Discharge: Amendment

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P.O. Box 3000
Johnstowa. Castle Estate
County Wexford



I Licence Register Number: I D0014-01

I Licensee: I Irish Water
Company Registration 530363
Agglomeration: Sligo and Environs

Environmental Protection Agency Licence Reg. No. D0014-01

Reasonsfur the Decision

The Environmental Protection Agency (the Agency) is satisfied, on the basis of the
information available, that subject to compliance with the conditions of Licence Reg.
No. D0014-01 granted on the 3rdMarch 2010, and amended on the 16&December 2016
as well as any amendments noted herein any discharge from the activity will comply
with and not contravene any of the requirements of Regulation 6(3) of the Waste Water
Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007 as amended.

A screening for Appropriate Assessment was undertaken to assess, in view of best

scientific knowledge and the conservation objectives of the site, if the discharges,
individually or in combination with other plans or projects are likely to have a
significant effect on any European Site.

The discharges are not directly connected with or necessary to the management of any
European Site and the Agency considered, for the reasons set out below, that it can be
excluded, on the basis of objective information, that the discharges, individually or in
combination with other plans or projects, will have a significant effect on any European
Site and accordingly determined that an Appropriate Assessment was not required.

This determination is based on the fact that the proposed amendments wiIl not
result in a material change to the nature or volume of the discharges from the
agglomeration. It is also concluded that the ELV for pH of 6-9 and the removal
of the DO ELV will not compromise the achievement of the environmental
objectives for the waterbody.

In pursuance of the powers conferred on it by Regulation 33(l)(c) of the Waste Water

Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007 as amended, the Agency amends Licence
Reg. No. D0014-01, granted to lrish Water, ColviIl House, 24/26 Talbot Street, Dublin
1, CRO Number 530363.

Henceforth, the licence shall be read in conjunction with the amendment set out below,

This Technical Amendment,is limited to the following schedules of Licence Reg. No.
DO0 14-01.

WWD Technical Amendment D0014-01/B Page 1 /

Environmental Protection Agency Licence Reg. No. D0014-0 1

Amended Schedules

Amend Schedule A. I Primary Waste Water Discharge of the licence, to read as


A.1 Primary Waste Water Discharge

Primary Discharge Point Code:

Name of Receiving Waters:
Location: 1678O8E 337318N

PH 6-9
Temperature 25°C (max)
. .

c30D 25
COD 125
Suspended Solids 35
CoIoration (afterfiltration) 4 0 % deviation '
m t y 40% deVidonN~1
Total Oxidised Nitrogen 15
Amnonfa (as N) 10
TOWPhosphorus (as P) 2
Polychlorinated biphenyls 0.0003
Metals (dissolved)
Note 2
A m m i C {As)
Notp 2
Ctrdmiom (Cd)
Notc 2
Chromium (Cr)
No& 2
Copper (Cu)
Npte 2
Lead @b)
Note %
Mercury @P)
Nickel (Nil No& 2

Saver (Au) NMe 2

zinc fzn)

WWD Technical Amendment D0014-01iB Page 2

Environmental Protection Agency Licence Reg. No. DO0 14-01

This Technical Amendment shall be cited as Amendment B to Waste Water Discharge

Licence Reg. No. D0014-01 dated 3rdMarch 2010 and is to be read in conjunction with
that licence and all previous amendments.

Sealed by the seal of the Agency on this the 4thday of August, 2020

PRESENT when the seal of the Agency

was affixed hereto:

Tara Gilleauthoriked Person

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