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Lab 8 – Virtualization using VMWare Workstation

Part 1: Installing VMWare Workstation – Download and install VMWare Workstation
Part 2: Installing Server 2019 – Install Server 2019 on VMWare Workstation
Part 3: Review Questions – Screenshot and questions from Chapter 8

Background / Scenario
The world virtualization is all around us. We have already used Oracle VirtualBox and installed guest
Windows & Linux OS. In this lab, we are going to use other Virtualization software produced by VMWare.

Required Resources
 Laptop/Desktop (preferably with at least 8GB or better)
 Internet connectivity

Part 1: Installing VMWare Workstation

You are going to visit, and
install VMWare workstation software.

Step 1: Installation of VMWare Workstation

a. You are already familiar on installing virtualization software since you have already finished lab1.
b. You may visit, and watch step-by-step installation steps.
c. Once finished installing VMWare Workstation, make sure to bridge the network adapter.
d. Take a screen capture or using snipping tool to take the screen shot of the finished installation and save it

Step 2: Download Server 2019 ISO image

a. Download Server 2019 iso image -
server-2019. What is the actual name of the iso file you are downloading? (Answer below)

Part 2: Installing Windows Server 2019 on VMWare Workstation

You are now going to install Windows Server 2019 on VMWare Workstation

Step 1: Instructions on VMWare Workstation installation

a. If you need instructions, visit -
b. Make sure use Administrator account password to Pa$$w0rd
c. Once Server 2019 is finally installed, what is the IP address? (Hint: Use ipconfig on command line)

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CIS155: Lab 8 – Virtualization using VMWare Workstation

d. Is there a difference between Windows 10 and Server 2016 you have already installed from lab2? (Write
brief differences if any below)

Part 3: Screen capture and Review Questions

You have successfully installed VMWare Workstation and Windows 2019 Server guest OS.

Paste below screen shots of VMWare Workstation and Server 2019 Server installed screen
a. VMWare Workstation Screen capture below:

b. Server 2019 Guest OS Screen capture below:

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CIS155: Lab 8 – Virtualization using VMWare Workstation

c. What type of hypervisor is VMWare Workstation? Is it type 1 hypervisor or type 2 hypervisor?

VMware Workstation is an example of a type 2 hypervisor. We can install it on top of an existing Windows
Operating system 
d. Which of the following implements OS virtualization by being installed in a general-purpose host
OS and the host OS accesses host hardware on behalf of the guest OS? (Select one)

A) hosted virtualization
B) virtual disk
C) type 1 hypervisor
D) bare-metal hypervisor

e. What are Containers?

Containers provide a way to virtualize an Operating system so that multiple workloads can run on a
single OS instance. Containers sit on top of a physical server and its host Operating System

f. What is Windows Sandbox?

Windows Sandbox is a very lightweight desktop environment to safely run any applications in isolation
MODE. Software installed inside the Windows Sandbox environment remains sandboxed and runs
separately from the host windows machine.

g. What is Cloud Computing?

The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process
data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.

The cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet. It goes back to the days of flowcharts and presentations
that would represent the gigantic server-farm infrastructure of the Internet as nothing but a puffy, white
cumulus cloud, accepting connections and doling out information as it floats.

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CIS155: Lab 8 – Virtualization using VMWare Workstation

h. Which of the following is a virtualized software environment in which an application can run but is
isolated from the rest of the OS and other applications? (Select one)
A) software as a service (SaaS)
B) cloud computing
C) container
D) Hyper-V

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