The resultant
purpose-built database "ENDOSPREAD" con-
tained, in anticipation, a list of possible compli-
Treatment of Non-tumorous cations plus space for any unique or unexpected
ParenchymaI Brain Lesions ones (Table 6.6)!
There was therefore some concern that, until
The marriage of image-guided stereotactic
relatively recently, there was an apparent dearth
localization with neuroendoscopy can be used
of reports regarding complications, despite
to maximize evacuation of pus from intracere-
word-of-mouth anecdotes of such momentous
bral abscesses. However, a second procedure is
events as basilar artery injuries either requiring
often needed [24].
formal surgical repair or having fatal outcomes.
Endoscopic evacuation of intracerebral
Even stranger was that reports were not appear-
hematomas is also possible, and although one
ing of those that were successfully repaired.
randomized study of drainage of subcortical
Following a number of verbal communications
hematomas in patients aged under 60 years with
at international meetings, at which it became
preserved consciousness suggested an advan-
clear that very major complications of NTV -
tage over best medical treatment, this is yet to
principally of a vascular nature - were not
be confirmed in larger trials [25].
being reported, the ice finally broke [27]. These
papers, from an extremely experienced leader in
Endoscope-assisted the field, served to acknowledge and define the
Procedures position. The author's distinction between sig-
nificant and insignificant complications was a
The development of small-caliber rigid endo- helpful one, in that it provided a matrix and a
scopes and malleable endoscopes has facilitated benchmark for further analysis. In 173 proce-
the marriage between neuroendoscopy and dures over a 2-year period, there was an inci-
micro neurosurgery. The overriding principles dence of 22 intraoperative events (13%); 7% of
are to use the endoscope to bring light into the the patients suffered a significant complication.
operative field, and to enable alternative lines Insignificant complications are those such as


Table 6.6.Complications of neuroendoscopy (as coded & Table 6.7. The frequent or serious complications of
recorded in "ENDOSPREAD") neuroendoscopy

1Intraoperative hemorrhage - operation abandoned Intraoperative complications

2 Intraoperative hemorrhage - operation continued lntraoperative hemorrhage causing procedure to be
3 Hemorrhage - intraventricular abandoned
4 Hemorrhage - intracerebral Traumatic cerebral artery aneurysm
SHemorrhage - subdural Intracerebral hematoma
6 Hemorrhage - extradural Life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias
7Infection - deep Transient bradycardia
8 Infection - superficial Transient hypertension
9 Cranial nerve lesion - transient Post-operative complications
10Cranial nerve lesion - persistent Death within6 weeks
11 Neurological impairment - transient Cerebral infarction
12 Neurological impairment - persistent New cranial nerve palsy
13 CSF fistula - transient, requiring nomore than suture New neurological deficit
14 CSF fistula - persistent Subdural collections
1SNovel epilepsy <7 days from operation CSFleak
16 Novel epilepsy>7 days from operation Meningitis or ventriculitis
17 Exacerbation of epilepsy <7 days from operation Superficial infection
18 Exacerbation of epilepsy>7 days from operation Epilepsy
19 Neuroendocrine - transient Hypothalamic damage
20 Neuroendocrine - persistent
21 Cerebral infarct - asymptomatic
22 Cerebral infarct - symptomatic
23ICU admission post-operatively
24 Death within30days of operation
2S EVD inserted - intraoperatively or even visual symptoms recurred. They may
26 EVD inserted - post-operatively therefore have been in no different a situation
27 lntraoperative cardiac event to the patient with a shunt who becomes a
victim of failed follow-up.
EVD, external ventricular drain
Strategies for Reducing
minor intraoperative bleeding that stops with
irrigation and does not compromise the patient The risk of damage to the basilar artery and its
or the procedure. Significant ones are those that branches and to cranial nerves can be mini-
do, or might, have serious or lasting sequelae mized by careful attention to: the local anatomy
for the patient. It must be acknowledged that, on pre-operative imaging; care in selecting a
whilst defining these categories is useful to the point on the floor of the third ventricle that is
surgeon, in the mind of patients and families just posterior to the infundibular recess, rather
even a relatively small event such as a transient than just anterior to the mammillary bodies;
leakage of cerebrospinal fluid that resolves with and a cautious technique for opening the floor
a single suture is a cause for concern. Whereas of the third ventricle. It is worth reiterating that
the incidence of insignificant complications the only constant feature on the anterior third-
declined with experience, the occurrence of ventricle floor is the pink, vascular area signal-
significant ones did not. The most frequent and ing the infundibular recess. The mammillary
the most serious complications are listed in bodies in the first few months of life are sur-
Table 6.7. prisingly flat, and may only be identified by the
Of some concern are reports of what appear very small whisker-like arteries running over
to be sudden and unexpected deaths in patients them; the surface of the ventricular floor may be
who have undergone NTV. It is unclear whether featureless or scarred as a result of previous
these were truly without prodrome or whether infection or hemorrhage, or distorted by tumor
the patients had been lulled into a sense of false invasion. Although a very fine ultrasound probe
security following successful NTV, and simply has been of value in identifying a 'safe', sonically
failed to seek medical attention when headaches silent area, the technology is very expensive and


has not been generally adopted, even in spe- Whereas it is always tempting to take a
cialist departments. There are strongly held wander through the ventricular system, espe-
views regarding the relative safety or otherwise cially with a flexible neuroendoscope, the
of different instruments and methods for surgeon should avoid the enticement of'ven-
perforating the floor. tricular tourism' (with acknowledgement to
The argument against using laser or Professor Christian Sainte-Rose) and withdraw
diathermy is the perceived risk of vascular from the operative scene. The cerebral ventri-
damage, but no study has demonstrated an cles should be left full so as to encourage flow
advantage in terms of either efficacy or safety through the NTV. Attention to the wound and
for any particular method. The absence of any its closure is worthwhile: in babies and infants
reporting system for adverse events, beyond with thinner, less well developed scalp tissues,
individual personal or institutional systems, the author now uses a small scalp flap of the
makes any such opinion difficult to confirm, but size that would be used for insertion of a ven-
it is probably wise to keep any use of diathermy triculostomy reservoir, thus avoiding having a
to a minimum, and to ensure that it is always scalp incision directly over the dural incision.
used under direct vision . Similar strictures Formal closure of the dura is said to help elim-
relate to the methods used for enlarging the inate cerebrospinal fluid leakage (G. Cinalli,
opening. The most widely used is probably the personal communication), and the scalp is
balloon catheter, and as long as care is taken, closed in layers .
it may well be safer than diathermy. Blunt The anesthetist must concentrate on the
hooks, as can be used through a disposable monitoring, and must be alert to the possibility
Channel?" neuroendoscope, appear to be safe of cardiovascular changes and the need to
and are most intuitive to the neurosurgeon, report them immediately to the surgeon.
especially in the subarachnoid space. A sensible A pilot study employing sophisticated statis-
precaution would seem to be the practice of tical analysis failed to show any increased risk
starting with a small, centrally placed opening of epilepsy in children undergoing NTV [28).
and then looking through it into the space
below the floor to check on position and the
presence or absence of second membrane, Training
adhesions, vessels or tumor. This will be easier
to accomplish with a flexible neuroendoscope Neuroendoscopy carries a steep learning curve
or a Channel" neuroendoscope than with most and involves the acquisition of a variety of novel
rigid neuroendoscopes. The only safe rule is to skills, including those relating to: the selection
abandon the procedure if the anatomy is not of patients; the imaging; the operating room
clear. set-up; the equipment; the practice of operating
Throughout, the surgeon must be mindful from a monitor with only two-dimensional
regarding the irrigation, ensuring that there is images; working in close concert with an assis-
easy egress of irrigate; with flexible and dispos- tant; and being alive to a number of parameters
able Channel" neuroendoscopes, the route of that have to be monitored. There are also a
escape of the irrigate is between the endoscope number of hard-learned tips that are better
and the inner wall of the plastic cannula. It is assimilated in advance, rather than re-discov-
not difficult to allow the cannula to slip out of ered anew.
the ventricle, under which circumstance there Neuroendoscopy also lends itself to work-
will be no way for irrigate to escape . shop training. In recognition of this, a number
At moments of high tension the surgeon may of 'hands-on' courses have been established,
inadvertently pinch the plastic cannula, occlud- such as those in Mainz, Germany; St Louis, USA;
ing it, allowing irrigate to accumulate in the and London, England. From the time that the
ventricles with resultant rise in intracranial author first established the Nottingham neu-
pressure. This will be particularly dangerous if roendoscopy course, now held at the Royal
the neuroendoscope is within the narrow con- College of Surgeons of England, London, it has
fines of the third ventricle. Such circumstances been apparent from personal feedback that
can cause cardiac dysrhythmias, especially if the participants have benefited from attendance. It
ventricular walls are stiff. has been of particular significance when some


senior neurosurgeons have decided that neu- One non-randornized, retrospective study
roendoscopy is not for them. Complementary to comparing 30 children treated by NTV with 38
training workshops and in-service training with treated by ventriculo-peritoneal shunts found
an established practitioner is the possibility of no difference between the two groups in neuro-
gaining experience by proxy from libraries of logical, endocrine, behavioral or social outcome
video clips on CD-ROM [3]. The development [7]. As our aspirations for our patients become
of computer 'virtual' surgery training will be of greater, it is appropriate that studies should be
value, and is under development in Aalborg, established to identify which method of treat-
Denmark 0. Haase, personal communication). ment is better for the young brain in terms of
neurodevelopment, and for the adult brain in
terms of neuropsychological function.
For some categories of very young patient the
Research and Future success rate for NTV is low, but the complica-
Directions tion rate of shunts is also high; a randomized
study here would also be appropriate.
It is not known whether the apparently good
Research Questions in results published from centers in which there
Neuroendoscopy are acknowledged experts in neuroendoscopy
can extend to a whole population of neurosur-
The modern era of neuroendoscopy encapsu- geons and their patients, yet this is a crucial
lates some of the lessons to be learnt about the point if advice is to be given on a national or
introduction of new technology, especially when international basis. A prospective study captur-
it is suggested that it may replace existing meth - ing all patients treated by NTV needs to look at
ods. The natural enthusiasm of the surgeon to be this wider picture. With the concerns regarding
amongst the first to offer the patient an alterna- complications, this could be matched with a
tive that may be 'better' runs hard on the com- central registry of adverse events. It is notewor-
mercial keenness of the salespeople to sell new thy, as an observation only, albeit not capable
and expensive kit. In some cultures and health of analysis, that in Nottingham in an early study
systems, the ability to provide the latest facility of 47 children and young people undergoing SI
may impact upon the income of the surgeon. In secondary NTVs, there were only three signifi-
other societies, those who fund the purchase cant complications (6%) [I]; yet in a series
of new equipment may hide behind a pretend extending into a later epoch, of 63 adults under-
shield of "Where's the proof?" as a means of pre- going 66 NTVs, there was a total complication
venting progress. Meanwhile, those who are in a rate of 17.5%, with an 11% serious complica-
position to introduce the new technology do so, tion rate [11].
accumulate and present results, and begin to Without any imputation, one operational
assume fixed positions regarding the value of change that occurred between the earlier study
the "new way". By this time it is probably too and the one including later patients was that
late in practical, though not in ethical, economic the number of surgeons performing NTV rose
or scientific terms to run the studies that would from three consultants to six consultants plus a
be needed to seek the evidence in favor, or number of supervised trainees . This may mean
against. This is particularly so when existing nothing, but the question still needs to be asked
methods are less than perfect, as is the case with as to whether this is a technique that can be
hydrocephalus shunts. pursued safely by all surgeons, or whether it
So, is NTV "better" than a shunt? There should be subject to sub-specialization.
are many who think so, including the present There are certain specific applicat ions ofNTV
author, based simply upon the premise that that could be addressed in prospective studies,
shunts are vicarious, and that to be without e.g. the value of "routine" NTV in children with
the risk, or the actuality, of the misery of their posterior fossa tumors, or the efficacy of NTV
complications is a better position in which in treating syringomyelia when that condition is
to live one's life. Whether NTV is a better associated with ventriculomegaly.
treatment per se for the hydrocephalic brain, With regards to other neuroendoscopic pro-
complications of therapy aside, is not known. cedures , there is a clear place for a randomized


study of endoscopic vs open resection of third- Any spreadsheet or data file or any other work
ventricle colloid cysts. performed or otherwise derived using this
These study proposals will require multi- database that is published, presented or other-
center collaborative studies. An encouraging wise made public by whatsoever means must
start was made by Professor Bernhard Bauer acknowledge the original authorship in a suit-
(Hanover, Germany) and Professor Shizuo Oi ably prominent place. The database is shared
(Tokyo, Japan) when they inaugurated the with others on this explicit basis.
International Study Group on Neuroendoscopy Channel" is the trademark of Medtronic PS
(ISGNE) in Hyogo, Japan, in October 2001. Medical, 125 Cremona Drive, Goleta, California
93117-5500 USA
Future Developments
The major requirements are in the fields of Key Points
instrumentation and guidance. The present
armamentarium could usefully be expanded to /11 Advances in optical technology and in neu-
enable better methods of lifting and incising roimaging have resulted in the establishment
tissues. Methods of image enhancement of neuroendoscopy - a minimally invasive
should be brought to bear so as to increase the technique.
information available from images obtained, /11 There is a dearth of Class I evidence of the
especially with fiberoptic neuroendoscopes. benefits and risks of this technique.
Concerns regarding transmissible disease are
likely to grow, such that there will be demands • Neuroendoscopic third ventriculostomy is
for completely disposable instrumentation; the
currently the primary treatment of choice for
neuroendoscope designers and manufacturers
selected cases of non-tumorous and tumorous
should anticipate this need. Although several
surgeons have found a useful dialogue between /11 The only demonstrable benefit on present
neuronavigation and neuroendoscopy, the evidence is freedom of complications from
present position is far from ideal, and there is a implanted devices.
need for real-time intraoperative neuronaviga- 41» There areparticular applications in the man-
tion that would enable more accurate localiza- agement ofshunt complications, intraventric-
tion when dealing with complex anatomy. All ular and paraventricular tumors, and non-
of these developments will require a closer tumorous cysts.
working relationship between the surgeons and .. Proper training is essential and the technique
the companies involved. should probably remain within the hands of
a restricted number of specialists.
• Unstructured propagation is likely to be asso-
Acknowledgements ciated with avoidable morbidity.
It Regulatory authorities should monitor mor-
The author wishes to record the generosity of
bidity until the position is clear.
the following, whose fund-raising efforts
enabled the establishment of neuroendoscopy • Prospective studies are required to evaluate
at Nottingham University Hospital: the late the hazards as well as the benefits in compar-
Anthony Ozolins and his family, the family of ison with olderapproaches.
the late Helen Ringrose, and the family of the • The future may bring more sophisticated
late Emma Clayton. applications in conjunction with image

Copyright Warning
The "ENDOSPREAD" database is the intellec-
I. Punt J, Vloeberghs M. Endoscopy in neurosurgery.
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express permission of the copyright owners. Report of third ventriculostomy and endoscopic


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Principles and Practice of
Image-guided Neurosurgery
Kristian Aquilina, Philip Edwards and
Anthony Strong

localize accurately structures on the brain

Summary surface and within the brain that are critical for
neurological function, and which may be indis-
Image-guided neurosurgery depends on the tinguishable visually from adjacent, non-critical
registration of pre-operatively acquired structures. Indeed, perhaps a frequent - but
images with the physical space of the patient usually unspoken - question from a patient to
on the operating table. With the aid of a their surgeon is: "How are you going to find
computer workstation and a tracking device, your way around in there?". The practice of safe
the neurosurgeon is able to obtain a three- and effective neurosurgery rightly places
dimensional, visual, real-time image of a increasing emphasis on the need to minimize
registered probe in relation to the patient's risk. Reliable navigation in and around the
anatomy and pathology. Image guidance brain, and the localization of surgical targets,
facilitates localization of target structures are important contributions to the achievement
and their anatomical relations and allows of this goal.
the pre -operative planning of the ideal, mini- A variety of technical approaches are
mal risk, trajectory. It has become a useful available to the surgeon, and although much
tool in the surgical management of intracra- developmental work has taken place in several
nial tumors and has also been applied to
centers, involving collaborations between
arteriovenous malformations, pericallosal
physicists, software engineers and surgeons, the
aneurysms, epilepsy surgery, intracranial
commercial market has matured recently.
endoscopy and spinal surgery. The principal
problem is the system's dependence on pre- Surgeons have some degree of choice of systems
operatively acquired images; perioperative and technical solutions, and have a duty to
updating of these images by periopera- understand both the nature of the procedures
tive magnetic resonance imaging overcomes that contribute to neuronavigation, and the
this difficulty. factors that determine reliability and accuracy.
It is also important that evolution of the tech-
nology is driven not by technical advances
but by specifications influenced primarily by
Introduction surgeons.
In this chapter we shall set out the principles
No neurosurgeon needs to be reminded of the and methodological approaches that underlie
challenge posed by the need to identify and the concept of image-guided neurosurgery,



review and assess the state of development of sary to define a physical coordinate system with
applications to specific surgical procedures, and respect to the patient. In frame-based methods,
briefly consider potential future developments. these coordinates are defined by the arc system
We believe that the term "stereotaxy" should on the frame itself, whereas in image-guided
be confined strictly to procedures in which a neurosurgery a coordinate measuring device is
stereotactic frame is used, and that the term used. Various technologies have been proposed
"image-guided neurosurgery" is a much more for this purpose, including mechanical arms,
appropriate description of the subject; thus radiofrequency transmitter/receiver coils, ultra-
"frameless stereotaxy" is inappropriate, not sound spark gaps and optical trackers. We will
least because it implies a degree of accuracy that consider the relative merits of these devices in
is available only in frame-based systems. the next section.
Having defined a physical coordinate system
in theater, the problem is now to align the pre-
operative images to the patient in order to
Methodological Approaches present the surgeon with image data that
correspond to the patient's anatomy. This is
In this section we will describe the standard achieved by identifying corresponding features
methodology of alignment of images to the in the pre-operative images and on the surface
patient on the operating table, and consider of the patient. These features will generally be
the factors affecting accuracy and performance landmarks, but may also include the skin sur-
of image-guided surgery systems. Finally we face or, as the operation proceeds, bone surface.
provide a set of principles by which neuronavi- The process of establishing correspondence
gation systems can be evaluated and compared. between the image and the patient is termed
Statement ofthe Problem
Defining the Patient Coordinates
In conventional surgery pre-operative images
are largely used for diagnosis only and are Stereotactic Frames
present in theater only as a series of slices on a Frame-based stereotactic neurosurgery has
light-box. The positional relationship between been an established clinical routine since the
these images and the patient's anatomy is estab- 1950s. Here, the patient coordinate system is
lished only in the mind of the surgeon. The defined by an arc device that attaches to the
three-dimensional nature of modern imaging frame. The frame carries high-contrast imaging
techniques (e.g, MRI and C'l') is under-utilized markers and is rigidly bolted to the patient's
in such a scenario . skull prior to imaging. An entry and target point
The aim of image-guided surgery is to align is defined in the images, and the arc angles are
the 3D pre-operative images to the patient on calculated to achieve this trajectory according to
the operating table and to present the accurately the manufacturer's instructions. The bulky and
aligned image data to the surgeon in a manner somewhat invasive nature of such frames has
that aids navigation . The technical problem can limited their application. Since only a target and
be stated as follows. We have accurate 3D infor- trajectory can be defined, frames are generally
mation about patient anatomy and pathology used only for biopsies or placement of elec-
from pre-operative scans. We wish to establish trodes or cannulae . They are widely regarded as
a correspondence between the image data and highly accurate, though some studies have sug-
the physical space of the patient in order to gested that the accuracy may be overstated [1].
present the surgeon with well-aligned anatomi-
cal information using a suitable visualization Mechanical Arms
scheme. The first frameless neuronavigation device to be
widely used was the "Faro Arm", a mechanical
Method device that attaches to the side of the table.
Encoders on each of the axes of the arm enable
In order to align pre-operative images to the calculation of the tip position. Problems with
patient on the operating table, it is first neces- such a device are that the range of movement is


somewhat limited, that any movement of the images to this reference space. This is achieved
head clamp requires re-registration, and that the by defining features in the pre -operative images
inherent accuracy was found to be somewhat that can also be identified by our localization
lower than that of other methods. Marketed as device on the surface of the patient. Point-like
the "ISG wand", this mechanicallocalizer was a landmarks are the most common type of
critical component in the first regular applica- feature and these are generally referred to as
tions of image-guided surgery [2]. "fiducials", The fiducials may be purely anatom-
ical points on the skin surface, skin-affixed
Ultrasound Localization markers or bone-implanted fiducials . The
The first example of frameless navigation was choice of fiducial depends on the accuracy
a system developed by Roberts et al. [3]. This required by the application.
system used a microscope both to register the For early pointer-based guidance we have
images to the patient and to provide the guid- used anatomical landmarks such as the nasion,
ance information. The localization system was the medial and lateral cant hi, the external
based on ultrasonic spark-gap transducers. angular processes, the tip of the mastoid process
These emit a very short ultrasound pul se, which and the occipital protuberance. Experience tells
can be detected by three or more microphones us that these can be loca ted at best to within 3-5
in the operating room. The time delay for the mm , achieving a registration error of similar
sound pulse to reach each microphone gives a magnitude. Skin markers have been reported to
measure of distance and hence localizes the provide a registration accuracy of 2-4 mm when
spark gap. Others have developed this technol- used with great care . Inaccuracies can occur due
ogy for conventional pointer-based guidance to movement of the skin surface either with
[4]. Some problems have been encountered head repositioning, with application of protec-
owing to variations of the speed of sound with tive eye covers, or with the force of the pointer
temperature and air flow. This localization used for registration. Care must be taken to
system was implemented in the Picker View- protect the upper face after registration, and
point system, but was subsequently replaced to mark the center of the marker whilst apply-
by optical tracking. ing as little force as possible to the skin surface.
The only validated and approved method
Optical Tracking
that provides sub -millimetric accuracy is to
With either three linear cameras or two 2D cam - use bone-implanted markers [5]. Though this
eras, if a point can be located in each view, the is clearly a rather invas ive process, it does
3D location of the point relative to the cameras provide the most accurate registration for
can be calculated. This is the basis of a number neuronavigation.
of tracking systems. The localized points are
either active (bright infra-red-emitting dio des,
IREDs) or passive (highly reflecting spheres).
Patient Immobilization and Tracking
In smaller camera systems, such as the Polaris Whatever the technology used, patient tracking
or IGT systems, each IRED can be localized with is relative to some reference frame; the frame is
an accuracy of 0.2-0.4 mm . With the Optotrak - an array of tracked targets that are locked in
a larger and more expensive version - accuracy constant orientation with the patient's head.
is 0.1-0.2 mm. The main difficulty with optical This can be the reference frame of the device
tracking is that line-of-sight between the cam- itself, as is the case with mechanical localization.
eras and tracked objects must be maintained. A more common approach is to attach an
However, the high accuracy and stability of optical tracker to a Mayfield or similar clamp.
these systems have meant that optical tracking To maintain accuracy it is advisable to keep this
is now the technology of choice for most com - tracker as close as possible to the surgical field
mercial image-guided surgery systems. without hampering the procedure. It has also
been proposed to attach a tracker either to the
Registration patient's palate or the upper teeth [6]. This
allows freer movement of the patient's head for
Having defined a coordinate system for the interventions where a head clamp is inappro-
patient, we now need to align the pre-operative priate. The use of a reference frame is essential,


and permits movement of the head relative to fiducials can be located. If we are performing
the tracking cameras, or vice versa, without loss an electrode placement heading for a specific
of registration. tar~et, the TREis a measure of the accuracy with
whI~h we can locate t~at target given the regis-
Accuracy Considerations tration we have obtamed from our fiducials.
This is clearly the error in which we are most
When performing point-based registration, interested.
there are a number accuracy metrics that can Fitzpatrick et al. [7] have found a formula
be described . It is very important when talking relating TRE to FLEand the configuration of the
about the accuracy of a particular system landmarks, as follows:
that the measurements used are clear and that
t~eir m~aning is understood. In a paper by
Pitzpatrick et al., the three main error metrics
associated with point-based registration are
described and a derivation of the most impor-
tant statistic is given [7]. We will describe their where there are n fiducial points, where fk is
th~ rms distance of the fiducials to the principal
r~sults and the implications thereof for image-
directed neurosurgery in this section. It is vital aXIS, k, of the point distribution, and where dk
that any surgeon using point landmarks as a is the distance from this same axis to the target
means of registration for image guidance point, r. In image-guided neurosurgery we are
understands these results. i?terested in reducing the TRE. From this equa-
tion we can see that there are two methods of
Error Metrics achieving this. One is to increase the number
of fiducials used; the other is to increase the
We will call the point landmarks "fiducials". The
spread of these fiducials.
first statistical measure of error we will describe
For systems that quote FRE only, there may
is the "fiducial localization error" (FLE). This is
be a temptation to ignore landmarks that have
simply the accuracy with which one can gener-
a high FRE and reduce the set until the mean
ally locate a given fiducial. An estimate of FLE
FREfalls below a given value. This is a very poor
for a particular fiducial must take into account
method of achieving registration. It will tend to
the accuracy with which the point can be found
mean that a poor configuration of landmarks
by the user in the images and on the patient, as
will remain, perhaps all being close together or
well as the intrinsic accuracy of the localization
all close to lying along a line. Though a low FRE
may result from this process, the associated
The second metric is the "fiducial registration
TRE, especially at a distance from these land-
error" (FRE). This is the root mean square (rms)
marks, may be very poor indeed. Landmarks
residual erro r on the fiducials after transforma-
with high FREshould only be discarded if there
tion. For example, if we have a set of points in
is a good reason for thinking that they are out-
image coordinates and their corresponding
liers, e.g. if a skin marker has clearly moved.
physical locations, we can calculate a transfor-
Manufacturers of IGS systems should be
mation from image to physical space. By trans-
forming the image points, we have two sets of encouraged to incorporate the above equation
points that should coincide: the transformed into accuracy assessments provided to the
i?"lage points and their measured physical posi- surgeon. Until this is the case, it is paramount
nons. Because there are errors in our measure- that surgeons are aware of the issues affecting
ment~, these points do not coincide exactly and
the true target accuracy of navigation .
the distances between them provide the FRE. It
is common, because it is easy to calculate, for
commercial systems to quote FRE either as
an rms or as an error on each point. As we
Clinical Applications
shall see, however, FRE is not a good measure
of registration accuracy. Brain Biopsy
The third, and most clinically relevant, metric
is the "target registration error" (TRE). This is Accurate biopsy of brain lesions has been pos-
the accuracy with which a point other than our sible since the introduction of stereotactic


frames . The frame, however, restricts access to that scanning the patient in the prone position
the surgical field, interferes with instruments, and the application of skull-implantable fidu-
and requires immediate pre-operative imaging. cials would increase the accuracy.
It gives no feedback to the surgeon and requires
multiple calculations that are not always intu- Surface Lesions
itive and simple. It is also inconvenient to the
patient. Stereotactic biopsy in the lateral tem - For access to lesions on the brain surface, guid-
porallobe is contraindicated with some frames, ance with registered images allows the perfor-
where the needle track is liable to traverse the mance of a small craniotomy, planned to give
Sylvian fissure, placing the middle cerebral maximal exposure of the tumor and at the same
artery at risk . The development of frameless time decreasing the extent of exposure. The
image-guided systems was an important step in disruption of normal tissue is minimized.
increasing the user friendliness of localization Most importantly, an accurate craniotomy
systems . Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) attached decreases the brain retraction required. This is
to the biopsy needles allow their precise track- of particular value in convexity men ingiomas,
ing by the camera within the operating where excessive brain retraction leads to post -
space, and holding arms have been developed to operative swelling, which may be difficult to
maintain biopsy needles rigidly in the correct control and may lead to significant morbidity.
position. The ideal trajectory to approach A lower degree of brain manipulation decrea-
and biopsy the lesion can be worked out pre- ses the risk of a post-operative intracerebral
operatively and stored in the workstation. hematoma. In meningioma surgery, a smaller
The development of trajectory and targeting bone flap also decreases the intraoperative
software allows the needle to be advanced blood loss. The brain shift associated with
according to such a pre -planned pathway, with surface lesions has been studied [9,10]. It is
real-time 3D visualization of the position of the more predictable than for deeper lesions, and
needle tip within the brain. consists of bulging of the lesion and the sur-
Brain biopsy procedures require a higher rounding brain on opening the dura; this is
accuracy than is necessary for most other pro - associated with an outward movement of the
cedures performed under image guidance. The deep brain/tumor interface. The cortex at
use of scalp-applied or even skull-implantable the resection site sinks back on completion of
fiducial markers, as well as the holding of the resection.
patient's head in a rigid Mayfield head holder,
is important. The accuracy now given by most Skull Base and Pituitary Surgery
systems is better than 2 mm, but the limitation
imposed by the thickness of the image slices Tumors of the skull base have a high propensity
remains. to invade osseous boundaries and distort
In a study by Barnett et al. [8], 218 biopsy pro- anatomy, obscuring surgical landmarks in a
cedures were performed using scalp-applied region crowded with critical neurovascular
fiducial markers. The average minimum lesion structures. Image-guided surgery is becoming
diameter was 27.7 mm and the average depth an important tool in the resection of complex
from the scalp was 39.8 mm. Lesions included skull base tumors, particularly in the petroclival
glial tumors, metastases, lymphomas, menin- and parasellar regions, as well as in the foramen
giomas and demyelination. The procedure magnum and the jugular foramen [11].
yielded a diagnosis that supported the clinical When compared with other lesions, such as
and radiological findings in 96.3% of cases. This vault meningiomas, cerebral gliomas and non-
was comparable to the accuracy achieved by gliotic intra-axial lesions, skull base lesions are
frame -based stereotactic systems. The most sig- associated with substantially lower degrees of
nificant complication was intracerebral hernor- post-imaging, intraoperative brain shift. This
rhage, which occurred in five cases, two of which implies that the accuracy of frameless image-
required craniotomy. It was noted that the diag- guided methods is higher for such lesions [9].
nostic accuracy for posterior fossa biopsy, at Sure et al. [11] evaluated the role of neuron-
70% (7 out of 10 patients), was much lower than avigation in a series of 10 skull base tumors. The
that for supratentorial lesions; it was suggested value of pre-operatively acquiring both Cf and


MRI scans, with subsequent fusion of the two guidance, the neuronavigation system gives
image sets on the navigation workstation, constant 3D information and allows adjust-
was described. The CT scan allowed accurate ments in both the sagittal and the coronal planes
patient-to-image registration on the basis of during the approach to the sella. Attachment of
bony landmarks. The MRI scan allowed detailed reflective markers to ring curettes and their cal-
evaluation of soft tissue and bony distortion by ibration within the navigation system allow the
the tumor. A registration error of less than neurosurgeon to identify the sellar boundaries
2 mm was obtained in each of the 10 cases. and to delineate the cavernous sinus and the
The workstation facilitates selection of the carotid artery on each side. The system,
optimal skull base approach for maximal resec- however, cannot reliably demonstrate soft and
tion of the lesion. Sure et al. [11] found it par- potentially mobile tissues within the sella once
ticularly useful in deciding whether a pterional excision of the adenoma has begun. Use of the
or an orbitozygomatic approach would give image-guidance system to dynamically assist
the better access to a given parasellar lesion. In in, or confirm, the complete removal of the
posterior fossa surgery, it allows precise defini- adenoma necessitates the incorporation of some
tion of keyhole craniotomies in relationship form of intraoperative image updating.
to the underlying dural venous sinuses. Neuro- The usefulness of such a system in defining
navigation also allows a clear pre-operative and confirming the midline trajectory is partic-
indication of how much tumor can be excised ularly evident in re-operations. Disruption of
safely, depending on the proximity of the tumor important midline landmarks, such as the
to important structures. vomer, the anterior nasal spine and the rostrum
Intraoperatively, early identification of of the sphenoid, renders such operations
important anatomical landmarks, such as the hazardous. Image guidance allows the neuro-
clinoid processes in anterior fossa surgery, and surgeon to approach the sella with increased
the petrous apex, the arch of the atlas, the ver- confidence and goes a long way to increase the
tebral artery, the occipital condyle and the bone safety of the procedure.
cells in the posterior fossa, is useful. Major In an effort to decrease the additional cost
vessels and critical neural structures can be ($318 per procedure) and the time require-
identified early during intratumoral decom- ment in the setting up and registration of the
pression, facilitating their preservation when system (mean of an extra 12 minutes per
displaced by, or encased within, the tumor procedure), the same neurosurgical unit has
mass. It allows the neurosurgeon to calculate the evaluated frameless fluoroscopy-guided trans-
position of the instrument within a large tumor sphenoidal surgery using the FluoroNav Virtual
cavity devoid of landmarks. A better under- Fluoroscopy System (Medtronic Sofamor
standing of the topography of complex anatom- Danek Inc., Memphis, TN) [13]. A dynamic ref-
ical structures is afforded; this is relevant, for erence arc was attached to the headholder fixed
example, when the petrous portion of the to the patient's cranium. A calibration device
carotid artery is being protected during drilling containing multiple light-emitting diodes was
of invaded or eroded petrous temporal bone. attached to a standard C-arm fluoroscope. This
Bony infiltration by skull base meningiomas is device supplies information regarding the rela-
sometimes not grossly identifiable, even under tionship of the C-arm and the reference arc to
the microscope, and image guidance then allows the computer. Frontal and lateral videofluoro-
a more complete tumor resection. scopic images were then obtained, calibrated
In one of the few studies that also takes and stored in the computer. With a referenced
account of the overall cost effectiveness of probe, the surgeon was then able to refer to the
image guidance, Elias et al. [12] described the stored images and visualize its position in real
role of CT-based neuronavigation in transphe- time. The principal advantages of this system
noidal surgery for pituitary tumors. The main- are: (l) radiation exposure to the patient is
tenance of an appropriate midline trajectory is reduced (fluoroscopy is only used once at the
vital in transsphenoidal surgery. Intracranial beginning of the procedure, and there is no pre-
entries into the anterior fossa floor and through operative CT scan); (2) the fluoroscope can
the clivus have been reported. Whereas intra- be removed from the theater before draping
operative fluoroscopy only provides sagittal the patient, cutting down on radiology costs;


and (3) as in CT-guided neuronavigation, this not allow pre -operative planning and risk
system allows more confident maintenance of evaluation.
the midline in re-operations. The cost of each Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and func -
procedure was calculated to be $750 less than tional MRI (fMRI) have been successfully used
for the CT-guided system, primarily because no to obtain functional information that was sub-
pre-operative navigation protocol imaging is sequently integrated with the pre-operatively
required; the mean increase in set-up time was acquired image data set. In the former [14), cor-
only 7.2 minutes. tical neuromagnetic signals are generated by
repetitive sensory and motor stimulation; in
practice, this involves mechanical stimulation of
Intrinsic Brain Tumors and the index finger or repetitive finger -tapping
Functional Mapping movements. These signals are picked up and
localized by a biomagnetometer, consisting of
Image -guided surgery has become an integral two 37-channel sensors placed over the scalp.
component in the surgical management of brain Electrical sources can be localized with high
tumors. The clear advantages include: the pos - spatial and temporal accuracy. The locations of
sibility of performing a smaller craniotomy cen- the sensory and motor cortex are therefore
tered directly over the pathology; localization of identified, and, using a con tour-fit algorithm,
tumors deep within the cortical surface with the MEG results can be overlaid onto the
minimal disturbance of the surrounding brain MR images . Lesions close to the motor cortex
tissue ; definition of the relationships of the were successfully removed in 50 patients [14],
tumour to eloquent cortex and other important with procedure-related neurological impair-
structures; and definition of the tumor-brain ment in only one patient. Perioperative
plane , especially when this is poorl y visible somatosensory evoked potentials agreed with
at surgery, such as in low-grade astrocytomas. the eo-registered MEG localizations to a high
The completeness of resection may also be level of concordance.
enhanced, although this is controversial unless Functional MRI is non -invasive and uses
some form of intraoperative image updating is widely available equipment [15]. Unlike MEG, it
also used. The opportunity to plan the optimal does not detect neural activation directly, but
approach to the tumor pre -operatively is also identifies a region within the cortex that is
valuable. metabolically activated during the repetitive
The integration of functional data into the performance of an activity such as finger
anatomical image data set was the next logical tapping. Performance of the task causes a sub-
step in the development of image-guided stantial increase in cerebral blood flow in the
surgery systems . If the function of relevant elo- corresponding brain region, sufficient in fact to
quent brain in the vicinity of a lesion can be lead to a decrease in the level of deoxyhemo-
mapped onto the MR image on the workstation, globin in the veins draining that region. This is
maximal resection with minimal neurological detected as an increase in the T2-weighted MR
morbidity is facilitated. The potential to signal. The signal -to-noise ratio is low, and
increase the safety of the procedure is evident. many repetitions are required to generate each
It is not always possible to accurately identify image slice. The fMRI image is then fused with
eloquent brain regions perioperatively with ref- the anatomical data set. In a study in which 12
erence to standard anatomical landmarks, as patients underwent excision of lesions near the
tumors may cause significant gyral displace- motor cortex, the prediction error ranged from
ment and distortion of surface cortical anatomy. o mm to 10 mm . This was considered to be
Intraoperative, invasive, functional mapping satisfactory, as the target was the precentral
using cortical stimulation techniques is time gyrus rather than a single point on it.
consuming and requires modification of the Intraoperative confirmation using somatosen-
anesthetic regimen. Patients need to be awake sory evoked potentials and phase reversal to
for assessment of language function , but light identify the sensory and motor cortices respec-
anesthesia without muscle relaxation is ade- tively showed that fMRI identified the region
quate for motor mapping. Unlike pre -operative correctly in each case. All of the tumors were
non-invasive mapping, this techn ique does excised without causing new neurological


deficits [15). Interestingly, patients with severe Dorward et al. (9) studied the magnitude and
peri-lesional edema consistently showed a direction of post-imaging brain distortion in
higher prediction error. This may be related to 48 cases; maximal brain shifts were found to be
impairment of vascular autoregulation with greater than 1 cm in magnitude. The degree of
decreased activation-dependent changes in shift depended on the size of the tumor, the
cerebral blood flow in regions of high edema. It degree of midline shift, and the presence of peri-
was also noted that distortion of the fMRI tumoral edema; significant differences were
images could be a problem when the region of identified between meningiomas, gliomas, non-
interest is closely related to bone, as may occur glial intra-axial lesions and skull base lesions.
with the inferior temporal lobe. Nabavi et al. (10) studied post-imaging brain
Identification and mapping of white matter deformation in 25 patients using a O.5T verti-
tracts is now also possible (16). Image-fusion cally open bore MR imager. Baseline imaging
software then allows the accurate fusion of these was performed after positioning; further images
maps with the anatomical image data set. The were taken after dural opening and initial CSF
presence of the axonal membrane and the neu- drainage, after tumor resection, and after dural
rofilamentary cytoskeleton restricts the diffu- closure. Software allowed image overlapping on
sion of water to the long axis of the fiber tracts the same coordinates to facilitate comparison
- anisotropy. Diffusion-anisotropy MRI identi- between the images. In this study, brain shift
fies the restricted diffusion as a hyperintense was shown to have a high degree of inter-
area, delineating in three dimensions the posi- individual variability and was a cont inuous and
tion and direction of the tract. In four patients dynamic process, evolving separately and dif-
presenting with tumors displacing the pyrami- ferently in distinct brain regions. It was noted
dal tract, this technique was helpful in the peri- that the direction of deformation might even
operative identification of the tract. As in fMRI, reverse within relatively short time-frames. The
peri-lesional edema poses a problem, as there is occipital and parietal lobes were seen to be less
no restriction of diffusion direction in edema- mobile than the frontal and temporal lobes. It is
tous foci; tract identification is then difficult. clear that brain biomechanics are still far from
It has been suggested that this method can also understood, and although software may be
be used to map the optic radiation and the com- designed to predict unidirectional surface shifts
missural fibers if these structures are relevant secondary to gravity and CSF loss associated
to the procedure. with small surface lesions, predictions of multi-
directional subsurface movements associated
Movement ofthe Brain During with larger lesions are unlikely to be accurate.
The effects of brain shift can be minimized by
Surgery paying attention to some operative details, such
A critical limitation of image-guided surgery, as allowing as little CSFas possible to escape, by
particularly relevant to tumor resection, is the delaying aspiration of cystic tumor compo-
reliance on a pre -operatively acquired image nents, and by removing tumor adjacent to elo-
data set. Progressive movement or distortion of quent cortex first. The use of dehydrating agents
the brain during the procedure means that the such as mannitol should be avoided and the
pre-operative image becomes progressively out- posit ioning of the patient should be such that
dated as the surgery proceeds (10). Reliance on the craniotomy site lies at the highest point.
the image-guided system would lead to errors
in the intraoperative delineation of tumor loca- Intraoperative MRI
tion and borders, as well as in the relationship
of the tumor to adjacent eloquent cortex. Brain One solution to the problem of intraoperative
distortion, relative to the pre-operative image, brain movement is to combine guidance from
is due to the release of cerebrospinal fluid registered pre-operative images with intraoper-
(CSF), pressure changes on skull opening, ative MRI. This allows the acquisition of image
unopposed gravity, ventricular compression, updates intraoperatively;these updates are then
brain retraction and tumor resection . Patient fused with the pre-operatively acquired image
positioning, the physiological effects of diuret- data set. Several centers have reported their
ics and mechanical ventilation are also relevant. experience with such systems [17,18,19) . The


difficulties and cost of modifying the usual then allows navigation on the updated image
operating theater set-up to suit the require- data set. Image updating is independent of
ments of MR scanning are clear. Several options fiducials and skin markers, because the same
have been used in various centers: relationship between the magnet and the
patient is maintained throughout the proce-
The use of a vertical open-bore MRI
dure. Ferromagnetic instruments are used when
scanner, allowing two surgeons to operate
within the scanner. This avoids the need for the magnet is not in the scanning position.
patient movement but requires the use of There are several issues relating to intraoper-
non-ferromagnetic instruments as well as ative MRI that are still unclear. The presence of
magnetic shielding of the operating room residual tumor on intraoperative images is
[19]. ascertained on the basis of contrast enhance-
ment around or within the resection cavity [17].
The use of a twin operating theater; surgery
Increased permeability of the blood-brain
is performed in a conventional theater and
barrier also occurs as a direct result of surgical
the patient is transported to an adjacent
manipulation, and indeed, surgically induced
MRI suite for imaging. The scanner can be
nodular as well as diffuse enhancement has been
rendered more cost effective by allowing its
use for diagnostic scans unrelated to theater reported. This is probably more likely after con-
sessions [17]. trast agents have been injected several times
during the same procedure. The use of contrast
The use of a single-shielded operating
agents that bind the tumor for a longer period
theater, with the surgery being performed
of time and that are cleared from the circulation
in the fringe field of the magnet. Normal fer-
before the operation is begun has been investi-
romagnetic instruments and microscopes
gated; iron oxide microparticles are phagocy-
are then allowed [18].
tosed by glioblastoma cells. It would then be
There is a steadily growing volume of litera- possible to avoid administration of contrast
ture on intraoperative MRI and it is not possi- agents just before or during the procedure.
ble to discuss this topic in detail here. Its value Bohinski et al. found that biopsy of residual
was demonstrated in a recent study [17] in enhancing tissue after partial glioma resection
which 40 patients underwent image-guided yielded tumor in 81% of cases [17]. Comparison
resection of gliomas (WHO grades II-IV) using with pre-operative contrasted scans is useful to
an image-guidance system. An intraoperative differentiate tumor-induced enhancement from
MRI scan was obtained after the surgeon felt surgery-induced enhancement.
that the planned extent of tumor resection was The edema associated with retraction is
achieved. Of these patients, 53% were found on easily identifiable on T2-weighted imaging. As
MRI to have had a less than optimal resection. enhancement in the dependent part of the resec-
It was noted from this study that patients with tion cavity might also be due to blood clot, it is
a tumor volume higher than 20cm3 are more essential that adequate hemostasis be secured
likely to have incomplete resections, probably prior to imaging. Blood is also identifiable on
because the degree of brain shift is much higher T2-weighted images. Oxidized cellulose in the
for larger lesions. cavity is another factor that interferes with the
The intraoperative MRI system described by identification of tumor remnants. The debris of
Hadani et al. [18] is characterized by a vertical- a metal drill produces significant artifact on
bore 0.12T open magnet that can be stored MRI and it is preferable to use only diamond
below the operating table when not in use. The drills [19]. Even when all of these precautions
patient's head occupies a fixed position relative are taken, however, definition of the borders of
to the magnet. With the magnet in the scanning low-grade astrocytomas is still a challenge .
position, real-time navigation can be employed Other unanswered questions relate to the fre-
using an MRI wand . This is independent of the quency of intraoperative scanning. Ideally one
optical tracking system and the magnet is the should obtain enough information to ensure
only reference point. Alternatively, the magnet that the image data set used for navigation is
can be lowered under the operating table once not outdated, and also to control resection of
an image update has been obtained; optical the target , without prolonging the operation
tracking using the standard guidance set-up or moving the patient unnecessarily. Should


scanning be tied to critical events, such as the In transylvian selective amygdalo-

completion of tumor resection or the preserva- hippocampectorny, surgical orientation is
tion of a functional region? achieved pr imarily through the exposure of
anatomical landmarks, namely the uncus and
Intraoperative Ultrasonography the sulcus circularis insulae. This requires a wide
opening of the Sylvian fissure with the associ-
The use of intraoperative ultrasonography to ated risks of vessel injury and vasospasm. Image
update the pre-operative image has been con- guidance allows orientation without the neces-
sidered. Ultrasonography is inexpensive; also, it sity to expose and identify such landmarks.
allows fast multiplanar examination and can Trajectories to the hippocampus and resection
reliably detect tumor remnants. Tracking of the borders can be defined pre-operatively. Image
ultrasound probe allows 3D reconstruction. guidance directs trans-sulcal dissection and also
However, the overall quality of soft-tissue visu- ensures complete resection of the relevant hip-
alization is not as good as that of MRI, and the pocampal structures; the outcome of epilepsy
fusion of the ultrasonic image with the MR surgery has been shown to be closely related to
image is still difficult to obtain.
complete hippocampal resection.
The location of focal cortical dysplasia is
Outcome ofImage-guided Surgery often difficult to identify macroscopically.
for Intrinsic Tumors Image guidance allows accurate anatomical
correlation in cortical resections, and this
A more important question is whether a more becomes more accurate if the system is used
complete resection of a high-grade glioma, as is concurrently with electrocorticography and
possible with image-guided surgery, leads to a motor mapping. It also facilitates the confirma-
better prognosis. Recurrence of gliomas gener- tion of the length of a callosal section, and in
ally occurs at the site of residual tumor, and temporal lobectomy it aids a decision on the
therefore gross total resection might increase volumes of lateral temporal cortex and hip-
the progression-free survival and improve the
pocampus that can safely be resected.
quality of life when compared with subtotal
resection or biopsy. There is also evidence to
suggest that the immediate complication rate Arteriovenous Malformations
after gross total resection is lower than that after
biopsy or subtotal resection (20). A systematic Although the importance of neuro-endovascu-
analysis of survival times , with and without lar therapy and radiosurgery in the manage-
target resection control for matched patients ment of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)
and tumors, is required. has been increasing steadily over the past
5 years , microsurgical excision still retains a
primary role, particularly as it is the only treat-
Epilepsy Surgery ment option that immediately eliminates the
Image guidance has been used in several aspects risk of bleeding. The frequent intimate rela-
of epilepsy surgery, including the removal of tionship of AVMs to eloquent brain tissue has
deep lesions, selective amygdalo-hippocampec- rendered neuronavigation techniques useful in
tomy, callosotomy, temporal resection, cortical surgical management, in an effort to reduce
resection and the placement of depth electrodes post-operative neurological morbidity.
(21). The hippocampus and the corpus callosum Image-guided surgery based on a pre-opera-
are relatively fixed structures, and there is only tively acquired MR scan allows pre-operative
minimal brain shift along the anteroposterior planning and identification of the ideal location
axis. Once hippocampal resection has begun, and size of the skin incision and bone flap. For
however, CSF drainage and the mesial displace- lesions with minimal gyral representation, it
ment of the brain due to gravity lead to error in allows precise localization of the AVM through
the mesio-lateral plane. According to Olivier et a small, optimally placed craniotomy. More
al. [21], this did not lead to interference with importantly, it allows planning of the optimal
localization and gross total resection of the surgical trajectory to the AVM, maximally
mesial structures. avoiding eloquent brain tissue, particularly


for AVMs located close to, or within, motor, with real-time feedback of its tip position. The
sensory, speech or visual areas. versatility of the software is such that a 'tool file'
A recent study [22] described image-guided is available for each of the various instruments
AVM surgery based on CT angiography rather introduced through the sheath. A change of
than on MRI. Segmentation and 3D reconstruc- instrument only necessitates a change in the
tion of the AVM allowed exact definition of the active tool file on the computer workstation.
nidus, as well as the draining veins and feeding The pre-calibrated parameters and length of
arteries, in relation to the underlying brain the instrument then allow representation of that
tissue. Manipulation of the reconstruction instrument in the multiplanar views on the
through rotation and subtraction allowed multi- screen.
angle viewing of the relationships of the AVM In a study by Schroeder et al. [23], the prin-
vessels. Preliminary image-guided temporary cipal usefulness of guidance from registered
clipping of the sulcal feeding arteries led to images was in the selection of an ideal entry
decompression of the AVM nidus in most cases, point and trajectory to the lesion with minimal
rendering easier the subsequent step of dissec- injury to the fornices and eloquent brain. Most
tion along the previously localized draining procedures were then performed under direct
veins. However, temporary clipping prior to endoscopic visual control. The pre -operative
complete feeder dissection is associated with a trajectory planning was very useful when the
low risk of clipping en-pass ant vessels. Another ventricular system was small and when the pos-
limitation of this study was that only vessels terior third ventricle had to be approached
larger than 3 mm in size could be identified - through a small foramen of Monro . In the man-
a direct result of the resolution limit of the agement of arachnoid cysts, a trajectory pene -
segmentation process. trating as many of the septae as possible, as
By demonstrating the configuration and well as ensuring an optimal fenestration point,
margins of the nidus, image guidance decreases would be planned. In such situations, as well as
the risk of inadvertent surgical entry into the in multi-loculated hydrocephalus, there are few,
AVM. The plane between the AVM and the sur- if any, anatomical landmarks, and there is a real
rounding brain tissue can be readily identified, risk of disorientation, particularly if the mem-
minimizing tissue manipulation and decreasing branes are thick [23]. The value of image guid-
intraoperative bleeding. ance in the maintenance of orientation was
It is still unclear, however, whether image- clear. In the endoscopic resection of colloid
guided surgery for AVMs does in fact result in cysts, guidance from registered images facili-
a lower morbidity when compared with stan- tated the maintenance of a trajectory leading to
dard, free-hand techniques. the most lateral and anterior aspect of the
foramen of Monro, without injury to the for-
nices or the caudate nucleus; this would, in
Surgery for Intracranial Aneurysm turn, allow visualization of the roof of the third
ventricle, rendering complete dissection of the
Few surgeons see any indication for image guid- cyst from its base easier.
ance in the approach to the majority of intracra- The authors did not find pre-operative image
nial aneurysms, usually located in the region of guidance useful for endoscopic third ventricu-
the supraclinoid segment of the internal carotid lostomy [23]. In this procedure the ventricles
artery. However, aneurysms located more dis- tend to be large, and a high degree of endoscope
tally, in particular pericallosal aneurysms, can maneuverability is possible. Clear intraventric-
present a significant problem, and localization ular landmarks, such as the thalamo-striate
is facilitated by the use of image guidance. vein, the foramen of Monro and the choroid
plexus, determine the orientation. The basilar
Endoscopic Surgery artery can often be seen through the thinned-
out floor of the third ventricle, and its position
Guidance from registered images has been used can be scrutinized from the mid-sagittal pre-
extensively in conjunction with endoscopic operative MRI. The optimal position of the
neurosurgery. Unlike frame-based stereotaxy, it stoma is determined via visual information
allows free-hand movement of the endoscope through the endoscope.


The problem of CSF drainage and brain shift pre-operative image acquisition (in the supine
remains, however. The authors advise position- position) may be different from those during
ing the patient with the cyst at the highest point. surgery, often in the prone position, particularly
Other studies [18,19] have pointed to the value in situations of spinal instability such as high-
of intraoperative MRI-based updating of the grade spondylolisthesis and spinal fractures.
pre-operative image data sets in such situations. Frequent perioperative confirmation of regis-
The decompression of cystic lesions and multi - tration accuracy is advised; this is readily done
loculated hydrocephalus under continuous by placing the activated probe on an easily iden-
(every 3 seconds) MRI scanning has also been tifiable bony point within the operative field and
described [24]; the changes of the relationships by ensuring that the cursor on the computer
on drainage and fenestration of the cysts can points to the corresponding point on the pre-
then be observed in real time. This, of course, operative image. A significant decrease in accu-
requires an intraoperative MRI set-up. racy, usually recorded at around 2 mm, should
prompt re-registration. The absence of clear
Spinal Surgery bony landmarks and the flat 2D nature of the
anterior vertebral bodies imply that accurate
The development of increasingly complex registration of the spine for anterior or antero-
spinal surgical techniques and instrumentation lateral approaches remains difficult.
has meant that 2D lateral intraoperative fluo- Virtual fluoroscopy technology (FluoroNav,
roscopy is now considered to be insufficient for Medtronic Sofamor Danek Inc., Memphis) does
safe and effective insertion of implants. The not require a pre-operative image. The C-arm is
application of the principles of intracranial neu- equipped with an LED attachment and a fidu-
ronavigation to the spine is not straightforward, cial display that acts as a calibration target. The
for several reasons. Registration of the spine bony anatomy is first exposed; a reference arc is
cannot reliably depend on skin markers or fidu- then attached to the spine. A lateral or antero-
cials, in view of the high mobility of the spinal posterior image is taken. The fiducial display is
column and the overlying skin. Indeed, regis- used by the computer to register the anatomy
tration needs to be performed intraoperatively instantaneously. Data from the optical camera
on the exposed spinal anatomy of the segment allow the computer to identify the spatial rela-
requiring surgery, using points that are easily tionships between the C-arm and the reference
and accurately identifiable on the exposed spine arc attached to the spine. This registered image
and on the pre -operatively acquired images. then forms the basis on which navigation, using
These may include the superior and inferior LED-marked instruments that appear on the
portions of the spinous processes and the image in real time, can proceed.
medial and lateral limits of the facet joint in the Probably the most important spinal applica-
cervical spine, and the posterolateral aspect of tion of image-guided surgery is the insertion of
the transverse process tips on each side in the pedicle screws [26,27]. Pedicle screws confer
thoracic spine. Problems may arise when high rigidity to a spinal construct, allowing the
the posterior elements of the relevant segment insertion of a shorter and more reliable con-
are disrupted by trauma or previous surgery. A struct, with maximal preservation of movement
minimum of three points is required for the ver- at the adjacent segments. In the lumbosacral
tebra in question. Because each level in the spine spine, using perioperative radiography only, the
represents a separate and distinct anatomical rate of penetration of the pedicular cortex has
structure, each vertebra should ideally be regis- been shown to be between 21% and 31%. Poor
tered and tracked individually during surgery. pedicle screw insertion is associated not only
The spine is mobile within the body and there- with neural injury, but also with fixation failure,
fore the reference arc or LED array must be particularly if the pedicle is fractured. Image
attached to the spine itself. In practice , this is guidance allows evaluation of the pedicular
clamped to a spinous process of the same, or an anatomy, the selection of the appropriate screw
adjacent, vertebra for posterior approaches, and entry point, the identification of the optimal
to a Caspar retractor for anterior approaches trajectory in the axial and sagittal planes, and
[25]. This is essential because the spatial rela- also the ideal depth of insertion, allowing the
tionships of adjacent spinal segments during longest bone purchase in the best-quality bone.


The surgeon is able to select the ideal screw the insertion of CI-C2 transarticular screws and
diameter and length in the pre-operative plan - lateral mass plates [25]. In anterior cervical
ning phase; the computer provides a 3D view surgery, image guidance allows the identifica-
of the selected screw in the pre-operatively tion of the lateral resection margins of osteo-
acquired image. It also provides a "target" phytes and their relationships to the transverse
window to facilitate screw insertion along the foramen , the vertebral artery and the nerve
predetermined trajectory. In one of the earlier root foramen . The risks of vascular and neuro-
clinical studies in the use of image guidance for logical injury (to the nerve roots and spinal
the insertion oflumbosacral pedicle screws [26], cord) for these procedures have been quoted as
137 out of a total of 150 screws were optimally up to 5% and 1% respectively. Image guidance
placed. Only one screw was found to be in a also reduces the risk of incomplete osteophyte
significantly unsatisfactory position . No nerve excision.
root injuries were reported. Surgical difficulties in the CI-C2 region
Image guidance is even more valuable in include the complexity of the anatomy, which
pedicle screw insertion into the thoracic spine may be distorted by inflammatory pannus or
[27]. Compared with its lumbar counterpart, the tumor, and a limited operative field. Image
thoracic pedicle is smaller, has a more complex guidance allows the determination of the posi-
3D morphology and has a variable cross-section tion of unexposed structures, minimizing the
in the coronal plane. There is a high degree of need for extensive exposures. Insertion of
variability in the diameter, shape and angle atlanto-axial transarticular screws can then be
of the thoracic pedicle. Moreover, its proximity performed with a higher margin of safety and
to the pleura, nerve roots and the relatively fixed with increased confidence.
spinal cord means that inappropriate insertion
is less forgiving. From clinical and cadaveric
studies, up to 25% of thoracic pedicle screws Current Developments
were found to violate the pedicular cortex when
perioperative fluoroscopy alone was used. In a There are a number of issues that remain to be
recent study using post-operative CT evalua- tackled to improve the accuracy and delivery of
tion, only 5 out of 266 screws inserted at all neurosurgical guidance . An increasing amount
levels of the thoracic spine in 65 patients showed of information is available to the surgeon in
a structurally significant (defined as more than the operating theater, particularly from intra-
2 mm) inadvertent violation of the pedicular operative imaging devices. This may be used to
cortex. These tended to cluster in the mid-tho- improve registration and provide information
racic spine. The majority of these misplace- about structures beneath the available tissue
ments occurred in severe traumatic fracture surface. This becomes particularly important in
subluxations, implying that the increased inter- the presence of tissue deformation, sometimes
segmental mobility in these situations interferes referred to as "brain shift" .
with the accuracy of registration of the image- There are several imaging devices that are
guidance system. The authors also advocate routinely available to a neurosurgeon. They
an alternative screw trajectory through the rib provide real-time information about the current
head into the vertebral body if the pedicle is position and shape of the patient. If these
smaller than 4 mm in its widest coronal diame- devices are calibrated to relate the image space
ter, or scaphoid in shape, or laterally directed. to physical space, they can then be incorporated
This information can only be gleaned through into a neuronavigation system. The simplest way
pre-operative pedicle evaluation on the image- that this can be achieved is to show the position
guidance system. of a pointer or tool in the intraoperative image.
Image guidance is also useful when there is a X-ray guidance is an important part of the
concurrent anterior construct, such as a Kaneda transsphenoidal approach. The use of X-ray
system, for example. Pedicle screw insertion images to register pre-operative CT data to the
then allows a rigid parallelogram of fixation [25]. patient has been proposed for use in surgery of
Applications to the cervical spine have the head and spine. X-ray angiography may also
included anterior cervical diskectomy and ver- provide useful information on current patient
tebrectomy, transoral odontoid resection , and position.


Ultrasound is not generally used to guide and ease of use are vital if image-guided
neurosurgical procedures because of the poor neurosurgery is to become standard practice.
quality of the images and the difficulty in iden- Visualization of pre-operative images is an
tifying anatomical features. The real-time important factor in this regard, especially for
nature of the technique could prove useful in microscopic procedures. The surgeon often
aligning pre-operative images to the patient, finds that looking away from the operative view
however. Ultrasound has been proposed for use is distracting and inconvenient. Visualization of
in compensating for brain shift and also in the target lesion and surrounding critical struc-
improving rigid registration by finding the bone tures directly on the optical view of the patient,
surface in spinal surgery. sometimes referred to as "augmented reality",
Attention is also being paid to the ergonom- is one way of avoiding this problem. In the
ics of surgical guidance. The systems have MAGI (microscope-assisted guided interven-
sometimes been seen as a cumbersome addi- tion) system [28],this is achieved accurately and
tion to an already crowded operating theater, in stereo, offering the possibility of 3D percep-
and the interface between the system and the tion of structures beneath the viewed surface
surgeon is often too complicated. Simplicity (Fig. 7.1).

Fig. 7.1. The MAGI (microscope-assisted

guided intervention) system inthe operating
theater. (a) An example overlay on the
operative scene. (b) A rendering of the
lesion from a similar viewpoint. (c) The
views in (b) and (c) are seen bythe surgeon
in true stereo. The lesion is a vestibular
schwannoma seen extending into the
b internal auditory meatus (lAM).


The Future .. Image guidance facilitates the accurate local-

ization of the target pathology or structures;
In speculating about the future for image- the neurosurgeon can plan a smaller and
guided neurosurgical interventions, it is inter- moreprecise craniotomy and follow the ideal
esting to consider whether registration of trajectory, minimizing the extent of brain
pre-operative images to the patient will still be exposure and retraction.
important. The advent of interventional MRI • The technique is particularly useful in the
has led some to suggest that the quality of intra- management of intracranial tumors, but is
operative imaging will provide all the necessary also beingapplied to vascular disease, partic-
information to carry out a surgical procedure. ularly arteriovenous malformations and some
Visualization and interaction with this data is aneurysms, epilepsy surgery, intracranial
an important issue, however. endoscopy and craniocervical and spinal
Incorporation of a navigational device into surgery.
an interventional scanner is important. The • Image guidance is very valuable in the inser-
surgeon wants to see the location of a pointer or tion of spinal instrumentation, usually for
surgical tool in the images without needing to fusion purposes. It facilitates the appreciation
re-scan with the tool in place. This flexibility will ofpedicular anatomy and allows the choice of
enable scans to be performed only when there the ideal screw length and diameter prior to
is significant movement or tissue deformation. insertion.
Also, as the scope of intraoperative imaging
widens, so does that of pre-operative imaging. • Current developments include the fusion of
There will be more accurate and more functional
anatomical with functional images using
data available from pre-operative scans that may
functional MRI technology, and perioperative
not be practical to obtain during a procedure.
MRI, which allows thepie-operative images to
Ideally, the segmentation of relevant features
be updated during surgery.
will be done automatically in real time. This
process may be more practically achieved by
alignment with previously segmented images.
The challenge for future navigation systems P. Edwards was supported by EPSRC under the
will be to incorporate pre-operative and intra- MedLINK program (project M108) in collabo-
operative data seamlessly into the neuro- ration with Leica, Heerbrugg and BrainLab,
surgical process, with real time update of the Munich.
pre-operative model to compensate for both
rigid and non-rigid movement of the patient.
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Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Andras A. Kerneny, Matthias W.R. Radatz
and Jeremy Rowe

conditions traditionally requiring open surgery

Summary are treated by this technique.

Stereotactic radiosurgery is a novel method

of treating well-defined targets in the brain, Historic Notes
causing cell destruction, vascular occlusion
or just functional changes within it. It is The expression "stereotactic radiosurgery"
one of the fastest growing fields within (SRS) was coined by Lars Leksell, the Swedish
neurosurgery. The range of appropriate neurosurgeon who first introduced this tech-
indications has not yet crystallized but it is nique into neurosurgical practice . The term
increasingly popular with patients, particu- stands for a single fraction, stereotactically
larly those with a "high -risk" surgical lesion. guided, high-dose radiation treatment on a
small and well-defined volume of the brain. In
this phrase (as in the method) he combined a
Introduction number of important individual elements. The
first, stereotaxy, the coordinate-based guidance
Stereotactic radiosurgery is a neurosurgical technique in the brain, has developed from the
technique that utilizes focused radiation as a initial endeavors of Victor Horsley and Robert
tool. It was introduced for funct ional neuro- Clark in 1908 and the first clinically used appa -
surgery but its applications have widened to ratus, devised by Spiegel and Wycis in 1947.
encompass cerebral arteriovenous malforma- Using this guidance system Leksell directed ion-
tions and a wide range of well-defined ben ign izing rad iation to achieve the desired clinical
and malignant intracranial neoplasms. effect. He included the term "surgery" to try and
Although it may be considered by some ensure that, as in open surgery, the selection of
to belong to the realm of radiotherapy rather patients and targets would be done by neuro-
than neurosurgery, neurosurgical trainees must surgeons who were trained in neuroanatomy,
become familiar with the basics of this tech- neurophysiology and neuropathology and who
nique and particularly with its indications and were also familiar with the value and indications
limitations. of the open surgical alternatives.
The minimally invasive nature and the As the reader will know, Leksell greatly
perceived, and in most cases truly, low risk of contributed to stereotaxy by designing his
this treatment make it popular with patients own simple and clinically easy-to-use frame.
and ensure that an increasing proportion of In order to reduce the invasiveness of even a



precision-guided surgical procedure, he intro- of precision achievable with a Linac, a fraction-

duced ionizing radiation to substitute for the ated delivery of radiation was favored, and thus
knife or needle. He began with photons from a "stereotactic radiotherapy" (SRT) was born.
300 kV X-ray tube mounted on his stereotactic This technique is a multi -fraction, stereotacti-
apparatus. In Berkeley, California, in 1950, cally guided radiation therapy. Although it is
Tobias had begun cross-firing the sella turcica possible to deliver SRT with the gamma knife,
with charged particles to suppress pituitary it is usually performed using a Linac.
function, and work with proton beams was In parallel with the developments in the radi-
taken up at the Gustaf Werner Institute, ation delivery technique, the imaging localiza-
Uppsala, in 1954, tested clinically from 1958 tion of the target has also undergone dramatic
onwards, and subsequently in 1961 by Kjellberg, developments over the last fivedecades. The ini-
in Boston. In the late 1950s and 1960s, Leksell tial treatments were based on plain X-rays and
and Larsson explored the practicability of pneumo-encephalography. With the introduc-
protons from the Uppsala synchrocyclotron, as tion of computed tomography in the 1970s and
well as the theoretical advantages of other par- magnetic reson ance imaging in the 1980s, it
ticles, before deciding that gamma rays, from a became possible to properly delineate the patho-
heavily shielded static array of Co60 sources logical substrate of the treatment. Moreover, the
directed towards a central point by narrow precise identification of adjacent normal struc-
collimators, provided the simplest and most tures further dramatically improved the safety
practical system for daily clinical use. The first and efficacy of the technique.
Leksell "gamma knife" was completed in 1967
and became operational in Stockholm in 1968.
It was designed for treating functional targets ,
and thus intractable pain and movement Principles ofRadiosurgery
disorders were the first indications. The intro -
duction of stereotactic radiosurgery was ini- Stereotactic radiosurgery in all its forms con-
tially received with skepticism . However, since sists of the following steps: stereotactic imaging,
that time, the gamma knife (as the later model dose planning and dose delivery.
became known owing to its ease of use and pre-
cision) found its way into the neurosurgical Stereotactic Imaging
armamentarium in many centers around the
world. Indeed, some purists are of the view that This requ ires the application of a set of standard
the phrase "gamma knife surgery" should be reference points, or a "fiducial system", around
applied in order to emphasize the differences the head followed by the acquisition of radio-
from other delivery methods of radiosurgery on logical images. The images obtained provide
one hand, and the crucial role of neurosurgeons information about the precise spatial position of
in this intervention on the other. After the anatomical and pathological structures in rela-
initial experience became better known, further tion to the fiducial system. The highest precision
"gamma units " were installed in 1984 and 1985 is achieved using a stereotactic frame fixed to
in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Sheffield, the skull before imaging. It is usually carried out
England, respectively. The next unit, installed in under local anesthetic for all adults unless claus-
1987 in Pittsburgh heralded an increasingly trophobia prevents this. Children aged over 12
broad acceptance worldwide. According to data years are also treated with local rather than
held at the manufacturer, by September 2001 general anesthetic. Where the lesion is large,
more than 170,000 patients had been treated it is acceptable to use a less precise fiducial
with a gamma knife worldwide. system, based on a dental imprint and straps to
Colombo and others modified the radio - fix to the skull.
therapy linear accelerator to provide a similar With the stereotactic frame in situ, images
treatment technique. By virtue of the different are taken to demonstrate the pathological
technical properties, linear accelerator (Linac) lesion. In most patients this consists of a mag-
radiosurgery has developed in many ways very netic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. In the
differently from gamma knife surgery. In par- case of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), a
ticular , at least in part due to the lesser degree high-quality arterial angiogram is used. The


recent trend is to combine these modalities in choosing the entry of the beams in linear accel-
order to enhance the precision of outlining the erator techniques.
margins of the lesion. Three-dimensional infor-
mation is essential for precise delineation of the Dose Delivery
contours. Unfortunately, MR images, when used
alone, contain potential spatial inaccuracies.
These arise from non -linearities inherent in
The Gamma Knife
MR physics. Some can be improved by careful The gamma knife uses an array of 201 C060
quality control and choice of sequences. Certain sources, which are evenly distributed around
factors, for example metallic foreign bodies, in a hemispherical source core. Each source
the patient, which will distort the local magnetic (together with its associated collimator
field and create image artifacts, cannot be housing) produces a narrow beam of gamma
overcome. In contrast, the physics of CT is radiation, and these are all directed towards a
linear and allows greater spatial accuracy. common focal spot at the center of the hemi-
Therefore, in the case of smaller targets, a com- sphere ("isocenter"). The cross-firing of 201
bination (fusion) of MRI scan and CT scan is radiation beams results in a sharp focus in
used. Such image fusion combines the advan- which the central radiation intensity is high, and
tages of the superior soft-tissue definition of the intensity of dose falls rapidly with distance
MRI scanning and the precision of CT scanning. in any direction.
Co-registration of MRI and angiography helps The size of the focal radiation field is con-
in determining the three-dimensional distribu- trolled by the addition of secondary collimators,
tion of an AVM nidus. The added combination which are housed in a "helmet" situated at the
of functional imaging with functional MRI head of the patient couch. Four collimator sizes
(fMRI) and positron emission tomography are available, producing fields with nominal
(PET), etc., is being explored on an experimen- sizes of 4 mm, 8 mm, 14 mm and 18 mm.
tal basis. Having defined the coordinate system A simple, single-field treatment requires the
and, within this, the contours of the target, the target tissue (e.g. entry zone of the trigeminal
treatment can be planned. nerve for trigeminal neuralgia) to be accurately
positioned at the center of the helmet collima-
Dose Planning tor system where the fine radiation beams
converge. This can be achieved with O.lmm
The aim of this step is to match the radiation precision. The couch, helmet system and patient
treatment as precisely as possible to the contour are then moved into the central body of the
of the lesion. Inclusion of adjacent normal gamma knife. The treatment begins when the
tissue would lead to side-effects and complica- secondary collimators align with the sources.
tions, whereas omission of part of the lesion Typically, the treatment of an intracranial
reduces efficacy. The precision of this step is lesion will require the overlapping of a number
measured not only by the precision of hitting of foci or fields of radiation. After each field of
the target point but also by the degree of match- radiation, the patient couch withdraws from
ing to the contour. The most refined indices of the treatment position, and the position of the
radiation conformity take into account both the patient is adjusted to target an adjacent portion
amount of target, e.g. tumor, not receiving suf- of the tumor. The latest C-model gamma knife
ficient radiation dose and the proportion of offers an automatic positioning system for the
normal tissue outside the target that would be head, both reducing human error and increas-
needlessly irradiated [1]. These indices show a ing precision. The ease with which this latest
superiority of gamma knife planning to the model affords treatment to many target points
alternative with a Linac [2]. in succession encourages the planner to use a
In addition to matching the shape, particular larger number of isocenters. This allows more
care is taken to avoid passing the radiation complex plans using more isocenters to be for-
beams through eloquent structures adjacent to mulated, the increased number of isocenters
the lesion or even at a distance (e.g. the lens in allowing greater conformity in matching the
the eye). This is achieved by plugging some of treatment volume to the tumor whilst sparing
the radiation sources in the gamma knife and the surrounding tissues.


linear Accelerators of the tumor according to predetermined limits.

Treatment planning for IMRT is complex. All
Linear accelerators, used for years in radio- components of the treatment and planning thus
therapy, have been mod ified by the addition require computer control. This promising tech-
of a secondary collimator system to perform nique is in its early stages of development and
radiosurgery. Single-focus mult iple non- is still under clinical evaluation.
coplanar arc and conformal block techniques
are the most widely used. These phrases need
explanation to the neurosurgery reader. The
former technique means that the radiation Suitable Targets
source is moved along a large arc, while point-
ing to the same center (the so-called "isocen- The physical properties oflesions best suited for
ter"), then a similar arc is drawn tilted a few SRS are:
degrees away from the first one. A series of arcs small size
are being used to maximize the dose to the
sharply defined margins, and
center (the target) and minimize the exposure
of the surrounding tissues . The second tech- favorable shape.
nique involves manufacturing an irregularly On size, it is customary to quote 3-3.5 cm
shaped portal for the radi ation , attempting to maximum diameter as the upper limit. In spite
match the shape of the targeted lesion as if of the high precision of targeting ("hitting"
viewed from the direction of that beam. Similar the target point: 0.1 mm for gamma knife and
blocks are made for each entry beam (usually 1-2 mm for Linac) and conformal planning,
five or six). A series of static, shaped beams are the outer margin of the radiation field is not
then used to irradiate the lesion from a number absolutel y sharp. The radiation dose drops very
of angles. In order to improve conformality, in rapidly at the margins but there is a definable
some centers multiple overlapping foci are used penumbra, which receives potentially harmful
(in a similar fashion to that described for the radiation. The steepness of the margin becomes
gamma knife). However, the calculations and less with larger lesions. Also, the surface of the
set-up of numerous fields are much more diffi- lesion increases in proportion to the square of
cult with the moving source of a linear acceler- the radius, and thus the volume of adjacent
ator than when using a gamma knife, and this normal bra in receiving potentially harmful
deters most centers from using this technique. radiation would become unacceptable for a
More flexibility is incorporated into the large target. In these cases single-dose radiation
system if the linear accelerator is adapted with has to be given in lower doses and thus efficacy
a micro-multileaf collimator. The device con- suffers. This is true whichever equipment one
sists of a series of individually motorized tung- uses.
sten leaves that can be positioned automatically The margins of the lesion have to be well
to create any desired beam shape. This is effec- defined. An infiltrative glioma or a diffuse AVM
tively the same principle as the conformal block does not lend itself to precise dose planning. If
technique but avoids the need to make up spe- these lesions are nevertheless treated, the treat-
cific blocks for each use. The relatively short ment must be considered to be palliative,
collimation length and radiation transmission whereby the aim is to achieve an effect only in
between the collimator leaves are factors that the limited volume covered by the treatment
may degrade the sharpness of the final radiation plan.
dose gradient and could result in higher doses A very flat shape may also pose a dose-plan-
to normal adjacent bra in tissues. The high cost ning problem. Examples of these lesions would
and complexity of these additions result ed in a include "en-plaque" extensions of meningiomas
slow initial acceptance of this method. In the or dural AVMs.
intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) tech- There are many lesions that are adjacent to
nique, the dose is delivered in different intensi- highly eloquent structures, e.g. the optic chiasm.
ties across the lesion. The collimator leaves Good dose planning can minimize the risk to
dynamically open and close under computer those structures. The precise details of the tech-
control to selectively expose or shield portions niques achieving this are beyond the scope of


this review, particularly as they are equipment than the single fixed frame used in SRS. The
dependent. However, there is no particular impact of these concerns in clinical practice,
advantage in this respect of anyone delivery and the relative role of SRS and SRT, are yet to
method. Even the most advanced dose planning be ascertained.
would fail to achieve protection of the structure
at risk in the situation where the eloquent tissue
is in the middle of the tumor and thus in the Pathologies
center of the radiation field, for example an
optic nerve meningioma wrapped around the The gradual broadening of indications for
still-functioning optic nerve or an AVM doing radiosurgery was not driven by scientific con-
the same in Wyburn-Mason's syndrome. These siderations. Neurosurgeons, usually in charge of
lesions remain a challenge for management. the gamma knife in their respective institutions,
were all t00 aware of the complications encoun-
tered in open surgical management of their
patients, and so the more "h igh surgica l risk"
Single Fraction and conditions were referre d for the alternative.
Fractionation This was the main explanation for the emer-
gence and rise of AVM radiosurgery. The initial
Fractionation is a well-established principle of few, tentative, referrals were followed by
radiotherapy, and describe s fractionating increasing numbers when the general advan -
or dividing the dose of radiation into many tages of radiosurgery and the good results
smaller increments. This reduces the effect of became apparent. The second driving force was
the radiation on the surrounding normal the evolution that took place in the hearts and
tissues . It is most effective when there is a high minds of patients who obtain information from
a/13 ratio, i.e. when there is a marked difference the Internet and other sources. This is most
between the radiosensitivity of the pathological apparent in patients with benign conditions,
target tissue and that of the surrounding struc- e.g. vestibular schwannomas. These patients
tures. In conventional radiotherapy this is have the time to research their condition and to
important, becau se the lack of localization enquire about side-effects and complications
means that the radiation field includes a large and compare those with different interventions.
volume of normal tissue. Philosophically, They encounter their brethren through patient
gamma knife radiosurgery uses exactly the organizations. Such personal observations may
opposite approach: it relies on imaging, matc h- be biased but often prove decisive. Patients
ing the radiation fields to conform precisely to tend to make up their minds based on percep-
the target tissue, and spares neighboring struc- tion and emotional reasons and not leave to
tures in this way, the actua l radiation dose being their surgeon or to chance the decision as to
given as a single unfractionated treatment. whether to have major brain surgery or undergo
Intuitively, the stereotactic approach may be a day-case procedure. Patient pressure is a very
advantageous when the a /13 ratio is not that powerful force.
high, typically the case with benign tumors, and Scientific evidence in the form of prospective
hence the role of SRS in treating acoustic neu - randomized controlled trials is lacking for both
romas, meningiomas and AVMs. Conversely, surgery and radiosurgery for most pathologies.
fractionation (either with or without stereotaxy) Given the problems in recruiting sufficient
may be more useful treating fiat "en-plaque" numbers for the trials, and problems with
tumors, large lesions, and pathology adjacent to patients dropping out and crossing over, such
radiosensitive structures such as the optic data are unlikel y to become available. On the
chiasm, where, even with image guidance, there other hand, case series provide useful data. The
is concern about the radiation delivered to the strength of radiosurgery publications is the easy
surrounding area . reproducibility of the results in similar units;
Fractionation carries with it the disadvantage quite the opposite would apply to microsurgical
of necessitating multiple treatments. When it results published only from centers of excel-
is used with stereotaxy, relocatable frames are lence, with average and poorer results never
necessary. These are inherently less accurate becoming available.


deficits or worsening of pre-operative deficits

Arteriovenous was 27.4% - a figure many times that of gamma-
Malformations knife-treated patients.
Unfortunately, not all AVMs are ideal or
The primary aim in the management of AVMs indeed suitable for elective surgery. The result -
is to remove the risk of hemorrhage. This risk ing problems are incomplete resection and
is 2-4% per annum, with approximately 25-30% surgical complications. Those with higher
mortality rate per bleed. In view of this risk, Spetzler-Martin grade have a higher neuro-
immediate removal of the lesion is the ideal surgical risk and surgery has to be more cau-
treatment for those AVMs that can be operated tious. This leads to not infrequent post-surgical
upon with minimal morbidity, and indeed this remnants, particularly with AVMs located in
is the practice in the UK and elsewhere for these the thalamus, basal ganglia and brainstem [4].
lesions. The AVM is characterized by the size, Despite the negative reporting bias, the evi-
position and venous drainage of the nidus. This dence is clear that surgery for these deeply
allows a classification (Spetzler-Martin grade), placed AVMs carries a high surgical risk [5].
which correlates with surgical mortality and Endovascular techniques are increasingly
morbidity. An AVM in a non-eloquent brain used for cerebral AVMs. Analysis of the tech-
area, less than 3 cm in diameter in size and with nique and role of interventional radiology is
superficial venous drainage (Spetzler-Martin beyond the scope of this chapter. Suffice it to say
grade l) would be an "operable" lesion. that a close cooperation with one's neuroradi-
In emergency situations where a large ologist is an essential factor in the successful
hematoma requires urgent removal, the AVM is management of AVMs.
often removed during the same procedure. On Since the early reports by Steiner et al. [6],
the other hand, in these situations it may not be describing successful obliteration of AVMs by
possible to obtain satisfactory angiographic radiosurgery, many hundreds of abstracts of
images to plan surgery, and thus many end up proceedings, papers and book chapters have
with remnants demonstrated on post-operative appeared to prove the same [7,8,9]. Concerning
imaging - requiring further treatment. the mechanism, the main effect of radiation is
In operable, cold cases the risk of neuro- upon the endothelial cells within the nidus, with
logical complications in the hands of neurosur- an additional effect of myofibroblast develop-
geons specializing in this field may be low, and ment in the connective tissue stroma [10].
the risks of intracranial surgery (infection, It is broadly accepted that about 80-90% of
seizures, pneumonia, deep venous thrombosis) AVMs undergo thrombo-obliteration after
and the unavoidable inconvenience (protracted single-dose radiation (Fig. 8.1). The efficacy
hospital stay, discomfort of a craniotomy, a depends on the radiation dose given to the
temporary ban on driving, etc.) may appear periphery of the lesion. In small (x lcm")
worth taking. Thus, surgery is accepted by many lesions, this dose is usually 25 Gy, which can
patients. However, one has to observe in an achieve close to 100% obliteration rate [11]. In
increasing proportion of patients the trend to cases of larger AVMs, the dose is kept lower in
seek less invasive alternatives. order to keep complications to around 5%.
The use of radiosurgery for "operable" AVMs Series with a significant component of large
remains controversial; indeed, this group of malformations and utilizing lower doses have
patients is the only one in which a "surgery vs lower response rate, but even in those the
radiosurgery" debate is still ongoing. Schramm success rate is around 65-75% [12]. It has to be
& Schramm [3] performed a meta-analysis of emphasized that these series largely consist of
published radiosurgery results for low surgical patients referred for radiosurgery because the
risk AVMs. His own excellent personal opera- surgeon in charge of the patient considered
tive results appeared to be better than those open surgery to be of too high risk, usually
for radiosurgery, if the analysis of the latter owing to the eloquent position of the nidus
included the statistical risk of hemorrhage ("inoperable").
during the latent period, Le.before radiosurgery The response shows a latency of 1-3 years,
would have had its effect. However, the rate with only minor changes occurring in the third
of immediate new post-operative neurological year. The risk of hemorrh age appears to decline


" v r. -0. rs ' . VtK I.L.1. / ,

IHE!-93 / le : 51 IH EH3 le :SI

R.VER .H. OS?I HL i. YEn. H • b

Fig. 8.1.a-d. Obliteration ofcerebral AVM 2years after gamma knife radiosurgery: 25 Gy peripheral dose used. a PA view. bLateral
view. cPA view after radiosurgery. d Lateral view after radiosurgery.

slowly after radiation but it is not eliminated achieving overall obliteration rates of 75%, or
fully until obliteration is complete. No doubt, considerably better in more favorable cases.
the slow response during the latent period con- It is not possible to give a strict system of cri-
tributes to the safety of the method, avoiding teria for suitability, as the decision as to which
pressure-breakthrough hemorrhage by altering technique to use, or which one to use first, is
the hemodynamics slowly. A speedier reaction multifactorial. The site, shape and size of the
could be achieved by higher radiation doses, nidus, the angio-architecture, the patient's age,
but the incidence of permanent untoward general health, etc., are all factors in this deci-
neurological sequelae may then rise above 5%. sion. Each case should be considered in a mul-
The current dose regimens achieve this while tidisciplinary fashion by a team that has all


facilities (surgery, embolization and radio - patient-years at risk of hemorrhage document

surgery) available. Those centers where one or quite convincingly that radiosurgery does not
the other is unavailable should obtain an increase the annual bleeding rate for AVM
outside opinion before any treatment is carried patients prior to obliteration. In fact, the data
out, even if this involves transmitting or posting suggest that even patients with incomplete
images in order to utilize distant expertise . obliteration may have some protection against
The likelihood of complete AVM obliteration the risk of future bleeding. Nevertheless, the
must be balanced against the need to avoid an continued risk of hemorrhage during the delay
unacceptable rate of radiation-related compli- in obliteration is a drawback of radiosurgery.
cations after radiosurgery. Flickinger et al. [13] Some papers [20] highlighted the late radio-
found that 30% of AVM patients had MRI logical changes seen on MRI, noted many years
changes adjacent to or within the irradiated after the malformations had been shown by
volume at a median of 8 months after radio- angiography to be obliterated. In most cases this
surgery. However, though some mistakenly is merely an imaging finding, but in a selected
describe this as "radionecrosis", these radiolog- small proportion of cases clinical symptoms
ical changes resolve within 2-3 years in the may arise. Surgery for these cysts (including one
majority of patients. The explanation is proba- case operated upon in our department) found
bly that the signal change is due to altered per- no neoplastic change. The long-term signifi-
ilesional blood flow as the nidus gradually cance of these fluid-filled cavities is uncertain
obliterates rather than to tissue damage [14]. It but it is likely that most will be innocuous and
is more important to consider the neurological similar to the porencephalic cyst seen after
symptoms and signs rather than the radiologi- surgical removal of any large mass lesion.
cal appearance. In a multicenter study of AVM
patients, 8% of patients developed neurological
sequelae (cranial nerve deficits, seizures, cyst
formation) after radiosurgery [15]. Symptoms
Other Vascular
resolved completely in 54% of these at 3 years Malformations
post onset. Good prognostic factors were no
prior history of hemorrhage and symptoms of Angiographically occult vascular malforma-
minimal severity. According to the prospec- tions (AOVMs) are often referred for radio -
tively maintained database of over 3,000 cases surgery. Treatment of cavernous venous
treated in Sheffield, the permanent clinical com- malformations is, to some extent, controversial.
plication rate is 3.8% (data on file). These low- Planning the treatment may be difficult because
complication figures were obtained with gamma the true margins of the vascular anomaly are not
knife treatment. Linear-accelerator (LINAC) obvious, even on MRI. The ring of hemosiderin
technology results in somewhat worse statistics may lead to an overestimate of the volume and
[16]. thus increase the risk of complications. Indeed,
Earlier reports on AVM radiosurgery sug- the treatments planned on CT in the early years
gested that the annual hemorrhage rate after were associated with side-effects. The natural
radiosurgery prior to obliteration was greater history of these lesions is still not clear and
than that occurring in the natural history of many, particularly the incidentally detected
untreated AVMs. More recent reports, analyz- ones, are only observed. Those that are in a
ing radio surgical hemorrhage rates, found that surgically easily accessible position are usually
radiosurgery did not change the annual bleed- removed by microsurgery, particularly if they
ing rates during the latency interval [17, 18]. had bled or caused epilepsy. Those in an elo-
Karlsson et al. [19] reported 1,604 patients with quent site (brainstem, basal ganglia, etc.) may
a total of 2,340 patient-years at risk of a hemor- be good radio surgical targets. There is increas-
rhage. They detected a decrease in hemorrhage ing statistical evidence that the risk of hemor-
rates within 6 months after radiosurgery and rhage is reduced by radiosurgery. The difficulty
patients who received higher radiation doses in interpretation of the results lies in the fact
were conferred the greatest protection from that obliteration cannot be demonstrated
bleeding. When considered together, these three radiologically. Epilepsy may also improve after
reports with 2,000 patients and more than 3,000 treatment.


Radiosurgery is ineffective at best and may be Involution of the tumor occurs slowly, through
harmful if pursued. several years (Fig. 8.2). Considering the rates of
Pure vein of Galen malformations are best residual and recurrent tumors seen even in the
treated by endovascular methods. However, best published surgical series, not to mention
these should be distinguished from true AVMs the case material submitted for radiosurgery,
with demonstrable nidus ; the latter are treatable tumor control with radiosurgery is at least as
with radiosurgery. good.
Complications of radiosurgery can be imme-
diate and late. In the first 24 hours, nausea and
Vestibular Schwannomas headache were seen, particularly in the early
days of radiosurgery when larger radiation
(Acoustic Neurinoma) doses and less precise dose planning were used.
The combination of conformal planning, deliv-
The indications for the radiosurgical option ering no more than 12-15 Gy peripheral dose,
evolved over the years. First we considered only and perioperative steroid cover eliminated these
the elderly and medically infirm who would not side-effects. Late cranial neuropathies are
tolerate a long surgical procedure. The next dependent on peripheral dose and the size of the
group of patients - those with tumors in their tumor. The latter is an important factor, as with
only hearing ear or with bilateral tumors - were larger tumor size a longer section of the nerves
referred later as a result of the recognition of a receives toxic dose. On the other hand, intra-
perceived superior hearing preservation with canalicular tumors may also pose a challenge.
radiosurgery. Similarly, facial nerve preserva- They are more difficult to delineate precisely,
tion may be difficult with surgery for recurrent and the relative imprecision of MRI imaging
tumors, so these were considered for radio - may lead to complications. In these cases fusion
surgery. Finally, it became a primary choice for with Cf scan is particularly helpful.
those who refused microsurgery in order to Hearing preservation is reported in 30-75%,
avoid the inconvenience and interruption of and as the fading of hearing is gradual, the result
their daily life by open surger y. The latter group is dependent on length of follow-up. In our own
is undoubtedly influenced by the plethora of material (in Sheffield) concerning unilateral
information available on the Internet both from vestibular schwannomas (VS), using the
other patients and from institutions. Gammaplan planning software, no higher than
Those patients with brainstem compression 15 Gy peripheral dose and at least 5 years'
symptoms usually benefit from at least partial follow-up, hearing preservation was achieved in
removal of the mass. Therefore, they should 75% of patients (submitted for publication).
undergo open surgery rather than hoping for a Over-enthusiastic reduction in the delivered
slow decompression by eventual shrinkage of dose may be counterproductive: losing tumor
the tumor. The arbitrary upper limit of 3.5 cm control would lead to morbidity through
maximum diameter is born out of the observa- increased tension on the cranial nerves. One
tion that a larger tumor cannot be irradiated must not forget that, after all, most VS are
with a therapeutically effective single dose originally diagnosed as a result of progressive
without unacceptable cranial nerve neu- hearing loss.
ropathies. There are, of course, anecdotal suc- In considering tumor control and the man -
cesses even amongst these large tumors. agement of patients after radiosurgery, it is
The aim of radiosurgery is different from that important to understand the changes that occur
of open surgery. It does not aim to remove the with time after the treatment. Early on, around
lesion, merely to control its growth. This control 1 year, the tumor is frequently larger. It is
may be defined as "no growth compared with important not to rush into surgery as subse-
the pre-treatment size", or the looser definition quently the tumor may well involute and shrink.
advocated by some, where the criterion is "the At that time the cranial nerves may be at their
absence of need for further intervention"; most fragile, rendering the operation higher
the latter is open to biased interpretation. The risk. Failure of tumor control should not be
control rate is reported to be about 97-98%, declared until 4-5 years after radiosurgery
with an actual reduction in size in 23-55% [21]. owing to the slow effect of the treatment.


Fig. 8.2. a-e. Involution ofvestibular schwannoma (VS) after

gamma knife treatment with 13 Gy peripheral dose. a MRI scan
of right VS at presentation. b Enlarged tumor at the time of
c radiosurgery. cTypical appearance Syears after treatment.

There has been concern expressed about the diated schwannomas [22). So far the statistics
late consequences of radiosurgery. Excision suggest that such a change is only a remote pos -
after radiosurgery may be more difficult due to sibility, but long-term follow-up of these
scarring, even in later years, though the evi- patients continues.
dence for this is very weak and anecdotal. There In summary, radiosurgery is an attractive
is a possibility of malignant change in the irra- alternative for patients with small and medium-


sized VS, particularly if hearing and/or facial the following question arises : "How many of
nerve preservation on the affected side is para- these cases are appropriate for radiosurgery?"
mount. It is increasingly considered (at least by Appropriate is defined as "the patient stands a
the patients) to be the primary proc edure of reasonable chance of obtaining a benefit in
choice for those with small tumors. It is often terms of control of brain disease and reten-
chosen to treat recurrent tumors. There are tion/improvement in quality of life with treat-
indications that recurrence after microsurgery ment ". In order to identify a group of patients
may be the result of less radical remo val in an who might benefit from more aggressive treat-
attempt to achieve hearing preservation. In our ment, such as radiosurgery, one can use the
material of over 500 acoustic neuromas referred experience of the RTOG (Radiation Therapy
for radiosurgery, 36% had one or more previ- Oncology Group) protocol 79-16, a radiation
ous operations on their tumor. This is a partic- therapy protocol on brain metastases. The four
ularly important group as, owing to the almost factors predictive of improved survival were:
uniformly present post-operative hearing loss,
Karnofsky performance status ~70%
they may not have new symptoms until the
tumor is large and causes ataxia. One of the Absent or controlled primary disease
common criticisms of radiosurgery relate s to Age <60 years
the need for follow-up imaging - tru e, but the Evidence of metastasis to brain only
high proportion of post-surgical cases in our
In our unit we use these criteria to include
material suggests that vigilance is necessary
patients in the radiosurgery program, but also
even after excision; the notion that micro-
consider the number of metastases visible on
surgery is a "definiti ve treatment", without the
MRI. We are reluctant to treat in cases where
risk of recurrence, is a myth. Long-term super-
there are more than three lesions as the benefits
vision is warranted after all treatments of these
of focal treatment are lost when there is an
tumors, whether surgery or radiosurgery is
obvious generalized disease. Technically speak -
ing, most metastases are close to ideal for radio-
surgery. They are easily visible on imaging, they
are rarely beyond the suitable size-range, and
Malignancy they are usually spherical with sharp outlines,
therefore the matching of the shape of the lesion
In principle, infiltrative tumors should not be
is easy. There is published evidence from a mul-
considered to be suitable for a focal treatment.
ticenter study [23] showing that there was a
This statement is particularly true for high-
2.84 times higher risk of local recurrence after
grade gliomas that infiltrate far from the main
LINAC treatment than after gamma knife treat-
mass. We rarely use this technique in such cases.
ment. The reason for this finding is contro-
However, in the case of metastases, local infil-
versial but it may question in the future the
tration into the normal tissue is fairly limited
acceptability of LINAC use, as opposed to
and thus both surgery and radiosurgery confer
gamma knife use, for this indication.
a benefit by local cytoreduction. Furthermore,
It is particularly important in this patient
radiosurgery treatment has a penumbral effect,
group to state that the aim of radiosurgery is
as opposed to the trul y sharp boundary with
only to achieve local tumor control. This may be
surgical excision, and this may even result in
achievable in up to 90% of cases. Prospective
superior local control compared with surgery
randomized trials are needed to properly define
alone. A multicenter randomized trial is in
the role of radiosurgery for cerebral metastases.
progress in Europe , which compares gamma
knife radio surgery alone to surgery with whole-
brain radiotherapy.
This pathology is especially important for Functional Indications
healthcare planners. During the course of their
disease, 20-40% of cancer patients will develop As mentioned in the introduction, radiosurgery
brain meta stases, and this predicts almost half was originally devised to be used for lesion
a million patients with brain metastases per year making in functional indications. A wide range
in the USA alone. Given the number of cases, of interventions were carried out , including


anterior capsulotomy for obsessive-compulsive mesial temporal sclerosis who had been treated
disorder, thalamotomies for pain and move- using focused radiation with the gamma knife.
ment disorders, and irradiation of the trigemi- His results were very convincing , achieving
nal ganglion for neuralgia . Subsequently, the seizure control in a high proportion of cases.
technique became increasingly used for vascu- Other centers, including the authors of this
lar and neoplastic lesions, as discussed above. review, followed suit, treating small series of
However, over the last few years the fastest patients. Our experience showed that seizure
growing indication for radiosurgery, particu- control at 3 years following irradiation is very
larly in the USA, has been trigeminal neuralgia . similar to that achieved with temporal lobe
This revival was made possible by the develop- resections, and thus this method could be advo-
ment of imaging enabling the identification of, cated for those who are unable or unwilling to
and thus targeting the entry zone of, the trigem- undergo resective surgery. However, our obser-
inal nerve, or indeed the nerve itself. The reader vation was that there was a long, 12-36-month
will be familiar with the wide range of treat- time lag to achieve the seizure-free state.
ments and procedures in use for this condition. Furthermore, some patients found it difficult
The reason to add another was the perceived to cope with the slow alteration of their seizure
surgical risk of microvas cular decompression pattern and the appearance of frequent auras for
on one hand, and the recurrence rate with the some months. In our small series we have not
alternative operations on the other. In practical observed permanent neurological deficit, but
terms the procedure is particularly stra ight- about 50% of patients required several weeks
forward as there is very little shape matching of dexamethasone treatment owing to focal
necessary when planning this treatment. Most cerebral swelling after about a year. The method
gamma knife centers use a single 4 mm colli- certainly deserves to be exposed to wider scale
mator field, prescribing 70 or 80 Gy to the trials, but its role is not yet established.
isocenter. It was observed that irradiation of a Sporadic reports are available concerning the
longer section of the nerve using two adjacent revival of radiosurgery for traditional functional
fields may increase the risk of post-operative indications. Thalamotomies, anterior corpus
facial sensory impairment. In terms of efficacy, callosotomies and even cingulotomies have all
gamma knife surgery does live up to the expec- been described using radiosurgery. Admittedly,
tations: in primary cases 85-90% pain-free state it would be attractive to make the lesions cur-
is achieved. The only drawback is the 3-12 rently made using radio frequency techniques
weeks lag period before the cessation of pain. without the need for a burr hole and physical
Salvage procedures after previous destructive penetration of the brain. The limitation of
operations are less effective but may result in radiosurgery for these indications is the lack
good and excellent outcome (pain free with or of feedback obtained by stimulation and record-
without continued medication) in 65-70%. The ing. Although the need to adjust the target coor-
permanency of the results appears to mirror dinates during open procedures is infrequent,
microvascular decompressions rather than the the I reassurance before making the lesion is
percutaneous rhizotomies. Whether in the long required by most neurosurgeons. An additional
run the recurrence rate remains as low as it problem is the relative variability of the size
appears at present is not yet clear. The risk of of the brain lesion made even with a standard
facial dysesthesia or numbness is low, and the radiation dose. These indications should be
other risks of surgery (e.g. cerebrospinal fluid considered as experimental.
rhinorrhea, Imeningitis, hearing loss, etc.) are
avoided. The attraction of a day-case procedure
under local' anesthetic for an elderly or infirm Future Trends
patient is obvious.
After treating AVMs associated with focal- The history of radiosurgery shows that, over the
onset epilepsy, many observed an improve - years, the greatest development has occurred in
ment or cessation of epileptic activity. This imaging. It is likely that this trend will continue
prompted treatment of small indolent lesions at least for the foreseeable future. MRI tech-
and good seizure-control results were observed. niques are likely to improve within years to
Since 1995,Regis presented several patients with allow the AVM nidus to be identified without


arterial angiography. New protocols are already

being developed (e.g. one in our unit, term ed
"MR-DSA") to be used for post-radiosur gery
assessmen t of the nidus, altho ugh at present D What are the main indic ations for stereotac-
an apparent cure would still have to be con- tic rad iosurg ery?
firmed by high-qu ality digital subtraction D What are the two principal technologies used
angiography. in delivery of the rad iation?
The cur rently used planning software for D What are the main factors taken into account
the gamm a knife technique and for some of the in the decisions regarding suitability?
Linac techn iques allows protection of adjacent
eloquent structur es. Automated planning will
make these procedures even safer and easier in References
the futur e. It will be helpful to include func-
tional information in the planning of treatment 1. Padd ick I. A simple scoring ratio to index the confor -
mity of radio surgical treatment plans. I Neurosurg
near important cortical structure s, and a com-
2000;93(suppI3):2 19- 22.
bin ation of structural MRI with funct ional MRI 2. Borden lA, Mahajan A, Tsi IS. A quality factor to com-
will no doub t be increasingly util ized. The role pare the dosimetry of gamma knife radiosurgery and
of PET is likely to grow, both in pre-operative intensity-modulated radiation thera py quant itatively as
work-up and post-radiosur gery assessment of a function of target volume and shape. I Neurosurg
tumo rs, in the same manner as it is cur rently 3. Schaller C, Schramm I. Microsurgical results for small
used to differentiate between radionecrosis and arterio venous malforma tions accessible for radio surgi-
recurrence after radioth erapy. calor embolization treat ment . Neuro surgery 1997;40:
Delivery of focused radiation is also likely 664-72.
4. Lawton MT, Hamilton MG, Spetzler RE. Multimodality
to change. The pre cision and reliability of the
treat ment of deep arteriovenous malformations: thala-
gamm a kn ife is far superior to LINAC-based mus, basal ganglia, and brain stem. Neuro surgery
systems, but it is hoped that the latt er tech- 1995;37:29- 36.
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Low-grade Gliomas in Adults
Henry Marsh

relatively slow rate of growth and certain radi -

Summary ological appearances when compared with the
commoner malignant or "high-grade" gliomas.
The treatment of low-grade gliomas remains The use of the term is often confusing since it is
one of the most uncertain and controversial not a precise pathological definition. It is some-
areas of modern neurosurgery. It is an times used to refer only to low-grade astrocy-
increasingly important area because the tomas, but oligodendrogliomas, ependymomas,
widespread availability of MRI scanning has gangliogliomas and pleomorphic xanthoastro-
meant that more and more cases are being cytomas will sometimes be included as well. To
diagnosed. A small number of patients can add to the confusion, the pathology of these
be cured by complete surgical resection, various tumors often overlaps , and "mixed
and modern neurosurgical techniques, com- oligoastrocytomas" or "ependymal differentia-
bined with awake craniotomy and intra- tion in an oligodendroglioma", for instance, are
operative histology, have probably increased quite often reported by pathologists on micro -
this number. Nevertheless, the majority of scopic examination of biopsy specimens.
patients cannot be cured and the decision as Furthermore, there is no precise border between
to how best to treat them can be very diffi- "low grade" and "high grade", and many tumors
cult, especially since low-grade gliomas are will be found, on histological examination, to
very variable in their size, location, histology contain cells of differing degrees of malignancy.
and biological behavior. Treatment decisions
Although "low-grade" tumors typically grow
need to be made jointly by neurosurgeons
quite slowly, it is euphemistic to describe them
and neuro-oncologists. Careful follow-up
as "benign" since the great majority of adults
and explanation to the patient are often just
with these "low-grade" tumors will die from the
as important as any treatment undertaken.
disease within 10 years of the initial diagnosis,
irrespective of any treatment that they might
have received [1]. Death most frequently occurs
Introduction as a result of the tumor eventually transforming
into a more malignant form (in up to 80% of
The term "low-grade gliomas" is used by tumors, according to Russell and Rubinstein
neurologists and neurosurgeons to describe a [2]) or occasionally as a result of slow but steady
group of intrinsic cerebral tumors arising pri- expansion of the tumor without obvious malig-
marily from astrocytes, oIigodendrocytes or nant change . Patients with these tumors, there-
ependymal cells that are characterized by their fore, are best seen as suffering from a chronic,



usually incurable, illness where treatment is uncertainties surrounding the best way to treat
only palliative in the great majority of cases. patients, it cannot be emphasized strongly
Low-grade gliomas of all varieties account for enough that patients with these tumors should
about 15-20% of primary cerebral neoplasms in be treated jointly by neurosurgeons and neuro-
adults and most commonly present in young oncologists working in close cooperation,
adults with epilepsy and without any neuro- although care must be taken to prevent the
logical deficit. In the modern era of widely avail- "specialist team" turning into an impersonal
able and increasingly sensitive C'I' and MRI committee.
scanning, they are diagnosed more frequently,
at an earlier stage, when the tumor is smaller,
than in the past. Nevertheless, it is remarkable
how large some of these tumors can become
Pathological Classification
before they produce any symptoms. Only a
small number of patients will have symptoms of Varieties
raised intracranial pressure or a focal neuro-
The pathological classification of intrinsic cere-
logical deficit at the time of presentation. Their
bral tumors is various and, at times, confusing.
comparative rarity and long natural history
A clear account is to be found in the standard
have made it difficult to establish how best to
work by Russell and Rubinstein [2]. We are con-
treat them and there have been no controlled tri-
als comparing different methods of treatment. cerned here primarily with the slow-growing
gliomas of the cerebral hemispheres that are
The published literature is largely anecdotal and
found in adults, so the list below will not, there-
retrospective (see, for instance, the review by
fore, include the various astrocytomas found in
Marantz [3)). If low-grade gliomas as a whole
children, such as optic pathway astrocytomas,
are considered, evidence-based conclusions
brainstem gliomas and pilocytic cerebellar
cannot be drawn as to whether treatment has
astrocytomas, some of which are truly benign in
any significant impact on life expectancy or not.
the sense of being curable by surgical resection.
It must never be forgotten that the diagnosis
These essentially pediatric tumors can,
of a brain tumor is quite devastating for the
however, occasionally be found in young adults.
patient and the patient's family. They will hope
for confident and certain advice from the neuro- Low-grade gliomas may be classified into the
following categories:
surgeon to whom they are referred. The neuro-
surgeon's difficulty in knowing what to advise, Astrocytoma (grades I and II)
given the lack of evidence from any controlled Oligodendroglioma
trials, is made even more difficult by the fact Mixed oligoastrocytoma
that treatment is never entirely safe and is often
very unpleasant. Most of the patients will be Miscellaneous, including ganglioglioma, pleo-
entirely well at the time of presentation, often morphic xanthoastrocytoma and neurocytoma
having only suffered a single epileptic fit. Not
surprisingly, therefore, opinions vary as to how Presentation
best to treat these tumors, ranging from the
so-called "conservative treatment" of doing In modern practice, the great majority of low-
nothing at all (other than treating the epilepsy grade gliomas present with epilepsy. A small
with anticonvulsants), to minimal biopsy, to number of patients (l % in the author's own
radical resection, with or without chemotherapy series of 160 patients with low-grade gliomas)
or radiotherapy. Despite the lack of firm evi- will present with raised intracranial pressure or
dence, it is possible, however, to establish a focal neurological deficit. Most patients are rel-
certain principles that should guide manage- atively young: low-grade gliomas are found only
ment and to identify a few subtypes oflow-grade occasionally in patients over the age of 40 years.
glioma in adults where it is reasonably certain
what should be done. Diagnostic Imaging
The main forms of treatment for these tumors
are surgery and radiotherapy, and to a much MRI scanning is the most sensitive means of
lesser extent chemotherapy. Because of the detecting these tumors and showing the degree


ofinfiltration into the surrounding brain. Good-

quality CT (computed tomography) is less effec-
tive at delineating the extent of the tumor, and
will completely miss some of the smaller tumors
that are seen with MRI.
Low-grade gliomas in adults typically do not
enhance. If a degree of enhancement is present,
however, it is generally considered to mean that
anaplastic change is present, that the grade of
the tumor will be higher, and that the progno-
sis will be correspondingly worse than if there
was no enhancement. There are some excep-
tions to this, such as pleomorphic xanthoastro-
cytomas and pediatric astrocytomas, which
occasionally present in young adults and where
enhancement is not necessarily an ominous
finding. It is important to recognize that CT and
MRI scanning are not always a reliable way of
determining the histological grade of a tumor
[4]. Interpretation of brain scans of patients
who have undergone previous treatment can
be particularly difficult, with post -operative Fig. 9.1. Case HO. Inoperable low-grade astrocytoma (histologi-
changes causing enhancement that can mimic cally verified).
recurrent tumor, and radiotherapy producing
white matter changes that are very similar to
infiltrating tumor or cerebral edema caused by
recurrent tumor.
The typical MRI findings for low-grade astro-
cytomas are of low-signal intensity on T1 spin-
echo sequences, and of high-signal intensity on
T2 and proton-density sequences, with varying
degrees of white matter infiltration and edema
around the central part of the tumor. On CT, the
tumors appear as areas of low density, some-
times with patchy calcification, which is seen
most commonly in oligodendrogliomas.

Pathological Anatomy
The degree of infiltration of the surrounding
brain by low-grade gliomas is very variable .
Some tumors can appear to occupy much of a
cerebral hemisphere, with the patient suffering
surprisingly little, if any, neurological impair-
ment (Fig. 9.1). In these cases the differential Fig. 9.2. Case MS. Asmall left temporal tumor that is histologi-
diagnosis from gliomatosis cerebri can be some- cally identicaltoCase HO.
what arbitrary. Other tumors (Fig. 9.2) can be
relatively small and appear well circumscribed,
although histologically all of these tumors are one will find quite clear superficial edges to the
infiltrative to a greater or lesser extent. Most of tumor that are formed by the cerebral sulci. The
these tumors do not infiltrate or cross the pia infiltration occurs in the deep white matter
arachnoid so that on the scan, and at surgery, beneath the cortex and it is the lack of a clear


tumor-brain interface here that makes radical the tip of one of the frontal, temporal or occip-
surgical resection difficult and often impossible. itallobes, or deep within the basal ganglia. It can
Radical resection can be made even more diffi- be appreciated at once that there can be no
cult by the fact that, as Skirboll et al.[S] have single treatment policy for a tumor type that
shown, tumor cells can infiltrate functioning can be so variable. This variety of forms also
brain, and histological studies have shown that explains why the neurosurgical literature is so
the MRI scanning can underestimate the depth unsatisfactory on the subject of low-grade
of tumor infiltration into the brain [6]. gliomas, since few, if any, of the published
At surgery, with superficially placed tumors, papers stratify their results in accordance with
one typically finds an area of the brain where the varied macroscopic anatomy.
the cerebral gyri are widened. Sometimes the The question that arises with this "typical"
surface of the abnormal area of the brain is paler patient is whether any treatment should be
and less vascular than that of the surrounding offered at all, given the lack of evidence that
brain; sometimes it is more vascular. On treatment makes any significant difference to
opening the cortex, one usually finds that the overall survival or median time to progression
white matter is firmer than normal, and some- if patients with low-grade gliomas are taken as
times slightly darker. The author will still often a whole. The central problem in the manage-
find it very difficult, after opening the dura, to ment oflow-grade gliomas is whether radical or
know whether he has found the tumor or not. debulking surgery in patients without raised
Usually it is fairly easy to be certain that one is intracranial pressure makes any difference to
in the central core of the tumor; the question of long term prognosis. In other words, it is simply
navigation, mapping and perioperative smear not known whether the extent of surgical resec-
histology will be dealt with later. The problems tion has any impact on prognosis or not in these
arise, if one is aiming for radical resection, patients. A further problem is that there is no
as one approaches the peripheral areas of the easy way of defining the extent of surgical resec-
tumor, where it becomes impossible to know, by tion; surgeons talk about "radical" or "subtotal"
purely surgical appearances, whether the white removal, or "debulking" of these tumors, but
matter is still infiltrated by tumor or not. have no way of quantifying this. Post-operative
Although low-grade gliomas in adults can MRI scanning clearly helps to some extent, but
occur in any part of the brain, they are distinctly for the reasons mentioned earlier, these scans
unusual in the posterior fossa, which is clearly can be hard to interpret. Nevertheless, despite
in contrast to what is found in children. They this central uncertainty, the neurosurgeon must
can occur in any of the "lobes" of the cerebral make a decision on whether to operate or not,
hemispheres (which, it should be remembered, and if so, what form the operation should take.
are relatively arbitrary anatomical boundaries), For practical purposes, the management of
or deep in the basal ganglia. A few patterns of low-grade gliomas can be divided into five
growth seem to be characteristic, such as the groups. For the purposes of this discussion,
tumors that grow in the frontal lobe and root of "complete" resection is taken to mean "cura-
the temporal lobe, so that they present on both tive" resection, as shown by subsequent, long-
sides of the Sylvian fissure. term follow-up scanning, whereas "radical"
resection only means that initial follow-up scan-
ning shows no residual tumor. The groups are:
Large tumors in eloquent areas that, on
The typical case of low-grade glioma is of a the basis of the pre-operative scan, are too
young adult who has had an epileptic fit, who large for extensive resection to be possible
has no neurological deficit, and in whom a brain without an unacceptably high risk of pro-
scan has shown an intrinsic cerebral tumor ducing a major post-operative neurological
without any contrast enhancement. The tumor deficit
may be remarkably large or relatively small. It Small tumors where, on the basis of the
may appear to be relatively well circumscribed, pre-operative scan, complete or radical
or it may be diffusely infiltrating. It may be very resection is anticipated with little risk of
close to eloquent brain, or it may be located in neurological damage


Tumors where it is uncerta in whether com- If it has been decided not to treat a patient in
plete or radical resection can be achieved this group, and instead to follow up the patient
Tumors that recur after treatment with repeat scans, the tumor will, sooner or
Tumors that cause intractable epilepsy later, be shown to be growing larger, probably
before the onset of the symptoms of raised
intracranial pressure. A more rational approach
1. Tumors that are Too Large for
might be to postpone repeating the scan until
Complete Resection to be Possible such symptoms have developed. However,
Without Unacceptable Risk most patients will wish to be followed up with
Complete resection is clearly impossible in scans, in the hope that they will not show any
patients where the tumor is bilateral, having progression, and it is very difficult for the
crossed the corpus callosum, or involves the surgeon to refuse to organize follow-up scan-
basal ganglia and insular cortex. Early involve- ning. However, once the scan shows progression
ment of the corpus callosum is not, in itself, a - albeit asymptomatic - it is very difficult to
complete contraindication to surgery, since it is continue to withhold treatment even though
possible to resect areas of the corpus callosum treatment is, by definition, palliative and there
without major risk. However, the significance of are no new symptoms to palliate .
corpus callosum involvement is that in most There are two possible options. Firstly,
cases it is associated with bilateral hemispheric further conservative treatment may be given
infiltration, and one of the fundamental rules with the blunt admission to the patient that
of neurosurgery remains that bilateral hemi- there is no convincing evidence that treatment
spheric damage is associated with a high risk will make a significant difference. Secondly,
of major neurological deficit. In a very small treatment can be recommended in the hope that
proportion of these cases, at the time of presen- it will slow down the rate of progression, even
tation, there will be symptoms of raised intracra- though the evidence is lacking that such treat-
nial pressure. In these cases standard debulking ment works . In the author's experience, most
surgery is indicated. Since there is no evidence pat ients will favor the latter policy.
that debulking surgery prolongs survival in Treatment can take the form of surgery and
patients without raised intracranial pressure, radiotherapy, or debulking surgery alone .
some authors [7) have argued that there is little Biopsy will be required with either policy.
justification in carrying out such surgery in the Biopsy can be either closed or open, depending
absence of raised pressure. Others have argued, on the location of the tumor and the surgeon's
for instance Berger et al. [8], that aggressive preference. Different parts of the tumor can
debulking surgery delays recurrence when com- show different histological features and there is
pared with more conservative resection, but an argument either for multiple targets, if biop-
no studies have shown any certain benefit in sied stereotactically, or for removing a reason-
terms of long-term survival. It is an article of able volume of tumor if open biopsy is carried
faith for some neurosurgeons that debulking out. With large tumors it must be remembered
surgery, sometimes described more impres- that biopsy without debulking can precipi-
sivelyas "cytoreduction", is beneficial, but the tate post-operative cerebral herniation. Pre-
fact remains that this is ent irely unproven, and operative steroids are essential and, on occa-
any theoretical benefits must also be balanced sion, debulking surgery, even in the absence of
against the greater morbidity of aggressive symptoms of raised intracranial pressure, may
surgery. Even with very large tumors several need to be carried out as part of the biopsy.
years can pass before raised pressure develops Treatment can also be confined to debulking
and palliative surgery becomes indicated. Since surgery, and rad iotherapy postponed until there
there is also no evidence [9) that radiotherapy is further evidence of progression, provided that
prolongs life in this group of patients, there is histology shows that the tumor has not under-
little purpose in carrying out a biops y (stereo - gone malignant change. Once such malignant
tactically or otherwise) unless there is doubt change has occurred, the tumor should be
about the interpretation of the scan or unless the treated as a high-grade tumor, and palliative
neurosurgeon's neuro-oncological colleagues adjuvant treatment is then indicated in the great
strongly favor adjuvant treatment in such cases. majority of cases.


Illustrative Example: a zs-year-old The scan shows an extensive, infiltrating tumor

woman with frequent focal involving both sides of the insular cortex.
epileptic fits affecting the left arm A debulking operation under local anesthetic
but no deficit (Fig. 9.3 and 9.4) was attempted but abandoned after the patient
developed severe weakness of the left arm. This
did not get better and the epilepsy remained a
major problem. The tumor was shown to be a
low-grade astrocytoma. She died 6 years later
from tumor progression.
Comment: This operation was carried out
before the author's initial enthusiasm for radical
surgery for large low-grade gliomas had been
tempered by experience. In retrospect, it is easy
to see that there was no prospect of obtaining
sufficient tumor removal to influence the
epilepsy and absolutely no question of "total"
excision of the tumor. All that the operation
achieved was to add weakness of her left arm to
her epileptic fits.

2. Tumours where, on the Basis of

the Pre-operative Scan, Complete
Resection is Anticipated
These tumors are, unfortunately, in a distinct
minority (probably no more than 5%). It is clear
to all neurosurgeons that a few small, well-cir-
cumscribed, low-grade gliomas can be cured by
radical surgery. (The relatively rare pleomor-
phic xanthoastrocytomas are usually cured by
Fig. 9.3. Case CM. Before surgery. surgery alone but are clearly different from the
majority of low-grade tumors.) The question of
the suitability of a low-grade glioma for radical
surgery is therefore a question of:
Tumor size and the degree of infiltration of
the surrounding brain
The relationship of the tumor to eloquent
structures (in other words, the risk of
surgery producing a significant neuro-
logical deficit)
The surgeon's technique and experience.
Illustrative Example: a 35-year-old
army officer (Fig. 9.2 and 9.5) with
a single epileptic fit
The scan shows a small left inferior temporal
tumor, presumed (and ultimately confirmed by
surgery) to be a low-grade astrocytoma. An
initial neurosurgical opinion advised against
surgery on the grounds that it involved some
risk of producing dysphasia, and there was no
evidence that surgery would make any differ-
Fig. 9.4. Case CM. After partial resection. ence to the lO-year 80% mortality rate.


operation are the risks of any craniotomy - that

is, the risks of hemorrhage or infection - and
these risks are almost certainly less than the
risks of the tumor undergoing malignant
change and proving fatal in the future. It can
become a question of fine surgical judgement as
to the point at which it becomes unrealistic to
hope for total resection.
Radical resection depends upon:
Careful study of a pre-operative MRI scan,
supplemented by functional MRI studies
and neuronavigation if appropriate and
The use of intraoperative mapping methods
combined with smear biopsy analysis (if the
surgeon is lucky enough to work with a
neuropathologist who is able to carry out
smear analysis on many dozens of marginal
biopsies as the resection proceeds) . In a few
centers, intraoperative MRI scanning is now
available, but it is not yet clear if this makes
Fig. 9.5. Case MB 9 years after surgery. The small area of high a major difference to the surgery of these
signal on this FLAIR sequence has remained unchanged since
surgery and presumably represents gliosis.
Two principles must guide selection of
patients for radical surgery of this sort. Firstly,
Using speech mapping with awake cran- there must be a realistic chance of "total" exci-
iotomy and multiple marginal biopsies, what sion of the tumor. It will often not prove possi-
appeared to be complete removal was achieved ble during the operation to achieve such a
without producing any neurological deficit. Ten removal, but there must be a reasonable possi-
years later, the patient remains free from fits, is bility of achieving this on the basis of examin -
off anticonvulsants with no evidence of recur- ing the pre-operative MRI scan. Secondly, it is
rence on follow-up scanning, and is on active not acceptable to produce any degree of perma-
service in the army. nent neurological impairment since all of these
Comment: If the patient had not been oper- patients are, by definition, in perfect condition
ated upon and had been judged to have an effec- and we know that the majority of them will
tively "inoperable brain tumor", he would have eventually die from the tumor, despite treat-
lost his job as well as remaining at risk of the ment . That having been said, of course, there is
tumor progressing. He would also have had the bound to be some morbidity, although often
psychological burden of "living with" the temporary, especially when operating in the
tumor. Modern techniques have made resection supplementary motor area. In the author's
reasonably safe although, from a single case series of 130 "radical" operations for low-grade
such as this, one cannot know whether surgery gliomas, there has been a 7% incidence of
has improved his chances of survival or not significant, permanent morbidity (although no
when compared with conservative treatment. mortality) and all in patients who ended up
having only partial excision of their tumor. The
3. Tumors where it is Uncertain Whether morbidity, in short, probably conferred little
benefit on the patients in terms of eventual
Complete Resection can be Achieved
outcome. Temporary neurological deficits,
It is easy to justify an attempt at radical, cura- which resolved completely, occurred in 20% of
tive resection of a small tumor, superficially patients.
placed in the tip of a lobe, without MRI evidence By using neuronavigation, magnification,
of extensive infiltration. The risks of such an intraoperative mapping under local anesthetic


[9] and intraoperative histology, there can be no Awake craniotomy allows the surgeon to
doubt that more low-grade gliomas are now operate with greater confidence close to elo-
suitable for an attempt at surgical cure than in quent areas of the brain, but "complete"
the past. As discussed earlier, most of these removal of these tumors will often remain
tumors do not cross the pia arachnoid and impossible. One difficulty with the awake-cran-
hence are often well demarcated on the surface iotomy technique is that patients can develop a
of the brain. The typical appearance of such a degree of neurological deficit while the resection
tumor is of an area of expanded, abnormally proceeds, which subsequently recovers . It can
pale gyri, bounded by sulci. This superficial area be a question of fine judgement as to when to
can be identified in most cases by the experi- abandon further resection as a deficit develops.
enced surgeon by eye alone, but others will find It is only possible to carry out simple neuro-
neuronavigation helpful. The area that is logical testing during awake craniotomy - in
directly infiltrated is unlikely to be functional, particular of limb movements and speech, and
but if eloquent speech or motor cortex is nearby, sometimes of the visual fields. It is not possible
they should be identified by cortical mapping. to assess more subtle cognitive functions, but
The tumor can cause considerable distortion of the patient's general alertness and responsive-
the surrounding normal gyri, and the conven- ness can serve as a guide to these to some extent.
tional anatomical and radiological landmarks It is most important that the awake cran iotomy
for cortical localization no longer apply. In is supervised by an anesthetist with experience
some cases it can be surprisingly difficult in this area [9]. In skilled anesthetic hands it is
to know whether the tumor is in front of, or remarkable how relaxed, pain free, cooperative
behind, the central sulcus. If tumors do not and alert patients can be, despite being sub-
present on the cerebral surface, there can be jected to a very extensive craniotomy.
considerable difficulties in finding them without
navigation or ultrasound, but since they are Illustrative Example: a zs-year-old
more probably in the deep white matter, it is woman with a single generalized
also less likely that they are suitable for an epilepticfit (Figs. 9·6, 9.7, 9.8)
attempt at radical resection.
The scan shows a large tumor arising in the
The reason why most low-grade gliomas are
region of the right primary sensory cortex.
not curable by surgery is because they invade
This was judged to be potentially resectable .
the deep white matter. It is impossible to estab -
Histology showed the tumor to be an oligoden-
lish any kind of surgical plane here . The mar-
droglioma, and she remains free from fits and
ginal infiltrated areas of the brain adjacent to
without neurological deficit. Follow-up scanning
the central bulk of the tumor will look and feel
shows persistent abnormality in the brain adja-
no different from normal brain to the surgeon.
cent to the resection cavity. The abnormality has
Once one is operating in the deep white become a little smaller over time but it must
matter, there is also the risk of causing exten-
remain likely that there is residual tumor here .
sive neurological deficits from both undercut-
Comment: The very long natural history
ting the adjacent cerebral cortex and disrupting
of oligodendrogliomas must be remembered
the association tracts. Neuronavigation will not
when dealing with cases such as this. The
help in the deep white matter as a result of both
author remains undecided as to what to recom-
brain shift and distortion produced by surgery
mend if further follow-up scans suggest tumor
and the fact that MRI scanning often does not
define the true boundaries of the tumor. The
surgeon can only be guided by smear marginal
biopsies (in some cases the author has sent
4. Tumours that Recur
more than 60 such biops ies during an opera- The interpretation of post-operative scans
tion) and by the patients themselves, who will can be very difficult. Flair MRI sequences are
need to be kept awake so that if any relatively much more sensitive to both post-operative
deep resection is being carried out and a devel- changes and recurrent tumor than are other
oping neurological deficit is identified early sequences . Areas of signal change in the brain
during resection, any further resection can then adjacent to the resection cavity may represent
be abandoned. post-operative inflammatory effects or tumor


Fig. 9.6. Case LC before surgery. Fig. 9.8. Case LC three years after surgery.

recurrence. New contrast enhancement after

surgery may reflect malignant change or simply
post-operative effects. If there is any doubt, as
there often is, about the interpretation, it is best
to repeat the scan after a few months. Changes
due to recurrent tumor will obviously tend to
become more pronounced with time, and post-
operative effects less pronounced. As with
routine follow-up scanning of large, inoperable
tumors, routine follow-up scanning of patients
who have undergone what appeared to be "com-
plete" resection will often cause great difficul-
ties for the neurosurgeon and his or her patient
when such scans show what is probably resid-
ual or recurrent tumor, which is not causing
any symptoms.
In some patients it will be clear that the
tumor has undergone malignant transforma-
tion and treatment is now as for a malignant
glioma. Depending on the time interval since
initial treatment and the extent of recurrence,
further surgery may be indicated as well as
adjuvant treatment. If the scans suggest malig-
nant change, biopsy can be required to confirm
this if adjuvant treatment is to be considered.
If the follow-up scans show only slight progres-
Fig. 9.7. Case LC 1year after surgery. sive change over a number of years, it is


reasonable to do nothing, although if the area of to quantify the nature or degree of these possi-
recurrence is well circumscribed and not very ble long-term adverse effects. In the short term,
deep or eloquent, "second-look" surgery can be radiotherapy is well tolerated. Suffice it to say
considered. that, given the absence of any good evidence that
The question of how to treat possible or def- radiotherapy improves survival in these cases,
inite recurrence of low-grade gliomas is usually the author and his neuro-oncological colleagues
very difficult for both surgeon and patient. As do not routinely use radiotherapy in asympto-
mentioned above, it is most important that deci- matic patients with low-grade gliomas.
sions about how to manage these cases are made Chemotherapy remains of uncertain value for
jointly by neurosurgeons and neuro-oncologists low-grade astrocytomas that have not under-
working together. gone anaplastic change . There is no clear evi-
dence of efficacy in the literature and it is not
5. Turnors that Cause Intractable Epilepsy widely used. With oligodendrogliomas [11,12],
especially those with anaplastic change, there is
Provided that EEG studies have confirmed the
an increasing body of evidence that chemother-
tumor seen on the scan to be the epileptic focus, apy has a role to play. At the present time, opin-
and provided that complete or near-complete ions vary as to whether it should be considered
resection of the tumor looks feasible, many as first-line or second-line treatment for such
patients can expect a significant improvement, tumors.
with actual cure in some cases, of their epilepsy
with surgery. The question of what constitutes
"intractable" epilepsy can be difficult, as can the Management of
quest ion of whether there are epileptic foci dis- Oligodendrogliomas
tant from the tumor. Simple, superficial tumors
causing epilepsy can be dealt with on their mer - The natural history of low-grade oligoden-
its, but other cases are probably best managed by drogliomas appears to be considerably more
surgeons with a particular interest in epilepsy, indolent than that of astrocytomas, with a
and are beyond the scope of this chapter. median overall survival time reported in one
recent series [13] of 16.3 years. The question of
whether to offer treatment to asymptomatic
The Role of Radiotherapy and patients is therefore all the more important.
Chemotherapy In the patients reported by Olson et al., 36%
of patients who had been treated with radiother-
In the past , radiotherapy was used more widely apy developed dementia, 20% treated with
for low-grade tumors than is currently the case. chemotherapy suffered toxicity, and 6% of those
The EORTC controlled trial of adjuvant radio- undergoing surgery suffered permanent neuro-
therapy [10] showed no difference in survival logical impairment. There is little reason to
between patients treated with surgery and doubt that results in other centres will be simi-
patients treated with both surgery and post - lar. It seems reasonable to conclude that treat-
operative radiotherapy. Whereas there is gen- ment should be postponed in these patients,
eral agreement that radiotherapy should be used unless the tumour appears amenable to com-
in patients whose tumor has undergone malig- plete and reasonably safe surgical resection,
nant change, its use in patients with low-grade until tumour progression has been documented.
tumors remains controversial. The long-term Furthermore, there is little, if any, evidence that
morbidity of radiotherapy remains a major con- postponing treatment in this way has an adverse
cern in these patients, especially in view of the effect on outcome.
fact that so many of them, unlike patients with
high-grade tumors, live for many years after
treatment, and the known fact that the adverse Management of Gangliogliomas,
effects of radiation increase over time. Cognitive Neurocytomas and Pleomorphic
impairment can be quite easily missed if not Xanthoastrocytomas
specifically looked for, or mistakenly attributed
to the effects of the tumor itself. On the basis of These rare tumors tend to have distinctive radi-
what has been published to date, it is impossible ological appearances [14]. Complete resection


and surgical cure is more often possible in these anxiety that many people suffer when a diagno-
tumors than in the other gliomas, although sis of this kind has been made, especially when
recurrence can occur and the patients should be they will have to live with the knowledge of the
followed with regular scanning. tumor, and the patient's probably impending
death, for many years. Careful and sympathetic
follow-up and explanation will often be just as
Conclusions important as the surgical or oncological treat-
ment in determining the quality of the patient's
Deciding on whether to operate on patients with life.
low-grade gliomas is a particularly difficult area
of neurosurgery although, from the purely tech-
nical point of view, the surgery itself is often rel- Key Points
atively straightforward. It is easy to conclude
that small, easily accessible tumors should be There are many varietiesof low-grade glioma
removed and that large, infiltrating tumors are and few generalizations can be made as to
best left alone unless they are causing raised how they arebesttreatedother than that most
intracranial pressure. The problems arise with patients will die of the disease within 10years
the great majority of patients whose tumors fall of diagnosis, whatever the treatment under-
between these two extremes. Using modern taken.
neurosurgical techniques, there can be no doubt There is no clear, trial-based evidence that
that more tumors can now be totally excised can be used in deciding upon treatment and
than was the case in the past . Such patients, it is not known whether partial removal
however, remain in a small mino rity. The of tumors has any significant impact on prog-
majority of patients have tumors where there is nosis.
little prospect of total removal and where is no
Small, well-circumscribed tumors can proba-
clear evidence that partial removal improves
bly be cured by surgical resection, but this
outcome. It can be very difficult for both the
surgeon and the patient to accept that nothing
only applies to a minority of cases.
is to be done . Careful and sympathetic explana - Modern microscopic techniques, combined
tion is essential whatever treatment is recom - with intraoperative histology and cortical
mended. If surgery is to be undertaken in those mapping under local anesthetic, increase the
cases where total resection is clearly not going number of cases where curative resection is a
to be achieved, it is essential that surgical mor- possibility.
bidity should be extremely low. On the other Most patients present with epilepsy and will
hand, the operation will become a mean ingless remain without any significant neurological
charade if the morbidity is kept low by merely deficitfor several years before they eventually
carrying out a limited biopsy, if it is already deteriorate. The risks of treatment, and its
known from the pre-operative scan appearances uncertain benefitin many cases, must becare-
that adjuvant treatment will not be recom- fully balanced against the relatively benign
mended. There is no science in making deci- short-term natural history.
sions of this kind : instead the neurosurgeon
must be guided by his experience (and, if nec-
essary, by the greater experience of surgical col- References
leagues), by discussion with his oncological
colleagues and , above all, by honest and open 1. Laws E, Taylor W, Clifton M, Okazaki H. Neuro surgic al
management of low-grade astr ocytoma of the cerebral
discussion with the patients and their families. hemi sph eres . J Neurosurg 1984;61:665-73.
Finally, it must be stressed that the neuro- 2. Bigner D, McLendon R, Bruner J. Russell and
surgeon's responsibility to his patient does not Rubinstein's path ology of tumors of th e nervou s system ,
end once an operation has been carried out , or 6th edn . London : Arnold , 1998.
if a decision has been made to defer treatment 3. Morantz R. Low grade astro cytomas. In: Kaye A, Laws
E, editors. Brain tumours. Edinburgh: Chur chill
of a low-grade tumor, or if a tumor has been Livingstone, 1995;433-48 .
deemed inoperable. It is tempting for the 4. Kond ziolka D, Lunsford LD, Martin ez A]. Unr eliability
surgeon to try to avoid the immense stress and of cont emporary neurodiagnostic imaging in evaluating


suspected adult supratentorial (low-grade) astrocy- 10. Karim AB, Cornu P, Bleehen N et al. Immediate post-
toma. J Neurosurg 1993;79:533-6. operative radiotherapy in low grade glioma improves
5. Skirboll S, Ojeman G, Berger M, Lettich E, Winn H. progression free survival, but not overall survival:
Functional cortex and subcortical white matter located preliminary results of an EORTC/MRC randomised
within gliomas . Neurosurgery 1996;38:678-85. phase III stud y (abstract). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol
6. Lunsford LD, Mart inez AJ, Latchaw RE. Magnetic reso- 1998;17:400a.
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Neurosurgical Management of
High-grade Gliomas
Robert C. Rostomily, Alexander M. Spence
and Daniel 1. Silbergeld

degrees of glial cell differentiation, an extremely

Summary poor prognosis for survival beyond 2-3 years,
and a diffuse invasive growth pattern into sur -
High-grade gliomas include malignant vari- rounding brain. The designation HGG distin-
ants of tumors derived from astrocytic and guishes these aggressive gliomas from their
oligodendropheral cell lines. These tumors "low-grade" glioma (LGG) counterparts that
demonstrate invasive behavior, are rapidly confer median survival times of 6-10 years.
growing and are usually characterized by Despite their similarities, the HGGs are biolog-
contrast enhancement and edema on MR ically heterogeneous and differ significantly in
or C'I' neuroimaging. Management includes their features of differentiation, presumed his-
either biopsy or surgical resection followed togenesis, treatment responses and prognosis.
by radiotherapy in the majority of cases. This heterogeneity must be appreciated when
Additional adjuvant chemotherapy is also a considering management options for a particu-
treatment consideration. Despite advances in lar patient with a HGG and in the interpretation
management, the prognosis remains poor,
of clinical trials.
with few patients surviving beyond 2-3 years.
Over the last 25 years , despite a plethora of
novel treatment approaches, the prognosis for
patients with HGGs has not significantly
Introduction improved. Limitations imposed by tumor loca-
tion, intrinsic biological features, and tumor
The term "high-grade glioma" (HGG) refers to growth patterns complicate the effective man-
a histopathologically defined group of clinically agement ofHGGs. It is now well recognized that
aggressive glial neoplasms, which includes: HGG is a diffuse disease. While an extensive
glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), anaplastic amount of research has recently targeted the
astrocytoma (AA), anaplastic oligoden- study of HGG cell migration and invasion,
droglioma (Aa), anaplastic oligoastrocytoma or we have yet to solve the clinical problem ofloco-
"mixed" glioma, gliosarcoma and, possibly, the regional control of HGGs. Ultimately, signifi-
gemistocytic astrocytoma (GA). High-grade cant improvement in outcome for HGG patients
gliomas are the most common primary cerebral will require effective loco-regional tumor
neoplasms in adults, with GBM and AA com- control, while cure will require novel strategies
prising the vast majority of these neoplasms. to address the diffuse invasive component of
HGGs share common hallmarks of varying the tumor. The role of the neurosurgeon in the



multidisciplinary management ofHGG patients invoke either the transformation of resident

is continually evolving from simply providing adult neural stem or glial progenitor cells or the
tumor resection, to the design and delivery of de-differentiation of mature glial cells. The clas-
intratumoral therapy, and adapting new tech- sification and grading of HGG is controversial
nologies to improve surgical resection. This and has undergone a number of modifications
changing role underscores the need for neuro- in the last few decades. The WorId Health
surgeons managing HGG patients to be versed Organization (WHO) classification system is
not only in the technical aspects ofHGG surgery currently the most widely used system and was
but also in the biological principles that under- born from an effort to provide a consensus for
lie these emerging treatments. This chapter classifying and grading nervous system tumors
reviews surgical management, patient selection [2]. In this chapter, we collectively refer to
and basic biological features of HGG relevant HGGs as those glial neoplasms that correspond
to its surgical management. to WHO grade III tumors, including AA, Aa,
AaA, and grade IV tumors, including GBM,
giant-cell GBM, and GS. Of note, the gemisto-
Epidemiology cytic astrocytoma is classified as a grade II
tumor in the WHO classification; however, this
The overall incidence of HGGs in the USA is tumor type has been associated with a more
estimated at about 5/100,000 person-years, with aggressive clinical course that is similar to grade
approximately 13,000 new cases per year and III tumors, and thus these neoplasms are often
10,000 deaths. There is a direct correlation also considered in the discussion of HGGs.
between age and higher tumor grade or aggres-
siveness, as well as mortality. Modest 2-4%
increases in incidence have been shown in the Molecular Pathogenesis
last 10-20 years, with minimal improve-
ments in 2-year GBM survival from 3 to 6% [1]. Patterns of molecular genetic abnormalities
The relative incidence of the histological have been associated with specific types of
subtypes of HGG is difficult to determine HGGs [3] (Fig. 10.1). The high frequency of
accurately because rare entities such as gliosar- genetic alterations that inactivate p53 and aug-
coma (GS) are either not reported sepa rately ment EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor)
or, in the case of more controversial diagnostic activity and its downstream pathways , and their
entities such as anaplastic oligoastrocytoma presence in the most common forms of HGG,
(AaA), are not uniformly diagnosed and have led to innovative therapeutic strategies that
reported. Nevertheless, the Central Brain target these molecules and in some cases
Tumor Registry of the USA (CBTRUS) database directly involve the neurosurgeon. These mole-
(HYPERLINK http://www.cbtrus.org ) reports cular genetic changes are presumed to underlie
the incidence of GBM as 2.96/100,000 person- gliomagenesis and/or progression to HGG and
years, anaplastic astrocytoma (AA) as 0.49/ have been most rigorously studied in glioblas-
100,000 person-years, anaplastic oligoden- toma. Secondary GBMs arise predominantly in
droglioma (Aa) as 0.10/100,000 person-years, younger patients from pre-existing lower grade
and malignant glioma NOS (not otherwise spec- tumors, while primary GBMs more commonly
ified) as 0.35/100,000 person-years. Thus, in this occur in older patients and are presumed to
database, GBM accounted for 76% of HGGs arise de novo from a target cell of origin . The
while AA and Aa accounted for 13% and 2.6% former are more likely to have mutations that
of HGGs, respectively. inactivate p53 function, while the latter typically
have overactivation of EGFR-mediated path -
ways through various mechanisms such as gene
amplification or mutation. In GBM, this latter
Histogenesis and abnormality is often due to the expression of a
Histopathology truncated, and constitutively activated, EGFR
called "EGFRvIII", which is being investigated
The precise histogenesis, or cell of origin, for as a target for immunotherapy. In contrast,
adult HGGs is not known . Current paradigms the molecular genetic changes that lead to the


Differentiatedastrocytesorneuroepithelial precursor cells

p53 Mutation(65%) EGFR

POGF-A, POGFR-u Amplification(-40%)
Overexpression(-60%) Overexpression(-60%)
Amplification (>10%)
LOH19q (-60%) Overexpression (- 50%) p53 mutation (>70%)
RH alteration I PTEN mutation (-30%)
LOH 10
PTEN Mutation (-40%)
LOH 10 P16 Deletion (30- 40%)
OCC loss ofexpression (- 50%) RH Alteration
POGFR-u amplification

Giant-cell glioblastoma denovo

Fig. 10.1. Summary ofdistinct patterns ofmolecular genetic changes seen inHGGs that are associated withGBMs arising from lower
grade lesions (secondary GBM) vs those arising de novo (primary GBM). Several of the molecular abnormalities noted in this
figure have been used as targets fortherapy that are delivered intraoperativeiy bythe neurosurgeon (seetext). (CourtesyofKleihues
et al. [31.)

formation of AO and AOA are not as well char - portion of turnor, which often contains a zone
acterized as those that lead to the formation of of central necrosis surrounded by regions of
AA and GBM. The recent description of allelic solid tumor, and a surrounding zone of infil-
losses on chromosomes 19q and 1p in most low- trating tumor with isolated migratory tumor
grade oligodendrogliomas points to potential cells. These compartments roughl y correspond
early events in their genesis, but candidate to areas of decreased signal on T1 images
tumor suppressors for these loci have not been (necrosis), gadolinium enhancement (central or
identified. In a subset of cases, the subsequent bulk tumor) and increased edema-associated T2
molecular changes associated with malignant signal (infiltrative tumor cells) on MR images
progression to AO include allelic loss of 9p or (Fig. 10.2). The central regions contribute to
homozygous deletion of the cell cycle inhibitor mass effect, generally take up intravenous con-
CDKN2A (p16INK4A) gene [4]. trast agents, and contain areas of both active
metabolism and hypoxic zones that contribute
to treatment resistance. The uptake of contrast
HGG Biology agents indicates a disruption of the normal
blood-brain barrier (BBB) in this tumor region ,
The unique biology of HGGs underlies their which is essential for the delivery of effective
dismal prognosis and directl y impa cts the effec- doses of most systemic chemotherapeutic
tiveness and role of surgery in their manage- agents . Although HGG is a diffuse disease
ment. Those aspects of HGGbiology that impact process (see discus sion below), approximately
surgical management, or provide targets for 80% of HGG tumor recurrences are detected
therapeutic intervention that potentially involve within 2- 3 cm of the original resection cavity [5,
the neurosurgeon, are reviewed below. 6], and only with intense local therapy such as
high-activity rad iation implants have significant
HGG Growth Patterns percentages of recurrences been reported
outside this zone (45% in one study). Adding to
HGGs can be modeled as containing distinct these local problems oftumor control for HGGs
anatomical compartments: a central or bulk is a poorly defined zone that encompasses bulk


Fig. 10.2. An MR image ofaglioblastoma demonstrating the different components ofHGGs with central necrosis, surrounding solid
tumor delineated by contrast-enhancing tissue and peripheral edema indicating a zone where infiltrative tumor cells reside. Gad,

tumor and is composed of infiltrative and resection of the central region of necrosis and
diffuse tumor cells that reside amongst his to- solid or bulk tumor that contributes primarily
logically normal brain where the BBB remains to mass effect, emerging treatment modalities
intact. that address the invasive tumor component
In 1938, Scherer carefully documented the may require neurosurgical expertise as well (see
diffusely invasive growth pattern of HGGs and below).
correctly predicted that this biological property
of HGGs would limit the ability to surgically
cure these tumors [7]. Further confirmation of Tumor Cell Invasiveness and
these studies came with the advent of CT and Migration
MR imaging. Histological analysis of stereotac-
tic biopsies taken from radiographically defined As we achieve better local tumor control, effec-
regions of HGGs consistently demonstrates the tive therapy for HGGs will ultimately require
presence of tumor cells beyond areas of contrast treatment strategies to address the diffusely
enhancement, with infiltration of tumor tissue infiltrative component of HGGs. Accordingly,
and/or isolated tumor cells throughout areas of intense investigation has recently focused on
CT hypo density and prolonged T2 signal on MR the cellular and molecular biological character-
images. In a study by Kelly et al., only 18 out of istics underlying glioma tumor cell migration
186 biopsy samples from regions of prolonged and invasion. Glioma tumor cell migration and
T2 signal had no evidence of isolated tumor cells invasion involve the coordination of various
or tissue [8]. Furthermore, isolated tumor cellular processes, which include tumor cell
cells can be detected histologically or cultured adhesion to specific substrate(s}, motility and
from HGG biopsy samples that are obtained protease-mediated degradation of extracellular
from regions of radiographically normal brain matrix (ECM). Not surprisingly, important roles
[9]. in this process have been attributed to: proteins
Aside from limiting the ability to effectively that enhance motility (motogens), ECM com-
resect HGGs, this invasive and diffuse growth ponents and adhesion molecules that provide
pattern likely underlies the demonstration of anchors or permissive substrates for migration,
functional cortex in areas of brain that are infil- cytoskeletal elements that provide the structural
trated or grossly involved by tumor [10]. In elements for locomotion, and proteases and
addition, the presence of an intact BBB in this their regulators that degrade non-permissive
region limits the ability to deliver many thera- elements of the ECM and thus facilitate cellular
peutic agents that rely on its breakdown to migration.
achieve cytotoxic doses. While neurosurgical Treatment strategies intended to limit tumor
management is generally focused on maximal cell migration and invasion include agents such


as marimistat, which inhibit matrix metallopro- hypoxic tissue, but the precise impact of cytore-
teases elaborated by tumor cells that facilitate ducti on on reducing resistance and improving
tumor cell migrat ion by digesting ECM compo - efficacy in adjuvant treatment of residual
nents. Another therapy has used injection of disease is not known. Targeting one specific
I-13l-labeled antibodies into resection cavities mechanism of resistance is unlikely to confer an
after surgery to target the ECMprotein tena scin, appreciable improvement in tumor response
which is unique to the ECM of HGGs but not and the neurosurgeon is likely to be called upon
normal brain, and appears to promote prolifer- in the future to assist in delivering novel thera-
ation and angiogenesis as well as tumor cell pies aimed at overcoming multiple mechanisms
migration. Other treatments specifically target- of treatment resistance.
ing invasion that require neurosurgical inter-
vention are likely to emerge in the future, such
as the use of genetically engineered neural stem Prognostic Factors
cells, which, in animal models , appear to "track
down" isolated invasive tumor cells and facili- The prognosis of different subgroups of HGG
tate localized conversion of prodrugs into patients is important to consider when selecting
cytotoxic compounds [11]. patients for surgery and resection versus biopsy.
Prognostic factors are most often determined
Treatment Resistance for overall patient survival, yet the length of an
acceptable quality of life is ultimately the most
Treatment resistance, a major contributing relevant end-point. However, the paucity of
factor to the dismal prognosis for patients with prognostic data that specifically analyze quality -
HGGs, is the result of multiple mechanisms that of-life issues precludes their general usefulness,
include, among others, inactivation of drugs, and the ensuing discussion will focus on data
molecular mechanisms of resistance to DNA related primarily to overall survival alone.
damage and apoptosis, and attenuation of cyto-
toxicity imposed by the micro environment (e.g, Recursive Partition Analysis
hypoxia) . Add to these mechanisms the limita-
tions to delivery of therapy imposed by the dif- Many studies have adopted the Radiation
fusely invasive growth pattern of HGG tumor Therapy Oncology Group 's prognostic stratifi-
cells into brain regions with an intact BBB, cation of HGG patients based on a recursive
and one can begin to understand the daunting partitioning statistical analysis (RPA) of large
problem of designing effective therapies. numbers of patients enrolled into clinical trials
Through aggressive cytoreduction, the neuro - [12]. Tables 10.1 and 10.2 outline these prog-
surgeon helps to eliminate a large portion of nostic classes and the median survival for each

Table 10.1 . RTOG malignant glioma RPA class definitions (courtesy ofCuran et al. [12])
Class Definition
I Age <50 years, anaplastic astrocytoma, andnormal mental status
11 Age ~ 50, KPS 70-100, anaplastic astrocytoma, andat least 3 monthsfrom time offirst symptoms to startof treatment
III Age <50 years, anaplastic astrocytoma and abnormal mental status
Age <50 years, glioblastoma multiforme and KPS 90-100
IV Age <50 years, glioblastoma multiforme andKPS <90
Age ~5 0 years, KPS 70-100, anaplastic astrocytoma, and3 months orless from time offirst symptoms to start of
Age >50 years, glioblastoma multiforme, surgical resection andgood neurological function
V Age ~5 0 years, KPS 70-100,glioblastoma multiforme, either surgical resection andneurological function that inhi bits
theability to work, orbiopsy only followed by at least 54.4 G-y ofRT
Age ~50 years, KPS <70, normal mental status
VI Age ~50 years, KP5 <70,abnormal mental status
Age ~5 0 years, KPS 70-100,glioblastoma multiforme, biopsy only, receiving less than 54.4G-y orradiation therapy

RPA, recursive partition analysis; RTOG, Radiation Therapy Oncology Group; KPS, Kamowski Performance Status


Table 10.2. Survival for HGGs byRTOG RPA (courtesy of Similarly, indices of tumor proliferation or cell
Curan et al.(12)) death (apoptosis) alone have not been shown to
RPA class Median survival 2-year survival predict outcome consistently for patients with
(months) (%) HGG. However, in a few studies attempting to
I 58.6 76 estimate net cell production, apoptotic/prolifer-
11 37.4 68 ative ratios have shown predictive significance
III 17.9 35 for outcome. Currently, the only example of a
IV 11.1 15 molecular genetic abnormality that has been
V 8.9 6 consistently shown to correlate with survival
VI 4.6 4 and treatment response is the predictive value of
1p and 19q deletions for anaplastic oligoden-
RPA, recursive partition analysis; RTOG, Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group droglioma, which, in the most favorable group,
showed median survivals from diagnosis of
greater than 123 months compared with 16
RPA class, respectively. These studies confirmed months for the least favorable group that lacked
prognostic factors found in most other studies, the 1p deletion (Fig. 10.3) [15]. It is likely that
including age, Karnofsky performance status more general variables such as tumor grade and
(KPS), histological grade, mental status, length clinical status are better prognostic indicators
and/or presence of neurological symptoms, than are individual tumor features , since they
surgical resection and adequate radiation. The represent the biological summation of individ-
predictors of outcome at the time ofHGG recur- ual tumor and molecular variables. However,
rence have been evaluated in a large review of larger controlled studies may achieve statistical
375 patients enrolled on phase 11 treatment power to identify specific molecular features or
trials, which reported median survival for all profiles that reliably predict pat ient out comes
recurrent HGGs of 30 weeks, with overall sur- or even treatment response.
vival rates at 1 year of 47% and 21%, for AA and
GBM patients respectively [13]. This study con- Treatment Variables
firmed the prognostic significance of histology
(AA vs GBM), KPS and prior intensive therapy,
which were found in other previous studies [14].
The appropriate choice of surgical candidates Radiation therapy following biopsy or resect ion
and the aggressiveness of resection for primary for HGGs is the most effective adjuvant treat-
and recurrent HGGs, discussed below, must ment modality available. It is generally admin-
account for these histological and clinical char- istered in 180 cGy fractions to a total dose of
acteri stics that dominate clinical outcome. around 60 Gy when treating the bulk tumor plus
a margin that encompasses the area of increased
Tumor Variables T2 signal. In a randomized trial of anaplastic
glioma patients, the overall survival of patients
Of all the tumor-related variables that have treated with "best conventional care" , BCND
been analyzed for their prognostic significance, alone, radiation alone , and radiation plus
the histopathological grade , which integrates BCNDwas 17 weeks, 18.5weeks, 37.5 weeks and
various specific histological feature s such as 40.5 weeks, respectivel y [16]. This beneficial
mitotic activity and anaplasia, shows the most effect of radiation on survival applies to other
profound influence on outcome. Other tumor HGGs and GBM as well. The efficacy of radia-
variables, including tumor volume and location, tion has been further validated for HGG by the
molecular geneti c alterations, gene expression demonstration of a dose-response relationship.
patterns, and proliferation and apoptotic Accordingly, external beam irradiation has
indice s do not consistently show such an associ- become standard therapy for HGG patients after
ation with outcome. For example , while aberrant biopsy or resection. In addition, an objective
p53 funct ion clearly plays an important role in radiographic response to radiation is also an
gliomagenesis and malignant progression, the independent predictor of prolonged overall sur-
mutational status of p53 has not been convinc- vival for patients with GBM. Thus , the unifor-
ingly shown to independently predict prognosis. mity and adequacy of radiation treatment must



I --IP-Io-ss -I
I Ip intact I

Group 1:
.r >:
-: >:
Group 3: Group 4:
combined, isolated Ip loss TP53 noTP53mutation
Ip + 19qloss 'other' mutation

Number ofpatients 23 5 8 13
Age 43 51 30 52
Response rate 17/17 (100%) 4/4 (100% 2/6 (33%) 2/11 (18%)
Duration response >31months 11 months 7 months 5 months
Survival from dx > 123 months 71 months 71 months 16months

Fig.10.3. Grouping ofpatients with anaplastic oligodendroglioma by moleculargenetic profiles defines specific prognostic groups.
Group 2includes patients with 1ploss and either no 19q loss or"other" moleculargenetic changes, including TP53 mutation, PTEN
mutation, 10q loss, EGFR amplification or CDKN2A deletion. Group 4 patients have mutations including PTEN, 10q loss, EGFR
amplification, CDKN2A deletion, or ring enhancement on CT. (Courtesy ofIno etal. [15]).

be determined when considering the prognostic above, a "complete" resection of an HGG is not
impact of other treatment variables on outcome possible. Extent of surgical resection is best
for HGGs. defined based on volumetric analysis [18] of
residual contrast-enhancing volume on MR
Chemotherapy or CT imaging obtained within 24-48 hours
of surgery, although non -specific contrast
A multitude of cytotoxic and cytostatic
enhancement can be seen after operation for
chemotherapeutic regimens have been used for
non-neoplastic lesions as soon as 17hours post-
the treatment of HGGs and, with the exception
operatively [19] . While contrast enhancement is
of PCV therapy (procarbazine, CCNU & vin-
the most obvious and consistent radiographic
cristine) for Aa and AaA, the results have been
indicator of HGG tissue, a small percentage
disappointing. A complete review of the various
of GBMs do not enhan ce, and 30-50% of non-
chemotherapy pro tocols is beyond the scope of
GBM HGGs lack contrast enhancement on CT
this chapter but a recent meta-analysis, which
imaging. Conversely, up to 40% of non -enhanc-
drew on data from 12 randomized trials of
ing gliomas are anaplastic.
chemotherapy for adult HGGs, demonstrated an
The scientific analysis of cytoreductive
increase in l-year survival from 40% to 46% and
surgery for HGG is further confounded by a lack
an overall 2-month increase in median survival
of uniformity in defining and assessing extent of
[17]. An important exception is the demon -
resection and use of subsequent treatment
strated durable response and prolonged sur-
modalities that can prolong survival, and the
vival for Af) and AaA associated with deletions
variable and poorly und erstood interaction of
of the lp and Ip+I9q chromosomes (see Fig.
the multiple patient, treatment and tumor
10.3 and text above) [15] .
factors that collectively determine patient sur-
vival. It is doubtful that a single study could be
Surgical Resection designed that would definitively address all of
The impact of extent of surgical resection on these confounding issues and clearly determine
survival for HGGs continues to be debated . the impact of surgical resection on patient
Clearly, given the biological constraints noted outcome. However, in the only stud y of its kind,


Keles et al. objectively quantified residual post- contrast enhance), are less common than grade
operative tumor volumes based on MRI, and IV tumors, and the analysis of their extent of
showed that the volume of residual disease cor- resection is often embedded in generic studies
related with both time to progression and of HGGs. Not surprisingly, studies evaluating
overall survival [20] (Fig. lOA). The increasingly the efficacyof resection for grade III HGGs have
frequent demonstration of a significant impact reported conflicting outcomes.
for surgical resection in more recent studies It is virtually inevitable that HGGs recur or,
may reflect the routine use of MR or CT imaging more correctly, progress. The role of re-opera-
post-operatively to objectively quantify residual tion at the time of recurrence and its impact on
tumor. The determination of surgical impact on outcome have been evaluated in several studies
outcome is informative when a study accounts that demonstrate, at best, modest impact on
for established prognostic factors and objec- overall survival and , in some cases, prolonged
tively analyzes residual disease rather than good quality of life compared with patients
percentage of resection or other subjective treated without re-operation [14,22]. In a recent
measures of resection not based on rigorous large study of re-operation in patients enrolled
imaging data [21]. in clinical trials, surgical patients had a median
Two subgroups of HGG patients deserve survival of 36 weeks compared with 23 weeks for
additional mention: the elderly and non -GBM non-operated patients [22], but the difference
patients. The role of radical surgery for the was partially attributed to selection bias. Other
elderly is controversial. While aggressive treat- studies have shown no association between
ment strategies have been employed for the extent of resection and survival at recurrence,
elderly (>65 or 70 years of age) and have been with median survival of 33 weeks for GBM
shown to provide meaningful periods of sur- patients and 79 weeks for AA patients [14].
vival, the impact of surgical resection has not If the utility of surgical resection is based
been adequately analyzed as an independent primarily on cytoreduction, then it would be
variable to more definitively define its impact on important to know what proportion of the
outcome. Evaluating the impact of surgical tumor burden is represented by the enhancing
resection for grade III lesions is even more portion of a tumor versus the diffusely infiltra-
problematical than for grade IV lesions because tive component. Accurate assessment of total
they are more responsive to conventional tumor burden is not possible with current
therapy, display greater biological, clinical imaging techniques , and problematic even with
and radiological heterogeneity (e.g. less often detailed examination of pathological material.

4 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
Survival (weeks)

Fig. 10.4.Kaplan-Meier plots showing increasingsurvival with smaller post-operativetumor volumes in patientswith GBM. VRD,
post-operative tumor volume. (Courtesy of Keles et al.[20].)


One report estimates that the enhancing com- or pain (other than headache). These problems
ponent represents as little as 50% of the total more often accompany systemic malignancies,
cell burden [23]. The fact that recent studies which raises the diagnostic probability that the
have been able to show any impact of surgical brain lesion may be metastatic or infectious .
resection based on extent of removal of con- Prior to contemplating any form of surgical
trast-enhancing material suggests that this com- intervention, the patient's overall medical
ponent of the tumor subserves an important status must be evaluated. Age, cardiopulmonary
biological function that is independent of tumor status, and medications that hamper coagula-
burden or volume. Recognizing that gross total tion (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
resection improves outcome but that these ben- heparin, coumadin, etc.) may greatly impact
efits were negated by surgically induced neuro- the surgical strategy. Elderly patients, those
logical deterioration, Shinoda et al. developed a with other life-shortening medical problems,
pre-operative MRI-based grading scheme that and those with very low KPS may benefit more
incorporates tumor size, location and proxim- from biopsy than from an aggressive cytoreduc-
ity to eloquent cortex to select candidates tive procedure.
suitable for gross total resection [24]. The role of anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) in
patients with gliomas remains somewhat con-
troversial. For those patients who have had
Patient Evaluation seizures, it is clear that AEDs are indicated.
Likewise, for patients who are to undergo corti-
Pre-operative evaluation of patients with possi- cal stimulation mapping during surgery, AEDs
ble brain lesions requires a careful history and offer some protection from iatrogenic seizures.
physical examination (including an accurate For patients who have never had seizures, the
assessment of the patient's KPS) followed by routine use of AEDs is arguable.
radiological evaluation. The duration of pre- Corticosteroids are routinely administered to
operative symptoms varies greatly, because patients with HGG. Dexamethasone has become
some patients have harbored lower grade the steroid of choice owing to its high glucocor-
gliomas that have undergone malignant trans- ticoid effect and minimal mineralocorticoid
formation, leading to longer histories than effect. Steroids reduce peritumoral edema, often
those with HGGs that arise de novo. Patients lowering ICP and reducing symptoms. These
with HGG often present with headache (approx- drugs may also impart some protection from
imately 35%), new-onset seizures (approximate- surgical trauma when given prior to surgery. In
ly 20%), altered mental status (approximately contradistinction, steroids given following brain
15%), or focal neurological signs and symptoms. trauma do not improve neurological outcome
Headaches associated with brain tumors vary and may increase infectious complications and
in severity, location and quality. However, these peptic ulceration. It must be remembered that
headaches are usually different from previous the normal daily steroid production is less than
headaches that the patient may have had, and 1 mg of dexamethasone. Therefore, slow tapers
because they may be secondary to elevated of this medication, while indicated for persistent
intracranial pressure (ICP), they are often edema or evolution of neurological deficits, are
associated with nausea and vomiting, and not rational for hypothalamic-pituitary axis rea-
exacerbated by exercise and postural changes. sons. For HGG patients who are debilitated or
Although drugs, alcohol and metabolic derange- elderly or have been on steroids for prolonged
ment may lead to seizures, new-seizure onset periods, dexamethasone should be replaced by
in adults is often associated with structural prednisone and tapered carefully.
brain lesions, mandating a brain imaging study.
Neurological signs and symptoms vary depend-
ing on tumor location and size. While large Biopsy vs Resection
tumors in the frontal lobes may impart only
subtle personality changes, small tumors in As discussed above, the three most important
the brainstem or eloquent cortical regions may prognostic factors for patients with newly diag-
cause significant focal deficits. Patients with nosed HGG are age, KPS and tumor grade .
HGG rarely present with significant weight loss Resection provides an accurate diagnosis, with


a smaller chance of sampling error than biopsy. weak amnestic properties, but provides promi-
Resection can decrease mass effect, which can nent analgesia with no muscle relaxation. N20
cause neurological impairment, steroid depen- increases ICP, this effect being completely
dence and even death. However , the risks of reversed by hyperventilation. In addition, since
open resection are higher than those of biopsy. N20 readily diffuses into sealed air pockets, it
The best predictor of a specific post-operative may cause a severe and rapid increase in ICP in
neurological deficit is the presence of that deficit the presence of a pneumocephalus. However, as
pre-operatively. Therefore, pre-operative neuro- shown by Domino et al. in craniotomies, it
logical status is an important consideration for is usually not necessary to discontinue its use
surgical strategy. The most important predictor prior to dural closure [25]. CO2 reactivity
of post-operative hemorrhage and clinically appears maintained when N20 is used alone or
significant post-operative edema is residual added to propofol, but may be reduced when
tumor. Bilateral tumors and tumors that clearly used with isoflurane.
extend into important functional areas may be The site of action of barbiturates is located
best treated with biopsy and post-operative on the GABA receptor complex. Thiopental is
therapies. Patients with significant medical a fast-onset short-acting drug, producing
problems, the very elderly and those with a unconsciousness in 10-20 seconds. The short
KPS of less than 60 should be offered biopsy. duration of action is explained by the rapid
Furthermore, when the diagnosis of tumor vs redistribution half-life of 7 minutes. Thiopental
other lesions (stroke, infection, demyelinating is principally used as an induction agent.
disease, multiple metastases, lymphoma, etc.) is Thiopental decreases CMR0 2 and CBF and can
in doubt, biopsy may be a better initial step. produce EEG suppression at clinical doses . It
also decreases the intracranial pressure (ICP) of
patients with intracranial hypertension to a
Anesthesia for Biopsy or greater extent than it decreases the mean arter-
ial pressure (MAP), thus improving the cerebral
Resection (see also chapter 4) perfusion pressure (CPP). CO2 reactivity of
brain vasculature is preserved with thiopental
The anesthetic must be chosen to lower ICP and and does not change over time.
minimize seizure risk (especially during cortical Like barbiturates, etomidate possesses a
stimulation mapping). The patient's hepatic, GABA-mimetic activity. Etomidate is a fast-
renal and cardiopulmonary status will also onset drug producing loss of consciousness in
impact on the anesthetic chosen. 10 seconds. Etomidate is used as an induction
Volatile anesthetics are highly halogenated drug, but it can also be used as an infusion.
molecules with an unknown mechanism of Etomidate decreases CMR0 2 by 45% and CBF
action. The group includes halothane, enflu - by 35% and can produce a flat EEG. It decreases
rane, isoflurane, desflurane and sevoflurane. ICP, while increasing, or at least maintaining,
Halogenated anesthetics provide amnesia, anal- the CPP. CO2 reactivity of the cerebral vascula-
gesia, and muscle relaxation at higher dosage. ture is maintained with etomidate. The brain-
The newer agents have a low solubility, permit- protecting effect of etomidate was also shown to
ting rapid adjustment of anesthetic depth and be a dose-dependent phenomenon with delete-
prompt awakening. Halogenated anesthetics rious effect at higher doses, presumably because
decrease cerebral metabolic rate and oxygen of the induction of spiking EEG activity without
consumption (CMR0 2) while increasing the further depression of CMR0 2' In humans, a
CBF, hence producing a metabolic decoupling. recent study showed that etomidate may even
They all preserve CO2 reactivity. Volatile anes- cause cerebral hypoxia at doses sufficient to
thetics can increase ICP, this effect being more induce burst-suppression. Although still widely
prominent with halothane and desflurane, but used for neuroanesthesia, etomidate may not
this rise may be prevented by hyperventilation. possess the brain-protecting virtues it was once
Nitrous oxide (N20) is a poorly soluble agent thought to have.
permitting rapid achievement of alveolar and Propofol is administered in an egg-oil-glycerol
brain partial pressure, and hence has a rapid emulsion, and probably exerts its pharmaco-
onset and termination of action. It possesses logical effect by enhancing GABA-activated


chloride channel. Propofol is a fast-onset, short- intracerebral capillaries, leading to an overall

acting drug . Propofol decreases the CBFby 30% vasconstrictive effect and decreased ICP.
to 50%, with a 35% diminution of the CMROz' Finally, mannitol decreases the viscosity of
preserving COz reactivity. Propofo l decreases whole blood, thereby decreasing intracerebral
ICP with a concomitant decrease of MAP. resistance. In combination with the increase
Narcotics currently used during anesthesia in intravascular volume and card iac output,
are synthetic phenylpiperidine derivatives this leads to increased CBF in the setting of
and include fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil and decreased ICP, with an overall theoretical
remifentanil. They are pure opioid receptor increase in CPP. These effects on ICP and CPP
agonists , and, unlike morphine, do not liberate appear to be greatest in the setting of intact
histamine. These drugs are all ultrashort- to vascular autoregulation. The effectiveness of
short-acting drugs . They are used as anesthetic mannitol is also highly dependent on the
adjuvant, but may be used as the main anes- intactness of, and osmotic gradient across,
thetic agent. The effect of these drugs on car- the BBB. Marked disruption of the BBB allows
diovascular and cerebral dynamics is quite flow of mannitol into the brain parenchyma,
variable . Remifentanil and fentanyl seem to thus antagonizing flow of blood into the intra-
have negligible effect on ICP, while sufentanil vascular compartment. In response to chronic
and alfentanil may increase it. Mainly becau se osmotic therapy, the brain also accumulates
of their effect on MAP, they tend to decrea se "idiogenic osmoles", which act to sequester
the CPP, sometimes below the range of autoreg- water in the brain compartment.
ulation. Again, of the four drugs , fentanyl has Barbiturates are a second -line agent for the
the smallest effect on CPP. Sufentanil may even management of elevated ICP. Their efficacy in
decrease CBF in a dose-dependent manner this role remains controversial. The mechanism
under anesthesia. Alfentanil seems to have of action is believed to be their ability to mod-
negligible effects on both CBF and CMROz' ulate cerebral metabolism and therefore CBF.
Narcotics maintain COz reactivity. Narcotics are Barbiturates appear to act as cerebral vasocon-
not brain protectants. strictors, thus reducing intracerebral blood
volume and lowering ICP. Barbiturates also
appear to preferentially vasoconstrict normal
Intracranial Pressure cerebral blood vessels and increase CBF to rel-
Management atively ischemic areas. Finally, barbiturates
decrease CMROz' i.e. the cerebral metabolic rate
Several osmotic diuretic agents have been and oxygen consumption. Decreases in CMROz
used to treat elevated ICP, including sucrose, appear to result in decreased ICP. A burst-sup-
albumin, urea and mannitol. Mannitol appears pression EEG pattern (so-called "barbiturate
to be excluded from the CSF to a greater extent coma") is often required to achieve a maximal
than other osmotic agents. Mannitol is a simple decrease in CMROz' This effect, however, does
unbranched hydrocarbon with a half-life of not come without a significant price. Large
approximately 0.25-1.7 hours. Its excretion is doses of barbiturates may cause systemic
primarily renal, so its half-life may be extended hypotension and act as negative inotropes, both
in cases of impaired renal function. The recom- of which act to decrease cardiac output and,
mended dose for mannitol is 0.25-2 g/kg intra- ultimately, CPP in the setting of elevated
venously every 4 hours, with a peak decrease in ICP. Pentobarbital is the most commonly used
ICP approximately 15 minutes after adminis- barbiturate for the management of ICP and
tration. Use of a loop diuretic 15 minutes after has a half-life of 15-50 hours, which may be
the administration of mannitol has been shown even further lengthened by the large doses
to potentiate its effect. Like all osmotic diuret- required to achieve a barbiturate-induced coma .
ics, mannitol works primarily by shifting water This effect is due to perturbation of hepatic-
from the brain parenchyma to the intravascular clearance mechanisms and also significantly
space, thereby decreasing the volume of the affects the metabolism of other hepatically
intracranial contents and reducing ICP. Addi- cleared drugs. Resolution of pentobarbital coma
tionally, mannitol reduces intracranial elas- may take days after cessation of therapy. This
tance . Mannitol may also affect the reactivity of side-effect profile mandates the use of frequent


monitoring of drug levels, EEG, cardiac output HGG. Following tissue acquisition, frozen-
and CBF. section pathology helps to ensure that tumor tis-
Propofol is now frequently used in the ICU sue has been obtained. If this is not the case, a
setting for ICP control. In the acute setting, and second target site should be sampled. Ifbleeding
over relatively short periods of time (hours occurs with the biopsy, instillation of 0.1-0.3
to days), the agent has an effective half-life of cm' of thrombin solution through the biopsy
2-4 minutes. The drug decreases CBF, ICP and instrument may be helpful. However, significant
CMR0 2 and induces less cardiac depression hemorrhages may require open intervention.
than barbiturates. Because of its short half-life, A post-operative CT scan is routinely obtained
it has also shown utility for neuroleptic anes- to verify the target site sampled and confirm that
thesia. Propofol is also useful for sedation there has been no significant bleeding. It has
of agitated patients in whom serial neuro- been our practice to retain biopsy patients in the
logical exams are necessary. Once the propofol hospital overnight. Because the wound is small,
infusion is stopped, within 10-20 minutes radiotherapy may commence as soon as a final
effective blood levels have dropped to near diagnosis has been provided by the pathologists.
zero. Untoward side-effects include negative
inotropy, respiratory depression and prolonged
clearance after large doses. Open Surgical Resection
The objectives of HGG resection are accurate
Stereotactic Biopsy diagnosis, reduction of mass effect and reduc-
tion of the tumor burden. Risks from cran-
The sole goal of stereotactic biopsy of brain iotomy for HGG resection vary, with reported
lesions is to obtain a diagnosis. Owing to HGG morbidity rates ranging from 5% to 15%, and
histological heterogeneity, undergrading of the mortality from 1% to 5%. Techniques that min-
tumor occurs at a rate of approximately 10%. imize these problems and maximize resection
Overall risks from biopsy include anesthesia, will be discussed.
bleeding, infection, and obtaining non-diag-
nostic tissue. The reported complication rates
vary from 1% to 5%, while mortality rates are Positioning and Flap
reported as 0-3% [26]. Frameless sterotactic Strategies
techniques provide the advantage of avoiding
the discomfort of frame placement, but the dis- Patients should be positioned so that all pres-
advantage of some loss of accuracy. Typically, sure points are well padded, with the neck in a
frame -based techniques offer accuracy within relatively neutral position to assure adequate
5 mm. jugular venous return. The tumor should be
When using general anesthesia, it is impor- located at the highest point, with the patient in
tant to simulate the conditions at the time of the moderate reverse Trendelenburg position.
scan to maintain accuracy. Therefore, mannitol, Following adequate induction with general
hyperventilation and other methods for lower- anesthesia (as discussed above), hyperventila-
ing ICP should not be used (unless they were tion and administration of mannitol (1.0 g/kg
also used during the time of scan acquisition). under general anesthesia, 0.5 g/kg when the
Following standard prepping and draping, a patient will undergo awake functional mapping)
small incision is made. The entry site is chosen should commence.
to provide the shortest, yet safest, course from The skin flap should be designed so that it is
the cortical surface to the lesion. Obvious large enough to permit potential re-operation
regions to avoid include major blood vessels, for recurrence if needed. Although the incision
the Sylvian fissure, and sulci. If the ventricle is can be extended or "teed", it is best to plan
entered, it is important not to remove CSF, as ahead and avoid higher risk scalp flaps. The
this may permit displacement of the target. A craniotomy should be large enough to permit
target site is chosen that will provide the most adequate tumor exposure and access to poten-
accurate diagnosis. Areas of enhancement and tially functional cortical regions that need to be
necrosis are more likely to yield the diagnosis of identified with mapping techniques (see below).


Intraoperative Navigation subsequent br ain relaxation. Frame-b ased and

frameless sterotactic systems are quite useful as
Although many HGGs are easily differentiated well (Fig. 10.5c). They can be used in planning
from surrounding br ain, others pose serious the scalp flap, the craniotomy and the resection.
problems in this regard . Similarly, resection of However, the accuracy of these systems relies
tumors that cannot be seen on the cortical on concordance between brain position and
surface are best approached with some form( s) pre-operative imaging studies . Therefore, alter-
of intraoperative navigation (Fig. 10.5). Intra- ation s in brain volume or shifts of the intracra-
operative ultrasound (lODS), which is available nial contents during resection may render these
at most centers, is helpful when the tumor is guidance systems less useful as the resection
not iso-echoic with the brain (Fig. 10.5b). This progresses. Intraoperative imaging systems
is often problematic for infiltrating low-grade allow the neurosurgical oncologist to bring the
gliomas, but less often with HGG. IODS can post-operative "gold standard" into the opera-
provide accurate data prior to resection, during tion. Currently these systems are expensive,
resection and at the end of the resection (to often cumbersome and prolong the surgery.
determine the completeness of the resection) . However, they combine the advantages of IODS
The accuracy of IODS is not dimin ished by and stereotaxy.
brain shifts that occur during resection and

Fig. 10.5. a Sagittal MRI (T1-weighted with gadolinium)showing a large left

frontal tumor (T) with a small central cystic component (C). b Intraoperative
ultrasound image obtained inthetransverse plane, demonstrating thetumor
and tumor cyst. cIntraoperative MRI navigational system, demonstrating the
posterior extent ofthe resection (atred crosshair).


Functional Mapping stimulus generates a signal that is transmitted

via the spinothalamic pathways, to the medial
Identification of functional cortex, including lemniscus, then the thalamus, and finally to
Rolandic cortex and speech cortex, enables the contralateral somatosensory cortex. Compared
surgeon to avoid these areas when formulating with scalp recordings, SSEP recordings made
surgical strategy [27). In addition to preserva- from the cortical surface have much higher volt-
tion of cerebral function during surgery, it is ages (10-100 mY). Recording typically uses a
also possible with these techniques to achieve low, cut-off frequency of 1 Hz, a high-frequency
a greater extent of resection with increased filter of 3,000 Hz, and an analysis time of
safety. While somatosensory evoked potential 100 ms, Usually, trials of 100-200 stimuli are
(SSEP) and cortical stimulation mapping of needed to elicit well-defined responses from the
motor cortex can be performed in patients somatosensory cortex. Cortical responses have
under either general or local anesthesia, speech a number of different components designated
mapping requires the cooperation of an awake by their positive (P) or negative (N) polarity
patient. Although resections in or near func- with respect to the reference electrode, followed
tional brain can be made safer by localizing by a number representing the typical latency (in
important brain functions, there are a number ms) of the peaks. For instance, following median
of pitfalls that the surgeon must be aware of in nerve stimulation, the contralateral somatosen-
order to avoid producing functional deficits. sory gyrus shows an initial N20 component
followed by a P25 component.
Localization ofSomatosensory Following craniotomy and durotomy, an
array of electrodes is placed in the axial (trans-
Cortex Using SSEPs
verse) plane on the cortical surface. An eight-
SSEP mapping to identify the primary contact electrode strip (1 cm center-to-center
somatosensory gyrus provides a quick, reliable spacing) is quite adequate. The electrode
means of Rolandic localization in both adult contacts should extend over areas of the
and pediatric populations [28). SSEPs can be brain anterior and posterior to the presumed
performed under general anesthesia or in awake somatosensory gyrus. Alternatively, electrodes
patients. SSEP mapping has the advantage over may be placed on the dura (this is especially
stimulation mapping that seizures cannot be helpful for re-operative and post-meningitis
evoked because the cortex itself is not stimu- cases where the dura is adherent to the under-
lated. When performed under general anesthe- lying cortex rather than directly on the cortical
sia, halogenated anesthetic agents should be surface). If the craniotomy does not expose
avoided because they may increase the latency Rolandic cortex, an electrode strip can be slid
of the cortical SSEPs. High-dose barbiturate or beneath the edge of the craniotomy to reach
propofol anesthesia may lead to burst-suppres- distant cortical regions. A series of recordings
sion activity, and is therefore contraindicated. are then made from the cortical surface by
Nitrous oxide combined with Pentothal or moving the electrode to different areas to verify
low-dose propofol provides excellent general localization of the somatosensory cortex .
anesthetics for these studies.
Techniques for intraoperative SSEP mapping Cortical Stimulation Motor and
are similar to those used for routine diagnostic
studies (Fig. 10.6). A peripheral nerve is stimu-
Sensory Mapping
lated - most often the median nerve at the wrist Functional localization by cortical stimulation
due to the robust signal that can be recorded at mapping has been performed for over 40 years.
the cortical surface. However, other nerves, such Although this technique is reliable, it is often
as the tibial nerve, can also be used. Stimulation difficult to elicit responses in children or under
is performed at a rate of 2-5 Hz with a 0.1- general anesthesia. Stimulation mapping of
0.3 ms pulse duration, and the current adjusted somatosensory cortex requires an awake patient;
to produce a minimal (not painful) twitch so however, motor cortex can be stimulated with
that muscle activity can just be visualized. the patient under general anesthesia. It is impor-
Stimulation can be accomplished with mechan- tant to bear in mind during cortical stimulation
ical and thermal stimulation as well. The that repetitive or prolonged stimulation at or


8- ' - --=--~ Fig. 10.6. a Bipolar montage from somatosensory evoked potential (SSEPj
recording following stimulation oftheright (contralateral) median nerve. The N20,
denoting the primary somatosensory cortex is seen in channel "3". The P22,
indicating motor cortex, is seen in channel "4". b Trans-dural SSEP electrode
arrangement with an eight-contact electrode placed on the dura prior to
durotomy. cSSEP recording directly from thecortical surface.

4 .•
p22 C. Fissure
N20 /">;
3 '==~);V ~20u
2 ~ 5ms 200


b ..... ""Ol ...... ....

near the same site, or with higher currents, Using this technique, the entire sensory and
can elicit local or generalized seizure activity. motor homunculi can be mapped. The tech-
Therefore, it is important to make sure that nique can also be used to identify descending
the patient has adequate serum anticonvulsant subcortical motor fibers when resections extend
levels pre-operatively and that a short-acting below the cortical surface, such as during sup-
intravenous anticonvulsant is readily available plementary motor area resections and insular
in the event that seizures are elicited. resections. When performing subcortical motor
A constant current, biphasic, square wave, mapping, the current needed to elicit movement
60 Hz, bipolar stimulator (Ojemann Stimulator, is the same, or lower than, the current needed
Radionics Sales Corp .; 5 mm between elec- at the cortical surface. When the resection is
trodes) set at 2-10 mA is used to elicit move- very close to functional cortex, it is helpful to
ment and/or sensation in the awake patient. periodically repeat the stimulation mapping
Higher current settings may be necessary in procedure to verify that cortical and subcortical
younger children, in patients under general functional regions are not damaged.
anesthesia, or when stimulating through the
dura. It is best to start at lower current settings
and gradually increase the current until sensa-
Mapping oflanguage Cortex
tion or movement is elicited, as this will help to In contrast to mapping Rolandic cortex, lan-
avoid eliciting seizure activity . guage cortex mapping depends on electrical


blockade of cortical function rather than on propagated to nearby cortex, which may elicit
eliciting function [29]. Most patients, even local seizure phenomena or give false-negative
children as young as 10 years old, have little dif- or false-positive results. Therefore, electrocor-
ficulty with the procedure, especially when ticography (ECoG) must be performed during
propofol anesthesia is used during placement of stimulation (Fig. 10.7). Using a U-shaped elec-
the field block, cranial opening, the majority of trode holder, which is attached to the skull at
the resection, and during closure . It is impor- the edge of the craniotomy (Grass model CEl),
tant to bear in mind that cortical stimulation carbon-tip electrodes are placed over the
mapping of language cortex is used to identify exposed cortical surface and spaced approxi-
essential language cortex. This is distinctly dif- mately 10 mm apart. Bipolar stimulation, as
ferent from involved language cortex, which is described above, is then used, starting with
identified by functional imaging techniques a current of 2 mA. The current is gradually
such as positron emission tomography (PET) increased (0.5-1.0 mA increments) with succes-
and functional magnetic resonance imaging sive stimulations until the after-discharge
(fMRI). Furthermore, the specific language task threshold is determined. The current used for
performed by the patient may lead to identifi- language mapping is then set to 0.5-1.0mA
cation of different language sites. below the after-discharge threshold.
It is first necessary to determine the after- Prior to mapping, 15-20 peri-Sylvian sites are
discharge threshold so that depolarization is not selected and marked with small (5 x 5 mm)

I ,

Fig. 10.7. a Intraoperative electrocorticogram showing three afterdischarges following cortical stimulation (in lead E17). The
montage isreferential tothree neck electrodes (balanced neck reference, to minimize ECG interference). bAhigher current than in
a has produced a train ofafterdischarges. cThe cortical electrode arrangement isshown with numbered tickets ontheleft frontal
lobe. dTicket "29"shows the location ofmotor speech; thesuture isonthecentral sulcus.The frontal lobe tumor resection can be


numbered tags. Sites for stimulation mapping Pitfalls ofCortical Mapping

are randomly selected to cover all exposed
cortex, including area s where essenti al langu age Although cortical mapping is an important tool,
areas are likely to be located and those near or potential pitfalls must be recognized so as to use
overlying the site of resection. Using a com- mapping safely and effectively [27]. Below are
puter, the patient is shown images of simple some of the major difficulties encountered.
objects. A new image is shown every 2- 4 These have been separated into : (l) inability
seconds (depending on the patient's verbal to identify functional cortex , and (2) injury to
ability). Cortical stimulation is applied prior to functional cortex once it has been identified.
the presentation of each image and continued Inability to Identify Functional Cortex
until there is a correct response or the next
image is presented. Each pre-selected site is In young patients, stimulation motor mapping is
stimulated three to four times , though never often not possible. SSEPs must be used to local-
twice in succession. Sites where stimulation ize Rolandic cortex . Under general anest hesia,
produces consis ten t speech arrest or anomia SSEPs and motor cortex localization may prove
are considered essential to language function. difficult. Nitrous/narcotic anesthesia is best for
Injury to essential language areas will lead to mapping. Inability to identify functional cortex
permanent difficulties. does not pro ve that one is not in functional cor-
It is important to remember that the topog- tex. It may be indicative that there was a problem
raphy of essential language varies from individ - with mapping, not that resection is necessarily
ual to individual. Furthermore, patients who are safe. During localization of speech cortex, ECoG
adept in more than one language will have sep- must be used to determine the after -discharge
arate essent ial language areas for each of their threshold. This assures that there are no local
different language s. Standard anatomical tern- seizures elicited by stimulation.
por allobe resections (e.g. measu red resections,
Injury to Functional Cortex
resections anterior to the central sulcus, resec-
tions anterior to Labbe's vein) do not always Following Mapping
spare essential language areas. Ojemann et al. There are often two or more essential speech
[30] noted that subjects typically have two lan- areas within both the temporal and frontal
guage areas: one in the posterior inferior frontal lobes. Therefore, the entire region to be resected
gyrus , and one in the posterior temporal lobe. should be mapped (i.e. mapping should not be
However, individuals displayed a wide variety of stopped simply because two speech area s have
language topography and some had three or been identified) . White matter underlying func-
more sites identified. The basal language area tional cortex can be injured. For Rolandic
can probably be resected with relative impunity, cortex, this can be avoided with subcortical
indicating that, although this site is involved in mapping. For speech cortex, the patient shou ld
language function, it is not essential. continue naming during resection of abutting
As with the other types of mapping described cortex or white matter. Vascular injury in the
above, language mapping can be performed neighborhood of functional cortex must be
through the dura or directl y on the cortical avoided . Lesional distortion of cortex superfi-
surface. Furthermore, when the surgeon wishes cially does not indicate that underlying white
to stimulate unexposed cortex , this can be matter has (or has not) been displaced .
accompli shed by sliding a strip electrode Ascending or descending fibers may not travel
beneath the edge of the bone flap and then uti - perpendicular to the gyral crown .
lizing a device that attaches to the electrode lead
wire connection that permits direct bipolar
stimulation [27]. When the resection is within Intratumoral Therapies
2 cm of the identified langu age area, it is best
to have the patient cont inue object naming Aside from the resection of tumor, neurosur-
during the part of the resection that is close to geons are becoming increasingly involved in the
the identified language site. The resection can delivery of therapy at the time of resection or
then pro ceed slowly and be halted if naming the delivery of intralesional therapy. While most
errors occur. of these neurosurgical -based therapies are


experimental or undergoing evaluation in phase efficacy of these approaches is not clearly

I or II clinical trials, a few have been approved established, one study reported the survival of
for general use. patients receiving permanent implants was
almost two-fold longer than a comparable
group of historical controls treated aggressively
Chemotherapy Impregnated with surgery and chemotherapy. One consider-
Wafers ation in their use is that treatment-related
morbidity appears to be less for permanent
The implantation of degradable wafers impreg- low-activity implants than for temporary high-
nated with BCND (Gliadel) has been used exten- activity implants. One difficulty with any
sively at the time of re-operation for recurrent brachytherapy approach is achieving uniform
HGGs, and recently has been approved by the dose distributions to all involved regions of
FDA for use at the time of initial surgery. In a tumor. Dose heterogeneity can lead to under-
large phase III trial enrolling 222 patients with treated (cold spots) or over-treated areas (hot
recurrent HGGs, the use of Gliadel provided a spots) at risk for rapid progression or radiation
statistically significant prolongation of survival injury and necrosis, respectively. While the use
of 8 weeks (from 23 to 31 weeks) for all HGG of stereotactic radiation techniques provides
patients as well as for the GBM subgroup [31]. boosts with more defined dosimetry, it is often
A recent multicenter prospective trial evaluated difficult to shape the radiation field to the irreg-
the use of Gliadel at initial surgery and reported ular growth patterns of most HGGs.
median survival times of 13.9 vs 11.6months for
HGG patients receiving Gliadel vs placebo, with
median survival of 13.5 vs 11.4 months in the Future Directions
GBM vs placebo group [32].
Complications associated with the use of A host of novel experimental therapies, includ-
Gliadel include infection, cerebral edema, ing gene-based therapy and immunotherapy,
wound-healing problems and CSF leak, partic- have emerged based on our continually evolv-
ularly in patients with recurrent HGG. Careful ing understanding of HGG biology. The deliv-
attention to tissue handling and dural closure, ery of many of these newer therapies involves
with use of dural patches, helps to reduce these the technical expertise of the neurosurgeon [34].
complications. The following examples of emerging therapeu-
tic approaches emphasize how targeting specific
Brachytherapy aspects of glioma tumor biology translates into
new treatment strategies, and how the delivery
Brachytherapy for HGGs includes the tempo- of these agents - often with novel techniques -
rary use of high-activity implants and perma- is likely to further involve the neurosurgeon in
nent placement of lower-activity sources. Early the future treatment of HGG.
reports on the use of brachytherapy with tem- Immunotherapy approaches include the use
porary high-activity implants were encourag- of antibodies conjugated to radioactive com-
ing, but subsequent re-evaluation showed pounds, or toxins directed against tumor-
that much of the treatment effect was due to specific antigens (such as transferrin receptors,
selection bias [33]. Subsequent randomized EGFRvIII, tenascin, and VEGF receptors).
prospective trials of interstitial, high-activity, Tumor vaccines are being developed, and other
temporary 1-125implants, used as a boost at the means to boost inherent immune responses
time of initial treatment, have reported contra- to tumor antigens, such as dendritic cell
dictory results. Permanent low-activity 1-125 therapies, are being actively pursued. Gene
implants placed at initial operation have pro- therapy encompasses a multitude of different
duced promising results but require additional approaches as well. Early clinical trials of gene
validation. therapy used the local administration into
Similar brachytherapy strategies using either glioma resection beds of retroviruses engineered
high-activity 1-125 temporary, or low-activity with bacterial enzymes (thymidine kinase) capa-
1-125 permanent, implants have been used for ble of converting prodrugs (ganciclovir) into
HGGs at the time of recurrence. While the cytotoxic metabolites. Other, newer, gene-based


therapies under development include: gene reduction of implanted brain tumor size In
replacement (e.g. p53), production of dominant- animals [11].
negative receptors (e.g. to VEGF receptor) to
disrupt signaling pathways, antisense oligonu-
cleotides to knock down expression of specific Key Points
genes, and administration of cytolytic viral vec-
tors. These approaches are theoretically attrac- • High -grade gliomas are the most common
tive because they target specific molecular primary cerebral neoplasms in adults and the
aspects of glial tumors and may reduce toxicity, majority of these tumors are glioblastoma
but none has proven to be particularly effica- multiforme and anaplastic astrocytoma.
cious. Thu s, their integration into standard • High-grade gliomas can either arise de novo
therapy will require further investigation. or arise from malignant degeneration of low
One of the major impediments to successful grade gliomas.
treatment of HGGs is the inability to deliver
cytotoxic drug concentrations to bulk tumor or
* Treatment of high-grade gliomas includes
confirmatory biopsy or surgical resection fol-
to access the diffusely invasive tumor cells that
reside within regions of an intact BBB. Not sur-
lowed by radiation therapy. Chemotherapy
can also be considered.
prisingly, concurrent with the development of
new treatment approaches described above has • Important predictors of survival include age,
been the introduction of novel technique s for histological grade, Karnofsky performance
delivery of these therapies and others, which status and adequacy of treatment.
attempt to overcome these limitations. These • Despite advances in imaging, surgical tech-
new approaches to delivery include the use of niques to maximize resection, and chemo-
convection-enhanced delivery and osmotic therapy and radiation therapy techniques,
or pharmacological opening of the BBB and the prognosis for survival beyond 2-3 years
intralesional delivery of high-dose chemother- remains poor.
apy. Convection-enhanced delivery uses intrac-
erebral catheters to infuse therapeutic agents
through the brain by bulk flow, such that References
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EF, Kaplan RS et al. Cancer surve illance series (co r-
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agents or with drugs that specifically reduce recent trends in incidence and mort ality. J Natl Cancer
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Sellar and Parasellar Tumors
Richard J. Stacey and Michael P. Powell

Summary Introduction
Pituitary adenomas are by far the most Embryology ofthe Sellar Region
common tumours of the sellar region, com-
prising 90 to 95% of all such tumours. Holding the key position at the center of the
Meningiomas, craniopharyngiomas(particu- skull, the sella turcica ("Turkish saddle") is used
larly in children), Rathke's cleft cysts and as a reference point for many lesions, which
aneurysms are the most likely differential may be described as sellar, suprasellar or
diagnoses. The majority of pituitary tumours parasellar. The close proximity of many impor-
are asymptomatic, discovered as "inciden- tant structures explains the often striking and
talornas" in the course of investigation for characteristic clinical presentation of pathology
other conditions. The rest, along with other in this compact region.
sellar lesions, present with symptoms of The cartilaginous neurocranium is the basal
endocrine dysfunction, mass effect on sur- region of the developing skull. In its earliest
rounding structures, commonly the optic stage of development, it exists as a narrow con-
nerves or chiasm, or headache. Apart from densation of mesenchyme forming a plate that
Prolactin secreting tumours, which respond links the anterior rim of the foramen magnum
to dopamine agonists, the mainstay of treat- with the most anterior part of the skull. Central
ment is surgery, with or without radiother- to the development of this region is the forma-
apy. Prior to surgery, even as an emergency, tion of the body of the sphenoid bone.
all sellar tumour patients should have Subsequently, cartilaginous plates develop on
thyroid function tests, Prolactin levels and either side of the developing sphenoid body to
adequate imaging. Any patient with a
form the wings and complete the development
tumour with suprasellar extension should
of the middle cranial fossa.
undergo formal visual field assessment.
MRI scanning is the imaging modality of The greater wings of the sphenoid form the
choice, with a CT scan for sphenoid septal majority of the middle cranial fossa. The lesser
anatomy if a transphenoidal approach is to wings start at the anterior clinoid processes,
be undertaken. passing laterally to become the sphenoid ridge
of the pterion. Between the two is the superior
orbital fissure. Bythe middle of the third month
of gestation, the skull base is a unified mass of
cartilage known as the "chondrocranium".



Subsequent ossification takes place in several Table 11.1. Differential diagnosis ofneoplasms and
centers. "turnor-llke" lesions ofthesellar region
The sella develops as a depression in the body Tumors ofadenohypophyseal origin
of the sphenoid and is lined with dura and Pituitary adenoma
houses the pituitary gland. It is roofed over by Pituitary carcinoma
the diaphragma, which transmits the infundibu- Tumorsofneurohypophyseal origin
lum or pituitary stalk. On either side of the Granular cell tumor
sphenoid bone the cavernous sinuses, made Astrocytoma ofposterior lobe and/or stalk (rare)
Tumors ofnon-pituitary origin
from folded dura, transmit the carotid artery,
the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve, Germ cell tumors
and cranial nerves III, IV and VI. Gliomas (hypothalamic, optic nervelchiasm,
The cavernous sinuses receive blood from the infundibulum)
petrosal and sphenoparietal sinuses in addition Meningioma
to local veins dra ining the sella. They also inter- Hemangiopericytoma
connect with each other, which explains why Chordoma
petrosal venous sampling seldom localizes the Lipoma
side of a pituitary microadenoma. The posterior Giant cell tumorofbone
articulation of the sphenoid body is with the Chondroma
clivus at the spheno-occipital synchondrosis. Fibrous dysplasia
Above the sella are situated the optic nerves, Sarcoma (chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma,
chiasm , third ventricle and hypothalamus. fibrosarcoma)
Post-irradiation sarcomas
Lesions ofthe Sellar Region Schwannoma
There are numerous diagnostic possibilities for Esthesioneuroblastoma
any lesion in the sellar region (Table 11.1)but the Primary lymphoma
astute clinician or radiologist is aware that there Melanoma
is a high statistical chance of any lesion in the area Cysts, hamartomas and malformations
being a pituitary adenoma. Adenomas in their
Arachnoid cyst
various forms make up 90-95% of most series. Epidermoid cyst
Meningiomas , craniopharyngiomas, Rathke's Dermoid cyst
cleft cysts and internal carotid artery aneurysms Gangliocytoma
make up the commonest of the less frequent Metastatic tumors
lesions. Of the remainder, because their fre- Carcinoma
quency of presentation is considerably less than Plasmacytoma
1%, it is sufficient to be aware of their existence. Lymphoma
Inflammatory conditions
Pituitary Adenomas Mucocele
Lymphocytic hypophysitis
Incidence Sarcoidosis
Langerhans' cell histiocytosis
The majority of pituitary tumors are asympto- Giant cell granuloma
matic, as shown by the discrepancy between the Vascular lesions
reported prevalence of 200 per million and Internal carotid artery aneurysms
the post-mortem findings of pituitary tumors in Cavernous angioma
10- 27% of the population [1].

Pathophysiology NB. Lesions initalics are discussed inthetext.

The anterior portion (adenohypophysis) of the
pituitary gland is thought to develop from
endothelium lining the primitive buccal cavity
(stomatodeum) passing cranially as Rathke's


pouch . This joins a downward projection of the Table 11.2. Simplified classification ofpituitary adenomas
hypo thalamus (neurohypophysis), destined to
GH cell adenoma
form the posterior lobe and pituitary stalk. This PRl cell adenoma
composite gland is distinct and separate from Mixed GH cell I PRl cell adenoma
the primitive stomatodeum by the seventh week Mammosomatotroph cell adenoma
of gestation and further develops under t?e ACTH cell adenoma
influence of the hypothalamus through a senes FSH/lH cell adenoma
of permissive and specific trans-acting proteins. TSH cell adenoma
It is fully functioning by the time of birth but Null cell adenoma
retains considerable plasticity throughout life. Pluri-hormonal adenoma
Unclassified adenoma
Occasionally, cystic remnants of embryological
development persist within the pituitary as
Rathke's cleft cysts.
The majority of pituitary tumors are benign
epithelial neoplasms that develop from adeno- pituitary adenomas and carcinomas, and the
hypophyseal parenchyma and, as such, resem- traditional categorization of pituitary adenomas
ble normal pituitary histology. In addition to by their tinctorial properties has been aban-
the clinically relevant hormones produced doned. Ultrastructural appearance, in particular
by the pituitary, a number of additional pep - the size of the cytoplasmic granules, also aids in
tides and hypothalamic hormones are known the diagnosis of these tumors. The latter system,
to be produced. These include, amongst many, however, requires pituitary adenomas to be
vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, growth- extensively examined by multiple modalities in
hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), somato- specialist centers [2]. . .
statin, substance P and renin. Such findings The majority of adrenocorticotrophic
attest to the functional complexity of the gland. hormone (ACTH)-producing tumors are micro-
In addition to the hormone-producing cells, scopic. GH, prolactin (PRL) and ACTH-
apparently functionally inert or "null" cells are containing tumors correlate well with endo-
also found in the parenchyma, which also give crinological behavior, whereas the others do
rise to adenomas. These cells may produce
not. Pituitary adenomas are also subdivided by
either no hormone or an imperfect form with no
virtue of their size into those less than 1 cm in
biological activity. Multiple-hormone gene and
diameter (microadenomas) and those greater
gene receptor products are commonly seen in
than 1 cm (macroadenomas). These divisions
adenomas; for example , growth hormone (GH)
usually correlate with presentation - microade-
gene expression occurs in 50% of prolactinomas
nomas presenting with endocrinological mani-
and 30% of corti eotrophic adenomas. This func-
festations and macro adenomas with compres-
tional diversity may explain the occasional
response of mixed somatotroph and lactotroph sive effects - although GH-secreting tumors
adenomas to dopamine receptor agonists. and prolactinomas in males, in particular, may
The pathogenesis of pituitary adenomas is reach substantial size before diagnosis.
likely to be multifactorial. As with other neo-
plasms, the potential mechanisms of oncogene- Presentation
sis fall into three groups: Pituitary tumors and most other sellar lesions
• Abnormalities of genes regulating present in four general ways:
growth and development Endocrinological dysfunction. This may
• Abnormalities of tumor-suppressor result from overproduction of the six
genes pituitary hormones: PL, GH, ACTH or,
• Alterations in the genes controlling pro- rarely, thyroid-stimulating hormone
grammed cell death (TSH) and gonadotrophins, but may also
result from underproduction syndromes,
Classification ofPituitary Turnors
such as Addisonian crisis or secondary
(Table 11.2) amenorrheas. Specific endocrinopathy
The new World Health Organization classifica- will be covered for each tumor type in
tion divides pituitary tumors simplistically into turn (see below).


• Mass effect on adjacent structures (Fig.

11.1a and b). Tumors usually compress
the optic nerves and chiasm, but occa-
sionally they compress the third nerve,
particularly in apoplexy [3] (Fig. 11.2).
They may also very occasionally cause
hydrocephalus by blocking CSF outflow
in the third ventricle.
• Headache. This may possibly occur as a
result of compression or stretching of the
dural lining of the sella or of the
diaphragmata, which are innervated by
branches of the trigeminal nerve. It is
this sudden stimulus that is believed to
cause the pain of pituitary apoplexy,
which may be so severe as to mimic sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage.
• Incidental finding. Tumors may be found
during investigation for some other con-
dition. They are now officially known as
the "incidentalornas".
Endocrine and visual symptoms are the most
common forms of presentation, with headache
and incidentalomas being infrequent.

Visual Manifestations
The classic bitemporal field loss is found in chi-
asmatic compression. Early compression may Fig. 11 .2. A young man with acromegaly and pituitary
lead to upper quadrantic defects. This results apoplexy. The apoplexy has resulted in a left oculomotor nerve
from inferior chiasmal fiber compression. The palsy.

a b

Fig. 11.1.a-b Alarge pituitary tumor compressing surrounding structures. a Sagittal MRI. b Coronal MRI.


reverse may occur in lesions compressing the

chiasm from above, such as craniopharyn- Individual Pituitary
gioma . Field loss often begins unilaterally when Tumor Types, and
the intracranial optic nerve is compressed close
to its junction with the chiasm. Decussating Related Hormones
fibers from the nasal retina of the other eye
loop forwards into the optic nerve for a short Growth-hormone-producing Adenomas
distance before turning through 1800 and
passing backwards into the optic tract. Early Incidence
additional involvement of such decussating This group of tumors includes the somatotroph
fibers is signaled by a small contralateral upper adenomas, the mammosomatotroph adenomas
temporal or "ju nctional" defect. Patients fre- and the mixed somatotroph-Iactotroph adeno-
quently comp lain of bumping into objects on mas. The prevalence of acromegaly is 30-50 per
one or both sides of the contracted visual field, million and the incidence is five per million.
reflecting both unilateral and bitemporal field
loss. The affected field is described as absen t, Clinical Features
or blank, rather than black (blackness is Growth hormone, a 191 amino acid protein, is
usually a symptom of retinal rather than optic released from the anterior pituitary gland under
fiber disease) . Central vision may be affected the stimulatory influence of GHRH. Its release
by direct compression of the intracranial optic is inhibited by somatostatin, which, in turn, is
nerve. This may present as a blurring of stimulated by hyperglycaemia. This is useful
vision or scotomatous central field defects. clinically as somatostatin analogues can be
This is more common in individuals with a used to suppress GH production and the glucose
"post-fixed" chiasm - an anatomical variation tolerance test can be used to assess response
where the chiasm is situated further back, thus to surgery (see below). In excess, it causes
exposing more optic nerve to the compres- acromegaly, gigantism or both. Gigantism
sive effects of an expanding adenoma. If com- results from growth hormone excess before epi-
pression has been longstanding, fundoscopy physeal closure and frequently it is accompa-
may reveal optic atrophy. Diplopia usually nied by the soft tissue thickening characteristics
signals lateral compression of the nerves in and of acromegaly (Fig. 11.2).
around the cavernous sinus either by gradual Acromegaly is insidious in onset. The diag-
lateral extension or apoplexy. Optic tract com- nosis may be made coincidentally or because of
pression in a "pre-fixed" chiasm (the opposite complications such as carpal tunnel syndrome,
of a post -fixed chiasm) is rare and may produce diabetes mellitus, hypert ension, hypopitu-
an homonymous field pattern that may be itarism or sleep apnea. Chronic hypertension
incongruous. can lead to cerebrovascular disease , coronary
artery disease and congestive cardiac failure.
Visual Testing Patients with acromegaly also have a higher
All patients with suprasellar extension should incidence of malignancy, including colonic
have formal eye assessment. This will include: polyps, colonic carcinomas and breast carci-
noma, than the general population.
Acuity, using the Snellen chart. Some acromegalic patients have an associated
Fields. For reproducibility, the auto- hyperprolactinemia. This has led to the discov-
mated Humphrey field analyzer is the ery of the mixed monomorphous mammoso-
most popular, although in the hands of matotroph adenomas and the bimorphous
the expert, the Goldman perimeter is the somatotroph-Iactotroph adenomas mentioned
most accurate and will overcome diffi- above.
culties of interpretation from true ocular
disease. Histology
Color VISIOn, particularly temporal Grossly the more common macroadenomas are
desaturation to red, which will give frequently well demarcated. Microadenomas
information on early anterior pathway are confined to one of the lateral wings -
pathology. the principal site of GH-producing cells in the


normal gland . Larger tumors often spread Plain X-rays, in addition to documenting
outside the sella and invade neighboring tissues. fossa erosion, can give important information
GH levels correlate with tumor size. Mamrnoso- about sphenoid pneumatization and septation.
matotroph adenomas are composed of a single This may be of vital importance in transsphe-
cell type that is capable of producing GH and noidal surgery, particularly in adhering to the
PRL. Mixed lactotroph and somatotroph midline and avoiding lateral structures such as
tumors consist of different, coexisting tumor the carotid arteries.
Medical Treatment
Biochemical Investigations The mainstay of treatment is surgery with or
The biochemical diagnosis is based on the without radiotherapy. However , in cases of eo-
demonstration of a random GH of more than 10 secretion of GH and PRL, 20% will respond to
mUll (5.0 ng/ml), failure of suppression to less treatment with dopamine agonists. Treatment
than 2.0 mUll (1.0 ng/ml) following an oral with the inhibitory somatostatin analogues has
glucose load of75 g, and an elevated insulin-like been shown to decrease GH secretion. However,
growth factor 1 (IGF-l). Very rarely, acromegaly its use has been restricted by expense, need for
may be due to ectopic GHRH production. parenteral administration, and tendency to
Circulating GHRH levels should thus be exam- cause cholelithiasis.
ined in the case of an acromegalic in whom
imaging has failed to demonstrate a pituitary Prolactin-secreting Tumors
adenoma. Because GH is released in bursts
and has a half-life of less than 1 hour, single Incidence
estimations can be misleading. For this reason Over half of hormone-producing (functioning)
some authorities are switching to IGF-1 tumors secrete the 198 amino acid lactotroph
(somatomedin), with its longer half-life, as a PRL,the only hormone under inhibitory control
more accurate indication of GH exposure. PRL by dopamine from the hypothalamus. The clin-
measurements should always be taken in order ical syndrome characterized by amenorrhea and
to detect cases of mammosomatotroph adeno- galactorrhea was first described by Chiari
mas, which eo-secrete prolactin and which may and colleagues in 1855. PRL was not discovered
be sensitive to dopamine agonists such as as a human hormone until 1971.
Clinical Features
Radiological Investigations Ninety percent of such tumors are in females
As with most pituitary tumors, MRI is now the with secondary amenorrhea as the common
investigation of choice . It has excellent spatial presenting feature. Galactorrhea is not always
resolution and also has the advantage of being present, perhaps because a permissive level of
able to image in any plane with the acquisition estrogen may be required for milk production.
of three-dimensional data sets. These may be In men , impotence with decreased sperm count
used for volumetric analysis and navigational is the endocrinological equivalent. Women, pos -
purposes and may be supplemented with MR sibly owing to a greater awareness of the effects
angiography to assess major vascular relations. of hypersecretion, tend to present at a younger
The pituitary has no blood-brain barrier, and age with microadenomas, while men present
when gadolinium is given there is an orderly later in life with visual field disturbances.
sequence of enhancement of the gland. Within Because of the inhibitory control of the hypo-
seconds, the infundibulum and posterior pitu- thalamus, any mass lesion in this area may pro-
itary enhance owing to their direct arterial duce relative hyperprolactinemia. This is termed
supply. The anterior gland, supplied by the the "stalk effect". Generally, when this occurs,
slower portal system , then begins to enhance. the levels are under 3000 mUll (200 ng/ml).
Signal intensity becomes homogeneous after Many physiological events can cause hyperpro-
about 90s. This is followed by slow washout, lactinemia: pregnancy, lactation, stress, physical
which is faster from the posterior pituitary. The activity and nipple stimulation. Pharmacologi-
cavernous sinuses enhance early, outlining cal agents such as dopamine receptor agonists
the non-enhancing cranial nerves III and V. (phenothiazines, metoclopramide), tricyclic


antidepressants, reserpine and cimetidine may syndrome. This can be due to lesions of the
cause increased levels, as may the systemic disor- adrenal cortex, to extrapituitary, "ectopic" pro-
ders, hypothyroidism and chronic renal failure. duction of ACTH by neoplasms, to excessive
corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) pro-
Histology duction, and to pituitary-dependent ACTH
Although lactotroph adenomas are recognized excess. The latter, termed "Cushing's disease",
as having two variants that are analogous to the was recognized and described by Harvey
two types of somatotroph adenomas (densely Cushing in 1932.The syndrome is characterized
and sparsely granulated), sparsely granulated by centripetal obesity, plethoric moon-shaped
tumors make up the vast majority. facies, hirsutism, acne, diabetes, hypertension,
muscle weakness, bruising, mental disorders,
Biochemical Investigations amenorrhea and osteoporosis, all due to gluco-
The diagnosis is made by single blood level mea- corticoid hypersecretion. Hyperpigmentation
surement and the serum level correlates well is associated with ectopic ACTH production
with tumor size. and, in severe cases, with pituitary-dependent
Radiological Investigations ACTH excess. This is because the pro-hormone
from which ACTH is eventually cleaved (pro-
As with all pituitary adenomas, good-quality opiomelanocortin) also contains the amino
MRI supplemented with plain films is usually acid sequences for melanocyte-stimulating
sufficient. hormone. Left untreated, Cushing's disease
Medical Treatment leads to severe complications.
First -line treatment of prolactinomas is medical. Histology
Dopamine agonists such as bromocriptine and
The most common cause of pituitary-depen-
cabergoline will reduce prolactin levels to nor-
dent Cushing's disease is a basophilic microade-
mal in 85% and 92% respectively and will lead to
concomitant shrinkage even in giant tumors,
causing visual symptoms. Surgery should be Biochemical Investigations
reserved for the dopamine-agonist-intolerant or
Loss of diurnal rhythm of plasma (or salivary)
-resistant patient. Radiotherapy has a disap-
cortisol, with increased excretion of urinary
pointing track record in the control of hyper-
prolactinemia. In patients wishing to conceive, free cort isol and lack of overnight suppression
of cortisol in response to a low dose (1 mg) of
bromocriptine should be continued until a
dexamethasone, confirms cortisol overproduc-
positive pregnancy test, and then stopped. There
is no evidence to suggest that bromocriptine is tion. A combined low-dose and high-dose
teratogenic. The risk of tumor enlargement in (8 mg) suppression test usually distinguishes
between Cushing's disease and adrenal over -
symptomatic patients during pregnancy is 2-5%
for treated microadenoma and up to 37% for production. In the former, suppression occurs,
but not usually in the case of adrenal adenoma
macroadenoma. Experience would suggest that
or ectopic production of ACTH. This is because
tumors of less than 5 mm are unlikely to cause
the pituitary adenoma cells still have some sus-
problems during pregnancy.
ceptibility to negative feedback.
ACTH-producing Turnors The presence of detectable levels of ACTH
suggests ACTH-dependent disease - either
Incidence pituitary or ectopic. In ectopic ACTH secretion,
ACTH-secreting pituitary tumors are relatively usually from an oat-cell carcinoma of the
rare, making up only 4% of functioning tumors. bronchus, very high levels of ACTH, pigmenta-
It is a dangerous condition with a poor 5-year tion and hypokalemic alkalosis are found.
survival rate if untreated. There is a high female If an adenoma is not detected on imaging,
to male ratio of 8:1. then inferior petrosal sinus sampling after CRH
injection is justified. With such sampling,
Clinical Features peripheral blood ratios of more than 2.0 in the
Lesions associated with excess circulating corti- basal state and more than 3.0 following CRH
sol produce the manifestations of Cushing's injection are strongly suggestive of a pituitary


ongm. It does not guarantee the side of the Thyroid-stimulating Hormone

gland where the occult microadenoma may be (TSH) Adenomas
located because of trans-cavernous sinus veins These are the least common of the overproduc-
that allow mixing of the blood from each side. tion syndromes. There have been on ly two cases
CRH testing can be help ful in differenti al diag- in over 1,000 on the National Hospital pituitary
nosis, where a 100 g injection of CRH-41 will datab ase.
produce a normal or exaggerated response in
Cushing 's disease, but will mak e no difference Clinical Features The diagnosis is made on
in cases of ectopic ACTH secretion and adrenal raised TSH in the presence of hyperthyroidism.
adenoma. Pituitary-dependent TSH excess may also be
associated with hypothyroidism. These patients
Radiological Investigations have longstanding primary hypothyroidism,
As with the other pituitary tumors, good-quality which induces hypersecretion of TSH, thy-
MRI and plain films usually suffice, supple- rotroph hyperplasia and even adenoma.
mented by petrosal sampling if required.
Histology Thyrotroph adenomas are usually
Medical Treatment large chromophobe tumors with a sinusoidal
The definitive treatment for Cushing 's disease architecture.
is surgery. For those in whom surgery is not
possible or has failed, radiotherapy is usually Treatment This is by surgical excision.
given. This may be accompanied by adrenalec-
tom y and steroid replacement. Adrenale ctomy Gonadotrophic Adenomas
carrie s a 20% risk of Nelson 's syndrome (pitu- Although a number of "non-functioning"
itary hyperplasia and autonomous production tumors have gonadotroph expression on
of ACTH) and thus medical rather than surgical immunostaining, the tumors may release only
adrenalectomy is usually the first choice. The the alph a subunit or have lost the ability to
1113-hydroxylase inhibitor metyrapone is the release the hormone. Although it has been
most commonly used agent. Ketoconazole, suggested that they may be more common in
which inhibits steroid production and release of hypogonadal individuals, there is no increase
ACTH, may also be used, or mitotane, which in frequenc y in menopausal women. Most
destroys adrenal tissue . All of these agents have authorities consider them to be clinically non -
potentially serious side-effects , particularly functioning tumors.
ketoconazole and mitotane, which my cause
liver damage and hypercholesterolemia respec- Clinical Features Although patients with
tively. Another group of agents acts centrally by gonadotroph adenomas occasionally present
enhancing the activity of endogenous with signs or symptoms of gonadal dysfunction,
inhibitors, or by antagonizing endogenous most present with features of chiasmal compres-
ACTH stimulators. The most commonly used sion. Clinically diagnosed gonadotroph tumors
agents are bromocriptine (dopamine agonist) , occur mainly in middle-aged males. In young
cyproheptadine (a serotinin antagonist) and the women , gonadotrophin-secreting adenomas
GABA transaminase inhib itor sodium val- may masquerade as primary ovarian failure
proate. Responses to these agent s are unpre- becau se chronically elevated serum gonadotro-
dictable and idiosyncratic. ph ins reversibly inhibit ovarian function .

Glycoprotein-secreting Tumors Histology Gonadotroph adenomas are usually

chromophobic tumors with trabecular or papil-
(TSH, FSH and LH) lary architecture a nd p seudo-rosette format ion
These hormones are composed of alpha- and around blood vessels.
beta-chains and differ according to the structure
of the latter. Treatment The treatment is surgical.


Clinically Non-functioning Adenomas Treatment

This is by surgery to the sella region and other
Approximately 25% of pituitary adenomas are
sites, as appropriate, usually followed by radio-
clinically non-functioning. Although their pre-
sentation is usually visual, they may present
with panhypopituitarism or apoplexy. Many of
these adenomas may produce excess amounts of Pre-operative Investigations
the clinically silent alpha subunit unaccompa- and Work-up
nied by the specific beta unit. Stalk compression
may produce a moderate rise in PRL. Ideally, all pituitary tumors should be managed
Since the tumors are invariably macroadeno- in specialist centers [4]. In an emergency there
mas, the most important investigations are are three important tests without which no pitu -
of thyroid function and prolactin levels (see itary surgery should take place. These are:
below) and visual field and acuity estimation. • Thyroid function. Operations on the
The treatment is surgical. myxedematous patient severely threaten
cardiac function, and also make inter-
Null Cell Adenomas pretation of investigation difficult.
As their name suggests, these tumors have no • Prolactin levels. In macroadenomas with
specific markers to enable characterization of severe visual loss, even short-term
their cytodifferentiation. Patients are usually dopamine agonist treatment can quickly
older than 40 years and treatment is surgical. restore vision, and although tumor
shrinkage can lag behind, a better result
Posterior Pituitary Hormones than with surgery is usually obtained
with patience.
ADH overproduction (SIADH) and lack of ADH • Adequate imaging. This should include
(diabetes insipidus) are occasionally seen in details of the sphenoid septation if trans-
large pituitary tumors. Diabetes insipidus in the sphenoidal surgery is to be attempted.
setting of pituitary disease is, however, more
Cortisol cover is recommended for all large
usually associated with an inflammatory or
tumors for safety, as loss of ACTH output is
infiltrative condition such as lymphocytic
dangerous and may occur postoperatively. Suc-
hypophysitis or histiocytosis. cessful surgery for Cushing's tumors demands
PituitaryCarcinomas Hydrocortisone 100 mg given with the induc-
Incidence tion of anesthesia is sufficient.
Primary pituitary carcinoma is extremely rare. Surgical Aims
Metastatic pituitary deposits, for example from
the breast, although rare, are the more common Each tumor poses a different problem. Surgery
type. can achieve:
• Total tumor removal. This is demanded
Clinical Presentation for true endocrine cure in functioning
The clinical presentation is usually similar to tumors. Endocrine remission may result
that of a pituitary adenoma. Although pituitary from near total removal. For macroade-
carcinomas can be associated with acromegaly, nornas, total tumor removal is probably
hyperprolactinemia or Cushing's disease, they infrequent.
usually present as a pituitary mass. • Decompression of the optic chiasm and
nerves. It is surprising how sensitive the
Investigations chiasm is to small increases in tumor
In addition to standard imaging, further inves- size, but the net result is that vision can
tigations should be directed at potential sources recover even when a comparatively small
of primary tumors such as the breast or lung. amount of the tumor has been removed.


Tumor debulking. Large invasive tumors >300 mOsmollkg, hypotonic urine <300
are probably best debulked prior to mOsmollkg and a urine flow of >2 mllkg/h. If
radiotherapy in order to reduce tumor the patient is conscious and has a normal thirst
mass. mechanism, DI is seldom dangerous, whereas
• Biopsy. When radiological diagnosis is treatment with DDAVP can lead to hypotonic
uncertain, this may be required to clarify plasma with all the attendant problems of con-
subsequent management. fusion, epilepsy and even death.

Surgical Approach Nasal Packs

These may be removed early. In our unit, they
The transsphenoidal approaches are the only
are removed on the first postoperative day.
rational approaches for microadenomas and
usually suffice for tumors with suprasellar Antibiotic Prophylaxis
extension. They include:
Since two leading authorities with thousands of
• sub-labial trans-septal approach, as cases between them do not use them at all, we
described by Cushing and, later, Hardy suggest using the standard local protocol for
• direct trans-nasal apparoach normal cranial surgery.
• endonasal approach. This approach uti- Complications
lizes elements of both of the above. It was
first described by Landolt. In experienced hands, there should be few com -
plications. Many series have no mortality and
• trans-ethmoidal approach. This many of the complications are both minor and
approach remains popular in the UK transient. One example, in a series of 67 patients
with some otolaryngologists. operated on for large tumors causing visual loss,
• endoscope-assisted surgery. had as complications: five transient CSF leaks ,
Transcranial approaches are required for four cases of DI (only one of which persisted for
those tumors with complex suprasellar exten- over 3 months), one minor cardiopulmonary
sion, and for those rare tumors with normal event and a period of postoperative confusion.
fossae but suprasellar extension. The most serious complications were in three
patients who suffered sellar hematomas, one
causing temporary worsening of vision and
Early Postoperative requiring second transsphenoidal surgery.
CSF leaks
As the majority of patients will have undergone Once again, in experienced hands these are rel-
transsphenoidal surgery, greater detail will be atively rare, even in macroadenoma series.
given to these patients [4]. The same principles Generally they are dealt with packing and if
apply to cranial surgery patients. profuse, a lumbar drain. There continues con-
siderable debate with regard to the need for
General Considerations packing. We use it in cases of obvious leak when
Functioning and non-functioning tumors both fat or fascia lata suffices. For persistent leaks a
require rigorous fluid balance, which includes lumbar drain may be used . It can usually be
the measurement of urine specific gravity (SG). switched off in 36-48 hours.
As a rule, any patient able to concentrate to spe-
cific gravity (SG) 1005-1010 does not have dia- Cortisol Replacement
betes insipidus (DI). DI seldom occurs in the From the postoperative high of 100 mg hydro-
first few hours but should be suspected if cortisone twice a day, this ma y be reduced to
the patient is producing more than 1 litre of 20 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the mid
urine in 4 hours and the serum sodium is above afternoon within 48 hours, and to 15 mg and
145 mmolll. Urinary flow rates alone are insuf- 5 mg at discharge.
ficient to diagnose the condition, and a number
of common perioperative events can produce Hyponatremia
a relative diuresis. The diagnosis is made on a This may occasionally occur spontaneously
combination of increased plasma osmolarity with inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH)


caused by the non -specific release of ADH from lower than 20%, with drug treatment and radio -
degenerating posterior pituitary neurosecretory therapy usually required at some stage follow-
terminals 7-14 days following surgery. The con- ing surgery.
dition is managed by fluid restriction.
Long-term Management
Specific Postoperative This is directed at assessing vision, controlling
Investigations residual effects of the tumor on endocrine func-
tion , and assessing the need for radiation
Acromegaly therapy:

Reduction of growth hormone levels results in Vision is usually improved in about three -
an early cessation of sweating. Diabetes mellitus quarters of patients [5]. The degree of
becomes easier to control and many patients improvement is related to the severity of the
can be managed on diet or oral hypoglycemic visual loss and, to a lesser extent, the length
alone. On the second day, it is useful to carry of the history (as this is notoriously unreli-
out a glucose tolerance test with GH levels (i.e. able).
before discharge). GH will fall to below 2 mIU!I, Endocrine function is maintained in the
and ideally below 0.5 mIU!1 if cured. If the majority (80%) of patients with normal
patient is not "cured", early re-exploration is function at the time of surgery, whereas, if
often worthwhile. this is lost altogether and the patient has
Expected cure rates vary between 60% and panhypopituitarism at the time of surgery,
80%. If surgery fails, the patient will need to function is not regained .
have GH hypersecretion controlled by somato- Because of the ease of imaging, most clinics
statin analogues and undergo pituitary irradia- decide on the need for radiotherapy based
tion . on the postoperative MRI approximately 2
months following surgery, when the effects
Cushing's Tumors of the surgery in the fossa and sphenoid
have lessened. Significant residual tumor
A patient cured of their disease will become usually needs radiotherapy, whereas an
dependent on cortisol replacement. If hydro- empty fossa can be watched . Likewise, most
cortisone is not given during the procedure, the clinicians prefer to leave young patients for
cortisol level can be checked the following day, as long as possible as radiotherapy leads to
about 24 hours later. If the surgery is success- pituitary failure in 12-15 years.
ful, cortisol levels will have fallen to below 50,
but replacement must start immediately. Radiotherapy
Surgical failure warrants prompt re-explo -
ration, particularly if an adenoma was found at Conventional radiotherapy will stabilize the
the first exploration. Most experienced authors majority of large tumors and allow a certain
in large series report a cure rate of better than amount of shrinkage. In acromegaly, GH levels
70%. Failed surgical treatment of Cushing's usually start to fall within 2-3 years but may
disease requires radiotherapy. Currently, the only approach normality at 5-8 years. A recent
fashion for bilateral adrenalectomy may be Cushing's series suggests that the response in
waning in favor of controlling the cortisol ACTH-secreting tumors may be better.
hypersecretion with ketoconazole. Currently, there is a strong pressure to
change to conformal techniques - the gamma
knife and stereotactic linear accelerator
methods (LINAC) - particularly the single dose
A single postoperative estimation is sufficient to regimens . The attraction of these techniques is
estimate the success of the procedure. Female their ability to deliver a higher radiation dose to
patients may regain their menstrual cycle when the tumor, with much greater sparing of normal
the level remains a little above normal. Surgical tissue. Although there is intense interest, their
cure rates in prolactinoma series vary between indications, efficacy and complication rates are,
50-70%. Cure rate s for invasive tumours are to a certain extent, unknown.


Rathke's Cleft Cysts Presentation and Clinical Features

The three main presenting features are similar
Incidence to pituitary adenomas: endocrine disturbance,
headache and visual impairment. In a recent
Rathke's cleft cysts (RCCs) are clinically signif- large series of over 28 RCCs [1], the mean
icant but uncommon lesions. They are less age at presentation was 45 years. Clinically,
common than pituitary tumors. Occasionally endocrine disturbance was the most common
they coexist. However, the vast majority must be presentation (50%), including amenorrhea
asymptomatic since they are encountered in (37.5% of female patients), growth retardation,
12-33% of normal pituitary glands in routine impotence and DI. Biochemically, hypopitu-
autopsies [6]. The first symptomatic RCC was itarism, hyperprolactinemia and gonadotrophin
reported by Goldzeiher in 1913. By 1977, only 34 deficiencies were the common endocrine find-
cases had been reported. By 1992, this number ings. Headache was a major feature in 32.1%
had more than doubled to 87 cases of histolog- and visual disturbance in 14.3%. Patterns of
ically confirmed RCC [7]. This recent increase visual disturbance included central field loss as
is attributed to the widespread use of MRI. well as the peripheral field loss expected in sellar
region lesions. Four patients had pre-operative
Pathophysiology DI, a feature that, in the authors' opinion,
The origin of Rathke's cleft cysts lies in the excludes pituitary adenoma.
embryological development of the pituitary
gland. During development, a small diverticu- Diagnosis
lum lined with endodermal epithelium - As with other sellar lesions, in addition to the
Rathke's pouch - grows from the roof of the clinical and biochemical features, the mainstay
primitive buccal cavity or stomatodeum. of diagnosis is imaging. CT characteristics
Simultaneously a small ectodermal process include well-defined, homogeneous, non-
the infundibulum - grows downwards from the enhancing sellar lesions without calcification
floor of the diencephalon. During the second and usually with suprasellar extension. These
month of development Rathke's cleft lies in features , however, are not always specific and
contact with the anterior surface of the can be seen in other sellar lesions such as cystic
infundibulum, and its connection with the oral pituitary adenomas, craniopharyngiomas, epi-
cavity disappears. Rathke's pouch now flattens dermoids and arachnoid cysts. The MRI fea-
itself around the anterior and lateral surface of tures are also variable, possibly in keeping
the infundibulum, forming the pars anterior, with the cyst contents, reflecting the number
pars tuberalis (around the infundibulum) and and activity of secretory cells in the wall. Given
pars intermedia. These embryo logical distinc- the variable imaging, the most difficult differ-
tions are rarely seen clinically. The cystic center ential diagnosis remains that between RCCsand
of Rathke's cleft normally now disappears. It is craniopharyngiomas. Some would say that the
the persistence and growth of this vesicular latter is suspected in pre-operative DI, calcifica-
space, probably by epithelial proliferation and tion of the cyst wall, and possibly in cases
accumulation of secretions, that give rise to of recurrence, reflecting the behavior of true
Rathke's cleft cysts. Other theories of RCC for- craniopharyngiomas.
mation postulate origin from neuroepithelial
tissues or from anterior pituitary cells by
reverse metaplasia. The relatively common
finding of squamous epithelium in portions The treatment for symptomatic RCCsis surgical.
of the cyst lining has led to the hypothesis of The pre-operative investigations and precau-
origin from squamous rests along the cranio- tions are similar to those for surgery on pituitary
pharyngeal canal (or hypophyseal-pharyngeal adenomas. The majority can be adequately
duct) . This is a theory that might explain a dealt with via the transsphenoidal route. In this
possible common origin of a spectrum of cys.tic technique the anterior portion of the cyst wall
sellar lesions ranging from RCCs to cramo- is removed. The remaining cavity is then left
pharyngiomas. to drain into the sphenoid sinus to avoid


recurrence. Symptomatic recurrence can be effects, and this is especially true of sellar-region
dealt with via a repeat transsphenoidal approach tumors.
or by using the trans-glabella approach via the
Tuberculum sellae (suprasellar) menin-
frontal sinus.
giomas arise from the meninges of the ante-
rior clinoid or tuberculum sellae. They
Postoperative Adjuvant Therapy
displace the optic nerves and chiasm
Since RCCs are not neoplastic, there is no upwards or backwards. They present with
proven case for either radio - or chemotherapy. visual failure involving a central scotoma in
Most cases of recurrence are effectively dealt conjunction with an asymmetrical bitem-
with by repeat surgery. poral field loss. Some degree of optic
atrophy is usually present and this, in con-
Outcomes junction with lack of papilledema or
In our series, recovery of visual acuity and field anosmia, helps to distinguish this tumor
was seen in 66.6% and 68% of eyes respectively . from an olfactory groove meningioma.
Postoperative PRL levels declined to normal Backward growth of the tumor may
or near normal in 62.5%, and 20% of those impinge upon the hypothalamic-pituitary
with low pre-operative gonadotrophin levels axis and produce endocrinological deficits.
achieved normal levels after surgery. Cavernous sinus (parasellar) meningiomas
present with retro-orbital pain and sixth
cranial nerve palsy. The other cranial nerves
in the area - III and IV - may also be
Meningiomas affected. The first and second division of the
fifth cranial nerve may also be involved.
Incidence Anterior clinoid and medial third sphenoid
The first description of a meningioma was given wing (parasellar) meningiomas generally
by a Swiss physician, Felix Plater, in 1664. The present with progressive loss of vision and
first series of "fongueuses de la dure-mere'{B] optic atrophy on examination. There is uni-
was described by Antoine Louis in 1774. The lateral loss of acuity due to optic nerve com-
term "meningioma" was coined by Cushing in pression; this may be seen in conjunction
1922 [9]. Meningiomas comprise 15% of with an incongruous field loss resulting
intracranial tumors. They occur predominantly from an element of chiasmal compression.
in the fifth and sixth decades , with a peak at Tumors growing "en plaque" may invade
around 45 years, and 90% are intracranial. They the cavernous sinus and produce the fea-
are more common in females than in males, tures mentioned above.
and, in the case of intracranial tumors, by a ratio
of 3:2. Meningiomas are rare tumors in child- Diagnosis
ren. Meningiomas of the sellar region comprise
approximately 15% of the intracranial total, CT at the base of the skull can be misleading
occurring on the tuberculum sella or planum owing to the superimposition of skull density
sphenoidale (suprasellar meningiomas), on the over tumor density and because of artifact. This
medial sphenoid wing and cavernous sinus is particularly true for sellar region tumors. MRI
(parasellar meningiomas) or, very rarely, within is superior and has the advantage of allowing
the sella turcica itself. Occasionally they arise multiplanar viewing in relation to local struc-
from the optic nerve sheath and expand in a tures such as the optic apparatus. MRA and
dumb-bell fashion, passing from the orbit MRV sequences help to assess vascular involve-
through the optic canal. ment. This is particularly helpful in sellar region
tumors to determine the position of the carotid
Presentation and Clinical Features of artery and tributaries in relation to the tumor.
Conventional angiography, particularly if
the Sellar Region Meningiomas pre-operative embolization is envisaged, gives
Although meningiomas may present with hem- more detailed information and is still the "gold
orrhage and epilepsy, most exert local pressure standard".


Treatment frontotemporal approach described above,

sometimes with orbitozygomatic extension,
The mainstay of treatment of symptomatic particularly if the orbit has been invaded.
meningiomas is surgery with as complete a Complete removal of cavernous sinus menin-
resection as possible. In the case of tumors of giomas is not usually possible without consid-
the sellar region, careful pre-operative planning erable morbidity. Rather, an aggressive internal
is essential to assess the extent of possible resec- decompression is performed in preparation for
tion and likelihood of damage to neighboring postoperative radiotherapy should this prove
structures. This is particularly important in the necessary. Medial sphenoid wing meningiomas
case of cavernous sinus meningiomas, where are more amenable to surgical removal.
several questions remain unanswered. Are cav-
ernous sinus meningiomas curable and is the
cranial nerve morbidity associated with resec-
tion acceptable? Surgeons base these decisions Reports of tumor response to standard external
on the degree of involvement of the internal beam radiotherapy are variable except in the
carotid artery. Many authors believe that case of malignant tumors and hernangiopericy-
tumors completely encircling and compressing tomas, where there does appear to be some
the artery or invading the cavernous sinus benefit. Recently, attention has been focused on
cannot be totally resected without unacceptable conformal techniques such as stereotactically
morbidity. In such cases a subtotal resection, directed gamma rays ("gamma knife") or X-
with or without radiotherapy, may be an effec- rays. The object of these techniques is to prevent
tive short-term strategy. disease progression while preserving neuro-
logical function. Encouraging results have
Surgery recently been published with progression
control in more than 80% [11]. However, the
Tuberculum Sellae (Suprasellar) results of studies with longer follow-up times
Meningiomas are awaited.
The standard approach is via a frontotemporal
or pterional craniotomy, with adequate anterior Chemotherapy
exposure to allow sufficient subfrontal exposure
Although both estrogen and progesterone
to gain access to the tumor along the upper part
receptors have been found in meningiomas, to
of the sphenoid wing. The side chosen is usually
date attempted hormonal manipulation has met
determined by the side on which the optic nerve
with little success. The observation that hydroxy
is most compromised. Another approach,
urea inhibits the growth of meningioma cells in
recently adopted in the authors' unit, is via a
cell culture has led to its use in the treatment of
direct trans-glabella route passing through the
unresectable and recurrent meningiomas of the
frontal sinus. This involves minimal retraction
skull base. In a small study of four patients,
and direct access and is uncomplicated pro-
three of whom had cavernous sinus menin-
vided that the sinus is adequately repaired.
giomas, the results are encouraging, showing
Olfactory tracts are preserved. (This is also suit-
marked regression in three subjects and failure
able for the resection of olfactory groove menin-
of recurrence of a malignant meningioma in the
giomas.) The blood supply comes mainly from
fourth [12]. The results of larger studies are
meningeal vessels over the tuberculum, with
little from the carotid. These tuberculum vessels
should be taken first as the tumor is under-
mined. Internal decompression is performed Recurrence
prior to dissection from the vessels and optic When assessed radiologic ally, more than 50% of
apparatus. recurrences occur within 5 years and 80%
within 10 years. The most important factor in
Cavernous Sinus and Medial Sphenoid tumor recurrence is the amount of meningioma
(Parasellar) Meningiomas left behind. Simpson [13] related the recurrence
The approach for cavernous sinus and rates to the extent of resection and devised a
medial sphenoid meningiomas is similar to the grading system based upon this (Table 11.3).


Table 11.3.Five-year recurrence rate for meningioma based ontheextent of tumor resection
Grade Description Recurrence rateat 5 years (%)
1 Complete macroscopic tumor removal withexcision of involved dura and bone 9
2 Complete macroscopic tumor removal withcoagulation of dura/bone 19
3 Complete macroscopic turner removal butnotreatment of involved dura and bone 29
4 Intracranial tumor leftin situ 44
5 Tumor decompression only

Hemangiopericytoma Craniopharyngioma
Incidence and Epidemiology Incidence and Epidemiology
This rare tumor was formerly regarded as a Craniopharyngiomas comprise approximately
variant of meningioma [14]. However, it has 2.5-4% of all intracranial tumors. Although half
more aggressive behavior and a tendency to of these occur in adults, they account for a
recurrence and extraneural metastases. greater percentage of childhood tumors
Unlike meningioma, it occurs more com- (5-13%) and are responsible for 54% of sellar
monly in males. region pathology in children. There appears to
be a bimodal age distribution, with peaks occur-
Pathology ring at ages 5-10 and 55-65 years. There are
important differences in clinical presentation,
Its macroscopic appearance is that of a red, soli-
pathology and outcome between children and
tary, firm nodule. It is usually vascular, with a
adults. They remain, whatever the age group, a
tendency to hemorrhage when cut. Microscopi-
continuing challenge for the neurosurgeon,
cally it is highly cellular, with dense reticulin
endocrinologist and radiotherapist.
deposits broken at intervals by "staghorn" vas-
cular spaces. Mitoses are present but, unlike
meningiomas, whorls and psammoma bodies
are not typical. These features, plus its aggres- In common with other sellar region lesions gen-
sive behavior, have led it to be classified with the erally and with Rathke's cleft cysts in particular,
mesenchymal non-meningothelial tumors, such it seems likely that the origin of these lesions lies,
as chondrosarcomas. at least in part, in disordered embryogenesis.
In 1899, Mott and Barret [16] were the first to
Presentation And Clinical Features appreciate that these sellar and parasellar
epithelial tumors might arise from the hypophy-
Hemangiopericytomas of the sellar region
seal duct or Rathke's pouch. Subsequently, cran -
usually present as a suprasellar space-occupy-
iopharyngiomas have been discovered along the
ing lesion often producing a field defect. Pre-
path of development of Rathke's pouch from
operatively they may be mistaken for a pituitary
the pharynx to the sella. However, the pathology
tumor or a suprasellar meningioma. Rarely and
of RCCs and craniopharyngiomas differs and
confusingly, like the meningiomas, these lesions
this might reflect the differing ability of squa-
may also be seen in the ventricular system [15].
mous cell rests to undergo neoplastic change
and form a craniopharyngioma or to persist as a
simple cyst. The pathology is further compli-
The diagnosis is not usually made before cated by the observation that certain cranio-
surgery, but may be suspected at operation pharyngiomas, particularly those presenting in
owing to its firm consistency and excessive childhood, resemble both adamantinomas or
hemorrhage. When the diagnosis is suspected tooth bud tumors of the jaw and odontogenic
clinically, the lesion is usually approached tran- cysts [17]. This raises the possibility of two
scranially. Due to its aggressive behaviour, total separate tumor types, with the adult cranio-
excision and radiotherapy is the treatment of pharyngioma arising from squamous metapla-
choice. sia of pituitary cells later in life. This would


help to explain the differences seen in clinical the investigation of choice, particularly w~en
presentation and response to treatment. looking at the relationship to surrounding
Most craniopharyngiomas appear near the anatomy. This is important in deciding upon an
infundibular stalk , distorting the surround- operative approach. Evalua~ion of e~docrine
ing anatomy and eventually obliterating the function - particularly cortisol, thyroid func-
suprasellar cisterns. tion and fluid balance - is, of course, manda-
Morphologically these lesions vary from pre - tory, as is visual assessment.
dominantly solid to cystic. Mixed solid and cys-
tic lesions are more common in pediatric series. Treatment
Predominantly cystic tumors are more common
Total resection can be achieved and offers the
across the age range , with predominantly solid
best chance of cure, but the degree of tumor
lesions in only 10% of pediatric tumors. Cyst
removal must be tempered by the degree of
walls may be thin or thic~ structures im~re~­
difficulty envisaged pre -operatively and
nated with calcium deposits, and cyst fluid IS
encountered intraoperatively if formidable
dark green and laden with birefringent choles-
postoperative problems are to be avoided. Th.ere
terol crystals. Calcification is found in half of
is a considerable variation between the surgical
adult tumors and virtually all childhood tumors.
"hawks" and "doves " in this difficult disease.
Often there is a florid glial reaction around the
Radiological risk factors include involvement
craniopharyngioma, which is most marked
of structures above the chiasm, such as the
around papillary-like tumor projections into the
hypo thalamus, as well as extensive lateral
hypothalamus, making manipulation danger-
spread, particularly through ~he ca~ernous
ous. Craniopharyngiomas are often adherent to
sinu s and surrounding the carotid artenes. The
major vessels, the chiasm and hypothalamus.
overall management of the pediatric disease
This may preclude total removal.
has been reviewed in the excellent paper from
the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond
Presentation and Clinical Features St, London [18].
The clinical presentation varies between
children and adults. Craniopharyngiomas Surgical Approach
are slow-growing tumors and hence may reach
Symptomatic hydrocephalus must be contr?lled
considerable size before diagnosis. Children
and this may require a biventricular shunt If the
will often tolerate marked visual deterioration
tumor blocks both foramina of Monro.
and hydrocephalus before they complain. Non-
When choosing a surgical approach (Table
specific symptoms such as poor school perfor-
1104), there are several factors to consider: firstly
mance , poor memory (hypothalamic compres-
the size, secondly whether or not it is cystic,
sion) and disruptive behavior may go unno-
and thirdly, the relationship to surr~unding
ticed. The endocrine features are manifest in
structures, namely the hypothalamus, third ven-
short stature, delayed puberty, hyperphagia
tricle, opt ic pathways, pituitary and stalk,
and obesity (this may be a prominent postop-
vessels, brainstem, dura and CSF pathways. In
erative feature) , and other behavioral problems.
cranial approaches, the position of the chiasm,
DI is less common. Adults present mainly with
which is often pre-fixed, and the shape and
varying degrees of visual failure . Hydrocephalus
laterality of the tumor must also be taken into
at presentation is relatively rare, but neurobe-
havioral syndromes unrelated to hydrocephalus
If the lesion is confined to the sella, or has
are relatively common, including confusion,
moderate suprasellar extension but remains
dementia and hypersomnia. The most common
mainly midline, then a transsphenoidal appro-
endocrinopathy in adults is gonadal failure , pre-
ach may be attempted, particularly if cystic.
senting as secondary amenorrhea in women and
Equally a subfrontal or pteri.onal appro~ch may
loss of libido in males.
be used (with or without orbitozygornatic exten -
sion), particularly if there is late~al ext~nsion.
Diagnosis In a cooperative study involving 4~5
With its high resolution and multiplanar capa- patients [19], subfrontal routes we~e u~ed :n
bilities, MRI in conjunction with MRA is usually 46%, pterional in 27%, transsphenoidal In 8 Vo,


Table 11.4. Operativeapproaches forcraniopharyngioma

Approach Advantages Disadvantages
Subfrontal Good visualization of optic nerves and chiasm Poor visualization of third ventricle mass
Below circle of Willis
Pterional Below circle of Willis Unilateral
Shortest distance to parasellar region Poor view of contralateral optic nerve
Good visualization of retrosellar region
lamina terminalis Access to mass in anterior third ventricle Risk of hypothalamic damage
Transsphenoidal No craniotomy Unable to see supra and parasellar regions
Direct sella view and decompression of inferior Possible pituitary damage
surface of chiasm
Transcallosal Direct approach good third ventricle view Divides corpus callosum
Risk of fornix damage
Poor view of sella
Transcortical Good view of ventricular system ReqUires hydrocephalus
Risk of postop seizures
Poor sella view

transventricular in 3%, subtemporal in 2.6% results must be set against the appreciable recur-
and transcallosal in 0.7%. Anterior approaches rence rate in those having «total" excision of
allow opening of the lamina terminalis and pos- 19.1%.
sible removal of tumors situated wholly or
partly within the third ventricle . Transcallosal Other Treatments
and transventricular approaches also give good Conventional Irradiation
ventricular access, but limited suprasellar
access. Some surgeons attempt to solve this with The role of radiation in these tumors remains
controversial. The majority of tumors respond
a simultaneous and additional pterional cran-
and shrink to some extent. Views differ as to the
iotomy. We have also used a trans-glabella
long-term effectiveness in a disease in which the
behavior is, in any case, notoriously difficult to
predict [20]. Although efficacious, its conse-
Postoperative Morbidity quences may be severe, particularly in children.
Most patients experience anterior and posterior
pituitary endocrine deficits postoperatively, Stereotactic Radiotherapy
with less than 10% having normal endocrine Although its use is becoming more Widespread
function. Growth hormone deficiency is usually and with some encouraging results [21], the
present, as is DJ. Hyperphagia and obesity also results of large series with longer follow-up are
occur and are attributed to hypothalamic awaited.
damage. Choux cites the predictive factors in
Intracavity Brachytherapy and
postoperative morbidity as: age less than 5
years, severe hydrocephalus, pre-operative
hypo thalamic disturbance, large tumors over Beta emitters have mainly been used, such as
3.5 cm and intraoperative complications [19]. gold-198 and yttrium-90. These are implanted
stereotactically. Some success is claimed, par-
ticularly in the reduction in size of cystic
Surgical Results lesions. The cytotoxic bleomycin has also been
Although total surgical excision gives the best introduced into cystic craniopharyngiomas
chance for longevity, it can only be achieved in a via an Ommaya reservoir. This has also pro-
limited number of cases. Choux quotes 25% duced favorable results, but has yet to become
in his large cooperative study. However, these a definitive treatment.


7. Ross DA, Norman D, Wilson CB. Radiologic character-

Key Points istics and results of surgical management of Rathke 's
cleft cysts in 43 patients. Neurosurgery 1992;30:173-9.
8. Louis A. Memoire sur les tumours fongueuses de la
IIIThe majority of sellar and parasellar tumors dure- mere . Memoires de I' Academie Royale de
are pituitary adenomas or meningiomas. Chirurgie (Paris), 1774;5:1-59.
• Pituitary tumors usually present with 9. Cushing H. The meningiomas (dural endotheliomas):
endocrine or visual disturbances, or both. their source and favoured seats of origin. Brain
e A PRL estimation is essential prior to surgery 10. Gordon DE, Olson C. Meningiomas and fibroblastic
since prolactinomas can usually be treated neoplasia in calves induced with bovine papilloma
medically. virus . Cancer Res 1993;28:2423-31.
1I. Hakim R, AlexanderE, Loeffler JS et al. Results of linear
e Sellar region meningiomas present with local accelerator based radiosurgery for intracranial menin-
pressure effects, and surgical resection is the giomas . Neurosurgery 1998;42:3.
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Hydroxyurea for treatment of unresectable and recur-
Cl Craniopharyngiomas and Rathke's cleft cysts
rent meningiomas. Decrease in the size of meningiomas
probably have a common embryological in patients treated with hydroxyurea. J Neurosurg
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lames J. Evans, [oung H. Lee, John Suh
and Mladen Golubic

following incomplete (and at times complete)

Summary removal, and its frequent involvement of the
surrounding skull-base bone, dura and neu-
The epidemiology, pathology, natural rovasculature, making complete removal often
history, and recurrence of meningiomas are impossible.
reviewed, as are treatment options and their The term "meningioma" was introduced by
indications. Several important surgical con- Cushing in 1922 to clarify the hitherto confus-
cepts are presented, with an emphasis on ing and numerous histopathological nomencla-
general principles that apply to resection of tures used to describe the tumor. These names
meningiomas at most intracranial locations. have included: "fongueuses de la dure-rnere"
The role of therapeutic radiation - including (Louis 1774), "epithelial cancer" (Bennett 1858),
gamma-knife radiosurgery, linear accelera- "tumeurs fibro-plastiques" (Lebert 1854),
tor radiosurgery and intensity-modulated "cylindroma" (Billroth 1856), "epithelioma"
radiation therapy - is discussed. A review (Bouchard 1864), "sarkome der dura mater"
of current understanding of meningioma (Virchow 1863), "endothelioma" (Golgi 1869),
tumor biology is presented, as is the possible "villous arachnoid tumor" (Cleland 1864),
direction of future therapy. "arachnoid fibroblastoma" (Mallory 1920) and
"meningeal fibroblastoma" (Penfield 1932).
Whereas the previous names were descriptive
Introduction based on the tumor's varying appearances, or
based on its presumed histiogenesis, the new
Surgical management of patients with menin- term "meningioma" was used to simply convey
giomas is arguably the most rewarding, chal- the meningeal involvement. The first report of
lenging and, at times, daunting task for a this fascinating tumor dates back to 1614, and
neurosurgeon: rewarding because of the benign it is credited to Felix Plater of Switzerland.
nature of most meningiomas, leading to a pos- Although there are earlier reports of partial or
sibility of providing cure following total failed removal of meningiomas, W.W. Keen is
removal; challenging because of the tumor's credited with the first successful surgical resec-
common sites of involvement in proximity to tion of a meningioma in the USA, in 1887.
critical neurovascular structures and/or along Surgery continues to be the treatment of
the skull base, making surgery difficult and choice for most patients with meningiomas.
highly risky; daunting because of the associated Recent advances in neuroimaging, anesthe-
risks of surgery, the turnor's tendency to recur sia, microsurgery, surgical instrumentation,



radiation oncology and skull-base techniques proportion of meningiomas among common

have improved the overall surgical management intracranial tumors changes to 40% for menin-
of patients with meningiomas and their giomas, 35% for gliomas, and 17% for pituitary
outcome. However, we are still far from provid- adenomas [3]. The incidence of clinically sig-
ing optimal care to all patients with menin- nificant meningiomas is approximately 2.3/
giomas. Ultimately, the future of meningioma 100,000 population, and about 5.5/100,000 pop-
treatment will likely evolve through detailed ulation when autopsy data are included [3].
elucidation of tumorigenic mechanisms at the Such discrepancy between these incidence rates
subcellular level coupled with further advances underscores the fact that the majority of menin-
in molecular therapy that will rely upon the giomas actually remain asymptomatic and
re-classification of these tumors based on their undetected during life. In fact, Nakasu et al. [4]
genetic profile yet to be determined. noted that incidental meningiomas are found
Comprehensive coverage of meningiomas in in as many as 2.3% of autopsy specimens, and
a single chapter is utterly impossible. Therefore, that, among people over the age of 60 years
in this limited space, the epidemiology, pathol- undergoing autopsy, 3% are found to have an
ogy, natural history and recurrence of menin- incidental meningioma.
giomas are briefly discussed. Then, treatment The male:female ratio ranges from 1:1.4 to
options, together with their indications, are 1:2.1 depending on the series, but it is widely
briefly outlined. Several important surgical accepted to be approximately 1:2. [1,2]. This
concepts are presented, with an emphasis on finding, however, is not necessarily true among
general principles that apply to resection of blacks, who have been reported to have a fairly
meningiomas at most intracranial locations. even distribution between males and females
The role of therapeutic radiation, including [5]. The peak age of clinical presentation for all
various techniques utilized for treatment of patients with meningiomas is in the sixth
meningiomas such as conventional radiation, decade.
gamma-knife and linear accelerator radio- The intracranial distribution of primary
surgery, and intensity-modulated radiation meningiomas has been reported by many
therapy, are delineated. Finally, a review of the authors [1,6]. These reports may vary, depend-
current understanding of meningioma tumor ing on the type of neuroimaging used and
biology is presented. Possible directions for whether autopsy data are included. DeMonte
future therapy implicated by this basic scientific and Al-Mefty [2] summarized the overall
knowledge are also postulated. intracranial distribution of meningiomas by
combining several large reported series, and
concluded the following: parasagittallfalcine
Epidemiology 25%, convexity 19%, sphenoid ridge 17%,
suprasellar (tuberculum) 9%, posterior fossa
Incidence 8%, olfactory groove 8%, middle fossa/Meckel's
cave 4%, tentorial 3%, peri-torcular 3%, lateral
Meningiomas account for 15-20% of all ventricle 1-2%, foramen magnum 1-2%,
intracranial neoplasms, second only to the inci- orbit/optic nerve sheath 1-2%.
dence of primary gliomas [1,2]. Excluding Meningiomas occur in children, yet they are
autopsy data, one study concluded that the most exceedingly rare, accounting for only 1-4% of
common intracranial tumors are gliomas all brain tumors in patients less than 18 years
(43%), meningiomas (21%) and pituitary ade- old [7]. Furthermore, pediatric meningiomas
nomas (l7%) [3]. It should be noted that these account for only 1.5-1.8% of all intracranial
incidence data represent only those patients meningiomas [8]. In children, the male :female
with meningiomas that cause neurological ratio is nearly equal or with a slight male pre-
symptoms leading to clinical diagnosis and dominance [7]. Intraventricular meningiomas
treatment. With recent advances in neuroimag- are more common in children than in adults,
ing, many asymptomatic meningiomas are and make up 11% and 3.9% of all meningiomas
being detected today, raising the true incidence in these groups, respectively [6]. In addition to
significantly higher than was previously this predilection for unusual locations, children
reported. When autopsy data are included, the are also more likely than adults to harbor


aggressive forms of meningiomas, such as atyp- general population. In NF-2, it has been esti-
ical and anaplastic variants. A recent paper, mated that 50% of all patients develop menin-
however, suggests that malignant meningiomas giomas, and 30% of these patients have multiple
in young patients may not be quite as frequent meningiomas.
as was previously thought [9). Meningio- Malignant (i.e. anaplastic) meningiomas
angiomatosis, a reactive perivascular prolifera- account for only approximately 1-3% of all
tion of fibroblasts and meningothelial cells meningiomas. One large series of 936 primary
which can trap islands of gliotic cortex, is intracranial meningiomas revealed that 94.3%
occasionally associated with meningiomas in were grade I (benign), 4.7% were grade II (atyp-
younger patients, and may be mistaken for ical) and 1.0% were grade III (anaplastic).
brain invasion [9). Additionally, anaplastic meningiomas occurred
The association of meningiomas and head in 12%of males and in only 4% of females in that
injury has been addressed by many authors, study. The precise definition of "malignant
although the reports are mainly anecdotal [1). meningioma", however, has recently been a
In a rather large review, Inskip et al. [10) did not source of debate . Perry et al. found that frank
find a significant increase in the incidence rate anaplasia and high mitotic activity (20 or more
of meningiomas, gliomas or neurilemmomas mitoses per high-powered field) were most
in association with head trauma. It is more closely associated with malignant meningiomas.
likely that a portion of the many asymptomatic Extracranial metastases from meningiomas
meningiomas in the general population is have also been considered to be one of the strong
simply detected incidentally by routine neu- indicators of malignancy and have been shown
roimaging following head trauma. to occur in 11-23% of patients with frankly
Unlike trauma, radiation as a cause of menin- anaplastic meningiomas. Interestingly, brain
gioma development has been well documented invasion, a traditional criterion of malignant
[1). In such cases, the meningiomas must meet meningiomas, has recently been considered as
certain criteria to be considered radiation- a diagnostic feature that is more common in
induced, such as the tumor location in the field atypical meningiomas than in anaplastic types.
of radiation, pathology distinct from the origi- Spinal meningiomas occur approximately
nal neoplasm or condition under treatment, and one-tenth as frequently as intracranial menin-
occurrence after an appropriately long "latent giomas. Of all intradural extramedullary spinal
period" following the radiation exposure [1). tumors, meningiomas account for 25% and are
Meningiomas have been reported following second only to schwannomas, which account
low-dose radiation exposure for tinea capitis for nearly 30%. The peak age of presentation for
and following high-dose radiation treatment for spinal meningiomas occurs between the 5th and
other central nervous system (eNS) or head and 7th decades, but they may be found in patients
neck neoplasms. The male:female ratio seems to of any age. The male:female ratio ranges from
be more equal for radiation-induced menin- 1:3 to 1:6, and 80% of all spinal meningiomas
giomas , in contrast to the female predominance are found in the thoracic region [12].
for sporadic intracranial meningiomas in the Ectopic meningiomas are exceedingly rare
general population. and likely arise from rests of arachnoid tissue
Multiple meningiomas are rare. Only 1-9% of trapped in ectopic locations during develop-
all intracranial meningioma patients have mul- ment. These must be distinguished from the
tiple lesions [11). The patient age and tumor equally rare extracranial metastases of malig-
locations do not differ significantly from those nant meningiomas that occur in less than
with single meningiomas, yet there is a distinc- 0.1% of all meningiomas. Primary cutaneous
tion among patients with familial syndromes meningiomas are the most common and typi-
such as neurofibromatosis (NF) who are prone cally occur in the scalp of frontal and occipital
to developing multiple meningiomas at a much regions. Other reported locations of primary
younger age. Intracranial meningiomas are far ectopic meningiomas include : paranasal
more common in NF-2 than in NF-l, but they sinuses, eyelids, parotid gland, temporalis mus-
have been reported in both syndromes. It is cle, temporal bone and zygoma, as well as some
questionable, however, whether meningiomas distant sites, such as the lungs, mediastinum
occur at a greater rate in NF-l than in the and adrenal gland.


Lastly, meningiomas have been found in cal precursor cells of the meninges . Whether
association with several other types of cancer. arachnoid cap cells are derived from the neural
Due to the fact that meningiomas are relatively crest or the mesoderm remains unclear as cap
common tumors, and mostly benign with many cells may exhibit both mesenchymal and epithe-
years' survival, a chance of incidental associa- lial characteristics. Factors supporting the
tion with other tumors is possible. However, origin of meningiomas from arachnoid cap
there have been reports of some tumors that cells, particularly for the meningothelial variety,
seem to have a "more-than-chance" association include histological and ultrastructural similar-
with meningiomas. Fox [13] compiled several ities between the tumor and cap cells. These
reported series for a total of 52 cases of (non- include: the formation of whorls by the cells in-
NF, non-radiation-induced) meningiomas asso- vivo and in-vitro, complex intertwining cell
ciated with gliomas of various grades, some processes, the presence of intracellular junc-
of which were juxtaposed and some located tions, named desmosomes, and an abundance
at distant intracranial sites. Whether there is of intracellular intermediate filaments that stain
some common genetic or environmental factor positive for vimentin. Fibroblastic and transi -
involved in the concurrent development of tional benign varieties may have additional fea-
meningiomas and gliomas, or whether they are tures that are similar to the fibroblasts found in
entirely coincidental, remains unclear . deeper layers of the arachnoid adjacent to the
There has also been an association between subarachnoid space.
mening iomas and breast cancer, as suggested by
several authors. Studies of hormonal receptors Classification
as the link have not been conclusive, although
meningiomas have been reported to have an It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss
increased incidence and growth rate in women in detail all the pathological subtypes of menin-
during pregnancy, possibly supporting a hor- giomas. Instead, a summary of the latest World
monal role. Other molecular analyses have Health Organization 2000 classification of
placed emphasis on the loss of heterozygosity meningiomas is presented: grade I (low risk
of the long arm of chromosome 22 and have of recurrence and aggressive growth) includes
indicated that a tumor suppressor gene associ- meningothelial, fibrous (fibroblastic), transi-
ated with breast cancer may exist at the chro- tional (mixed), psammomatous, angiomatous,
mosome locus 22q13 [14]. Interestingly, 22q13 microcystic, secretory, lymphoplasmacyte-rich
is just slightly distal to the NF-2 tumor sup- and metaplastic meningiomas; grade II (greater
pressor gene locus (22q12) implicated in NF-2- likelihood of recurrence and/or aggressive
associated meningiomas and in about 50% of behavior) includes atypical, clear cell and chor-
sporadic meningiomas. doid meningiomas; grade III includes rhabdoid,
papillary and anaplastic (malignant) menin -
giomas, as well as any subtype named above
Pathology that has a high proliferation index and/or brain
invasion .
Cellular Origin
John Cleland, an anatomy professor in Glasgow Natural History
in 1864, made an initial observation of two
tumors that seemed to take their origin from the
arachnoid, not the dura mater [6]. Schmidt, in Understanding the Natural
1902, and subsequently Cushing & Weed, in History
1915, reported similar findings that these
tumors seemed to arise from the arachnoid. Understanding of the natural history of any
Currently, it is thought that meningiomas disease is critical as it forms the basis for treat-
originate from specialized cells of the arachnoid ment. In the case of meningiomas, the natural
granulations, called "arachnoid cap cells", history has not been well established owing to
but other possibilities include arachnoidal the fact that most meningioma patients in the
fibroblasts, or meningoblasts that are theoreti - past presented with sizable tumors that caused


neurological symptoms and deficits, requiring initial tumor size between the group with
surgical removal. When patients were unable to meningiomas that progressed and the group
undergo surgery because of their advanced age, that did not . Conclusions from both of these
failing health or "inoperable" tumor location , studies, in addition to the possible selection bias
most were treated with radiation and/or not mentioned above, are certainly limited owing to
amenable to a long-term "natural" follow-up. the short length of follow-up. An update of these
Therefore, data on patients diagnosed with a cohorts in future years is essential and will be
meningioma that were followed clinically, more revealing.
without surgical or radiation treatment, have
been very limited and mainly anecdotal. Growth Estimates
Autopsy data have revealed that there are a
significant number of meningiomas that remain Another method of approximating the "natural
asymptomatic and are undetected during life history" of meningiomas is to estimate the
[3,4]. With recent advances and availability of mean doubling time of tumor volume (Td).
neuroimaging, asymptomatic meningiomas Iaaskelainen et al. [16] determined the Td in a
have been increasingly diagnosed over the past series of 43 patients with meningiomas by fol-
two decades, providing an ample opportunity lowing them for recurrence after resection .
now to study and understand better the natural Individual and mean Tds for their patients were
history of meningiomas. Patients with asymp- determined by measuring tumor volume on
tomatic meningiomas may not, however, repre- serial imaging studies. They found that the Td
sent a cross-section of all meningioma patients was 415 days (range 138-1045) for benign
because of a possible selection bias toward meningiomas, 178days (range 34-551) for atyp-
tumors that have an inherently more benign ical meningiomas, and 205 days (range 30-472)
course. Nevertheless, important information for anaplastic meningiomas. However, these
that is currently unavailable may be derived average estimates are derived from wide-
from such studies. Olivero et al. reported 45 ranging values, and significant overlaps exist
females and 15 males, aged 38-84, who were among the different groups.
diagnosed with asymptomatic meningiomas. By using bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) label-
Forty-five of their patients underwent serial ing and tumor Td determinations, Cho et al.
clinical and imaging follow-up . Thirty-five [17] found Tds ranging from 8 to 440 days in
patients (78%) had no change in the tumor size eight tumor samples (two benign, four malig-
(average follow-up 29 months; range 3-72 nant, two hemangiopericytomas). This group
months), while 10 patients (22%) showed tumor also noted a close inverse correlation between
growth (average follow-up 47 months; range 6 the BUdR labeling index and the tumor dou-
months to 15 years). Among the latter group, bling time. The implications of these findings
tumor growth ranged from 0.2 cm/180 months were that BUdR labeling may supplement
to 1.0 cmll2 months (average growth rate of histopathological information in estimating
0.24 cm/year). Kuratsu et al. [15] reported on prognosis and may be used to calculate the Td
196 asymptomatic meningiomas out of a total before actual recurrence of the tumor. Clearly,
of 504 meningiomas diagnosed in a 6-year such information would be valuable when
period. Sixty-three of the asymptomatic menin- formulating plans for any additional treatment
giomas were followed conservatively with serial of residual tumor following subtotal resec-
imaging studies. Two-thirds of their patients tion or recurrent meningiomas after complete
had no change in the tumor size (average resection.
follow-up 36.6 months; range 12-96 months), Although the Td and BUdR studies have pro -
while one-third of them revealed tumor growth vided some insight toward the growth rates of
(average follow-up 27.8 months; range 12-87 meningiomas, in clinical practice they require at
months). Rates of tumor growth were not least an operative biopsy to determine the his-
included in their report. Although the overall tology and the BUdR labeling index. A novel
incidence of asymptomatic meningiomas was approach from Shino et al. [18] was to correlate
significantly higher among patients older than the MIB-1 staining index (SI) with proton mag-
70 years compared with younger patients, there netic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) data . They
were no significant differences in age, sex or reported that "a significant linear correlation


was observed between the increased respectively. They also evaluated tumor location
choline :creatine ratio and the MIB-l SI" and as a factor for recurrence and found that 96% of
that a high lactate and/or methylene signal sug- their convexity meningiomas were totally
gested a tumor of higher grade. In this manner, resected, with a 3% recurrence rate at 5 years.
proton MRS data may serve in the future as a Fifty-eight percent of the parasellar menin-
non-invasive way of predicting the proliferative giomas in their study were totally excised, with
rate or malignant potential of meningiomas. a 5-year recurrence rate of 19%, while only 28%
Further refinement and availability of MRS will of the sphenoid ridge meningiomas were totally
be necessary for this technique to be of value in excised, with a 5-year recurrence rate of 34%
estimating the growth rate, tumor grade or [22]. Kallio et al. [23] analyzed the surgical
recurrence in clinical practice. outcome of their series of 935 patients in terms
of relative survival rate (RSR) following resec-
Recurrence tion. RSR was defined as the ratio of the
observed to the expected survival rate (SR). The
Recurrence of meningiomas after seemingly expected SR was considered to be that for a pop-
complete resection, as well as progression after ulation identical to the patient group, except for
subtotal resection, has been studied for many the meningioma. They found no difference
decades. In a seminal paper by Simpson [19] between the observed and expected SR of their
in 1957, the rate of recurrence was stratified patients following resection at 3 months (91%)
according to the extent of tumor resection and and at 1 year (89%). At 15 years' follow-up, they
removal or coagulation of the associated dura: found a cumulative observed SR of 63%, which
grade I - complete surgical resection of the was 78% of the expected SR. The RSR was
tumor and its dural attachment; grade Il - com- largely dependent on the degree of resection: the
plete surgical resection of the tumor with RSR at 15 years was 84% following a complete
coagulation of its dural attachment; grade III - resection (Simpson grades I & II) and 50% fol-
complete surgical resection of the tumor lowing an incomplete resection (Simpson
without coagulation of its dural attachment; grades Ill-V) [23]. Overall, several studies have
grade IV - partial tumor removal, leaving the reached the similar conclusions that surgical
dura in situ; and grade V - simple decompres- outcome and recurrence of meningiomas are
sion with or without biopsy. In Simpson's series dependent on the degree of resection. The
of 265 meningiomas, 55 (21%) had recurrence. degree of resection is, in turn, dependent on
The rates of tumor recurrence according to the the tumor location and, therefore, the accessi-
extent of resection were: grade I, 9%; grade Il, bility of the tumor and the involved dura and
19%; grade Ill, 29%; grade IV, 44%. Other bone [22].
studies appearing subsequently, with at least 10 Jaaskelainen observed that the following
years' follow-up, found similar recurrence rates , three factors were significantly associated with
which depended on the extent of resection. meningioma recurrence: (1) coagulation of the
Using Simpson's classification, Melamed et al. involved dura instead of removal, (2) attach-
[20] reported recurrence rates of: grade I, 8%; ment of the tumor to bone, and (3) the soft con-
grade n, 15%;grade IV, 29%; and grade V, 33%. sistency of the tumor. If none of these criteria
Similarly, Chan et al. [21] reported recurrence were present, the recurrence rate at 20 years was
rates as: grade I, 11%; grade Il, 22%; grade IV, 11%, while if one or two of these criteria were
33%; and grade V, 100%. Both of these studies present, the recurrence rates were 15-24% and
confirmed Simpson's initial finding that the 34-56%, respectively. Although the histological
extent of meningioma resection is the single criteria for grading meningiomas have evolved
most important prognostic factor for tumor in recent years, Iaaskelainen et al. [24] reported
recurrence in benign meningiomas [20,21] . in 1986 that the 5-year recurrence rates follow-
In a study of 225 patients, Mirimanoff et al. ing complete resection were 3% for benign, 38%
[22] reported a recurrence-free rate after total for atypical, and 78% for anaplastic menin-
resection of 93%, 80% and 68% at 5, 10 and giomas. Pathological features associated with a
15 years, respectively. After subtotal resection, significantly higher rate of recurrence include
however, the progression-free rates were histological anaplasia, (20 mitoses per 10 high-
63%, 45% and 9% at the same time intervals, powered fields, nuclear atypia, and papillary or


rhabdoid cellular features . Kakinuma et al. [25] resonance imaging (MRI), due to its increasing
evaluated 182 meningiomas and found that the availability and decreasing cost. MRI is proven
Ki-67 SI for recurrent meningiomas (14.78 ± to be the gold standard neuroimaging method
3.17%) was significantly higher than for non - of detection for men ingiomas. MRI with and
recurrent meningiomas (4.71 ± 1.96%). Simi- without gadolinium contrast is necessary to pre-
larly, May et al. [26] noted that a proliferative cisely delineate the full extent of the tumor, par -
index of (19% on flow cytometry was associated ticularly in the case of skull base tumors that can
with meningioma recurrence. involve critical neurovascular structures (such
Several authors have attempted to find neu- as the optic nerve(s) and major intracranial
roradiological characteristics that can predict vessels). On Tl -weighted MRI, the majority of
recurrence. Mantle et al. [27] reported that the meningiomas are isointense, while the remain-
chance of brain invasion and recurrence der is slightly hyperintense to grey matter.
increased by 20% with each centimeter of brain Contrast-enhanced Tl-weighted images reveal
edema surrounding the meningioma on com- dramatic and usually homogeneous enhance-
puted tomography (CT) scanning. Nakasu et al. ment of meningiomas and , often, their associ-
showed that the "lobulated" or "mushrooming" ated "dural-tail". On T2-weighted sequences,
appearances of meningiomas noted on pre- nearly 50% of all meningiomas are hyperin-
operative imaging studies correlated with an tense, while the other half are isointense to grey
increased Ki-67 SI and a higher recurrence rate matter. T2-weighted sequence is also highly sen-
for these tumors. Lobulated tumors showed sitive in delineating the extent of peritumoral
higher SI (2.85 ± 3.68%) than round tumors edema . Furthermore, utilization of MRI allows
(1.06 ± 0.67%). Three of three "mushrooming" the opportunity to obtain MR-angiography
type of tumors and seven of 22 (32%) "lobu- (MRA) and/or MR-venography (MRV) in
lated" tumors recurred, while only five of 74 order to better visualize the extent of vascular
(7%) "round" meningiomas recurred following involvement, particularly the patency of dural
the similar extent of resection for all three sinuses and the encasement of major arteries.
groups. The median interval for recurrence Moreover, the contrast-enhanced MRI is essen-
was 10 months for "mushrooming" tumors, tial in detect ing any residual or recurrent tumor
82 months for the "lobulated" ones , and III following surgery.
months for "round" meningiomas [28]. For large meningiomas, cerebral angiography
may be helpful to determine precisely the extent
of involvement of the intracranial arteries and
Management their branches, in addition to providing further
information regarding the venous anatomy.
Pre-operative Evaluation Also, large tumors may have significant arterial
supply from the external carotid and middle
Patients with meningiomas are often referred to meningeal arteries that may be safely embolized
the neurosurgeon after a primary care physician during the angiogram. Many posterior fossa
or neurologist has obtained a CT scan of the meningiomas are fed by vessels not amenable
head for a variety of neurological symptoms. to catheterization or successful embolization.
The radiological appearance of meningiomas However, in rare instances of successful
with this modality of imaging has been well embolization of deep-seated, large posterior
described. Meningiomas are typically isodense fossa meningiomas, surgery is dramatically
on CT before contrast and homogeneously facilitated by embolization. Therefore, in the
hyperdense following intravenous iodinated authors' practice, all supratentorial menin-
contrast. In addition to being inexpensive and giomas larger than 4-5 cm and infratentorial
convenient, CT offers the advantages of deter- meningiomas larger than 3-4 cm are routinely
mining the extent of hyperostosis and the evaluated for possible embolization.
degree of tumor calcification, both of which add When the internal carotid artery (lCA) is
to the diagnostic accuracy and help the surgeon noted to be completely encased and/or nar-
with surgical plann ing. rowed by the tumor on pre-operative MRI, ipsi-
It is, however, becoming more frequent lateral ICA test balloon occlusion (TBO) may
that the initial head scan performed is magnetic be performed. Such information is helpful as it


allows the surgeon to plan the extent of resec- deoxyglucose positron emISSIOn tomograhy
tion around the ICA. For patients passing the (FDG-PET) scanning in an attempt to predict
TBO, an aggressive tumor resection may be non-invasively which tumors will behave more
pursued, and in the rare event of intraoperative aggressively, but definitive results are forth-
ICA injury, the surgeon has the options of direct coming.
ICA repair, bypass or ICA sacrifice. If a patient
does not pass the TBO, however, tumor resec- Pre-operative Medical Therapy
tion around the ICA may be more conservative
in order to prevent a devastating stroke. Symptomatic patients with a significant amount
Alternatively, an arterial bypass may be per- of peritumoral edema seen on T2-weighted
formed in preparation for an aggressive tumor MRI are started on dexamethasone as an out-
resection. patient, and surgery is planned within the fol-
New modalities for imaging meningiomas are lowing 1-2 weeks. Anticonvulsants are started
emerging. Although MRI is very sensitive and pre-operatively only for patients who present
the radiological features of meningiomas have with seizures. Otherwise, a loading dose of
been well described, it can lack specificity and a phenytoin is given at induction of anesthesia
tissue biopsy, at least, is required for definitive and then therapeutic levels are maintained post-
diagnosis. There are numerous reports of other operatively for 1-6 weeks, depending on the
lesions that have mimicked meningiomas on tumor size, brain manipulation required during
imaging, such as lymphoma, plasmacytoma, surgery, and the extent of perioperative
primary CNS sarcoidosis and metastases from swelling.
breast, renal and prostate carcinomas. Highly
specific neuroimaging is desirable to definitively Treatment Options
diagnose meningiomas, or any other CNS
lesions, non-invasively. One example of an In general, management options include obser-
advance in this area is MRS, which measures vation, surgery, radiation alone, or as an adju-
tissue levels of compounds such as choline, vant therapy following surgery. To date, no
phosphocreatine/creatine and N-acetylaspar- definitively effective chemotherapeutic agent
tate. The goal of much ongoing research is to has been identified or developed . As menin-
find distinct patterns of these compounds that giomas are mostly benign and slowly progres-
will provide the ability to non-invasively discern sive tumors, emergency intervention is usually
the pathology and the histological grade of a not required. Final treatment plans must be
neoplasm. Such information may facilitate ther- individualized for each patient based on the age,
apeutic decisions and prognostic determina- overall condition of the patient, tumor location
tions prior to resection, or in place of biopsy. and size, neurological symptoms and deficits
Another type of imaging - octreotide caused by the tumor, and the patient's personal
single-photon emission computed tomography wish after a thorough discussion of all available
(SPECT) - has proven to be very sensitive for options.
detecting meningiomas. Although virtually all
meningiomas have octreotide-binding somato- Observation
statin receptors, it must be noted that this
technique is not specific for meningiomas alone, Surgery is not necessary for every patient with
as other primary and metastatic CNS tumors a meningioma. Observation alone, with periodic
often express somatostatin receptors. The non- (usually yearly) follow-up neurological and MR
invasive diagnostic specificity for meningiomas evaluations, is reasonable for elderly patients,
is improved when octreotide-SPECT is used in especially if they have minimal or no symptoms
combination with other neuroimaging modali- caused by the tumor. As people are living
ties. Due to its extreme sensitivity, however, healthier and longer lives today, the age at
octreotide-SPECT is particularly useful for which a person is considered "elderly" is debat-
detecting the recurrence of a meningioma fol- able. The patient's absolute age is no longer
lowing resection. Some centers are even explor- important in the decision-making process in the
ing the utility of combining the information management of meningiomas; however, it may
from octreotide-SPECT with F-2-fluoro-2- be reasonable to consider those with less than


10-15 years of remaining life expectancy to be deficits/symptoms caused by the tumor. In

"elderly". In addition, observation may be an meningiomas of certain locat ions , such as the
appropriate option for the following people cavernous sinus or petroclival regions where
regardless of their age: (l) patients with certain complete resection is not always possible , addi-
skull base meningiomas with min imal or no tional surgical goals may include confirma-
symptoms (e.g, cavernous sinus men ingioma tion of diagnosis and tumor reduction (to less
causing mild facial tingling or numbness), (2) than 3 cm maximum diameter) in preparation
patients with incidental small tumors with for radiosurgery. Given the benign nature
no surrounding edema, and (3) patients who of meningiomas and the established efficacy of
insist on non-intervention after a thorough adjuvant radiation, the goal of total removal
discussion of all treatment options. However, must be balanced by the physician's basic credo
these patients must be compliant with the nec- to "do no harm". When total removal carries a
essary radiographic and neurological follow-up significant risk of morbidity, a small piece of
evaluations. tumor may be left, with further plans of obser-
As with other brain tumors, the risks of vation followed by re-operation or radiation
surgery may vary in direct proportion to the when the tumor is noted to be growing or
tumor size, while the chances of total resection causing new symptoms (Fig. 12.1).
vary inversely in proportion to the size of
meningiomas of most locations. For example , it
is quite obvious that removal of small parasag- Surgical Technique
gital tumors without any involvement of the
sagittal sinus would be immensely easier com- Meningiomas of different locations require
pared to the removal of larger ones which com- varying surg ical approaches that are pr imaril y
monl y invade the sagittal sinus . The same may dictated by anatomical considerations inherent
be said of small clinoidal or tuberculum sella to each particular location. Surgical procedures
meningiomas before causing opt ic nerve and of man y different anatomical regions are
leA involvement, or petrous meningiomas discuss ed in several other chapters in this
prior to reaching a large size that would encase book. Furthermore, an abundance of excellent
the basilar artery and compress the brainstem descriptions of "standard" techniques and
and cranial nerves. Therefore, the initial rec- approaches for meningioma surgery is available
ommendation of observation must be decided [2]. This chapter is written not to replace, but to
upon carefully, especially in younger patients, supplement, those previous important writings
taking into consideration the increa sed poten- on the topic. Several key concepts and princi-
tial risks posed in the future by further growth ples deemed important are reiterated, and new
in the tumor size and involvement of nearby insights and lessons learned by the senior
critical neurovascular structures. author, based on his personal surgical experi-
ence with over 600 meningioma patients, are
summarized and presented.
Surgery Surgical approaches may vary in meningioma
surgery depending on the tumor location and
General Principles size and the surgeon's personal experience
and preference. However, the following basic
Surgery is the treatment of cho ice for most principles hold for meningioma surgery of most
patients with meningiomas. In patients with locations:
benign meningiomas, which comprise approxi- Optimal pat ient positioning, incision
mately 94% of all meningiomas [24], the tumor and exposure
location largely dictate s the extent of resection,
• Early tumor devascularization
which, in turn, determines the tumor recur-
rence and, ultimately, the patient's survival • Internal decompression or extra capsular
[2,19,22,24]. Primary goals of surgery include: dissection
(1) total resection of the tumor and the involved • Early localization and preservation of
surrounding bone and dura when possible, and adherent or adjacent neurovasculature
(2) reversal or improvement in neurological • Removal of involved bone and dura


Fig. 12.1. Coronal, sagittal and axial gadolinium-enhanced Tl-weighted MR images ofa 36-year-old female patient who presented
with unsteady gait and cerebellar ataxia (upper left, upper middle and upper right). This large turner, involving both thepetroclival
and cavernous sinus regions, was resected in two-staged operations. Asmall tumor nodule adherent ontheintracavernous ICA was
left (lower left, lower middle and lower right). Post-operatively, she developed hearing loss and mild hypesthesia in theleft V2 and
V3 distributions, but her extraocular motility was normal with resolution ofher presenting unsteadiness and ataxia. This residual
tumor is being observed closely, with plans ofgamma knife radiosurgical intervention in the event thatthetumor progresses inthe

Positioning, Incision and Exposure maintained. The sitting position, preferred by

some neurosurgeons for tumors of the pineal
The patient positioning, appropriate incision and select posterior fossa locations, places the
placement, and selection of the optimal patient at a higher risk of developing air
approach for tumor exposure are the critical embolism and the surgeon at an increased level
elements of successful meningioma surgery. of discomfort. When considering the sitting
The patient is positioned in such a way that position for the aforementioned lesions, pre-
the patient's safety is maximized. Moreover, the operative sagittal MRI should be reviewed
ideal position must allow for an approach that carefully to appreciate the relative size of the
provides complete exposure of the tumor and posterior fossa and the steepness of the tentor-
the involved surrounding bone and dura. At the ial angle. Patients with a small posterior fossa
same time, maximal brain relaxation must be usually have a low-lying posterior tentorial
achieved by use of gravity and uncompromised attachment because of the inferior location
venous drainage . The head should be no lower of the torcular and inion . This anatomical
than the level of the heart, regardless of the posi- variat ion leads to a very steep, nearly vertical
tion selected, and undue severe neck rotation or tentorial angle, making the infratentoriall
ftexion must be avoided. In addition, surgeon's supracerebellar approach with the patient
comfort for the duration of surgery must be seated extremely difficult. Other approaches to


be considered in this situation include the of the scalp and bone flaps must be sufficiently
tran soccipitalltranstentorial approach with the large so as to allow for maximal exposure of the
patient in the prone position, or the infratento- tumor, the involved bone and dura, as well as
riallsupracerebellar approach with the patient the limits of the dural tail as noted on pre-oper-
in the modified park-bench (the "Concorde") ative MRI scans. With the availability of frame-
position (Fig. 12.2). less stereotactic image-guidance systems, the
For superficial tumors (e.g. convexity or exact extent of the tumor and the dural tail may
para sagittal), the planned scalp flap should be fully delineated before surgery. This aids in
contain the tumor in the center, and the patient optimal positioning and placement of incision
is positioned so that the tumor is at the highest and craniotomy.
point. Importantly, the incision must be An optimal approach should provide the
planned to avoid any visible cosmetic defect or shortest and most direct route to the tumor
significant compromise to the scalp vascular without "sacrificing" any normal brain tissue or
supply. If a horseshoe-shaped incision is creating undue brain damage by retraction. The
planned, the depth must not exceed the width need for retraction is minimized by taking
of the flap. Again, for superficial tumors, the size advantage of gravity. For example, for surgery

Fig. 12.2.Coronal and sagittal gadolinium-enhanced Tl-weighted MR images ofa 55-year-old female patient who presented with
headache and unsteady gait (upper left and upper right).Because ofthe small posterior fossa and the near-vertical tentorial angle
noted onthe sagittal MRI(upper right), thetumor was approached viatheoccipital interhemisphericltranstentorial route with the
patient in the prone position. Following total resection (lower left and lower right), her presenting symptoms resolved completely.


of an olfactory groove meningioma the head can tumors, upon dural exposure prior to opening
be slightly hyperextended, and for a cerebello- the dura, extra time should be expended to
pontine-angle lesion the patient may be placed coagulate all the dural feeding vessels - most
in the lateral position. For large, deep, falcine commonly the branches or the main trunk of
tumors, the patient's head may be placed with the middle meningeal artery. In olfactory
the side of the tumor down and the direction groove meningiomas, bifrontal craniotomy,
of the sagittal sinus parallel to the operating preferred by many surgeons, provides early
room floor. In all of these examples, the brain access to the main tumor feeders, i.e. ethmoidal
falls away from the tumor and its attachment. arteries, as they enter the medial anterior fossa
In deep-seated tumors, brain retraction may be floor. In large sphenoid wing meningiomas,
minimized by use of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which receive significant transdural blood
drainage via either a ventricular drain (in supply, utilizing the extradural skull base tech-
patients with obstructive hydrocephalus) or a nique of orbitosphenoid bone removal obliter-
lumbar drain. Furthermore, many of the skull ates many dural feeders prior to dural opening.
base approaches developed over the last two Similarly, in petroclival meningiomas, the
decades, which convert the deep basal menin - transpetrosal approach allows the exposed
giomas to more superficial "convexity" lesions petrous dura and tentorium to be aggressively
by reducing the working distance to the tumor, coagulated and may significantly devascularize
may reduce the need for brain retraction. the tumor. In falcine or tentorial meningiomas,
An optimal surgical approach also facilitates wide exposure and coagulation of the sur-
surgery by maximizing exposure of the tumor rounding falx and tentorium reduce tumor vas-
and surrounding structures, thereby minimiz- cularity. Yasargil advocates initial transtumoral
ing risks of injury to the adjacent neurovascu- devascularization of basal meningiomas by
lar structures. For example, in surgery of large working through a small "window" created in
clinoidal or suprasellar meningiomas, complete the tumor to reach the blood supply coming
removal of the anterior clinoid process (ACP) through the base. However, this technique may
provides improved access and exposure of the not be suitable for an inexperienced surgeon as
regions surrounding the optic nerve, optic there may be a significant risk of injury to unex-
chiasm, ICA and sella. Additionally, by opening posed neurovascular structures that may be
the optic sheath as an extension of the dural located on the other side of the tumor.
incision following anterior clinoidectomy, the
optic nerve can be decompressed and visualized Internal Decompression and
early, and mobilized safely during surgery,
thereby reducing the risk of intraoperative
Extracapsular Dissection
injury to the nerve [29]. This maneuver also Although small meningiomas may be removed
expands operative windows, particularly the "en bloc", internal decompression is a key
optico-carotid triangle, facilitating access to initial step in actual tumor removal for most
tumors in the suprasellar and subchiasmatic meningiomas following adequate exposure and
regions. initial devascularization. Internal debulking is
In most situations, there exist a number of carried out until a thin rim of exposed portion
options in selecting the patient's position, sur- of the tumor is remaining. This internal debulk-
gical approach and exposure. The final selection ing minimizes brain retraction and facilitates
must be based on what is best for the patient extracapsular dissection. Following initial inter-
and the surgeon, based on the surgeon's knowl- nal decompression, extracapsular dissection is
edge, past experience and preference . initiated by identifying a layer of arachnoid
(maintained in most meningiomas) at the
brain-tumor interface. As surgery progresses,
Tumor Devascularization
rather than increasing brain retraction to
Many meningiomas can be quite vascular. expose more of the tumor hidden under the
In addition to utilization of pre-operative brain, the thinned capsule is pulled towards
embolization when appropriate, early operative the center of decompression. Cottonoid patties
devascularization of the tumor reduces blood are placed in the brain-tumor interface as the
loss and makes surgery easier. In superficial capsule is being pulled away from the brain,


while maintaining the arachnoidal layer intact eluding that a vessel is a tumor feeder and there-
between the brain and the tumor. As patties are fore amenable to obliteration, the afferent and
being placed sequentially around the tumor, efferent course of the vessel must be fully appre-
they are used to gently strip the arachnoid from ciated. It is very rare for meningiomas to have
the tumor capsule, covering the brain and feeders directly from main intracranial arterial
arachnoid together, thereby protecting the trunks. Therefore, no vessels coming directly
bra in from surgical trauma. As the remaining off the ICA (in tuberculum sella or elinoidal
tumor capsule is brought into the surgeon's tumors), basilar artery (in petroelival- and cere-
view, any adjacent cranial nerves are carefully bellopontine-angle tumors) or vertebral artery
dissected, and exposed blood vessels on the (in foramen magnum meningiomas) should be
capsule surface are thoroughly inspected. Only coagulated. If any appreciable vasospasm
tumor-feeding vessels are obliterated, preserv- occur s while dissecting tumor off arteries,
ing and dissecting free those transit vessels that small pieces of gelfoam soaked in papaverine
are either passing through the depth of tumor applied directly onto the vessel readily reverse
or adherent to the tumor surface . Portions of the spasm.
tumor capsule thus devascularized and com- In removing the tumor from cranial nerves,
pletely dissected from the surrounding neu- especially the optic nerve, fine vessels feeding
rovasculature are further removed in segments. the nerves must be preserved. The optic chiasm
These alternating sequential steps of internal and intradural optic nerve have main feeders on
decompression, extracapsular dissection and the inferior surface, and therefore removal of
remo val of devascularized capsule are repeated large tumors involving the subchiasmatic and
until the ent ire tumor is removed. suboptic space must be done carefully so as to
For meningiomas in the clival, petroelival or preserve these fine vessels. Again, the preserved
cerebellopontine-angle regions, the surgeon arachnoid around the cranial nerves facilitates
must analyze the pre-operative MRI scan care- tumor removal and reduces risks of intraoper-
fully. First, evidence of surrounding edema in ative neurovascular injury.
the brainstem noted on T2-weighted scan must
be appreciated prior to surgery as this indi cates Early localization and Preservation
disruption of the arachnoidal layer and the
blood-brain barrier. This implies that the sur-
ofAdjacent Neurovasculature
gical plane between the brainstem and tumor Whenever possible, any adjacent or nearby
may have been obliterated and, therefore, that normal neurovasculature (e.g. a cranial nerve or
aggressive resection off the brainstern should be a vessel) should be identified and dissection
avoided. Second, the basilar artery location in carried out following this structure into the
relation to the tumor and brainstem must be tumor. For example, in large elinoidal tumors
noted. Although rare, if the tumor is located encasing the optic nerve and the ICA, the con-
between the brainstem and basilar artery or ventional technique for removal has been first
completely encases the artery, this indi cates that to identify the distal middle cerebral artery
all the perforating branches of the basilar artery branches, and follow these vessels proximally
are stretched and course through the tumor. In toward the ICA with further tumor removal and
this situation, an attempt at aggressive tumor dissection. However, until the ICA, and eventu-
removal is likely to result in a brainstem infarct. ally the intradural optic nerve, are located ,
When the basilar artery is abutting directly on surgery progresses slowly. More importantly,
the brainstem, aggressive tumor removal off the the risk of intraoperative neurovascular injury
brainstem is possible. persists during surgery as the exact location of
During extra capsular dissection, as a rule, no the optic nerve and ICA remains unknown to
artery or arterial branch is sacrificed except the surgeon, and the optic nerve remains com-
when the vessel is definitely confirmed to be a pressed. During this time, any minor surgical
tumor feeder. Commonly, loops of vessels may trauma caused by retraction, dissection or
be encased by the tumor or may course onto the tumor manipulation may exacerbate compres-
capsule surface and become adherent. In these sion of the optic nerve, especially against the
situations, the surgeon may initially misinter- falciform ligament. To circumvent these critical
pret these vessels as tumor feeders. Before con- problems, the optic nerve can be exposed and


simultaneously decompressed early in the removing as much tumor as possible. Nearby

surgery by unroofing the optic canal, followed prominent cortical veins, especially in the pos -
by anterior clinoidectomy and opening of the terior two-thirds along the sinus, are preserved
optic sheath [29] (Figs 12.3, 12.4, 12.5). The loca- as well.
tion of the optic canal, and therefore the intra-
canalicular segment of the optic nerve , is fairly Removal of the Involved Bone and Dura
constant; only the intradural cisternal segment Following complete tumor removal, the site of
of the optic nerve varies in location, depending tumor origin is carefully inspected. If possible,
on how the tumor causes nerve displacement the involved dura and bone are removed. In
during its growth. The exposed optic nerve can tumors of basal locations, the involved bone
then be followed from the optic canal proxi- is drilled using a small diamond burr, which is
mally, toward the tumor in the intraduralloca- also quite effective in achieving hemostasis
tion. As tumor resection progresses further, from tumor feeders arising directly from the
the ICA can be readily found adjacent to the base of the skull. Involved bone adjacent to
exposed distal intradural segment of the optic paranasal sinuses is aggressively drilled, short of
nerve. Complete optic sheath opening, along the entering the sinus space. Inadvertent opening
length of the nerve within the optic canal to into paranasal sinuses or mastoid air cells must
the anulus of Zinn, relieves any focal circum- be recognized and appropriately sealed with
ferential pressure on the optic nerve con- muscle/fat graft or bone wax.
tributed by the falciform ligament. Optic nerve In 1983, Dolenc introduced an extensive
decompression thus achieved also leads to extradural skull base technique to gain safe
reduced intraoperative injury to the nerve, entry into the cavernous sinus. The critical
because the force of retraction is then dispersed steps of this technique, following a routine
over a much larger surface area. Moreover, if frontotemporal craniotomy and drilling of
the tumor eventually recurs, the patient's the lateral sphenoid wing, include complete
impending visual deterioration may be delayed bone removal around the superior orbital
as the optic nerve is already decompressed from fissure (SOF), posterior orbitotomy, optic canal
the surrounding falciform ligament and optic unroofing, extradural removal of the ACP, and
canal. In the senior author's personal experi- removal of bone around the foramen rotundum
ence utilizing the described technique in eight and ovale. Meningiomas of the posterior orbital
patients presenting with pre-operative visual roof, cavernous sinus (CS), sphenoid wing or
deterioration from large clinoidal menin- orbitosphenoid regions frequently cause hyper-
giomas, six patients (75%) experienced signifi- ostosis of the orbital roof, and the greater and
cant improvement in their vision post- lesser sphenoid wing, including the ACP. For
operatively [29]. these tumors, the Dolenc approach, with modi-
Whenever possible, no cortical vein or dural fications tailored to removal of only the
sinus is "sacrificed". Although the anterior third involved bone, is an ideal technique.
of the sagittal sinus is traditionally said to be In addition, the extensive sphenoid bone
amenable to obliteration without any significant removal of the Dolenc approach, when coupled
sequelae, there is a risk of developing significant with the extradural exposure of the CS, facili-
venous infarcts. Therefore, even in large olfac- tates removal of the involved dura, especially
tory groove or planum sphenoidale tumors, the portion of temporal dura covering the
rather than routine anterior sagittal sinus oblit- medial greater sphenoid wing, which simulta-
eration following a bifrontal craniotomy, either neously forms the outer lateral wall of CS.
a unilateral pterional or a bilateral interhemi- Following extradural bone removal as summa-
spheric approach with preservation of sagittal rized above, the dural fold at the superolateral
sinus is used whenever possible in the authors' aspect of the SOF is sharply cut with rnicroscis-
practice. In parasagittal meningiomas, the sors tangential to the temporal dura. The tem-
tumor is removed aggressively, along with the poral dura forming the outer lateral CS wall is
involved segment of sagittal sinus, only when then "peeled" off the underlying inner CS lateral
the sinus is completely occluded by the tumor. wall. This process of separating the two-layered
Otherwise, every effort is made to preserve CS lateral wall is continued laterally and poste-
the sagittal sinus integrity and patency while riorly until all three divisions of the trigeminal


Pre-operative Post-operative

Il l: :::: :::: ::
:11::: :::: ::: :::
!U l lI1I I I U;l ltU
· .· . · .·. n: :: l : ::: :~
..........::::: ::; :;
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U l l tl 1t :1 1:
: : ::: : : :;; ;~; ;;~~ ~ : ;
VF VF :;: Il H I;III+:·.· . · . : :: :· . · .· . . . . .. . . . . .; a
111:IHU: U· . · .·. :::; ·. ·. ·.
l:Ta :::u · . · . ·. :::::: · .·. ::::::::::; .:
;u ul n· .·.·.· .·.·.·. ·. ·. ·. ·.·. ·. H: . 11
::::: ::u: · . · . · .·.lt lt U II IH IIIIIIIIIIIII
;;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;; ii;gg;::;i;;i;::
:::: HIHla:::: :::;
tl;;;;;;;;gg 1,:nUl o.un::IUIU ln:

VA 20/40 VA 20/20

Fig. 12.3. Coronal and axial gadolinium-enhanced Tl-weighted MR images of a 61-year-old patient (left upper and left middle)
presenting withdecreased visual acuity (20/40) and visual field (superior and inferior arcuate defects) (left lower). Following total
resection (right upper and right middle), her vision returned to normal (right lower). VA, visual acuity; VF, visual field.


\ I
-- /1
-- _/

'-- ---' b

a L- _

Fig. 12.4. a Operative position of the patient's head (Mayfield

head-clamp notshown). The head ofthe bed israised 20° and the
patient's head is rotated 30° away from the side of surgery. A
standard curvilinear frontotemporal skin incision is made behind
the hairline (broken line). A frontotemporal craniotomy isturned
(broken line connecting the three burr holes), following which the
lateral sphenoid wing isdrilled (shaded area). bThe shaded area
depicts the bone removed during the right-sided extradural skull
base technique. The removed bone includes the lateral sphenoid
wing, posterolateral orbital wall, posterior orbital roof, optic canal
roof and ACP. The broken lines outline the orbit. c Extradural
operative view ofthe exposed intracanalicular optic nerve and the
opened SOF following complete removal ofthe ACP. ACP, anterior
clinoid process;ON, optic nerve; SOF, superior orbital fissure.


\ //
'-... \./
- - - ) . . .......

a '-- ----' '-- ---l b

Fig. 12.5. a Extradural view after completion of the skull base technique, including: (1) frontotemporal craniotomy, (2) lateral
sphenoid wing removal, (3) posterior orbitotomy, (4) SOF decompression, (5) optic canal unroofing, and (6) extradural anterior
c1inoidectomy. The dural incision (broken line) ismade intwosteps: First, afrontotemporal curvilinear opening iscreated, centered
onthe Sylvian fissure, followed byabi-section ofthedural flap toward the optic sheath and extendingacross the falciform ligament
and to the anulus of Zinn. b The same c1inoidal meningioma as depicted in c, following completion of the extradural skull base
technique and extending thedural incision intothe optic sheath. The optic nerve isreadilyidentified in the exposed optic canal and
completely decompressed at the onset of tumor removal. Tumor resection progresses by following the exposed optic nerve
proximally. The combination of early optic nerve identification and decompression leads to prevention ofintraoperative optic nerve
injury. cThe viewofan exposed large c1inoidal meningioma after the initial dural opening, using pterional craniotomy and standard
frontotemporal dural opening only. Upon tumor exposure, it isnoted to be covering the critical neurovascular structures (the optic
and oculomotor nerves, ICA).The exact locations ofthe optic nerve and ICA are unknown tothe surgeon, and the optic nerve remains
inacompressed state. Tumor resection progresses slowly untilthe optic nerve and ICA are eventually identified. FL, frontal lobe; ON,
optic nerve; SOF, superior orbital fissure; Tl, temporal lobe.


nerve and the gasserian ganglion are exposed. operative diplopia and changes in VISIon,
In this manner, the lateral aspect of the CS is detailed neuro-ophthalmological evaluations
exposed entirely extradurally, freeing up the are a critical part of follow-up management.
dura of medial temporal pole for removal as Similarly, patients with posterior fossa menin-
necessary, which would not have been possible giomas presenting with hearing loss, or those
to resect otherwise. This maneuver is particu- patients whose surgery involved dissection of
larly helpful in orbitosphenoid, CS and sphe- the cranial nerve complex VII-VIII, should have
noid wing meningiomas, which frequently thorough audiological evaluations as part of
involve the temporal polar dura (Figs. 12.6, their post-operative management. Following
12.7). resection of all meningiomas, a post-operative
baseline MRI scan is obtained on day 1 or 2 after
Post-operative Management surgery. For benign tumors, following confir-
mation of total removal on post-operative MRI,
Follow-up evaluations consist of careful neuro- further follow-up evaluation with imaging
logical examination and MRI scans with and studies are performed every 1-3 years, depend-
without gadolinium. For patients with pre- ing on whether Simpson grade I or 11 removal

Fig. 12.6. Coronal and axial gadolinium-enhanced Tl-weighted MR images obtained in a47-year-old female patient presenting with
a 3-year history ofright-sided V2 numbness and mild proptosis (left upper and right upper). This large orbitosphenoid meningioma
also extends into theinfratemporal fossa and thenasal sinuses. Aggressive subtotal resection was achieved, with theresidual tumor
in thenasal sinuses only (left lower and right lower).




a L- -J L.- -----.Jb

Fig. 12.7. aFollowing completion ofthe extradural skull base technique described in Figures 12.4 and 12.5, the process thatallows
forremoval ofthe sphenoid bone involved bythe tumor; thetemporal dura forming the outer portion ofthetwo-layered CS wall is
"peeled off' the inner CS wall. This isbest started bysharply and tangentially cutting the dural fold at the superiolateral aspect of
the completely exposed SOF. bThis "peeling" process iscontinued posteriorly and laterally until allthree divisions ofthetrigeminal
nerve and the gasserian ganglion are exposed. Inthis manner, the lateral aspect of the CS isexposed entirely extradurally, freeing
up theanterior and medial temporal dura, commonly involved byCS orsphenoid wing/orbitosphenoid meningiomas, foraggressive
removal along with the rest ofthe tumor.GG, gasserian ganglion; R, right.

was achieved. Following a subtotal removal,

subsequent follow-up with MRI is done every
Therapeutic Radiation
year, with plans of adjuvant radiation if and
when there is clinical or radiographic progres- Role ofRadiation Therapy:
sion of the residual tumor. If the tumor is noted an Overview
to be clinically and radiographically stable for a
few years after initial surgery, the frequency Radiation therapy (RT) represents an important
of follow-up may be decreased to every 2-3 treatment option for patients with benign
years. For atypical meningiomas, after initial and malignant brain tumors. Recent advances
post-operative MRI following either subtotal or in computer and imaging technology as well
total removal, subsequent evaluations with MRI as radiation delivery have greatly improved the
are performed every 6 months for the first 2 radiation oncologist 's ability to deliver high
years. As with benign tumors, radiation is con- doses of radiation to the tumor bed while spar-
sidered in the presence of documented clinical ing the surrounding normal tissues . This should
or radiographic progression of the residual decrease complications and perhaps increase
tumor. With malignant meningiomas, adjuvant control oflocal disease. Despite these advances,
radiation is administered shortly after surgery however, the use of radiation therapy in the
regardless of the extent of resection. However, management of mening iomas remains contro-
if there is any reversible post-operative neuro- versial, partly because these tumors grow slowly
logical deficit from brain swelling or cranial and in an unpredictable pattern. Moreover, no
nerve manipulation, the timing of radiation randomized clinical trials have been performed
therapy should be delayed to allow for adequate to test the optimal timing and effectiveness of
recovery. Depending on the extent of resection, radiotherapy in the management of patients
follow-up MRI scans are performed every 3-6 with meningiomas. In this section, the currently
months. available radiation-therapy techniques and their
results are presented.


Conventional Radiation tailor the radiation dose around the tumor.

Dose-volume histograms can be used to calcu-
Before the introduction of sophisticated plan- late a defined tumor volume that will receive a
ning computers and the integration of radi- given percentage of the dose, which allows for
ographic images to optimize radiation delivery, the comparison of plans. The 3D-CRT has two
conventional radiation therapy was used to main limitations: the accuracy of the results
treat patients. With conventional therapy, radi- depends heavily on the planner's skills, and
ation was delivered not only to the tumor bed multiple iterations are required to develop an
but also to a margin (2 cm) to ensure adequate optimal plan.
tumor coverage. This approach potentially
delivered high doses of radiation to normal
brain tissues. Early studies suggested that Intensity-modulated
meningiomas were relatively insensitive to Radiation Therapy
conventional radiation. More modern reports,
however, found that RT resulted in excellent Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
local control. Recently, Nutting et al. [30] extends the benefits of 3D-CRT by enabling
reported a 5-year progression-free survival rate radiation oncologists to deliver non-uniform
of 92%, and a IO-year progression-free survival beams of radiation. This allows for more con-
rate of 83%, in 82 patients with benign menin- formal delivery of radiation to the tumor and
giomas who were treated by surgery followed by possible dose escalation. The technique uses a
external-beam RT. computer optimization process that is based
Despite these impressive results, some have on prescribed doses to the target and con-
questioned the safety of conventional RT out of straints on normal, sensitive structures. Radia-
a concern over its potential long-term effects, tion delivery is further optimized by the use
including the induction of malignancies. Thus, of a multileaf collimator (MLC) or complex
researchers have been investigating ways to compensators, which automatically shape the
improve local control and minimize toxicities. radiation beam. These two concepts - inverse
This has led to the development of conformal treatment planning with computer optimiza-
radiation techniques, which enable radiation tion and computer-controlled intensity modu-
oncologists to increase the dose and minimize lation of the radiation beam - form the basis
damage to the normal surrounding tissues and ofIMRT.
structures. One of the more commonly used collimators
for IMRT is the multivane intensity-modulating
collimator (MIMiC), which attaches to the
Three-dimensional Conformal accessory tray of the linear accelerator (Peacock
Radiotherapy {3D-CRT} system, NOMOS Corp., Sewickley, PA). The
MIMiC contains 40 small vanes, each of which
With this type of treatment, three-dimensional can alter the intensity of the radiation beam
computer planning systems are used to deliver during treatment. The system delivers the
radiation that conforms to the shape of the radiation dose using arc therapy and seg-
tumor. During the initial planning phase mented fields. The beam can also be modified
(simulation), a thermoplastic mask is used to by using a dynamic MLC that passes across the
immobilize the patient to ensure reproducible, treatment field or by superimposing a number
accurate set-ups. CT or MRI is used to localize of static fields. The patient's head can be affixed
the tumor. These images are then transferred to to the immobilization device either invasively or
a high-speed computer. This allows the physi- non-invasively .
cian to contour the normal structures and Some radiation centers, including the
tumor. A dosimetrist or physicist will then plan authors' at the Cleveland Clinic, are using IMRT
the field orientation and optimize the dose to treat meningiomas in the hopes of achieving
distribution. The beams may be shaped using excellent local control and minimizing acute
custom-made blocks or collimators. A beam's and long-term side-effects. No large clinical
eye view can be created to determine the orien- experiences that have used IMRT to treat
tation of the radiation beams, which helps to meningioma have been reported thus far.


Brachytherapy require general anesthesia, and can be per-

formed as an outpatient procedure. In addition,
Brachytherapy is the implantation of radioac- it carries a minimal risk of bleeding and infec-
tive isotopes into a tumor. This method delivers tion , and recovery time is minimal. Stereotactic
a high dose of radiation to the tumor while radiosurgery also costs less than conventional
sparing most of the surrounding normal tissue. surgery.
It may be a good choice for patients with poor The gamma knife (Elekta Instruments,
health, advanced age, or unresectable or recur- Atlanta, GA) is a dedicated machine that per-
rent tumors. The most commonly used brachy- forms SRS. The machine uses 201 cobalt-60
therapy method for treating meningiomas is sources arranged in a hemispheric dome around
permanent implantation of 1-125 seeds . These the patient's head. Since 1968, more than
seeds deliver high levels of radiation for a period 100,000 patients with various tumors, vascular
of months, which is a potential advantage for malformations and func tional disorders have
treating slow-growing tumors like menin- been treated with this device. The goal is to
giomas. The seeds can be placed stereotactically encompass the target area using multiple
or directly sewed or glued into the tumor cavity. isocenters or shots to maximize conformality
The clinical results of brachytherapy for and to minimize the radiation dose to normal
meningiomas are limited. Patil et al. reported on surrounding structures. The initial results from
26 patients with meningiomas undergoing 1-125 gamma knife radiosurgery have been encourag-
seed implant [31]. All 26 patients experienced ing. Kondziolka et al. reviewed the long-term
tumor regression. The authors have treated 14 results of99 consecutive patients (89% had skull
patients with intracranial meningiomas at the base tumors) who underwent gamma knife
Cleveland Clinic using stereotactic wand guid- radiosurgery for meningiomas between 1987
ance . One to five I-125 seeds were placed in and 1992 (32). The patients were assessed using
each tumor to provide a minimum peripheral follow-up scans, patient survey, and physician-
dose of 10,000 centigray (cGy) total decay. based evaluations. Using an average tumor dose
Overall, the procedure has been well tolerated of 16 Gy (range 9-25 Gy), the authors achieved
with encouraging initial results. However, the clinical tumor control in 92 of the patients
interest in using brachytherapy as a treatment (93%). Sixty-one (63%) of the tumors decreased
for meningiomas has waned given the develop- in size. Two factors seemed to predict local
ment of radiosurgical and conformal radiation tumor progression: history of prior resection
techniques. (P = 0.02) and history of multiple menin-
giomas (P<0.00001). The mean actuarial rate of
Stereotactic Radiosurgery post-radiosurgery complications was 4.85%
at 31-120 months. Overall, 96% of the surveyed
In 1951, Dr Lars Leksell coined the term "stereo- patients were satisfied with their outcome.
tactic radiosurgery" (SRS), which is the delivery Morita et al. (33) reviewed the results of a
of a single, high dose of radiation via stereotac- prospective study of 88 sku ll base menin-
tically directed beams into a small target. giomas treated by gamma knife radiosurgery.
Presently, three main types of SRS techniques With a median follow-up time of35 months, the
are used: heavy charged particles (proton progression-free survival rate was 95% (33).
beam), gamma irradiation from cobalt-60 Follow-up scans showed that 68% of the tumors
sources (gamma knife) , and high-energy had decreased in size.
photons from linear accelerators (LINACs). Modified and dedicated LINAC-based
With all of these methods, a stereotactic head- systems are also commonly used for SRS. To
frame is used for patient positioning and target achieve multiple, convergent beams of radia-
determination. tion , the cou ch and gantry of the LINAC are
In the past 10 years, SRS has become an rotated around the isocenter or target. This
increasingly popular option in managing achieves the sharp, dose-gradient characteristic
meningioma patients with tumors that are less of SRS. The results of LINAC radiosurgery seem
than 3 cm in diameter. This technique is more comparable to those of gamma knife SRS.
advantageous than surgery for a number of Shafron (34) reported on 70 patients with 76
reasons. It is minimally invasive, does not meningiomas. After a median follow-up of 23


months, no lesion had enlarged, and 21 out of gross total resection may not require adjuvant
48 (44%) had decreased in size after at least radiation. Patients with benign meningiomas
1 year of follow-up. Hakim et al. (35) reported who undergo complete resection do not benefit
on 106 benign meningiomas that were treated from radiation.
with LINAC radiosurgery. The 5-year actuarial The Gamma Knife Meningioma Study Group
tumor control rate was 89.3%. evaluated 203 patients with histologically
benign parasagittal meningiomas (36) . Based on
their results, the authors recommended that
Fractionated Radiosurgery patients should receive radiosurgery soon after
(Stereotactic Radiotherapy) surgical resection if the procedure leaves behind
a residual tumor nodule or neoplastic dural
Based on the encouraging results of SRS and the remnant. No prospective, randomized trial has
concern about potential normal tissue toxicity evaluated the timing (immediate vs delayed) of
from SRS, researchers developed a technique radiation therapy for meningiomas.
called "fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery" In conclusion, radiation therapy seems to
(FSR) or "stereotactic radiotherapy" (SRT). It play an important role in the overall manage-
combines the high-precision technology of SRS ment of patients with meningiomas. Its use as
with the potential radiobiological benefits of an adjunctive or primary therapy has thus far
fractionation. Examples of SRT systems include been valuable in the multi-modality approach
the Gill-Thomas-Cosman frame with a dental for these patients. Innovative approaches with
plate and strapping system and the bite plate stereotactic radiosurgery, intensity-modulated
with infrared light-emitting diodes. radiation therapy, fractionated radiosurgery,
Unlike the other methods, which require the and brachytherapy represent promising
use of a minimally invasive head frame, patients options. However, because some of these treat-
can be positioned with a frame that is non-inva- ments do not have mature results, long-term
sive and re-locatable. The initial results of follow-up is needed before we can make any
studies that have used SRT to treat menin- definitive statements about their effectiveness.
giomas have been encouraging.

Timing of Radiation Therapy Tumor Biology

Although studies have shown that radiation Mechanisms ofTumorigenesis
therapy reduces the likelihood for tumor recur -
rence following subtotal resection and produces Similar to tumorigenesis in other tissues, devel-
results similar to those of complete resection, opment of meningiomas is likely to result from
the timing of radiation therapy is controversial. complex interactions between genes and envi-
Given the potential side-effects of radiation and ronment. The etiological role of environmental
long natural history of this disease, some believe factors in meningioma development has been
it is reasonable to use radiation therapy only suggested for ionizing radiation, diet, smoking,
when tumors recur (21). Others believe that head trauma, and occupational exposures to
immediate treatment is warranted because any carcinogenic substances . Of these factors, the
delay may shorten survival, decrease the inter- evidence is convincing only for an association
val between recurrences, increase the risk of between ionizing radiation and meningiomas.
malignant transformation, and decrease the Elevated risk of meningioma development
likelihood of salvage with radiation as a result was shown in studies involving patients who
of increasing tumor burden. received a low-dose radiation therapy for
For malignant histology, many oncologists childhood tinea capitis. Meningiomas were
recommend immediate radiation treatment also found to occur years after any type of
(6000 cGy) following surgery, regardless of the therapeutic cranial irradiation. Moreover, an
extent of resection, owing to the very high rates increased incidence of meningiomas has been
oflocal recurrence (21). For patients with atyp- recently reported in survivors of atomic bomb
ical histology, the role of radiation therapy is explosions. Radiation-induced meningiomas
not as clear, although patients who undergo are often aggressive or malignant. They are also


likely to be multiple, and they have a high recur- gene product in tumorigenesis of WS-related
rence rate following treatment. Furthermore, it and sporadic meningiomas, as well as in radia-
is suggested that they display a distinct pattern tion-induced meningiomas, is unknown.
of molecular genetic aberrations compared with The second group of inherited susceptibility
sporadic meningiomas. factors for meningioma consists of genes that
exhibit low penetrance but appear in human
Inherited Susceptibility Factors populations with a high frequency. Glutathione
S-transferase and cytochrome P450 are exam-
In general, germline mutations and metabolic
ples of genetic polymorphisms that affect the
mutations (polymorphisms) are the two groups
ability of the body to detoxify carcinogens,
of genetic alterations that are associated with
including those that can induce meningiomas in
increased constitutional cancer risk. Both of
laboratory animals. Both GST-T1 null and P450
these groups of inherited susceptibility factors
CYP2D6 poor metabolizer alleles are associated
have been implicated in meningioma develop-
with a significantly elevated risk for menin-
ment. The first group consists of genes that
gioma development. Clearly, GST and P450
exhibit high penetrance but are present in a low
genes, as well as other polymorphic genes that
frequency in human populations. The familial
are involved in the metabolism of carcinogenic
occurrence of meningiomas, usually multiple,
compounds found in diet, cigarette smoke and
occurs often in association with NF-2. Overall,
some industrial chemicals, may be promising
more than 50% ofNF-2 patients develop menin-
candidates to explain the gene-environment
giomas. The phylogenetically conserved gene
interactions in meningioma development.
that is the target for NF-2 resides on chromo-
some 22q12 and was cloned in its entirety in
1993. Studies of both meningiomas from NF-2 Somatic Alterations in
patients and sporadically occurring menin-
giomas firmly place the NF-2 tumor suppressor Meningiomas
gene in a causal role for tumorigenesis of Cytogenetic studies and analyses of loss of het-
meningiomas. It was recently shown that NF-2- erozygosity of certain DNA markers in menin-
associated and sporadic meningiomas share a giomas suggested the existence of genes that
common spectrum and frequency of allelic play a role in meningioma development. In spite
losses and similar proliferative activity. The of the fact that meningiomas are cytogenetically
NF-2 gene encodes for a protein of 595 amino among the best characterized solid tumors in
acids termed "schwannomin" or "merlin". humans, the responsible genes residing in the
Schwannomin/merlin is a member of the band frequently affected chromosomes remain
4.1 superfamily of proteins that are thought to unidentified. Alterations of the chromosome 22
play crucial roles in linking cell membrane pro- occur in about 60% of meningiomas, while
teins with cytoskeleton, a previously unknown other cytogenetic alterations such as loss of
site of activation of tumor suppressor genes in genetic material on chromosomes 1p, 14q, 10
humans. and 18q, as well as gains on 20q, 12q, 15q and
Werner's syndrome (WS) is one of several l q, are less frequent. Some of these changes
rare genetic disorders characterized by genetic were associated with progression of menin-
instability and premature onset of age-related giomas to more aggressive forms. To date, only
diseases, such as atherosclerosis and an unusual the importance of a chromosome 22 deletion in
spectrum of tumors that includes soft-tissue meningioma tumorigenesis has been clearly
sarcomas, thyroid cancers and meningiomas. demonstrated with the cloning of the NF-2 gene .
The gene mutated in WS patients - WRN gene
- encodes for a DNA helicase, an enzyme that
helps DNA unwind [37]. The WRN gene appears
Tumor Suppressor Genes
to function as a key element in resolving
aberrant DNA structures that arise from DNA
NF-2 Turnor Suppressor
metabolic processes, such as replication, Mutational analyses of the NF-2 gene and
recombination and/or DNA repair, to preserve studies of the NF-2 protein show that the NF-2
the genetic integrity of cells. The role of WRN protein is often dramatically reduced or absent


in about 50% of sporadic meningiomas, includ- important in the early stages of meningioma
ing those tumors that do not harbor mutations tumorigenesis. Recently, a gene from human
in the NF-2 gene. Interestingly, alterations chromosome 22 that belongs to the glycosyl-
in NF-2 gene and protein expression were transferase gene family has been isolated.
rarely found in the meningothelial meningioma Abnormal function of that gene may be
variant, suggesting the existence of other involved in meningioma tumorigenesis by alter-
meningioma susceptibility gene(s). ing the composition of gangliosides and other
In spite of intense study of NF-2 gene func- glycosylated molecules.
tions, the molecular mechanisms that enable the Because of a higher incidence of menin-
NF-2 protein to function as a tumor suppressor giomas in patients with a history of breast
are largely unknown. As a member of the band- cancer, breast cancer genes BRCAl and BRCA2
4.1 superfamily of proteins, the NF-2 protein is were examined for loss of heterozygosity in
considered important in the regulation of actin meningiomas. However, alterations of these
cytoskeleton and in interactions between cyto- tumor suppressor genes were not detected in
plasmic proteins and membranes. A possible meningiomas [41]. Similarly, another tumor
physiological role of the NF-2 protein was sug- suppressor gene, PTEN, was initially suspected
gested by its antiproliferative effect on some cell as a meningioma tumor suppressor gene
types, including meningioma cells. The NF-2 because of the gene's location on chromosome
protein has also been shown to modulate cellu- 10q, the region with allelic loss commonly asso-
lar adhesion [38]. Further clues about NF-2 ciated with malignant progression of menin-
protein functions come from identification of giomas. The PTEN gene was recently found
cellular proteins that physically interact with to be unaltered in meningiomas, and it was
the NF-2 protein. The list of NF-2 protein- therefore ruled out as a meningioma tumor
interacting molecules includes: suppressor gene.
II-spectrin, an actin-binding protein, extra- Because the loss of ps3 tumor suppressor
cellular matrix receptor f31-integrin, and regu - functions is the most common genetic alteration
latory cofactor for an Na+JH+ exchanger. It in human cancer, several studies carried out
is, therefore, possible that mutated/inactivated mutational analysis of p53 gene and ps3 protein
NF-2 protein contributes to meningioma expression levels in meningioma. While the
tumorigenesis by impairing signal transduction frequency of ps3 alterations in meningiomas
from the extracellular matrix and/or ion chan- varies among studies [42], the common finding
nels to the cytoskeleton, and thus deleteriously is that accumulation of ps3 protein is associated
alters molecular pathways that control cell dif- with meningiomas with a high proliferative
ferentiation , growth and survival. In addition, potential, i.e. the anaplastic and recurrent
naturally occurring mutant forms of NF-2 tumors [42]. Mutational analysis oftumors with
protein, but not the full-length NF-2 protein high level of ps3 protein expression suggests
that exhibits growth-suppressive activity, phys- that overexpressed ps3 protein is often not a
ically interact with a novel coiled-coil protein of mutant, but rather a wild-type ps3 protein. It
unknown function, termed "SCHIP-l" [39]. was suggested, therefore, that the accumulation
Clearly, the NF-2 protein is a tumor suppressor of p53 protein and mutations in ps3 gene could
that is regulated in a complex manner to control be used as a potential marker to detect the pro-
diverse biological functions . gression of meningiomas.
Loss of heterozygosity at chromosome 1p,
particularly in the 1p36 and 1p34-p32 regions,
Other Turnor Suppressor Genes is frequently detected in meningiomas.
Besides the loss of NF-2 tumor suppressor Interestingly, the loss of chromosome 1p was
expression in about 50% of sporadic meni- shown to be associated with NF-2 gene alter-
giomas , the expression of another member of ations and more frequent tumor recurrence fol-
the band-4.1 family of proteins was found to be lowing surgery. Because of the large size of
lost in about 60% of these tumors [40]. This chromosome 1p, loss of many genes could
novel tumor suppressor gene, DAL-l (differen- account for the more aggressive behavior of
tially expressed in adenocarcinoma of the meningiomas with monosomy of chromosome
lung) from chromosome 18pl1.3, appears to be lp. Because the tumor suppressor gene p18


resides on chromosome 1p32, its locus was ana- emergence of peritumoral brain edema.
lyzed for loss of heterozygosity in meningioma Further-more, high levels of VEGF expression
and excluded as a candidate meningioma gene were recently identified as the most powerful
[43]. Interestingly, the loss of tissue non -specific predictor of meningioma recurrence.
alkaline phosphatase protein encoded by gene The clinical importance of frequent expres-
that maps to Ip36.1-p34 was demonstrated in sion of the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and
areas of meningioma with monosomy 1p, sug- c-met, a proto-oncogene that encodes receptor
gesting its possible role as a candidate tumor for HGF by meningioma cells, is not known, but
suppressor gene in meningiomas [44]. Further HGF and c-rnet may represent an important link
genetic research is likely to result in the discov- with the NF-2 tumor suppressor pathway. It was
ery of novel meningioma-related tumor sup- recently shown that the HGF-regulated tyrosine
pressor gene(s) residing on chromosome l p and kinase substrate physically interacts in vivo and
other chromosomes implicated in meningioma in vitro with NF-2 tumor suppressor protein
tumorigenesis. [45]. At present, it is not clear exactly how the
HGF and NF-2 molecular pathways cross-talk.
Growth Factors and Ras Signal Another line of evidence suggests that the NF-2
protein antiproliferative action may occur
Transduction Pathway downstream of Ras proteins. Overexpression of
Besides loss of tumor suppressor functions, an the NF-2 protein is able to reverse some aspects
enhanced signal transduction through the of the Ras-protein-induced malignant pheno-
polypeptide growth factors and protein tyrosine type, such as anchorage-independent growth in
kinase (PTK) receptors is the best-characterized a soft agar, and to restore contact inhibition of
group of molecular alterations that are associ- cell growth.
ated with meningioma tumorigenesis. Growth
factors and their receptors, which transduce
Sex Hormones
their signals through Ras GTPase proteins, are
overexpressed on the same population of tumor One of the most consistent findings in epidemi-
cells compared with normal, precursor lep- ological studies of meningiomas is that these
tomeningeal cells. The Ras proto-oncogene tumors are about twice as common in women
family encodes four closely related plasma as in men . The proposed role of sex hormones
membrane proteins of 21 kDa that are essential in meningioma tumorigenesis is further sup -
for entry into the mitotic cell cycle, for mainte- ported by an observation that breast cancer and
nance of proliferation, and for regulation of dif- meningiomas appear to occur together more
ferentiation, adhesion molecule expression and frequently than would be expected by chance,
cytoskeletal actin organization. Therefore, over- and by detection of estrogen and progesterone
expression of growth factors and their receptors receptors in meningiomas. While it is well rec-
enhances signal transduction through the ognized that human meningiomas express
Ras pathway with a consequent aberration of progesterone receptors, there is still uncertainty
cellular functions that are considered critically about the presence of estrogen receptors in
important in meningioma tumorigenesis. these tumors. However, the use of polymerase
The list of aberrantly overexpressed mole- chain reaction method, which is more sensitive
cules is long and includes epidermal, platelet- than the immunohistochemical or ligand
derived, fibroblastic, insulin-like and vascular binding assays, reveals that both receptors may
endothelial growth factors (EGF, PDGF, FGF, be present in most meningiomas. At present, it
IGF, VEGF, respectively) and their PTK recep- is not clear whether these receptors are func-
tors. At present, it is not known which growth tional in meningioma and whether the thera-
factors and/or receptors are the most critical in peutic use of progesterone and/or estrogen
meningioma tumorigenesis. Nevertheless, the inhibitors is beneficial. Nevertheless, the pres-
expression of VEGF by tumor cells appears to ence/absence of progesterone receptors in
be prognostically relevant. Elevated expression meningiomas may have prognostic and thera-
of VEGF is found in most meningiomas, and peutic implications. For example, proliferating
it correlates with the development of menin- meningioma cells do not express progesterone
gioma blood supply from cerebral arteries and receptors, and tumors with a high proliferative


index are more likely to express no or low levels lated with serum. As shown in several models,
of progesterone receptors. In addition, menin- another anti-cancer gene therapy approach to
giomas that are progesterone-receptor-negative specifically target Ras proteins is to use anti-
appear to be more likely to recur. Further inves- sense oligonucleotide inhibitors or antisense
tigations are required to delineate the definitive ribozymes, catalytic RNA molecules [46,47].
significance of sex hormones in meningiomas. Another attractive molecular target of the
growth factor activated Ras pathway is the Raf-
1 protein. The application of the antisense
Future Therapy oligonucleotide directed against the human Raf-
1 kinase (ISIS 3521) has now reached the phase
A more detailed understanding of molecular II stage of anti-cancer therapy development. If
mechanisms involved in meningioma tumori- the evidence for ant i-tumor effect is provided,
genesis has opened the door for new anticancer this therapeutic approach may be applied to
treatment approaches that are based on the meningioma treatment in the future .
concept of target-specific therapies. Molecular- Anti-angiogenic gene therapy approaches are
based treatment strategies targeting the precise particularly attractive for meningioma treat-
molecular abnormalities that create and ment because of the well-documented role of
drive the neoplastic phenotype offer a great VEGF in meningioma tumorigenesis and tumor
hope as future meningioma treatments. These recurrence. Targeting of telomerase represents
approaches include gene therapy to restore the an exciting new approach to cancer therapy.
functions of inactivated NF-2 gene and other Because telomerase activation occurs frequently
meningioma-associated tumor suppressors, in atypical and anaplastic meningiomas, and
and the use of gene therapy or several promis- anti-telomerase gene therapy approaches have
ing small molecule agents that inhibit signal been successfully used in animal and tissue
transduction molecules responsible for overac- culture models for treatment of malignant
tivation of the growth factor/Ras signaling gliomas and other malignancies , there is no
pathway. reason to question the applicability of this gene
Besides trying to replace a defective tumor therapy approach to the treatment of menin-
suppressor gene with a functional allele, or to giomas. The major limiting factor of successful
deliver genes that can help kill tumor cells, clinical use of gene therapy for treatment of
gene therapy technology encompasses man y cancer, including meningiomas, is the lack of
additional applications, such as adoptive selectivity and low efficiency of the currently
immunotherapy, anti-angiogenesis, and anti - available vector delivery systems. Improved
telomerase approaches to cancer treatment. For vectors and anti-sense oligonucleotides, and
example, virus-mediated delivery was success- new formulations for enhanced delivery, are
fully used to introduce functional NF-2 tumor likely to circumvent degradation and delivery
suppressor gene into NF-2-gene-deficient difficulties and thus improve the clinical appli-
meningioma cell lines. It is likely that such an cation of gene therapy technology.
approach can be used to deliver other menin- At present, however, treatment of menin-
gioma-associated tumor suppressor genes, such giomas by small molecule compounds that
as DAL-l and p53, to target early and late stages target molecular abnormalities can be a more
of meningioma progression, respectively. promising approach to treat meningiomas in
The elevated expression of a large number of humans. For example, recently developed selec-
polypeptide growth factors and their tyrosine tive kinase inhibitors of PDGF, EGF and VEGF
kinase receptors is a hallmark of menin- receptors may one day serve as novel therapeu-
gioma tumorigenesis. Many polypeptide growth tic agents for the treatment of meningiomas
factors implicated in meningioma tumorigene- [48]. Unfortunately, it is not clear which PTK
sis transduce their proliferative signal through receptors are the most critical in meningioma
Ras proteins. As expected, inhibition ofRas pro- tumorigenesis, and therefore, simultaneous
teins by the adenovirus-mediated transfer of the specific targeting of several PTK receptors, or
dominant negative Ras mutant potently sup - use of broad-spectrum PTK inhibitors, is likely
pressed proliferation of exponentially growing to be required to achieve therapeutic response
and growth-arrested meningioma cells stimu- in humans.


A better approach, however, may be to target low micromolar, physiologically achievable

Ras proteins or molecules downstream of Ras concentrations, boswellic acids are cytotoxic for
proteins through which meningioma-associated meningioma and glioma cells [51]. A phase ItII
growth factors transduce their signals. These clinical trial to establish the effects of boswellic
include small molecule inhibitors of the acids on peritumoral edema in glioblastoma
enzyme farnesyl-protein transferase (FPTase) patients is currently in progress (at www.
and mevalonate pathway inhibitors that sup- medizin . uni-tue bingen . del -we bnonkl
press those enzymes that are involved in pro- clinical.html ).
duction of farnesyl diphosphate, the substrate Clearly, an improved understanding of the
for FPTase. Because farnesylation is critical for biological functions of known genes that play
converting a cytoplasmic and biologically inac- a critical role in meningioma development,
tive precursor Ras protein into a functional as well as identification of novel molecular
membrane-associated protein, several pharma- abnormalities, will provide potential targets
ceutical companies are currently assessing anti- for new therapeutic approaches that are both
cancer activities of FPTase inhibitors in clinical more effective and better tolerated than the
trials. traditional therapies.
Considering the nature of molecular alter-
ations in meningiomas, one can hypothesize
that inhibition of proteins that function down- Key Points
stream of the growth factor/Ras pathway by
small molecule compounds can also be thera- Surgical approaches may vary in meningioma
peutically useful. For example, a novel inhibitor surgery depending upon the tumor location
drug, PD 184352, was recently discovered to and size.
directly and specifically inhibit the Mek-l • The amount of residualtumor after surgery is
kinase, a protein that acts downstream of Ras a majordeterminant of the rate of recurrence.
proteins to activate extracellular signal-regu-
lated kinases Erk-l and Erk-2. This Mek-l
Radiation therapy often plays an important
inhibitor significantly suppressed the growth of
role in the overall management of patients
with meningiomas.
human colon and ovarian xenograft tumors in
mice without unacceptable side-effects [49]. Radiosurgery is playing an increasingly
It is well established that activation of the important role in skull base meningiomas.
growth factor/Ras pathway causes increased • The treatment of meningiomas will continue
turnover of the arachidonic acid metabolism, to advance through continued research at the
including production of prostaglandins and subcellular level coupled with advances in
leukotrienes, by regulating the activity of molecular therapy.
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Intraventricular and Pineal
Region Tumors
Sandeep Kunwar, G. Evren Keles, Mitchell S. Berger

ependymoma and glioblastoma multiforme.

Summary Although juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas most
often originate from the floor of the third
Intraventricular and pineal region tumors ventricle, they may arise from the posterior
represent 2% of all primary central nervous pituitary or optic system and extend into the
system tumors but have many unique fea- ventricle. Low-grade astrocytomas, as well as
tures. Because many patients present with anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma multi-
symptomatic hydrocephalus, urgent treat- forme, typically originate from the thalamic
ment of the tumor or hydrocephalus is often region. Ependymomas, and less frequently
needed. Both benign and malignant tumors subependymomas, originate from the ventricu-
can arise in these regions, and often radi- lar wall. These lesions are more common in the
ographic imaging is non-diagnostic. Surgery lateral ventricles. Subependymal giant cell
remains the main therapeutic approach for astrocytoma, which may be associated with
these tumors but is complicated by the tuberous sclerosis, often originates at the fora-
central location of these lesions. A successful men ofMonro and is more frequently seen in the
resection of intraventricular and pineal lateral ventricle. Colloid cysts are the most com-
region tumors is based on a thorough knowl- mon lesions located in the third ventricle [3].
edge of the relevant cerebral anatomy and Although rare, epidermoid and dermoid tumors
the deep vascular system, avoidance of func - may occur in the third ventricle, and usually are
tionally eloquent areas and use of limited solid rather than cystic at th is location.
Meningiomas originating from the velum inter-
positum and choroid plexus papillomas are also
seen in the third ventricle. Craniopharyngioma
Intraventricular Tumors and suprasellar germinom as can invade the
floor of the third ventricle. Another main group
Brain tumors located in the ventricles constitute of tumors that may grow into the third ventricle
1.4% of all primary central nervous system originate from the pineal gland and will be dis-
tumors, and 5.4% of all central nervous tumors cussed in detail later in th is chapter. In addition
in the pediatric age group [1]. The most com- to these primary neoplasms, metastatic tumors
mon primary neoplasms of the third ventricle may occur in the third ventricle and invade its
are neuroepithelial tumors [2]. These tumors floor or lateral walls.
include juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma, astrocy- Regarding lateral ventricle tumors, in a study
toma, subependymal giant cell astrocytoma, excluding tumors that orig inated in the brain



parenchyma with secondary extension into the [3] (Figure 13.1). Approximately 80% occur in
ventricles, the authors found that the most the lateral ventricles, more commonly in the
common histologic diagnosis in adults was left trigone, but can occur in the third ventricle,
astrocytoma, followed by meningioma [2]. In and less frequently in the fourth ventricle.
the pediatric age group, the most common diag- Most patients present in the fourth to the sixth
nosis was subependymal giant cell astrocytoma. decades, and these tumors are more common in
In another series [4], the most frequent tumor women. The intraventricular location of these
types were sub ependymal giant cell astrocy- slow-growing tumors provides a compensatory
toma, choroid plexus tumors, ependymoma mechanism in the form of reserve space , which
and astrocytoma. The most common location contributes to the delay in clinical demonstra-
for lateral ventricular tumors was the trigone tion of symptoms and signs. They may either
(38%), followed by the cella media (33%) and arise from the choroid plexus and grow with in
the frontal horn (27%) [2]. the ventricle, or arise from the tela choroidea
Intraventricular meningioma, although rare, and grow partly within the ventricle and partly
is a well circumscribed tumor, most often into the surrounding brain tissue . Imaging char-
located in the trigone, and constitutes approxi- acteristics are similar to those of other menin-
mately 0.5-2% of all intracranial meningiomas giomas, being sharply defined and globular.

Fig.13.1. aDespite the large size oftheturner, thepatient had minimum symptoms and presented with headaches. b Postoperative
images after resection via the superior parietal lobule. Because ofthe location withinthe dominant hemisphere, a posterior middle
temporal gyrus approach would carry risk ofspeech impairment.


Intracranial ependymomas represent about The roof of the third ventricle is formed by the
2% of brain tumors in adults, and 5.2-6.9% of tela choroidea and the forniceal body. The ante -
all tumors in the pediatric population [1]. rior wall is formed by the lamina terminalis, for-
Approximately one-third of childhood ependy- niceal columns, optic recess and the foramen of
momas arise from the supratentorial ventricu- Monro. Medial surface of the thalamus forms
lar system, and supratentorial lesions are more the posterosuperior aspect of the lateral wall
common in children over the age of 3 years. of the third ventricle. Separated by the hypo-
Adult patients tend to be relatively young, thalamic sulcus, the hypothalamus constitutes
with most series reporting median ages under the antero-inferior aspect of the lateral wall. The
45 years [5-7]. Although controversial, age, third ventricle floor consists of the optic chiasm,
tumor location, tumor grade and extent of the tuber cinerum and infundibulum, mammil-
surgical resection have been suggested to be lary bodies, posterior perforated substance and
of prognostic significance. Subependymomas the superior aspect of the tegmentum. Perical-
are benign, usually asymptomatic, nodules on losal arteries, medial posterior choroidal arter-
the ventricular wall and are most commonly ies, internal cerebral veins and the branches
detected as an incidental autopsy finding. of the circle of Willis inferiorly are vascular
Subependymal giant cell astrocytomas are structures of critical importance in this region.
seen in 6-19% of patients with tuberous The lateral ventricles extend from the fora-
sclerosis, and may also occur in the absence of men of Monro anteriorly into the frontal lobe as
this autosomal dominant phakomatosis [8,9]. the frontal horn. The walls of each frontal horn
Despite the benign nature of these tumors, they are formed by the genu of the corpus callosum
mostly arise near the foramen of Monro and anteriorly; by the septum pellucidum , the fora-
may grow large enough to obstruct the foramen men of Monro and the forniceal column medi-
and cause obstructive hydrocephalus. Intra- ally; and by the head of the caudate nucleus
tumoral hemorrhage and malignant differenti- laterally. The floor is formed by the rostrum of
ation have also been reported. the corpus callosum. The choroid plexus passes
Choroid plexus tumors are more common in through the foramen of Monro and curves pos-
the lateral ventricles when compared with the teriorly to line the roof of the third ventricle. The
third ventricle. In contrast to adults, in whom anteromedially located septal vein joins the pos-
the majority of choroid plexus tumors are terolaterally located thalamostriate vein at the
located in the fourth ventricle and the cerebel- foramen of Monro to form the inferior cerebral
lopontine angle, approximately 75% of choroid vein. The body of each lateral ventricle extends
plexus tumors in children are found in the from the posterior aspect of the foramen of
lateral ventricles, mostly located in the atrium. Monro to the junction of the corpus callosum
In a recent meta-analysis including 566 well with the fornix. The body is surrounded by the
documented choroid plexus tumors, histology body of the caudate nucleus laterally and by
was the most important prognostic factor, as s- the corpus callosum superiorly. The striothala-
and 10-year projected survival rates were 81 and mic sulcus divides the thalamus from the cau-
77% for choroid plexus papillomas (n = 353) date nucleus and houses the thalamostriate
compared to 41 and 35% in choroid plexus car- vein and the stria terminalis. Tumors located in
cinomas, respectively (P < 0.0005) [10]. Surgery the body of the lateral ventricles derive most of
was also a statistically significant prognostic their blood supply from the posterior lateral
factor for both choroid plexus papillomas and choroidal arteries. Caudal to the thalamus, the
choroid plexus carcinomas. lateral ventricle curves laterally and anteriorly
forming the temporal horn . Posteriorly from
Relevant Anatomy the junction of the body and the temporal horn
extends the occipital horn. The triangular
As a variety of eloquent structures surround the expansion of the ventricle between the occipital
third and lateral ventricles, a thorough knowl- and temporal horns is the atrium, i.e, the
edge of the related anatomy, includ ing neural trigone. The visual projection fibers are located
and vascular structures, is essential in evaluat- laterally to the atrium. Tumors located in the
ing neuroimaging studies and in planning atrium are supplied from the anterior choroidal
surgery. and posterior lateral choroidal arteries .


Pre-operative Evaluation planning. Less detailed information regarding

the status of vascular structures may be
Intraventricular tumors are often slow-growing obtained with MR angiography/venography in
and benign . These lesions frequently grow large a non- invasive manner.
before clinical manifestations and, ultimately, In addition to neoplasms covered in this
produce symptoms secondary to hydro- chapter, differential diagnosis should include
cephalus, either by obstruction of the normal histiocytosis, sarcoidosis, neurocysticercosis,
pathways of cerebrospinal fluid flow or by its fungal and indolent bacterial infections and,
overproduction. Most patients present with although very rare, abscesses.
headaches [2]. Colloid cysts, which typically
occur anteriorly and superiorly within the third Outcome
ventricle, have a tendency to intermittently
obstruct the foramen of Monro, resulting in Although the main therapeutic approach is sur-
acute lateral ventricular hydrocephalus with gical resection , the decision to operate on an
symptoms of intracranial hypertension. Visual intraventricular tumor should be based on
loss, impotence and diabetes insipidus may be several factors, including the patient's age,
caused by tumors invading the floor of the third neurological and medical status and expected
ventricle. Asymmetric bitemporal hemianopia, survival, as well as tumor-related factors such as
starting with inferior temporal field loss, may documented progression and resectability. The
occur due to dilatation of the third ventricle surgical approach to be selected must take
with pressure on the optic chiasm from above. into account the vital anatomical structures
The extension of the tumor may cause a variety encountered in reaching them and the potential
of visual field defects, including homonymous neurologic sequelae. The use of preoperative
hemianopia, binasal field defects, arcuate angiography and embolization, together with
defects and central scotoma [11]. intraoperative neuronavigational guidance,
The standard preoperative imaging study is may significantly facilitate the operation. A suc-
MRI. An MR scan provides information regard - cessful resection of intraventricular tumors is
ing the size of the tumor, its degree of invasion, based on a thorough knowledge of the relevant
its relationship with the surrounding anatomi- anatomy, avoidance of functionally eloquent
cal structures and the extent of hydrocephalus. areas, use of limited retraction and early control
Information regarding the relationship of the of the main blood supply. For patients with
tumor with surrounding venous structures is no significant surgical morbidity, survival is
also critical in planning surgery. The exact loca- directly linked to the histopathological charac-
tion of the tumor, e.g. posterior third ventricle teristics of the tumor. Unlike a patient with
versus pineal or quadrigeminal, is of crucial a totally resected meningioma, survival for a
importance in planning the surgical approach. patient with a totally resected glioblastoma
Neuroendocrinologic evaluation may be nec- multiforme is not favorable.
essary, depending on the degree of hypothala-
mic involvement. Germ cell markers that will be
detailed later in this chapter should be obtained Pineal Region Tumors
if the tumor is suspected of being of germ cell
origin. Visual field testing is obtained if the Tumors of the pineal region can be divided into
visual pathways are affected, and for patients germ cell tumors, pineal cell tumors and other
undergoing a posterior approach to a tumor of tumors (including astrocytoma, ependymoma
the occipital horn or atrium. and meningioma) (Figure 13.2). The true inci-
Any lesion that appears to be highly vascular dence of pineal region tumors from historical
on MRI may be studied angiographically. data is difficult to extrapolate because of the
Although not routine, angiography is important variety of histopathology and often confusing
for large tumors and when the deep venous nomenclature associated with them. In the most
system should be visualized. Angiography will comprehensive series analyzing "pineolomas"
also provide information regarding the status of in 4,865 cases of brain tumors, these tumors
the bridging veins between the cerebral hemi- make up 0.6% of all adult brain tumors and
sphere and the sagittal sinus, useful for surgical 1-3% of pediatric brain tumors [1,12]. Several


Pineal Cell (n=35)

Glial Cell (n=43)
Pineoblastoma Astrocytoma 53%
Mixed Pineal Anaplast ic astocytoma 7%
Glioblastoma 9%
23% Ependymoma 23%
Oligodendroglioma 5%

Germ Cell (n=53) 34%

Germinoma 49%
Mixed germ cell 26% Miscellaneous (n=23)
Terat oma 17% Pineal Cyst 17%
Immature teratoma 4% Meningioma 39%
Embryonal cell 4% Lipoma 9%
Epidermoid 9%
Other 26%

Fig.13.2. Pathological summary of 154 patients surgically treated forpineal region tumors reviewed byBruce etal. (1995).

studies have suggested a greater incidence in [16,17] (Figure 13.3). Intracranial germ cell
Japan, ranging from 4 to 6% [13,14] . However, tumors occur most frequently between ages
a prospective study of actual population-based 10 and 21 years (70%) and 95% occur before
incidence between the number of pineal region age 33 [16]. These tumors have a marked pre-
tumors seen in Niigata, Japan and Western dominance in males. Iennings et a1. (1985)
Australia failed to show a statistically significant showed that males are 2.2 times more likely to
difference (0.07 vs 0.06 per 100,000 person- be affected, while Bruce et a1. (1995) showed a
years, respectively) [15]. stronger male preponderance of 8.5:1. Interest-
ingly, there is an equal sex distribution, or
Epidemiology perhaps a bias towards females, among
suprasellar germ cell tumors [12,16].
The most common location of extragonadal Intracranial germ cell tumors represent a het -
germ cell tumors occurs in two midline sites: the erogeneous group of tu mors , divided into ger-
mediastinum (thymus) and the diencephalop- minomas and non -germinomatous germ cell
ineal (pineal and infundibulum) region . The tumors (NGGCT). NGGCT include tera tomas,
origin of these non-neuroectodermal tumors embryonal cell tumors, choriocarcinomas and
remains unknown but may be related to the endodermal sinus tumors (yolk sac carcinoma).
persistence of primordial germ cells which dis- Germinomas are the most common intracranial
seminate widely throughout many tissues and germ cell tumor, comprising between 40 and
organs in the early embryo . These extra -gonadal 65% of all germ cell tumors [16,18]. Teratomas
germ cells typically have an ephemeral existence (18-20%), endodermal sinus tumors (5-7%),
and undergo an apoptotic death . It is possible embryonal cell tumors (3-5%), and choriocar-
that some of these cells may survive and, over cinomas (3-4%) are less frequent [16,18 ].
time , transform into a neoplasm. This is in con- Furthermore, large series with extensive tissue
trast to the theory that the presence of these cells sampling have shown mixed germ cell histology
is related to a migrational defect. The pineal in up to 25% of germ cell tumors [17]. Thus , it
gland is the most common site of intracranial is imperative to establish an adequate histolog-
germ cell tumors (37-45%), followed by ical diagnosis prior to proceeding with radiation
the suprasellar region (27-35%), with 10% of or chemotherapy because the management and
tumors involving both regions at presentation prognosis of patients with germ cell tumors vary


Fig. 13.3. Eight-year-old child with a pineal and suprasellar germinoma. Involvement ofthe suprasellar and pineal region is most
consistent withagerm cell tumor.

greatly on histology. Germinomas, for example, retinoblastoma (Rb) gene. Pineoblastomas have
can be cured by radiotherapy alone or in com- similar histological and clinical behavior as
bination with chemotherapy in the majority of PNETs [17,20] (Figure 13.4).
cases. NGGCT, however, do not have as good Other tumors that involve the pineal region
prognosis but, with aggressive surg ical resec- include glial cell tumors (astrocytoma, ependy-
tion, high-dose chemotherapy and radiother- moma, oligodendroglioma), choroid plexus
apy, long-term control can be achieved. Mature tumors, pineal cysts, meningiomas and metas -
teratomas, which are the least common, are tases, which are rare in this region.
slow-growing and can be cured with surgery
alone [16,18]. Pathological Appearance
Parenchymal pineal tumors are neoplasms Macroscopically, germinomas are usually soft,
arising from pinealocytes and account for grayish pink and friable; some may have a
0.4-1.0% of the 17,000 primary brain tumors granular consistency. Focal hemorrhages and
diagnosed each year [19]. These tumors have small cysts may be present. Smaller tumors can
been categorized as pineocytoma (low-grade) , appear encapsulated, confined to the pineal
pineoblastoma (high-grade) and mixed [17,19]. region, whereas larger tumors tend to be poorly
Approximately 30-57% of pineal parenchymal defined and infiltrate the adjacent structures,
tumors are pineocytomas, 23-50% are pineo- including the quadrigeminal plate, the posterior
blastomas and 20% are mixed tumors [17]. The commissur e, thalamus and the roof of the third
mean age of presentation for all pineal cell ventricle [17]. Suprasellar germinomas tend
tumors was 22 years, ranging from 11 months to infiltrate the lamina terminalis, the optic
to 77 years. Pineoblastoma, the more malignant chiasm, the septum pellucidum and the hypo-
variety, has been found to occur in younger thalamus. Sometimes, these tumors can appear
populations with a mean age of 18 years [17,19]. highly infiltrative without a definite mass, and
There is no gender preference for these tumors, may mimic an infiltrating glioma. Occasionally,
although a slight male predominance has suprasellar growth may extend into the sella
been suggested in the Japanese literature [14]. turcica and compress the anterior lobe anteri-
Pineoblastoma is associated with bilateral orly or cause compression of the opt ic chiasm .
retinoblastomas (trilateral retinoblastoma) and , Embryonal carcinomas and endodermal
in such, arise from germ line mutations in the sinus tumors have variable gross appearances


Fig. 13.4. Pineal region tumor presenting with progressive hydrocephalus from aqueductal obstruction. Pathology showed

depending on the degree of mixed cell types. identify. In the se cases, confusion with primary
Choriocarcinoma is often well demarcated and cerebral lymphoma may occur. Occasionally,
may contain regions of hemorrhage and necro- multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast giant cells
sis. Teratomas are usually well defined, with can be seen, which stain for human chorionic
an irregular or lobulated outer surface. These gonadotropin (bHCG). Immunohistochemical
tumors may contain cartilage, bone and hair stains are useful, since germ inomas will stain
(rarely, teeth) [17]. Typically, the tumor has positive for placental alkaline phosphatase
multiple cysts containing whitish fluid from and may show variable staining for cytoker-
the desquamation of the dermoid cell lining. atins , the epithelial membrane antigen or
Immature teratomas contain hemorrhage and vimentin [17].
central necrosis and have more invasive Embryonal carcinoma is the least differenti-
features. ated, having a monotonous pattern with aggre-
Microscopically, germinoma is composed of gates of primitive epithelial cells in sheets and
two clearly distinguishable cell types: large germ ribbons [17]. These tumors have the potential
cells and smalllymphocytes [17]. The germ cells to differentiate toward embryonal structures,
are large, polygonal or spheroidal cells with well forming yolk sac or trophoblastic structures.
defined cell boundaries and an eosinophilic, Thus, embryonal carcinoma may give rise to
sometimes vacuolated, cytoplasm with large mixed tumors and pure CNS embryonal carci-
central spherical nuclei and pale nucleoplasm nomas are exceedingly rare. Endodermal sinus
containing a central nucleolus . Mitotic figures tumor is histologically quite close to embry-
and microscopic mineralization can be present. onal carcinomas. The key distinction is the
The second cell type consists of infiltrating predominance of retiform arrangements, papil-
lyrnphocytes clustered around tumor blood lary structures, PAS-positive alpha -fetoprotein
vessels. This is thought to represent a granulo- (AFP)-containing hyaline globules and Schiller-
matous reaction, although the significance of Duvall bodies . Endodermal sinus tumor forms
the immunological reaction is unknown, partic- papillary projections constructed of low
ularly since this cellular reaction may be cuboidal epithelium.
completely absent in some cases. The immuno- Choriocarcinoma feature s two predominant
logical reaction has been found to be primarily cell types: cytotrophoblast and multinucleated
a T-cell infiltrate . Occasionally, the local T-cell syncytiotrophoblast. The cytotrophoblast is
response predominates the histology, with the recognized by its epithelioid appearance, with
germinoma cells being few and difficult to clear cytoplasm and a single nucleus. The


syncytiotrophoblasts have a very basophilic, differentiated pineoctyoma to undifferentiated

vacuolated cytoplasm and multiple hyperchro- pineoblastoma occurs. Some mixed tumors
matic nuclei which stain positive for HCG. have been designated when divergent differen-
Hemorrhage and necrosis are common. tiation exists along neuronal, glial or both lines;
Teratoma is composed of well different iated however, more recent designation of mixed
tissues from all three germ cell layers (endo- tumors relates to the presence of pineoblastoma
derm, mesode rm and endoderm). Mature and pineocytoma elements [19].
teratoma may contain solid or cystic foci of The pathological appearances of other
squamous epithelium, cartilage or glandular or tumors (astrocytoma, ependymoma and menin-
tubular structures, lined by tall columnar gioma) in the pineal region are not site-specific
mucus -secreting cells. Teratoma will often and are histologically similar when found within
contain neuroepithelial tissue showing varying other areas of the bra in.
degrees of glial and neuronal differentiation.
It is important to differentiate any primitive Relevant Anatomy
features , typically in only one of the three ger-
minal layers, which define an immature ter- The pineal gland has a central location in the
atoma. Immature teratomas contain poorly brain, such that the distance between it and
differentiated non-neuroepithelial cells in high the surface of any portion of the scalp is
density, often staining positive for CEA, cytok- almost the same, regardless of which surgical
eratins or epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) approach is taken to this region. The anatomy
[17]. of the parenchymal tissue and , more impor-
Pineoblastoma macroscopically is a soft tantly, the vascular structures are critically
tumor that is pinkish-gray in color and may important in considering the most appropriate
contain hemorrhagic, necrotic or cystic compo- approach to these tumors. Pineal tumors
nents. It can be relatively well circumscribed or occupy the posterior aspect of the third ventri-
ill defined and invasive into local surrounding cle and the quadrigeminal cistern. They may
structures, often destroying the pineal gland involve the quadrigeminal plate inferiorly, the
with growth. By contrast, pineocytoma is well posterior commissure and thalamus anterolat-
defined and has a pale gray color and lobulated erally and the roof of the third ventricle and
surface. Necrosis, hemorrhage and invasion splenium superiorly. The arterial supply to the
into adjacent structures are rare findings in pineal gland is from the medial posterior
pineocytomas. Calcification may be grossly choroidal artery. The draining veins from the
obvious on inspection or on imaging. pineal body and habenular trigone are the supe-
Microscopically, pineoblastoma cells are rior and inferior pineal veins that flow into the
highly cellular, with small, round nuclei resem- vein of Galen or the internal cerebral veins. The
bling cerebellar medulloblastomas. Mitotic veins for the superior and inferior colliculi,
figures may be numerous and the tumor cell the superior and inferior quadrigeminal or
cytoplasm is scanty. The cells are usually in tectal veins also flow into the vein of Galen
amorphous sheets, but ill defined Homer- or the superior vermian vein. The basal veins
Wright rosettes may be present. Occasionally, of Rosenthal are lateral to the pineal gland
perivascular orientation of the cells may be and drain into the vein of Galen or the internal
seen. Pineoblastomas also have a propensity to cerebral veins. Immediately superior to the
seed the subarachnoid space. Pineocytoma, on pineal gland are the internal cerebral veins,
the other hand, can be cellular but less so than converging and draining into the vein of
pineoblastoma. There is a strong resemblance to Galen, sitting superior and posterior to the
normal pineocytes, with tumor cells arranged gland. The superior vermian vein and precen -
in sheets or diffuse lobules. Giant cells may be tral cerebellar vein lie posterior and inferior to
present, but mitotic figures are uncommon. the pineal gland and drain into the vein of Galen
Pineocytoma cells may differentiate into mature as well. From a supratentorial approach, the
astrocytes or neurons, or both [17]. Mixed posterior pericallosal vein and internal occipital
tumors may contain features of both pineocy- vein can also be visualized draining into the vein
toma and pineoblastoma, although no consen- of Galen.
sus exists on where the transition from well


Pre-operative Evaluation enhancement. Teratomas, in particular, have

marked heterogeneity, loculations and irregular
Patients with primary pineal region tumors enhancement related to lipid, soft tissue and
present with signs and symptoms of hydro- cystic components as well as calcification.
cephalus secondary to compression or involve- Malignant teratomas have similar features but
ment of the tectum, occluding the Sylvian demonstrate invasion into the surrounding
aqueduct, including headaches, diplopia, structures [21]. Pineoblastomas are often het-
lethargy and ataxia . Compression of the tectum erogeneous on Tl-weighted sequences and tend
may also cause Parinaud's syndrome, resulting to be hyperintense on T2-weighted sequences.
in vertical gaze paresis, impaired pupillary light There is usually strong enhancement with
reflex and convergence nystagmus. The clinical some heterogeneous areas within the tumor
presentation for germ cell tumors is dependent (Figure 13.4). These tumors are aggressive and
frequently disseminate in the neuraxis. There
upon the sites of involvement. Suprasellar
may be regions of necrosis or hemorrhage con-
involvement, particularly with germinomas,
tributing to the heterogeneity. Pineocytomas
may be associated with a long prodrome (month
are typically iso or hypointense on Tl -weighted
to several years) of signs and symptoms of
imaging with homogeneous and intense
hypopituitarism. Diabetes insipidus is most
enhancement. However, pineocytomas can have
common because of the involvement of the variable appearance and can be associated
infundibulum, but growth failure and hypothy- with a hypointense cyst on Tl-weighted images ,
roidism or precocious puberty can also be similar to pineal cysts. MRI also provides
seen. Children with diabetes insipidus or critical ana tomic information when consider-
hypopituitarism may harbor germ cell tumors ing surgical approach, extension of the tumor,
and should be followed expectantly with MRI the degree of brainstem involvement and the
scans at regular intervals. Visual field or acuity relationship of the deep venous system to
impairments may occur related to compression the tumor.
of the optic chiasm or direct involvement of the All patients with pineal region tumors should
optic nerve. Germinomas can spread directly undergo a high -resolution MRI scan with
along the floor and walls of the third ventricle gadolinium of the head and screening MRI of
or via CSF pathways. NGGCT have a higher the spinal axis (post-contrast sagittal view).
incidence of metastatic dissemination than Patients also require CSF and serum measure-
germinomas, with estimates ranging from 5 to ments of AFP, human chorionic gonadotropin
57%. Etraneural metastasis has been reported (HCG) and CEA levels. CSF should also be sent
in up to 3% of all germ cell tumors, with lung for cytology. Evaluation of pituitary function
and bone being the most common sites [16]. should be performed if endocrine abnormalities
MRI is the radiographic imaging of choice in are suspected and formal visual field examina-
evaluating patients with pineal region tumors. tion in patients with evidence of suprasellar
CT, however, can be helpful in looking for involvement.
calcification of the pineal region , which can be
seen in the normal gland, germinomas, pineo- Management and Outcome
cytomas and teratomas, or for assessing hem-
orrhage and degree of ventriculomegaly. On Surgery has assumed an important role in
MRI scans, germinomas are often isointense the management of pineal region tumors.
to gray matter, and slightly hyperintense on Radiographic features are not diagnostic and
T2-weighted images. These tumors have homo- therapy and outcome are dependent on tumor
geneous and dramatic contrast enhancement. type. Management of hydrocephalus requires
Cystic areas can occasionally be seen. urgent attention, since patients can develop
It is important to assess the suprasellar region acute obstruction and a herniation syndrome.
and lateral and third ventricles for tumor Nearly all patients with pineal region tumors
involvement. There are no typical radiographic present with symptomatic hydrocephalus. The
features of NGGCT, but they are often hetero- standard of care has been placement of a ven -
geneous on MRI scans and tend to have infil- triculoperitoneal shunt (VPS), at which time
trating borders with variable degrees of CSF can be collected . More recently, endoscopic


management of obstructive hydrocephalus with

a ventriculostomy, CSF sampling and biopsy of
the tumor has gained popularity. Disadvantages
of a permanent VPS for the initial management
of hydrocephalus in these patients include
shunt malfunction, infection and, rarely, peri-
toneal seeding of tumors. In many cases, if the
tumor can be removed, the patient may not
need the shunt at all. Endoscopic third ven-
triculostomy allows for successful treatment of
the obstructive hydrocephalus, collection ofCSF
for markers and cytology and allows for multi-
ple biopsies under direct endoscopic vision as a
one-step procedure [22]. We have utilized this
approach in the initial management of all
patients with pineal region tumors presenting
with hydrocephalus. If the biopsy is adequate Fig. 13.5. Approaches to the pineal region and tumors ofthe
and demonstrates a germinoma or primary posterior third ventricle. 1. Infratentorial, supracerebellar. 2.
malignant glioma without significant mass Suboccipital, transtentorial. 3. Posterior interhemispheric, tran-
effect, the patient is managed with radiation and scallosal. 4. Anterior transcallosal, subchoroidal/transvelum
interpositum. 5. Transcortical orinterhemispheric transforami-
chemotherapy. For NGGCT, pineal cell tumors
nal. 6.Translamina terminalis. 7. Posterior transventricular.
and large glial tumors, the patient can then
undergo a more elective craniotomy appropri-
ate for the location and size of tumor.
Stereotactic biopsy of tumors of this region has
also gained popularity but still carries a risk of large tumors that have a significant lateral
damage to the complex venous anatomy. A or supratentorial component. Supratentorial
concern with either endoscopic or stereotactic approaches have the disadvantage of requiring
biopsy is sampling error. Germinomas can retraction of the occipital lobe, resulting in a
contain nests of malignant germ cell tumor that hemianopsia and an obstructed view of the
would significantly alter therapy and outcome. tumor by the deep venous system. In most cases,
Likewise, a glial tumor may contain mixed cell we prefer the infratentorial, supracerebellar
types or focal areas of a higher-grade neoplasm, approach because it allows the most direct
although this is less of a problem since radi- access to these midline tumors. Typically, the
ographic appearance can help in choosing the deep venous anatomy is displaced superiorly,
most appropriate region to biopsy. facilitating tumor resection. In the past, the
There are many surgical approaches to the sitting approach was utilized, which allows
pineal region (Figure 13.5). Three surgical gravity to help in retracting the cerebellar
approaches are most commonly used: infraten- hemispheres and facilitating dissection [18].
torial supracerebellar, suboccipital transten- However, because of the risks of air embolism
torial and paramedian transcallosal. The sur- and cortical collapse, we prefer a modified
geon's degree of comfort and experience with "Concorde" position in which the surgeon oper-
the procedure and the size and extension of ates over the patient's left shoulder. There is a
the tumor should determine the most appropri- growing appreciation of the value of aggressive
ate approach chosen in order to minimize tumor removal for improving the prognosis of
compli cations. patients; however, this is dependent on tumor
Surgical results depend more on the tumor's type. With benign tumors, complete resection is
invasiveness and relationship with surrounding usually curative [18]. With malignant tumors,
structures than on which approach is utilized. radical debulking is thought to improve the
The deep location of these tumors makes outcome and response to adjuvant therapy
surgery risky, with possible damage to the [12,13,18].
tectum, thalamus or deep venous system. The All patients with malignant germ cell or
supratentorial approaches are best suited for pineal cell tumors require radiation therapy.


The concomitant use of chemothe rapy, the

extent of tumor involvement and the pres ence
Key Points
of dissemination have impacted on the field of
Intraventricular and pineal region tumors
radiation the rapy. For certain tumors, such as
often present with hydrocephalus.
ependymoma and malignant astrocytoma, focal
radiotherapy is indicated. For pineoblastomas • Diagnosis is usually based on characteristic
and some germ cell tumors, craniospinal radio- imagingfeatures. Serum or CSF markers can
therapy is more appropriate. Radiotherapy has add additional diagnostic information in
been the primary curative treatment for germi- some tumors.
nomas ari sing in the pineal and suprasellar • Surgical approaches to anterior intraventric-
regions. Long-term control rates of 65-90% are ular tumors are accomplished using open
well documented for germinomas [23,24]. The surgery or endoscopic techniques.
control of NGGCT and pineoblastomas with Pineal region tumors comprise a number of
radiotherapy alone is poor, necessitating mu lti- histologic subtypes, some of which are exquis-
modality therapy. Radiosurgery has been used itely sensitive to radiotherapy.
in boosting the primary site of tumor or in the .. Posterior surgical approaches to pineal
primary management of low-grade pineal tumors are effective in safely resecting these
tumors (pineocytomas) [25]. tumors and establishing the diagnosis.
Chemotherapy is being evaluat ed with Additional chemotherapy and/or radiother-
increasing enthusiasm for germinoma and apy is indicated for some tumors.
certain NGGCT. For germinomas, attempts
have been made to reduce or defer radiotherapy
after a tr ial of adjuvant chemotherapy. Recur- References
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Cerebello-pontine Angle Tumors
Peter C. Whitfield and David G. Hardy

vestibulocochlear nerves, the anterior inferior

Summary cerebellar artery (AICA) and the superior pet -
rosal vein with its tributaries. The CPA has
This chapter describes the clinical and radi- important relationships with surrounding
ological features of cerebellopontine angle structures. The cisterna ambiens, containing the
(CPA) tumors. A detailed account of the trochlear nerve and the superior cerebellar
management of these lesions is provided, artery, is located superiorly. Inferiorly lies the
with particular reference to the details of cerebellomedullary (inferior cerebellopontine)
microsurgical treatments. The complications cistern containing the glossopharyngeal, vagal,
of CPA surgery are protean and may signifi- accessory and hypoglossal nerves, along with
cantly impair the quality of a patient's life. A the vertebral artery, origin of the PICA and the
multidisciplinary approach to the manage- inferior petrosal vein. Medially lies the prepon-
ment of these problems is advocated. tine cistern which invests the basilar artery and
the origin of the abducens nerve.
The cerebellar hemisphere wrap s itself
Introduction around the postero-lateral aspect of the pons
forming the V-shaped cerebellopontine fissure.
CPA tumors comprise about 8-10% of all The middle cerebellar peduncle, flocculus and
intracranial neoplasms. About 80-85% of CPA foramen of Luschka lie in the floor of the apex
tumors are acoustic neuromas, with menin- of the cerebellopontine fissure. The latter, with
giomas and a wide variety of other lesions its tuft of protruding choroid plexus, is an
accounting for the remainder [1]. This chapter important landmark for the emergence of the
describes the anatomy, pathology and manage- VII and VIII cranial nerves in CPA surgery.
ment of these lesions .
Cranial Nerves
Anatomy The trigeminal nerve, comprising a small motor
root and a larger sensory root, arises from the
The CPA is the wedge-shaped space formed lateral aspect of the rostral pons. It courses,
anteriorly by the dural-coated face of the in an anterior, lateral and slightly superior
petrous temporal bone, and posteriorly by direction, towards the porus trigeminus at the
the ventral surfaces of the pons and cerebellum. entrance to Meckel's cave. The IX, X and XI
It contains the superior CSF cistern, which is nerves arise in the longitudinal sulcus lateral
traversed by the trigeminal, abducens, facial and to the olive. They course through the inferior



cerebellopontine cistern to the jugular foramen. and vertigo; diplopia due to an abducens
The facial nerve arises 2 or 3 mm superior to the palsy; facial paraesthesia, anaesthesia, or
rostral rootlets of the glossopharyngeal nerve, pain. Facial weakness or spasms are
from the lateral aspect of the pontomedullary unusual at presentation. Large lesions
sulcus. The VIII nerve leaves the pontomedul- may lead to dysphonia, dysarthria and
lary sulcus about 1 mm lateral to the facial dysphagia due to involvement of the IX
nerve. The nervus intermedius is usually closely and X cranial nerves.
applied to the VIII nerve at this point. The VII • cerebellar and/or brainstem compres-
and VIII nerves then become apposed as they sion: impaired co-ordination, upper
course toward the porus acousticus (internal motor neurone signs in the limbs.
auditory meatus). The presence of transverse • raised intracranial pressure secondary to
and vertical (Bill's bar) crests of bone within associated hydrocephalus, or occasion-
the internal auditory canal enable the surgeon ally to the mass of the lesion itself.
to identify with certainty the location of
• pain localized to the ear/mastoid regions,
the facial nerve and the subdivisions of the
or sometimes non -localizing headache .
vestibulo-cochlear nerve. The superior and
inferior vestibular nerves occupy the postero- With the widespread availability of MRI, an
superior and postero-inferior quadrants of the increasing number of patients present relatively
canal, respectively. The antero-superior quad- early. Unilateral hearing loss frequently pre-
rant is occupied by the facial nerve and nervus sents as impaired speech discrimination noted
intermedius, whilst the cochlear nerve lies during the use of a telephone by patients with
antero-inferiorly. Since most acoustic neuro- small acoustic neuromas. However, hearing
mas arise from one of the vestibular nerves, the loss may be sudden and profound in 12-15% of
cochlear and facial nerves are usually displaced patients with CPA tumors, suggesting a vascu-
anteriorly. lar basis for the symptom in some cases [2].

Clinical Presentation
Lesions within the CPA may present with symp-
toms and signs of:
• cranial nerve dysfunction: unilateral Table 14.1 details the relative incidence of the
hearing loss; tinnitus; dysequilibrium different tumor types found in the CPA.

Table 14.1.Relative incidence ofcerebellopontine angle masses. This table represents 438 patients withCPA lesions operated on
in Cambridge, UK between 1981 and 1994 [1].

Pathology Patients(n) Percentage of CPA lesions

Acoustic schwannoma 369 84
Meningioma 31 7.1
Other schwannoma V 2
VII 6 3.2
Primary epidermoid (cholesteatoma) 10 2.3
Glomus jugulare (Fisch Type D) 5 1.1
Metastasis 1 0.2
Cerebellar astrocytoma 1 0.2
Lymphoma 1 0.2
Dermoid cyst of the fourth ventricle 1 0.2


Acoustic Neuromas a loose eosinophilic matrix in which micro-

cystic change may be prominent (Antoni B).
Acoustic neuromas arise from Schwann cells at Malignant change in acoustic neuromas is
the Schwann cell-glial junction, which is usually exceptional, with few cases reported in the
found in the internal auditory canal. Around world literature.
40% of patients with sporadic acoustic neuro-
mas show loss of heterozygosity in the region of Meningiomas
the tumor suppressor NF-2 gene on chromo-
some 22, suggesting that an underlying genetic Meningiomas of the petrous face comprise
predisposition exists in many patients [3]. around 7% of all CPA lesions. They present in
Indeed the presence of bilateral acoustic neuro- patients aged 30-70 years and are five times
mas is diagnostic for neurofibromatosis-2, more common in women. Most patients have
further implicating dysfunction of this gene in symptoms of vestibulocochlear nerve dysfunc-
the pathogenesis of these tumors. tion . About 80% complain of hearing loss, with
Acoustic neuromas arise almost exclusively a dead ear being evident in 19%.Tinnitus (60%),
from the vestibular branches of the VIII nerve impaired balance (26%), trigeminal signs (45%)
complex; hence, they are more correctly and facial weakness (10%) may also occur.
referred to as vestibular schwannomas. They Imaging investigations show that the mean
expand the porus acousticus forming a cone- tumor size is 3.5 cm at the time of diagnosis
shaped mass with a canalicular and CPA com- [1]. Risk factors probably include previous
ponent in 61% of patients. In 21% of cases, the radiotherapy, e.g. for childhood leukaemia.
canalicular component becomes sausage - Inactivation of the NF-2 tumor suppressor gene
shaped and "mushrooms" out of the porus into appears to be important in the pathogenesis of
the CPA, leading to a dumbbell appearance. In sporadic meningioma in up to 60% of cases.
the remainder (18%), the tumors appear to be Meningiomas of the CPA can arise in close
largely confined to the CPA with no significant proximity to the porus acousticus, or from a
intracanalicular component [4]. The laterally separate origin on the face of the petrous
arising tumors tend to present earlier with bone. Meningiomas of the CPA possess similar
audiovestibular symptoms. Those arising pathological features to those found at other,
within the CPA are more likely to present with more common intracranial sites. The World
signs of trigeminal compression, cerebellar dys- Health Organisation classifies meningothelial
function and raised intracranial pressure. A cell tumors into many subtypes. Anaplastic and
recent analysis of 473 patients with acoustic atypical meningiomas have a higher propensity
neuromas treated in Cambridge shows that for local recurrence, and complete local resec-
89.3% presented with typical audiovestibular tion, along with dural attachments and any
symptoms. Of the 10.7% with an atypical pre - abnormal bone, are mandatory to minimize the
senting symptom, facial numbness (6.4%), risk of tumor recurrence.
headache (2.1%), otalgia (1%), visual changes
(0.6%), taste disturbance (0.2%) and facial
weakness (0.2%) were all recorded. A high Epidermoid Tumor
degree of clinical acumen is required to avoid (Cholesteatomas)
inadvertent delays in the diagnosis of the lesion
in this group of patients. Primary epidermoid tumors, or cholesteatomas,
Macroscopically, the superior cerebellopon- are non-neoplastic, cystic lesions lined with a
tine cistern is invaginated by the tumor, simple stratified squamous epithelium. They are
forming a double arachnoid plane around the considered to be congenital, arising from mis-
lesion. Whilst many tumors are homogeneous placed epidermal cell rests [5]. Cholesteatomas
in texture, macrocyst formation occurs. of the CPA must be differentiated from the
Histological examination reveals regions acquired lesions that occur secondary to
characterized by spindle-shaped cells with middle-ear suppurative disease. The latter are
hyperchromatic, elongated nuclei (Antoni usually restricted to the tympano-mastoid
A type) and other regions where vacuolated region , but erosion of the petrous bone may
cells with pleomorphic nuclei are embedded in occur, with the appearance of a petrous apex


cholesteatoma. These acquired lesions are the CPA. Presentation may be related to cranial
about 1.5 times more frequent in our experi- nerve compression, mass effect or hydro-
ence. CPA cholesteatomas present in adults of cephalus. Other rare tumors of the CPA include
either sex with a mean age of 43 years. They chordomas, haemangioblastomas, metastases
contain lamellae of desquamated keratin, cell and lipomas. Whilst MRI findings may provide
debris and a variable number of cholesterol diagnostic information, an accurate pre-opera-
crystals. Macroscopically, the lesions resemble tive diagnosis is often not possible.
clusters of pearls . They grow slowly, by a
process of desquamation, and infiltrate the
cisternal spaces. Cranial nerve palsies dominate
the clinical presentation [1]. Management ofCPA
Glomus Tumors
Since 80-85% of CPA lesions are acoustic neu-
Glomus tumors result from neoplastic transfor- romas, much of this discussion concerns the
mation in paraganglionic "jugular bodies" . management of these lesions.
Since spread of these tumors follows the path
of least resistance, large tumors may present
within the CPA [6]. The presenting symp-
toms include hearing loss, pulsatile tinnitus,
dysequilibrium, dysphonia, dysphagia and MRI Scanning
aural bleeding.
Contrast-enhanced MRI is the investigation of
choice in patients with symptoms and/or signs
Other CPA Lesions of CPA disease. Thin sections in axial and
coronal planes can detect acoustic neuromas as
Schwannomas may occur on any of the lower
small as 2 mm in diameter. CT scans provide
cranial nerves. The facial and trigeminal nerves
complementary information on bone anatomy,
are more frequently affected than the bulbar
but the beam-hardening artefact caused by the
nerves [1]. These lesions may occur entirely
petrous bone reduces the resolution of the tech-
within the CPA but, in the case of trigeminal
nique within the CPA. Typical MRI appearances
schwannomas, dumbbell extension through
of CPA lesions are shown in Fig. 14.1. Acoustic
Meckel's cave into the middle cranial fossa is
neuromas and meningiomas may both appear
isointense on T2-weighted images and enhance
Cerebellopontine angle arachnoid cysts are
with paramagnetic contrast. Cystic appearances
rare and often present with headache and
can be present in either lesion. However, menin-
ataxia, rather than cranial nerve compression
giomas appear broad-based and form an obtuse
syndromes. If symptoms are few, observation
angle with the petrous dura. A tail of dural
is advocated. However, symptomatic lesions
enhancement is frequently present and is a
require treatment. This is most safely met
pathognomic sign. Acoustic neuromas charac-
through a wide fenestration procedure rather
teristically expand the porus acousticus but, if
than excision or shunting [7].
hyperostosis is associated with a meningioma,
Basilar artery ectasia and posterior circula-
the porus may be narrowed.
tion aneurysms can present as a mass in the
CPA. With modern imaging techniques and
Otoneurological Findings
careful history taking these lesions should be
recognised at a stage that enables appropriate Otoneurological investigations are indicated
neurovascular management to be directed at when a patient presents with symptoms sugges-
them. tive of vestibulocochlear nerve dysfunction.
The foramen of Luschka provides a commu- Using pure tone audiometry, four patterns of
nication between the fourth ventricle and the sensorineural hearing loss are recognized in
CPA. In view of this, lesions of the ventricular patients with acoustic neuromas. High-fre-
system, such as ependymomas, choroid plexus quency loss is seen in 65% of patients. In 22%
tumors and dermoid tumors, may protrude into of patients, hearing loss is depressed equally


Fig. 14.1. Radiological appearances ofCPA lesions. aT1-weighted axialimage with contrast. Bilateral acousticneuromas inapatient
with NF-2. b T1 -weighted axial image with contrast showing a CPA meningioma. Notice the normal appearance of the internal
auditory meatus and the broad origin of the tumor. The T2-weighted image showed increased signal in the compressed cerebellar
hemisphere. c T1-weighted axial image showing a CPA cholesteatoma. This lesion did not enhance following contrast injection.
dTl-weighted coronal image withcontrast showing alarge CPA glomus jugulare tumor.

across all frequencies . In 7%, low tone loss is score combined with the pure tone audiogram
evident whilst, in 6%, a trough-shaped loss loss [9]. Hearing is described as excellent if there
is seen, with relative preservation of hearing at is a pure tone loss of 0-30 dB with 70-100%
high and low frequencies [8]. speech discrimination. Other grades (service-
Speech discrimination tests determine the able, non-serviceable , poor and absent) repre-
ability of the patient to identify a taped series of sent increasingly poor auditory function. Poor
words presented at 40 dB above the speech speech discrimination that is out of proportion
threshold. The quality of hearing can be classi- to the degree of pure-tone loss is a feature of
fied according to the speech discrimination acoustic neuromas. This is attributed to the


finding that up to 75% of cochlear fibers may and within a specific lesion. Whilst a growth rate
be damaged before the pure-tone deficit is of around 2 mm per year is usual, tumors can
evident. The ability to discriminate speech is of grow by as much as 17 mm per annum [10]. This
importance when considering the appropriate information, combined with the fact that quality
management strategies, such as hearing preser- of life is reduced after surgery for very large
vation surgery, for an individual pat ient. tumors, make a strong case for treatment
Although widely used, the specificity and sen- in the young patient with a small acoustic
sitivity of caloric tests, brainstem auditory neuroma. A "wait and see" policy condemns
evoked responses and acoustic decay reflexes the patient to indefinite follow-up, an uncertain
are inferior to MRI as screening tests in patients future and substantial costs for regular MR
with symptoms and/or signs of CPA pathology. scans. However, in the elderly patient with co-
A recent retrospective analysis has shown that morbidity, a conservative approach with careful
pure tone audiometry was normal in 25% of clinical and rad iological follow-up is a reason-
patients with CPA meningiomas, further sup- able alternative strategy. Although assessment
porting the use of MRI as the investigation of of growth and volumetric estimation of tumor
choice in patients with symptoms indicative size are complex, repeat imaging for compara-
of CPA disease, including patients presenting tive studies usually provides sufficient informa-
with unilateral audiovestibular symptoms. tion for clinical decision making. In such
patients, we recommend a repeat MRI scan
6 months after diagnosis, annually for 4 years
Treatment Strategies in Patients and then bi-annually, provided tumor growth is
with Acoustic Neuromas not progressive.
When considering the management of a patient
with an acoustic neuroma, several factors Surgery for Acoustic Neuromas
preside. The size of the tumor is of paramount Much has been written about the relative merits
importance. In the Cambridge series of 473 of the translabyrinthine, retrosigmoid and
pat ients presenting between 1983 and 1995,47% middle fossa approaches in the treatment of
of tumors were large (more than 2.5 cm), 32% acoustic neuromas. A synopsis of the historical
medium (1.5-2.5 cm) and 21% small (less than milestones in acoustic neuroma surgery is
1.5 cm). Large tumors may cause the life-threat- shown in Table 14.2.
ening complicat ions of symptomatic hydro-
cephalus, and direct mass effect. We advocate Intraoperative Monitoring
initial insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt,
or, in suitable cases, a third ventriculostomy, to Intraoperative facial nerve monitoring is useful
alleviate hydrocephalus. If mass symptoms are and widely practiced. A pre-requisite for elec-
evident, early surgery to remove the tumor tromyographic monitoring is that the patient is
should be considered. The initial presentation
of these tumors in this way is now rare. Table 14.2. Historical milestones in acoustic neuroma surgery.
At presentation, most acoustic neuromas
present with audiovestibular symptoms and do Year Event
not constitute a threat to life at that time. A 1891 McBurney attempts removal of anacoustic
complete understanding of the natural history, neuroma
1894 Charles Ballance successfully removes an acoustic
surgical morbidity and success of radiosurgery
is of importance in deciding the appropriate 1903 Krause describes the sub-occipital approach
management of patients with these tumors. 1904 Panse describes the translabyrinthine approach
1917 Cushing's acoustic neuroma monograph is
Natural History published
1931 Cairns successfully preserves the facial nerve
Intracanalicular acoustic neuromas frequently 1964 House describes microsurgical translabyrinthine
present early with audiovestibular symptoms, approach
and may be very small at presentation. Imaging 1979 Mortality isreduced to 2.6% in a series of 500
studies show that the rate of growth of these patients
tumors varies both between individual tumors


not paralyzed with neuromuscular agents when Translabyrinthine Approach

assessing facial nerve responses. A bipolar stim -
This approach provides the shortest, most
ulating electrode provides a spatially precise
direct route to the CPA. Cerebellar retraction
means of stimulating the facial nerve, enabling
is minimized and the lateral end of the facial
EMG potentials to be recorded using needle nerve is clearly visualized. William House pop -
electrodes in facial muscles (e.g. orbicularis ularized this approach, and we advocate its use
oculi and oris) . The signals are amplified and in patients with hearing loss and in virtually all
made audible to the surgeon. Although a ran- patients with large neuromas.
domized study of this technique has not been The patient is placed supine with the head
performed, few surgeons now operate without turned 70° away from the side of the lesion. The
such monitoring. For large CPA lesions and head is flexed, but the chin must remain clear
other skull base tumors, the technique can be of the contralateral clavicle. The head is tilted so
adapted to monitor the motor components of the malar is uppermost. A sandbag is placed
other cranial nerves. The trigeminal nerve can beneath the ipsilateral shoulder. The thigh is
be assessed by inserting electrodes into the mas- also prepared to enable fascia lata and fat to be
seter and/or temporalis muscles. The lower harvested in preparation for wound closure. We
motor cranial nerves can be monitored by use a "hockey stick" incision, curving from just
inserting electrodes into the soft palate (IX), above the posterior-superior aspect of the
taping electrodes to the endotracheal tube to auricle, descending to a point 1 cm behind and
assess laryngeal muscle function (X), or insert- below the mastoid tip. Careful attention is given
ing electrodes in the sternocleidomastoid and to opening the scalp in two layers. The perios -
trapezius muscles (XI) or the tongue (XII). teum is then reflected anteriorly, exposing the
Other monitoring systems have been developed posterior aspect of the external auditory canal
based upon mechanotransducers, the stimulus and the spine of Henle. Care must be taken not
for development being the artifact caused in to perforate the skin of the canal during place-
EMGrecording by electrocoagulation. However, ment of the self-retaining retractor. The tempo -
newer generation multichannel EMG monitor- ral bone is then drilled in a systematic fashion
ing devices are likely to become the monitoring to provide a corridor of access to the CPA.
tools of choice. Drilling of the temporal bone is performed in
A variety of techniques may be used to four phases:
monitor intraoperative cochlear nerve func- • Extended masto idectomy with exposure
tion. These include brainstem auditory evoked of the facial nerve.
responses (BAERs) and auditory compound • Removal of the semicircular canals.
action potentials (CAPs) [11]. BAERs are • Exposure of the bony internal auditory
recorded from vertex and upper cervical elec- canal. To improve access the jugular bulb
trodes. Sound stimuli at 20 pulses per second can be uncovered and retracted inferi-
at 65 dB above normal threshold are used via orly.
earphones. A continuous waveform can be dis- Removal of bone around the lateral 270°
played to show the effects of surgery upon of the canal.
cochlear nerve function. The principal draw-
The dura is then opened longitudinally in the
back of this technique is the time delay between
inferior half of the internal auditory canal. The
anatomical or physiological disruption of the
canalicular portion of the tumor is readily
cochlear nerve and a change in the BAER. This evident and the facial nerve identified . The pos-
limits the clinical utility of the method. To terior fossa dura is then opened in continuity
overcome this problem, direct recording of with the already exposed internal auditory
CAPs from either the cochlear nerve or the canal, increasing access into the CPA.
cochlear nucleus have been used. Whilst this The tumor usually displaces the facial nerve
form of monitoring may reduce intraoperative anteriorly. This relationship needs to be clari-
trauma to the cochlear nerve, an effect upon the fied during resection of the tumor. The superior
outcome of hearing preservation surgery has and inferior poles of the tumor are sequentially
not been demonstrated. inspected, enabling the lateral aspect of the
brainstem to be identified . Care must be taken


to preserve all blood vessels passing over the sealed with small pieces of fat and fibrin glue
surface of the tumor. Many of the arteries (Tisseel, Immuno IG, Vienna, Austria). A patch
looping over the tumor will supply the brain- of fascia lata (2 x 2.5 cm), secured with fibrin
stem. The trigeminal nerve and superior pet- glue, is then placed over the drilled surface of
rosal vein can usually be identified superiorly. the petrous bone to cover the middle ear. Three
Lintine strips are eased into the plane around finger-sized strips of fat are then placed just into
the tumor capsule to protect the brainstem. the CPA and anchored superficially with fibrin
Inferiorly, the lower cranial nerves and poste- glue. The mastoid air cells are sealed with bone
rior inferior cerebellar artery are protected from wax. The pericranium is then closed. The galea,
the tumor. Care must be taken in larger tumors reinforced with a fascia lata patch, is sutured.
not to over-retract either the neuraxis or the Finally, the scalp is closed in two layers.
turnor. In such tumors, early attention to CSF To minimize the risk of CSF leak, we recom-
drainage helps, but exposure of the tumor mend daily lumbar punctures, reducing the
margins must be performed in an incremental CSF pressure to +5 cm on the first three post-
fashion. The surface of the tumor is diathermied operative days. These are performed in prefer-
to reduce vascularity during this phase of expo- ence to leaving a lumbar drain in situ to
sure. The canalicular and anterior aspects of the encourage early ambulation. The post-operative
tumor are left undisturbed at this point. hospital stay is variable, but is around 5 or 6
The tumor surface is then incised and the days in healthy ambulant patients.
tumor debulked from within using an ultrasonic
aspirator. Care is taken not to perforate the
tumor during this maneuver. After debulking Retrosigmoid Approach
the turnor, further exposure of the capsule can Historically, this approach was favored for the
be made taking care to protect the brainstem removal of acoustic neuromas. However, cere-
structures. Sequential exposure and debulking bellar retraction, which in large lesions may be
can then be performed. The brainstem end of considerable, and difficult access to the lateral
the facial nerve requires exposure. Essential internal auditory canal have reduced the utility
landmarks are the choroid plexus of the of the approach in favor of the translabyrinthine
Foramen of Luschka, the line of the glossopha- exposure in the majority of patients. Further-
ryngeal nerve and the pontomedullary sulcus. more, headache appears to be more persistent
Once the facial nerve has been identified the than after a translabyrinthine approach. We use
cochlear and vestibular nerves are sacrificed at the retrosigmoid approach in an attempt to pre-
the brainstem end. The tumor is then rolled lat- serve hearing in patients with socially useful
erally towards the internal auditory canal. The hearing (Gardner-Robertson Grade I). We also
position of the facial nerve is carefully observed. use this approach in patients with Grade 11
The tumor is then dissected from the facial hearing accompanied by contralateral hearing
nerve using microscissors under a modestly loss.
irrigated operating field. The tumor may be The patient is positioned supine with the
adherent to the dural margins of the porus head turned 800 to the contralateral side, with
acousticus. The ring of dura enveloping the the neck flexed and the ear uppermost. Brain
tumor needs to be opened at both shoulders of relaxation is achieved by inducing an osmotic
the turnor. The facial nerve is often very thin diuresis during exposure. A curvilinear incision
and splayed at this point. At times, the facial commencing posterior to the auricle and
nerve can be followed from lateral to medial, descending 2 cm behind and below the mastoid
gently retracting the tumor into the CPA whilst process is used. The sub-occipital muscles and
dissecting the tumor from the nerve. Eventually, fascia are divided in the line of the incision in
the tumor will be removed . After ensuring separate layers. Care is taken to avoid cutting
resection is complete, hemostasis is secured, the occipital artery. The periosteum is then
using irrigation and application of a monolayer retracted to expose the mastoid tip and the
of oxidized cellulose patches to the brainstern. superior nuchal line. A sub-occipital, retrosig-
The principal objective during closure of the moid craniectomy is performed, exposing the
wound is to ensure that CSF leakage cannot transverse and sigmoid sinuses. The latter is
occur. The eustachian tube and middle ear are followed inferiorly for about 4 cm. The foramen


magnum is not opened. The dura is then opened vation is desirable . The drawbacks of the
in a cruciate fashion . A self-retaining retractor approach are temporal lobe retraction, which
is introduced to retract the cerebellum posteri- can result in seizures and focal neurological
orly. Early drainage of CSF facilitates the expo- signs, limited access if the tumor has extended
sure, minimizing neuraxis retraction. This is beyond the porus into the CPA and the difficulty
performed by identifying the lower cranial in identifying landmarks on the petrous ridge.
nerves and opening the inferior cerebellopon- The patient is positioned supine with the
tine cistern. These cranial nerves are then pro- head turned to the contralateral side, with the
tected with a cottonoid pattie . The tumor is then ear uppermost. Brain relaxation using osmotic
examined and the arachnoidal plane around diuretics and/or lumbar CSFdrainage is manda-
the superior and posterior poles opened. If the tory. A pre-auricular incision is used and a
tumor is small, the prox imal VII and VIII nerve middle fossa free flap craniotomy performed.
complex will be seen at this early stage. Care This must be made as low as possible to mini-
must be taken to ensure that the facial nerve mize the amount of bone that needs to be
passes anterior to the tumor rather than taking removed with ronguers. The petrous bone is
an aberrant course over the posterior or supe- then exposed extradurally. The arcuate emi-
rior aspects of the tumor. With larger tumors nence and greater petrosal nerve are useful
internal debulking, preferentially performed landmarks to localize the internal auditory
with the cavitating ultrasonic surgical aspirator, canal. Once located, the intern al auditory canal
will be required prior to identification of must be opened widely. The dural sleeve is
the neural structures. Careful dissection of the opened along the long axis of the canal. The
tumor is then performed, with the objective of position of the facial nerve is confirmed.
preserving the facial and auditory nerves. The The tumor is then excised, with careful dissec-
vestibular nerves are divided . tion from the nerves and vessels in the canal.
Rather than follow the tumor mass along the The cochlear nerve is usually only revealed once
internal auditory canal, the safest approach is the tumor has been resected. A small plug of fat
to drill off the posterior wall of the internal audi- is placed in the tumor bed . The dura is repaired
tory canal. The petrous dura is incised and and the craniotomy closed in standard fashion .
retracted, enabling the posterior lip of the porus
and the opening for the endolymphatic sac to be
identified. Radical removal of the porus acousti- Results ofAcoustic Neuroma
cus can inadvertently fenestrate the inner ear, Surgery
destroying auditory function. After opening the
internal auditory canal, the dura is incised, The objective of acoustic neuroma surgery is the
exposing the intracanalicular tumor and the total removal of the neoplasm with minimal
distal nerves. The facial and cochlear nerves are morbidity and mortality. Objective recording of
preserved, whilst the vestibular nerves are cranial nerve function, CSF leak rates, meningi-
divided. The tumor is then dissected towards tis incidence and quality-of-life assessments can
the porus acousticus. With meticulous atten- assess morbidity. Extent of tumor removal can
tion, this most adherent part of the tumor can be determined intraoperatively, and recurrence
be removed. Hemostasis is secured, and the can be monitored with MRI scans.
drilled petrous bone is sealed with bone wax and In the modern era, total tumor removal
covered with a piece of fascia lata (2 x 2 cm) should be achieved. This was the case in 99.6%
secured with fibrin glue. The dura is closed in a of patients with unilateral tumors in Cambridge.
watertight fashion with fascia lata to bridge any Recurrence of acoustic neuromas is exceptional,
defects. Fat patches are placed over the dura. and has only been seen in two patients in our
The pericranium, muscles, fascia, subcutaneous center between 1982 and 1998. In one of these
fat and skin are closed in separate layers. cases (a patient with NF-2), the tumor was his-
tologically malignant. We perform MRI scans 2
Middle Fossa Approach and 5 years post-operatively to ensure recur-
rence has not occurred.
This approach is utilized for intracanalicular The mortality of surgery for acoustic neuro-
tumors in which an attempt at hearing preser- mas has reduced dramatically over the course of


this century. Whilst Cushing's overall operative Multivariate analysis has shown that the most
mortality was llA% [12], mortality figures of important independent risk factors for poor
around 20% were reported in other historical facial nerve outcome (House-Brackmann Grade
series. However, microsurgical advances have IV- VI) are increasing patient age, tumor size
reduced death rates, initially to 5%, then to greater than 2.4 cm, the translabyrinthine
around 2-3%. In the total Cambridge series of approach and lack of intraoperative facial nerve
660 acoustic neuroma operations, we have monitoring [15]. The explanations behind
encountered eight deaths (1.2%). The causes of these findings are largely speculative. With
death include hematomas in the CPA or cere- increasing age, the vascularity of the facial nerve
bellum, brainstem infarction and post-operative may become compromized. Risk factors impli-
meningitis, in addition to concomitant medical cating the translabyrinthine route may include
complications. thermal injury generated during drilling of the
temporal bone, and post-operative facial nerve
Facial Nerve Outcome oedema .
Facial nerve function can be assessed using the
House-Brackrnann scale [13]. This grades facial Management of Facial Nerve Palsy
weakness as normal (Grade I) through mild (II), Although Ballance successfully performed the
moderate (Ill), moderately severe (IV), severe first removal of an acoustic neuroma nearly 100
(V) and total paralysis (VI). This method of years ago, the patient required subsequent
assessment has a high degree of interobserver enucleation of the eye due to trigeminal and
reliability and has become widely adopted. facial nerve complications. Exposure keratitis
In the Cambridge series (1982-1998), the can occur in patients with severe facial palsy due
facial nerve was anatomically intact following to decreased lacrimation and reduced closure,
tumor resection in 94% of cases. Loss of the particularly if associated with trigeminal
facial nerve in patients with small tumors was sensory loss and a poor Bell's phenomenon.
exceptional. In the 372 patients with long-term Decreased lacrimation can be treated with
facial nerve follow-up, 76% of patients under- methyl cellulose eye drops and liquid paraffin
going translabyrinthine surgery achieved a eye ointment. The eye should be protected, par-
Grade I-Ill result. Retrosigmoid resection ticularly at night. If eye closure is deficient
results were slightly better, with 79% achieving 1 week post-operatively, botulinum toxin injec-
a Grade I-Ill result at 12 months. Table 14.3 tion or a lateral tarsorrhaphy should be per -
shows results for facial nerve function related to formed . If a facial nerve palsy persists, static
tumor size. When the series is analyzed in 5- (e.g. gold weight in eye lid, fascial slings) or
year time-blocks the Grade I-Ill facial nerve dynamic procedures (e.g. muscle transfers) can
results improved from 56% (1982-1987), be used to protect the eye and improve the
through 81% (1988-1992) to 85% (1993-1997). cosmetic appearance. If the nerve remained in
This indicates that the experience of the surgi- continuity at operation, spontaneous regenera-
cal team is critical in facial nerve preservation tion offers a better prospect of a good result
surgery [14]. compared with a reanimation procedure [16].

Table 14.3. Post-operative facial nerve function at 1year after surgery forsmall, medium and large acoustic neuromas:
Cambridge results.
House Grade Percentage of patients in each group
Small «1.5 cm) Medium (1.5-3 cm) large(>3 cm)
I 58 42.5 18
11 16.5 19.5 19
11\ 15 22 26
IV 1.5 4.5 22
V 4.5 4.5 5
VI 4.5 7 21


The latter should therefore be delayed 1 year and dynamic cosmetic procedures are more
from the time of surgery unless the facial nerve suitable for the majority of patients with severe
has been severed. Post-operative electroneu- permanent facial nerve palsy.
ronography 1 week post-operatively has been
shown to be of prognostic value. Incomplete Hearing Preservation
degeneration is associated with a Grade I or II
What constitutes useful hearing is debatable.
outcome whereas complete degeneration fore-
Whilst many consider Gardner-Robertson
casts a protracted, incomplete recovery [17].
Grade II hearing useful, the distortion and
If the facial nerve is divided at operation a
imbalance may be annoying and distracting to
primary repair is the procedure of choice. This
many patients. However, if the contralateral ear
may be feasible due to stretching of the nerve by
is damaged, Grade II hearing preservation is
the tumor and by mobilization of the nerve
highly desirable . Generally, we consider hearing
within the petrous bone . A posterior aur icular
preservation surgery in patients with 70%
or sural nerve cable graft is useful if a primary
speech discrimination and a pure tone audio-
repair is technically not possible. Where a rean -
gram within 30 dB of the non-affected side
imation procedure is subsequently performed,
(Grade 1). We consider severe pre-operative
a variety of options exist. Several groups cur -
tinnitus a relative contraindication to hearing
rently favor hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomo-
preservation surgery. In selected patients the
sis. The principal drawback of this operation,
results of attempts at hearing preservation are
namely hemiatrophy of the tongue, is small
variable . A recent analysis of 50 hearing preser-
compared with other potential donor nerves
vation operations performed in Cambridge via
such as the glossopharyngeal, spinal accessory
the retrosigmoid approach has shown that only
and phrenic. A hypoglossal-facial anastomosis
4.8% of patients had normal post-operative
can either be performed by complete division of
hearing and 8% had serviceable hearing. A
the hypoglossal nerve, or by fashioning a bifur-
further 18% had some hearing at post-operative
cation in the nerve at the level of the descendens
assessment [18]. Hearing was preserved in 24%
hypoglossi, leaving some innervation to the
of patients treated at the Mayo Clinic via the ret-
tongue intact. In a meta-analysis, good results
rosigmoid approach [19]. In contrast, of 25
were reported in 65% of more than 500 cases.
patients with serviceable hearing (Grade I or II)
After nerve transfer procedures, motor activity
operated upon via the middle fossa approach,
takes 6 months to commence and may improve
18 (72%) retained hearing post-operatively;
over a few years. The pat ient needs to learn that
however, in only seven (28%) was the post-
manipulating the tongue results in facial move-
operative hearing of Grade I quality [20]. The
ments .
success of hearing preservation is dependent
Involuntary and emotional movements of the
upon tumor size, with dismal results in patients
face do not occur as a result of hypoglossal-
with large tumors.
facial anastomosis. Such movements require
innervation from the facial nerve nucleus in the
bra instem . A cross-facial nerve transfer consists
Nervus Intermedius Function
of a peripheral nerve interposition graft (usually Although pre-operative symptoms related to
sural nerve) between a distal facial branch on dysfunction of this nerve are uncommon, post-
the normal side to a complementary branch operative symptoms are frequent. The nervus
on the affected side. This procedure can intermedius carries secretomotor fibers to the
improve expressive movements of selected submandibular, sublingual and minor salivary
facial muscle groups. glands, the nasal and palatine mucus glands and
Nerve transfer procedures require relatively the lacrimal gland. It also carries taste from the
lengthy surgery with uncertain, often disap- anterior two-thirds of the tongue and hard
pointing, results that take months or even years palate, and some somatic afferent fibers from
to achieve a desirable result. A careful selection the external auditory meatus. Damage to the
process is pertinent in performing the se proce- nervus intermedius is common in CPA surgery.
dures. We reserve reanimation surgery for Reinnervation or transephaptic transmission
young , well motivated patients with a robust probably accounts for the onset of lacrima-
psychological approach to their disease. Static tion during eating ("crocodile tears") which is


present in 44% of patients post-operatively. only 3% of patients were dependent upon others
A reduct ion in tear production is present in for important daily activities, with 79% of
72% of patients, whilst 48% admit to changes patients returning to their normal lifestyle. This
in taste sensation post -operatively [21]. To apparent discrepancy illustrates the difficulties
reduce the distress caused by these symptoms involved in measuring quality of life.
all patients should be adequately counselled
Stereotactic Radiosurgery in
(SF leakage and Meningitis the Treatment ofAcoustic
Excluding facial nerve damage, CSF leakage is Neuromas
the most common complication after trans-
Stereotactic radiosurgery is increasingly being
labyrinthine or retrosigmoid acoustic neuroma
used in the treatment of small and medium
surgery. Most authors report a rate of 10-15%,
acoustic neuromas. The rapid return to normal
although meticulous refinement of closure
activity and avoidance of an open procedure
techniques can reduce the incidence to 5% or
are attractive alternatives to microsurgery. The
less [22]. The principal complication of post-
treatment aims to prevent further tumor
operative CSF leakage is meningitis, which
growth, maintain neurological function and
occurs in around 2-5% in the major series. This
minimize the risk of new neurological deficits.
may present some weeks after discharge from
Worldwide experience with the technique is
hospital, and diligence is required not to over-
increasing and long-term results require careful
look the diagnosis. In the Cambridge series, CSF
scrutiny. Treatment protocols are evolving as
leakage occurred in 5% of patients, although a
experience with the technique increases [23].
subset of 188 consecutive patients were oper-
Careful planning using stereotactic MRI enables
ated upon with a leak rate of only 1.6%. CSF
precise isodose curves with steep radiation
leakage usually settles with a period of lumbar
fall-off outside the tumor margin to be used in
CSF drainage. However, 2% of the whole series
the treatment of small and medium acoustic
required re-exploration and wound re-closure .
neuromas. Doses of between 12 and 16 Gy at the
treatment margin and 16-24 Gy at the tumor
Quality oflife core are being used. If hearing preservation is
Whilst the past four decades have seen a reduc- sought, doses are at the lower limits of these
tion in the mortality rates from 16 to 2-3% and ranges.
an increase in normal facial nerve function from Of 162 consecutive patients followed up for a
3 to 50-60%, a significant hidden morbidity minimum of 5 years in Pittsburgh, tumor size
exists in patients undergoing acoustic neuroma diminished in 62%, remained static in 33% and
surgery. This has been measured in 227 patients showed slow growth in 6%. Normal facial and
using an acoustic neuroma specific question- trigeminal nerve function was evident in 79 and
naire coupled with the European Organisation 73%, respectively, at follow-up [24]. Preserva-
for Research into the Treatment of Cancer tion of useful hearing was reported in 50% of
(EORTC) core questionnaire. This showed that the 18 patients with useful pre-treatment
life quality was reduced to 85% (normal = hearing treated in Sheffield [25]. In the small
100%) in patients with acoustic neuromas. In number of patients we have operated upon fol-
patients with tumors of more than 1.5 cm in lowing failed radiosurgery, dissection of the
diameter, life quality was significantly reduced tumor from the facial nerve is more difficult due
further to 77%. However, the post-operative life to increased adherence, particularly at the porus
quality did not differ between patients with acousticus .
tumors 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter compared with To date, no randomized trial has been per-
tumors of more than 2.5 cm. This information formed to compare the treatment options in
carries the implication that surgery in patients patients with acoustic neuromas. The indica-
with small tumors is justified to prevent the tions for radiosurgery are relative and are
tumor reaching a larger size where quality oflife evolving. Patients with co-existing medical ail-
after surgery is reduced further. Despite the ments, recurrent tumors, which are very rare in
findings of this sensitive quality-of-life analysis, our experience, and neurofibromatosis-2 are all


suitable . Patients in whom microsurgery is an CPA meningiomas, this may be accomplished

option need to be counselled, bearing in mind by any of the standard approaches described for
the resources and outcome information cur- acoustic neuroma excision, depending upon
rently available. the hearing status and the precise location of the
tumor. Complete macroscopic surgical excision
Bilateral Acoustic Neuromas is usually achieved in this group of patients.
This objective is only accomplished in about
Bilateral acoustic neuromas are diagnostic of 70% of patients with "non-acoustic neuroma
neurofibromatosis-2. This disease is caused by like" meningiomas - a group that includes clival
mutations in the NF-2 tumor suppressor gene and petrous apex tumors. In the Cambridge
on chromosome 22, and follows an autosomal series of 31 patients (1981-1994) with CPA
dominant pattern of inheritance. Treating meningiomas, the retrosigmoid approach was
these patients is always difficult. Bilateral facial used in 16 cases. Grade I hearing was present in
palsies, deafness and the prospect of other CNS nine of these patients and Grade 11 in two
tumors developing point to a miserable exis- patients pre-operatively. Grade I hearing was
tence. Management options include observation preserved in six patients (67%) and Grade 11 in
or subcapsular removal to minimize risk to the two patients. Other groups have reported
audiovestibular nerves and stereotactic radio- similar results. Furthermore, a case has been
surgery. Both require careful consideration. reported of a patient in whom meningioma
Other options include early treatment of the excision resulted in a dramatic improvement in
smaller neuroma to maximise the chance of hearing. Serious consideration should be given
hearing preservation or treatment of the larger to the retrosigmoid approach rather than the
tumor first, with the aim of delaying surgery on translabyrinthine approach in patients in
the contralateral side if it remains the only whom the pre-operative imaging suggests a
source of useful hearing after the first proce- meningioma. In the Cambridge series normal
dure . The treatments in each of these unfortu- facial nerve function was present in 65% post -
nate patients require individualization and operatively, with 84% having a House Grade
supportive aftercare . The development of brain- I-Ill result. Other cranial nerve palsies observed
stem implant technology to augment auditory in small numbers of post-operative patients
funct ion may prove useful in these cases in involved the IV, V, VI, IX, X and XI cranial
the future. nerves [1).
Alternative treatments for meningiomas are
not evidence based. Whilst stereotactic radio-
Management of Other surgery may be applicable in some selected
patients, the relatively large tumor size at pre-
(PA Tumors sentation (3.5 cm mean) mitigates against this
approach in the majority of patients.
Pre-operative imaging can provide information
that is of diagnostic value in many patients with Other Schwannomas
CPA tumors. Most CPA masses require surgical
removal, although, increasingly, stereotactic Facial nerve neuromas are usually indistin-
radiosurgery provides an alternative treatment, guishable from acoustic lesions until the tumor
and may become more important as long-term is encountered at surgery [1). Surgery is there-
cohort studies are reported. The surgical fore performed either by the translabyrinthine
approach to CPA is dependent upon the exact or retrosigmoid approach accord ing to the
location of the tumor, and the presence of asso- patient's pre-operative hearing. Neuromas of
ciated pre-operative cranial nerve lesions. the trigeminal nerve often present with a dumb-
bell mass present in both the posterior and
Meningiomas middle cranial fossae. We usually remove such
lesions via a pre-sigmoid combined posterior
The treatment of choice for meningiomas is fossa/middle fossa approach. The otic capsule is
complete surgical excision of the turnor, its left intact during drilling of the temporal bone.
dural attachments and any abnormal bone. For The petrous face dura is opened to gain access


to the posterior fossa . If the tumor is large, the Glomus Tumors

dura in the retrosigmoid region should be
exposed and opened. If necessary, the sigmoid Historical studies have shown only 29% surviv-
sinus is divided to improve access. If th is is con- ing 10 years in patients with glomus jugulare
templated, pre-operative venous angiography is tumors managed with a variety of modalities
advised. A low, middle fossa craniotomy is per- ranging from no treatment to craniotomy with
formed to enable the middle fossa component radiotherapy. Surgical excision offers a poten-
of the tumor to be adequately exposed. The ten - tial cure in the treatment of these patients. We
torium cerebelli is divided to greatly enhance advocate a combined trans and infratemporal
simultaneous access into the middle and poste- approach to Type C (tympanomastoid with
rior fossae. The line of division should be par- infralabyrinthine or petrous apex destruction)
allel to the petrous apex, but just posterior to and D (intradural extension) tumors as
where the trochlear nerve pierces the dura at the described by Fisch. Pre-operative angiography
medial edge of the tentorium. with tumor embolization, where possible, is
Neuromas of the vagus, glossopharyngeal and mandatory. Preliminary control of the internal
spinal accessory nerve are exceedingly rare. carotid artery, the sigmoid sinus and the cav-
Total resection was achieved in all five patients ernous sinus is necessary to avoid a vascular
reported in the Cambridge series . All patients catastrophe. Blind sac closure of the external
had at least one cranial nerve palsy, but only one auditory canal is performed, followed by a
required phonosurgery (tefion injection to vocal radical mastoidectomy. This exposes the middle
cord), and all swallow satisfactorily. and posterior fossa dura and the venous sinuses.
The facial nerve distal to the geniculate ganglion
is fully skeletonized and transposed anteriorly
Primary Cholesteatomas of when necessary. A wide dural opening, some-
the CPA times in combination with transection of the
sigmoid sinus and the tentorium cerebelli, is
Cholesteatomas usually present with features of performed. The infralabyrinthine petrous bone
audiovestibular nerve dysfunction. The surgical needs to be removed to expose the petrous
approach is determined by the clinical presenta- portion of the carotid artery and the jugular
tion. If hearing is preserved, a retrosigmoid bulb. The intradural tumor is dissected using a
approach is favored (6/10 in the Cambridge technique of capsular diathermy and sharp dis -
series), whereas a transpetrous approach is used section. The lower cranial nerves are frequently
if useful hearing has been lost pre-operatively inseparable from the tumor in the region of the
[1]. Despite this, the chance of preserving hear- posterior lacerate canal (jugular foramen). The
ing is low, with only one of the six patients oper- jugular vein is divided and the attachment of the
ated on via the retrosigmoid approach retaining tumor to the carotid artery is removed. This
hearing. If the lesion extends far medially, the portion of the dissection may be quite hemor-
cochlea may require removal to provide suffi- rhagic because of the contribution of carotico-
cient access. Cholesteatomas usually envelop a tympanic vessels to the tumor circulation. Once
multitude of cranial nerves and vascular struc- the tumor has been removed, time needs to be
tures. Whilst the soft contents of the lesion spent effecting a watertight closure.
can readily be removed, the capsule, which is One or more of the lower cranial nerves were
usually adherent to vascular and neural struc- sacrificed in 40% of patients in the Cambridge
tures, needs to be excized to avoid recurrence. series . However, patients showed a remarkable
Although the mortality from surgery to remove ability to accommodate to the neurological
these lesions is low, neurological morbidity in deficit [6]. Whilst dysphonia was initially a
the form of post-operative cranial nerve lesions problem in 6/15 patients, Tefion injection or
is frequent. This is most commonly the facial thyroplasty significantly alleviated symptoms
nerve, and is most frequently confined to such that it was a persisting problem in only one
a House-Brackmann Grade 11 weakness, but patient. Persistent dysphagia was a feature in
complete lesions can occur. Lower cranial nerve only two patients. Both were treated with a
lesions were also present in around 30-40% of feeding gastrostomy. The remarkable tolerance
cases in the Cambridge series [1]. of these patients to cranial nerve sacrifice may


be related to the presence of mild pre-operative

cranial nerve deficits present in most patients.
• Microsurgical eXCISIOn, stereotactic radio-
surgery and a "watch, wait and re-scan"
Pre-existing cranial nerve dysfunct ion appears
to lead to an increased capacity for funct ional
policy all have merits in different patients
adaptation. Traditionally, facial nerve transpo-
with CPA lesions.
sition has been considered to lead to a perma- • Attention to detail, coupled with operator
nent House-Brackmann Grade III palsy in the experience, minimize surgical complications.
post -operative phase. However, a permanent • A multi-faceted-team approach is required to
facial nerve palsy was evident in only 6/15 of our manage post-operative cranial nerve palsies
cases at long-term follow-up . A qualit y of life optimally .
assessment showed that 70% of patients had
an "excellent", 10% a "good" and 20% a "poor"
outcome from surgery for large glomus tumors.
Long-term follow-up has shown that a small
Self-assessment Questions
number of patients may develop local tumor (based on genuine patients)
recurrence (3/15). We therefore advocate early
post-operative MRI to assess residual disease o Discuss the management of a 30-year-old
and provide a baseline for future reference. lady presenting with tinnitus in whom an
If tumor recurrence occurs , further surgery MRI scan revealed a 2-cm acoustic neuroma.
and/or radiotherapy needs to be considered. o A I3-year-old girl presented with dizzy turns
and life-long facial asymmetry. An MRI
scan of the brain demonstrated bilateral
Conclusion intracanalicular acoustic neuromas, a 2.5-cm
trigeminal neuroma, a l-cm intraventricular
Acoustic neuromas are relatively common neo- tumor and a l -cm cervico-rnedullary menin-
plasms of the CPA. Surgical approaches are well gioma . Discuss the management of the child
described, and the treatment outcomes, namely and her family.
complete tumor remo val with minimum mor-
tality and morbidity, well establi shed . Other
o Describe the anatomical basis for the features
of a complete facial nerve palsy.
tumors of the CPA are very rare. These tumors
may have very complex relationships with o Describe the management of a patient with
cranial nerves, blood vessels and the skull base. a House Grade IV facial nerve palsy after
Whilst surgery remains the mainstay in the acoustic neuroma excision .
treatment of all of these lesions, technical diffi-
culties abound. Extended routes of access are
frequently used to achieve maximal excision
with minimal morbidity. Considerable experi - 1. Grey PL, Moffat DA, Hardy DG. Surgical results
ence at treating CPA acousti c neuromas is there- in unu sual cerebellopontine angle tum ors. Clin
fore highly desirable before embarking upon Otolaryngol 1996;21:237- 43.
surgery for CPA rarities. Due to the large num- 2. Pensak ML, Glasscock ME, Iosey AF, [ackson CG, Gulya
ber of problems that these patients may present, AI. Sudden hearin g loss and cerebellopontine angle
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Skull Base Tumors
R.S.C. Kerr and C.A. Milford

century, with resections of acoustic tumors and

Summary approaches to the pituitary. It was not until the
pioneering work of Ketcham et al. [1], whose
Skull base tumors are rare, accounting first report appeared in 1963, that co-ordinated
for less than 1% of intracranial tumors. efforts between surgical disciplines produced
Management options include a conservative the first series of skull base procedures.
approach with serial scans, conventional The modern skull base unit comprises a rnul-
surgery or radiotherapy/stereotactic radio- tidisciplinary team, which will include (as a
surgery. Surgery is difficult because of prob- minimum) a neuroradiologist, neurosurgeon,
lems with access, involvement of basal blood otolaryngologist, plastic and reconstructive
vessels/cranial nerves and the potential for surgeon, neuroanaesthetist and intensive care
post-operative cerebrospinal fluid leakage. specialist. Nursing and ancillary staff with an
interest in neurosurgical/neurological rehabili-
tation is also mandatory. No one surgeon can
obtain, much less sustain, all the skills required
This book contains other chapters that deal to deal with all lesions in this area. Multi-
specifically with the management of: disciplinary management is the only approach
• Sellar and parasellar tumors. that is likely to lead to improved outcomes for
• Meningiomas. patients with these difficult problems - success -
ful skull base surgery is a team effort!
• Cerebellopontine angle tumors.
The surgery involved in skull base tumors is
Clearly, these tumors comprise a large often lengthy. The teamwork helps not only
number of the cases that a skull base team will in bringing together expertise from different
see. Readers are therefore referred to other specialties but also provides an opportunity
chapters for those specific lesions, and we will for intermittent relaxation during a prolonged
deal only with those tumors of the skull base not surgical procedure.
included in the above . Whatever the make up of the skull base
In the past, the skull base has been a surgical team, the neurosurgeon often assumes a major
"no-man's land", and the discipline of skull base responsibility for the patients in the post-
surgery owes its development to individuals in operative period, as the majority of the major
many disciplines who were prepared to tackle complications are related to the brain and its
the almost impossible problems confronting coverings.
them at the time. It began near the turn of the



stem compression and cerebellar ataxia.

Presentation of Patients Symptoms may include facial nerve weakness/
with Skull Base Lesions spasm, hearing loss, tinnitus and imbalance,
dysphonia and dysphagia. In association with
Lesions at the skull base are often occult and not larger tumors, patients may develop symptoms
easily diagnosed early. Symptomatology varies of raised intracranial pressure due to hydro-
greatly, depending on the size, site and nature cephalus.
of the tumor. In many instances, the pathological diagnosis
of a skull base tumor has rested entirely on its
imaging characteristics, unless it arises from a
Lesions ofthe Anterior site accessible to biopsy, e.g. a paranasal sinus
Cranial Fossa tumor with a nasal component. Increasingly,
pathology involving the anterior and middle
Localizing symptoms of lesions in the anterior fossa is amenable to endoscopic biopsy via the
fossa often include nasal or visual dysfunction. nose/nasopharynx/paranasal sinuses. Reliance
Symptoms may include nasal obstruction as on imaging characteristics alone is therefore
well as pain, epistaxis and hyposmia/anosmia. becoming less common. (In our unit, endo-
Optic problems may include visual loss (acuity scopic biopsy via the paranasal sinuses has led to
or visual field), diplopia and proptosis. For the pre-operative histologic diagnosis of trigem-
lesions involving the frontal lobes, alteration in inal neuroma, lymphoma, meningioma, fibrous
personality, memory and concentration may dysplasia, ossifying fibroma, plasmacytoma,
also be apparent, especially with bi-frontal chordoma and secondary renal carcinoma.)
Examination should include endoscopy of the
nose/nasopharynx, as well as a full neurological
examination. Imaging of the Skull Base
The skull base represents a bony partition
Lesions ofthe Middle Cranial between the intracranial cavity and the orbits,
Fossa nose, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx and ear.
Imaging characteristics are important in estab-
These may be divided into sphenoid/parasellar lishing:
mid-line lesions (including nasopharyngeal
• The anatomic location and identity of
lesions), and pathologies affecting the true
the tumor.
middle cranial fossae on either side of the mid-
line structures. The sphenoid lesions may • The extent of the tumor, especially in
present with endocrine abnormalities through relation to the major vessels and cranial
effects on the pituitary and/or cranial neu- nerves, dura and intracranial structures.
ropathies of nerves II, III, IV, V and VI through MRI and CT are complementary in most
effects on the cavernous sinus. Nasopharyngeal areas of evaluation of skull base lesions.
lesions may present with nasal symptoms or CT is better at detecting calcification and at
otologic problems related to secondary evaluating the effect of tumors on the bone of
Eustachian tube dysfunction, as well as a the skull base. It can be particularly helpful as
trigeminal neuropathy. Finally, if more laterally part of the assessment of the paranasal sinuses
placed, symptoms due to temporal lobe involve- and the temporal bone, and where the tumor is
ment may be apparent, including seizures and itself calcified. Its disadvantages consist mainly
visual field defects. of the inadequately detailed display of intracra-
nial structures.
Lesions ofthe Posterior Fossa MRI is superior in demonstrating the rela-
tionship of a skull base tumor to soft tissue
Symptoms and signs of pathology in the poste- structures, the carotid artery, sigmoid sinus/
rior fossa are related primarily to dysfunction internal jugular vein, dura and brain. As far as
in cranial nerves V-XII, changes due to brain the carotid artery is concerned, MRA is helpful


for assessing patenc y and its relationship to radiosurgery and, importantly, the skill and
the tumor. However, conventional angiogr aphy experien ce of the skull base team.
probably remains the "gold standard" if there As far as the operation is concerned, the
is debate regarding its involvement and for surgeon should be guided by one overr iding
demonstrating small vessel detail. It may also be principle: removal of adequate amounts of bone
required in: from the cranial base should provide sufficient
access without the necessity to retract dural
• Embolization of the tumor pre-opera- brain. Remove bone before considering retract-
tively. This is indicated in the case of ing brain, dura or the cranial nerves.
juvenile angiofibroma, jugulotympanic Even though many neoplasms involving the
paragangliomas, vagal paragangliomas skull base are benign or locally confined malig-
and vascular meningiomas. nant lesions , radical resection of extensive
• Balloon test occlusion of the ICA. This lesions remains difficult. The reasons for this
is important if the carotid artery appears include:
to be invaded by tumor, a temporary
trial occlusion of the ICA can be used The necessity to retract the brain to
to identify those patients with no flow achieve tumor exposure (even when ade-
reserve who are at high risk of develop- quate bone removal has occurred), with
ing neurologic sequelae if the carotid is the possibility of retraction-related cere-
permanently occluded . bral injury.
• The involvement by tumor of basal blood
vessels, injury to which may lead to
stroke and/or death.
General Principles of • The involvement of the cranial nerves,
Skull Base Surgery injury to which may result in significant
functional deficits. In any surgical
It is clearly important that any patient with a procedure which involves risk to the
skull base tumor should be told the long-term facial nerve, use of intraoperative
outlook of the tumor itself, i.e. the natural electro-physiologic monitoring of the
history of the pathology. They also need to be nerve is mandatory.
informed of all the management options avail- • The potential for CSF leakage through
able and these would usually include: the skin, paranasal sinuses or nasophar-
ynx, which may be followed by meningi-
• Conservative management - monitoring
tis and death. In any case where the risk
the tumor with serial imaging.
of post-operative CSFleak is high, use of
• Conventional surgery - again, patients a lumbar drain in the post-operative
need information regarding outcomes, period should be considered.
surgical morbidity and mortality. The
figures one quotes need to relate to your In the past, the surgical treatment of skull
own experience , as well as figures taken base tumors has been associated with a high rate
from the literature. of local recurrence (related to the problems of
• Radiotherapy/stereotactic radiosurgery. gaining good surgical access and the involve-
ment/close proximity of vital structures). Post-
There will be occasions when combinations operative monitoring is therefore an extremel y
of the above are appropriate, e.g. where partial important part of their management and this
removal and post-operative radiotherapy may will involve serial imaging. A 'base line' scan
be the most suitable option. would usually be performed about 3 months fol-
The choice of management option will rely on lowing the surgery and then at regular intervals
such factors as the age of the patient and their (often between 6 and 12 months). The choice of
general medical status, the natural history of the imaging may vary occasionally, although MRI
tumor, the location and size of the tumor, the will be the modality of choice in the majority
potential risks of the surgery/radiotherapy/ of instances.


In some areas of the skull base, e.g, the

nose/paranasal sinuses, imaging may be sup-
Pathology ofSkull Base
plemented by endos copic follow-up. Certainl y, Tumors
in extra cranial skull base tumors in this area,
endoscopic examination and biopsy will Primary tumors of the skull base are rare. It is
pro vide a more sensit ive follow-up than any more common for involvement to occur conse-
imaging modality currently available. The quent upon spread from either a primary intra-
follow-up period varies according to the pathol- cranial or an extracranial neoplastic pro cess.
ogy, but often would be for a minimum of Whether arising primarily from the skull base
5 years. or involving it secondarily, these tumors are
Tumors may be classified as:
• Primary skull base lesions - those arising
Workload ofthe Oxford from the bone and/or cartilage.
Skull Base Unit • Intracranial - those that arise at the base
of the brain, with a tendency to invade
Skull base tumors are rare, probably accounting the basicranium. They may arise from
for less than 1% of intracranial tumors [2], and the neural, vascular or meningeal tissues
it is difficult to obtain accurate figures regard- within the cranium.
ing their incidence. Looking at our workload • Extracranial - those originating from
in Oxford does provide some insight into the tissues just below the cranium and
incidence of these rare problems and their rel- invading the skull base secondarily. They
ative incidence in terms of benign and malig- often involve the paranasal sinuses, the
nant tumors. During the 7-year period up to infratemporal fossa, or the parapharyn-
2000, we have together seen 501 cases. geal space.
Their management involved the following:
• Surgery in 255 cases (51%). Primary Skull Base Lesions
• Conservative management with serial Benign Primary Skull Base Lesions
scans in 205 cases (41%).
• Radiotherapy/stereotactic radiosurgery
in 41 cases (8%). This is a slowly growing, benign tumor that may
affect any area of the skull base, most commonly
This workload represents approximately the frontal and ethmoid sinuses. Osteomata
71 new cases per year. As our unit serves a pop- may require surgical treatment if they produce
ulation of approximately 3 million, the 71 orbital or cosmetic problems. They are rarely
new cases per year represent an incidence of associated with leakage of CSF or a pneumato-
approximately 1:40,000 population per year. cele through involvement of the anterior cranial
Our figures seem to compare to the few groups fossa.
who have published details of workload. Sekhar
and Ianecka (1993) in Pittsburgh, USA, saw a Fibro-osseous Lesions/Fibrous
total of 780 cases in a 7-year period, and these Dysplasia
patients included 605 with neoplasms who The term "fibro-osseous lesion" has been used
underwent surgery, 487 (76%) with benign as a general description for a group of tumors
tumors and 118 (24%) with malignant tumors. and proliferative disorders that may involve any
This surgical workload represented approxi- of the cranial fossae. They comprise a number
mately 69 surgical procedures per year. Donald of specific clinical entities, in which the clinical,
(1998), in Sacramento, USA, saw a higher per- radiological and histological features often
centage of malignant lesions (37% malignant overlap, resulting in confusion for both pathol-
and 63% benign) and had a surgical workload ogists and clinicians concerned with diagnosis
of 27 cases per year. and management.


The common denominator is the replace-

ment of normal bone architecture by tissue
composed of collagen, fibroblasts and varying
amounts of osteoid or bone . The two most
common conditions falling within this group
are ossifying fibroma and fibrous dysplasia.
• Ossifying fibroma is an encapsulated
benign neoplasm consisting of fibrous
tissue and containing varied amounts of
metaplastic bone and mineralized
masses. It mainly affects bones which are
ossified in membrane, usually presenting
as a painless mass. Radiological changes
are of a discrete mass with a distinct
boundary and thinning of the cortical
bone, resulting in an eggshell appear-
ance. In most instances, the mass is sur-
rounded by smooth, well defined cortical
bone, which differentiates it from fibrous
dysplasia where "blending" into the sur-
rounding bone is universal. Its behaviour
is that of a benign neoplasm and hence it
continues to grow after skeletal maturity
is reached. It normally, therefore, war- Fig. 15.1. Coronal MRI of patient with extensive fibrous
rants surgical treatment at some point. dysplasia involving the anterior cranial fossa.
• Fibrous dysplasia is a benign, localized
bone disorder of unknown aetiology that rise to cosmetic deformity, proptosis and, more
results in extreme thickening of bone seriously, compression of the optic nerve in the
owing to the presence of intraosseous optic canal. Cosmetic concerns of the patient
proliferating connective tissue. It may be may give rise to pressure for consideration of
monostotic (affecting one bone) or surgical treatment but, on the whole, the man-
polyostotic (affecting several bones). It is agement would be conservative in view of the
a self-limiting process that starts in slow natural history. However, signs of optic
childhood but, due to a very slow growth nerve compression are an absolute indication
rate, may not cause symptoms until for surgery, as is the development of other
adulthood. Growth can be expected to intracranial complications, e.g. cerebrospinal
slow or stop after puberty in monostotic fluid rhinorrhea.
disease. The most characteristic radio-
logic feature is a diffusely blending Malignant Primary Skull Base lesions
margin in marked contrast to the sharply
demarcated ossifying fibroma (although Chondrosarcoma
the features are non-specific , they
These are malignant tumors of cartilage that
depend upon the age of the lesion and
may arise in bone or soft tissues . They comprise
degree of metaplastic bone formation).
6% of skull base neoplasms [5]. Approximately
Differential diagnos is of these conditions 75% of all cranial chondrosarcomas occur at the
relies on the correlation of histopathologic and base of the skull, and most of these are found in
radiologic findings. Both are usually required to the middle cranial fossa.
provide a definitive diagnosis. These tumors affect both sexes equally and
The most common presentation would be occur over a broad age range, with a peak dis-
with a slow-growing, asymmetrical, painless tribution at between 30 and 50 years of age.
swelling (see Fig. 15.1). It manifests craniofacial Symptoms vary according to the site of origin
involvement in about 10% of cases and gives but the most common include headaches, visual


disturbance, cranial neuropathies, hearing loss and produce a nasopharyngeal mass with
and disturbances of gait. Imaging shows obstruction, or they may expand dorsally and
mottled calcification within the soft tissue mass stretch the sixth cranial nerve as it runs along
on CT scanning. and penetrates the clival dura, leading to
Chondrosarcoma tends to act less aggres- diplopia . Tumors arising at the rostral end of
sively than other sarcomas but nevertheless the clivus involve the sella turcica and may
pursues a slow and intractably progressive present with hypopituitarism. With suprasellar
course, which ultimately kills the patient in extension , a chiasmal syndrome with bitempo-
many cases. The history therefore tends to be ral hemianopia may result. Lateral extension of
long and is punctuated by multiple local recur- rostral clival chordomas may produce a parasel-
rences. Distant metastases are relatively rare, lar mass or extend into the cavernous sinus,
occurring in only about 8% of cases [6]. affecting cranial nerves III- VI. Postero-lateral
Surgery is the primary treatment modality. extension of mid-clival chordomas can produce
Conventional radiotherapy has been used as an otologic symptoms of deafness, vertigo and
adjunct. More recently, some workers have tinnitus, with risk of facial weakness through
advocated proton beam radiation therapy as the involvement of the petrous temporal bone.
adjuvant radiation modality of choice. This The position of the tumor rarely allows com-
form of irradiation is of interest to the radiation plete surgical resection and thus recurrence rate
oncologist because of its improved dose local- after surgery remains high. In view of the high
ization capabilities in comparison to high- local recurrence rate, conventional radiother-
energy X-rays (photons). It is suggested [7] that apy has been used, with varying success. As
proton radiation therapy after maximal surgical mentioned above, it is suggested that proton
resection represents the best management policy radiation therapy after maximal surgical resec-
currently available for patients with chon- tion seems to represent the best management
drosarcomas (and chordomas) of the skull base. policy currently available for patients with
chordomas of the skull base.
These are slow-growing, locally aggressive
malignant neoplasms, derived from vestigial Intracranial Skull Base Tumors
remnants of the notochord found along the
axial skeleton. They account for less than 1% Benign Intracranial Skull Base Tumors
of all intracranial neoplasms [8]. They can be
divided into three main groups, depending Schwannoma (Neurilemmoma)
upon the site of origin: cranial (35%), sacrococ- Clearly, the VIII cranial nerve is the most
cygeal (50%) or vertebral (15%). Cranial lesions common site for this tumor. However, other
tend to affect a younger age group (range 20-40 cranial nerves may be affected.
years) compared to the sacrococcygeal group
(40-60 years). Men are more commonly affected Trigeminal Schwannoma
than women (3:1). These tumors account for 2% of intracranial
The location of a chordoma within the clivus schwannomata. They may originate in any
determines the nature and path of its growth, section of the fifth cranial nerve, from the root
the associated anatomic structures involved, the to the distal extracranial branches; as a result, a
clinical symptomatology, and the approach for variety of symptoms and signs may develop,
surgical management. However, whatever their depending on the direction and extent of tumor
position within the clivus and their symptoms, growth. Fifty percent of all intracranial trigem-
presentation is usually late after intracranial inal schwannomata arise from the trigeminal
extension has occurred. ganglion and remain predominantly localized to
Lesions arising near the inferior tip of the the middle fossa. Patients typically present with
clivus, the basion , usually produce lower brain pain/paraesthesia in a trigeminal distribution,
stem compression as they expand and present which may spread from one to all three divi-
clinically with hypoglossal nerve lesions. sions, often followed by progressive sensory loss
Tumors arising from the body of the clivus are and, less commonly, by wasting of the muscles
the most common. They may expand ventrally of mastication (most easily seen in temporalis).


Appro ximately 20% arise from the trigeminal within a tight bony canal). Intracranially, these
root and remain primarily infratentorial within tumors will give rise to the symptoms associated
the posterior fossa. They present with ataxia, with most other lesions of the cerebellopontine
hearing loss, tinnitus and facial nerve dysfunc- angle.
tion , together with trigeminal symptoms. Both CT and MRI may be helpful in localiz-
Approximately 25% grow above and below the ing the lesion. They may detect widening of the
tentorium ("hourglass tumors") and produce a fallopian canal or bone erosion/soft tissue mass
combination of clinical findings reflecting in relation to the intratemporal course of the
involvement of both the middle and posterior facial nerve.
fossae. Finally, there are a small group of The aims of management include:
patients where the tumor arises from the distal
• Establishing a diagnosis.
intracranial branches of the V nerve and extend
extracranially, e.g. producing a mass in the • Attempting to preserve continuity of the
pterygopalatine/infratemporal fossa. facial nerve.
On CT, these tumors are usually isodense or • Completing tumor resection.
slightly hyperdense in comparison to surround- • Facial nerve reconstruction/facial paral-
ing brain and enhance homogeneously after ysis rehabilitation.
administration of intravenous contrast. On
MRI, they are generally well circumscribed, Because the cell of origin lies within the nerve
show decreased signal intensity on Tl-weighted sheath, it is theoretically possible to consider
images, increased signal on T2-weighted images tumor removal without a nerve transection. In
and show homogeneous enhancement after practice, it rarely proves possible and , hence,
administration of gadolinium. surgery results in complete facial nerve palsy in
Trigeminal schwannomas displace rather the vast majority of cases. There is therefore
than invade adjacent structures and tumor often a case for a period of conservative man -
removal can therefore often be accomplished agement whilst the facial nerve function remains
without significant neurological injury (other normal or near normal, unless it gives rise to
than anaesthesia in the distribution of the some more serious problems. When surgery is
affected branch of the nerve), provided an eventually undertaken, complete tumor removal
appropriate operative approach is chosen. should be confirmed by frozen section examina-
tion of the proximal and distal nerve margin.
Facial Nerve Schwannoma Reconstruction will usually involve an inter-
Primary tumors of the facial nerve are rare. position nerve graft (the greater auricular
When they do occur, they can be found along nerve is a convenient local source of a cable
the entire course of the nerve, but most fre- graft). The quality of recovery following such a
quently either within the temporal bone or procedure would be between Grades III and V
extracranially. As they originate from the (House-Brackman) at best.
Schwann cells of the nerve sheath, their finding
within the internal auditory canal or intracra- Jugular Foramen Schwannoma
nially must be explained on the basis of embry- As with trigeminal and facial schwannomas,
onic rests of ganglionic cells from the geniculate these are rare. The patient usually presents with
ganglion. a unilateral lesion of cranial nerves IX, X or XI
Clinical presentation varies, depending on or a combination of the three nerves. When the
the site of tumor origin. Schwannomas found majority of the tumor is below the skull base,
along the extracranial course of the nerve there is rarely a neuropathy and presentation,
present primarily as a parotid mass, with facial in our experience, is with the non -specific fea-
nerve weakness being an unusual presenting tures of a parapharyngeal mass.
complaint. If the tumor originates within the Diagnosis is made from CT and/or MRI. The
temporal bone (and that may be anywhere from CT scan demonstrates a smooth-edged enlarge-
the geniculate ganglion to the stylomastoid ment of the jugular foramen, with extension
foramen) , it usually produces otologic symp- inferiorl y into the neck, posteriorly into the pos-
toms and is commonly associated with facial terior fossa or directly into the skull base. MRI
weakness (presumably related to compression may be useful regarding soft tissue relations,


particularly in the neck. Carotid angiography and the middle and superior turbinates on
may be indicated for assessing cerebral cross- the lateral wall of the nose), attached to the
circulation if there is any question that surgery cribriform plate. It affects both sexes equally
might compromise the internal carotid artery. and occurs in all age groups. Presentation is
Management lies between a conservative often non-specific, with nasal obstruction, epis-
approach with the use of serial imaging or taxis and, less commonly, anosmia and visual
surgery. Recommendations for treatment relies problems.
on the age of the patient and their general Although the diagnosis relies on biopsy and
medical health, the size of the turnor, whether it histology, imaging allows assessment of the
is creating any mass effect in the posterior fossa extent of the tumor. Woodhead and Lloyd
and the presence or absence of cranial neu- (1988) reviewed imaging in a series of 24
ropathies. Certainly, older patients do not tol- patients and concluded that there were no spe-
erate the rapid change in lower cranial nerve cific features to identify this turnor. However, a
function that surgery may produce, and are tumor within the ethmoid and upper nasal
therefore at risk of developing serious pul- airway, expanding into the orbit and eroding
monary complications from laryngeal aspira- the roof of the fronto-ethmoid complex or
tion . In this age group, patients are more likely cribriform plate unilaterally in a young patient,
to adapt to these lower cranial neuropathies if is likely to be an olfactory neuroblastoma (see
they occur slowly as the disease progresses; a Fig. 15.2).
conservative policy may therefore be the most The natural history of this malignancy is both
appropriate. variable and unpredictable. Metastasis to cervi-
cal lymph nodes occurs in 10-30% of patients
Malignant Intracranial Skull Base Turnors during the course of the disease and systemic
metastasis (lung and bone) in 8-46% of cases
Olfactory Neuroblastoma [10-13]. Although often slow-growing, it must
(Esthesioneuroblastoma) be considered as a highly malignant neoplasm,
An uncommon neuroectodermal tumor that requiring radical initial treatment.
arises from the olfactory nasal epithelium, high Treatment normally involves a combination
up in the nasal roof within the olfactory cleft of radical surgery and radiotherapy. Survival
(the space between the superior nasal septum rates of 60% at 3 years and 40% at 5 years are

Fig. 1S.2. Sagittal MRI ofpatient with large olfactory neuroblastoma.



quoted [14] for those patients having surgically angiofibromas possess potential for aggressive
accessible lesions treated with combinations of growth .
excisional surgery and radiotherapy. Management usually involves surgery (rarely
radiotherapy may be indicated in extremely
extensive tumors where surgery may carry a
Extracranial Skull Base Tumors high risk of operative mortality). In view of its
vascularity, the majority of surgeons would
Benign Extracranial Skull Base Tumors seek the help of the interventional neurora-
diologist , with pre -operative angiography and
Juvenile Angiofibroma embolization. About 10% of cases recur after
Highly vascular and locally invasive, juvenile surgical resection (probably a reflection upon
angiofibromas occur almost exclusively in the difficulty of gaining good surgical access to
adolescent males. Although morphologically this area).
benign, these tumors can exhibit aggressive
local growth, extending along planes of least Glomus Tumors (Pa raga nglioma)
resistance or pre-formed pathways and, when of the Temporal Bone
large, can invade directly by bone erosion. Paragangliomas are a group of histologically
Juvenile angiofibromas represent less than similar benign neoplasms that arise from
0.05% of all head and neck tumors, with a neuroectodermally derived paraganglionic cells
median age at presentation of around 13 years. associated with autonomic ganglia. Two sites of
It is thought the hormonal changes at puberty these extra -adrenal paraganglia include:
are the primary influence on the growth of this
tumor. The site of origin is unclear but is likely • Intravagal - these are at the level of the
to be from the sphenopalatine foramen. The jugular or nodose ganglion. Tumors
tumor spreads laterally into the pterygopalatine arising here give rise to glomus vagale
fossa, thereby gaining access into the infratem- tumors.
poral fossa as well as the nasal cavity/paranasal • Jugulotympanic - these occur along
sinuses and nasopharynx posteriorly, and the Jacobson 's nerve (tympanic branch of
orbit superiorly. Intracranial spread into IX) and Arnold's nerve (tympanic
the anterior cranial fossa may occur, but more branch of X), but the majority are found
likely is invasion into the middle cranial fossa in the adventitia of the jugular bulb in
(although it usua lly remains extradural) . Early the jugular fossa. Tumors arising from
symptoms of nasal obstruction and intermittent these sites give rise to glomus tympan-
epistaxis are found in over 80% of patients. icum (arising within the tympanic, or
Nasendoscopy invariably confirms the presence middle ear, cavity) an d glomus jugulare
of a mass obstructing the posterior nares . At tumors (arising from the jugular bulb).
diagnosis, approximately two thirds of patients Glomus vagale tumors usually present as a
have localized disease, and 20% have intracra- parapharyngeal mass, with no obvio us neur o-
nial involvement [15]. Erosion of the medial logic problems. Their involvement of the
pterygoid plate associated with enlargement of jugular foramen and possible spread along the
the sphenopalatine foramen is a constant internal carotid artery towards the cavernous
feature on C'l' scan. Involvement of the sphe - sinus can make their management difficult.
noid sinus, infratemporal fossa, orbit or middle Iugulotympanic paragangliomas usually
cranial fossa may be demonstrated but is more present with a unilateral hearing loss and pul-
easily demonstrated on MRI. The distinction satile tinnitus. More rarely, they present with
between the mass and fluid in an obstructed neuropathy involving the lower cranial (IX,X,
sinus and the vascularity of the lesion (signal XI,XII) or facial nerves . On examination, a vas-
voids from the vessels within the tumor) can cular mass is seen behind the tympanic mem -
also be made on MRI. brane or, in larger tumors, the mass may have
There is little factual evidence to support eroded though the drum and floor of the bony
a common belief that, with increasing age, ear canal to present within the ear canal itself.
angiofibromas will show spontaneous involu- Multiple or synchronous tumors occur in
tion. It must be assumed that all untreated 3-10% of patients [16], and there is a familial


incidence with an autosomal dominant mode of ment in some cases, and may be the
transmission (these patients have a higher inci- treatment modality of choice in recur-
dence of synchronous paragangliomas). rent/residual disease. The aim of treat-
These tumors demonstrate a slow and insid- ment is to prevent further growth rather
ious pattern of growth . They tend to migrate than to eradicate the disease.
through the temporal bone by vascular chan-
The intricate temporal bone anatomy, the
nels, naturally occurring fissures and foramina
extent of tumor invasion and tumor vascularity
and, most importantly, along air cell tracts.
Intracranial extension into the posterior and combine to make these tumors difficult to
middle fossae does occur and increases poten- manage by any mode of therapy. The critical
tial morbidity and mortality. Rarely, these question to be asked is whether the disease is
tumors may metastasize, usually to cervical likely to cause the patient serious problems in
lymph nodes. the natural course of his/her remaining years.
The clinical picture of jugulotympanic para- At one end of the spectrum, a large tumor in a
gangliomas is characteristic, but the clinical young, fit patient almost certainly warrants sur-
findings non-diagnostic. The mainstay of tumor gical treatment, whereas a small tumor in an
diagnosis is radiological and the main diagnos- elderly patient probably needs nothing more
tic objectives are: than careful review. Unfortunately, there is a
"gray area" between these two ends of the spec-
• Determine the site and extent of the trum although, currently, many would consider
tumor. surgery as the first-line treatment. The judicious
• Determine the presence of synchronous use of surgery is imperative, since an iatrogenic
lesions. deficit involving the last four cranial nerves may
• Determine the degree of major vascular pose life-threatening complications to an older
involvement. patient with poor respiratory reserve.
• Identify any intracranial extension . Contraindications to surgical treatment
• Determine central nervous system col- include:
lateral circulation. • Carotid involvement in the presence of
High-resolution CT scanning or MRI may poor collateral circulation.
assess the site and extent of tumor. MRI is supe- • Contralateral vagus lesion - surgery that
rior in assessing intracranial extension and is compromises the only functional vagus
useful for identifying synchronous tumors. is a relative contraindication.
Bilateral carotid angiography is used to deter- • Unresectable tumor - a neurosurgically
mine involvement of the internal carotid artery unresectable intracranial extension is a
(lCA) in larger tumors and the degree of collat- relative contraindication.
eral blood flow. It will also identify an aberrant • Anomalous venous drainage - where all
ICA/intrapetrous carotid artery aneurysm (both intracranial venous return occurs via a
are included in the differential diagnosis of a single sigmoid sinus on the involved
vascular lesion behind the tympanic mem- side. In this situation, it may be better to
brane), as well as the rare case of anomalous await complete occlusion of the jugular
venous drainage, where all intracranial venous bulb (which allows progressive opening
return occurs via a single sigmoid sinus/internal of collateral venous channels) before
jugular vein on the involved side (a contraindi- operating.
cation to surgery). If performed pre-operatively,
it also allows embolization of the lesion.
The management options for these tumors Malignant Extracranial Skull Base Turnors
once again include:
Carcinoma of the Paranasal Sinuses
• Conservative management. Virtually all types of malignancy may present in
• Surgery. this area but the most frequent are forms of
• Radiotherapy (or possibly stereotactic squamous cell carcinoma (the most common
radiosurgery in some cases). This may malignancy of the head and neck) and adeno-
have a place as a primary form of treat- carcinoma. Reports on the association between


adenocarcinoma of the ethmoid and the wood- anatomic considerations. Many patients with
working trade (especially hardwood exposure) these tumors would be treated with a combina-
began in 1965 in the UK [17,18]. The increased tion of craniofacial resection and radiotherapy.
relative risk is similar to that for carcinoma of In 1998,Lund et al. [19] published the results
the bronchus in smokers, with a cumulative of a series of 209 patients undergoing craniofa -
life-time risk of 1 in 120 and a 500-1,000 times cial resection for sino-nasal neoplasia. The
greater risk than the general population of 5-year actuarial survival was 44%, falling to 32%
developing the condition. It became a recog- at 10 years for malignant tumors. In the analy-
nized industrial disease in the UK in 1969. sis of their results, it became clear that when
Patients present with nasal symptoms, such disease affects the frontal lobe itself (as opposed
as nasal obstruction and epistaxis . Orbital to dural involvement alone), then there was a
symptoms include swelling, diplopia and prop- uniformly bad prognosis.
tosis (see Fig. 15.3).
It is well recognized that, in the past, the poor Malignant Tumors of the
prognosis associated with these tumors was a Temporal Bone
consequence of local recurrence engendered by Malignant tumors affecting the temporal bone
inadequate resection. The realization that these account for only 0.05%of head and neck cancers
tumors affect the inferior surface of the cribri- [20]. Most are squamous cell carcinomas,
form plate and roof of ethmoid (and hence are arising in the external auditory canal and invad-
likely to have an intracranial component) led to ing inward. Those arising within the middle earl
the development of the combined skull base mastoid are often associated with the long-
approach. This offered access and more ratio - standing inflammation of chronic middle ear
nal, yet radical, resection choices, dependent on disease.
Patients present with discharge from the ear
and associated bleeding and pain. In addition,
alteration of facial nerve function should alert
the clinician to the possibility of malignancy.
In these circumstances, biopsy of any polyp or
ulcer is mandatory.
Diagnosis is often made late. CT scan and
MRI are used to assess the extent of the primary,
and its relationship to the dura, brain, facial
nerve and carotid artery. CT is more useful for
detailing the intratemporal anatomy and
showing the presence of bone erosion (and
hence, by inference, presence of tumor). MRI is
more useful to define tumor from brain and
from the reactive/inflammatory changes that
may occur , and gives information regarding
ICA or sigmoid sinus patency by the presence
or absence of flow void signals. Carotid angiog-
raphy may, however, be necessary to establish
unequivocally involvement of the carotid artery.
No coherent staging system exists and the
lack of such a staging system means that com-
paring various treatment options described
in the literature is impossible. Hence, there is
great debate regarding an optimum treatment
In general, surgery and radiotherapy in com-
bination are considered the treatment of choice.
Fig. 15.3. Coronal MRI of patient with carcinoma of paranasal A number of surgical approaches are feasible
sinuses withinvolvement of theanterior cranial fossa. that largely depend on the extent of the tumor.


Complete surgical resection with a clear micro- along the anterior and middle cranial fossae.
scopic marg in is the preferred initial treatment The interorbital compartment, limited by the
objective. For small tumors, radiotherapy is an medial walls of the orbits , the cribriform plate/
alternative. roof of ethmoid sinuses and the dura encompass
The most widely accepted operative concept the usual specimen removed during anterior
is to free the involved temporal bone from its CFR. Any lateral extension of the perimeter of
surrounding venous sinuses, protect the internal excision would then constitute anterolateral
carotid artery and brainstem and avoid injury CFR.
to cranial nerves, if they are still functioning.
Typically, the patient would also receive adju-
Anterior Craniofacial Resection
vant radiotherapy. Although this approach has
probably resulted in an improved quality of life Anterior CFR encompasses structures of the
for patients, the impact on survival is unknown. anterior mid-line and paramedian skull base
(see Fig. 15.4). The ethmoid sinuses superiorly,
the anterior wall of the sphenoid posteriorly, the
frontal sinus anteriorly, and the nasopharynx
Surgical Approaches to inferiorly are included in the surgical perimeter
the Skull Base of the anterior craniofacial resection.

Careful planning, consideration of the aims of Indications

the surgery, detailed review of the radiology and • Resection of malignant tumors of the
an in-depth discussion with the patient and paranasal sinuses involving the ethmoid/
family are mandatory before any skull base frontal sinus with proximity to or
approach is undertaken. The aim is to help, but involvement of the ethmoid roof/
this is invariably high-risk surgery and it is vital cribriform plate.
that the patient and the family understand what • Resection of benign tumors of the
is being undertaken and why. paranasal sinuses, meninges or skull
The surgical exposure of skull base lesions base with involvement of, or extension
commonly involves extensive bone work. through, the skull base.
Exposure must be adequate and yet not exces-
sive. Adequate exposure reduces the operating Surgical Steps
distance of deep lesions from the surgeon, The anterior CFR is performed through bicoro-
reduces the need for brain retraction and pro- nal and paranasal facial incisions. Following
vides space for manoeuvring. An adequately facial bone exposure, the medial walls of both
planned incision should take into account any orbits are explored, identifying and cauterising
previously existing incisions, the vascularity of the anterior and posterior ethmoidal vessels.
the flap, cosmetic appearances and the course of This establishes the lateral perimeter of the
the facial nerve. The exposure should also take resection. Osteotomies can be performed at this
into consideration proximal and distal control point through the medial orbital wall of each
of major vessels. We would utilize electrophys- orbit at the junction with the orbital floor.
iologic monitoring of the facial nerve in any case Anteriorly, a vertical cut can be made from
where its function could be compromised. the level of the lacrimal fossa to the level of the
As in every other branch of surgery, there are nasion, and a similar cut can be made posteri-
a vast number of surgical approaches described orly at the level of the posterior ethmoidal
for different areas of the skull base. We are foram ina.
limited to describing a small number of proce- At this point, a bifrontal craniotomy is per-
dures and will therefore describe only tech- formed. The bicoronal incision allows wide
niques we have used and found "practical". access to the frontal bone and, most impor-
tantl y, preservation of pericranium [21] for use
Anterior Fossa as a vascularized flap to repair the anterior fossa
floor defect (it is raised in a rectangular shape
Anterior and anterolateral craniofacial resec- with its base at the supraorbital region and
tions (CFR) are designed to encompass tumors receives its blood supply from supraorbital and


Fig. 15.4. Coronal anatomy, showing area of resection inanterior craniofacial resection.

supratrochlear vessels). A hi-frontal bone flap is and through the floor of the frontal sinus into
then raised, either as a free flap or pedicled on the anterior ethmoid anteriorly (these cuts are
temporalis. Care should be taken to keep the often made from both above and below). The
dura intact whilst opening the bone. tumor specimen is then only attached by the
Exposure of the floor of the anterior fossa is perpendicular plate of the ethmoid (which
best achieved by opening the dura on either side forms the postero-superior part of the nasal
of the superior sagittal sinus as far anteriorly as septum), and this is divided using heavy scis-
possible. The sinus and underlying falx can then sors. The specimen can then be "rocked out"
be divided between stay sutures. If a lumbar through the transfacial exposure, dividing any
drain has been inserted, this can now be opened mucosal attachments that might still remain.
to allow CSF to drain. Diuretics may help The resultant defect has as its anterior margin
provide good exposure without retraction of the the anterior wall of the frontal sinus/nasion,
frontal lobes. posteriorly the remaining portion of the sphe-
Full exposure of the anterior cranial fossa noid sinus and optic nerves, and the periorbita
floor invariably requires division of the olfac- laterally. Inferiorly, the defect is open to the
tory tracts. Of course, if one or both can be pro- nasopharynx. Reconstruction of the defect in
tected , so much the better but, usually, patients the anterior cranial fossa floor involves use of
with tumors requiring such an approach are the pericranial flap - it is "posted" back into the
anosmic. anterior fossa over the supraorbital bar of bone
The basal dura is reflected along the cribri- (and beneath the frontal bone when it is
form plate to the planum sphenoidale (if dura replaced at the end of the procedure). This vas-
is involved, then it is mobilized more laterally cularized graft is then sutured to the basal dura
and involved dura is resected with the tumor). (and if sutures are too difficult to place, tissue
Further cuts can then be made into the bone glue is used) to provide a carpet-like resurfac-
outside the tumor margins through the roof of ing of the anterior cranial fossa. A second layer
the ethmoid/orbit laterally, through the planum of free pericranium, placed intradurally, can
sphenoidale into the sphenoid sinus posteriorly then be used, again, glued into position. We


have not found it necessary to replace bone and Middle Fossa

have had no problems with brain herniation.
However, great care must be taken with this
repair to achieve a water (CSF)-tight closure. Infratemporal-Middle Cranial Fossa
The use of the lumbar drain post-operatively Approach
helps. This technique, pioneered by Fisch [22] and
Often, the nasolacrimal duct is transected further developed by Sekhar [23] and Schramm
during this approach, and can be stented at [24], provides excellent access to regions previ-
the end of the procedure. The nasal cavity is ously characterized by difficult dissection and
then packed to help avoid a post-operative poor exposure . The entire middle cranial fossa,
cerebrospinal fluid leak. from the petrous ridge to the lesser wing of
the sphenoid, can be exposed (see Fig. 15.5).
Anterolateral Craniofacial Resection Patients who require this approach present with
a wide variety of disease processes. Tumors may
Antero-lateral craniofacial resection also be benign or malignant, and may originate
encompasses structures of the anterior mid-line intracranially from dura or calvarial bone or
and paramedian skull base but may also include extracranially from the soft tissues that occupy
the orbitomaxillary and infratemporal regions, the sub cranial area. Most common among the
as well as the floor of the middle cranial fossa. intracranial neoplasms that extend extracra-
nially are meningioma, chordoma, chondroma
Indications and chondrosarcoma. Among the extracranial
• As for anterior CFR, but with orbital tumors that extend intracranially are schwan-
involvement. noma (often of the trigeminal nerve); parotid
• Extensive maxillary tumors with orbital! tumors, especially of the deep lobe; and squa-
ethmoidal involvement. mous cell carcinomas from the paranasal
sinuses, nasopharynx and temporal bone.
• Extensive transcranial middle fossa
tumors, e.g. meningiomas. Surgical Steps
Surgical Steps The approach is attained through a long inci-
sion, extending from the calvarial vertex to in
This approach can be performed through a front of the ear, then curving posteriorly under
bicoronal scalp flap, especially if a dural graft is the lobule and into the neck, similar to the mod-
required to effect a repair. Alternatively, an ified Blair incision for parotidectomy. The cuta-
extended pterional flap may be used. neous flap is elevated anteriorly to a point from
The facial incisions are usually paranasal,
with possible lip splitting and eyelid incisions.
The precise shape of the craniotomy and the
extent of any facial osteotomies depend on the
size and site of the tumor. For a purely intra-
orbital tumor, a pterional approach with extra-
dural removal of lateral and superior orbital
walls provides good access to the posterior part
of the orbital cavity. Clearly, this would be inad-
equate for an extensive maxillary or ethmoidal
lesion with orbital involvement, when a bi-
frontal flap will allow far better access. As
regards the facial osteotomies, in general, they
are made within the orbit along the medial and
lateral wall as well as across the zygoma.
For reconstruction, following dural repair,
soft tissue may be brought into the area using Fig. 15.5. Infratemporal fossa/middle cranial fossa approach.
either temporalis muscle or a free microvascu- Removal ofzygomatic arch (and possibly mandibular condylec-
lar flap, depending upon the size of the defect. tomy), allowing accessforcraniotomy.


the angle of the mandible to the lateral orbital The three transtemporal approaches (retro-
rim. The internal jugular vein and internal labyrinthine, translabyrinthine and transcochl-
carotid artery are isolated in the neck and con- ear) expose the posterior fossa dura anterior to
trolled with vascular loops. the sigmoid sinus , but through the posterior
The temporalis muscle , with a cuff of peri- aspect of the petrous pyramid. The transtempo-
cranium, is elevated to the zygomatic arch . ral craniotomies require removal of bone ,
Having fashioned a fronto-temporal cran- 1-2 cm behind the sigmoid sinus, to allow pos-
iotomy, the lateral orbital rim and zygomatic terior displacement of the sinu s. In the retro-
arch are removed in a single piece and stored labyrinthine approach, bone is removed up to
for later reconstruction. This allows access to the semicircular canals . This provides a limited
the infratemporal fossa, and this access can view of the posterior aspect of the CPA. In the
be improved, if required, by removing the translabyrinthine approach, the canals are also
mandibular condyle. removed - a maneuvre that provides access to
Once the zygomatic arch is removed, the tem- the lAC and enhances CPA exposure. In the
poralis muscle can be dissected down to its transcochlear approach, the entire inner ear (i.e.
insertion on the coronoid process. This allows semicircular canals and cochlea) is removed
an exposure of the undersurface of the sphenoid and the facial nerve is re-routed posteriorly
and temporal bones. A subperiosteal dissection from its intratemporal cour se, thus providing
of the subcranial part of the middle cran ial fossa access to the anterior aspect of the CPA and the
is performed from the glenoid fossa posteriorly, space ventral to the brainstem.
to the base of the pterygoid plate s anteriorly
and is carried med ially to the foramen spin-
osum and foramen ovale. These are the medial Temporal Bone Resection
landmarks for the subsequent extension of the
craniotomy. This procedure is employed for malignant
The key to the exposure of the middle fossa disease of the external auditory canal and
and its immediate subcranial structures is an middle-ear cleft (this is most common squa-
L-shaped craniotomy. This has a vertic al com- mous cell carcinoma). If the tumor has not
ponent comprising the greater wing of the sphe- involved more medial structures, a lateral tem -
noid and squamous part of the temporal bone , poral bone resection is emplo yed (see Fig. 15.6)
and a short horizontal component that ends at that removes the ear canal en bloc, with the
the foramen ovale and spinosum. The size of tympanic membrane and lateral ossicles. A
the craniotomy is determined by the extent parotidectomy and/or neck dissection often
of intracranial tumor. If exposure of the intra- supplements this procedure.
petrous internal carotid is required, the cran-
iotomy needs to be extended into the anterior Surgical Steps
part of the bony external auditory canal. At the beginning of this procedure, the ear canal
Extracranial and intr acranial tumor can is transected and closed. This closure is differ-
be removed simultaneously or in sequence. ent from that used during lateral skull base
Closure of smaller resect ions may be achieved surgery - simply sewing the tragal skin to the
using the available temporalis muscle, but larger conchal margin permits resection of the skin of
resections may once again require a microvas- the entire ear canal.
cular free flap. After transection of the cartilaginous ear
canal just beneath the meatus, an intact canal
Posterior Fossa wall mastoidectomy is performed. The middle
ear is opened by performing a posterior tympa-
There are several posterior fossa craniotomies/ notomy (opening into the middle ear from the
craniectomies used to access the CPA. The mastoid between the upper vertical portion of
retrosigmoid approach uses an opening in the the facial nerve and the chorda tymp ani). The
suboccipital bone posterior to the sigmoid incus is then removed and the descending
sinus , with dural exposure over the lateral cere- portion of the facial nerve is skeletonized.
bellar hemisphere; for details of this approach, In order to isolate the ear canal as an en bloc
see the section on cerebello -pontine tumors. specimen, bone must be removed from 3600


In our unit , we have used, in principle, two

routes to gain entry to this most difficult of

• Extended pre-sigmoid translabyrinthine

approach: this has been used for lesions
involving the inner third of the petrous
bone and upper half of the clivus.
• Far lateral approach: for access to the
lower half of the clivus and the anterior
aspect of the foramen magnum.

We shall now consider each of these routes in


Extended Presigmoid
Translabyrinthine Approach
Space, or the lack of it, always seems to be the
Fig. 1S.6. Anatomy ofthetemporal bone inthecoronal plane, problem here. Certainly, at the beginning of
showing theextent of theresection in a lateraltemporal bone most procedures, visualization of the important
resection (outlined by thedotted line) and total petrosectomy structures is difficult.
(outlined by thedashed line). The principle of the approach is similar to the
translabyrinthine route, but combined with a
temporal craniotomy and division of the tento-
rium all the way down to the tentorial hiatus.
around the ear canal. The posterior tympan- The procedure starts, therefore, with the
otom y is extended to the posterior and inferior patient in a park-bench position. Diuretics ,
aspects of the middle ear. The front of the ant ibiotics and anticonvulsants should be
mastoid is remo ved between the inferior margin given. A question-mark-shaped incision is
of the bon y ear canal and the stylomastoid made , extending from just above the zygomatic
foramen. Superiorly, the root of zygoma and proces s of the temporal bone down to below
the posterior aspect of the glenoid fossa are the mastoid process. The skin flap is reflected,
removed. leaving the temporalis fascia intact and
Working between the floor of the middle extended all the way forward to the external
cranial fossa and the roof of the ear canal, the auditory meatus.
root of zygoma is drilled away until the anterior Incisions are then made to elevate the tem-
middle ear has been opened into the glenoid poralis muscle forwards on its blood supply,
fossa. After the ear canal has been isolated from and to reflect the sub-occipital muscles inferi-
above, behind and below, it remains attached orly. This then allows a posterior fossa cran-
only anteriorly. This bony attachment can then iotomy to expose the straight and sigmoid
be "cracked" using an osteotome and the spec- sinuses , and a temporal craniotomy to expose
imen remo ved. This specimen includes both the temporal lobe above the straight sinus and
the cartilaginous and bony ear canal, together above the petrous bone. Great care must be
with the tympanic membrane with the malleus taken to avoid injury to the sinuses.
attached. The translabyrinthine exposure is then per-
formed as previously described (see chapter on
Approaches to the Clivus cerebellopontine angle tumors). This should be
taken as far forward as possible and as low as
Whether trying to access the upper, mid or poss ible towards the jugular bulb, to expose
lower clivus, careful planning of the approach is as much of the presigmoid dura as can
paramount. That said, for success, it is impor- be achieved. The exposure must include the
tant that the approach is familiar and practiced. undersurface of the temporal dura. Clearly, the


amount of bone removed can be adapted to removed. Clearly, the further forward this is
the specific requirements of the case. taken, the more of the condylar joint is removed
Now, the dural cuts are performed to expose and thus the greater the requirement for post-
the surface of the temporal lobe and of the operative stabilization. However, failure to
cerebellum. Usually, the posterior fossa dura remo ve sufficient amounts of the joint will
is opened first. It may be possible to release restrict visibility and access to the anterior part
some CSF early, which will slacken things off. of the foramen magnum and the lower clivus. If
The dural opening is T-shaped, crossing the exposure is limited, more bone can always be
superior petrosal sinus that always bleeds but removed.
is easily controlled. The secret to this is the Once the bone work is completed, dural
opening of the dura over the temporal lobe. This opening will allow exposure of the area . Within
mu st be long enoug h to allow safe access to the the dura at the foramen magn um lies a dural
undersurface of the temporal lobe, so that sinus that has to be divided. The dura is remark-
the sinus can be approached from above and ably thick in this area, and the use of stitches to
below. The vein of Labbe is at risk and must retract the dura may assist the opening proce ss.
be protected at all times . Be prepared to use artery clips to stop the bleed-
The final part of this approach is to divide the ing whilst completing the dural opening -
tentorium. Again, visualization both above and getting haemostasis is then easier .
below allows this to be performed safely. Vessels Closure of the dura will not be possib le
coursing within the tentorium must be coagu- without insertion of a dural patch. Again, using
lated , the division being done using the micro - a lumbar drain may reduce the incidence of CSF
scope. Be careful not to lose direction and watch leakage.
out for the fourth cran ial nerve and the poste-
rior cerebral artery. Division of the tentorium
must be complete or access will always be Conclusion
restricted. Once complete, access to the upper
clivus and inner petrous bone is possible with Skull base surgery is a challenging and exciting
minimal retraction. area that can offer hope to patients previously
Closure must focus upon achieving a water- considered "inoperable". Any young neuro-
tight seal. Meticulous attention to the petrous sur geon interested in this field needs to
bone is the secret, with closure of the middle ear, recognize that it requires a multi -disciplinary
if appropriate, by removal of the ossicles. Fibrin approach - one that can only be developed
glue is a great help, as is the use of a lumbar through mutual trust and respect for your col-
drain for several days following the surgery. leagues. It is truly a "team effort" and , if you are
going to go into the surgical "no man's land",
Far Lateral Approach you want to go with some good friends!
Again, the park-bench position is used. The
usual preparations are made, the approach Key Points
being made through an extended incision to
allow access to the upper lateral aspect of the
• Skull base tumorsare rare, probably account-
cervical spine. Exposure of the posterior fossa
ing for less than 1% of intracranial tumors.
dura is like a retro-mastoid craniotomy for a
CPA lesion. However, the sub-occipital muscles • Management options include a conservative
are reflected like the leaves of a book to define approach with serial scans, conventional
the trans verse pro cess and lamina of Cl and the surgery or radiotherapy/stereotactic radio-
upper aspect of C2. The vertebral arte ry courses surgery.
over the arch of Cl before it ente rs the posterior • Removal of adequate amounts of bone from
fossa via the foramen magnum. Depending the cranial base should provide sufficient
upon the extent of the exposure, the artery can access without the necessity to retract dural
be transposed to widen the amount of Cl arch brain.
that can be removed and, following that, the • Surgery for these tumors is difficult because
amount of the foramen magnum that is of problems with access, involvement of basal


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surgery and how they may be overcome . neuroblastoma: an immunohistochemical, ultr astruc-
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20. Arena S, Keen M. Carcinoma of the middle ear and tem -
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1164- 7. 331-47.
Tumors: Cerebral Metastases and
Sepideh Amin-Hanjani and Griffith R. Harsh, IV

CNS lymphoma occurs either as metastatic

Summary disease from systemic primary tumor or as
primary CNS lymphoma. Primary CNS lym-
This chapter focuses on two intracranial neo- phoma has become much more prevalent
plasms : cerebral metastases and lymphoma. over the past two decades, as a result of an
Cerebral metastases are the most common increase in the number of patients with
form of intracranial tumor and often require immunosuppression arising from HIV infection
treatment with surgery and/or radiation. or immunosuppressive therapy following organ
Improvement of neurological function transplantation. Vigilant surveillance of these
occurs in 50-75% of patients. Primary lym- two at risk populations is important to early
phoma represents about 1% of intracranial detection and effective treatment of primary
tumors and is highly responsive to chemo -
CNS lymphoma.
therapy and whole brain radiotherapy.

Cerebral Metastases
Cerebral metastases represent the secondary
This chapter will focus on two intracranial neo- involvement of the brain by neoplasms origi-
plasms of increasing prominence: cerebral nating outside the central nervous system
metastases and lymphoma. (CNS). Currently, cerebral metastases are the
Cerebral metastases are the most common most common type of intracranial tumor [1].
form of intracranial tumor. Although metas- The predilection for spread of systemic tumor
tases usually convey a poor prognosis, their to the CNS is highly dependent on its histologic
timely diagnosis and treatment can often palli- type [1].
ate neurologic symptoms, prevent progression
of brain disease and, less frequently, prolong
patient survival. As the efficacy of treatment of Epidemiology
systemic disease improves, cerebral metastases
will become more prevalent and therapy for Improved neuroimaging has revealed that
cerebral metastases will have an increa sing patients with cerebral metastases outnumber
impact on patient survival. those with primary brain tumors. At autopsy,



25% of cancer patients harbor intracranial Table 16.1. Primary sitesofcancer in patients with cerebral
meta stases [2]. Cerebral metastases - those metastases.
involving the brain parenchyma itself - occur in Primary tumor % of cases
about 15% of patients with solid systemic (total n =210)
tumors [2]. This prevalence is likely to increase lung 40
as the proportion of elderly in the population Breast 19
increases, as diagnostic neuroimaging becomes Melanoma 10
even more sensitive and as patients with cancer Genitourinary* 7
live longer. Gastrointestinal* 7
Female genital tract" 5
The pattern of meta stasis to the CNS varies Sarcoma 3
with tumor type. Intracranial metastases lymphoma 1
include those to the skull, meningeal spaces and Other 6
brain parenchyma. Many skull metastases orig- Unknown 2
inate from breast and prostate cancer [3].
Metastases to the pituitary gland are often from * Gastrointestinal:colorectal, esophagus, gastric, pancreas.
breast cancer. Genitourinary: renal, testis, bladder, prostate.
Lung and breast cancer, followed by Female genital tract: ovary, uterus, cervix, choriocarcinoma.
melanoma, genitourinary cancer and gastroin- Adapted fromPosner JB. Neurologic complications ofcancer.
testinal cancer, are the most common histolog- Contemporary Neurology series. Volume 45. Phildelphia:
Davis, 1995.
ical types of cerebral metastasis (Table 16.1).
The risk of developing cerebral metastasis is
highest with malignant melanoma, followed by
lung and breast cancer (Table 16.2). Among the described by Batson (termed Batson's plexus)
types of lung cancer , small cell carcinoma and is a potential path of spread of pelvic and
adenocarcinoma more frequently spread to the retroperitoneal tumors. Tumors from these
brain than does squamous cell carcinoma. areas have a predilection for the posterior fossa.
Most cerebral metastases spread to the brain Tumor cells carried arterially are commonly
hematogenously. Tumor cells distributed arte- deposited at the junction of gray and white
rially commonly originate from the lung, either matter of the brain, particularly within water-
from a primary lung tumor or from an extra- shed zones. Tumor cells are readily lodged
pulmonary primary that has metastasized to the within the end vessels of these regions , where
lung. Less commonly, venous routes are taken. vessel caliber changes rapidly. Otherwise,
The anastomotic pelvic-vertebral venous plexus the likelihood of a particular brain region

Table 16.2. Frequency ofintracranial metastases from systemic cancers.

Primarytumor Intracranial tumor at autopsy (%) Intracerebral tumor at autopsy (%)

All sites 24 15
Melanoma 72 40
lung 34 21
Breast 30 10
leukemia 23 3
lymphoma 16 1
Gastrointestinal* 7 3
Colon 8 5
Pancreas 7 2
Genitourinary* 19 11
Renal 27 21
Prostate 31 o
Ovary 5 5

*Gastrointestinal includes colon, gastric and pancreatic tumors. Genitourinary includes renal,prostate, testis, cervixand ovarian tumors.
Adapted from Posner JB, Chernik NL.lntracranial metastases from systemic cancer. Advances In Neurology 1978;19:579-92.


developing a metastasis reflects its tissue Table 16.3. Presenting symptoms and signs of cerebral
volume and rate of blood flow. Consequently, metastases.
almost 90% of metatases are supratentorial and Symptom/sign % of cases
the frontal and parietal lobes are most com- (total n = 284)
monly affected. Headache 24
Approximately 50% of patients with sec- Focal weakness 20
ondary cerebral tumor have more than one Behavioral and cognitive changes 14
lesion . This incidence of multiple metastasis is Seizures 12
likely to increase as neuroimaging becomes Ataxia 7
more sensitive. Multiple lesions are common Asymptornatk" 7
with melanoma and lung cancer, whereas
Asymptomatic lesions discovered in thecourse of staging
patients with breast, abdominal and pelvic can- patients withknown systemic cancer.
cer more often have a single brain metastasis [3].
Adapted from Posner JB. Brain metastases: 1995. Abrief
Cerebral metastases occur with equal fre- review. JNeuro-oncoI1996;27:287-93.
quency in men and women. The incidence of
brain metastasis is the same for all races. Brain
metastases are most likely to appear in people generalized, are the presenting symptom in
between 50 and 70 years of age. In children, CNS about 10% of patients. They, too, are more
metastases are most commonly from leukemia, frequent in patients with multiple metastases
followed by lymphoma, sarcoma and germ cell [3]. Hemorrhage or infarction from a tumor
tumor. embolus occurs in 5-10% of cases [3].
Hemorrhage is more common with metastases
Clinical Presentation from melanoma, choriocarcinoma, renal cell
carcinoma and bronchogenic carcinoma.
Brain metastases are most commonly discov- The differential diagnosis of the clinical
ered after a diagnosis of the primary tumor has presentation of metastasis includes other
been established; more than 80% of cerebral mass lesions (abscess, granuloma, resolving
metastases present after discovery of the sys- hematoma, radiation necrosis) demyelination
temic source. Most appear at a late stage in the and infarction (non-bacterial thrombotic endo-
dissemination of the tumor. One exception is carditis, cerebral venous occlusion) [4].
lung cancer, in which metastases often occur in
the early stages of the disease and neurological
symptoms secondary to metastases frequently
antedate discovery of the primary tumor [3].
The clinical presentation of a metastasis
reflects the location and size of the tumor [4]. Thorough and accurate radiographic imaging is
The most frequent presenting symptoms are an essential aspect of managing patients with
headache, focal deficits and behavioral or cog- cerebral metastases. CT has been superceded by
nitive changes (Table 16.3). Headache, although MRI with gadolinium contrast as the modality
non-specific, is the most common single of choice [5].
symptom. In a patient with known cancer, new CT is useful for screening for large or hem-
onset of headaches, especially those occurring orrhagic metastases with acute presentations
in the early morning, warrants radiologic inves- and for skull tumors. Most metastases are
tigation. Behavioral changes are more common hypodense or isodense, well circumscribed
with multiple than with single metastases. They masses on non-contrast images. Those with
may be as subtle and non-specific as mild con- necrotic centers have hypodense interiors.
fusion, memory loss, depression or emotional Hyperdensity is seen with acute intratumoral
lability. Symptoms such as headache, behavioral hemorrhage, some melanomas, some densely
change and focal deficits are usually subtle in cellular tumors (adenocarcinoma and small cell
onset and slowly progress as the mass effect lung carcinoma) and rare calcified lesions [5].
from the tumor increases. Most metastases enhance brightly with intra-
Seizures, hemorrhage and infarction bring venous contrast, particularly when given
a more acute presentation. Seizures, focal or in double dose. CT is relatively insensitive in


detecting very small lesions, particularly those resolution MRI is often quite specific. Systemic
in the posterior fossa, and leptomeningeal disease in recession (a primary histology that
spread. infrequently spreads to the brain) and an atyp-
Diagnostic screening and treatment planning ical radiographic appearance favor biopsy.
benefit greatly from the sensitivity, specificity Active systemic disease, a primary histology
and anatomic resolution (particularly in the that commonly spreads to the brain and a
posterior fossa) of MRI. Most metastases are typical radiographic appearance mitigate the
isointense on Tl-weighted images and hyperin- need for biopsy. Current stereotactic biopsy
tense on T2-weighted images. Central necrosis, techniques permit retrieval of diagnostic tissue
cysts and peripheral edema are all hypointense in approximately 95% of cases, with a morbid-
on Tl images and hyperintense on T2 images. ity from hemorrhage, seizure, worsened neuro-
The intensity pattern of hemorrhagic metas- logic deficit and infection of 3% and a mortality
tases varies with the age of the hematoma. of 0.6% [8]. A highly vascular appearance on
Anomalies include melanomas that may be neuroimaging and a primary histology associ-
hyperintense on Tl images and adenocarcino- ated with a tendency for brain metastases to
mas, highly cellular tumors, and calcified bleed is a relative contraindication to biopsy.
lesions that may be hypointense on T2 images.
Metastases usually enhance brightly and Treatment
homogeneously with gadolinium, except in
their necrotic , cystic or hemorrhagic portions. Cerebral metastases generally carry a very poor
Rim-enhancing metastases have a center of fluid prognosis when not treated. The median sur-
or necrosis; the rim is more irregular than that vival for patients with symptomatic brain
of benign cysts, abscesses and resolving metastases that are not treated is 4-6 weeks. The
hematomas [6]. Metastases may sometimes optimal treatment of brain metastases must
be distinguished from malignant gliomas that consider several factors, including the patient's
also have nodular rim-enhancement by multi- neurologic and general medical condition, the
plicity and a circumferential pattern of Tl number, location and size of the lesions, and
hypointense, T2 hyperintense edema that is less the histology, the extent, the prior treatment
likely to involve the cortex or corpus callosum and the response to treatment of the systemic
[5]. Higher doses of contrast (0.3 mmollkg) sig- disease. Two current trends in the approach to
nificantly increase the sensitivity of detecting cerebral metastasis are evident: a shift from
small lesions. Diffuse leptomeningeal disease, mere palliation of symptoms to tumor eradica-
carcinomatous meningitis , appears as sulcal tion, in an effort to improve survival, and an
enhancement on post-gadolinium Tl scans and increased emphasis on the patient's quality of
as hyperintense linearities on flair sequences. life. Three main modalities of treatment are
used for brain metastases: radiation, surgery
and chemotherapy.
Biopsy of a brain mass to obtain histologic ver-
Medical Therapy
ification of metastasis is rarely required when
there are multiple parenchymal brain lesions in Corticosteroids often markedly improve neuro-
a patient with known active systemic malig- logic symptoms by reducing peritumoral vaso-
nancy, particularly if there are metastases to genic edema. Generalized symptoms, such as
other organs. In contrast, biopsy is almost headache and lethargy, respond more consis-
always indicated when the brain lesion is soli- tently than do focal symptoms and signs. The
tary (the patient's only known tumor) and non - clinical response is usually apparent within a
surgical treatment is planned. The need for day and peaks by 7 days. Dexamethasone, which
biopsy of a single brain lesion in a patient with has the benefit of lacking mineralocorticoid
known systemic cancer depends on several effect, is the steroid used most frequently .
factors. Although one study of biopsy results Steroids are considered palliative treatment that
found that 11% of single brain lesions thought is used transiently, while other, more definitive
to be metastases based upon enhanced CT therapy is planned or delivered. Treatment with
were a different pathology [7], current high steroids alone results in a median survival of


8-10 weeks. The dose of steroid medication therapy is often required. Chronically, side
should be tapered and discontinued when effects, such as dementia, ataxia and urinary
clinically possible, to avoid side effects such incontinence, occur in at least 5% of patients
as myopathy, psychiatric change (agitation, who survive longer than 1 year [10]. In one
delirium, and psychosis), gastric disturbances study, 50% of patients surviving for more than
(ulceration with bleeding or perforation) and 2 years after surgical resection and WBRT devel-
opportunistic infections. oped leukoencephalopathy or atrophy-induced
Prophylactic anticonvulsants are not indi- hydrocephalus ex vacuo. More prolonged frac-
cated unless there is a history of seizure. tionation schemes and more focal treatment are
strategies designed to decrease the risk of
dementia. Patients expected to survive longer
than 6-12 months are often treated with 40 Gy
Radiotherapy is indicated for almost all patients in 2 -Gy fractions over 4 weeks. In an attempt
with cerebral metastasis. The optimal method of to spare normal brain, fractionated local radio-
delivery, dose and regimen varies with the indi - therapy has been used for single metastases, but
vidual patient. In many cases, these are contro- the relative effectiveness of focal and whole-
versial. Radiation can be administered either as brain therapy has not been studied. Additional
fractionated external radiotherapy to the whole local dose can also be administered as a boost
brain (WBRT), the region of the tumor (local to the lesion following WBRT.
fractionated radiotherapy) or both (WBRT with Radiosurgery involves single-session high-
a local boost), as single exposure radiosurgery dose irradiation of a stereotactically defined
or as interstitial brachytherapy. target. In that radiosurgery intends inactivation
Fractionated whole-brain radiotherapy has of all tissue within a targeted volume, it is a
been the standard treatment for brain metas- non-invasive alternative to surgical excision.
tases for almost half a century. WBRT increases Multiple techniques (Linac, Gamma Knife,
the median duration of survival of patients to Cyber Knife, and Proton Beam) are able to
3-6 months from 1-2 months (10-15% survive deliver the conformal radiation required. Since
for at least 1 year) [7,9]. Treatment improves the likelihood of controlling tumor growth and
neurologic function in 50-75% of patients [9]. the risk of radiation injury to surrounding
Large retrospective studies reveal that 50% of tissue both increase with increasing dose and
the patients treated with WBRT die from sys- the risk of radiation injury increases with
temic cancer, rather than from progressive increasing target volume, there is an interde-
brain disease. The dosing regimen most com- pendence of tumor volume, dose, tumor control
monly employed is 30 Gy over 2 weeks in ten rate and complication rate. Empirically defined
daily 3.0 Gy fractions. This regimen is as effec- relationships specify an inverse relationship
tive as those with higher doses or more extended between two variables (e.g. tumor size and dose)
fractionation. after two parameters have been established (e.g.
Prognostic factors favoring survival include minimal acceptable rate of tumor control and
age less than 60 years, Karnofsky performance maximal acceptable rate of complication). For
score of at least 70, control of the primary example, if one posits that at least 15 Gy is
tumor and absence of extracranial metastases. required to achieve a 90% rate of tumor control
Radiation cell sensitizers such as nitroirnida- at 1 year and that the acceptable risk of compli-
zoles are not beneficial. Although certain types cation is 1%, then the maximal tumor volume
of tumor, such as renal cell carcinoma and that can be safely and effectively treated is
melanoma, are relatively radioresistant, the 10 ern". In other words, given such specifications
duration of patient survival following radio- for safety and efficacy, there is an ideal dose
therapy of cerebral metastases is similar for for each tumor volume. In general, stereotactic
most tumor types [9]. radiosurgery is an effective treatment for intra-
Radiation therapy has significant risk of acute cranial metastases ofless than 10 cm" in volume
and long-term complications. Acutely, fatigue, (2.5-3.0 cm in diameter).
headache, nausea and vomiting may occur Radiosurgery is indicated for surgically inac-
during and shortly after treatment and neuro- cessible lesions and is an acceptable alternative
logic deficits may be exacerbated. Steroid to surgery for many accessible ones. Although


it is occasionally used in the patient with more of a nurnature generator of X-rays within a
than three lesions, it is usually reserved for tumor) also achieve high-dose focal irradiation
patients with single or, at most, several metas- of brain metastases. Their invasivenes s, with the
tases. Median duration of patient survival fol- concomitant risks of infection and hemorrhage,
lowing radiosurgery for an intracranial and their limited conformity are disadvan-
metastasis is 7-12 months, similar to that for tages relative to radiosurgery. However, they
surgical resection [ill . Randomized studies do offer an additional treatment option for
comparing radiosurgical and surgical treat- single, surgically inaccessible tumors that are
ments for single brain metastases have not yet too large to be treated safely and effectively with
been completed. radiosurgery.
Whether WBRT is needed in addition to
radiosurgery for single metastases is controver-
sial. Much of the radiosurgical data was accu-
mulated in patients who also received WBRT In patients with cerebral metastases and well
and, given the conformal nature of the radio- controlled systemic disease, the former becomes
surgical treatment volume, it is unlikely that the a more significant determinant of survival. It is
addition of WBRT to radiosurgery significantly within this subgroup of patients that aggressive
increases the risk of radiosurgery. Nonetheless, treatment, including surgery, is considered.
given the inefficacy and toxicity of WBRT and Resection of single brain metastases was ini-
the ability to detect and to treat new lesions con- tially advocated for patients with good prog-
formally with radiosurgery, radiosurgery alone noses because of the low rates of long-term
may be appropriate initial treatment for most tumor control (40% at 1 year) with conventional
metastases of appropriate size. Essentially, WBRT [6]. Prospective randomized trials have
stereotactic radiosurgery and WBRT can be firmly established the superiority of surgical
viewed as complementary: radiosurgery focally resect ion followed by WBRT to WBRT alone
targets one to three tumors of 1-10 cm' in for a single cerebral metastasis [6]. The
volume , whereas WBRT intends to control median duration of survival is 10-14 months
higher numbers of small tumors or microscopic rather than 4-6 months. As noted above,
spread throughout the brain. Radiosurgery although direct comparisons of surgery and
alone is most strongly indicated for a single radiosurgery for a single metastasis have not
metastasis from systemic tumor that is indolent yet been completed, radiosurgery is often an
or well controlled (and thus not an immediate acceptable alternative to craniotomy. Also,
threat to survival) and of a histologic type prone a surgically inaccessible location, multiple
to single brain metastases (e.g. breast and brain metastases or extensive systemic disease
non-small cell lung carcinoma) or relatively usually contraindicate resection. An exception
refractory to fractionated radiotherapy (e.g. is the need to resect a tumor from a location,
melanoma, renal cell carcinoma and sarcoma). such as the posterior fossa, in which it is imme-
WBRT is likely needed in addition to radio- diately life threatening, even if the patient has
surgery when there are multiple cerebral multiple metastases and significant systemic
tumors, especially those with histologies prone disease.
to disseminated brain metastases and high sen- The utility of surgery for multiple cerebral
sitivity to fractionated radiation (e.g. small cell metastases is controversial. Modern surgical
lung carcinoma, testicular carcinoma and lym- series show that early post-operative mortality
phoma). In many patients with these histolo- and morbidity following resection of multiple
gies, WBRT is given first and radiosurgery is metastases is comparable to those following
reserved for tumors that subsequently resume resection of a single metastasis. One study
growth. When brain metastases are multiple found a significantly shorter duration of sur-
and systemic disease is refractory to treatment, vival (5 vs 12 months) of patients who had mul-
WBRT alone is given as palliation. tiple metastases resected compared to those
Interstitial brachytherapy (the temporary or undergoing surgery for a single metastasis.
permanent placement of rad ioactive seeds However, gross resection of all tumors was not
within a tumor) and interstitial radiosurgery achieved in the majority of patients with multi -
(the transient stereotactic placement of the tip ple lesions. Another study reported a median


duration of survival of 14 months for patients Recurrent Metastases

with two or three metastases that were totally
resected - a result similar to that achieved for Many of the principles of treating brain metas-
patients with single metastases. These studies tases at their original presentation apply to
support surgical removal of one to three metas- treatment of recurrent disease, with the proviso
tases, particularly those too large to be treated that the effects of the previous therapy must be
by radiosurgery [12]. considered. Local recurrence of a previously
Historically, most patients have received treated tumor has different implications from
WBRT post-operatively - even those whose the appearance of distant failure. Surgery,
tumors were totally removed. Currently, stereotactic radiosurgery, focal radiotherapy,
however, many consider WBRT to be relatively interstitial radiosurgery and brachytherapy are
contraindicated by its chronic sequelae in options for local recurrences, depending on the
patients expected to live longer than 6 months. size and location of the lesion. In one study,
Although some studies have found that post- among patients with a single recurrent tumor
operative WBRT lengthens median survival, and well controlled systemic disease, two-thirds
several others have found no significant differ- improved neurologically after tumor resection
ence between patients treated with surgical and the median duration of survival was 9
resection alone and those receiving resection months [14].
and post-operative WBRT. Post-operative Diffuse distant metastases probably warrant
WBRT, however, did yield other benefits: WBRT if it has not been given. For tumors
improved control oflocal tumor, decreased risk recurrent after WBRT, an additional 20 Gy of
of distant tumor, increased time to neurological fractionated radiation may improve the neuro-
recurrence and decrease in the percentage of logic function of selected patients but does
patients dying of neurologic disease [13]. Post- not significantly lengthen survival [15]. In one
operative radiosurgery, in addition to WBRT, stud y, among patients with well controlled sys-
may be indicated in cases of incomplete removal temic disease and a good response to their
of a metastasis. As an alternative to post- initial radiation, fewer than half had neurologic
operative WBRT, it is likely to improve control improvement after additional radiotherapy and
of local tumor but not affect the incidence of the median duration of survival was 5 months
distant metastases. [15].

The selection of a treatment plan for an indi-
Unfortunately, chemotherapeutic agents which vidual patient must consider multiple factors.
are effective against primary solid tumors are These include the number, location and size of
seldom as effective against brain metastases. the metastases, the histology, extent and prior
The blood-brain barrier is partly responsible treatment of the systemic disease, and the
but other factors are likely to contribute, as lipid patient's neurologic status, medical condition
soluble agents are also ineffective, the and personal preference. In general , radio-
blood-brain barrier around most metastastic surgery is the treatment of choice for most
lesions is deficient and intrathecal or intraven- patients with one to three brain metastases.
tricular injection does not significantly improve Surgical resection is indicated for one or two
outcome. However, chemotherapy of cerebral accessible lesions larger than 2-3 cm in diame-
metastases of some histologies, including breast ter and for those threatening cerebral hernia-
cancer, small cell lung carcinoma and chorio- tion ; adjuvant radiosurgery to any residual
carcinoma, can effect remission, stabilize neu- tumor or the resection bed is likely warranted.
rologic deficits and prolong median survival. WBRT is indicated when there are more than a
The current role for chemotherapy of cerebral few metastases, when the histology predicts dis-
metastases is limited to adjuvant treatment of seminated metastasis or radiosensitivity or
such chemosensitive tumors. Improvements in when the patient has a particularly poor prog-
the delivery of drugs to the CNS and new multi- nosis. Table 16.4 summarizes general recom-
agent regimens may broaden the role of mendations for the treatment of metastases,
chemotherapy in the future. taking these factors into consideration. The


Table 16.4. Recommendations for management of cerebral metastases,

Systemic disease 1-3 « 10 cc) 1-3 « 10 cc) 1-3 (> 10 cc) 1-3 (> 10 cc) >3
(median survival) accessible inaccessible accessible inaccessible
Absent/Stable Surgery or Radiosurgery Surgery Fraetionated WBRT
(> 6 months ) radiosurgery +/- WBRT* -t- WBRT focal
+/. WBRT* radiation
Slowlyprogressive Surgery or Radiosurgery Surgery WBRT+ WBRT
(4- 6 months) radiosurgery + WBRT + WBRT fraetionated
+ WBRT boost
Moderately progressive WBRT WBRT WBRT WBRT WBRT
(2-4 months)
Rapidly progressive None None None None None
« 2 months)

' Giventhe potential forlong-term complicationsinpatients with prolonged survival, noncomitant WBRT isless desirable inthese groups of

guidelines propose treating patients with well CNS lymphoma has been increasing steadily
controlled systemic disease aggressively, by for the past two decades [16]. This increase is
offering treatments that are effective for one to partially attributable to an increased prevalence
three lesions. of immunodeficient patients secondary to
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
and immunosuppressive treatment after organ
Lymphoma transplantation. However, the incidence of the
disease among immunocompetent persons has
Lymphoma is a malignant lymphocytic neo- also increased. According to surveillance by the
plasm that can occur in the central nervous National Cancer Institute, the annual incidence
system (CNS), either primarily or as a secondary of PCNSL increased from 2.7 cases/ten million
man ifestation of systemic disease. Lymphoma per son s in 1973-75 to 7.5 cases/ten million
of the brain or spinal cord not involving other persons in 1982-84, even after exclusion of
areas, except for ocular structures, is termed never married men as a relatively high-risk
"primary CNS lymphoma" (PCNSL). The inci- group for AIDS. Continuation of this trend pro-
dence of CNS lymphoma has increased signifi- duced an incidence of 30 cases/ten million
cantly over the last two decades. persons in 1991-92 [17]. Although some of the
increase may result from improved radi -
ographic and imm uno logic detection, the trend
PCNSL antedates the widespread use of such technolo-
gies. Other etiologies for the observed increase
PCNSL has been referred to within the literature in incidence of primary CNSlymphoma, such as
as reticulum cell sarcoma, peri vascular sarcoma, environmental factors, remain speculative.
immunoblastic sarcoma, microgliomatosis and For immunocompetent patients, the sixth
malignant reticulosis. The disease most fre- decade of life is the most common age of diag-
quently appears as solitary or multi-focal lesions nosis of PCNSL [16,18]. The median age for
of the cerebrum of middle -aged adults. The presentation in the immunocompromised pop-
immunologic competency of the patient affects ulation falls within the fourth decade. Child-
the neurologic presentation. Imm unodeficiency hood disease is rare and is usually associated
is a well recognized risk factor for the disease. with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.
In the immunocompetent population with
Epidemiology primary CNS lymphoma, 60% of patients are
male and 40% are female [16]. This is similar to
Primary CNSlymphoma represents about 1% of the gender distribution of patients with sys-
intracranial tumors. The inciden ce of primary temi c lymphoma. The immunocompromised


population with PCNSL is even more dispro- The macroscopic appearance of deposits of
portionately male because of the male predom- PCNSL within the brain varies. They may be lep-
inance in the AIDS epidemic. tomeningeal, parenchymal, subependymal or a
Several risk factors for developing PCNSL combination of these. Primary CNS lymphoma
have been identified (Table 16.5). Given its may be unifocal or multicentric. In either case,
etiologic role in other lymphoproliferative it can appear to be relatively well circumscribed
disorders among immunosuppressed patients, or irregularly margined. In the leptomeningeal
the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) may contribute variant of PCNL, tumor exclusively infiltrates
to the development of primary CNS lymphoma the leptomeninges, cranial nerves and spinal
in immunocompromised patients. EBV RNA nerve roots. Primary parenchymal CNS lym-
has been found in CNS lymphoma tissue phoma softens affected brain tissue and turns it
obtained from immunocompromised patients. yellow-brown. There may be areas of focal hem-
Primary CNSlymphoma also occurs as a second orrhage or necrosis .
malignancy after treatment of other malignan- Microscopically, diffuse infiltration of tumor
cies, such as Hodgkin's lymphoma, non- into brain parenchyma well beyond the macro-
Hodgkin's lymphoma and colon, breast and scopic borders of the tumor is common.
thyroid cancer. It is unclear whether this phe - Neoplastic lymphocytes aggregate perivascu-
nomenon reflects an underlying predisposition larly and infiltrate the walls of small blood
to cancer among these patients or it results from vessels (Fig. 16.1). This perivascular cuffing is
exposure to agents used to treat the initial most prominent at the tumor margins. Tumor
malignancy. cells also commonly extend in the subpial plane
or in the subarachnoid space. An astrocytic
Pathology reaction can be prominent, especially in the
peripheral parts of the tumor. An infiltrate of T
Primary CNS lymphoma, like systemic lym- lymphocytes is typically present at the tumor
phoma, arises from lymphocytes. The source of margins and occasionally within the tumor
the pre -malignant lymphocytes is controversial itself.
as the CNS lacks lymphoid tissue and lymph at- The tumor has histological features similar to
ics. The perivascular distribution of cerebral those of systemic non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
tumor suggests that it may originate from sys- Hodgkin's lymphoma is almost never seen as a
temic neoplastic lymphocytes that selectively primary CNS tumor. The great majority of
infiltrate CNS tissue . This selectivity may PCNSLs are monoclonal B cell lymphomas.
depend on adhesion molecules within the CNS T cell lymphomas of the CNS are exceptionally
vasculature and parenchyma specific for the rare and must be differentiated from B cell
malignant cells. lymphomas with a prominent reactive T-cell

Table 16.5. Risk factors for primary CNS lymphoma.

Acquired immunodeficiency AIDS

Immunosuppressive therapy for transplant orautoimmune conditions
Congenital immunodeficiency Wiskott- Aldrich syndrome
Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
IgA deficiency
X-linked Iymphoproliferative syndrome
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Autoimmune diseases Rheumatoid arthritis
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Systemic lupus erythematosis
Viral infections Epstein-Barr virus


Table 16.6.Frequency of presenting symptoms.

...;,' ':" " '~': '-':"'" .. ~ ...
.. ; .
Symptom % ofcases
Personality change 24
Cerebellar signs 21
Headache 15
Seizures 13
Motor dysfunction 11
Visual changes 8

Adapted from Hochberg FH, Miller DC. Primary central nervous

system lymphoma. J Neurosurg 1988; 68:835-53.

.... :.
. • -',\·:"4.. 0. . '. :
..... .
.., '0' #' . '
changes and altered affect are relatively
common modes of presentation, given the rela-
tively frequent involvement of the frontal lobes
(Table 16.6). Seizure was a first presenting
symptom in 13% of one series of 66 pat ients
[16]. The time elapsing between onset of symp-
toms and diagnosis is often short - on the order
of 2-3 months. The constellation of symptoms
is not noticeably different between immuno-
competent and immunocompromised patients,
Murray et al. found the majority of lesions to
be solitary and supratentorial (52.1%), with the
most frequent sites of involvement being frontal
(26%), temporal (15%) and parietal (14%) [18].
b Diencephalic and infra tentorial lesions, partic-
ularly in the cerebellum (11%), were also seen.
The tumor is solitary almost twice as often as it
Fig. 16.1. a Perivascular aggregation of neoplastic lymphoid
cells typical for primary CNS lymphoma. b Malignant lymphoid
is multi focal. Diffuse meningeal disease has also
cells with cytologically atypical nuclei. been described and accounted for 12% of cases
in the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
series of 66 patients [16],

component. The relative incidences of B-cell

subtypes among PCNSLs differ from those
found systemically. Unlike systemic lym-
phomas, which are typically follicular B cell
lymphomas, most PCNSLs are diffuse large cell CT reveals an isodense or moderately hyper-
or large cell immunoblastic in type [18]. dense lesion that enhances strongly and homo-
Immunological markers help to distinguish B geneously with contrast. Mild or moderate
cell lymphomas from other tumors such, as edema is typical. Tumors in immunocompro-
gliomas and small cell carcinomas (antibody mised patients in particular may show a ring
against CD45, a leukocyte marker), and from T- enhancing pattern. The periventricular area is a
cell lymphomas (antibodies against CD20 and common location; most tumors abut the
CD79a, both B cell markers). ependyma.
Primary CNS lymphomas are usually isoin-
Clinical Features tense or slightly hypointense on Tl-weighted
MR images and isointense or slightly hyperin-
Primary CNS lymphoma typically presents with tense on T2-weighted images (Fig. 16.2). The
symptoms and signs of increased intracranial enhancement pattern in immunocompetent
pressure or cortical dysfunction, depending patients is usually dense and homogeneous,
upon the location of the lesions. Personality but can be heterogeneous (Figs 16.2 and 16.3).


Fig. 16.2. Axial T2-weighted images (left) and Tl-weighted images without (center) and with (right) gadolinium enhancement in
an immunocompetent patient with primary CNS lymphoma. The right frontal mass appears heterogeneously isointense and
hyperintense on T2-weighted images, with surrounding hyperintense edema. On T1-weighted images, the isointense mass enhances
densely and homogeneously, following contrast administration.

Fig. 16.3. Axial Tl-weighted images without (left) and with(right) gadolinium enhancement inan immunocompetent patient with
primary CNS lymphoma. The ring enhancing lesion could also be metastasis, malignant glioma oreven abscess.

Non-enhancing tumors have been seen, but lesions. Some authors claim that the combina-
are rare. In patients with AIDS-associated tion of increased uptake on thallium SPECT and
PCNSL, enhancement may be heterogeneous EBV DNA in CSF has 100% sensitivity and
and is frequently rim-enhancing (Fig. 16.4). specificity for CNS lymphoma and obviates the
Radiographic evidence of hemorrhage and need for biopsy [19].
necrosis may be seen. The typical CSF profile with primary CNS
In patients with AIDS, CNS lymphoma may lymphoma is elevated protein, low glucose and
be very difficult to distinguish radiographically pleocyto sis. CSF cytology showing a monomor-
from other common intracranial pathologies, phic population of abnormal lymphocytes
such as toxoplasmosis. Positron emission is diagnostic, but only 10% of patients under-
tomography and thallium SPECT have been going CSF analysis at the time of presentation
proposed as more sensitive imaging modalities have positive cytologic findings. Furthermore,
for distinguishing lymphoma from infectious lumbar puncture may be contraindicated by


Fig. 16.4. Sagittal Tl-weighted images without (left) and with (right) gadolinium enhancement in a patient with AIDS,
demonstrating thetypical heterogeneous rim enhancement seen with primary eNS lymphoma in this population ofpatients.

increa sed intracranial pressur e in man y Treatment and Outcome

patients. Definitive diagnos is usually requires
tissue. Biopsy is more likely to yield diagnostic The options for treating PCNSL have evolved
tissue if it is performed prior to the administra- significantly during the last decade (Table 16.7).
tion of corticosteroids, which, by lysing the Radiotherapy and chemotherapy, separately
malignant tumor cells, may obscure the diag- and in combination, have significantly
nosis [16]. increased the survival of many immuno-
Once a diagnosis of CNS lymphoma is estab- competent patients with PCNSL. The prognosis
lished, the need for investigations to exclude for AIDS-related primary CNS lymphoma,
systemic lymphoma with secondary cerebral however, remains poor, with a median duration
involvement is controversial. In immunocom- of survival of less than 3 months, despite treat-
petent patients, spread of systemic lymphoma ment [21].
to the CNS is uncommon. When it does occur,
it is usually late in the course of the disease and
the leptomeninges are predominantly affected.
In general , investigations should be limited to Primary CNS lymphoma is highly radiosensi-
determining the extent of disease within the tive. Early reports indicated an increase in
CNS [20]: cranial MRI with contrast, ophthal- median survival from 3.3 to 15.2 months for
mologic examination, spinal MRI with contrast patients receiving radiotherapy. Subsequent
(for patients with neck or back pain or myelopa- reports confirmed this benefit to survival.
thy) and lumbar pun cture (if not contraindi- Despite a high initial response rate, radiother-
cated). For patients with AIDS, systemic apy alone rarel y leads to long-term survival;
lymphoma has a greater propensity to involve only 7% of patients are alive 5 years after treat-
the CNS secondarily. In these pat ients, screen- ment [22].
ing for systemic disease with bone marrow aspi- The optimal dose of radiation is controver-
ration and chest, abdominal and pelvic imaging sial. Retrospective data suggest that total doses
is advisable. Because of the association between of 40-50 Gy to the primary tumor improve sur-
PCNSL and AIDS, testing for HIV is also indi- vival [6]. No additional survival benefit follows
cated for patients first found to have primary higher doses. The Radiation Therapy Oncology
CNS lymphoma. Group (RTOG) failed to improve outcome with


Table 16.7.Recent trials of combined therapy for primary CNS lymphoma.

Reference No. Chemotherapy Radiotherapy Median Median Majortoxicities

of pts survival survival
RT only d
Pre-irradiation chemotherapy
Bessell, 1991 10 BVAM WBRT 45Gy 10 Myelosuppression
(MTX 1.5 g/m2) Boost 10Gy
Spine 35 Gy*
Liang, 1993 9 CHOP WBRT 36Gy 30 Leukoencephalopathy
MTX IT(12 mg) Boost 18Gy
LaChance, 1994 6 CHOP WBRT 45Gy 8.5
Boost 10.8Gy
Spine 30Gy
Glass, 1994 25 MTX (3.5 g/m2) WBRT 30-44 Gy 33 Mucositis
Boost 0- 23.4 Gy Myelosuppression
Glass, 1996 18 MCHOD WBRT 30Gy 25.5 Myelosuppression
(MTX 3.5g1m2) Boost +1- Leukoencephalopathy
Schultz, 1996 52 CHaD WBRT 41.4 Gy 16.1 11 .6 Myelosuppression
Boost 18Gy
Brada, 1998 31 MACOP B WBRT 30-45 Gy, 23 16** Myelosuppression
(MTX 0.4-2 g/m2) Boost 15-25 Gy Mucositis
Spine 30-35Gy* Hepato/nephrotoxicity
Abrey, 1998 31 MTX IV (1 g/m2) WBRT 40Gy 42 21.7*** Leukoencephalopathy
MTX IT(12 mg) Boost 14.4 Gy
Ara-C (post-RT)
Hiraga, 1999 29 MTX (0.1 g/kg ) WBRT 30Gy 39.3 Myelosuppression
Boost 10-20 Gy Leukoencephalopathy
Post-irradiation chemotherapy
Shibamato, 1990 10 VEPA WBRT 30-40 Gy 16+ 7 Leukoencephalopathy/necrosis
Boost 20-30Gy
Chamberlain, 1992 16 Hydroxyurea, PCV WBRT 55-62Gy 41 13**** Myelosuppression
Rosenthal, 1993 6 CHOP WBRT 45Gy 25+ 18 Myelosuppression
Boost 10Gy
No initial irradiation
Neuweit, 1991 17 CMPD None 44.5 Seizure
(MTX 2.5 9 lA) (at relapse) Myelosuppression
BBB disruption
Cher, 1996 19 MTX (3.5-8 d/m2), None 51 Nephrotoxicity
or MCHOD (at relapse)
Freilich, 1996 13 MTX (1 -3.5 g/m2), None 30.5 Leukoencephalopathy
P+1- V,T,ara-C (at relapse)
Sander, 1998 14 MTX (1.S g/m2), None 30+ Myelosuppression
V,T (at relapse) Neurocognitive decline

MTX, methotrexate; BVAM, BCNU, vincristine, cytosine arabinoside, methotrexate; IT, intrathecal;;CHOP, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin,
vincristine, prednisone; MCHOD, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, dexamethasone; CHOD, cyclophosphamide,
doxorubicin, vincristine, dexamethasone; MACOP-B, methotrexate, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisone, bleomycin; IV,
intravenous; Ara-C, cytosine arabinoside; VEPA vincristine, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, prednisolone; PCV, procarbazine, CCNU, vincristine;
CMPD, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, procarbazine, dexamethasone; lA, intra-arterial; BBB, blood-brainbarrier; P, procarbazine; V,
vincristine; T, thiotepa.
d Historical controls.
'Only patientswith proven CSF diseasetreated withfull craniospinal irradiation. •• From Brada, 1990.
••• From DeAngelis, 1992. · · · · FromChamberlain, 1990.
Note: median survivaltimesnot supplied by the reference were calculated from Kaplan-Meier analysis ofindividual survival timesreported
within the text.


60 Gy (40 Gy to the whole brain, 20 Gy boost to older than 60 years [32]. Patients with AIDS-
the tumor and its margin) [23]. associated disease, selected for good perfor-
The optimal extent of radiation is also con- mance status, lack of active comorbid disease
troversial. Radiation may be administered to the and high CD4 counts , may also benefit from
involved field, the whole brain or the entire chemotherapy [45].
cranio-spinal axis. Historically, whole-brain Differences among chemotherapy regimens
irradiation has been the standard treatment, for primary CNS lymphoma are numerous: the
even though its advantage relative to other pro- agents used, the timing of administration
tocols has never been definitively established (before or after radiotherapy) and the method
[6,22] . In fact, one review reports a median sur- of delivery (intravenous, intrathecal, or intra-
vival of 40 months for local treatment and 25.3 arterial). The chemotherapeutic agents used are
months for whole-brain irradiation, although those with demonstrated efficacy against sys-
this difference may merely reflect selection bias temic lymphomas: corticosteroids, methotrex-
[22]. Radiating the entire cranio-spinal axis ate, vinca alkaloids and alkylating agents.
prophylactically is not warranted. The potential Corticosteroids lyse tumor cells and induce
for radiation toxicity and the fact that the sur- radiographic and clinical remission, but their
vival of most patients with spinal disease is effects are often brief. Methotrexate penetrates
determined by control of cerebral tumor argue the intact blood brain barrier. It has demon-
against using prophylactic spinal radiation. strated impressive efficacy against primary
Spinal irradiation is reserved for patients with CNS lymphoma [46]. Although agents such as
spinal disease, demonstrated radiographically cyclophosphamide have been used with success
or by CSF cytology. against systemic lymphomas, they have not
Radiation therapy yields both clinical and proven as efficacious against CNS disease,
radiographic response in AIDS-related primary probably because of poor penetration of the
CNSlymphoma, but the median survival in this blood-brain barrier.
population remains poor, ranging from 2 to 5.5 Toxicity depends on the drug used. In
months [24]. Younger age and higher Karnofsky general, acute systemic effects include mucosi-
performance status at the time of treatment tis, myelosuppression, nausea, vomiting and
correlate with better outcome. alopecia. Cognitive impairment is the feared late
The complications of radiation therapy for complication. Methotrexate administered after
primary CNS lymphoma are the same as those radiotherapy has been implicated in a higher
seen with radiation in any setting. The acute incidence of this problem.
toxicities include headaches, nausea/vomiting The rationale for administering chemother-
and local skin reactions. Chronic complications apy before radiotherapy is twofold: (1) since
include cognitive impairment and radiation radiotherapy often results in complete radi-
necrosis of brain tissue. The risk of late neuro- ographic remission, administering it first pre-
logic sequelae increases with higher radiation vents assessment of the effect of chemotherapy
dose and with age. on measurable disease, and (2) the neurologic
toxicity of some chemotherapeutic agents,
including methotrexate, is less frequent and less
severe when the drug is given prior to, rather
The use of chemotherapy for PCNSL is expand - than after, radiation. Intrathecal injection and
ing [26-41] (Table 16.7). Patients receiving intra-arterial delivery following blood-brain
chemotherapy and radiotherapy live longer barrier disruption have been used to improve
than those receiving radiotherapy alone [36, the penetration of these agents into the brain
41-44] . The median survival following combi- parenchyma [37].
nations of radiation and chemotherapy has Chemotherapy alone, with radiotherapy
ranged from 16 to 44.5 months; the 5-year sur- reserved for failure, has shown promise in
vival rate is 20-30%. Long-term follow-up in uncontrolled trials [38-40]. The high initial
one group of 31 patients revealed frequent response rates and the avoidance of radiation
relapse (15 of 29 patients) and a high rate of induced toxicity of this strategy warrant its
late neurologic toxicity, especially in patients further study.


Surgery lymphoma. CSFmay be positive in up to 70% of

cases [47). The combination of abnormal brain
The role of surgery in the management of imaging and CSF findings in the setting of pro-
primary CNS lymphoma is limited. Surgical gressive or relapsing systemic lymphoma makes
management is usually restricted to tumor biopsy for diagnosis unnecessary.
biopsy for diagnosis. Rarely, shunting is needed Choice of therapy for secondary cerebrallym-
for obstructive hydrocephalus. Craniotomy for phoma must consider both the systemic and
tumor resection does not confer a survival cerebral disease. Frequently, the combination of
benefit [6,41). systemic and intrathecal chemotherapy is
chosen. Whole-brain radiation and the drugs
Recurrent Disease given for primary CNS lymphoma are also used
frequently. Response to therapy, as reflected by
Relapse eventually occurs in almost all cases of clinical remission of CNS disease, is a favorable
primary CNS lymphoma, even despite newer prognostic sign [47).
and more aggressive multimodality treatment The prognosis for patients with secondary
[37, 44). Relapse can be intracerebral, spinal, cerebral lymphoma is poor. Fewer than 15%
ocular or even systemic. Approximately 90% of survive for 1 year. Progressive systemic disease
relapses occur within the brain [23). Treatment is the usual cause of death . Cerebral involve-
is primarily palliative, although additional ment is often used as an indicator of the extent
chemotherapy, usually with different agents, is of systemic disease. It rarely independently
often appropriate for younger patients, with worsens the outcome.
good performance status. Patients at high risk for CNS involvement,
such as those with high-grade lymphomas,
warrant prophylactic treatment. Intrathecal
Secondary CNS Lymphoma methotrexate (the agent most frequently used)
reduces the incidence of cerebral metastasis
Systemic lymphoma spreads to the CNS in [48).
about 10% of cases, most commonly in the
setting of advanced or relapsing disease [47).
Certain sites of systemic disease are more likely Conclusion
to seed the CNS: the testis, bone marrow, bone,
orbit, peripheral blood and paranasal sinuses. Cerebral lymphoma, specifically PCNSL, is
Propensity to spread to the CNS also varies with increasing in incidence. The role of surgery is
histologic subtype. Low-grade lymphomas usually limited to stereotactic biopsy for diag-
rarely metastasize to the brain. Most metastases nosis. Multimodality therapy, combining
are diffuse large-cell or high-grade lymphomas. chemotherapy and whole-brain radiotherapy,
High-grade histology, elevated LDH levels, has improved the survival of patients with
advanced disease and symptoms such as fever, primary CNSlymphoma, but long-term relapse-
sweats and weight loss are predictive of CNS free survival is still rare. Currently, a number of
relapse. clinical trials are evaluating single-modality
CNS involvement by secondary lymphoma is treatment protocols, in an effort to lengthen
usually leptomeningeal; the parenchyma is patient survival without incurring late neuro-
rarely involved. The clinical presentation of sec- logic toxicity.
ondary CNS lymphoma reflects the predomi-
nantly leptomeningeal disease. Symptoms and
signs typically include headache, altered mental Key Points
status, meningismus and cranial or spinal neu -
ropathy. • Cerebral metastases represent the most
Leptomeningeal involvement by lymphoma common intracranial tumour.
is best visualized with contrast-enhanced MRI. • The selection of a treatment plan for an indi-
Given the common meningeal involvement in vidual patient must considermultiple factors.
secondary CNS lymphoma, CSF cytology is o Radiotherapy is indicated for almost all
more frequently positive than in primary CNS patients with cerebral metastases, with the


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Pediatric Neuro-oncology
Kevin 1. Stevenson, J. Russell Geyer and
Richard G. Ellenbogen

sion , the future directions in pediatric brain

Summary tumor management will be discussed.

Tumors of the CNS are, as a group, the

second most frequent malignancy of child- Epidemiology
hood and the most common solid tumor
in this age group. In this chapter, the epi- CNS tumors represent approximately 17% of all
demiology, clinical presentation, surgical malignancies in the pediatric age range, includ-
considerations, chemotherapy and radiation ing adolescents. Approximately 2,000 children
therapy options regarding pediatric brain younger than 20 years of age are diagnosed
tumors will be reviewed. In addition, we will annually with tumors of the CNS [I]. Brain
specifically focus on several of the major cat-
tumors in childhood are a heterogeneous group.
egories of pediatric CNS malignancy and the
Astrocytomas are the most frequent, accounting
late effects resulting from current treatment
for approximately 52%, while primitive neural
epidermal tumors account for approximately
21%, ependymomas 9% and other tumor types
represent the remaining 15%. While in older
Introduction children and adults the most frequent site of
malignant brain tumors is supratentorial, young
Tumors of the CNS are, as a group, the second children have a relatively high occurrence of
most frequent malignancy of childhood and the tumors in the cerebellum and brain stem . The
most common solid tumor in this age group. In incidence of CNS tumors is greater in those
general, children with brain tumors have not children younger than 8 years of age - approx-
shared in the remarkable improvement in prog- imately 35 cases per million children - than it is
nosis that has characterized other childhood in children from 8 to 17 years of age - approx-
malignancies. In this chapter, the epidemiology, imately 20 per million [1].
clinical presentation, surgical considerations, Over the last two decades, CNS cancer inci-
chemotherapy and radiation therapy options dence in children appears to have increased.
regarding pediatric brain tumors will be While this has provoked concern that there may
reviewed. In addition, we will specifically focus be changes in environmental exposures respon-
on several of the majo r categories of pediatric sible for this increasing incidence, epidemio-
CNS malignancy and the late effects resulting logic evidence to support this hypothesis is
from current treatment regimens. In conclu- lacking . Alternatively, the increase in incidence



could be related to improving diagnostic tech- differentiated neural epithelial cells. These
nology. There are several known risk factors tumors occur predominantly, though not exclu-
predisposing to the development of CNStumors sively, in childhood and constitute approxi-
in childhood. Therapeutic doses of radiation mately 20-30 % of all childhood brain tumors
utilized in the treatment of leukemia or previ- [1]. This group of tumors shares the biologic
ous brain tumors are clearly implicated as a risk propensity of dissemination throughout the
factor. Patients with several inherited genetic subarachnoid space, in addition to recurrence
conditions have greatly increased risk of brain or progression at the primary site.
tumors, specifically neurofibromatosis, tuber- Tumors of this histology are most common
ous sclerosis and the Li-Fraumeni syndrome. in the posterior fossa and, in this location,
Taken as a whole, these known risk factors are commonly called medulloblastomas (Fig.
account for a small percentage of pediatric brain l7.la). However, tumors that histologically
tumors; for the great majority of brain tumors appear identical to those found in the posterior
in childhood, there is no specific risk factor fossa can occur in other locations throughout
known to be related to their incidence. the CNS, where they are referred to as supra-
tentorial PNETs, pineoblastomas in the pineal
region and retinoblastomas in the eye [2]. While
MeduIloblastoma/Primitive PNETs of the posterior fossa and of other sites
share a common histologic appearance and a
Neuroectodermal Tumor similar propensity for a pattern of metastases,
the issue of whether these tumors share a
PNETs of the CNS are a group of embryonal common origin in biology remains quite con-
tumors that histologically comprise poorly troversial [2]. Recent studies examining the

a b

Fig. 17.1. a Axial MRI (Tl), showing moderately sized medulloblastoma. Typical of medulloblastomas, this tumor involves the
roof ofthefourth ventricle, without invading thefloor. Also note the markedly enlarged temporal horns ofthe lateral ventricles.
b Post-operative axial gadolinium-enhanced MRI (Tl l, showing resection ofthefourth ventricular tumor, as well as resolution of


molecular biology of these tumors suggest that imaging. More recently, endoscopic third ven-
there may be differences, in spite of the triculostomy may be another appropriate
common histologic appearance. Nonetheless, approach to relieving the block of CSF flow at
treatment strategies over the last decade have the level of the aqueduct of Sylvius. Typically
combined supratentorial PNETs and medul- arising from the roof of the fourth ventricle,
loblastomas. medulloblastomas invade the floor of the ven-
tricle in up to 36% of cases [5]. Unlike ependy-
Clinical Presentation momas (discussed later), tumor residual in the
brainstem does not adversely affect outcome [6]
The vast majority of children with medulloblas- and most pediatric neurosurgeons will resect
tomas present with signs and symptoms of the tumor flush with the floor of the fourth
hydrocephalus: headache, nausea , vomiting and ventricle, without entering the brainstem
lethargy. It should be kept in mind that this (Fig. 17.1b). Adjuvant technology, such as the
symptom triad is not unique to medulloblas- operating microscope, intraoperative cranial
tomas ; any posterior fossa tumor can produce nerve/SSEP monitoring and post-resection
this symptom complex. Headaches tend to be intraoperative ultrasound are essential in our
worst in the morning upon awakening, and institution for achieving the goal of radical
are often accompanied by nausea . Vomiting resection of these tumors. For staging purposes,
will often temporarily decrease or eliminate the a lumbar puncture can be performed with
headache, perhaps due to hyperventilation- the child still anesthetized. In these authors'
induced hypocarbia. It is not uncommon for experiences, immediate lumbar puncture after
children to have several months of headache, tumor resection does not lead to false-positive
nausea and/or vomiting prior to diagnosis. results.
During this time, more common etiologies of
these symptoms are often investigated, includ-
ing migraines , primary gastrointestinal disor - Radiation Therapy and
ders, and even psychiatric disorders. In addition Chemotherapy
to hydrocephalus, etiologies of lethargy in
medulloblastoma include dehydration and Recognition that metastatic failure throughout
direct brainstem compressionlinvasion by the the sub-arachnoid space was second only to
primary lesion. Other common signs and symp- local recurrence as a site of failure in children
toms of medulloblastomas include papilledema, with medulloblastoma led to the use of cranio-
ataxia, dysmetria and diplopia. As 15-20% of spinal radiation as adjuvant treatment by the
children with medulloblastomas will have spinal mid-1950s. Several clinical studies demon-
disease ("drop metastases") at the time of diag- strated a dose-response relationship in regard
nosis [3], back pain may uncommonly be the to the dose of radiation required to control
initial complaint. disease at the primary site, with doses of less
than approximately 5,000 cGy resulting in
Surgery higher rates of failure [7]. Until recently,
however, the cranio -spinal dose-response rela-
Despite advances in the non-surgical manage- tionship was unclear, but , by convention, most
ment of medulloblastomas, surgical resection children received doses from 3,000to 3,600 cGy.
remains the primary initial treatment of these Following surgical resection and cranio-spinal
tumors. In addition to providing histologic radiation at these doses, durable survival was
diagnosis and relief of tumor burden, surgical reported in approximately 30-50% of children
resection of medulloblastomas can provide by the mid-1970s.
immediate relief of neurologic signs and symp- Two large co-operative trials treating child-
toms due to hydrocephalus and direct brain- ren with medulloblastoma were conducted
stem compression. Because 90% of children in the late 1970s: one by the Children Cancer
present with hydrocephalus, and up to 30% Group (CCG), in the USA, and one by the
will require chronic CSF diversion [4], an EVD Society of International Pediatric Oncology
is inserted prior to tumor resection, regardless (SlOP), conducted in Europe [8,9]. In both
of the degree of hydrocephalus present on studies, patients were randomly assigned to


receive irradiation alone or irradiation plus As noted above, the first randomized studies
adjuvant chemotherapy, which, in both studies, demonstrated that the addition of adjuvant
consisted of vincristine and lomustine. More chemotherapy to neuraxis rad iation was of
than 500 patients were accrued between the two benefit for those patients at higher risk of tumor
studies and the 5-year-of-entry survivals of progression, Le. those with significant residual
approximately 50% in both studies were very post-operative tumor and those with metastatic
similar. Overall, neither study demonstrated disease. A number of single-arm studies, as well
survival advantages of the use of adjuvant as randomized studies, have been conducted in
chemotherapy. However, chemotherapy did an effort to optimize adjuvant chemotherapy.
show a benefit in subgroups of patients in both In a single-institutional study, children with
the CCG and SlOP studies. Those with partial medulloblastoma and high-risk features were
resection brainstem involvement and large treated with standard-dose cranio-spinal irra-
tumors and the other patients with extensive diation, as well as with CCNU, vincristine and
disease, i.e, large tumors and sub-arachnoid cisplatin . The 5-year progression-free survival
metastases, had superior survival when treated was greater than 70% [11]. A randomized trial
with adjuvant chemotherapy in addition to in the CCG compared adjuvant therapy with
irradiation. These studies delineated a group of CCNU, vincristine and prednisone with a mul-
patients at higher risk for disease progression, tiple-drug regimen, which included vincristine,
i.e. those with larger partially resected tumors CCNU and cisplatin . Overall, the study demon-
and those with metastatic disease at diagnosis, strated a 5-year progression-free survival in
and confirmed the value of adjuvant chemother- patients with non-metastatic disease of greater
apy for this high-risk group. As a result of these than 70% but those children with metastatic
studies, post-surgical staging of the subarach- disease had an approximately 40% event-free
noid space, initially with myelogram and more survival at 5 years [12]. In addition, in this
recently with gadolinium-enhanced MRI has study, the complex regimen was clearly inferior
become standard, as has the use of adjuvant to the two-drug regimen . In an attempt to
chemotherapy in the patients at high risk. improve survival outcome for children with
The issue of appropriate dose of neuraxis average-risk medulloblastoma, as well as to
irradiation was addressed in a prospective study effectively utilize reduced-dose neuraxis irradi-
conducted by the Pediatric Oncology Group ation, a study treated children with average-risk
(POG) and the CCG in the mid-1980s [10]. In disease with reduced-dose radiotherapy (2,300
this study, children with medulloblastoma with- cGy), as well as vincristine, cisplatin and CCNU.
out high-risk features were randomly assigned The 5-year event-free survival from this
to receive either standard-dose irradiation to study was approximately 80%, suggesting that
the neuraxis (3,600cGy) or reduced-dose irradi- reduced-dose neuraxis radiation can be safely
ation (2,300 cGy). All children received a total employed if combined with adjuvant chemo-
dose of posterior fossa irradiation of 5,400 cGy. therapy [13]. An ongoing, randomized trial in
In the final analysis, eligible patients receiving the Childrens Oncology Group (COG) is com-
standard-dose neuraxis irradiation had a 67% paring two regimens of chemotherapy, both
event-free survival at 5 years, while those in the context of reduced-dose neuraxis radia-
patients receiving reduced neuraxis had only tion for those children with average-risk
a 52% event-free survival at 5 years. Thus, at medulloblastoma.
least when used as the only adjuvant treatment The survival outcome of children with high-
modality, the dose of cranio-spinal irradiation risk medulloblastoma, particularly those with
has been defined as 3,600 cGy. Unfortunately, metastatic disease, remains poor. Ongoing
this same study demonstrated that, at least for trials are investigating the role of high-dose
those children younger than 8 years, treatment chemotherapy with stem cell rescue in combi-
with the higher dose of neuraxis radiation nation with standard irradiation. Another trial
resulted in greater intellectual morbidity than is investigating the concomitant addition of car-
those treated with the lower dose. Efforts to boplatin with the radiation in an attempt to
develop treatment approaches that allow a lower radio sensitize the tumor.
dose of radiation to be adm inistered to the Successful treatment of children with recur-
neuraxis continue to be investigated. rent medulloblastoma remains problematic,


with the 2-year survival rate following initial marked nuclear pleomorphism, anaplasia and
relapse being less than 10%in most studies [12]. hyperchromasia, with variable degrees of
High-dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue mitoses and endothelial proliferation, while
has shown promise in limited studies as a glioblastoma multiforme (WHO Grade IV) dis-
salvage regimen for those children with local plays similar characteristics, with areas of
recurrence; this appears to be of limited necrosis.
benefit in those with sub-arachnoid metastatic
recurrence. Low-grade Astrocytomas
The low-grade astrocytomas of childhood can
Astrocytomas be further sub-divided into pilocytic astrocy-
tomas, which account for approximately 75% of
Astrocytomas account for approximately 50% the group oflow-grade astrocytomas, and other
of CNS tumors in childhood. Of these, approx- histologies, including fibrillary, protoplasmic
imately 10-20% are high-grade astrocytomas and gemistocytic tumors, make up the remain-
and thus the majority are low-grade astrocy- ing 25%. Pilocytic astrocytomas are histologi-
tomas. cally composed of fusiform astrocytes , loosely
interwoven in a fine fibrillary background.
High-grade Astrocytomas These tumors frequently have a microcystic
component, Rosenthal fibers and large macro-
High-grade astrocytomas represent a rare group cysts. While the most common location of pilo-
of primary brain tumors in children. While the cytic astrocytomas is in the cerebellum (Fig.
majority of pediatric astrocytomas occur in the 17.2), they can be found in other locations
posterior fossa, the minority are high-grade, within the CNS, notably the visual pathway and
representing 4-8% of all cerebellar astrocy- opt ic chiasm, the brain stem and the cerebral
tomas [14,15] . Supratentorial astrocytomas, cortex. The biologic behavior of these pilocytic
while less common than those in the infraten- tumors can be quite indolent and, in fact, spon-
torial space, are more likely to be pathologically taneous cessation of growth, as well as regres-
high-grade, with 20% of all hemispheric tumors sion without treatment, has been observed .
being high-grade gliomas [16]. Anaplastic More commonly, however, these tumors
(WHO Grade III) gliomas histologically show progress slowly and present with symptoms

Fig. 17.2. (Left) Axial gadolinium-enhanced MRI (Tl), showing a vermian juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma. Typical of pilocytic
astrocytomas, themajority ofthemasseffect is due tothelarge cyst, while theenhancing solid portion contributes much less. (Right)
Post-operative axial MRI (Tl) after gross total resection ofthesolid portion oftheastrocytoma. As thecyst wall is not composed of
tumor cells, it is unnecessary, and potentially morbid, to resect thecyst wall.


characteristic of their site of origin, Le. hydro- important adjuvant therapy for the treatment of
cephalus and ataxia for those of the posterior progressive pilocytic astrocytomas.
fossa and visual abnormalities associated with Inasmuch as these tumors often occur at
those tumors of the visual pathway, including a very young age, particularly those tumors
the optic chiasm. originating in the visual pathway and chiasm,
concern over the late effects of radiation therapy
Management has led to investigation of alternative modalities
of treatment, when required. Initial trials of
In general, complete resection of pilocytic astro - chemotherapy with vincristine and dactino-
cytomas results in long-term disease control in mycin were modeled on treatment protocols
the great majority of patients. For example, utilized for non-CNS low-grade tumors and
resection of cerebellar pilocytic astrocytomas demonstrated tumor stabilization and, in some
has resulted in more than 95% of the patients cases, initial tumor regression in patients with
being free of disease 5 years from the time of tumor recurrence after radiation therapy and
surgical intervention in most series. Therefore , subsequently in newly diagnosed patients with
adjuvant therapy following gross total resection progressive disease prior to radiation therapy.
of these tumors is not indicated. The natural Subsequent protocols have utilized other alter-
history of pilocytic astrocytomas was the subject native chemotherapeutic regimens. The largest
of a recent large co-operative group trial. In data set exists for the use of carboplatin and vin-
this study, patients with low-grade astrocy- cristine . In a prospective study of these agents
tomas, principally pilocytic astrocytomas, who in children with progressive low-grade astrocy-
underwent a complete surgical resection were tomas (primarily of the visual pathway), the
observed. The progression-free survival at 5 3-year progression-free survival was over 50%
years was 85%. Those patients who were unable [18]. Subsequent resumption of tumor growth
to undergo a complete resection were observed after several years is not uncommon and radia-
and did not, in most instances , receive either tion can be then employed, but it is hoped
adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy. The 5-year that delaying radiation therapy for even several
progression-free survival for this group of years in a very young child might ameliorate
patients was 60%. Thus, while progression fol- late toxicities. Currently, a randomized trial
lowing a subtotal resection , or no resection, comparing carboplatin and vincristine to a
of pilocytic astrocytomas occurs much more multi-drug regimen consisting of vincristine,
frequently than is observed following gross procarbazine, thioguanine and CCNU is being
total resection, it is by no means inevitable. evaluated within the COG. While the utility of
Therefore , achieving a gross total resection at delaying radiation therapy in the younger child
the expense of significant morbidity is not indi- is reasonably clear, the benefits of such an
cated in the management of these tumors. approach in adolescents are less obvious.
Furthermore, given that a substantial propor- Nonetheless, utilization of chemotherapy either
tion of patients do not inevitably progress, even as front-line or salvage therapy in the instance
following limited or no resection , it is not clear of progression of low-grade astrocytoma in the
that adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy is adolescent should be considered. Children with
required for these patients. In the asymptomatic low-grade astrocytomas, particularly those with
patient, serial observations, including neu- pilocytic histology, can have a chronic course,
roimaging, is often employed, withhold ing requiring multiple interventions. A principle
adjuvant therapy for clear evidence of either guiding therapeutic intervention should be
neurologic or radiographic progression. Should that of minimizing morbidity. Therefore, avoid-
progression of subtotally resected or unre- ing adjuvant therapy in the asymptomatic
sectable pilocytic astrocytomas occur, a number patient without demonstrated progression,
of studies have demonstrated the value of utilizing the modality of treatment with the least
involved field radiation in the long-term control long-term morbidity initially (Le. chemother-
of these tumors [17]. In one study, 5-year apy) and avoiding rapid institution of a therapy
progression-free survival was greater than change based on minimal changes in imaging
90%, as was lO-year progression-free survival. studies are important strategies. The long-term
Thus, involved field radiation therapy remains outcome in terms of survival for these tumors


is good but the potential for significant mor- system recognizes four tumor types:subependy-
bidity, both as a result of progressive disease, Le. moma and myxopapillary ependymoma (Grade
visual loss in the case of those patients with I tumor), low-grade ependymoma (Grade 11
visual pathway tumors, or morbidity related to tumor) and anaplastic ependymoma (Grade
therapy, is considerable and requires ongoing III tumor) [19]. However, there is great vari-
management by an experienced neuro-oncol- ability in the classification of ependymomas
ogy team. Non-pilocytic low-grade astrocy- within these grades and the recognition of the
tomas , such as those with fibrillary histology, malignant variant is not easily reproducible.
are less frequent in childhood and outcome is Reports in the literature in terms of frequency
somewhat less predictable. A similar app roach of the anaplastic variant show wide varia-
to that described above for pilocytic astrocy- tion . Several reports using the WHO classifi-
tomas is reasonable. cation had failed to link poor histologic grade
with poor outcome. Thus, the prognostic sig-
nificance of histology in ependymoma remains
Ependymoma unclear.

Approximately 10% of childhood brain tumors Management

are ependymomas [1]. This tumor is most fre-
quent in young children, with approximately The pattern of recurrence of ependymoma is
half of the cases occurring before age 5 years. primarily local, with less than 10% of relapses
This tumor type appears to be approximately occuring distant from the primary site.
twice as common in males as in females, with Furthermore, most recent series have demon-
an incidence rate of approximately 3.5 per strated complete resection to be the most
million amongst males and 1.8 per million important favorable prognostic sign [20,21] .
amongst females. Histologically, ependymomas Therefore, aggressive surgery is the primary
are composed predominantly of neoplastic modality in the treatment of ependymomas
ependymal cells, where there is great variability (Fig. 17.3). So important is total tumor resection
of morphologic appearance. The WHO grading that serious consideration should be given to

Fig. 17.3.lntraoperative photograph ofan ependymoma. This tumor originated in thefourth ventricle and grew dorsally into the
cisterna magna, aswell aslaterally to encase cranial nerves IX, Xand XI onthe right.


radical resection, including the tumor infiltrat-

ing the brainstem. While this approach offers a
Germ Cell Tumors
significantly greater chance of long-term sur-
Germ cell tumors originate in the primordial
vival, it also significantly increases the risks of
germ cells, which may undergo either germino-
serious and permanent neurologic disability;
matous or embryonic differentiation. They are
the risks of such an aggressive approach must
biologically diverse and range from benign
be thoroughly discussed with the family.
Although several small series have suggested teratomas to the malignant germinomas and
that some patients with ependymoma treated non-germinomatous germ cell tumors. These
only by gross tumor resection are long-term tumors are located primarily in the midline,
survivors [22], most clinicians have followed with the majority occurring outside the CNS.
surgical resection with radiation therapy. Approximately 5% of germ cell tumors in child-
Several single-institution studies have shown ren occur within the CNS,most frequently in the
durable progression-free survival in greater pineal and suprasellar regions [1] (Fig. 17.4).
than 50% of patients receiving focal radiother- Germinomas account for approximately 60% of
apy following gross total resection, while child- these tumors, teratomas 30% and the malignant
ren with significant post-surgery residual tumor embryonal carcinoma, choriocarcinomas and
have considerably worse survival, even with endodermal sinus tumors approximately 10%.
radiotherapy [23]. The non-germinornatous malignant germ cell
While several chemotherapeutic agents have tumors are often characterized by secretion
demonstrated activity in ependymoma, no of either beta HCG, alphafetoprotein or both.
randomized trials have shown that the addition Significant elevation of one or both of these
of chemotherapy to post-operative radiother- tumor markers, in association with a tumor
apy improves prognosis. When an aggressive located in the characteristic region, are suffi-
chemotherapeutic protocol was used without cient to make a diagnosis. However, in the
radiation therapy in the treatment of infants absence of such tumor marker elevation, tumor
with ependymoma, the 5-year progression- biopsy is required.
free survival was 34% [24]. Thus, the role of
chemotherapy in the treatment of ependymoma Surgery
has yet to be defined. A study soon to open in
the COG will evaluate the use of chemotherapy Surgical resection of the benign teratomas is the
in patients with incompletely resected tumors to only treatment required in the majority of cases.
render these tumors resectable at second-look On the other hand, germinomas require adju-
surgery. vant treatment to effect a cure. In fact, these

Fig.. 17:4. Sagittal (left) and c?ronal (right) MRI (T1), showing asuprasellar germinoma. Typically located in themidline, thepineal
region IS also acommon location forgerminomas.


tumors are highly radiation and chemotherapy therapy with radiation and chemotherapy has
sensitive and the surgical approach should be resulted in long-term disease control in the
limit ed to obtaining diagnostic tissue; aggres- majority of pat ients in several recent series [25].
sive resection is contraindicated. In the setting
of co-existant hydrocephalus, a combined endo - Chemotherapy
scopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) with tumor
biop sy can be attempted if the tumor resides As is the case with non-CNS malignant germ cell
within the third ventricle. Although an attrac- tumors, tumors in the CNS are quite responsive
tive approach, this strategy is not un iforml y suc- to chemotherapy, particularly cisplatin-based
cessful due to the difficuty in reaching treatment. Complete responses occur in the
the tumor from the standard ETV trajectory. majority of patients with germinomas and in a
We have successfully utilized both flexible high percentage of patients with non-germino-
endoscopy and a more anterior burr hole for matous malignant germ cell tumors of the CNS
our rigid endoscope to achieve the goal of [26]. However, chemotherapy without radia-
endoscopic third-ventricle fenestration and tion therapy for both germinomas and non-
biposy. An alternate approach is an image- germinomatous malignant germ cell tumors has
guided stereotactic approach to biops y of pre - resulted in tumor recurrence in the majority
sumed germinomas, treating the hydrocephalus of patients [26]. Recognizing the activity of
in a second stage, if needed. chemotherapy in germinomas, as well as the
The role of resection in malignant non- potential toxicity of radiation therapy, several
germinomatous germ cell tumors is controver- recent studies have investigated the use of
sial. While most series suggest that obtaining a chemotherapy and reduced-volume and dose-
complete response with the use of combined of-radiation therapy in the treatment of germi-
modality treatment, including surgery, is nomas, with good results [27]. The definitive
necessary to achieve long-term disease control, role of chemotherapy in the treatment of ger-
these tumors are often locally invasive and minomas of the CNS remains controversial.
initial complete resection not feasible. While As noted above, radiation therapy alone is
these tumors are less chemo- and radiosensitive insufficient to effect a cure in the majority of
than are germinomas, significant and even patients with malignant non -germinomatous
complete responses have been obtained utiliz- germ cell tumors of the CNS. Several recent
ing chemotherapy; this modality should be studies combining platinum-based chemother-
emplo yed prior to definitive attempt at resec- apy with radiation therapy and, often , second-
tion, in preference to a radical initial approach look surgery have significantly improved the
if there is significant likelihood of morb idity prognosis of patients with these tumors, such
[25]. that over 50% long-term progression-free
survival has been reported [25].
Radiation Therapy
There is no established role for adjuvant radia-
tion therapy in the management of the resected Other CNS Tumors
teratoma. On the other hand, germinomas are
highly radiosensitive and radiation therapy is
of Childhood
curative in the majority of patients. Subarach- Craniopharyngioma
noid dissemination of germinomas is well rec-
ognized but, in the absen ce of dissem ination at Despite benign histopathology and their rela-
diagno sis, subarachnoid spread occurs infre- tive rarity (6- 9% of all pediatric brain tumors),
quently and the role of cranio- spinal irradiation craniopharyngiomas often prove one of the
is controversial. most difficult pediatric tumors to cure without
Malignant non-germinomatous germ cell significant neurologic morbidity. Due to their
tumors are mu ch less radiosensitive and the intimate association with the ventricular sys-
use of radiation therapy as a stand-alone adju - tem , visual path ways, hypothalamus and pitu-
vant modality results in tumor recurrence in itary, cran iopharyngiomas commonly present
the majority of cases. However, combination with signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus,


visual disturbance (occasionally blindness) and/ By limiting surgical resection , neurologic mor-
or endocrine dysfunction. While some degree of bidity decreases, as does tumor control. In light
endocrine dysfunction is noted in up to 90% of the significant morbidity and mortality asso-
of newly diagnosed patients, only a minority ciated with craniopharyngioma resection, many
come to medical attention secondary to their pediatric neurosurgeons have used minimally
endocrinopathy, most commonly short stature, invasive techniques to effectively treat these
diabetes insipidus and hypothyroidism. The lesions, with far fewer operative complications.
most common histology seen in pediatric cran- Endoscopic endonasal transphenoidal tech-
iopharyngioma is the adamantinomatous type, niques have been successfully employed in a
composed of epithelial cells, keratin, microcal- select patient population, with promising
cification and cholesterol clefts. Grossly, and on results, primarily in patients with sella-based
imaging, craniopharyngiomas can be primarily lesions. Increasingly, stereotactic techniques are
cystic, primarily solid or, most commonly, a being used, with excellent results in cystic cran-
mixture of the two (Fig. 17.5) and it is not iopharyngiomas. Stereotactic intracavitary irra-
uncommon for a rim of calcium to be seen on diation with 32p or 90y has shown complete cyst
CT scan. resolution in 80% of patients, while installation
of bleomycin can provide adequate tumor
Surgery control in approximately 70%. Finally, stereo-
tactic radiosurgery has shown to be effective
Craniopharyngioma is primarily a surgical treatment for the non-cystic craniopharyn-
disease. Gross total resection is reported in up giomas, either as initial treatment or for treat-
to 70%,with 90% of this group going on to enjoy ment of the solid portion of mixed tumors
a surgical cure [28]. Because of their sellar/ following intracavitary treatment and cyst invo-
parasellar location and the tendency for the lution. Tumor control rates of 90% have been
tumor to adhere to adjacent structures (optic achieved when combined intracavitary and
apparatus, hypothalamus, pituitary stalk), post- stereotactic irradiation are used as first-line
operative neurologic morbidity can be as high therapy, and tumor control rates of approxi-
as 30%, panhypopituitarism develops in up to mately 60% have been shown in recurrent cran-
90% and overall operative mortality reaches iopharyngiomas using stereotactic radiosurgery
12% [28]. Operative mortality associated with alone. Given the low rate of post-operative com-
recurrent craniopharyngioma surgery has been plications' these minimally invasive techniques
reported to be as high as 42% in the best of offer new options in the surgical management
hands [29], including late mortality related to of this tumor.
chronic endocrinopathy and shunt malfunction.

Fig. 17.5. Sagittal (left) and coronal (right) gadolinium-enhanced MRI (T1 ), showing acraniopharyngioma. This example isentirely
cystic in appearance, with pronounced enhancement ofthe wall.


Radiation Therapy
Subtotal , or planned, limited resections of cran-
iopharyngiomas without post -operative radia-
tion therapy will lead to recurrence and growth
of the tumor, residual in the majority of cases.
Conventional radiation therapy for residual
craniopharyngioma consists of fractionated
therapy to 5,500 cGy at 180 cGy/fraction. At
doses of more than 5,400 cGy, the recurrence
rate after fractionated radiation therapy is 15%,
and doses greater than 6,100 cGy are associated
with unacceptably high complications, making
5,500 cGy an acceptable dose.

Brainstem Gliomas
Brainstem gliomas account for approximately
10-20% of childhood CNS malignancies . Of
these tumors, 64-75% are intrinsic to the brain -
stem, centered in the pons and histologically Fig. 17.6. Axial MRI (Tl) ofanexophytic brainstem glioma. Note
low-grade - the so-called "diffuse brainstem thepaucity ofmass effect, edema and hydrocephalus, typical of
these indolent lesions.
glioma". These tumors tend to present after a
rapid course of subtle, progressive ataxia and
cranial nerve dysfunct ion, most commonly V, nature, and typically present after a shorter
VI, VII, IX and X. Focal tumors of the bra instem course of neurologic symptoms.
are much less common than diffuse brainstem
tumors in the pediatric population and tend Summary
to be slowly progressive in nature. Signs and
symptoms are related to the involved brainstem The role of surgery in the intrinsic brainstern
region, and low-grade lesions far outnumber glioma is limited to the occasional necessity
high-grade malignancies in this group . A for permanent CSF diversion . Biopsy has not
subtype of focal brainstem tumor is the tectal proven to add important information which will
glioma. Typically coming to neurosurgical alter therapy and , given the high potential for
attention due to late-onset hydrocephalus due morbidity, is not recommended. On the other
to acquired "aqueductal stenos is", these child- hand, focal lesions of the brainstern can often be
ren typically have an essentially normal brain approached surgically (Fig. 17.7). In most cases,
on imaging, with the exception of obstructive a subtotal resection is all that can be safely
hydrocephalus. A third category of brainstem accomplished. Even in the absence of post -
tumor is the dorsally exophytic tumor. Arising operative adjuvant treatment, generous central
from the subependyma of the fourth ventricle debulking of focal brainstem tumors can
and growing dorsally, these patients present provide significant disease control and surgical
similarly to patients with medulloblastomas and success should be based on neurologic outcome
ependymomas of the posterior fossa: headache, from surgery, rather than the amount of tumor
nausea and vomiting due to hydrocephalus. resected. Exophytic tumors of the brainstem
These tumors grow primarily into the fourth should be approached like other fourth-ventric-
ventricle, rather than invading the brainstem, ular tumors until the fourth ventricle is free of
and are most commonly pilocytic astrocytomas tumor. A decision to enter the brainstem should
on pathological examination (Fig. 17.6). only be made after confirmation of low-grade
Exophytic tumors that grow laterally and/or histology and then surgery should proceed as
ventrally are more likely to be high-grade in described above for focal brainstem tumors.


Fig. 17.7.lntraoperative photograph ofa focal brainstem glioma arising from the pons and growing into thefourth ventricle.

Radiation Therapy these approaches have not resulted in demon-

strable improvement in survival.
The only modality that is demonstrated effec-
tive for intrinsic brainstem gliomas, albeit
transiently, involves field radiation therapy of
doses exceeding 50 GY. Use of this modality Choroid Plexus Tumors
often results in symptomatic improvement but ,
in the vast majority of children, progression Neoplasms of the choroid plexus account for
occurs despite completion of radiation therapy. approximately 3% of brain tumors in children
Radiation therapy for focal brainstem lesions and are much more common during the first
results in a high degree of disease control, year of life. The majority of these tumors origi-
which is not surprising given that the majority nate in the lateral ventricles (specifically the
of these tumors are pilocytic in histology. trigone), but they can occur in the fourth,
Radiation therapy can be employed should and rarely the third, ventricle as well. Choroid
there be progression after surgical resection or plexus papillomas are slow-growing tumors and
in those instances in which the risk of severe complete resection, possible in the majority
neurologic compromise is sufficiently high from of patients, is generally curative. The choroid
re-operation. plexus carcinoma is an anaplastic choroid
plexus neoplasm and constitutes approximately
Chemotherapy 15% of choroid plexus neoplasms. This histol-
ogy is much more invasive than the papilloma
Intrinsic brainstem gliomas are quite refractory and has propensity for sub-arachnoid metasta-
to chemotherapy. Responses in phase 11 trials sis. Long-term survival following complete
have been infrequent and , in the only random- resection has been well documented but sur-
ized trial comparing radiation and chemother- vival following incomplete resection, in spite of
apy with radiation therapy alone, no survival the use of either radiation, chemotherapy or
advantage was demonstrated for the use of both, is infrequent. The role of chemotherapy
chemotherapy. as an adjuvant therapy is unclear, although
Recent approaches have attempted to several series have documented the utility of
improve the activity of radiation therapy by chemotherapy in the incompletely resected
utilizing concomitant chemotherapy but, as yet, choroid plexus carcinoma, in an attempt to


improve the resectability at second-look surgery timely evaluation by an endocrinologist experi-

by decreasing vascularity and size of the tumor. enced in the management of these problems.
Second malignant neoplasms are well described,
particularly following radiation therapy for
Rhabdoid Tumors both CNS and other malignancies. Such second
malignancies are often high -grade astrocytomas
Rhabdoid tumors of the CNS, also called atypi- and quite refractory to salvage therapy.
cal teratoid tumors, are recently described neo-
plasms characterized by monosome 22. These
tumors are likely related to the renal rhabdoid
turn or of infancy. The majority of these tumors Conclusion and Future
occur in children of less than 2 years of age and Directions
more than half are supratentorial in location.
These tumors are locally aggressive and approx- Significant improvement in the diagnosis and
imately 25% of cases will display sub -arachnoid management of pediatric CNS tumors has
metastasis. Long-term survival is infrequent, occurred over the last several decades and the
even with the use of aggressive adjuvant majority of children with CNS tumors will be
chemotherapy and, in the absence of complete long-term survivors. Nonetheless, improve-
resection, extremely unlikely. The role of radia- ments in prognosis and quality of life for many
tion therapy is unclear and the young age of children with CNS tumors has been less dra -
these children has precluded aggressive radia- matic than that seen for other childhood malig-
tion therapy approaches. nancies. This lack of progress probably has
several causes. Although CNS tumors in child -
hood con stitute the most common solid tumor
Late Effects as an aggregate , the multiple histologies
involved make any single tumor type relatively
Survivors of childhood brain tumors are at risk infrequent. The need for enrolment of every eli-
for long-term complications, both from their gible patient in co-operative group trials if at all
tumors and their therapies. In fact, significant possible is imperative, given the relative infre-
evolution of therapy over the last two decades quency of these tumors. The lack of under-
has been an attempt to reduce the morbidity of standing of the basic biology of these tumors
treatment. Of principal concern is the effect of has been hampered by inadequacies of tissue
radiation therapy on the developing CNS. It is availability. As new molecu lar techniques have
quite clear that impairment of cognitive func- become available for further understanding the
tion can result from cranial irradiation. Volume basic genetic abnormalities of CNS tumors,
(i.e. whole-brain vs focal irradiation), age (i.e. the necessity for obtaining tumor tissue from
young children vs older children) and total as many patients as possible for evalua tion in
dose of radiation all play roles in predicting a ongoing biologic studies is critical. Care of
higher likelihood of significant neurocognitive children with CNS tumors is complex, requir-
sequelae [30]. This has led to ongoing attempts ing multimodality treatment, with experts in
at reducing radiation doses , at times by sub- a range of medical and supportive areas.
stituting chemotherapy, or at decreasing the Improvement in outcome has been demon-
volume of radiation with new radiotherapy strated in studies in which a dedicated pediatric
techniques characterized by recent and ongoing neuro-oncology team is available to provide
investigations. Those children who have expertise in diagnosis, management and long-
received cranial irradiation require careful neu- term follow-up care.
rocognitive follow-up and involvement with the
educational process. Cranial irradiation can
also result in multiple endocrine abnormalities,
principally growth hormone and thyroid defi-
ciencies. Fortunately, replacement therapy can J. Ries L, Kosar y C, Hankey B. SEER cancer statistical
ameliorate many of the long-term consequences review, 1973-1994 . National Cancer Institute, SEER
but it is imperative that these children receive Pro gram NIH Publicat ion Number 97-2789,1997.


2. Rorke LB, Gilles FH, Davis RL, Becker LE. Revision of impact of the extent of resection in the treatment
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56:1869-86. Neurosurg 1999;90:1147-8 .
3. O'Reilly G, Hayward R, Harkness W. Myelography in 16. Pollack IF. Brain tumors in children. N Engl J Med
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Neurosurg 1993;7:183-8 . 17. Shaw EG, Dauma s-Duport C, Scheithauer BW,
4. Albright A. Medulloblastomas. In: Albright A, Pollack I, Gilbertson DT, O'Fallon JR, Earle ID et al. Radiation
Adelson P, editors. Principles and practice of pediatric ther apy in the management oflow-grade supratentorial
neurosurgery. New York: Theime , 1999; 591-608. astrocytomas. J Neurosurg 1989;70:853-61.
5. Park T, Hoffman H, Hendrick B, Humphreys R, Becker 18. Packer RJ, Ater J, Alien J, Phillips P, Geyer R, Nicholson
L. Medulloblastoma. Clinical presentation and manage- HS et al. Carboplatin and vincristine chemotherapy for
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Toronto, 1950-1980 . J Neurosurg 1983;58:543-52 gliomas. J Neurosurg 1997;86:747-54.
6. Albright AL, Wisoff JH, Zeltzer PM, Boyett JM, Rorke 19. Kleihues P, Burger P, Scheithauer B. Histological typing
LB,Stanley P. Effects of medulloblastoma resect ion s on of tumors of the central nervous system : WHO
outcome in children: a report from the Children's International Histological Classification ofTumors. 2nd
Cancer Group . Neurosurgery 1996;38:265-71. Edition. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993.
7. Hughes EN, Shillito 1, Sallan SE, Loefller JS, Cassady JR, 20. Duffner PK, Krischer JP, Sanford RA, Horowitz ME,
Tarbell NJ. Medulloblastoma at the joint center for radi- Burger PC, Cohen ME et al. Prognostic factors in infants
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rad iation dose on the patterns of failure and survival. mas. Pediatr Neurosurg 1998;28:215-22.
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8. Evans AE, Ienkin RD, Sposto R, Ortega JA, Wilson CB, Black PM et al. The prognostic significance of postoper-
Wara W et al. The treatment of medulloblastoma: ative residual tumor in ependymoma. Neurosurgery
results of a pro spective rand omized trial of rad iation 1991;28:666- 71.
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nisone. J Neurosurg 1990;72:572-82. intracranial ependymoma by surgery alone . Pediat
9. Tait DM, Thornton-Ione s H, Bloom HJ, Lemerle 1, Neuro surg 1998;29:40-5 .
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loblastoma: the first multi-centre control trial of the Masiero L, Rigobello L et al. Analyses of prognostic fac-
International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP O. tors in a retrospective review of 92 children with
Eur 1Canc 1990;26:464-9 . ependymoma: Italian Pediatric Neuro-oncology Group .
10. Thomas PR, Deutsch M, Kepner JL, Boyett JM, Krischer Med Pediat Oncol 1997;29:79-8 5.
J, Aron in P et al. Low-stage medulloblastoma: final 24. Geyer R: , 2002.
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dose neuraxis irradiation. J Clin Oncol 2000;18:3004-11. nos is of intrac ranial non-germinoma germ cell tumors
11. Packer RI, Sutton LN, Elterman R, Lange B, Goldwein 1, with multimodality therapy. 1 Neuro-oncol 1997;32:
Nicholson HS et al. Outcome for children with medul- 71-80.
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and residual tumor are prognostic factor s for medul- Germ Cell Tumor Study. 1Clin OncoI1996;14 :2908-15.
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14. Steinbok P, Mutat A. Cerebellar astrocytomas. In: Roth P. Total removal of craniopharyngiomas:
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Management of Spinal Tumors
Karl F. Kothbauer, George 1. Iallo and
Fred J. Epstein

After the work of these pioneers, the neuro-

Summary logical risk of surgery for intramedullary
neoplasms was considered unacceptably high.
This chapter describes the treatment This led to the development of a conservative
approach to patients with intradural spinal treatment concept with biopsy, dural decom-
tumors, with the most common being nerve pression and subsequent radiation therapy,
sheath tumors and meningiomas, represent- regardless of the histological diagnosis.
ing a combined 55%. The remaining 45% of Intradural-extramedullary tumors were com-
intradural tumors are intramedullary. Surgi- monly regarded as surgically resectable tumors.
cal management of these tumors may include The microscope and microsurgery have
the application of the Cavitron ultrasonic revolutionized all neurosurgery and also
aspirator and the laser. Many intramedullary opened the door to innovation in the treatment
tumors are amenable to gross total resection of spinal cord tumors. CT and particularly MRI
using an aggressive approach. Techniques for have dramatically improved pre-operative
surgical resection and monitoring techniques planning and significantly contributed to the
are discussed. development of modern treatment strategies
of both intra- and extramedullary spinal cord
tumors. In particular, the conservative treat-
Introduction ment strategy for intramedullary tumors
changed to an aggressive approach. Since the
The first successful resection of an intra- large majority of these tumors are histologically
medullary spinal cord tumor was performed in ben ign, complete or near complete, resection
1907 in Vienna, by Anton von Eiselsberg [1]. results in long-term progression-free survival,
The first publication appeared in 1911 in New with acceptable neurological morbidity [4-7].
York, by Charles Elsberg [2]. He developed a More recently, the application of intraoperative
strategy for a two-stage operation: a myelotomy neurophysiological monitoring techniques has
was performed at the first surgery and, by the made a significant impact on the treatment
second surgery (about a week later), the tumor management of both intra- and extramedullary
had already partly extruded itself from the cord tumors [8,9].
substance, facilitating further resection . The This chapter describes the treatment
first intradural extramedullary tumor resect ions approach to pat ients with intradural spinal
are credited to William Macewen in 1883 and tumors.
Victor Horsley [3].



with neurofibromatosis, these tumors are mul-

Epidemiology and tiple and occur at numerous levels of the spinal
Pathology canal. When located in the area of the interver-
tebral foramen, they may assume a characteris-
Intradural spinal cord tumors have a prevalence tic dumbbell configuration, with an extra- and
of 3-10 per 100,000 per year. They predomi- an intradural component (Fig. 18.1).
nantly occur in the middle third of life. The Meningiomas [11] (Fig. 18.2), unlike nerve
most common tumors are nerve sheath tumors, sheath tumors, arise from arachnoid cluster
which account for about 30%, and menin- cells and thus are usually separate from the
giomas, which account for another 25%. The nerve roots . These tumors tend to have a lateral
rema inder includes sarcomas, epidermoids or ventrolateral location relative to the spinal
and dermoids. Intramedullary tumors are rare cord. They may arise in any age group, mostly
- approximately 20-35% of all intradural neo- occurring between the fifth and seventh decades
plasms, with a higher percentage (55% of all of life, and are seen more frequently in women.
intradural neoplasms) in children [10]. The They are most often located in the thoracic
most common intramedullary tumors are spine.
astrocytomas and ependymomas. Heman-
gioblastomas, cavernomas , epidermoids and Intramedullary Tumors
lipomas are rare.
Astrocytomas (Fig. 18.3) are the most common
intramedullary tumors. They can occur at any
Intradural Extramedullary age but are most frequent in the first three
Tumors decades. The majority of these neoplasms are
ben ign, being either low-grade fibrillary or pilo-
Nerve sheath tumors (Fig. 18.1) usually arise cytic astrocytomas. They usually are not well
from the dorsal roots . They are relatively avas- demarcated from the surrounding neural tissue
cular, globoid and without calcification. The and they may contain cystic areas, as well as
dorsal root of origin is most often intimately adjacent, non-neoplastic cysts.
adherent to the tumor and can rarely be pre- Gangliogliomas (Fig. 18.4) are benign neo-
served during surgical resection . In patients plasms, mostly occurring in children and young

Fig.18.1. AxialT1-weighted MRI after contrast administration shows adumbbell-shaped cervical spinal schwannoma.


Fig. 18.2. a Sagittal T1- and b T2-weighted images ofa typical thoracic b
spinal meningioma.

a b

Fig. 18.3. Spinal cord low-grade astrocytoma.



a b

Fig. 18.4. Large spinal cord ganglioglioma involving theentire cord with a thesolid and b thecystic portion.

adults. They consist of well differentiated neo- and displace the nerve roots laterally and
plastic neurons and astrocytes. The neurons anteriorly. In spite of their benign histology, a
have characteristic nuclear and nucleolar fea- small percentage of them tend to sub-arachnoid
tures, abundant cytoplasm and argyrophilic dissemination.
neuritic processes. Their expression of neuronal Hemangioblastomas account for 3-7% of
markers like synaptophysin and neurofilament intramedullary spinal cord tumors. They occur
proteins also serves to identify these abnormal throughout the spinal canal. Spinal cord hem an-
neurons. Most gangliogliomas grow slowly and gioblastomas are mostly sporadic, but up to
have an indolent course. 25% of the patients have von Hippel-Lindau
Ependymomas (Figs 29.5 and 29.6) are the disease.
most common intramedullary neoplasms in
adults [12,13], while in children they account
for only 12% of all intramedullary tumors. Clinical Presentation
Ependymomas typically have a central location
in the cord. They occur throughout the spinal Intramedullary spinal cord tumors may remain
axis. They are well delineated from the sur- asymptomatic for a long time and may increase
rounding spinal cord and often have rostral and to a considerable size before they are detected.
caudal non-neoplastic cysts that cap the tumor The onset of symptoms is often insidious and
poles. Virtually all of them are histologically they may be present for months or even years
benign. before the diagnosis is established. Symptoms
Myxopapillary ependymomas (Fig. 18.7) are a may also appear at the time of a trivial injury.
subgroup of ependymomas with characteristic Not infrequently, exacerbations and remis-
micro cystic histologic features. Their typical sions occur. A common early symptom is back
location is the conus-cauda region [14]. Located or neck pain, occurring in up to two-thirds
in the filum, they may grossly enlarge the filum of patients. The pain may be either diffuse, in


c _ Fig. 18.5. aPre-operative, bimmediate post-operative and c3-year

follow-up sagittal T1 contrast-enhanced images of a large cervical
intramedullary ependymoma.


Fig. 18.6. Intraoperative view of an ependymoma abefore and bafter resection.

which case an intramedullary tumor is the more falls. On examination, the majority of these
likely cause, or it may have a radicular distrib- patients show some mild to moderate motor
ution , which is more common in intradural deficit, as well as upper motor neuron-type find-
extramedullary lesions [15]. Young children ings, such as spasticity, hyperreftexia and
may even present with abdominal pain as a non- clonus.
specific symptom that makes finding the correct About one-third of the patients have some
diagnosis particularly difficult. Pain is charac- degree of spinal deform ity, most of them with
teristically more severe in the horizontal posi- tumors in the thoracic region. Paraspinal pain
tion, thus causing nighttime pain. is common in this group and attributed to the
Motor function appears to be affected early scoliosis. Torticollis was seen in about one-fifth
[5,16] in younger children: this may manifest of the pediatric patients.
as motor regression , i.e. refusal to stand or Sensory symptoms, mostly dysesthesias,
crawl after having learned to walk, or as gait described as unpleasant hot or cold sensations,
abnormality. Young adults present with lower- are also found in about 20% of the patients. In
extremity weakness, clumsiness or frequent glial tumors, as opposed to ependymomas, the


Fig. 18.7. Myxopapillary ependymoma ofthe
filum on aMRI and band cduring resection.


sensory symptoms are frequently asymmetric. rostral and caudal cysts and , not uncommonly,
Sphincter dysfunction is present late in the clin- a hemosiderin "cap" at their poles. On axial
ical course, except for tumors located in the view, they are usually seen in the center of the
conus medullaris. Malignant intramedullary cord. Astrocytomas (Fig. 18.3) and gangli-
gliomas are rare [7,16-18]; their symptomatol- ogliomas (Fig. 18.4), on the other hand, enhance
ogy is similar, but with a significantly shorter less frequently and, if enhancement is seen, it is
history. more often heterogeneous. On axial images,
Almost all patients with extramedullary these neoplasms are more frequently found
tumors have pain , which most commonly has a to be eccentric in the cord. They may cause
radicular distribution. The number of patients asymmetric enlargement of the cord.
with mild motor deficits at presentation is high, Hemangioblastomas (Fig. 18.8) characteristi-
but only a minority are severely impaired [l l ]. cally show bright enhancement of a tumor
nodule and associated cysts, often with signifi-
Hydrocephalus cant cord edema adjacent to it. Meningiomas
(Fig. 18.2) and nerve sheath tumors (Fig. 18.1)
Hydrocephalus has been reported to occur in as may have similar appearance on MRI and they
many as 15% of patients with intramedullary commonly enhance brightly. Schwannomas
tumors. The mechanisms for hydrocephalus sometimes show large cysts, while menin-
include an increased concentration of protein in giomas often can be identified by a broad dural
the cerebrospinal fluid, arachnoidal fibrosis and attachment.
sub-arachnoid dissemination. The incidence
of hydrocephalus is substantially higher in
patients with malignant tumors (approximately
Plain Radiographs
35%) than in those with low-grade tumors Spinal X-rays should be taken, particularly
(approximately 15%). Patients with cervical in patients who present with scoliosis. These
tumors are more likely to develop hydro- films serve as a baseline for the future manage-
cephalus, probably secondary to obstruction of ment of the spinal deformity. Intradural
the fourth ventricle outlets. extramedullary tumors can thin or cause
sclerosis of the pedicles. A tumor that extends
through a neural foramen enlarges that
Diagnostic Studies foramen, which can be seen on oblique films.
Intramedullary neoplasms may show a diffusely
MRI widened spinal canal, with associated erosion of
the pedicles and scalloping of the vertebrae.
MRI is the study of choice to identify both intra-
and extramedullary spinal cord neoplasms [4].
Extramedullary lesions are readily identified Myelography and CT
as such and their relation to the cord , attach -
ment to dura and displacement of the cord are Myelography with water-soluble contrast agent
visualized. combined with CT was used extensively in the
MRI scans should be performed before and evaluation of suspected intraspinal lesions [7].
after intravenous administration of contrast Today, CT-myelography is reserved for the rare
agents (gadolinium diethylene-triamine- cases where MRI may be impossible to perform
pent acetic acid), with Tl-weighted images in (e.g. due to metallic implants) or impossible to
mult iple planes [19]. These images demonstrate interpret due to image distortion from metallic
the solid tumor component. T2-weighted artifacts .
images optimally show the cerebrospinal fluid
and tumor-associated cysts. While MRI does Angiography
not allow for a certain histologic diagnosis pre-
operatively, the more common tumors have Angiographic evaluation of the vascular supply
typical patterns of imaging appearance. and venous drainage is strongly recommended
Ependymomas usually enhance brightly and before the removal of a spinal cord heman-
homogeneously (Fig. 18.5), frequently have gioblastoma (Fig. 18.8) is attempted.


a b

Fig. 18.8. a Intramedullary hemangioblastoma with bright enhancing nodule and cyst on the sagittal T1 -weighted image. b The
angiogram depicts the vascular anatomy ofthe lesion.

Contact Laser" System (SLT,Montgomeryville,

Surgical Management of PA) to other available laser technologies. This
Intradural Tumors system has a handpiece and contact probes,
and can be used as a microsurgical instrument.
The laser is particularly useful as a scalpel to
Surgical Instruments perform the myelotomy, demarcate the
Suction and bipolar cautery are used, together glial-tumor interface and remove residual
with a set of specialized instruments that aid in tumor fragments . Firm lesions, such as menin-
minimizing surgical trauma to normal neural giomas , neurofibromas or rare types of
tissue . Some of these specialized instruments intramedullary tumors, can only be removed
have become essential for the microsurgical with reasonable safety when the laser is
resection of spinal cord tumors. available. These lesions cannot be manipulated
with the bipolar and scissors because of
Ultrasonic Aspirator inevitable manipulation of the adjacent spinal
cord tissue , and they are too firm for the
The application of the Cavitron ultrasonic aspi- CUSAfor internal debulking. For the rare spinal
rator (CUSA) system was a significant advance- cord lipoma, the microsurgical laser is the
ment in the removal of spinal cord tumors. It instrument of choice for vaporization of fat and
uses high-frequency sound waves to fragment internal debulking.
the tumor tissue, which is then aspirated by the
suction apparatus at the tip of the device. This
allows much easier and quicker removal of a Surgical Technique
bulk of tumor tissue , with less manipulation of Surgery is performed with the patient in a
the adjacent neural tissue as compared to the prone position. A rigid head -holder (Sugita or
suction-cautery technique. Mayfield) is utilized for cervical and cervi-
eothoracic tumors, to secure the head in a
laser neutral position. The horseshoe headrest should
The laser is an excellent surgical adjunct for be avoided because it does not secure a neutral
spinal cord surgery. We prefer the Nd:YAG neck position.


A laminectomy or osteoplastic laminotomy while the other upper extremity is already

[20] is performed with a high-power drill using severely impaired, and deafferentation adds
the craniotome attachment, round burr and little morbidity.
rongeurs. The bone removal must always If the tumor is not visible on the surface,
expose the solid tumor but not the rostral or the microsurgical laser is used to perform the
caudal cysts. The cysts usually disappear after myelotomy, with minimal neural injury. The
the neoplasm is resected, since the cyst walls of various types of intramedullary tumors have
"capping" cysts are usually composed of non- different macroscopic appearances. Ependymo-
neoplastic glial tissue. mas (Fig. 18.6) are red or dark gray in color and
Intraoperative sonography (Fig. 18.9) visual- have a clear margin from the spinal cord. This
izes the full extent of the tumor and its relation interface can be separated with the plated
to the bone removal, as well as cysts and dis- bayonet or the microsurgical laser. One pole of
placement of the cord [21]. If the bone removal the tumor is identified and the cleavage plane
is not sufficient, the laminectomy is extended to separated in an axial direction. The ventral
expose the entire solid tumor prior to opening aspect of ependymomas is adherent to the ante-
the dura. rior median raphe because the feeding vessels
The dura is then opened in the midline . The originate from the anterior spinal artery. It is
spinal cord is frequently expanded and it may essential to preserve this vessel. The majority of
even be rotated and distorted. The asymmetric these tumors can be removed en bloc [6].
expansion and rotation of the spinal cord Astrocytomas or gangliogliomas have a
may make identification of the midline raphe gray-yellow glassy appearance. They must be
difficult. However, it is important to localize removed from the inside out, until the glial-
this raphe because this is the most frequent tumor interface is recognized by the change in
approach into the spinal cord. An alternative color and consistency of the tissue. Rarely, a
approach for extremely asymmetrical tumors is true plane between tumor and normal spinal
to enter the spinal cord through the dorsal root cord exists, and futile efforts to define this inter-
entry zone. This is an approach used sometimes face result in hazardous manipulation of normal
when an asymmetric deficit is present; thus , it spinal cord tissue [18]. Their resection is usually
is essential to preserve the "good" arm and hand started at the midportion rather than at the

Fig.18.9. The intraoperative sonographic view of an intramedullary ependymoma allows for identification of the solid and cystic


poles. The rostral and caudal poles are the least particularly in meningiomas, requires use of the
voluminous and manipulation there may be microsurgical laser. We have found the use of
dangerous to the normal tissue. this instrument to be by far the safest way
Intramedullary lipomas appear well demar- to resect firm tumor attached to the cord.
cated from the adjacent spinal cord, but they are Manipulation of a firm mass with forceps, scis-
intimately adherent to the normal tissue. sors or the CUSA may cause significant injury
Therefore , total removal is impossible without to the cord . The dural attachment of menin-
incurring neurological deficits and should not giomas need not be resected [l l ]; extensive
be attempted. The microsurgical laser is the coagulation of the dural layer after excision of
instrument of choice for debulking a spinal cord the tumor bulk appears to be associated with the
lipoma. The laser vaporizes fatty tissue without same small recurrence rate .
surgical trauma to the spinal cord. The debulk- The most important strategy for the resection
ing of the lipoma may result in improvement of of completely intradural schwannomas is to sac-
pain but rarely in improvement of neurological rifice the nerve root that they are arising from.
function. Further growth of a lipoma is unlikely This greatly facilitates their resection and does
or at least very slow. However, in adolescence , not usually result in a significant neurological
probably due to endocrine factors, lipomas deficit.
of the cord may increase in size and may, at In toto , resection of myxopapillary ependy-
that time, cause progressive neurological dys- momas of the filum should be attempted when-
function . ever the tumor has not yet spread into the
Following tumor removal, hemostasis is arachnoid space (Fig. 18.7). Only disseminated
obtained with saline irrigation and local appli- ependymomas need to be resected in a piece-
cation of microfibrillar collagen (Avitene(r), C. meal fashion , mostly using bipolar and suction.
R. Bard, Inc., 730 Central Avenue, Murray Hill, In this situation, there is invariably some resid -
NJ). The dura is closed primarily in a watertight ual tumor tissue left on the pia or the nerve root
fashion. If an osteoplastic laminotomy was per- epineurium.
formed, the segments of bone are replaced and
secured with a non-absorbable suture on each
lamina bilaterally. One tissue layer must be
closed in a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-tight Intraoperative
fashion. The muscle and fascial closure must
not be under tension. A subcutaneous drain is
placed in large incisions, and particularly in re- Monitoring
operations, or when the patient had undergone
prior radiation therapy. The skin is closed with Intraoperative monitoring with motor evoked
running, locked sutures. Patients who have had potentials (MEPs) is a direct motor tract moni-
previous surgery and received radiation therapy toring technique which is now the most impor-
are at higher risk for wound dehiscence and tant monitoring tool for spinal cord surgery
CSF leak. [8,9). Motor potentials are evoked with tran-
The resection of extramedullary tumors scranial electrical stimulation of the motor
follows these same lines. The vast majority of cortex in two ways: a single-stimulus technique
them are tackled with a posterior approach. and a multipulse technique (Fig. 18.10). With a
Dorsolateral approaches are rarely needed and single stimulus, a single volley of signals in fast
anterior approaches are only required in the conducting corticospinal axons is generated,
exceptional case. After laminectomy or lamino- which is then recorded with an electrode placed
tomy, adequate bony exposure and location on the spinal cord , usually in the epidural space.
of the lesion are assured with the intraopera- This signal is called a D-wave, because it results
tive ultrasound. Depending upon their individ- from Direct activation of these fast-conducting
ual locations, schwannomas, meningiomas or axons. The D-wave's amplitude is a relative
myxopapillary ependymomas can be removed measure of the number of fast-conducting cor-
in toto. Large tumors, particularly when located ticospinal fibers (Fig. 18.11). The multipulse
ventrally or ventrolaterally, may require or train stimulus technique [21) evokes a muscle
piecemeal resection. Firm texture of the tumor, respon se in target muscles (thenar, anterior



Transcranial electrical D-wave recording

.. ,....,~}? D-wave
C2 Cl Single stimulus ..... 2~:f.A?~ \ )

~ •• ••
/' ~~
~i;\) ~ 'l~-.. . .
I'J ' : ~ ~
• i~
C4 C3
Cz Muscle recording

'~~~~ TI
Fig. 18.10. Principles ofMEP monitoring. MEPs are elicited with transcranial electrical stimulation (left) using two distinct stimulus
techniques. The single-stimulus technique allows recording of D-waves (top), and the multipulse technique allows recording of
muscle responses.


D-wave atbaseline

- 40%
D-wave after resection

Fig. 18.11. The amplitude ofD-waves is a measure ofthenumber offast-conducting fibers in thecorticospinal tract. This amplitude
is theprimarily monitored parameter for intraoperative assessment ofthefunctional integrity ofthemotor system in thespinal cord.
Adecrease ofupto50% from thebaseline amplitude is associated with intact motor control inall instances.

tibialis). These muscle MEPs are interpreted in spinal cord tumor resection indicates at least a
an all-or-none fashion . Their presence indicates temporary disruption of motor function of the
intact functional integrity of the voluntary spinal cord. The more incremental change of
motor system in the spinal cord. Their absence the D-wave amplitude then allows further inter-
indicates jeopardized functional integrity of the pretation of the motor outcome. A loss of
motor pathways, highly associated with an at muscle MEPs is highly associated with a tem-
least temporary disruption of voluntary motor porary motor deficit in the lower extremities,
control. The stimulation and recording of D- even if the D-wave amplitude is unchanged. In
waves and muscle MEPs can be repeated every the majority of cases, this is even side specific.
second. Therefore, the feedback information is As long as the D-wave amplitude remains above
provided in real time. Figure 29.4 summarizes a cut-off value of about 50% of its baseline value,
the technique of stimulation and recording. this motor deficit is temporary, with the patient
D-waves and muscle MEPs must be inter- recovering to pre-operative strength within
preted together. Loss of muscle MEPs during a hours to days, or sometimes weeks. A further


decline in D-wave amplitude or its loss is asso- paralysis. The incidence of this occurrence is
ciated with a long-term severe motor deficit [9]. related to the pre-operative functional status.
The short-term neurological morbidity of Patients who have no or minimal pre-operative
intramedullary tumor surgery is about 30%. The motor deficits have less than 3% incidence for
combined use of epidural and muscle MEP this complication. On the other hand, patients
recording has been shown to intraoperatively who already have a significant motor deficit are
detect all post-operative motor deficits [8]. Most more likely to deteriorate post-operatively [9].
importantly, the combination of epidural and While complete resection of extramedullary
muscle MEPs allows for the neurophysiological tumors should be attempted and is possible
identification of a reversible motor deficit. Thus, in almost all cases, the resection radicality in
MEPs are giving information about injury to the intramedullary surgery is lower. In fact, com-
motor system before this injury results in per- plete removal, particularly of the last fragments
manent, irreversible neurological deficit. of tumor tissue, has a high risk of resulting
In particular, the resection of ventrally in major neurological deficits. In the senior
located intradural-extramedullary lesions author's experience of intramedullary tumors, a
requires some degree of spinal cord retraction. gross total resection was feasible in about
With the use of motor monitoring, this can 70-80% of cases and a subtotal (80-97%) in the
be done safely, as the degree of retraction remainder. There was no surgical mortality.
that is tolerated "functionally" can be assessed. The short-term deterioration of motor function
This allows resection of anteriorly located is significant. One-third of patients experience a
extramedullary lesions via a simple posterior transient motor deficit, which resolves within
approach. hours to days [8]. The long-term functional
Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) motor outcome is much better and directly
recording is of use to assess the functional related to the pre-operative neurological func-
integrity of the sensory system. The correlation tion [9]. Therefore , it is advisable that patients
of SEPs with post-operative motor function, with intramedullary tumors undergo surgery
however, is poor and, particularly in intra- before the development of significant neuro-
medullary surgery, SEPstend to disappear when logical deficits.
the midline myelotomy is performed and are Impaired joint position sense may be a
then of no further use for the critical assessment serious functional disability and is more com-
of the motor system. monly seen after ependymoma rather than
Electromyographic mapping of nerve roots, astrocytoma resection. Patients who have
that is direct electrical stimulation of exposed impa ired proprioception may require extensive
nerves with a handheld probe and recording physical therapy to learn to compensate for this
from lower extremity and sphincter ani deficit. In addition, patients may experience a
muscles, is useful during resection of tumors in variety of pain syndromes, autonomic symp-
the conus/cauda equina region. toms and decreased strength for prolonged
Continuous monitoring of the bulbocaver- physical activity.
nosus reflex (BCR) provides information on the
functional integrity of oligosynaptic reflex Post-operative Spinal Deformity
arches involved in sphincter control. This has
been shown to be feasible during general anes- Another potential problem is spinal deformity.
thesia, and there is good correlation ofBCR data Scoliosis and kyphosis may evolve after surgery
to post -operative sphincter control. [22]. This is particularly important for the pedi-
atric patients, of whom about one-third with a
significant deformity eventually require a stabi-
lizing orthopedic operation. Several surgeons
Surgical Complications recommended osteoplastic laminotomy for all
children, to reduce the incidence of spinal
Functional Outcome deformity [20]. In a study of 58 patients younger
than 25 years of age who underwent multi-level
The feared complication after intraspinal and, laminectomy for various conditions, deformity
in particular, intramedullary tumor surgery is occurred in 46% of patients younger than 15


years , and in 6% of children older than 15 years. may involute over time . The clinical significance
In this series, 100% (nine of nine) of children of these small fragments remains to be deter-
who had a cervical laminectomy developed a mined.
post-operative deformity as compared to 36% Long-term survival is better for low-grade
for thoracic laminectomy, and none of six neoplasms when compared to the high-grade
patients after lumbar laminectomy. It is there- group. The 5- and lO-year survival rates were
fore essential that children be followed particu- 88 and 82%, respectively, for the low-grade
larly closely with plain radiographs and receive neoplasms in the senior author's series. The
orthopedic evaluation. Surgical indications for cause of death in these patients was progression
spinal fusion should be regarded as more urgent of disease and systemic complications after
in these patients than in those with idiopathic chemotherapy. The patients with high-grade
deformity. Furthermore, patients who develop neoplasms fared poorly, with an 18% 5-year sur -
progressive deformity should also undergo a vival, despite surgery and adjuvant therapy.
new MRI to rule out tumor recurrence. Intradural extramedullary tumors generally
A spinal deformity may also be a result of have a very favorable prognosis, with low recur-
radiation therapy used to treat epidural tumors. rence rates (6%) after complete, and even after
Mayfield et al. reported that 32 of 57 children incomplete (17%), resection [11], unless the
with neuroblastoma treated with radiation patient has neurofibromatosis [23].
therapy and chemotherapy developed signifi-
cant spinal deformities. A higher rate of defor-
mity was associated with younger age at time of Adjuvant Therapy
radiation, doses greater than 20 Gy and asym-
metrical radiation fields. This emphasizes that The deleterious effect of radiation has been
radiation therapy cannot be regarded as a "non- mentioned above and no study has convincingly
invasive" alternative to surgically treatable demonstrated a beneficial effect of radiation
spinal cord tumors. therapy on survival or neurological function for
low-grade tumors. Although some authors still
Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage recommend radiotherapy for intramedullary
spinal cord tumors, no study has been per-
This complication is very rare in patients who formed comparing the effects of radiation
have not previously been operated on or therapy for intramedullary neoplasms. Thus,
received radiation therapy. However, after radi- these tumors should be recognized as a surgical
ation therapy and/or previous surgery, there is disease, both at presentation and at time of
a significant risk for wound dehiscence and CSF recurrence. Stein also did not recommend
leak. Experiences with wound-healing problems radiotherapy for adult patients with low-grade
revealed that meningitis resulted in the util- intramedullary neoplasms, regardless of the
ization of plastic surgical techniques with bilat- extent of removal, and emphasized the deleteri-
eral mob ilization of the spinal muscles for ous effects of radiation on the spinal cord tissue
wound closure . The fascia must be closed in a adjacent to the tumor site. The results are
watertight fashion, without tension. Relaxing similar to others who have reported myelopathy
incisions laterally may be necessary to provide in children who have received doses of 30 Gy.
a tension-free closure. A sub-fascial or subcuta- Thus radiation therapy is reserved for pat ients
neous drain must be placed for several days to with malignant tumors, those with documented
allow healing of the wound. post-operative rapid tumor regrowth or for
those with substantial residual tumor who are
not candidates for further surgery. Intra-
Oncological Outcome medullary ependymomas should be resected
and rad iotherapy is not an option for these
It must be emphasized that in intramedullary patients.
tumor surgery, despite gross total resections, We employ total neuraxis radiation for
residual microscopic fragments are left in the the malignant tumors. Unfortunately, it has
resection bed . This residual tissue (in particular been shown that glioblastomas invariably
for glial neoplasms) may remain dormant or progress. Despite aggressive radiotherapy and


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Management of Extradural
Spinal Tumors
David A. Lundin, Charlie Kuntz and
Christopher I. Shaffrey

lesions involving the spinal column (whether

Summary primary tumors or metastases) occur more
often in the vertebral body. Benign tumors
The pathology and pathophysiology of both usually originate in the spinous processes ,
primary bony tumors and metastatic lesions laminae or the pedicles of the vertebrae. The
that commonly invade the axial skeleton incidence of skeletal metastases outweighs
of the spinal canal and involve the spinal the incidence of primary malignant bone
column are examined . A detailed description tumors by a margin of 25-40:1 [1-6] .
of possible lesions, diagnostic evaluation and A variety of parameters can be used to narrow
treatment paradigms is included. the differential diagnosis for spinal cord and
peripheral nerve tumors. Intramedullary
tumors are much more common in children and
Introduction represent approximately half of the intradural
tumors. In adults, less than one-third of
There are a large number of tumors that involve intradural tumors are in an intramedullary loca-
the spinal column, spinal cord or the periph- tion . Taken as a whole, approximately two-
eral nerves near the axial skeleton . Despite thirds of spinal cord tumors are extramedullary
the extensive differential diagnosis, there are and one-third are intramedullary. Intramedul-
factors such as age, location, incidence and lary tumors are typically of glial origin - pre-
pathology that provide important clues in cor- dominantly astrocytoma and ependymoma.
rectly diagnosing each specific condition. The In children, astrocyomas are more common,
ability to effectively treat lesions involving the but in adults, ependymomas predominate.
spinal column or spinal cord has increased dra- Extramedullary tumors are then divided into
matically over the past 15 years, if an early and those which are intradur al and those which
accurate diagnosis is achieved. are extradural. Intradural lesions are twice as
For lesions involving the bony spinal column, frequent as extradural lesions, and primarily
younger patients tend to present with benign consist of nerve sheath tumors and menin-
bone tumors more frequently than do those giomas. Here, we will concentrate on those
over 30 years of age. Adults, especially the tumors arising in the extradural space. These
elderly with spinal column lesions, are much consist of primary bone neoplasms and
more likely to have a malignancy. Malignant metastatic disease to the spine .



the physis. Osteochondromas are the most

Primary Bony Neoplasms common of the benign bone tumors. Over 50%
of symptomatic spinal lesions occur in the cer-
Primary bony neoplasms of the spine can be
vical region, and they almost always involve the
either benign or malignant , and optimal man-
posterior elements. Osteochondromas can be a
agement depends upon a precise diagnosis.
manifestation of multiple hereditary osteo-
Unfortunately, many of these lesions are located
chondromatosis, which is one of the more
in poorly accessible places and the approaches
common skeletal dysplasias. Clinical presenta-
for direct or percutaneous biopsy can have sub-
tion varies from individuals reporting a dull
stantial risks. When approaching spinal neo-
backache (smaller tumors) to decreased motion
plasms, the principles of tumor staging and
or deformity (larger tumors). Neurological
oncologic resection should be considered . In
compromise is rare; however, when present , the
general, patients presenting with a short dura-
cervical spine, followed by the thoracic spine,
tion of symptoms and a rapid progression of
are the most common lesion locations, with
neurological findings are more likely to have a
resultant myelopathic symptoms . Plain radi-
malignancy than are those with the slow onset
ographs demonstrate a protruding lesion, with
of symptoms. Typically, benign lesions are
well demarcated borders in the posterior ele-
found in the posterior elements of younger
ments . Treatment for this condition is usually
patients, whereas lesions found in the vertebral
observation, because the natural history is of
body in older patients are worrisome for malig-
very slow progression. On rare occasions, pain,
nancy. One study found that 75% of primary
neurological deficit or an accelerated growth
bony tumors involving the vertebral body were
pattern may necessitate surgical removal.
malignant, as opposed to 35% when the poste-
Prognosis is usually excellent when complete
rior elements alone were involved. This same
curettage of the affected periosteum and sur-
study found that 80% of primary tumors were
rounding cartilage is performed. Osteochondro-
malignant in patients older than 18 years and
mas will occasionally degenerate into malignant
only 32% were malignant when the patient was
chondrosarcomas (usually in patients with
younger than 18 years [5].
multiple lesions) [2-4].
Osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma share a
Benign Tumors of the common pathologic origin but differ in size and
Spinal Column incidence of spinal involvement. These tumors
are thought to be a chronic inflammatory
Benign tumors of the axial skeleton are most reaction rather than true neoplasms . Osteoid
commonly found in children and adolescents. osteoma accounts for 2.6% of all excised
When they occur in adults, they are generally primary bone tumors and up to 18% of axial
found in individuals between 20 and 30 years of skeletal primary lesions. By definition, osteoid
age, in a posterior location. The more common osteomas are less than 2 cm in size; otherwise,
types of benign lesions - osteochondroma, the lesions are classified as osteoblastomas .
osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma - have a Approximately 40% of spinal osteoid osteomas
lower incidence of recurrence if a complete exci- occur in the lumbar region, and the majority
sion can be obtained. Unlike malignant tumors occur in the posterior elements. Most patients
that require resection of a wide margin of with symptomatic lesions are young and male.
normal tissue surrounding the lesion, resection Half of all symptomatic lesions present in the
of the benign tumor itself is usually curative. second decade of life. On clinical presenta-
There are other "benign" tumors that can be tion, patients report a dull ache, which is exac-
associated with systemic disease, occur in mul- erbated at night. This condition is believed to
tiple locations or are locally aggressive, includ- be the result of prostaglandin production by
ing eosinophilic granulomas, giant cell tumors, the tumor - thus, the classic pain relief with
aneurysmal bone cysts and hemangiomas, aspirin . Neurological deficits are rare but
respectively. osteoid osteoma is the most common lesion of
Osteochondroma is a cartilage-capped, bony painful scoliosis in adolescents. Radiologically,
protuberance that is thought to develop from an a radiolucent area with a central nidus and an
adjacent physis or a cartilaginous remnant of appropriate degree of surrounding sclerosis


characterizes the lesion. The treatment is exci- carry some malignant potential and a high inci-
sion. Instrumentation and fusion may be dence of local recurrence. They are responsible
required if there is severe scoliosis, although for 21% of all primary benign bone tumors and
minor deformities will resolve with resection affect the spinal axis in 8-11 % of all cases. They
alone. Overall, there is an excellent prognosis, most commonly occur in the sacral region,
with marginal recurrence rates related to inad- when the spinal column is involved. Unlike the
equate excision of the nidu s [1-4,6]. majority of primary bone tumors, GCTs are
Osteoblastomas differ from osteoid osteomas generally found in individuals in the third and
in their attaining greater size (more than fourth decades oflife, with decreasing frequency
2 cm). Histologically, the two lesions cannot be in later years. Women are affected slightly more
different iated. Less common than osteoid osteo- commonly than are men. Plain radiographs
mas, osteoblastomas represent less than 2% demonstrate cortical expansion, with little reac-
of primary benign bone tumors, but have a tive sclerosis or periosteal reaction. MR images
greater propensity for axial skeletal involve- reveal homogeneous signals, while CT studies
ment. Approximately 30-40% of osteoblas- can better delineate the degree of vertebral
tomas involve the axial skeleton. The lesions are bone involvement and define surgical margins.
distributed throughout the longitudinal axis of Because of the non-distinct histological charac-
the spine, occur most commonly in the poste- teristics of GCTs, a thorough evaluation, includ -
rior elements and have a propensity to produce ing radiographic investigation coupled with
spinal deformity (Fig. 19.1). In 90% of cases, histopathology, is important, to differentiate
osteoblastomas present in patients of 30 years this condition from other primary bone tumors.
of age or younger; these lesions have a male to Treatment is usually an aggressive en-bloc
female predominance of 2:1. Clinical presenta- resection , with consideration of adjuvant radia-
tion characteristically involves a higher inci- tion therapy. There is a relatively poor progno-
dence of neurological deficit, secondary to sis because of the high recurrence rates (50%).
lesion size. Treatment is en-bloc resection, These tumors have the potential for malignant
usually with resolution of scoliotic deformity. transformation, especially after local radiation
Prognosis is favorable with adequate removal. if surgical margins were inadequate [1-4].
Long-term recurrence rates approach 10% An eurysmal bone cy sts (ABCs) are benign ,
[1-4 ,6]. non-neoplastic proliferative lesions. Although
Giant cell tumors (GCTs) are benign lesions only responsible for approximately 1-2% of all
of unknown cell origin . These aggressive tumors primary bone tumors, ABCs affect the axial
skeleton in 12-25% of all reported cases. The
pathogenesis is unclear, but accepted theories
include an underlying turn or or traumatic
arteriovenous malformation, with subsequent
development of a cyst. Histologically, ABCs
contain fluid-filled spaces, separated by fibrous
septa. The incidence of ABCs is greater in the
thoracolumbar region. As in the majority of
benign osseous lesions, posterior location pre-
dominates, with 60% of spinal aneurysmal bone
cysts occurring in the posterior elements. ABCs
typically present in young patients who are
in their second decade of life, with a slight pre-
dominance in women. Radiographic imaging
with MRI and C'l' demonstrates a multilocu-
lated, expansile, highly vascular osteolytic
lesion with a thin, well demarcated, eggshell-like
cortical rim (Fig. 19.2). Multiple-level vertebral
Fig. 19.1. Axial Clscan ofanosteoblastoma. The patient is an involvement may occur in up to 40% of cases.
It-year-old male with a 6-month history of progressive neck Treatment involves pre-operative embolization
pain. and surgical resection , or embolization alone


Eosinophilic granuloma (EG) is the solitary

osseous lesion in a continuum of disorders (his-
tiocytosis X, Letterer-Siwe and Hand-Schuller-
Christian diseases) characterized by an abnor-
mal proliferation of Langerhans cells. EGs
are uncommon lesions of the axial skeleton,
occurring most frequently in the vertebral body.
Most EGs occur in the pediatric population,
with a peak incidence at between 5 and 10 years
of age. MRI and CT are the investigative proce-
dures of choice, with ultimate diagnosis relying
on biopsy. Treatment is somewhat controver-
sial but commonly includes surgical curettage.
Adjuvant radiotherapy or chemotherapy is
Fig. 19.2. Axial Cl scan ofan ABC. The patient is a 7-year-old reserved for disseminated versions of this
female with a 3-month history ofneck pain and torticollis. uncommon disease of the axial skeleton

for areas of the spine that are difficult to

approach surgically. Post-operative radiation Malignant Tumors ofthe
may have a role if inadequate margins were Axial Skeleton
obtained during surgical resection. Recurrence
rates vary from 6 to 70%, depending on the Malignant tumors of the axial skeleton can
extent of surgical resection and administration either be primary (arising from the bony skele-
of post-operative radiation [1-4 ,6,7]. ton itself) or metastatic. The most common
Hemangiomas are benign tumors of vascular metastatic spinal column tumors are breast,
origin and are probably the most common lung and prostate malignancies, while multiple
benign tumor of the spine. General autopsy myeloma, chordoma, chondrosarcoma, osteo-
studies have found hemangiomas of the axial genic sarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma are the
skeleton in 10-12% of cases. Characterized by more common primary malignant axial skeletal
slow growth and a female predominance, verte- neoplasms. Metastasis can result from direct
bral hemangiomas occur most commonly in the extension or hematogenous spread. Primary
thoracolumbar spine and have a predilection for malignant axial skeletal neoplasms and met-
the vertebral body. Symptomatic vertebral astatic tumors most frequently involve the
hemangiomas are exceedingly rare but, when vertebral body. Malignant tumors of the spinal
they do present, the most common initial column are 25-40 times more likely to be
symptom is back pain, with or without radiation metastatic than primary [1-4,6].
into the lower extremities. There is a loose rela- Chordomas, originally described by Virchow,
tionship between pregnancy and expansile ver- are tumors originating from the primitive noto-
tebral hem angiomas that produce a chord. Being tumors of the axial skeleton and
neurological deficit. This is believed to be the the skull base, chordomas account for 1-2%
result of the physiological volume increase of of all skeletal sarcomas. Chordomas are histo-
the circulatory system during pregnancy, which logically low-grade, locally invasive tumors;
results in expansion of a previously asympto- however, metastases may occur in 5-43 % of
matic lesion. Diagnosis of symptomatic lesions chordoma cases. More than 50% of these lesions
is best made with MRI, while asymptomatic are located in the lumbosacral region, 35% in
lesions are discovered incidentally during other the clival and cervical area, and the remainder
radiographic investigations. Treatment for are spread throughout the vertebral column.
symptomatic lesions involving the spine incor- Chordomas are the most common primary neo-
porates a combination of embolization, surgical plasms of the sacrococcygeal region and occur
resection and possibly radiotherapy, and is gen- predominantly in the fifth and sixth decades of
erally performed in cases of pathological frac- life. Neurological deficit in the form of bowel
ture or neural impingement [1-4,6,8]. and bladder dysfunction may be present at the


time of diagnosis. MRI is probably the radi- Primary and secondary chondrosarcomas
ographic modality of choice for total tumor usually arise in middle-aged and older patients,
evaluation, because of the ability to evaluate and show a predilection for males. Diagnostic
soft-tissue involvement. CT remains the modal- characteristics on MRI and CT radiographic
ity of choice for imaging the extent of bony imaging include bone destruction, associated
destruction (Fig. 19.3). Diagnosis is based upon soft-tissue mass and characteristic fiocculent
CT or fiuoroscopic-guided biopsy. Treatment is calcifications in the soft tissue mass. Definitive
en-bloc resection, when feasible. Radiation is diagnosis is based upon biopsy of the tumor.
usually reserved for local recurrence and surgi- Treatment is en-bloc resection, if feasible.
cally inaccessible disease. There is considerable Neither radiation therapy nor chemotherapy is
debate on pathological subtypes with respect to of much benefit. Prognosis correlates with
grade, recurrence and outcome. Age at presen- tumor extension and grade. Unresectable chon-
tation is probably the best prognostic indicator drosarcoma has a 5-year survival rate of only
for disease-free survival following surgery, with 20% [1-4,6,12].
younger patients having a better prognosis Osteogenic sarcomas are primary malignant
[1-4,6,10,11]. tumors of bone that are exceedingly rare in
Chondrosarcomas are rare , malignant, carti- the axial skeleton. Only 2% of all osteogenic sar-
lage-forming neoplasms, arising from cart ilagi- comas arise in the spine . When they do involve
nous elements . These tumors primarily affect the vertebral column, osteogenic sarcomas are
the adult appendicular skeleton, with rare spinal more likely to be metastases than primary
involvement (6% of cases). Chondrosarcomas tumors. Osteogenic sarcomas may arise pri-
arise either primarily or from pre-existing marily or secondarily. The vertebral body is
solitary osteochondromas, hereditary multiple involved in over 95% of cases and these lesions
exostosis or Paget's disease. There is an even are distributed evenly throughout the spine. The
distribution of tumor involvement among majority of cases of primary osteogenic sarcoma
cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral locations. present in the first 20 years of life; secondary
sarcomas arise in the fifth to sixth decades, as
a result of irradiated bone or pre-existing
Paget's disease. This neoplastic disease has a
slight predilection for males. Radiologically,
osteogenic sarcomas typically exhibit combined
lytic and sclerotic lesions, with cortical destruc-
tion and ossification in the tumor mass. CT or
fiuoroscopic-guided biopsy will provide a diag-
nosis and guide pre-operative adjuvant therapy.
Pre-operative embolization, chemotherapy and
surgical extirpation with adjuvant radiotherapy
are the current treatment modalities. Overall
prognosis is poor, with a life expectancy of
10 months to 1.5 years, although there are a few
long-term survivors [1-4,6].
Ewing's sarcomas are small, blue cell tumors
of bone , whose cell of origin remains unclear
(Fig. 19.6). Only 3-4% of Ewing's sarcomas arise
within the axial skeleton , and Ewing's sarcomas
only account for 6% of all primary malignant
bone tumors, making these rare primary neo-
plasms of the spinal column. The incidence of
Fig. 19.3. Axial eT scan ofalarge sacrococcygeal chordoma.The
patient is a 43-year-old male who presented with a 2- 3-year spinal column involvement decreases from
period of progressive sacral pain. The patient went on to caudal to rostral, with more than 50% of Ewing's
undergo ananterior LS/51 discectomy, with bilateral sectioning sarcomas arising within the sacrum. Vertebral
of the sacroiliac ligaments, followed by posterior total body involvement is most common. Ewing's
sacrectomy, followed by L3 through iliac reconstruction. sarcoma is primarily a disease of the pediatric


population, with over 85% of cases occurring spinal metastases occur in virtually all types of
during the first two decades of life. Males are systemic carcinomas. Although certain cancers
affected more frequently than females, with a are more likely to spread to the spine, surgical
ratio of 2:1. Radiological imaging with MRI and or autopsy studies have found that as high as
CT will usually reveal a lytic lesion, with possi- 90% of patients with systemic carcinomas have
bly a blastic component. Diagnosis is based spinal metastases . Between 5 and 20% of these
upon biopsy of the tumor. Treatment involves a patients will have epidural compression sec-
multi disciplinary approach that combines sur- ondary to this, leading to neurological compro-
gical extirpation, radiation and chemothera- mise [2,14-23].
peutic protocols. Younger patients tend to have Overall, metastatic lesions are equally spread
a better prognosis. Survival at 5 years for throughout the thoracic and lumbosacral spine;
younger patients approaches 75% [1-4,6,13]. however, the number of symptomatic thoracic
Multiple myelomas (MMs) and solitary plas- metastases is greater. Epidural compression
macytomas are two manifestations on a contin- leading to neurological compromise is found in
uum of B-cell lymphoproliferative diseases. the thoracic region in roughly 70% of cases and
Spinal involvement leading to extradural com- in the lumbar region 20% of the time. Most
pression is a common finding in multiple series report symptomatic cervical lesions
myelomas. MMs are the most common malig- occurring in only 6-8% of patients. The axiom,
nant neoplasms of bone in adults and affect the however, that acute neck or back pain in a
spine in 30-50% of reported cases. The thoracic patient with a known malignancy is metastatic
spine is affected most commonly, followed by disease until proven otherwise remains a
the lumbar spine and, rarely, the cervical spine prudent guideline. The majority of patients have
(less than 10%). The vertebral body is usually involvement at a single level, although 15-20%
the site of tumor involvement. MM is primarily of patients have compression at two or more
a disease of the fifth, sixth and seventh decades sites [2,14-23].
of life. There is an equal distribution for MM The vertebral body is involved most com-
among males and females; however, approxi- monly (85%), with the posterior elements and
mately 75% of solitary plasmacytomas occur in epidural space involved less frequently (10-15%
males. Unlike the classic axial skeletal tumor and less than 5%, respectively). The interverte-
presentation of pain with recumbency, MM bral disk is almost universally spared from
lesions are sometimes relieved by rest and metastatic disease, even when the vertebral
aggravated by mechanical agitation, mimicking body is completely destroyed. Two factors have
other degenerative sources of pain . Diagnosis been proposed to explain this distribution. First
for MM is based upon characteristic serum has been the high concentration of growth
protein abnormalities and radiological imaging. factors found in the rich medullary bone of the
Plain radiographs and CT can be almost solely body to both attract tumor cells and promote
diagnostic because of the characteristic oste- their growth. Many of these factors, such as
olytic picture without sclerotic edges involving basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), hepato-
the vertebral body and sparing the posterior ele- cyte growth factor (HGF) and tumor necrosis
ments. Treatment and prognosis vary greatly, factor-( (TNF-O, are well known to facilitate
depending on whether the diagnosis is a solitary angiogenesis and subsequent tumor growth.
plasmacytoma or the systemic MM. Both con- The second mechanism involves the draining of
ditions are exquisitely radiosensitive, but with the venous plexus of the thoracic, abdominal
significantly longer survival rates for solitary and pelvic viscera, as described by Batson
plasmacytoma [1-4,6]. [2,14-23].
Most frequently, metastases result from
hematogenous spread into the vertebral body.
Metastatic Spinal Disease To establish a presence in the medullary bone,
tumor cells must bypass the filters of the liver
Cancer is a leading cause of death in the USA, and lungs to reach the capillary system of the
claiming nearly half a million deaths each year. bone. This explains the fact that in a signifi-
The vast majority of these patients will have cant number of patients with spinal metastasis,
some evidence of metastatic disease. In fact, additional lesions are found in those organs.


Another potential route is via direct flow from

segmental arteries from the lungs or through
Batson's para -vertebral venous plexus. A mech-
anism of retrograde flow though this plexus has
been described with Valsalva's maneuvers, such
as coughing or straining. This hypothetically
allows for direct implantation of tumor cells
into the spinal column. The final pathway is via
direct extension into the bony column from the
cancer's primary site. This is seen in lung cancer
that extends into the thoracic spine and occa-
sionally in rectal cancer that spreads into the
sacrum [2,14-23].
The most common metastatic spinal column
tumors are breast, lung and prostate malignan-
cies. Additional cancers that also frequently
metastasize to the spine include renal cell,
thyroid cancer and multiple myeloma. Although
there has been some argument between authors
as to whether the latter lesions represent true
metastasis or primary lesions of the medullary
bone, we have included it in our section on
primary bony malignancies [2,14-23].
A variety of studies have compared the results
of radiation therapy and surgical management
of metastatic disease. Many of these studies
compared laminectomy to radiation therapy.
Over the past 10 years, there has been a re-
evaluation of the surgical approach to vertebral
metastasis. The principal site of neural com-
pression in metastatic spine disease is from
an anterior or antero-lateral direction. Fig. 19.4. Sagittal T2-wieghted MRI (for patient's details, please
Laminectomy further destabilizes an already see Fig. 19.5).
compromised spinal column, resulting in pro-
gressive deformity and pathological fracture.
Laminectomy also results (at best) in incom-
plete resection of the metastatic disease. Recent rapidly. Local, radicular and referred pain are
studies using aggressive anterior surgical the most common symptoms seen in patients
approaches and current instrumentation tech- with metastatic breast cancer. This is reasonably
niques have shown very promising results tied to the biologic activity and, potentially,
in reducing pain, improving function with a the hormonal sensitivity of the primary lesions.
relatively low complication rate [24) (Figs 30.4 It is therefore useful to know the degree to
and 30.5). which estrogen and progesterone receptors are
present, as this can have a considerable impact
Breast Carcinoma on the modality of treatment that patients are
offered. In such patients, hormonal manipula-
By far the most prevalent of all metastatic tions via medical treatment are often used.
tumors found in the spine, breast cancer has Often leading to osteolytic lesions, breast
been cited to spread to the spinal column in carcinomas are the primary cause of pathologic
85% of all cases. However, the natural history fractures due to metastatic disease. In certain
of these tumors varies considerably. Some series, breast carcinomas have been cited as
patients may present with a prolonged course of being responsible for more than 50% of patho -
minimal symptoms, while others deteriorate logic fractures.


tion of further therapy. Pulmonary function

often can be significantl y impaired in pat ients
with parenchymal pathology, either from radi-
ation to the chest wall or from primary lym-
phangitic spread of the breast cancer itself.
Most cases of breast carcinoma are fairly
radiosensitive; therefore, radiation is the first-
line treatment for spinal metastasis. Surgery is
reserved for cases in which clear instability or
neurological deficit is present, severe pain that
is unresponsive to conservative measures,
tumors that have not responded to radiation
treatment or when previous irradiation fields
overlap with areas of new disease, making
further irradiation contraindicated [2,14-20].

Prostate Carcinoma
Prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer as
the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in
men. Histological evidence of prostate cancer is
directly related to increasing age. The incidence
of occult disease has been shown to be as high
as 30% in patients over the age of 50 years and
over 70% in patients over the age of 80 years.
The presence or absence of metastases primar-
ily determines the prognosis of prostate cancer.
The highest incidence of prostate metastases is
found in bone, and lesions in the spine are felt
to precede those in other areas of the body, such
as the lung or liver. Kuban et al. found that
spinal cord compression occurs in approxi-
mately 7% of all men with prostate cancer.
Many argue for a backward venous spread of
tumor to the spine. This is felt to account for the
Fig. 19.5. Post-operative lumbar radiograph ofa 42-year-old gradual decrease in spine involvement from the
male with a history of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. The lumbar to the cervical spine (from 97 to 38%).
patient initially underwent radiation therapy but continued to New onset of back pain in elderly men should
have severe intractable pain and progressive neurological
be carefully evaluated for evidence of metasta-
deficits.The patient went on toundergo atwo-stage procedure,
including L2 and L3 laminectomies, with Ll-L4 posterior tic pro state cancer. For those patients with a
segmental instrumentation, followed by a right-sided known medical history of prostate cancer , back
retroperitoneal approach to the lumbar spine, followed by L2 pain should also lead the clinician to entertain
and L3 corpectomies, with Ll-L4 anterior reconstruction using a diagnosis of recurrence, with metastases. In
a titanium cage. Prior to surgery, the patient underwent such patients, it is often helpful to routinely
angiography and tumor embolization. check the serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
level. If the serum PSA level is greater than
100 ng/ml , then the positive predictive value for
bony metastasis is 74%. Conversely, a level of
Many patients with previously diagnosed and less than 10 ng/ml indicates a negative predi c-
treated breast cancer have undergone some tive value of 98%. As the PSA level is a relative
form of radiotherapy. It is therefore important marker for extent of disease, it is useful to
for the clinician to evaluate the patient's have prior levels and trends to compare current
cardio-pulmonary function prior to considera- levels with.


Prostate cancer is distinct from other bony encounters those patients with disease other
metastasis in that it produces mainly osteoblas- than non-small cell adenocarcinoma. This is
tic lesions. Whereas most cancers typically due to the rarity of some lesions, such as large
produce osteolytic lesions, this is true in only cell carcinoma, and to the exquisite sensitivity
5% of cases of metastatic prostate cancer . The to radiation for small cell tumors. Patients with
proposed mechanism of this is related to the squamous cell disease typically have very
production of peptide growth factors, such as aggressive disease that is widely disseminated in
insulin-like growth factors (IGFs). the lungs and liver, with overall survival looked
Most prostate metastases are fairly radiosen- at in terms of months.
sitive; thus , surgical management is generally Overall, the prognosis of patients with verte-
reserved for those cases that have responded bral metastasis from lung carcinoma remains
poorly to radiation or where spinal instability or poor. With the exception of some patients
pathological fracture is present. Surgery may with small cell carcinoma, in which significant
also be indicated when a patient's prior prostate responses or even remissions may be seen after
radiation fields preclude the use of additional chemotherapy and radiation, for the majority of
radiation. The latter is not an uncommon event patients with non-small cell disease, the goal of
for lesions found in the lumbar spine, due to the therapy is palliation and prevention of neuro-
close proximity to the prostate. Since most logical deficits. Due to the relative radio-insen-
patients present later in life, the overall medical sitivity of non-small cell carcinoma compared
condition and medical co-morbidities which to breast or prostate cancer, patients may more
could complicate surgery must be carefully frequently require surgical intervention to
weighed against the patient's expectations from attain these goals [2,14,15,17-19,22].
surgery [2,14- 19,21].
Renal Carcinoma
Lung Carcinoma
Although renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is rela-
Metastasis to bone is the most frequent extra- tively rare compared to lung, breast or prostate
pulmonary site of recurrence in patients with cancer, it is an aggressive malignancy that fre-
non-small cell lung carcinoma, accounting for quently metastasizes. The approximately 30,000
as many as 43% of all distant recurrences. Of cases of renal cell carcinoma account for only
these, metastases to the spine are the most sig- 2.5% of all cancer patients. However, as many
nificant and potentially debilitating. Lung carci- as 50% of these patients will have evidence of
noma may invade the spinal column, through metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis [25].
direct extension or via hematogenous routes. Although metastatic renal cell carcinoma is
Most frequently, metastases produce osteolytic found in multiple organs , there is a dispropor-
lesions, which result from a variety of acid phos- tionately high number of metastases to the
phatases, acid hydrolases and alkaline phos- spine, making it the fourth most common
phatases. Lung carcinoma follows the typical cancer to affect the spine, and the most common
pattern of spread, with the thoracic spine being type to present with a neurological deficit as an
most commonly involved, followed by the initial presentation [25].
lumbar spine and finally the cervical spine. In contrast with breast and prostate cancer,
The ultimate biologic activity of the subtypes however, the majority of RCCs are highly resis-
oflung carcinoma is directly linked to their pre- tant to systemic chemotherapy and radiation
sumed cell of origin . Squamous cell carcinoma therapy. In a minority of patients, immunother-
is thought to arise from the basal cell of the apy such as interferon- or interleukin-2 will
bronchial epithelium; adenocarcinoma from show a partial response. Therefore, at many
the CLARA cell of the bronchiole; bronchoalve- institutions, surgery is considered to be the
olar carcinoma from the type II pneumocytes; primary treatment option.
and for small (oat) cell carcinoma, the neu- Surgery is most often indicated in patients
roendocrine cells of the bronchoalveolar system with severe, medically intractable pain, neuro-
are felt to be responsible. The cell of origin for logical deficit or spinal instability. Classically,
large cell carcinoma is yet to be clearly defined. RCC is richly vascularized in comparison to
Of these, however, the spine surgeon rarely other metastatic tumors of the spine. Therefore,


many patients undergo pre-operative tumor presence of a kyphotic or scoliotic deformity, is

angiography and embolization to minimize the best seen with plain X-rays. These caveats can
degree of blood loss during surgery. Although be helpful in determ ining a requirement for
the effectiveness of pre-operative embolization stabilization or corrective procedures.
has been debated , it is typically performed prior CT scanning of an involved area is also often
to non-emergent surgery in patients with large warranted. The sensitivity of CT scanning is
tumors. higher than that of plain films, although this
Due to the absence of effective systemic modality is used most commonly to further
therapy, the prognosis of metastatic RCC define the degree of bony involvement and/or
remains poor, with less than 15% survival at destruction. The detail of bony anatomy is
5 years. Surgical resection and stabilization can useful in surgical planning, especially if instru-
provide effective pain relief and neurological mentation will be used for stabilizing the spine.
preservation or improvement, and the goal of Finally, in patients in which MRI is not an
therapy is palliation and prevention of neuro- option, such as those with known metal frag-
logical deficits, rather than increase in length of ments in their body or incompatible devices
survival [2,14,15,17-19,25). such as pacemakers, CT scanning with the
administration of intrathecal contrast can help
to define the degree of epidural extension
Diagnosis Recently, MRI has become the gold standard
for radiological diagnosis of spinal metastasis.
The first symptom of bony metastasis is often The ability of MRI to clearly visualize both
back pain . In fact, pain is the most common the soft tissue, extradural and intradural con-
presenting symptom for tumors involving the tents in multiple planes makes this modality
axial skeleton and spinal cord. The hallmark unique. Further, pending any contraindications
of neoplastic lesions of the axial skeleton is to MRI, it enables the surgeon to evaluate
localized spinal pain, associated with recum- the neural elements, with little or no risk to the
bency and night pain . Pain in the axial skeleton patient. As MRI technology advances and as
occurs in up to 85% of patients in the larger MRI-incompatible devices and hardware
series of vertebral column tumors and usually become less common, the utility of invasive
begins well pr ior to any radicular pain or neuro- tests such as myelography is sure to become
logical deficit. However, ultimate diagnosis more limited .
relies on a combination oflaboratory investiga- Another screening test that is commonly used
tion, radiographic studies and, potentially, in patients thought to have bony metastasis is
tumor biopsy. isotope Tc99m bone scan. Often, bone scans
Diagnostic imaging is a cornerstone in the are used as an adjuvant to standard screening
diagnosis of metastatic lesions of the spine. examinations for patients with cancer. While
Typically, patients with known carcinoma are these tests are useful in detecting bony lesions
staged using multiple modalities of imaging, in patients with metastatic disease, the speci-
although, frequently , the spinal axis is not rou- ficity of them is poor, as patients with degener-
tinely screened unless symptoms are present. ative processes or infectious processes can have
The initial work-up for all patients should lesions that are similarly bright on bone scan
include plain radiographs of the spine. [2,14-23).
Anterior-posterior and lateral X-rays of the
region in question can often give important
information in the diagnosis of malignancy and Treatment
can typically be done in an expedited fashion,
with little cost to the medical system or patient. The primary goal in treating all of the above
Pathologic compression fractures, the presence malignancies remains palliation rather than
of a blastic lesion or destructive process within cure. Therefore, relief of pain and preservation
the vertebral bodies, or the destruction of the of neurological function should be optimized.
pedicle on AP views are often characteristic Treatment options for metastatic disease of the
of spinal metastasis. Further, important infor- spine include medical therapy, radiation and
mation on sagittal alignment, including the surgical intervention. Operative intervention is


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A digital subtraction, 32
Acoustic neuromas, 15,249 intraoperative, 18
bilateral, 259 magnetic resonance, 31-2
natural history, 252 spinal tumors, 320
results of surgery, 255-8 Angioma formations, 63
CSF leakage and meningitis, 258 Anticoagulation prophylaxis, 103
facial nerve, 256- 7 Arachnoid cap cells, 208
hearing preservation, 257 Arteriovenous malformations, 45, 93
nervus intermedius funct ion, 257-8 treatment
qualit y of life, 258 image-guided neurosurgery, 132-3
stereotactic radiosurgery, 147-9,258-9 stereotactic radiosurgery, 144-6
surgery, 252-5 Astrocytoma, 156,235
intraoperative monitoring, 252-3 desmoplastic cerebral astrocytoma of infancy, 62
middle fossa approach, 255 juvenile pilocytic, 235
retrosigmoid approach, 254-5 pediatric, 303-5
translabyrinth ine approach, 253-4 high-grade, 303
treatment strategies , 252 low-grade, 303-4
Acromegaly, 191, 197 management, 304-5
ACTH-producing tumors, 193-4 spinal, 314,315
biochemical investigations, 193-4 subependymal giant cell, 235, 237
clinical features, 193 Atracurium, 74
histology, 193 Augmented reality, 136
incidence, 193 Autoregulation testing, 99
medical treatment, 194 Awake cran iotomy, 82- 3
radiolog ical investigat ions, 194
Adenoma B
clinically non-functioning, 195 Barbiturates, 91
gonadotrophic, 194 Bilateral acoustic neuroma, 259
growth -hormone-producing, 191-2 Blood pressure, 92-3
null cell, 195 elevation , 89
pituitary, 188-91 Brachytherapy, 184,203
thyroid-stimulating hormone, 194 men ingioma, 225
Alcuron ium, 74 Brain biopsy, 126-7
Alfentanil, 74 Brain mass, 89
Alzheimer's disease, 48 Brain shift, 136
Anectine apnea, 74 Brainstem auditory evoked potentials, 7,14-16
Aneurysmal bone cysts, 331-2 Breast carcinoma, metastatic, 335-6
Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 25, 93 Burst pattern, 16
Aneurysm surgery, 81
Angiographically occult vascular malformations, 146 C
Angiography Calcification, 60
catheter, 32-4 Carbon dioxide reactivity, 86
computed tomography, 25 Cardiac monitoring, 99-100


Carotid endarterectomy, 5-6 Cerebral oxygen saturation, 18

Carotid ultrasound, 36 Cerebral perfusion pressure, 92-3
Cartwheels, 53 Cerebrospinal fluid
Catheter angiography, 32-4 leakage, 326
Cavernous hemangioma, 31 and meningitis, 258
Cellular arrangement, 50-60 volume, 89
cartwheels and perivascular crowns, 53 seealso Hydrocephalus
checkerboard and lattice formations, 58, Cervical spinal surgery, 81-2
59 Checkerboard pattern, 58, 59
diffusely infiltrating with no significant pattern, Chemotherapy impregnated wafers, 184
51 Chicken-wire capillary networks, 63
nodular, lobular and alveolar patterns, 53, 55 Children
palisades and pseudo-palisades, 53, 56 neuroanesthesia, 78-9
papillae, 58 neuro-oncology, 299-312
perineuronal satellitosis, 51 astrocytoma, 303-5
rosettes and pseudo-rosettes, 53,56,57,58 brainstem glioma, 309-10
streams and bundles, 51-3 choroid plexus tumors, 310-11
whorls, loops, onion-skin pattern and psammoma craniopharyngioma, 307-9
bodies, 53, 54 ependymoma, 305-6
Central conduction time, 7,8 epidemiology, 299-300
Cerebello-pontine angle arachnoid cysts, 250 germ cell tumors, 306-7
Cerebello-pontine angle tumors, 247-62 late effects, 311
anatomy, 247-8 medulloblastoma, 300-3
clinical presentation, 248 primitive neuroectodermal tumor, 300-3
clinicopathological correlates, 248-50 rhabdoid tumors, 311
acoustic neuroma, 249 Cholesteatoma, 249-50
epidermoid tumor (cholesteatoma), 249-50 management, 260
glomus tumor, 250 Chondrocranium, 187
meningioma, 249 Chondrosarcoma, 267-8 ,333
cranial nerves, 247-8 Chordoma, 268, 332-3
management, 250-9 Choriocarcinoma, 241
acoustic neuroma, 252-9 Choroid plexus tumors, 237
cholesteatoma, 260 pediatric, 310-11
glomus tumor, 260-1 Clark, Robert, 139
investigations, 250-2 Clinically non-functioning adenoma, 195
meningioma, 259 Clonidine, 92
schwannoma, 259-60 Codeine, 74
seealso Meningioma Colloid cysts, 235
Cerebral autoregulation, 86 Compound muscle action potentials, 16
Cerebral blood flow, 5,17-18,86 Computed tomography, 24-6
cerebral autoregulation, 86 spinal tumors, 320
Cerebral blood volume reduction, 87-9 Computed tomography angiography, 25
elevation of blood pressure, 89 Congophilic angiopathy, 45
head elevation, 87-8 Contrast media, 27
hyperventilation, 88-9 Cortical mapping, 13
Cerebral metastases, 281-8 Cranial nerve monitoring, 16-17
clinical presentation, 283 Cranial nerves, 247-8
diagnosis, 283-4 Craniopharyngioma, 201-3,235
biopsy, 284 diagnosis, 202
imaging, 283-4 incidence and epidemiology, 201
epidemiology, 281-3 pathophysiology, 201-2
treatment, 284-7 pediatric, 307-9
chemotherapy, 287 radiation therapy, 309
medical therapy, 284-5 surgery, 308
radiation, 285-6 postoperative morbidity, 203
recurrence, 287 presentation and clinical features, 202
surgery, 286-7 surgical treatment, 202-3
Cerebral oxygenation , 96-8 results, 203


Craniosynostosis, syndromic see Syndromic Evoked potentials, 99

craniosynostosis Ewing's sarcoma, 333-4
Creutzfeld-Iakob disease, 48 Experimental allergic encephalo-myelitis, 43
Critical closing pressure, 87 Extra-axial hemorrhage, 28-9
Cushing, Harvey, 39
Cushing 's disease, 193 F
Cushing's response, 86-7 Facial nerve, 256-7
Cushing's Tumor Registry, 39 palsy, 257
Cushing's tumors, 197 schwannoma, 269
Cysts, 60-1 Fentan yl, 74
bone, 331-2 Ferrugination, 60
cerebello-pontine angle, 250 Fibro-osseous lesions, 266-7
colloid, 235 Fibrosis, 61-2,63
non-tumorous, 114-15 Fibrous dysplasia, 266-7
Rathke's cleft, 198-9 Fiducial localization error, 126
Cytoid bodies, 61 Fiducial registration error, 126
Fiducials, 125
D Fluid and electrolytes, 100-1
Decompressive craniectomy, 91 Foramen of Monro, 133
Degenerative diseases, 48 Fractionated radiosurgery, 226
Demyelinating diseases, 43-5 Fractionation, 143
Desfiurane, 73 Functional mapping, 180-3
Desmoplasia, 61-2,63 cortical stimulation motor and sensory mapping,
Desmoplastic cerebral astrocytoma of infancy, 180-1
62 localization of somatosensory cortex using SSEPs,
Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma, 62 180
Developmental anomalies, 43 mapping oflanguage cortex, 181-3
Dexmedetomidine, 90-1 pitfalls of, 183
Diabetes insipidus, 243 Functional MRI, 129
Diagnostic terminology, 65-6
Diazepam , 73 G
Digital subtraction angiography, 32 Gadolinium, 27
Dobutamine, 92 Gallamine, 74
Dopamine, 92 Gamma knife, 141
Doxacurium, 74 Ganglioglioma
Dynamic autoregulation, 99 management, 164-5
spinal, 314,316
E Gastrointestinal complications, 103
Ectopic meningioma, 207 Gemistocytes, 42
Electrocerebral silence, 6 Germ cell tumors, 306-7
Electrocortigraphy, 6-7 chemotherapy, 307
Electroencephalography, 4-6, 99 radiation therapy, 307
Enalapril see Enlapril surgery, 306-7
Endoscop y, 133-4 Giant cell tumors, 331
Enflurane, 73 Gigantism, 191
Enlapril, 92, 93 Gitter cells, 45, 46
Eosinophil ic granuloma, 332 Glasgow Coma Scale, 94
Ependymoma, 63, 235 Glial fibrillary acidic protein, 42
intracranial, 237 Glioblastoma multiforme, 235
myxopapillary, 316,319 Glioma, 42-3, 43-5
pediatric, 305-6 brainstem, 309-10
spinal, 316,317,318 rad iotherapy, 310
Epidermoid tumor, 249-50 surgery, 309-10
management, 260 chemotherapy, 310
Epilepsy, image-guided neurosurgery, 132 growth velocity, 66
Esmolol, 92 high-grade see High-grade glioma
Esthesioneuroblastoma, 270-1 low-grade see Low-grade glioma
Etomidate, 73, 90 Gliosis, 42-3


Glomus tumors, 250 neoplasms, 49-65

management, 260-1 cell morphology, 49-50
of temporal bone , 271-2 cellular arrangement, 50-60
Glycoprotein-secreting tumors, 194 stromal changes, 60-4
Gonadotrophic adenoma, 194 vascular changes, 64-5
Growth factors, 229 trauma, 48-9
Growth-hormone-producing adenoma, 191-2 vascular diseases, 45, 48
biochemical investigations, 192 Histopathological diagnosis, 41-65
clinical features, 191 category of abnormality see Histological
histology, 191-2 abnormalities
incidence, 191 limitations of, 67-8
medical treatment, 192 normal versus abnormal tissue, 42
radiological investigations, 192 origin of tissue, 42
specific versus non-specific abnormality, 42-3
H terminology, 65-6
Halothane, 73 Homer Wright pseudo-rosettes, 53,58
Hamartoma, 43 Horsley, Victor, 139
Hemangioblastoma, spinal, 316 Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey, 24
Hemangioma, 332 Hyaline bodies, 61
Hemangiopericytoma, 201 Hydralazine, 92
Hematoma Hydrocephalus
CT appearance, 25 neuroendoscopy, 113-14
evolution of, 28 spinal tumors, 320
MRl appearance, 28 surgical treatments, 108
parenchymal, 28 Hypernatremia, 101-2
subarachnoid, 26 Hyperventilation, 88-9
Hemorrhagic stroke, 93 Hyponatremia, 101-2, 196-7
High-grade glioma, 167-86 Hypothermia, 91
biology, 169-71
growth patterns, 169-70 I
treatment resistance, 171 Image-guided neurosurgery, 123-38, 129-32
tumor cell invasiveness and migration, clinical applications
170-1 arteriovenous malformations, 132-3
biopsy versus resection, 175-6 brain biopsy, 126-7
anaesthesia, 176-8 endoscopic surgery, 133-4
epidemiology, 168 epilepsy surgery, 132
histogenesis and histopathology, 168 intracranial aneurysm, 133
intratumoral therapies, 183-4 intrinsic brain tumors and functional mapping,
brachytherapy, 184 129-32
chemotherapy impregnated wafers, 184 skull base and pituitary surgery, 127-9
molecular pathogenesis, 168-9 spinal surgery, 134-5
open surgical resection, 178-83 surface lesions, 127
functional mapping, 180-3 current developments, 135-6
intraoperative navigation, 179 future developments, 137
positioning and flap strategies, 178 patient coordinates, 124-5
patient evaluation, 175 mechanical arms, 124-5
prognostic factors, 171-5 optical tracking, 125
chemotherapy, 173 stereotactic frames, 124
radiation therapy, 172-3 ultrasound localization, 125
recursive partition analysis, 171-2 registration, 125-6
surgical resection, 173-5 accuracy, 126
treatment variables, 172-5 error metrics, 126
tumor variables, 172 patient immobilization and tracking , 125-6
stereotactic biopsy, 178 statement of problem, 124
Histopathological abnormalities, 43-65 Incidentaloma, 190
degenerative diseases, 48 Inflammation, 62
developmental anomalies, 43 Inflammatory lesions, 43-5
inflammatory lesions, 43-5 Intensity-modulated radiotherapy, 224


Intens ive care, 85-104 Leksell, Lars, 139

blood pressure management, 92- 3 Linear accelerators, 142
cerebral blood flow, C02 reactivity and cerebral Low-grade glioma, 155-66
autoregulation, 86 diagnostic imaging, 156-7
cerebral perfusion pressure management , 92-3 management, 158-65
critical closing pressure, 87 ganglioglioma, neurocytoma and pleomorphic
Cushing's response, 86-7 xanthoastrocytoma, 164-5
intracranial pressure, 85-6 oligodendroglioma, 164
management of, 87-92 radiotherapy and chemotherapy, 164
monitoring, 93-103 recurrent tumors , 162-4
cerebral oxygenation/metabolism, 96-9 tumors causing intractable epilepsy, 164
electrophysiological, 99-102 pathological anatomy, 157-8
intracranial pressure, 94-6 presentation, 156
neurological examination, 93-4 varieties, 156
International 10-20 Scalp Electrode Placement Lung carcinoma, metastatic, 337
System, 4 Lymphoma , 288-95
Intracranial aneurysms, image-guided clinical features, 290
neurosurgery, 133 diagnosis, 290-2
Intracranial hemorrhage, 27-8 epidemio logy, 288-9
Intracranial pressure, 85-6 pathology, 289-90
management of, 87-92, 177-8 primary, 288
decompressive craniectomy, 91 secondary, 295
hypothermia, 91 treatment and outcome, 292-5
positive end-expiratory pressure, 91-2 chemotherapy, 294
reduction of brain mass, 89 radiotherapy, 292-4
reduction of cerebral blood volume, recurrent disease, 295
87-9 surgery, 295
reduction of CSFvolume, 89
sedation and paralysis, 89-91 M
monitoring, 94-6 MacCallum, WG, 39
Intracranial tumors , neuroendoscopy, MAGI (microscope -assisted guided intervention)
115-16 system, 136
Intraoperative angiography, 18 Magnetic resonance angiography, 31-2
Intraoperative ultraso und, 18,37 Magnetic resonance imaging, 26-31
Intraventricular tumo rs, 235-8 cerebello-pontine angle tumors, 250,251
anatomy, 237 contraindications, 31
outcome, 238 contrast media, 27
pre-operative evaluation, 238 extra-axial hemorrhage, 28-9
Ischemic stroke, 93 FLAIR, 26, 28
see also Carotid endarterectomy intracranial hemorrhage, 27-8
1soflurane, 73 intraoperative, 130-1
neuroanesthesia, 79-80
J parenchymal hematomas, 28
Jugular bodies, 250 safety issues, 29-31
Jugular foramen schwannoma, 269-70 signal intensity, 27
Jugular venous oximetry, 96-7 spinal tumors, 320,321
Juvenile angiofibroma, 271 Magnetoencephalography, 129
Juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas, 235 Malignant meningioma, 207
Mechanical arms, 124-5
K Mechanical ventilation, 102-3
Keratin, 61,62 Medulloblastoma, 300-3
Ketamine, 73 chemotherapy, 301-3
Kety-Schmidt technique, 97 clinical presentation, 301
radiation therapy, 301-3
L surgery, 301
Labetalol, 92 Meningioangiomatosis, 207
Lasers, 321 Meningioma, 199-201,205-33,249
Lattice pattern, 58, 59 cellular origin, 208


classification, 208 N
epidemiology, 206-8 Naloxone, 75
future therapy, 230-1 Near-infrared spectroscopy, 96-7
growth estimates, 209-10 Necrosis, 60
incidence , 206-8 Neonate, transcranial ultrasound, 35-6
management, 259 Neoplasms, 49-65
observation, 212 cell morphology, 49-50
pre-operat ive evaluation , 211-12 cellular arrangement, 50-60
pre-operative medical therapy, 212 cartwheels and perivascular crowns, 53
treatment options, 212 checkerboard and lattice formations, 58, 59
natural history , 208-11 diffusely infiltrating with no significant pattern,
pathology, 208 51
post-operative management, 222-3 nodular, lobular and alveolar patterns, 53, 55
radiation therapy, 223- 6 palisades and pseudo-palisades, 53, 56
brachytherapy, 225 papillae, 58
conventional, 224 perineuronal satellitosis, 51
fractionated rad iosurger y, 226 rosettes and pseudo-rosettes, 53, 56, 57, 58
intensity-modulated, 224 streams and bundles, 51-3
stereotactic radiosurgery, 225-6 whorls, loops, onion-skin pattern and
three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, psammoma bodies, 53, 54
224 stromal changes, 60-4
timing of, 226 cyst formation and mucoid degeneration, 60-1
recurrence, 210-11 desmopla sia and fibrosis, 61-2,63
spinal, 314,315 hemorrhages, 62, 64
surgery, 213- 22 inflammation, 62
early localization and preservation of adjacent keratin and parakeratin, 61,62
neurovasculature, 217-18 mineralizations, 60
internal decompression and extracapsular necrosis with or without palisading, 60
dissection, 216-17 Rosenthal fibers, 61
positioning, incision and exposure , 214-16 vascular changes, 64-5
removal of the involved bone and dura, Nerve action potentials, 18
218-22 Nerve conduction velocity, 18
tumor devascularization, 216 Nerve sheath tumors, 314
tumor biology Nervus intermedius, 257- 8
mechanisms of tumorigenesis, 226- 7 Neurilemmoma, 268
somatic alterations, 227 Neuroanesthesia, 71-84
tumor suppressor genes, 227-30 aneurysm surgery, 81
Methohexitone, 73 awake craniotomy, 82-3
Microdialysis, 97 cervical spine surgery, 81-2
Microelectrode recording/stimulation, 13-14 drugs in, 72-5
Midazolam, 73 neuromuscular blocking drugs, 72,74
Minimum alveolar concentration, 5 opioid s, 74-6
Mivacurium, 74 sedatives/hypnotics, 72
Mixed oligoastrocytoma, 156 emergence, 78
Monitoring, 93-102 emergency, 82
cerebral oxygenation/metabolism, 96-9 induction of anesthesia , 75-6
electrophysiological, 99-102 maintenance of anesthesia, 77
intracranial pressure, 94-6 monitoring, 76
neurological examination, 93-4 neuroradiology and magnetic resonance imaging,
Monro-Kellie doctrine, 85 79-80
Morphine, 74 pediatric, 78-9
Motor evoked potentials, 12-13 perioperative brain protection, 77-8
MRl see Magnetic resonance imaging positioning, 76
Multiple meningioma, 207 posterior fossa surgery, 80-1
Multiple myeloma, 334 post-operative analgesia, 78
Myelography, 34 pre-operative assessment and medication, 75
spinal tumors, 320 recovery, 78
Myxopapillary ependymoma, 316,319 Neurocytoma, 164-5


Neuroendoscop y, 107-21 Nuclear pleomorphism, 43

complications, 116-18 Null cell adenomas , 195
endoscope-assisted procedures, 116 Nutritional support, 103
future developments, 120
history, 107-8 o
instrumentation, 108-9 Olfactory neuroblastoma, 270-1
intracranial tumors , 115-16 Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic, 167
neuroendoscopic third ventriculostomy, 111-13 Oligodendroglioma, 63, 156
neuroimaging, 109-10 anapla stic, 167
non-tumorous cysts, 114-15 management, 164
non-tumorous parenchymal brain lesions, 116 Onion-skin pattern, 53, 54
research questions, 119-20 Opioids, 74-6
shunt complications and complex hydrocephalus , Optical tracking, 125
113-14 Ossification, 60
third ventriculostomy, 111-13 Ossifying fibroma, 267
training, 118-19 Osteoblastoma, 331
Neurofibromatosis, 207 Osteochondroma, 330
Neurogenic motor evoked potentials, 11 Osteogenic sarcoma, 333
Neuroimaging see Neuroradiology Osteoid osteoma, 330
Neuromuscular blocking drugs, 72,74 Osteoma, 266
Neuro-oncology, pediatric, 299-312 Oximetry, 18
astrocytoma, 303-5
brainstem glioma, 309-10 p
choroid plexus tumors , 310-11 Palisades, 53, 56
craniopharyngioma, 307-9 Pancuronium, 74
ependymoma, 305-6 Papillae, 58
epidemiology, 299-300 Paraganglioma, 271 -2
germ cell tumors, 306-7 Parakeratin , 61,62
late effects, 311 Paralysis, 89-91
medulloblastoma/primitive meuroectodermal Paranasal sinuses, carcinoma of, 272-3
tumor , 300-3 Parinaud's syndrome, 243
rhabdoid tumors, 311 Parkinson 's disease, 13-14
Neuropathology, 39-68 Pentobarbitone, 73
histopathological diagnosis, 41-65 Perinecrotic palisading, 53
Neurophysiology, 3-21 Perineuronal satellitosis, 51, 52
brainstem auditory evoked potentials, 14-16 Peripheral nerve monitoring, 18-19
cerebral blood flow, 17-18 Perivascular crowns, 53
cortical mapping, 13 PET see Positron emission tomography
cranial nerve monitoring, 16-17 Phenylephrine, 92
electrocortigraphy, 6-7 Pick's disease, 48
electroencephalography, 4-6 Pineal region tumors, 238-45
intra operative angiography, 18 anatomy, 242
intraoperative ultrasound, 18 epidemiology, 239-42
microelectrode recording/stimulation, 13-14 management and outcome, 243-5
motor evoked potentials, 12-13 pathological experience, 240-2
peripheral nerve monitoring, 18-19 pre-operative evaluation, 243
somatosensory evoked potentials, 7-11 Pineoblastoma, 240, 242
spinal stimulation, 11-12 Pineocytoma, 240, 242
visual evoked potentials , 7, 17 Pipecuronium, 74
Neuroradiology, 23-38, 109-10 Pituitary adenoma , 188-91
neuroanesthesia, 79-80 classification, 189
seealso individual techniques clinically non-functioning, 195
NF-2 tumor suppressor, 227-8 growth-hormone-producing, 191-2
Non-germinomatous germ cell tumors , 239 incidence, 188
Non-tumorous cysts, 114-15 pathophysiology, 188-9
Non-tumorous parenchymal brain lesions, 116 presentation, 189-90
Norepinephrine, 92 visual manifestations, 190-1
Nuclear medicine, 35 visual testing, 191


Pituitary surgery, 127-9 Rathke's cleft cysts, 198-9

Pituitary tumors Recursive partition analysis, 171-2
ACTH-producing tumors, 193-4 Registration, 125-6
adenoma see Pituitary adenoma accuracy, 126
carcinoma, 195 error metrics, 126
early postoperative management, 196-7 patient immobilization and tracking,
glycoprotein-secreting tumors, 194 125- 6
long-term management, 197 Remifentanyl, 74
null cell adenomas, 195 Renal carcinoma, metastatic, 337-8
posterior pituitary hormones, 195 Rhabdoid tumors, 311
pre-operative investigations and work-up, Rocuronium, 74
195-6 Rosenthal fibers, 61
prolactin-secreting tumors, 192-3 Rosettes, 53, 56, 57, 58
specific postoperative investigations, 197
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, 45, 47 S
management, 164-5 Schiller-Duvall bodies, 241
Positive end-expiratory pressure, 91-2 Schwannoma, 51,52,250
Positron emission tomography, 35, 97 facial nerve, 269
Posterior fossa surgery, 80-1 jugular foramen, 269-70
Posterior pituitary hormones, 195 management, 259-60
Primary CNS lymphoma, 288 skull base, 268
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor, 300-3 trigeminal, 268-9
Progressive multifocalleukoencephalopathy, 43 Sedation, 89-91
Prolactinoma, 197 Sedatives/hypnotics, 72
Prolactin-secreting tumors, 192-3 Seizure prophylaxis, 103
biochemical investigations, 193 Sellar and parasellar tumors, 187-204
clinical features, 192-3 craniopharyngioma, 201-3
histology, 193 embryology of sellar region, 187-8
incidence, 192 hemangiopericytoma, 201
medical treatment, 193 meningioma see Meningioma
radiological investigations, 193 pituitary tumors
Propofol, 73, 90 ACTH-producing tumors, 193-4
Prostate carcinoma, metastatic, 336-7 clinically non-functioning adenomas, 195
Psammoma bodies, 53 early postoperative management, 196-7
Pseudo-palisades, 53, 56 glycoprotein-secreting tumors, 194
Pseudo-rosettes, 53,56,57,58 growth-hormone-producing adenomas,
Pulse patterns, 16 191-2
long-term manageme nt, 197
R null cell adenomas, 195
Radioactive xenon washout, 98 pituitary adenomas, 188-91
Radiography, 24 pituitary carcinomas, 195
spinal tumors, 320 posterior pituitary hormones, 195
Radionecrosis, 146 pre-operative investigations and work-up,
Radiosurgery see Stereotactic radiosurgery 195-6
Radiotherapy prolactin-secreting tumors, 192-3
brainstem glioma, 310 specific postoperative investigations,
cerebral metastases, 285-6 197
craniopharyngoma, 309 Rathke's cleft cysts, 198-9
germ cell tumors, 307 Sevoflurane, 73
high-grade glioma, 172-3 Sex hormones, 229-30
intensity-modulated, 224 Shunts, seealso Hydrocephalus
low-grade glioma, 164 Single-photon emission computed tomography,
lymphoma, 292-4 35,98
medulloblastoma, 301-2 Skull base tumors, 263-80
Meningioma, 223-6 anterior cranial fossa lesions, 264
stereotactic, 140, 226 imaging studies, 264-5
three-dimensional conformal , 224 middle cranial fossa lesions, 264
Ras signal transduction pathway, 74 pathology, 266-74


extracranial skull base tumors, 271-4 dose planning, 141

intr acranial skull base tumors, 268-71 functional indications, 149-50
primary skull base lesions, 266-8 future trends, 150-1
posterior fossa lesions, 264 history , 139-40
presentation, 264 malignancy, 149
surgery, 265-6,274-9 meningioma, 225-6
anterior fossa, 274-6 pathologies, 143
appro ach to clivus, 278-9 single fraction and fractionation, 143
middle fossa, 276-7 stereotactic imaging, 140-1
posterior fossa, 277-8 targets, 142-3
Skull surgery, 127-9 vestibular schwannomas, 147-9
Sodium nitroprusside, 92 Stereotactic radiotherapy, 140, 226
Somatosensory evoked potentials, 7-11 Subarachnoid hematoma, 26
SPECT see Single-photon emission computed Subarachnoid hemorrhage see Aneurysmal
tomography subarachnoid hemorrhage
Speech discrimination tests, 251-2 Subdural empyema , 25
Spinal meningioma, 207 Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma, 235, 237
Spinal stimulation, 27-8 Succinylcholine, 73
Spinal surgery, 134-5 Sufentanil, 74
Spinal tumors, extradural, 329-40
diagnosis, 338 T
metast atic spinal disease, 334-8 Target registration error, 126
breast carcinoma, 335-6 Telangiectasia, 63
lung carcinoma, 337 Temperature control , 103
prostate carcinoma, 336-7 Tempo ral bone resection, 277-8
renal carcinoma, 337-8 Temporal bone tumors, 273-4
primary bony neoplasms, 330-4 Teratoma, 242
benign tumors of spinal column , 330-2 Third ventriculostomy, neuroendoscopic, 111- 13
malignant tumors of axial skeleton, 332-4 Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy,
treatment, 338-9 224
Spinal tumors, intradural, 313-27 Thyroid-stimulating hormone adenomas, 194
adjuvant therapy, 326-7 Time of flight, 31
clinical presentation, 316,318,320 Tissue P02, 96-7
diagnostic studies, 320 Transcranial Doppler ultrasound, 18, 98
epidemiology and pathology, 314-17 Transcranial magnetic stimulation, 12
intradural extramedullary tumors, 314 Transcranial ultrasound in neonate, 35-6
intramedullary tumors, 314-17 Transient hyperemic response, 99
oncological outcome , 326 Trauma, 48-9
surgical complications, 325-6 Trigeminal schwannoma, 268-9
cerebrospinal fluid leakage, 326 Tubocurarine, 74
functional outcome , 325 Tumorigenesis, 226-7
post -operative spinal deformity, 325-6 Tumor suppressor genes, 227-30
surgical treatment, 321-3 growth factors and Ras signal transduction
instruments, 321 pathway, 229
intraoperative monitoring, 323-5 NF-2 tumor suppressor, 227-8
technique, 321-3 sex hormones, 229-30
Spongioblastoma, 53
Stalk effect, 192 U
Static autoregulation, 99 Ultrasonic aspirator, 321
Stereotactic biopsy, 178 Ultrasound, 35-7
Stereotactic frames, 124 carotid, 36
Stereotactic imaging, 140-1 intraoperative, 18,37, 132
Stereotactic radiosurgery, 139-52 transcranial in neonate, 35-6
acoustic neuromas, 147-9,258-9 Ultrasound localization, 125
arteriovenous malformations, 144-6
dose delivery, 141-2 V
gamma knife, 141 Vascular disease, 45, 48
linear accelerators, 142 Vasoactive agents, 92


Vasopressin , 92 w
Vasospasm, 100 We1ch, William, 39
Vecuronium, 74 Whorls, 53, 54
Vein of Galen malformations, 147 Will Rogers' effect, 40
Verocay bodies, 53, 56 Wyburn -Mason syndrome, 143
Vestibular schwannoma see Acoustic neuromas
Visual evoked potentials, 7,17 X
133Xenon, 17
X-rays see Radiography

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