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November 2010



“Remember me, Yahweh, when you enjoy your people; include
me when you save them; I want to see your children succeed,
celebrate with your celebrating nation, join the Hallelujahs of
your pride and joy.”………PSALM 106:4-5

So many times when a church chooses to acknowledge the success of an individual or

group project, much praise is given for the grandeur of the planning, execution and
positive results that are now bringing about great change or perhaps a renewed spirit.
These are great victories that benefit everyone.
However, in the world of the Impact ministries, there are often times of victory that are
so small in scope that usually no one else is aware of their importance. A case in point
has David Beegle telling of one of our outdoorsman who approached him one week and
KEEP GROWING! pulled a wrinkled, wadded dollar bill out of his dirty pants pocket and said: “When I
Education at Impact really needed it, David you loaned me a dollar and I promised you that I would repay
does not just stop with you…here it is.” David said that the loan was made well over a year ago and he had all
the children. There are but forgotten giving the money. But the implication here is, that this effort so seemingly
many groups where
small, produced a great victory in the mind of the one repaying the loan and within the
adults can be fed and
stretched. Impact heart of David and those who make such things possible. There are a million Impact
groups are for building stories and this is one of the happy ones. Amen!
community and bible
study. Recovery Thanks-4-giving!
groups meet regularly “Real Giving” is the title of our current sermon series, but it is
at Impact. We have a exemplified as it is being learned throughout the Impact campus
Inside this issue:
reading plan to follow, and its ministries. Ministers, volunteers, and members make
incredible sacrifices of service to the community we serve. This  A Victory is a
and sermon series are Victory p1
discussed in Sunday community of servants extends beyond this campus however. Our
supporters give in so many ways to make posible what we are and  Year-End
classes to help process Letter p2
what we do. Though we are always grateful, as Thanksgiving
the message. Our book approaches we are more acutely aware of how blessed we are by  Recruiting p3
club also offers top- the gifts that keep the bills paid and the vans running; that make  Fall Festival
quality leadership, it posible for students to have an education; that help families stay p3
guests, and challenging clothed and have food on the table; and mostly that the name of  Girl’s Retreat
discussions. Read more: Jesus is not just spoken, but made a reality in the lives of the lost, p4
at rejected and broken. The giving of our supporters give people like this and all of us at Impact a hope for future possibilities and a
and better today. Thank you for your dedication and participation.

Impact Houston Church of Christ: Committed to helping hungry... homeless... hurting people
every day.
Committed to helping hungry... homeless... hurting people every day
Page 2

Indepedence Hall Conversando

Y e a r -e n d L e tt e r
Entre Amigas Small
Year-e Groups
n d L ette r

Bilingual Sundays Impact Book

November 3,2010
year with
ars an en d we be gin to focus on the approaching
As our year ne new opportunities are
xiety. It seems each year
anticipation and a little an

Club VBS Houston Dynamo Outs opening

for this ministry. I want to
relate two brief stories:

d announces that he is 90
days clean

Impact Christmas Party Fall

to me aft er wo rsh ip an days ago
“Bob” comes up pro gra m and is doing very well. 90
r ne w rec ov ery
of drugs. He is in ou family, children and
s ho me les s, ad dic ted , ho peless and separated from ily.
he wa
w he is sho wi ng me their pictures. Great fam

Festival Celebration Dinner

grandchild ren . No
with a
a rec en t gra du ate from Harding University
“Tyler” comes to us as a prayer
wa nti ng to wo rk wi th ou r teen girls, the answer to
BSW (Social Work)

Healthy Treasures Wellness Fairs of

the leadersh ip
summer after fin
of thi
co ng
ng .
. She had served as a sum
e ha s found a vast difference
mer intern last
in the

Noche de Parejas Impact Garage

rk here.
of the inn er cit y. Sh e wants to continue her wo
of school and the reality l people. The community
of Impact personifies
is a rea l ch urc h wi th rea
“Impact she says.
d most importantly, love”
potential, promise, life, an

Sale Distribution Center Block

Books by Impact Authors
Make Great Gifts!! “Tyler” comes to us
work tog eth er to see
tha t
fun din g kn ow ing we cannot fund her wo
ding. This letter is not ad
dressing that need
rk. We

rience. “Bob”
diversity of needs we expe

Parties TREK!
y, bu t sho ws the wi de ny here at Impact.
specificall gro un ds. They represent so ma
Observations ve dif fer en t ba ferences into
and “Tyler” ha az ing is the blending of these dif
s mi nis try so am
What has made thi
the Body of Christ.

Liberty Island Singing Camp of

-by Charlie Middlebrook
bly will need
all po ssi ble by your generosity. We proba
You have ma de thi s c downturn.
“We are all pilgrims, all of us, not ite of an d in so me sen se, because of the economi
more in 2011 in sp ntinued
w opportunities. Your co

the Hills Impact Christmas Party

ne w ch all en ge s an d ne
yet home, not always knowing the We expect to have
way, yet journeying on… support
When not focused on the makes it all possible.

Fall Festival Celebration Dinner

demands of the journey we look
around us, at our World,
observing, remembering, sharing
With humble thanks, the
Impact Houston Team and Family

Healthy Treasures Wellness Fairs

with others our observations.
Who knows, someone may benefit

Impact Christmas Party VBS

from what we see.” -Charlie Middlebrook

For more books, titles and

Festival Celebration Dinner TREK!

information for ordering, visit
Page 3

Impact Fall Garage

Festival Sale
Distribution Center Block
On October 23, 2010, the Memorial Church of Christ in
Houston, TX, once again shared their abundant love for God
and children by hosting our children for the annual Fall

Parties TREK!
Festival. Only ten minutes away from the inner city, this
We recently discarded a 1999
giving community of faith continues to demonstrate the van we had received “gently
holistic nature of the gospel found in Mark 10:13-16. The used” in 2000.

Liberty Island Singing

gospel is not just for men or for women, for the poor or the It had been stolen once,
rich, it is for everyone! Our Impact children are consistently destroying the steering column
loved and embraced by people that know the love of in the process and the seats
removed and discarded and

Camp of the Hills

God. Our children cannot wait for the Fall Festival every
year, because they know the Memorial Church will welcome used in a construction site
burglary. We had retrieved the
them with open hearts and open arms. The joy on the faces
van, cleaned out the debris,

Independence Hall
of adults and children alike during the Fall Festival is an rebuilt the steering column
annual reminder of what heaven will be like and the Impact and replaced the seats after
Children’s Ministry is so grateful for the Memorial Church of some months delay and

Conversando Entre Trip Amigas

Christ. Thank you for another great Fall Festival! continued to use the van. That
van was gifted to a small
Impact Youth Team Recruiting congregation in Cuidad Acuna,
Coahuila, Mexico. It still had a

Small Groups Bilingual

On Sunday, October 24, 2010, the Impact Youth Team good engine but was
departed Houston to journey to three universities in an effort aesthetically unpleasing.
to recruit college students willing to give their summer We received a letter of

Sundays Impact Book Club

serving over 400 inner city children and youth. Our first stop gratitude back from that
was at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas, then we congregation signed by all of
continued our journey to Lindenwood University in the members in attendance
St.Charles, Missouri, and from there traveled to Oklahoma that day, 32 in number.

VBS Houston Dynamo

Christian University in Edmond, Oklahoma. We were
blessed to be hosted by families throughout our
journey. We didn't have to pay for one hotel room, and our
In our amazing world, what we
cast aside becomes another’s

Outings Impact Christmas

host families fed us many meals. As we traveled from town treasure. May that van live
to town, we were reminded of how God does provide all that long and serve well…again!
we need, and the encouragement we received from former
interns at the universities and our host families made the -Doug Williams

Party Fall Festival

journey completely worthwhile. We are prayerful that God
will provide the summer interns our children need and we
are incredibly thankful for the great, big family we have Garage Sale

Celebration Dinner Healthy

through our faith in the Lord.
* Every Thursday, 140 hot meals are served to
elementary students and junior high girls. * Over already!
the summer, 9 trucks brought food to serve over The March 12-13,

Treasures Wellness Fairs

10,000 meals. * Our new 1760 square-foot freezer Top: Up to her normal 2011 dates are set.
(left) allows much more meat and milk products to mischief, Patrice-in-the-hat
be stored, frees valuable space inside an overly McKinney greets her guests
crowded building, and preserves other perishables. from Impact. Middle: “I Please call Felton

Noche de Parejas
This in turn allows us to serve significantly more want to take it all home @832-729-5222 if
people. * The next Block Party will be Nov. 13 with me!”
where the community is helped with Food Stamps, Bottom: Young and old you have items to
Medicaid, clothing, food, and games for children. alike get into the spirit of donate.
Changing lives today... Non Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Impact Houston Church of Christ Houston, TX
Permit No. 5682
1704 Weber
Houston, TX 77007
Phone: 713-864-5667

Changing hearts forever!

Making From the finance group….

Their Story I would like to support the work at Impact
with the enclosed donation. OR
His Story Please charge my credit card
-by Taylor Gentry Amount: $_______
____MC ___Visa ___Amex
This weekend the middle school and high school girls loaded up ___Discover ___Checking ___Savings
the vans and headed to Gulf Coast Christian Camp for a girls Credit card/Account No. _____________
retreat. The theme for the weekend was, “Who Is Writing Your Routing # _______________
Story?” The girls were encouraged to think critically about the Exp. Date ____/_____/_____
author of their lives--are they writing their story or is God? We Name on Card _____________
studied Jonah’s resistance to allow God to be in control of his Phone/email______________
story. Four ladies of the church, each with unique experiences,
Please complete and send in enclosed
volunteered to share their stories with the girls. The girls also
envelope or visit us online:
spent a few hours purposefully looking at their own stories and
creatively illustrating their journey through a scrapbook. The
weekend retreat ended with a lively game of flag-football! We Have a BLESSED Day!
all managed to clean-up, load-up and hit the road all in one piece. Impact Houston
The weekend was a wonderful time to enjoy fellowship while Church of Christ
learning to live our lives with purpose according to the one and 1704 Weber St.,
Houston, TX 77007
only Author. Thanks to all who helped make the weekend a

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