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Roll no: FA17-BSE-C-133


Hashir tariq
Q#6. Define security and privacy. Why are both important in the information

Privacy is defined as freedom from surveillance or control of information about oneself

while Security refers to protection against the unauthorized access of data. Privacy and
Security are important because internet now a days contains malwares and spywares .If you
are not secured and protected then your data can be misused. As technology advances, and
use of technology increases, we become more and more dependent on it.Concept of
security and privacy are tangled it is possible to have security without privacy, but it is
impossible to have security without privacy.

Q#12. Use of location to find a specific place has eased a lot of troubles for
people. However, some people are against the use of location finding as it
has various risks. In your opinion, what are these risks that people are afraid
of? Also present your opinion on whether these claims are acceptable or not.

The risk is that the user does not know that if his trip is recorded and their where abouts can
be traced to their day to day lives.
People have mixed opinion regarding this issue. Location tracking have helped people in
many ways such as finding missing mobiles or devices, travelling ,helping people to notify
their location to others in any mishap situation.
On the other hand, many Big Organizations such as google, and Facebook also track our
location use them for their own benefits which is illegal.
As everything in this world have advantages and disadvantages so as the location tracking
have helped people in many ways it has also made a threat for large group of people that this
privacy is breached and is used for other purposes.

Q#7. Consider that you are a scientific scholar and you are
conducting a research in Machine Learning. During your research,
you have successfully completed an integral part of your
experimentation. Thus, you write a research article on it, however,
during your writeup you take some content from another such
article and do not credit the author in your paper. In your opinion,
does this action matter or not? If not, then give your reasoning
behind it.

This action is mattering a lot as It is highly unfair and unethical to do so because copying the
work of someone without mentioning him is unethical.
This will also affect my image in the community of authors and lessen my credibility in them.
Using someone else material is as such not a crime but using it without their permission or
without citing them is immoral.
If the author finds out that you have stolen his content, then he or she might make a copyright
issue which can not only lead you to jail but also make your other research work questionable
and might end up losing your degree.
Q#4. Linux is the best known and the most used open source
operating system. In your opinion, what is the concept behind a
software being open-sourced? Also do you think, that making a
software an open source is a wise move by a company.

The term open source defines a software for which the original source code is made freely
available and it can be modified and redistributed by the people free of cost.
This Term is mainly available on Linux Operating System .
Open source companies usually don't work for benefit yet for helping other people. So, it's
anything but an insightful move if the organizations point is to procure cash. Else it is a very
benefitable and shrewd move to help individuals.
As the Linux operating system is Command line interface (CLI) so it is helpful for
programmers to modify the program for their ease of use and add custom libraries to the
program that will be helpful for all other programmers around the world.

Q#10. Imagine a scenario in which you are searching for a job and
you get an interview call. During your interview you and another
individual are selected for the final screening. However, on the day
of the final interview you get a call that you have not been selected.
After investigating, you find that the other person had some
personal contacts due to which he was able to land the job. In your
opinion, can this be considered a discriminatory practice or not. If
not, then was this a valid decision by the company.

This Is an unethical way for any company to give job to someone on some personal
references. Those nations never prosper that support nepotism instead of merit. This practice
is not only common in Pakistan but is also common all over the world.
In my opinion this is not a valid decision made by a company because the deserving
candidate will not get the job and also this will affect the repute of the company. Also, such
companies don’t prosper in the future that are based on favoritism.
Also, we can take legal action against the companies who support this kind of attitude
towards employees.

Q#1. A professional should act ethically. Many professions have a code of

ethics and provide it to the employees. Why it is important to have such a
professional code of ethics. Consider professional ethics and guideline for IT,
what would be your decision in following situation. Give arguments to
support your decision. Three students from COMSATS Institute of
Information Technology planned to present a paper at a security conference
describing security vulnerabilities in Lahore Mass transit system. At the
request of the transit authority, a judge ordered the students to cancel the
presentation and not to distribute their research. Also judge ordered the
company to fix problems in two months. The students are debating whether
they should circulate their paper on the Web. Imagine that you are one of
the students.
Each association has their own workplace, and, in this manner, they have their own
arrangement of values and rules for their representatives. It is significant for an association to
have a lot of Professional Ethics, so their representatives don't leak any information they face
during their work hours.
In this situation, firstly the transit authority is being unfair with the students. They have no
right to ask the judge to cancel the presentation as the students were presenting against the
transit system, it is highly unethical for the transit authority to do this. Secondly, the judge
has asked the transit authority to fix the problems, it is the right thing to do but it’s not fair
with the students who prepared a whole research for it. Judge is being biased, which is
unethical. Now, the judge clearly asked the students to not share their paper with anyone and
thus if they share it is would be very unethical, but in my opinion, the public needs to know
about the Vulnerabilities of the Mass Transit system. It is harmful for its users. So being a
member of the team, I would share it on the web and social media so that the people become
aware of our issue and that it can be resolved as soon as possible because nowadays if
anything trend on social media ,there are more chances that this issue will be resolved as
early as possible and we will be served justice.

Q#9. What are the ethical responsibilities of reviewers for research

publication, and also discuss precisely, what citation manipulation mean?

Responsibilities include, and are not restricted to, demonstrating whether the material
composed is precise, brief and pertinent with no phony data or gives indications of delaying.
They give input to a creator's work and empower a creator to perform better in his/her future
work. They need to evade individual feelings of resentment and need to keep the analysis
applicable and mysterious, not uncovering the substance of the analysis to any outsider, in
order to keep client trust and regard his/her protection.
Citation manipulation intends to refer to a writer unnecessarily as a method for expanding the
quantity of references in the paper you are composing. This is not supported as you are just
copying other persons work and shows that the researcher has not performed much work and
just mentioned the references to make his paper lengthy.

Q#2. 2.Shahid Rafiq Khan, is a Pakistani-born American billionaire

businessman and sports tycoon. Khan is the owner of Flex-N-Gate an
American automotive company. In 1984, Mr. Khan began supplying a small
number of bumpers for Toyota pickups. By 1987 Flex-N-Gate was the sole
supplier for Toyota pickups and by 1989 it was the sole supplier for the entire
Toyota line in the United States. In your opinion, this action can be
considered offshoring, outsourcing, or in-shoring? Present your reasoning
behind your answer

This is a case of outsourcing as Toyota is asking Flex-N-Gate to make a piece of their

vehicle, as Toyota is acquiring a help structure from a company outside the organization. So,
it is outsourcing.

Q#5. Consider that you have just thought of the best lyrics for a song or a
spectacular movie concept. In order to safeguard your idea, do you think it a
wise idea to copyright your idea so that no one could steal it. If so, how can
you copyright your unique idea?

Yes, if the idea Is powerful and you plan to make it go further you should copyright the idea.
Because you will not forget the lyrics or movie idea. Also, you should prepare a complete
document and then Copyright your unique Idea as you have to safeguard your idea

Q#11. Do you think that when employers do a background check on an

applicant using either police or social media, is it justifiable and right? Also,
some people suggest that with the constant surveillance of every employee
using either cameras, email tracking or listening in telephone, the employers
are violating the privacy of every employee. What is your opinion on this
statement and based on your answer, what kind of privacy is reasonable for
an employee to expect in a workplace? Also, justify whether the
responsibility of privacy lies completely with the employer or there are some
points that the employee can also be responsible for?

Truly this is a clear violation of a person's private life. How an individual behaves and what
he does off hours has nothing to do with how he acts during work hours. That refers to his
social media accounts only.
Tracking his phone is another clear violation as this is eavesdropping into one’s private life.
A person talks to people differently for example his family and friends. Judging someone like
that is highly inappropriate.
But a police background check and similar institutes that work for the national security of
country is not evading privacy laws as it is a matter of National security.
As far as who is responsible of privacy lies in both hands. If a person has made his social
media accounts public then the company wanting to hire him is given a clear permission.
Whereas tapping into calls and emails is illegal.
Q#3. What does the concept of professional ethics refer to? Is this concept
only applicable to computer related professions or not? In your opinion,
what are the guidelines a computer professional should exhibit and the
concerns that should be covered while working in a professional
environment? For your justification, assume that you are a graduate
computer science student and have landed a job in a software house.

Individual Ethics allude to the standards and implicit rules that shows conduct of an
individual in their workplace. It can incorporate how the arrangement with their
companions, how they work and so forth. What's more, as I would see it, the expert morals
don’t just apply to just PC related callings rather they apply to all workplaces.
A PC expert ought to not utilize the given information of any work force or their association
through which it can hurt the notoriety of the individual or the association.
They shouldn't attack the security of the concerned information proprietor be it an
individual or an entire association. I would not utilize my mastery to damage or abuse any
information that I have been furnished with. For whatever length of time that I comprehend
what I have to do with the information, I will do nothing else. On the off chance that I am
stuck on something, I would ask the concerned individual before discussing the information
with any of my companions.

Q#8. Read the following statement by a manager of an IT company. “I can get

a smart, raw kid right out of undergrad who’s going to work seven days a
week for me for the next two years. I will train him the way I want him, he
will grow with me, and I will pay him long-term options so I own him, for lack
of a better word. He will do exactly what I want – and if he doesn’t, I will fire
him… The alternative is to pay twice as much for some fifty-year-old who
does half the amount of work, has been trained improperly, and does not
listen what I say.” Answer the following questions. What job discrimination
the above statement contains? Justify your answer how you can say that this
discrimination really exists.

It contains age discrimination, the employer is trying to exploit a new undergraduate just for
the sake of his company not realizing that working 7 days in a week will destroy the health
of the new employee, and if he doesn’t obey him he will fire him, that is not how successful
companies work. On the other hand, he has to pay twice a 50-year-old person for half of the
So, the employer is discriminating on the basis of age and vulnerability of the new
employee. Also, this is against the rules of the Office laws of the country.

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