Behavioral Techniques

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Our class is a zero tolerance bullying and

#1 judgement zone. If this does happen, you will

have a 1-on-1 conference with Ms. G and the
principal. Treat people with kindness!

You are expected to turn in all assignments on

#2 time. After 3 missing assignments, you will
have a conference with Ms. G to see what is
going on & what we should do next.

Sticker/Candy Wars: Each week, Ms. G will

keep track of the class periods with the best
behavior on the white board. At the end of
the week, whoever has the least amount of
tallies gets a sticker or candy of their choice
from our jar!

We will set our behavior expectations
together at the beginning of the year,
although some are non-negotiable!

No one will be kicked out of the classroom

#5 (unless absolutely necessary). Our classroom is a
place for discussion. We will talk things through
in order to solve them!

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