1859 1863 Statutes at Large 110-111

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thousand dollars, twenty-five dollars. Any person or persons who make
for sale photographs. ambrotypes, daguerreotypes, or pictures on glass,
metal, or paper, by the action of light, shall be regarded a photographer
under this act.
81. Lawyers shall par ten dollars for each license. Every person Lawyers.
whose business- it is, for fee or reward. to prosecute or defend causes in
any court of record or other judicial tribunal of the United States or or PM, 1'1" '114
any of the State$, or give advice in relation to causes or matters pend- '127.
ing therein, shall be deemed to be a lawyer within the meaning of this
82. Physicians, surgeons, and dentists sball pay ten dollars for each Physician.,.
license. Every person (except apotbecaries) whose business it is, for fee :~ns, den-
and reward, to prescribe remedies or perform surgical' operations for the .
cure of any bodily disease or ailing. shall be deemed a physician, sur- PM, p. 727.
geon. or dentist, as the ease may be, within the meaning of this aet.
88. Claim agents and agents for procuring patents shall pay ten dollars Claim and pa-
for each license. Every person whose business it is to prosecute claims tent agents.
in any of the executive departments the federal government, or procure
patents, sball be deemed a claim or patent agent, as the ease may be,
under this act. '
SEC. 65• .Ana ~ it furiMr enacted, That where the annual gross re- ~rtain apo~

nists, or retail dealers, shall not exceed the sum one thousand dollars,
such apotbecaries, confectioners, eating-bouses, Ilnd retail dealers shall not
be required to take out or pay fur license, anything in this act to the con-
ceipts or sales of any apothecaries, confectioners, eating-houses, tobacco- ee:r::ea;~ Yi-eed
trary notwithstanding; the amount or estimated amount of such annual
sales to be ascertained or estimated in such manncr as the Commissioner
of Internal Revenue shall prescribe, and 60 of all other annual sales or
receipts, where the rate of the license is graduated by the amount of sales
or receipts.
SEC. 66. .And ~ it .fUrtAer enacted, That nothing contained in the pre- LlceDS8lllOt to
ceding sections of this act, laying duties on licenses, shall be comtrued to :.~~_
require a license for the sale of good!, wares, and merchandise made or ticles by certaIa
produced and sold by the manufacturer or producer at the manufactory penona.
or place where the same is made or produced; to vintners who sell, at
the place where the same is made, wine of their own growth; nor to
apothecaries, as to wines or spirituous liquors wbich they use exclusively
in the preparation or making up of medicines for sick, lame, or diseased
persous ; nor shall the provisions or paragraph number twenty-seven
extend to physicians who keep on hand medicines 601ely for the purpose
or making up their own prescriptions for their own patients.
SEC. 67• .And 611 it !u.rtMr enacted, That no license hereinbefore pro- ~icen.ee UIlder
vided ~or, if. granted, shall be CO?strued to a~thorize the commenceme!1t ~~h:~Z:~;
Or contmuation or any trade, buslDes&, occupatIon, or employment therem traffic ))rohlblted
mentioned, within any State or Territory of the United States in whicll by th:
law. of
it is or shall be specially prohibited by the laws thereof; or in violation of any tate.
the laws of' any State or Territory: Provided, Nothing in this act shall States may

thereof, from placin~ a duty. tax, or license, for State purposes, on any
be held or construed 60 as to prevent the several States, \vithin the limits cl&~:a &c.
W. '
business matter or thmg on which a duty, tax, or license is required to be
paid by this act.
SEC. 68• .And ~ it furiMr enacted, That on and after tbe first day of valore-41 dllty.
August, t¥ghteen hundred Ilnd sixty-two, every individual, partnership, Wont" (I~""(>U "
firm, association, or corporation, (and any word or words in this act indi- to inb'iude JIllI'I-
eating or referring to person or persons shall be taken to mean and include ~~:',Il:~eorpO'"

Ø»·²Ñ²´·²» óó ïî ͬ¿¬ò ìëç ïèëëóïèêí

460 TIDRTY-BEVENTH CONGRESS. S.88. II. OK. 119. 1862.
partnerships, firms, associations, or corporations, when not otherwise de.
signated or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof,) shall compty
with the following requirements, that is to say :
Bef}lre com- First. Before commencing, or, if already commp.nced, before continu-
maUll- ing, any such manufacture for which he, she, or they may be liable to be
assessed, under the provisions of this act, and which shall not be difFer-
8S8istant assessor entIy provided for elsewhere, within thirty days after the date when this
~om statement, act shall take efFect, he, she. or they shall furnish to the aSl'listant assessor
. a statement, subscribed and sworn to, or aftinned, setting forlh the place
where the manufacture is to be carried on, name of the manufactured
article, the proposed market for the same, whether foreign or domestic,
and generally the kind and quality manufactured Or proposed to be manu-
Tilirrake turns Second. He shall within ten days after the first day of each and every
mon y re • month, afier the day on which this act takes effect, as hereinbefore men.
tioned, or on or before a day prescribed by the Commissioner of Intemal
Reveuue, make I'eturn of the products and sales or delivery of such man.
ufacture in form and detail as may be required, from time to time, by the
Commissioner of Internal .Revenue.
Form of state- ThiJod. All such returns, statements, descriptionS, memoranda, oaths and
returns.and • fcorm, scope, and detail as may be prescribed, from
affirmations, shall be In
:u ties on :an-
time to time, by the Commi.-sioner of Internal .Revenue.
SEC. 69. ..dna 1M it Jurtlur enacted, That upon the amounts, quanti.
:m~r::wye ties, and values of produce, goods, wares, merchandise, and articles manu-
• factured and 801d, or delivered, hereinatler enumerated, the manufacturer
thereof, whether manufaeturod for himself or for others, shall pay to the
collector of internal revenue within bis district, monthly, or on or before
a day to be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the
Proviso as to duties on such manufactures: Provided, That when thread is manume-
thread. tured and sold or delivered exclusively for knitted fabrics, or for weaving
or spooling, as provided for in the seventr-fifth section of this act, the
=:e To whom duties shall be assessed on the articles fiDJshed and prepared for use or
to be consumption to the party 80 finishing or preparing the same, and any
party 80 finishing or preparing any cloth or other fabrics of cotton, wool,
or other materials, whether imported or otherwise, shall he considered the
Pendtr tor manufacturer thereof for the purposes of this act; and for neglect to pay
neglect te pay such duties within ten days aner demand, either personal or written, left
duties, &Co at his, her, or their house or place of business, or manufactory, the aqrount
of such dnties may be levied upon the real and personal property of any
be~::: &c. to such manufacturer. And such duties, and whate~'er shall be the expenses
of le"y, shall be Ii lien from the day prescribed by the Cornmiililioner for
their payment aforesaid, in flavor of the United States upon the said real
and personal property of such manufacturer, and such lien may be en.
forced by distraint, as provided in the general proVisions of this act. ..dna
m~~~:S: provided,furtker, That in all cases of goods manufactured, in whole or in
COlDIuission, &c., part, upon commission, or where the material is fumished by one party
and manufactured by another, if the manufacturer shall be reqnired to
pay nuder tbis act the tax hereby imposed, such person or pel'llOns 80
pllJing the same shall be entitled 10 collect the amount thereof of the
owner or owners, and shall have a lien for the amount thns paid upon the
on articles manufactured goods: ..dna provided, jurllter, That the taxes on all articles
alld sold pnor manufactured and sold, in pursuance of contracts bona fide made before
til the pasIlIge the passage of this act, shall be paid by the purchasers thereof, nuder
of this 8C't. regulations to be established by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Good~, &0. to SEC. 70• .And 1M it further mact6d, That, for neglect or refusal to pay
be fllrfelted fur the duties provided by tbis act on manufactured articles, R8 aforesaid, the
1I...,klet, &e. to
pay dldiCli. goods, wares, and merchandise manufactured and, nnsold by such manu·
fucturer, &ball be forfeited to the Unitecl States, and may be sold or dis-
pOsed of for the beneftt of the eamc, in manner as shall be prescribed by

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