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5AB / 5JN Exhibition Timetable

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:45 - Exhibition
9:45 Group

10:15 Exhibition Group 10:15 - 10:50 9:45 - 1011:00 Exhibition

- Exhibition Group Exhibition Individual
Individual (Music) 5AB
5AB / 5JN

11:00 Exhibition Group Exhibition Group Exhibition 11:15 - 12:00

- Group Exhibition

12:45 Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition

- Individual Individual Group

14:05 Exhibition Exhibition

- Individual Group
5AB / 5JN

Appendix Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011

Social Skills Communication Skills
Accepting responsibility: taking on and completing tasks in an appropriate manner;
Transdisciplinary Skills Listening: listening to directions; listening to others; listening to information
being willing to assume a share of the responsibility Put together by: Jillian Miao
Speaking: speaking clearly; giving oral reports to small and large groups; expressing
Respecting others: listening sensitively to others; making decisions based on fairness and
ideas clearly and logically; stating opinions
equality; recognizing that others’ beliefs, viewpoints, religions and ideas may differ from one’s
Reading: reading a variety of sources for information and pleasure;
Thinking Skills
own; stating one’s opinion without hurting others
comprehending what has been read; making inferences and drawing conclusions

Cooperating: working cooperatively in a group; being courteous to others; sharing materials; Acquisition of knowledge: Gaining specific facts, ideas, Writing: recording information and observations; taking notes and paraphrasing;

taking turns vocabulary; remembering in a similar form writing summaries; writing reports; keeping a journal or record

Resolving conflict: listening carefully to others; compromising; reacting reasonably to the Comprehension: Grasping meaning from material learned; Viewing: interpreting and analyzing visuals and multimedia; understanding the ways

in which images and language interact to convey ideas, values and beliefs; making
situation; accepting responsibility appropriately; bring fair communicating and interpreting learning
informed choices about personal viewing experiences
Group decision-making: listening to others; discussing ideas; asking questions; working Application: Making use of previously acquired knowledge in
Presenting: constructing visuals and multimedia for a range of purposes and
towards and obtaining consensus practical or new ways
audiences; communicating information and ideas through a variety of visual media;
Adopting a variety of group roles: understanding what behaviour is appropriate in a given Analysis: Taking knowledge or ideas apart; separating into
using appropriate technology for effective presentation and representation
situation and acting accordingly; being a leader in some circumstances, a follower in others component parts; seeing relationships; finding unique Non-verbal communication: recognizing the meaning of visual and kinesthetic

characteristics communication; recognizing and creating signs; interpreting and utilizing symbols

Research Skills Synthesis: Combining parts to create wholes; creating,

Formulating questions: Identifying something one wants or needs to know and asking
designing, developing and innovating Self-management skills
compelling and relevant questions that can be researched Gross motor skills: Exhibiting skills in which groups of large muscles are used and
Evaluation: Making judgments or decisions based on chosen
Observing: using all the senses to notice relevant details the factor of strength is primary
criteria; standards and conditions
Planning: Developing a course of action; writing an outline; devising ways of finding Fine motor skills: exhibiting skills in which precision in delicate muscle systems is
Dialectical thought: Thinking about two or more different points
out necessary information required
of view at the same time; understanding those points of view;
Collecting Data: gathering information from a variety of first- and second-hand sources Spatial awareness: displaying a sensitivity to the position of objects in relation to
being able to construct an argument for each point of view based oneself or each other
such as maps, surveys, direct observation, books, films, people, museums and ICT
on knowledge of the other(s); realizing that other people can Organization: planning and carrying out activities effectively
Recording data: describing and recording observations by drawing, note taking, making
Time management: using time effectively and appropriately
also take one’s own point of view.
charts, tallying, writing statements
Safety: Engaging in personal behaviour that avoids placing oneself or others in
Metacognition: Analyzing one’s own and others’ thought
Organizing data: sorting and categorizing information; arranging into understandable forms danger or at risk
processes; thinking about how one thinks and how one learns Healthy lifestyle: making informed choices to achieve a balance in nutrition, rest,
such as narrative descriptions, tables, timelines, graphs and diagrams
relaxation and exercise; practicing appropriate hygiene and self-care
Interpreting data: drawing conclusions from relationships and patterns that emerge from
Codes of behaviour: knowing and applying appropriate rules or operating
organized data
procedures of groups of people

Appendix Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011

Student Generated Rubric

Appendix Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011

Communication Skills Rubric
1 point 3 points 5 points 7 points

Listening: I can not listen to directions and With guidance I can listen to I can listen to directions and I responsibly listen to directions
instructions. I am unable to listen to directions and instructions. I instructions. I can listen to others. I and instructions. I use empathy
others and to information. attempt to listen to others and to listen to information. when listening to others. I listen to
information. information thoughtfully.

Speaking: I speak unclearly. I cannot express I attempt to speak clearly. I try to I speak clearly. I express my ideas I speak clearly. I express my ideas
my ideas so that they make sense express my ideas. With guidance I so that they make sense to others. clearly so that they make sense to
to others. I do not share my ideas share my ideas and opinions. I I share my ideas and opinions. I others. I knowledgeably share my
and opinions. I have not presented tried to present my work to small can present my work to small and ideas and opinions. I can
my work to small and large groups. and large groups. large groups. confidently present my work to
small and large groups.

Reading: I do not attempt to read a range of I read some sources for I read a range of sources for I thoroughly read a range of
texts for information. I am unable to information. I try to read a range of information. I read a range of texts. sources for information and
reflect on what I have read or make texts. With guidance I reflect upon I understand and reflect upon what knowledgeably reflect upon what I
conclusions. what I have read. I attempt to make I have read. I make conclusions have read. I make thoughtful
conclusions based on what I have based on what I have read. conclusions based on what I have
read. read.

Writing: I am unable to record information I made errors recording information I record information. I record my I efficiently record information. I
and observations or rewrite and observations. With guidance, I observations. I can take notes and record my observations in detail. I
information in my own words. I did can rewrite information in my own rewrite information in my own can take notes and rewrite
not keep a reflection journal (blog). words. I am reminded to keep a words. I keep a reflection journal information clearly in my own
reflection journal (blog). (blog). words. I keep a thoughtful
reflection journal (blog).

Presenting I am unable to communicate With guidance I can communicate I constructed visuals and I constructed visuals and
information and ideas through information and ideas through multimedia for a range of purposes multimedia for a range of purposes
visual media. I have not used visual media. I try to use and audiences. I can communicate and audiences. I can effectively
technology for presentation and technology for presentation and information and ideas through communicate information and
representation. representation. visual media. I use technology for ideas through a variety of visual
presentation and representation. media. I use appropriate
technology for effective
presentation and representation.

Appendix Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011

Research Skills Rubric
1 point 3 points 5 points 7 points

Formulating questions: We were unable to come up with Our questions were incomplete Our questions were clear and Our questions were compelling,
any research questions. and at times unclear. Our teacher well focused and required some relevant and required high-level
needed to help us form our high level thinking skills. thinking skills.

Planning: We were unable to come up with We found it difficult to do things We were able to work within the We made really good use of our
an organized plan and think in a timely manner. We had timeframe. We developed a time. We developed a clear
about what we need to do. some organization but needed system to organize ourselves. system to organize ourselves.
support. We created a plan but We devised a course of action We devised a complete course of
did not stick to it or revise it. and made some revisions to our action and made revisions to our
plan when needed. plan when needed.

Collecting data: We were unable to collect data We gathered some data from a We gathered data from a variety We efficiently gathered data from
from different sources. We were variety of different sources. With of first and second hand a variety of first and second hand
unable to revise our search guidance, we were able to revise resources. We were able to resources. We were able to
based on information we found our search based on information revise our search based on thoughtfully revise our search
out. we found out. information we found out. based on information we found

Organizing data: We were unable to sort and With guidance we were able to We were able to sort our We were able to thoroughly sort
organize the information we sort our information into groups. information into suitable groups. our information into suitable
found to answer our questions. We presented some of our data We presented data so others groups. We presented data in
We didnʼt present our data. but it lacked clarity. could understand it. many forms so others could
understand it.

Interpreting data: Our end product is incomplete We identified some patterns and We formed conclusions based on We formed thoughtful
and is missing details. We were formed some conclusions. With our research. We developed conclusions based on our
unable to identify patterns and guidance we developed a solutions and answered research. We developed
make conclusions. solution and attempted to answer questions. S.M.A.R.T. solutions and
our questions. answered questions in a
meaningful way.

Appendix Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011

Self-Management Skills Rubric
1 point 3 points 5 points 7 points

Organization I was unable to plan and carry With guidance, I planned and I planned, carried out and I planned, carried out and
activities. I did not complete my carried out activities. I attempted completed all activities. I kept my completed all my activities
activities. I was unorganized and to complete all activities. I kept work in order. and kept my things effectively. I kept my work in
lost parts of my project. my work in order and kept my tidy. I knew where my things order. and kept my things tidy. I
things tidy. I knew where my were. knew where my things were all
things were. the time and used different
organizational strategies.

Time management I did not complete my work on I occasionally completed all my I completed all my work on time, I completed all my work on time,
time. I was unable to meet my work on time. With guidance I meeting all deadlines and meeting all deadlines and
deadlines. I was often in the meet nearly all deadlines. I was managed my time. I was always effectively managing my time. I
wrong place at the wrong time. I sometimes in the right place at in the right place at the right time. was always in the right place at
could not plan my time to do the right time. I planned my time I planned my time so that I knew the right time. I planned my time
everything that I needed to do. but I was unable to do everything I could do everything that I efficiently so that I knew I could
that I needed to do. needed to do. do everything that I needed to

Codes of behaviour I did not know how to behave in I am learning how to behave in I knew how to behave in different I knew how to behave in different
different situations. I was unable different situations. I knew the situations. I helped develop our situations. I helped develop our
to stick to our group guidelines. rules and I am beginning to guidelines. I knew the rules and I guidelines thinking about
follow them. stuck to them. responsibility. I knew the rules
and I stuck to them, helping
others understand them.

Informed Choices I was unable to choose a suitable I tried to choose a suitable I choose a suitable course of I choose a suitable course of
course of action to solve my course of action to solve my action to solve my problem. I action to solve my problem. I
problem. I did not base my problem. I occasionally based my based my choices on facts and based my choices on well
choices on facts and opinions. I choices on facts and opinions. opinions. I reflected before I researched facts and
did not reflect before I made my When guided I reflected before I made my choices. knowledgeable opinions. I
choices. made my choices. reflected before I made my

Appendix Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011

Social Skills Rubric
1 point 3 points 5 points 7 points

Accepting responsibility: I did not complete tasks that I have I tried to complete tasks that I had I completed tasks that I had started. I completed all tasks that I had
started. I have not done my part. I started. I attempted to do my part. I did my part. I took on and shared started and helped others complete
didnʼt take on and share With guidance I took on and shared responsibility. theirs. I did my part and more. I
responsibility. responsibility. took on and shared responsibility.

Respecting others: I was unable to listen to others. I did I attempted to listen to others. I tried I was a listener. I often made fair I was a caring listener. I always
not respect other peoples opinions to make fair decisions. With decisions. I took into account other made fair decisions. I took into
and perspectives. guidance I listened to other peoples peoples opinions and perspectives. account other peoples opinions and
opinions and perspectives. I was careful not to hurt other perspectives. I was careful not to
peoplesʼ feelings when I expressed hurt other peoplesʼ feelings when I
my opinions. expressed my opinions.

Cooperating: I was unable to work in a group. I I found it difficult to work in a group. I worked well in groups. I was polite I always worked well in groups. I
was not polite or kind to the other I was sometimes polite and kind to and kind to the other members of was very polite and kind to the
members of my group. the other members of the group. the group. I shared with others and other members of the group. I
I took turns. shared with others and I took turns.

Group decision making: I was unable to listen to others, I tried to listen to others, discuss I listened to others, discussed ideas I actively listened to others,
discuss ideas and ask questions. I ideas and ask questions. I and asked questions. I worked discussed ideas and asked
did not join my group working attempted to work towards a group towards a group agreement. questions. I worked towards a
towards a group agreement. agreement. group agreement cooperating well
with other group members.

Adopting a variety of I was unable to lead my group. I did I attempted to lead my group. Sometimes I lead my group. Sometimes I lead my group with
not follow anybody elseʼs lead. I Sometimes I followed somebody Sometimes I followed somebody confidence. Sometimes I followed
group roles:
need to learn how to act responsibly elseʼs lead. I am learning how to act elseʼs lead. I knew how to act when somebody elseʼs lead and acted
in a group and adopt different roles. when I lead and when I follow. I led and when I followed. respectfully and responsibly. I knew
how to act when I led and when I

Appendix Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011

Thinking Skills Rubric
1 point 3 points 5 points 7 points

Application: I did not use my skills and I tried to use my skills and I can use my skills and I used my skills and knowledge
knowledge in different situations knowledge in different situations knowledge in different situations competently in different
or to solve a problem. I found it and I attempted to solve a and to solve a problem. I can use situations. I effectively solved a
difficult to use my skills and problem. I tried to use my skills my skills and knowledge in problem. I used my skills and
knowledge in practical ways. and knowledge. practical ways. knowledge in thoughtful practical

Analysis: I was unable to break ideas and With guidance, I can break ideas I can break ideas and knowledge I can break ideas and knowledge
knowledge into smaller parts, and knowledge into smaller into smaller parts. I can look for into smaller parts, thoughtfully
similarities or differences. parts. I tried to look for patterns patterns and find similarities and looking for patterns and finding
and find similarities and differences. I can identify unique important similarities and
differences. features. differences. I can identify unique

Synthesis: I was unable to take information With guidance, I can take I can take information from I can take information from
from different places and put it information from different places different places and put it different places and put it
together. I could not combine and put it together. I tried to together. I can combine ideas together showing understanding.
ideas and knowledge to answer combine ideas and knowledge to and knowledge to answer I can meaningfully combine ideas
questions. answer questions. questions. and knowledge to answer

Evaluation: I did not use any criteria to make With guidance I can use criteria I can use criteria to make I can effectively use criteria to
decisions about work, behavior, to make some decisions about decisions about work, behavior, make thoughtful decisions about
attitudes, knowledge or action. work, behavior, attitudes, attitudes, knowledge or action. work, behavior, attitudes,
knowledge or action. knowledge or action.

Dialectical Thought: I am unable to think about and I try to think about and I can think about and understand I can think about and understand
understand different points of understand different points of different points of view. I can different points of view. I can
view. I find it difficult to view. With guidance, I can make make arguments for different make thoughtful arguments for
understand that people can have arguments for different perspectives based on my different perspectives based on
their own perspectives. perspectives. I know that people knowledge about each point of my knowledge about each point
can have their own perspectives. view. I know that people can of view. I know that people can
have their own perspectives. have their own perspectives.

Appendix Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011

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