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Practice Problems
• 110 exam questions
• Complete with answers and explanations
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The goal of these free exam questions is to help you recognize the style of questions you’re going to be asked on
the exam and the extreme time limitations you face.

Practicing an old exam is a great strategy for a single College class, but you’ll be tested on 2-3 years old College
classes during the FE Exam. Preparing for this exam is a project and you’ll need a strategy and proven techniques
to ensure you can follow through.

(NOTE: CLICK HERE to get check out our mission to get you FE Exam ready in 10-weeks with College-like
structure BUT with the freedom to choose a schedule that works for you.)

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Chapter 1


B. Calculus
C. Linear Algebra
D. Vectors
E. Differential Equations
F. Numerical Methods
1. Determine where the point !(1,2) is located in relation to the circle described by the equation:

! + 2 ! + ! − 3 ! = 9

(A) outside the circle

(B) inside the circle

(C) on the circle

(D) point does not exist

2. Calculate the area under the curve ! = ! between the limits ! = 2 and ! = 9

(A) 1.99

(B) 3.96

(C) 1.50

(D) 2.20

3. Calculate the determinant of the matrix:

1 1 1
3 −1 1
1 3 −1

(A) 0

(B) 7

(C) 5

(D) 12

4. Which of the following is closest to the angle between V1 and V2?

!! = 3! + 2! + 2!
!! = 2! + 4! + 3!

(A) 25.7°

(B) 38.5°

(C) 43.7°

(D) 87.2°

5. Given the following differential equation, find its general solution.

!! ! !"
2 − 4 + 6! = 0
!" ! !"

(A) ! ! (!! cos 2! − !! sin 2!)

(B) ! ! (!! cos ! − !! sin !)

(C) ! !! (!! cos ! + !! sin !)

(D) ! !! (!! cos 2! − !! sin 2!)

6. Which of the following powers of x are contained in the Taylor series expansion for sin !?

(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …

(B) 1, 3, 5, 9, …

(C) 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, …

(D) 1 2 , 3 2 , 5 2 , 7 2 , …

7. What is the integral of the following equation? 24! ! − 3! ! + ! − 5

(A) 4! ! − ! ! + ln ! − 5! + !

(B) 120! ! − 6! + ! ! + !

(C) 120! ! − 6! + ! ! + !

!" !
(D) ! ! ! − ! ! ! + ln ! − 5! + !

1. The correct answer is (A).

Using the distance formula: !" = (!! − !! )! + (!! − !! )! and find the distance from the origin to point P

We can observe the origin of the circle located at !(−2,3)

To determine the distance between the two points plug in the numbers:

!" = (1 − (−2))! + (2 − 3)!

!" = 3.16

We can note that the radius of the circle is ! = 3

Since ! < !" the point would be outside the circle.

2. The correct answer is (C)

Between x1 and x2 the area A is given by:
!"#$ = ! ! !"
The x limits corresponding to the y limits would be:

! = 1/2 and ! = 1/9

1 1/2
!"#$ = !" = ln ! = 1.504
!/! ! 1/9

3. The correct answer is (D).

Expanding by minors across the top row:

−1 1 3 1 3 −1
!=1 −1 +1
3 −1 1 −1 1 3

And maxing the algebraic operations we get the determinant:

= −1 −1 − 3 1 − 3 −1 − 1 1 + 3 3 − 1 −1

= 12

4. The correct answer is (A).
!! ∗ !!
! = !"# !!
!! !!
3 2 + 2 4 + 2 (3)
= !"# !!
(3)! + (2)! + (2)! ∗ (2)! + (4)! + (3)!
= !"# !! = 25.74°
17 29


5. The correct answer is (A).

This is a linear differential equation that is second-order, homogeneous. Put it in general form, ! !! + 2!! ! + !" = 0

Our equation initially takes this form 2! !! − 4! ! + 6! = 0, so we need to divide both sides by 2

! !! − 2! ! + 3! = 0

! = −1

!! = 1

! = 3

This equation represents an under-damped condition because !! < !,

y = ! ∝! (!! cos !" + !! sin !")

α = −! = 1

β = ! − !!

= 3 − 1

= 2

y = ! ! (!! cos 2! + !! sin 2!)


6. The correct answer is (B).

For sin ! the Taylor series expansion would be:

!! !! !!
sin ! = ! − + − + ⋯
3! 5! 7!

The odd powers of x are the only ones contained in the expansion of sin !

7. The correct answer is (A).

To solve the indefinite integral, start by integrating the expression term by term, taking the constants outside the integral.

1 1
24! ! − 3! ! + − 5 !" = 24 ! ! !" − 3 ! ! !" + !" − 5 !"
! !

24 ! 3 !
= ! − ! + ln ! − 5! + !
6 3

! !
= 4! − ! + ln ! − 5! + ! where C is the unknown constant of integration

Chapter 2

and Statistics

A. Probability Distributions
B. Regression and Curve Fitting

8. For the data given, what is the sample standard deviation? {5,6,2,5,4}

(A) 2.3

(B) 1.52

(C) 4.4

(D) 1.36

9. The thickness of manufactured parts have been measured and recorded in mm: 10, 11, 11, 10, 12. Find the variance.

(A) 0.7

(B) 0.56

(C) 0.0

(D) -0.56

10. The table below shows the distribution of exam scores. What are the approximate mean and mode of this distribution?

Score Frequency
45 2
63 3
68 2
70 4
71 2
85 5
87 3
90 1

(A) 73.3, 70

(B) 73.3, 71

(C) 73.3, 85

(D) 27.6, 70

11. Three six-sided dice are thrown. What is the probability of rolling at least one 5?

(A) 0.875

(B) 0.579

(C) 0.421

(D) 0.297






! 15!
8. The correct answer is (B).

Given {5,6,2,5,4}, n = 5
!!! !! !!!!!!!!! !!
The mean is given by ! = !
= !
= !
= 4.4

!! !! ! !!!.! ! ! !!!.! ! ! !!!.! ! ! !!!.! ! ! !!!.! !
The sample standard deviation is ! = !!!
= !!!

9. The correct answer is (A).

First determine the mean:

!! 10 + 11 + 11 + 10 + 12
!= = = 10.8
! 5

!! − ! !

! ! ! ! !
10 − 10.8 + 11 − 10.8 + 11 − 10.8 + 10 − 10.8 + 12 − 10.8


10. The solution is (C). The mean is the sum of all the scores divided by the total number of scores.

! !"#$ = !! + !! + !! + ⋯ + !!

Mean = !! (2x45 + 3x63 + 2x68 + 4x70 + 2x71 + 5x85 + 3x87 + 90) = 1613/22 = 73.3.

The mode is the value that occurs the most often. The mode is, therefore 85.

11. The correct answer is (C).

First, calculate the probability that you roll no fives, then subtract 1 from that probability.

5 !
! 3 !"#$, !" !"#$% = ! 1 !"#$, !" !"#$% ! = = 0.5787

! 3 !"#$, !" !"#$% !"# !"#$ = 1 − ! 3 !"#$, !" !"#$% = 1 − 0.5787 = 0.421

(NOTE: CLICK HERE to get check out our mission to get you FE Exam ready in 10-weeks with College-like
structure BUT with the freedom to choose a schedule that works for you.)

Final Words
I hope these exam questions have helped your preparation efforts. You now know the style of questions you’re
going to be asked on the exam and the time limitations you face.

These resources will help you as well:

• Choosing the best FE Exam Calculator

• Insanely Useful FE Exam Prep Resources [Free & Paid]
• FE Practice Exams [Free & Paid]

But most of all realize that FE Exam preparation is a major project that requires a strategy and proven techniques
to ensure you can follow through.

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