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Jasmin Duran

Ms. Hooks

Edu220 fall 2009




Anthony the child I am using for my PEPSI. He is an eight year old Hispanic boy who

comes from an immigrant family that came to the United States looking for a better life running

away from the misery they were living in Mexico. Anthony’s family consists of both parents

whose education is only up to six grades. In many Hispanic families finishing school is not one of

the priorities for the family instead they put there children to work so they could have more

money put into their home. In the book of educational psychology it shows that Hispanic is one

of the biggest populations in the United States and has the lowest test scores. He has 5 siblings;

Luis (22) the oldest, Jasmin (19), Alexis (13), and Genesis (5) the youngest. Anthony grew up and

lives in North Las Vegas or as other people calls North Town. Many people call it the ghetto of

Las Vegas and are afraid to pass by Anthony’s neighborhood during the night. All this do to all

the drug sales and other criminal activities. There are many homeless people around this area

too. In the book educational psychology on page94 it labels social classes, Anthony’s family falls

at the end of the list for poor. His parents work most of the time all day just to try and pay the

bills and are still behind. Even people think that children do not think that children know about

these kinds of problems it does affect them a lot. According to the book educational psychology

(pg94) this affects many children’s performance in school. Anthony was diagnose with speech

language impairment by the time he was in pre- kinder. He tends to stutter, have difficulty

talking in a normal volume, paying attention, completing task and is slightly behind in school.

Anthony has demonstrated much improvement after he started working with school therapist

although he has repeated second grade this year due to he was struggling with his class work.

Since his last parent meeting he is in school standards on almost every subject taught to him

this year. He explains to me that every day after school he can’t wait for the next day to start.

Although Anthony has asthma he is very stable in his physical health, of course he has a

couple of accidents and pains or aches every once in a while but in the Pepsi article and

educational psychology book (pg73) it explained that is a normal for kids due to he is growing or

stretching out. Anthony is at normal height of any other kid his age but his appearance is of an

eleven year old. He has big shoulders and looks like if he worked out. He looks like a mini buff

adult. Anthony at this age enjoys saying dirty words and smutty stories this is indicated in the

Pepsi article for child development, of course he gets punish. Anthony according to the book of

educational psychology (pg73) and the Pepsi article has developed his large and small muscles.

He enjoys going out and playing activities such as bike riding. Anthony can read at a fourth

grade level but he struggles on grabbing the pencil, writing, cutting, tying his shoes, and other

small things like that. The school therapist explained that Anthony cannot complete small

things like that because his muscles are not well developed that’s why she assigned him to play

with clay and cut paper with scissors to see if his muscles can develop. This problem is what

putting Anthony behind his classmates. Over all he is doing fine with everything else. He knows

that he can do it so he is trying harder every day to become better at the things he is struggling

with and they also showed his parents how to motivate him into trying harder.

Anthony as explained in the Pepsi article and Educational Psychology (pg47 -48) through

Erickson’s theory he is at a stage of industry vs. inferiority which is from 6to12. This stage is the

“I know how to do it stage”. Teachers and peers take an increasing importance in the child. It is

also a stage that they try to make things, and success brings good feeling about its self and

abilities while failure can be negative self-image a way that can affect the child’s future in

learning according to the book of educational psychology (pg47). Anthony likes people to

compliment him for everything god that he does and when you forget to compliment him he

will get really sad. He tries to everything by himself trying to prove that he is a big kid and he

should be treated like one. His price will be letting him walk from school by himself. Anthony

gets s along with other people and feels sorry for them when they are sad as long as is not a

win or lose game because if he loses there is going to be problems. When Anthony loses he gets

so mad that he starts fighting with other kids since he knows is wrong to fight with other kids

for a game he will hide so he will not get punished. The other thing that he cannot control is not

getting along with his siblings. He refuses to share with them especially his younger sister.

Sometimes he gets so mad at them that he screams that he hates them and that he is going to

buy a new family. Later he recognizes that he said bad things to them and apologizes. Anthony

has a big anger problem when he wants to do something but cannot do it he will get really

angry. He also has a good since of humor when people make fun of him and tell him that he has

a big head, he will tell them that he has a big head because he is really smart and that that is

what makes him so handsome. In the book of educational psychology it explains that at this age

important for the kid to have a positive self image of itself. Anthony worries me because he

says that why is he so different from everybody else that why he can’t be a normal kid like

everybody else. In the book of Educational Psychology it also says that we have to watch out for

what the children her because it can be negative for them. Anthony really cares about his mom

and sister that’s why he never asks for something that he cannot get. He understands that his

mom only has money to buy food and pay bills. Every time he gets money, Anthony instead of

wasting it on candy or toys he will give it to his mom so she can save it or by something useful

for the house. I will say he is very mature in that aspect of being poor he understands that right

now they don’t have much but that one day they will get back on their feet and live in a better

place with a better life.

In the Pepsi article does the difference between good and bad or right and wrong. He

does understand some people are bad and can hurt him as well as some people are nice and

only want the best for him. Anthony cares for other people, but most of the time he thinks of

ideas that benefit him only. This is explained in the Pepsi article that this stage the child will be

very black or white. Anthony cares about some people’s feelings, mostly his families and when

people are crying. When it comes to somebody falling down he won’t help them up because he

will be too busy laughing at the person. Anthony is still very innocent, he stills believes in Santa

Clause and that babies come from the sea by seaweed. He hates being punished so he will

avoid getting in trouble or getting caught doing something wrong. When he is bad he is really

sneaky and after he does he will hide somewhere. Hoping not to get caught but if he get s

caught or punished he will not try it again. On the Educational Psychology book of Kohlberg’s

moral reasoning it mentions that Anthony will be like in stage three “good boy –good girl.

Anthony feels is a waste of his time listening to all that speech of being a good boy. He

understands that he needs to respect people older than him. That he has to give respecting

others to get it especially elder people. Anthony tries to behave as much as he can so one day

when his family has money he could get all the things he wants. If he behaves than god will see

him and tell Santa that he is behaving and he will get him a play station so he can play all the

games he wants. In school he wants to do good so he gets rewards from his teacher and

everybody will be nice to him. The last thing that Anthony said is that one day he will like peace

in the world so everybody will live happily ever after.


Anthony is in a social stage explained by the educational psychology book pg 47. This is

the time where they get closer to the teacher and to their peers and while the closeness with

their parent decreases. Anthony is a real busy and active guy; it explains it in the Pepsi article

that he is open for new relationships. For other people other than a family member. Anthony

has a best friend and is a social guy for a couple of hours. Unless is soccer Anthony will get tired

of playing with his friends and will choose to play alone. He tries to be as good of a friend as he

can, but he doesn’t get along with peers for long periods of time. The only way he will get along

with his peers for long periods of time is by watching a soccer game or playing soccer outside.

In other games such as tag or hide n seek he will get made because if they tag him hard it will

end up in a fight or if they find him first he will refuse to play and just go inside. You can see in

this example that Anthony does not like getting touched and that is the cause of almost all his

arguments of his fight with his peers. If you do something that he doesn’t like to him he will get

you back. It could pass hours, day’s months, or years he will get you back. Anthony sometimes

gets along with his siblings, but is hard for him to get along with because he gets frustrated with

them. He looks up to his thirteen year old brother that is why there is like a brother completion

going on between them. This sometimes ends up in an argument or fight. All the fighting,

tattling, and jealousy are normal according to the Pepsi article. Anthony also fights a lot with his

little sister; he explains that he is really annoying and that she gets everything she wants.

Anthony proposed to himself that he will try harder to not fight with his siblings and peers. That

he won’t let anger get a hold of him and that he will try to do better.

Anthony is a smart and bright kid, last year he had to repeat the year. Due to his

misunderstanding of the subjects and he struggled a lot to learn stuff. He was having trouble

catching up to his classmates levels. This year Anthony has improved a lot. He is now reading at

a fourth grade level and is getting better at math. Anthony is almost meeting standards in

every subject. In the book of Educational psychology (pg119) it explains that school and the way

the teachers teaches has a big impact on children’s learning abilities. Anthony was happy to

relearn the entire task that he struggled so much with and could learn last year. This is really

common for kids Anthony’s age according to the Pepsi article. Anthony now is being to learn

information and keeping it for when he needs it. Anthony is really good of thinking of strategies

that will work for him and will make it easier for him to complete the task, For example using

the chair to reach for an object, such as the box of cereal to eat. He is really good at

remembering information and bring it out he needs to win an argument or proving his point. He

really knows how to put information for his advantages. He knows how to get out of situations

that are hard to get out of by just proving his point. He can learn something at school and use it

in the house to make it fun for him. Anthony hates being in a room studying he prefers to study

playing. Anthony likes to learn as long as is fun for him. He will even try the game at home just

because is fun. Anthony just loves learning new things and enjoys showing other people how to

play it. He also loves to dance a lot and he will learn the dance and show everybody how to do

it. One thing he absolute loves is telling his family the new things that he learned at the end of

his day. In the book the book of Educational Psychology says on page 43 that is good that the

child repeats to himself what he learn so it stick with him. Anthony is enjoying learning this


My reconditions for Anthony’s parents is have patients for him and to love him a lot

because that kid has a lot to give and he tries hard. Anthony is learning more so have him read

a more and play with his clay. Practice makes good.



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