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Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
First name / Surname Gunel Rauf ISRAFILOVA
Telephone(s) Mob.: +99450 3394993

Nationality Azerbaijani

Date of birth 23 December 1983

Gender Female
Status Married
Work experience
Dates September 2018 - present
Occupation or position held Chief Specialist
Initiative lead for the Azerbaijan Tax Transformation Project in partnership with McKinsey and
Company (December 2018 – July 2019)
Name and address of employer State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, General
Department of Human Resources, Performance Evaluation and Analysis Division
16 L. Landau str., AZ 1073, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Dates May 2016 – May 2018

Occupation or position held Project Coordinator
Name and address of employer EU Delegation in Azerbaijan,
90A Nizami str., Landmark III, AZ 1010, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Dates September 2012 – June 2013 / September 2016 – June 2019

Occupation or position held Lecturer of the Human Rights and European Union Law, Master Program, I and II years (English)
Name and address of employer Baku State University, Law Department, Master Program
23, Academic Zahid Xalilov str., AZ 1148, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Dates August 2005 - April 2010

Occupation or position held Leading legal consultant
Head of the Project Implementation Team for the World Bank Judicial Modernisation Project
Name and address of employer Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, General Department of Organization and
Supervision, 1, Inshaatchilar avn., AZ 1073, Baku, Azerbaijan

Dates August 2009 - September 2009

Occupation or position held Assistant lawyer (internship)
Name and address of employer European Court of Human Rights, Legal Division, Avenue de l’Europe, F-67075, Strasbourg, France

Dates January 2008 - March 2008

Occupation or position held Programme officer (internship)
Name and address of employer Council of Europe, Department of Justice and Legal Cooperation, Directorate General of Human
Rights and Rule of Law, Avenue de l’Europe, F-67075, Strasbourg, France

Dates April 2004 - May 2004

Occupation or position held Referent (internship)
Name and address of employer Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, International Law and Contracts
Department, 4, Shixali Gurbanov str., AZ 1009, Baku, Azerbaijan

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Education and training
Dates May 2017 – May 2018
Qualification Master Certificate in Project Management
Name and type of organisation School of Project Management, George Washington University (USA) and Twenty Eight
providing education and training Strategy Solutions, Baku Higher Oil School, Khojaly avenue 30, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Dates November 2017 – December 2020

Title of qualification awarded PhD in International Public Law
Research field International Protection of Human Rights
Dissertation “Problematic Aspects of the ECHR Territorial Jurisdiction”
Name and type of organisation National Academy of Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 10 Istiglaliyat str., AZ1001, Baku,
providing education and training Republic of Azerbaijan

Dates September 2011 – June 2012

Title of qualification awarded LLM in European Union Law
Principal subjects/occupational skills Research paper: “EU Treatment of Generic Pharmaceuticals in Transit and TRIPS”
Name and type of organisation College of Europe, Dijver 11, 8000 Bruges, Belgium
providing education and training Studies funded by the European Commission

Dates September 2010 - June 2011

Title of qualification awarded LLM in European Comparative Law (Diploma with distinction)
Principal subjects/occupational skills Research paper: “State Immunity and Serious Human Rights Violations” (written in French)
Name and type of organisation University of Strasbourg, 4, Blaise Pascal str., F-67081, Strasbourg, France
providing education and training Studies funded by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Dates September 2004 - June 2006

Title of qualification awarded Master in International Law (Diploma with distinction)
Principal subjects/occupational skills Research paper: “Rights of Refugees and the European Court of Human Rights”
Name and type of organisation Baku State University, International Law and International Relations Department,
providing education and training 23, Academic Zahid Xalilov str., AZ 1148, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Dates September 2000 - June 2004

Title of qualification awarded Bachelor in International Law (Diploma with distinction)
Principal subjects/occupational skills Research paper: “State Immunity in the Modern Theory and Practice of International Law”
covered Specialization in International Public Law
Name and type of organisation Baku State University, International Law and International Relations Department,
providing education and training 23, Academic Zahid Xalilov str., AZ 1148, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Personal skills and

Mother tongue(s) Azerbaijani

Understanding Speaking Writing

European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user

French C1 Proficient user C1 Independent user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Independent user
Russian C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user

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Turkish C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user

Spanish A2 Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Computer skills Good knowledge of the most Microsoft Office programs, Microsoft Project, Smartsheet, Prezi
(presentation software), Visio, internet browsers, numerous legal databases and some graphic design
applications acquired through work and specific training
Driving licence Type B
Additional information PUBLICATIONS:
“Individual Complaints as a Mechanism of the International Human Rights Standards Implementation
in the National Legislation and Practice” in “Problematic Issues of the World Policy and International
Law” Academic Research Materials, Scientific Journal, №3/2006
“Foreign Financial Investments and Investment Policy in the Republic of Azerbaijan - Protectionism or
"The Open Doors"?”in “Problematic Issues of the World Policy and International Law” Academic
Research Materials, Scientific Journal, №7/2004
“The Comparative Analyses of Jurisdictional Immunities of States in Contemporary International Law
Theory and Practice” in Compendium of Articles on International Law, Scientific Journal, Baku State
University, №3/2004
“Imperative Jus Cogens Principles in the Contemporary Theory of International Law” in Compendium
of Articles on International Law, Scientific Journal, Baku State University, №1/2003.
Dates September 18, 2006 – November 17, 2006
Name of the training course Human Rights Course for Government Officials
Training provider Human Rights Center
Essex University (Colchester/United Kingdom)
Dates January 05, 2004 – June 06, 2004
Name of the training course International Business Law
Training provider American Bar Association, Central European University, Civic Education Project
Dates February 03, 2003 – March 30, 2003
Name of the training course Trial Practice Course
Training provider American Bar Association (Baku/Azerbaijan)

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