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Subjunctive and unreal past practice.

I Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. Josh acts as if he was/were (be) a famous scientist rather than a clever 14-year-old.
2. My parents would sooner I pursuid (pursue) my own interests instead of trying to fulfil their
3. Peter wishes he had been (be) born very rich. He wouldn’t have to look for a job.
4. It’s not a good idea to go clubbing tonight. I suggest we (should) stay (stay) in and watch (watch) a
movie instead.
5. I’d rather you helped (help) me with my homework after I’ve tried it myself. I want to see what I
6. It’s high time you started (start) taking your lessons seriously.
7. People say I sometimes look as though I didn’t sleep (not sleep) at night, while I always have a
good night’s sleep. – to nie prawda wiec musi być past? xD
8. People say I sometimes look as though I hadn’t slept the previous night, while I always have a
good night’s sleep. – jest about last night, więc odnosi się do past, ale nie jest true także używamy
past perfect
9. I’d rather have told (tell) him the truth before. He wouldn’t have been angry with me. – past, one
person (I),
10. I wish you wouldn’t come (not come) late to class. It’s irritating.
11. I’d rather my parents hadn’t bought (not buy) this house in the country. Now we live in the sticks
II Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. Tamara isn’t a teacher though she acts like someone who is.
Tamara acts as if she was a teacher.
2. Do you ever regret not studying medicine?
Do you ever wish you had studied medicine.
3. Given the choice, we would travel to Italy instead of Austria.
We’d sooner have traveled to Italy instead of Austria.
4. You look awesome! Have you been to a spa?
You look as though you had been to a spa.
5. “We definitely need to sign the contract this week”, the manager said.
The manager was anxious that the contract (should) be signed/that we sign the contract that week.
6. We shouldn’t have sold the car. Now we have to rely on public transport.
If only we hadn’t sold the car, we wouldn’t have to rely on public transport.
7. I’m fed up with your lies.
I wish you would stop lying / wouldn’t lie.
8. You shouldn’t have behaved so rudely last night.
I’d rather you hadn’t behaved so rudely last night.
9. Jack didn’t know all the answers, though he pretended to. – jest to w przeszłości, więc musi być
Jack acted as if he had known all the answers
10. It’s not a good idea to miss another History lecture.
You’d better not miss another History lecture.

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