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VTS video analysis Name: Corey Sakkinen

Total:________/24 points

Answer the following questions while watching the video…

1.) How did she get started with the activity? (3points)

She tells the students to use their eyes and see what they notice. She said, “Use your thinking
and eyes,” and gave them 30 seconds to view the picture.

2.) What kinds of questions did she ask, how did she follow up? (3 points)

 What do you notice?

 What do you see that makes you say that?
 What else can we find?

She followed up the questions by connecting what the students said with their prior knowledge.
She had them come up to the picture and point out what they were talking about, and also
restated what the students said to make sure everyone heard and had a clear understanding.

3.) What kinds of thinking strategies were practiced by the students? (3 points)

 Problem solving
 Predicting
 Wondering
 Higher level thinking skills

Now process what you just saw and discuss the following questions at your table…

4.) How could we connect this activity to the elements and principles? (5 points)

A viewer that understands the elements and principles of art can look at something and answer
the questions of the VTS model and the methods of art criticism by pointing out specific
examples in what they are looking at. For example, they will know that analogous, warm colors
will evoke intense emotions, and that the use of lines will guide their eye. They will also be able
to identify proportion and the point of emphasis. The elements and principles of art will make
them able to interpret what they are looking at, and possibly know the motives of who created

5.) What kinds of follow up or next step activities could we do after something like this? (5
Follow up could include writing about the picture and their observations. The class could have a
discussion about their ideas, they could read a story relating to the picture, or they could try
and create their own pictures that contain imagery or ideas from whatever they are looking at
or are supposed to be learning about.

6.) Elementary Ed. how could this be used cross curricularly? Art Ed. how could this transfer
into a project? (5 points)

VTS could be used in other subject areas like, language arts, or history, etc.

If there was a lesson plan about famous explorers that sailed around the world, the teacher
could find a picture of a specific explorer and their ship and show it to the class.

By following the steps of the VTS model, the teacher will help the students form ideas about
that time period, and this visualization will help them better understand the content of the
lesson. The teacher can relate what the students are reading and writing about back to the
picture. This will help them establish some familiarity and prior knowledge about the subject if
none existed beforehand.

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