Block Periodization 2017

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A Scientific Approach to Improve Physiological

Capacity of an Elite Cyclist

Article in International journal of sports physiology and performance · June 2017

DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.2017-0228


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2 authors, including:

Bent R Rønnestad
Lillehammer University College


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As accepted for publication in International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance,
©Human Kinetics, doi:

Article type: Case study

A scientific approach to improve physiological capacity

of an elite cyclist

Bent R. Rønnestad1 Conflict of interest: None declared

Joar Hansen1 Conflict of interest: None declared

1) Section for Sport Science, Lillehammer, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences,

Running title: Optimizing endurance training

Abstract Word Count: 249 words

Text-Only Word Count: 1777 words

Number of figures: 1

Number of tables: 0

Bent R. Rønnestad, Ph.D
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Lillehammer,
Post box 400, 2418 Elverum, Norway,
Phone: +47 61288193
Fax: +47 61288200


Previous studies in endurance athletes has indicated that block periodization (BP) can be a
good alternative to the more traditional organization of training despite the total volume and
intensity of the training being similar. However, these studies usually last only 4-12 weeks.
The aim of the present single-case study was to investigate the consequences of 58 weeks
with systematic BP of low intensity training (LIT), moderate intensity training (MIT) and
high intensity interval training (HIT) including incorporation of heavy strength training.
Importantly, a maintenance stimulus on the non-prioritized training modalities was added in
the different training blocks. Performance related variables were tested regularly during the
intervention. The present cyclist started with a maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) of 73.8
mL∙kg-1∙min-1, peak aerobic power (Wmax) of 6.14 W∙kg-1, and a power output at 3 mmol∙L-1
blood lactate concentration (Power3la-) of 3.6 W∙kg-1. Total training volume during the 58
weeks intervention was 678 hrs, of which 452 hrs was LIT (67%), 124 hrs was MIT (18%),
69 hrs was HIT (10%) and 34 hrs was heavy strength training (5%). The weekly training
volume had a large range depending on the focus of the training block. After the intervention
the cyclist`s VO2max was 87 mL∙kg-1∙min-1, Wmax was 7.35 W∙kg-1 and Power3la- was 4.9 W∙kg-
. Our single case indicates that the present training program can be a good alternative to the
more traditional organization of the long-term training of endurance athletes. However, a
general recommendation cannot be given based on this single-case study.

Key words: Endurance training, Periodization, Training load, Tapering,


Descriptive studies of successful endurance athletes show that they perform a high volume of
low intensity training (LIT) in addition to smaller but substantial proportions of both moderate
intensity training (MIT) and high intensity interval training (HIT).1 Vladimir Issurin is one of
the pioneers fronting block periodization (BP) and he states that unlike the traditional “mixed”
training periodization concept, BP advocates a high concentration of one or a few training
modalities within appropriate training cycles for a more pronounced training stimulus.2
Furthermore, Issurin states that BP has taken different forms according to the positions and
experiences of those who presented them.2 It has been indicated that BP is superior to
traditional organization of the training despite the total volume and intensity of the training
being similar.3 However, studies with this methodological approach have had a short
intervention period (≤12 weeks)3 and focused mainly on blocks with LIT and HIT and
included neither MIT blocks nor heavy strength training, which likely improves endurance
performance.4 Therefore, the present study want to investigate the long-term effects of BP
training that include blocks of LIT, MIT, and HIT. The training program was based on
observations of endurance performance enhancing effects of a large portion of LIT and
smaller but substantial proportions of both MIT and HIT,1 BP,2-3 heavy strength training,4
short-term performance peaking5 and maintenance of the non-prioritized training modalities6.


The 37-year-old male cyclist (1.75 m, 71.3 kg) had trained regularly since youth. He had been
tested regularly in our lab during the last 10 years and was very familiar with the protocols.
Depending on training status his maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) during these years ranged
from 65.0 to 76.5 mL∙kg-1∙min-1, peak aerobic power (Wmax) ranged from 5.76 to 6.52 W∙kg-1,
and power output at 3 mmol∙L-1 blood lactate concentration (Power3la-) ranged from 3.4 to 4.1
W∙kg-1. Best test results were achieved 1 year prior to start of the present study with a total
training volume of ~550 h of training the year leading up to this test. According to the
physiological classification criteria from Jeukendrup et al.,7 this cyclist was characterized as
an élite cyclist at pre-test. The cyclist’s prior training was characterized as traditional training
organization with 1-3 HIT sessions per week interspersed with LIT. The weekly amount of
endurance training during the 6 months leading up to the pre-test ranged between 5 and 13 hrs

focusing on LIT and MIT with ~1 HIT session and no heavy strength training was performed.
The cyclist gave written informed consent for publication of the results.

We assumed that a concentration of less potent training stimuli (i.e. LIT and MIT) would give
a reasonable training effect in the beginning.8 The 8 first weeks therefore focused on blocks
with LIT (intensity zone 1: 60-82% of peak heart rate; HRpeak) and MIT (intensity zone 2: 83-
87% of HRpeak) with approximately 1 weekly HIT (intensity zone 3: 88-100% of HRpeak). The
first HIT block was added in week 38. Each training block lasted 1-2 weeks and in total there
were 11 HIT blocks (4-6 weekly HIT sessions), 11 MIT blocks (4-6 weekly MIT sessions), 8
LIT blocks (7-10 weekly LIT sessions) and 19 recovery weeks where the weekly training
hours usually ranged between 7 and 10 hours. The main idea was that it is important to
regularly emphasize the three main intensity zones for endurance training and to change the
stimulus from one block to the next block. HIT sessions were performed as a mix between 4-8
x 4-6 min intervals and multiple short intervals (e.g. 3 series of 13 x 30 sec with 15 sec
recovery between intervals and 3-4 min recovery between series). MIT sessions were
performed as a mix between 5-8 x 10-15 min intervals and continuous work for 40-70 min,
while LIT sessions were mainly performed as continuous work from 3 to 7 hours. Heavy
strength training for the lower-body repeated a strength training program that previously have
improved cycling performance,4 and was added after the test in week 39. Briefly, the strength
training started with two weekly sessions to increase strength and thereafter 1 session every 7-
10th day to maintain adaptations. The cyclist`s only sickness period occurred during week 23
and in the beginning of week 24 the cyclist could not train optimal due to a combination of
sore throat and muscular problems after a crash. In week 27 he was on business travel with
limited possibilities to exercise. Twelve days before the last test, a short-term performance
peaking protocol was started.5 All training was written in a training diary and categorized into
the three training intensity zones based on a modified session goal (SG) approach which
combines the SG method with the time in zone approach).9 Total endurance training load was
calculated as time spent in intensity zones 1, 2 and 3 multiplied by a factor of 1, 2, or 3,


All test days were preceded by two days of easy training and standardized for meal and
caffeine consumption, temperature, testing time of day, warm-up, and cycle adjustments of
the Lode Excalibur Sport ergometer (Lode B. V., Groningen, Netherlands). Testing was
performed at 7 time points evenly distributed within the intervention period. Power3la- was
determined by plotting blood lactate (Biosen C-line, EKF Diagnostics, Barleben, Germany)
vs. power output during submaximal continuous incremental cycling.3 The test was
terminated at a [la-] of 3 mmol·L-1 or higher. After 10-min recovery, an incremental test for
determination of VO2max was completed. Power output increased by 25 W every minute until
exhaustion.3 VO2max was calculated as the average of the two highest 30-s VO2 measurements
(Oxycon Pro (mixing chamber), Erich Jaeger, Hoechberg, Germany, with standard calibration
procedures). Wmax was calculated as mean power during the last minute of the VO2max test.
Maximal strength was assessed by the 6 repetition maximum load in one-legged leg press
with a knee angle of 90°.


Total training volume during the 58 weeks was 678 hrs, of which 451.6 hrs was LIT (67%),
124.0 hrs was MIT (18%), 69.0 hrs was HIT (10%) and 33.6 hrs was heavy strength training
(5%). Mean weekly training volume was ~12 hrs with a large range depending on the focus of
the training block. Weekly training duration and distribution of training modalities as well as
total weekly endurance training load is shown in figure 1.

(Insert figure 1 approximately here)

Body mass was 71.3 kg at pre-test and was gradually reduced until it was at its lowest at post-
test (68.0 kg). The test results of VO2max, Wmax and Power3la- relative to body mass are
presented in figure 2. From pre- to post-test, the increase in relative and absolute VO2max was
18.5% and 12.3%, respectively, while the relative and absolute increase in Wmax was 19.7%
and 14.2%, respectively. The relative and absolute increase in Power3la- was 36.1% and
29.3%, respectively. 6RM in one-legged leg press increased by 27.3% from the first to the last
assessment (figure 1).


This case study provides a unique 58-weeks long example of how systematic BP of LIT, MIT
and HIT with maintenance stimuli on the non-prioritized training modalities can be performed
with rather large improvements in performance related factors. Even if we use a conservative
approach and compare the effects of the present training programme with the cyclist`s best
results during the 10 preceding years (instead of the pre-test), the improvements in VO2max,
Wmax and Power3la- was 13.7%, 12.6% and 19.5%, respectively. Considering the already high
physiological level and high age (37 years) this is a large improvement11. According to
physiological classification criteria,7 this cyclist moved from being an élite cyclist to become
a world-class cyclist. The cyclist ended up with a VO2max of 87 mL∙kg-1∙min-1, Wmax of 7.35
W∙kg-1 and a Power3la- of 4.9 W∙kg-1. Power3la- is actually an underestimation compared the
usually used 4 mmol·L-1 blood lactate concentration for determining lactate threshold power.
The VO2max is in the upper area of what has been reported for Olympic endurance
champions.11 The reliability of the laboratory tests are indicated by the measurement of
VO2max between 84 and 87 mL∙kg-1∙min-1 at four different time points. The potential of the
present training regime is underlined by the moderate mean weekly training volume (~12 hrs)
with no particular increase in total volume from the cyclist`s previous training volume.

It is interesting to see that the first adaptations to systematic BP was rather large during the
first 9 training weeks despite focusing on LIT and MIT blocks, which is suggested to be a less
potent training stimulus than HIT.12 The adaptations during the next 9 weeks are likely
influenced by the incorporation of HIT blocks.3 There is a quite large development in VO2max
during the first 18 weeks of the intervention before the cyclist seems to reach plateau. This
may be related to the cyclist being unaccustomed to BP and a somewhat lower VO2max at
baseline compared to his personal best, indicating an innate potential of increase. However,
also others have reported dramatic increase in VO2max, like a Danish mountain-bike rider who
increased his VO2max from 66.7 to 81.4 mL∙kg-1∙min-1 in two years.11 Since the VO2max is quite
stable from the test in week 49 through the tests in week 14 and 22, the increase in Wmax from
6.69 W∙kg-1 to 7.12 W∙kg-1 in this period is probably related to the heavy strength training.4
Power3la- also increases in this period, which may be related to 1) a delayed effect of
increased VO2max with a subsequent increase in quality of the submaximal training;6 2)

strength training induced increase in fractional utilization of VO2max;13 or 3) simply a
consequence of systematic BP training over time. From the test in week 22 to the test in week
28 the cyclist was not able to perform the planned training due to a combination of sickness
and business travel, resulting in a reduction in all test variables. In order to peak the
performance towards the last test of the intervention, the cyclist added a block focusing on
LIT (due to a long time since the last LIT block), followed by a MIT block before recovery
and emphasis on HIT. Twelve days before the last test, a short-term performance peaking
protocol was initiated.5

The present long-term training program was based on scientific observations of endurance
performance enhancing effects of a large portion of LIT and smaller but substantial
proportions of both MIT and HIT,1 BP,2-3 heavy strength training,4 short-term performance
peaking5 and maintenance of the non-prioritized training modalities6. The present training
program can be a good alternative to the more traditional organization of the long-term
training of endurance athletes. However, a general recommendation cannot be given based on
this single case study.


The authors would like to express gratitude to the cyclist and his family for great cooperation.
The results of the current study do not constitute endorsement of the product by the authors or
the journal.

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Figure 1. Weekly training load, including time in different intensity zones and the
development of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), peak aerobic power (Wmax), power output
at 3 mmol∙L-1 blood lactate concentration (Power3la-), and 6 repetition maximum (RM) in one-
legged leg-press during the 58 weeks with systematic BP of low intensity training, moderate
intensity training and high intensity interval training including incorporation of heavy strength
training (upper panel). The lower panel show total endurance training load.

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