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wednesDAY, February 23, 2011

Your Hometown News Since 1840 Vol. 171 No. 8

Our ‘small town’ not so anymore, says 2010 Census

Population increased center, and the U.S. Route multifamily residential was first elected in 2001, little more money and the telling newcomers to stay
40 percent since 2000 24 bypass built in 1995 units from 2000 through I couldn’t go anywhere family grows (they move) away.
that makes traveling be- 2010, including 1,211 sin- without recognizing a face ... and then you’re left with Morris said people will
By steve stein tween Washington and gle-family homes. or name. That changed in an older property that always feel that way and
Gatehouse News Service Peoria a snap. Mayor Gary Manier two or three years.” could sit longer.” obviously have the right to,
“Then there’s the qual- said locally owned busi- In addition to the pop- Morris said that num- but he said he disagrees.
There are plenty of rea- ity of life aspect, the good nesses, active ulation increase, ber of unoccupied homes “I honestly don’t know
sons why Washington’s schools and safe neighbor- churches, and First In vacant homes makes sense with other how to judge that,” Morris
population has grown hoods,” he said. the Five Points PRINT in Washington increases and he has not said. “All I know is that
more percentage-wise in The population grew Wa s h i n g t o n also increased seen a certain area of town new residents have found
the last decade than any from 10,841 in 2000 to multipurpose — more than 49 or subdivision with more Washington to be very ap-
other Tazewell County 15,134 last year, accord- facility have drawn people percent from 214 in 2000 vacancies than others. pealing. I don’t know the
community. ing to 2010 U.S. Census to Washington. to 319 in 2010. While city officials are change from 10,000 to
City Administrator Bob results released last week, “Small-town life is still “That’s always a concern elated that the town is 15,000 necessarily makes
Morris points to the city’s a 39.6 percent increase. attractive to people,” he of mine,” Manier said. growing in population, Washington radically dif-
location next door to Peo- Based on permits issued, said. “We used to be a “Younger families start some residents feel this ferent.”
ria, the area’s employment Washington added 1,595 well-kept secret. That’s not out in a starter home and is ruining Washington’s
single-family, duplex and the case anymore. When I then when they make a small-town appeal and are See census page a8

City council
Presidents come to life for students at Central contemplates
Students in Jane Woith’s fourth-grade social studies class at Central Intermediate School made U.S. presidents come to
life the week of Feb. 14 by dressing up like them and saying a speech of their biggest accomplishments and famous quotes census, cemeteries,
while in office. “I just thought, ‘How fun would that be to make (the presidents) really come to life?’ ... I think they research
(their president) more and they think it’s fun to act like them,” Woith said in her seventh year doing the assignment. “It’s funny construction
because some kids I didn’t think would get into it, really do and dress up.” See page A7 for more photos. By brandon schatsiek

The Washington City Council

made short work of an even shorter
docket Monday night at Five Points
With the recent release of the
2010 U.S. Census numbers showing
that Washington’s population has
increased almost 40 percent since
2000 — from 10,841 to 15,134 —
Mayor Gary Manier took the time
to thank city officials and council
“It’s remarkable the growth Wash-
ington has seen,” Manier said. “I
just wanted to give accolades to the
staff and (City Administrator) Bob
Morris and his staff and this council
for being able to handle 40 percent
growth here in 10 years. With Bob’s
leadership, it’s been somewhat easy
compared to what other communi-
ties are faced with.”
Morris told the board members
that the increase in population also
increases the amount of money they
will get from the state.
“Our preliminary estimate is that
the population growth will net the
city about $160,000 in additional
state distributed revenue, which ob-
viously is very helpful,” Morris said.
Alderman Jim Gee said the spike
in population just shows how great
Jarrod Biggs is pictured here as the first President of the United States George Washington. The students are of a community Washington really
supposed to remain motionless until their button, seen on left, is pushed by another student. That is when the
student president gives his or her speech covering a wide array of presidential topics such as his accomplish-
“We have great schools, a great
ments while in office and a famous quote or two. BRANDON SCHATSIEK/TIMESNEWSPAPERS
See council page a5

52nd Washington Chamber Banquet honors businesses, Washingtonian Harold West

By brandon schatsiek are here to honor two businesses building,” said bank manager Matt
TimesNewspapers as well as a very special Washing- Moehle in a video addressing the
tonian,” Russell said in his opening improvements. “It’s a better way
For one night every year for the speech. to serve customers and the com-
past 52 years, Washington’s movers The first business to be honored munity.”
and shakers, big shots and residents was Washington Community Bank In between the awards, the Survi-
have been meeting to honor the best which, through a new addition and vor videos were the highlight of the
and brightest in their community. major remodeling of its building night for the audience members as
Thursday was “Washington’s night at 1881 Washington Road, won the they laughed at the team’s adven-
to shine,” according to emcee of the chamber’s Business Beautification tures in Metamora that left Tom
Washington Chamber Banquet Joe Award. Brecklin and Mark Swisher leaving
Russell. The theme for this year’s According to the chamber’s spec- in the back of a Metamora Police
banquet was Survivor Washington, ifications, the award is given to Department squad car among other
which included a spin-off of the the business which made the effort shenanigans.
popular TV show with Washington these last few months to change the One team challenge ended with
Chamber members and Mayor Gary face of their building and add to the the self-named Taylor Swift team in
Manier as contestants. beauty of Washington. Joe Russell congratulates 2011 Washingtonian Harold
“We’ll have some laughs, but we “It’s almost as if we built a new West. Russell worked for West at West Meats when he
See chamber page A6 was in high school. BRANDON SCHATSIEK/TIMESNEWSPAPERS


Around Town........... A2 Police News..............B7

Opinion.................... A4 Obituaries................ B6
Sports................... B1-3 Classifieds..........B9-10

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