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ITEC Lesson Plan Format

Teacher: Miss. Parisi Subject Area: Science Grade Level: 2

Necessary Links: (Add active links to any resources needed for your lesson plan)
Slides- Lets Learn About Ecosystems

Common Core Standard or Wyoming State Standard: (Choose one standard to focus this
lesson on)

2-LS4-1 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity

Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different

Learning Target (For the student's benefit, explain what students will be able to do by the
end of the lesson):

I can… Tell what an ecosystem is and provide examples with 90% accuracy.

Anticipatory Set (First activity to excite and focus students on the lesson for the day):
Students will be assigned to go find an object from an ecosystem.. They will have one week
to find the object and what ecosystem it comes from. At the end of the week we will get on
zoom and they will share their item with their peers and I!

Model (How will the teacher demonstrating the skill or competence):

Video on my slides, what to expect during this virtual learning and how to do this slide

Guided Practice (List activities which will be used to guide student practice and include a
time frame for completing this practice.):
I will have a video to show Virtual distance learning then get into the activity and show a
few slides on how it is done.
Independent Practice (How will students be applying this knowledge or practicing this skill
independently): Students will have one week to complete the assigned google slides by

Check for Understanding (Identify strategies to be used to determine if students have

learned the objectives.):
I will go through each student's slides and grade them, what did they miss? What did they

Closure (What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson?):
A group discussion at the end of the week on zoom about what we learned as well as the
object that came from an ecosystem they will show me and their peers.

High: Students that have no problems completing this activity will be asked to find two
different items from two different ecosystems. Ex: a Pond and a montane ecosystem.
Low: Students that have problems with this activity will still be required to find one item
from an ecosystem but if they need help completing the google slides they can zoom into a
meeting with me after trying their hardest by themselves.
Special Needs: Students with epilepsy will have no problems with this activity.

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