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WHEREAS, Plenary Justice Miami, LLC applied for the following:

1. SITE PLAN APPROVAL of a 537,968 sq. ft. courthouse building with ancillary parking
area and site improvements.

2. NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit parking

garages without screening in the form of liner buildings; glazing; building wall
extensions; vertical planted walls; berms; landscaping; architectural fenestration;
sculpture; design features; and/or other innovative screening methods.

3. NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to waive the

requirement for a Declaration of Restrictions or similar agreement for off-site parking
availability and termination of use.

4. NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit the

proposed development with 11% open space (15% required).

5. NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit the

proposed development with building facades of 27% glazed area (40% required).

6. NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit the

proposed development with blank walls facing public streets without artistic
expression, such as sculpture, mosaic, or similar features.

7. NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit the

proposed development with zero (0) site trees (30 site trees required).

8. NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit the

proposed development with 16 street trees (19 street trees required).

9. NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit the

proposed development without screening of service areas as required.

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WHEREAS, Plenary Justice Miami, LLC Plans are on file in the Department of
Regulatory and Economic Resources entitled, “Miami-Dade County Civil and Probate
Courthouse”, prepared by Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., consisting of 51 sheets,
dated stamped received December 14, 2020. Plans may be modified at public hearing,

WHEREAS, the subject property lies West of NW 1st Avenue, between Flagler and

NW 1st Streets and east of the Miami-Dade Cultural Center, Miami-Dade County,

Florida, and

WHEREAS, Chapter 33C of the County Code establishes the Rapid Transit

Developmental Impact Committee Executive Council (RTDIC) composed of the County’s

Developmental Impact Committee Executive Council and under certain circumstances up

to two representatives from the municipality where the proposed development is

located; and

WHEREAS, Chapter 33C of the County Code establishes the regulatory framework

for properties at or along Metrorail Stations and under the County Jurisdiction, and

WHEREAS, on Friday, February 12, 2021 the RTDIC convened to consider an

application for site plan approval and variances of the RTZ regulations in connection with

a proposed development known as Plenary Justice Miami, LLC, consisting of the new

Miami-Dade County Civil and Probate Courthouse, located within the Government

Center Sub-zone of the Fixed-Guideway Rapid Transit System-Development Zone, and

WHEREAS, Section 33C-11 of Chapter 33C specifically provides for the regulatory

framework for non-Metrorail development of properties within the Government Center

Sub-zone, and therefore such regulations apply to the proposed Plenary Justice Miami,

LLC development, and

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WHEREAS, the RTDIC meeting was advertised and held, as required by law, and

all interested parties concerned in the matter were given an opportunity to be heard, and

WHEREAS, the RTDIC has been advised that the subject application has been

reviewed for compliance with concurrency requirements for levels of services and, at this

stage of the request, the same was found to comply with the requirements, and

WHEREAS, upon due and proper consideration having been given to the matter

and to the recommendation of the Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and

Economic Resources, it is the opinion of the RTDIC that the requested SITE PLAN

APPROVAL of a 537,968 sq. ft. courthouse building with ancillary parking area and site

improvements (Request #1), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center

Sub-Zone Regulations to permit parking garages without screening in the form of liner

buildings; glazing; building wall extensions; vertical planted walls; berms; landscaping;

architectural fenestration; sculpture; design features; and/or other innovative screening

methods (Request #2), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-

Zone Regulations to waive the requirement for a Declaration of Restrictions or similar

agreement for off-site parking availability and termination of use (Request #3), the

requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit

the proposed development with 11% open space (15% required) (Request #4), the

requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit

the proposed development with building facades of 27% glazed area (40%

required)(Request #5), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-

Zone Regulations to permit the proposed development with blank walls facing public

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streets without artistic expression, such as sculpture, mosaic, or similar features (Request

#6), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to

permit the proposed development with zero (0) site trees (30 site trees required)

(Request #7), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone

Regulations to permit the proposed development with 16 street trees (19 street trees

required) (Request #8), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-

Zone Regulations to permit the proposed development without screening of service

areas as required (Request #9), would be compatible with the area and its development

pattern, consistent with the civic nature and safety-related matters that are typical of

courthouses, and would conform with the requirements and intent of the Zoning

Procedure Ordinance and be consistent with the Comprehensive Development Master

Plan, and should be approved, and

WHEREAS, a motion to approve the application was offered by Nathan Kogon,

and seconded by Javier Bustamante, and upon a poll of the members present, the vote

was as follows:

Javier Bustamante aye Elia Nunez aye

Annalise Mannix aye David Snow aye
Nathan Kogon aye Christine Velazquez aye
Darren Williams aye

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Miami-Dade County RTDIC that the

requested SITE PLAN APPROVAL of a 537,968 sq. ft. courthouse building with ancillary
parking area and site improvements (Request #1), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of
Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit parking garages without screening
in the form of liner buildings; glazing; building wall extensions; vertical planted walls;
berms; landscaping; architectural fenestration; sculpture; design features; and/or other

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innovative screening methods (Request #2), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of
Government Center Sub-Zone Regulations to waive the requirement for a Declaration of
Restrictions or similar agreement for off-site parking availability and termination of use
(Request #3), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone
Regulations to permit the proposed development with 11% open space (15% required)
(Request #4), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-Zone
Regulations to permit the proposed development with building facades of 27% glazed
area (40% required)(Request #5), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government
Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit the proposed development with blank walls
facing public streets without artistic expression, such as sculpture, mosaic, or similar
features (Request #6), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center Sub-
Zone Regulations to permit the proposed development with zero (0) site trees (30 site
trees required) (Request #7), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government Center
Sub-Zone Regulations to permit the proposed development with 16 street trees (19
street trees required) (Request #8), the requested NON-USE VARIANCE of Government
Center Sub-Zone Regulations to permit the proposed development without screening of
service areas as required (Request #9), and the same are hereby approved, subject to the
following conditions:

1. That a site plan be submitted to and meet with the approval of the Director upon the
submittal of an application for a building permit and/or Certificate of Use; said plan to
include among other things, but not limited to, the location of structures, types, sizes
and location of signs, light standards, off-street parking areas, exits and entrances,
drainage, walls, fences, landscaping, etc.

2. That in the approval of the plan, the same be substantially in accordance with that
submitted for the hearing entitled, “Miami-Dade County Civil and Probate
Courthouse”, prepared by Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., consisting of 51 sheets,
dated stamped received December 14, 2020.

3. That the use be established and maintained in accordance with the approved plan.

4. That the applicant submits to the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources
for its review and approval a landscaping plan which indicates the type and size of
plant material prior to the issuance of a building permit and to be installed prior to
the issuance of a Certificate of Use.

5. That the applicant obtains a Certificate of Use from the Department, upon compliance
with all terms and conditions, the same subject to cancellation upon violation of any
of the conditions.

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6. That the applicant complies with all applicable conditions and requirements of the
Departments, Sections, and Divisions, including the attached comments and any other
conditions required by the Rapid Transit Development Impact Committee (RTDIC).
Requests for additional information shall be provided to the appropriate Department
prior to or at the time of permit submittal. All other conditions shall be addressed
prior to final Certificate of Occupancy.

7. That the applicant submits to the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources
for its review and approval all signs and their locations, size and design proposed for
the development and future development of the property in accordance with Sec. 33-
284.87 and Sec. 33-107 of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances.

8. That the Applicant submit an ASPR for the screening located to the east of the
pedestrian walkway which shall include the fencing and landscaping prior to the
issuance of a C.U. Said ASPR is to be reviewed by the RTDIC for approval.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, notice is hereby given to the applicant that the

request herein constitutes an initial development order and does not constitute a final

development order and that one, or more, concurrency determinations will subsequently

be required before development will be permitted.

The Director is hereby authorized to make the necessary notations upon the

maps and records of the Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic

Resources and to issue all permits in accordance with the terms and conditions of this


PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of February, 2021.


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