RNchat Transcript March 10 2011

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#RNchat - Healthcare Twitter Transcript http://hashtags.foxepractice.com/healthcare-hashtag-transcript....

Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript
From: Thu Mar 10 18:07:00 PST 2011
To: Thu Mar 10 19:00:00 PST 2011
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Learn more about #RNchat at The Healthcare Hashtag Project

RNchat T1 Therapeutic Communication Online (v. offline): Is it even possible? If so, what
are considerations? Any known research/theories? #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:07:09 PST 2011

RNchat T1 Therapeutic Communication Online (v. offline): Is it even possible? If so, what
are considerations? Any known research/theories? #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:07:09 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @chemosabe hey Glen, how goes it? #RNchat

Thu Mar 10 18:07:31 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @chemosabe hey Glen, how goes it? #RNchat

Thu Mar 10 18:07:31 PST 2011

JoeCascio @rnchat I am not seeing ANY search results for #rnchat. Are you? Last one was
more than 45 mins ago.
Thu Mar 10 18:07:35 PST 2011

JoeCascio @rnchat I am not seeing ANY search results for #rnchat. Are you? Last one was
more than 45 mins ago.
Thu Mar 10 18:07:35 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke #RNchat T1 therapeutic communication-if you mean talk therapy, use it every day!
Thu Mar 10 18:08:42 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke #RNchat T1 therapeutic communication-if you mean talk therapy, use it every day!
Thu Mar 10 18:08:42 PST 2011

chemosabe @DrDeanBurke hey ya Doc Dean, it goes fine, best day of the year, Rugby
League season kick off tonight...LETS GO #BRONCOS #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:08:51 PST 2011

chemosabe @DrDeanBurke hey ya Doc Dean, it goes fine, best day of the year, Rugby
League season kick off tonight...LETS GO #BRONCOS #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:08:51 PST 2011

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onlinenursing @luvdubgirl11 Good to see you at #RNChat :)

Thu Mar 10 18:08:58 PST 2011

onlinenursing @luvdubgirl11 Good to see you at #RNChat :)

Thu Mar 10 18:08:58 PST 2011

onlinenursing T1 - I think often my communication is MORE theraputic online because I have

time to think and write it all out. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:10:01 PST 2011

onlinenursing T1 - I think often my communication is MORE theraputic online because I have

time to think and write it all out. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:10:01 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat T1 I do much better with the written word myself

Thu Mar 10 18:10:39 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat T1 I do much better with the written word myself

Thu Mar 10 18:10:39 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RNchat @JoeCascio _ I see both your tweets in #RNChat - Your mike is own
joe :)
Thu Mar 10 18:11:52 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RNchat @JoeCascio _ I see both your tweets in #RNChat - Your mike is own
joe :)
Thu Mar 10 18:11:52 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @luvdubgirl11 oral communication becomes much easier the more you practice.
You have to find common ground. T1 #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:12:42 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @luvdubgirl11 oral communication becomes much easier the more you practice.
You have to find common ground. T1 #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:12:42 PST 2011

holisticnurses @onlinenursing T1 I can relate to that as well. Online communication allows for
more reflection so long as both parties are patient. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:13:00 PST 2011

holisticnurses @onlinenursing T1 I can relate to that as well. Online communication allows for
more reflection so long as both parties are patient. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:13:00 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat T1 I feel the uses of the :) goes a long way

Thu Mar 10 18:13:43 PST 2011

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luvdubgirl11 #RNchat T1 I feel the uses of the :) goes a long way

Thu Mar 10 18:13:43 PST 2011

JoeCascio @onlinenursing I am seeing NO updates at all in either tweetdeck or

seach.twitter.com. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:13:52 PST 2011

JoeCascio @onlinenursing I am seeing NO updates at all in either tweetdeck or

seach.twitter.com. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:13:52 PST 2011

CyFanRN I agree @onlinenursing that written can be more therapeutic because you have
time to think but f2f can be emotionally better. #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:13:57 PST 2011

CyFanRN I agree @onlinenursing that written can be more therapeutic because you have
time to think but f2f can be emotionally better. #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:13:57 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RNchat Hey - who are you tonight? Just wondering #RNChat - It is like a
Thu Mar 10 18:14:09 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RNchat Hey - who are you tonight? Just wondering #RNChat - It is like a
Thu Mar 10 18:14:09 PST 2011

JoeCascio @onlinenursing What are using to monitor the chat? #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:14:15 PST 2011

JoeCascio @onlinenursing What are using to monitor the chat? #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:14:15 PST 2011

onlinenursing @JoeCascio I use tweetdeck for all my chatting #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:14:48 PST 2011

onlinenursing @JoeCascio I use tweetdeck for all my chatting #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:14:48 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @JoeCascio #RNchat- tweetdeck is working fine here!

Thu Mar 10 18:15:00 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @JoeCascio #RNchat- tweetdeck is working fine here!

Thu Mar 10 18:15:00 PST 2011

CyFanRN @luvdubgirl11 :) Do go a long way but can be overused. #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:15:26 PST 2011

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CyFanRN @luvdubgirl11 :) Do go a long way but can be overused. #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:15:26 PST 2011

onlinenursing @holisticnurses Yes - just being with someone is often therapeutic

communication (do I sound like Jean Watson?) #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:16:30 PST 2011

onlinenursing @holisticnurses Yes - just being with someone is often therapeutic

communication (do I sound like Jean Watson?) #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:16:30 PST 2011

holisticnurses @onlinenursing Very much so. Presence is an elevated state of being. Not always
easy to achieve as a busy nurse. #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:18:27 PST 2011

holisticnurses @onlinenursing Very much so. Presence is an elevated state of being. Not always
easy to achieve as a busy nurse. #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:18:27 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat T1 Therapeutic communication has been used for years via telephone
for hotlines
Thu Mar 10 18:18:56 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat T1 Therapeutic communication has been used for years via telephone
for hotlines
Thu Mar 10 18:18:56 PST 2011

holisticnurses @luvdubgirl11 #RNChat T1 Suicide hotlines are therapeutic via phone. Can they
accomplish the same thing via the web?
Thu Mar 10 18:20:11 PST 2011

holisticnurses @luvdubgirl11 #RNChat T1 Suicide hotlines are therapeutic via phone. Can they
accomplish the same thing via the web?
Thu Mar 10 18:20:11 PST 2011

chemosabe @luvdubgirl11 telephone - but again unless being monitored is one-on-one

Thu Mar 10 18:21:09 PST 2011

chemosabe @luvdubgirl11 telephone - but again unless being monitored is one-on-one

Thu Mar 10 18:21:09 PST 2011

RNchat T1 RT @holisticnurses: @luvdubgirl11 #RNChat T1 Suicide hotlines are

therapeutic via phone. Can they accomplish the same thing via the web?
Thu Mar 10 18:21:23 PST 2011

RNchat T1 RT @holisticnurses: @luvdubgirl11 #RNChat T1 Suicide hotlines are

therapeutic via phone. Can they accomplish the same thing via the web?
Thu Mar 10 18:21:23 PST 2011

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luvdubgirl11 @holisticnurses #RNchat T1 I hope so it will reach more

Thu Mar 10 18:21:44 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 @holisticnurses #RNchat T1 I hope so it will reach more

Thu Mar 10 18:21:44 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 Well, we can certainly spot cyber-bullying...online. So we know dysfunctional

communication can happen online. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:22:16 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 Well, we can certainly spot cyber-bullying...online. So we know dysfunctional

communication can happen online. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:22:16 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 @chemosabe #RNchat that is a very good point

Thu Mar 10 18:22:30 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 @chemosabe #RNchat that is a very good point

Thu Mar 10 18:22:30 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @RNchat @luvdubgirl11 T1 empathy hard to show on the web to me #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:22:40 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @RNchat @luvdubgirl11 T1 empathy hard to show on the web to me #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:22:40 PST 2011

RNchat @DrDeanBurke Yes, it can be. Even the omission of an emoticon can make a
difference. #RNchat Thus this T1 ;)
Thu Mar 10 18:23:48 PST 2011

RNchat @DrDeanBurke Yes, it can be. Even the omission of an emoticon can make a
difference. #RNchat Thus this T1 ;)
Thu Mar 10 18:23:48 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 Going back to the online support for people at risk for suicide...would be a
challenge. Tone is sometimes if not more important. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:24:06 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 Going back to the online support for people at risk for suicide...would be a
challenge. Tone is sometimes if not more important. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:24:06 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @RNchat #RNchat T1 OUCH!

Thu Mar 10 18:25:41 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @RNchat #RNchat T1 OUCH!

Thu Mar 10 18:25:41 PST 2011

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chemosabe @DrDeanBurke empathy hard to show on the web - big issue with any text based
communication - no non-verbal cues! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:25:45 PST 2011

chemosabe @DrDeanBurke empathy hard to show on the web - big issue with any text based
communication - no non-verbal cues! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:25:45 PST 2011

CyFanRN @holisticnurses I also think people w/ SI chatting online could easily misconstrue
meaning of the written word. T1 #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:25:57 PST 2011

CyFanRN @holisticnurses I also think people w/ SI chatting online could easily misconstrue
meaning of the written word. T1 #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:25:57 PST 2011

ER_Nurse_Joy @holisticnurses T1 I would have to agree with that statement #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:26:18 PST 2011

ER_Nurse_Joy @holisticnurses T1 I would have to agree with that statement #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:26:18 PST 2011

holisticnurses @drdeanburke I hear ya on the diff. w/ empathy. Seems like the more deeper the
issue, the harder to convey accurately. #RNChat T1
Thu Mar 10 18:26:36 PST 2011

holisticnurses @drdeanburke I hear ya on the diff. w/ empathy. Seems like the more deeper the
issue, the harder to convey accurately. #RNChat T1
Thu Mar 10 18:26:36 PST 2011

CyFanRN @chemosabe @DrDeanBurke Exactly! And non-verbals are very important with
therapeutic convos! T1 #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:27:06 PST 2011

CyFanRN @chemosabe @DrDeanBurke Exactly! And non-verbals are very important with
therapeutic convos! T1 #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:27:06 PST 2011

editor64 Adventures in nursing in germany: 120 patients 1 RN (me) 1 LPN. #Nightshift.

Right now! RT @onlinenursing: #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:27:25 PST 2011

editor64 Adventures in nursing in germany: 120 patients 1 RN (me) 1 LPN. #Nightshift.

Right now! RT @onlinenursing: #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:27:25 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RNchat Good point. We may not be able to research apples and oranges?
#RNChat - T1
Thu Mar 10 18:27:31 PST 2011

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onlinenursing @RNchat Good point. We may not be able to research apples and oranges?
#RNChat - T1
Thu Mar 10 18:27:31 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @RaganHealth Welcome #RNchat

Thu Mar 10 18:28:55 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @RaganHealth Welcome #RNchat

Thu Mar 10 18:28:55 PST 2011

holisticnurses @cyfanrn Mos def. #RNChat (PS HootSuite seems to be working well.)
Thu Mar 10 18:29:03 PST 2011

holisticnurses @cyfanrn Mos def. #RNChat (PS HootSuite seems to be working well.)
Thu Mar 10 18:29:03 PST 2011

holisticnurses @raganhealth Hi there! Welcome! #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:29:48 PST 2011

holisticnurses @raganhealth Hi there! Welcome! #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:29:48 PST 2011

chemosabe @onlinenursing prob depend on bandwidth and pixelation! #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:30:34 PST 2011

chemosabe @onlinenursing prob depend on bandwidth and pixelation! #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:30:34 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RaganHealth Welcome to #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:30:58 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RaganHealth Welcome to #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:30:58 PST 2011

RNchat OK, next topic coming up in a few moments! #RNchat

Thu Mar 10 18:32:11 PST 2011

RNchat OK, next topic coming up in a few moments! #RNchat

Thu Mar 10 18:32:11 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 Skype is a great option, especially for more high risk issues. T1 #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:33:16 PST 2011

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holisticnurses T1 Skype is a great option, especially for more high risk issues. T1 #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:33:16 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning Evening all my fellow Shorty nominees ;-) LOL! #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:34:55 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning Evening all my fellow Shorty nominees ;-) LOL! #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:34:55 PST 2011

RNchat T2 Building on T1 actually, but going for suggested methods: What tools/media
work better than others for therapeutic comm? #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:34:58 PST 2011

RNchat T2 Building on T1 actually, but going for suggested methods: What tools/media
work better than others for therapeutic comm? #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:34:58 PST 2011

chemosabe @rnchat T2 not to be facetious but actually being in the same room as the
counselee! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:36:35 PST 2011

chemosabe @rnchat T2 not to be facetious but actually being in the same room as the
counselee! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:36:35 PST 2011

CyFanRN Agree skype would would be more benefical for therapeutic comm. T1 #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:36:40 PST 2011

CyFanRN Agree skype would would be more benefical for therapeutic comm. T1 #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:36:40 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke T2 #RNchat I think face to face is always best for therapeutic benefit. others are
compromise, may be necessary but still a compromise
Thu Mar 10 18:37:06 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke T2 #RNchat I think face to face is always best for therapeutic benefit. others are
compromise, may be necessary but still a compromise
Thu Mar 10 18:37:06 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning But hard to "scale" RT @chemosabe: @rnchat T2 not to be facetious but actually
being in the same room as the counselee! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:37:09 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning But hard to "scale" RT @chemosabe: @rnchat T2 not to be facetious but actually
being in the same room as the counselee! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:37:09 PST 2011

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holisticnurses T2 I just did had a WebEx conference and I loved it. Online with audio. Could
work as a group support tool or group education. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:38:10 PST 2011

holisticnurses T2 I just did had a WebEx conference and I loved it. Online with audio. Could
work as a group support tool or group education. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:38:10 PST 2011

RNchat @chemosabe :) But the question concerns online, so offline was ruled out ;)
Thu Mar 10 18:38:15 PST 2011

RNchat @chemosabe :) But the question concerns online, so offline was ruled out ;)
Thu Mar 10 18:38:15 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning I think online video one to one has the potential to be more effective than live 1 to
Thu Mar 10 18:38:45 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning I think online video one to one has the potential to be more effective than live 1 to
Thu Mar 10 18:38:45 PST 2011

chemosabe @MatthewBrowning scale wot? the building their considering jumping off? Hey
Matt btw #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:39:58 PST 2011

chemosabe @MatthewBrowning scale wot? the building their considering jumping off? Hey
Matt btw #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:39:58 PST 2011

JoeCascio @DrDeanBurke I can imagine there might be situations where voice-only, ie no

video, might be more comfortable. #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:40:08 PST 2011

JoeCascio @DrDeanBurke I can imagine there might be situations where voice-only, ie no

video, might be more comfortable. #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:40:08 PST 2011

ER_Nurse_Joy I agree too RT @CyFanRN Agree skype would would be more benefical for
therapeutic comm. T1 #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:40:24 PST 2011

ER_Nurse_Joy I agree too RT @CyFanRN Agree skype would would be more benefical for
therapeutic comm. T1 #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:40:24 PST 2011

chemosabe T2 I think we all have issues with available and "Allowed" tech that hinders us in
this respect #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:41:31 PST 2011

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chemosabe T2 I think we all have issues with available and "Allowed" tech that hinders us in
this respect #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:41:31 PST 2011

onlinenursing T2 - #RNChat - I have to say that some of the most therapeutic communication I
have ever received w/has been via chat or e-mail.
Thu Mar 10 18:41:39 PST 2011

onlinenursing T2 - #RNChat - I have to say that some of the most therapeutic communication I
have ever received w/has been via chat or e-mail.
Thu Mar 10 18:41:39 PST 2011

chemosabe T2 ... so have it sitting idle more often than not!!! Also talk about billing as being
an issue! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:43:09 PST 2011

chemosabe T2 ... so have it sitting idle more often than not!!! Also talk about billing as being
an issue! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:43:09 PST 2011

holisticnurses @matthewbrowning I agree! A shy person may think otherwise. Comfort in

numbers and the ability to bounce ideas/concepts. :) #RNChat T2
Thu Mar 10 18:43:59 PST 2011

holisticnurses @matthewbrowning I agree! A shy person may think otherwise. Comfort in

numbers and the ability to bounce ideas/concepts. :) #RNChat T2
Thu Mar 10 18:43:59 PST 2011

CyFanRN @luvdubgirl11 Yes...telehealth. Several mental hlth offices here are using it b/c of
lack of providers! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:44:00 PST 2011

CyFanRN @luvdubgirl11 Yes...telehealth. Several mental hlth offices here are using it b/c of
lack of providers! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:44:00 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke T2 #RNchat What are online options? skype, email, teleconference, chat or text
messaging. what have i left out?
Thu Mar 10 18:44:54 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke T2 #RNchat What are online options? skype, email, teleconference, chat or text
messaging. what have i left out?
Thu Mar 10 18:44:54 PST 2011

RNchat @onlinenursing I was referring to Offline - as in face-to-face offline. Email & chat
are still game ;) #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:44:59 PST 2011

RNchat @onlinenursing I was referring to Offline - as in face-to-face offline. Email & chat
are still game ;) #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:44:59 PST 2011

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chemosabe @MatthewBrowning so that was ur ref to scale? #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:45:33 PST 2011

chemosabe @MatthewBrowning so that was ur ref to scale? #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:45:33 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RNchat I know... just pushing your proverbial buttons :) #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:45:55 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RNchat I know... just pushing your proverbial buttons :) #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:45:55 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning @holisticnurses very true- some groups exist for a reason, support, success
modeling, reinforcement of positive behaviors & effective#RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:46:10 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning @holisticnurses very true- some groups exist for a reason, support, success
modeling, reinforcement of positive behaviors & effective#RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:46:10 PST 2011

JoeCascio @DrDeanBurke Twitter DM, Facebook private messages? #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:46:22 PST 2011

JoeCascio @DrDeanBurke Twitter DM, Facebook private messages? #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:46:22 PST 2011

chemosabe @rnchat Sheesh I only mentioned it once, maybe twice ;/ #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:46:53 PST 2011

chemosabe @rnchat Sheesh I only mentioned it once, maybe twice ;/ #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:46:53 PST 2011

holisticnurses @chemosabe LOL! #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:47:27 PST 2011

holisticnurses @chemosabe LOL! #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:47:27 PST 2011

RNchat See what I mean about online comms? Look at the replies to me ;) #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:48:04 PST 2011

RNchat See what I mean about online comms? Look at the replies to me ;) #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:48:04 PST 2011

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MatthewBrowning @chemosabe Yes, the one to one is beginning to appear unrealistic in the USA-
"scale" may be wrong term #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:48:21 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning @chemosabe Yes, the one to one is beginning to appear unrealistic in the USA-
"scale" may be wrong term #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:48:21 PST 2011

holisticnurses Yeah, clarify this, Matthew! RT @chemosabe: @MatthewBrowning so that was ur

ref to scale? #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:48:35 PST 2011

holisticnurses Yeah, clarify this, Matthew! RT @chemosabe: @MatthewBrowning so that was ur

ref to scale? #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:48:35 PST 2011

CyFanRN What about online meeting type sites...group settings? Could do AA online or
something similar? T2 #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:48:35 PST 2011

CyFanRN What about online meeting type sites...group settings? Could do AA online or
something similar? T2 #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:48:35 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat @onlinenuring T2 yes it is I get positive feedback from you all the time
and I feel i have accomplished something !
Thu Mar 10 18:48:52 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat @onlinenuring T2 yes it is I get positive feedback from you all the time
and I feel i have accomplished something !
Thu Mar 10 18:48:52 PST 2011

ER_Nurse_Joy T2 Sometimes just typing words can be taken out of context.. I believe some type
of vocal interaction is more therapeutic #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:49:34 PST 2011

ER_Nurse_Joy T2 Sometimes just typing words can be taken out of context.. I believe some type
of vocal interaction is more therapeutic #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:49:34 PST 2011

holisticnurses @cyfanrn T2 AA is a great idea, IMO. #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:50:09 PST 2011

holisticnurses @cyfanrn T2 AA is a great idea, IMO. #RNChat

Thu Mar 10 18:50:09 PST 2011

JoeCascio @CyFanRN group setting.. hmm Oh you mean like #rnchat is group therapy? :)
Thu Mar 10 18:50:15 PST 2011

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JoeCascio @CyFanRN group setting.. hmm Oh you mean like #rnchat is group therapy? :)
Thu Mar 10 18:50:15 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning LOL or from ;-) RT @RNchat: See what I mean about online comms? Look at the
replies to me ;) #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:51:16 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning LOL or from ;-) RT @RNchat: See what I mean about online comms? Look at the
replies to me ;) #RNchat
Thu Mar 10 18:51:16 PST 2011

holisticnurses Oh! IT IS! Keeps me sane (and silly). RT @joecascio: @CyFanRN group setting..
hmm Oh you mean like #rnchat is group therapy? :)
Thu Mar 10 18:51:56 PST 2011

holisticnurses Oh! IT IS! Keeps me sane (and silly). RT @joecascio: @CyFanRN group setting..
hmm Oh you mean like #rnchat is group therapy? :)
Thu Mar 10 18:51:56 PST 2011

onlinenursing @CyFanRN that is a great idea. I love online meetings - worked on a project with
@NerdNurse & @rdjfraser & like they were nextdoor. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:52:01 PST 2011

onlinenursing @CyFanRN that is a great idea. I love online meetings - worked on a project with
@NerdNurse & @rdjfraser & like they were nextdoor. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:52:01 PST 2011

CyFanRN @holisticnurses Thanks! :) #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:52:10 PST 2011

CyFanRN @holisticnurses Thanks! :) #rnchat

Thu Mar 10 18:52:10 PST 2011

AmandaLynn138 #RNchat @CyFanRN group setting chats would be an interesting concept,

especially since people are often more open online
Thu Mar 10 18:52:23 PST 2011

AmandaLynn138 #RNchat @CyFanRN group setting chats would be an interesting concept,

especially since people are often more open online
Thu Mar 10 18:52:23 PST 2011

JoeCascio @DrDeanBurke @ER_Nurse_Joy I think the wrong voice could be worse than
text. You can sense caring thru text. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:53:21 PST 2011

JoeCascio @DrDeanBurke @ER_Nurse_Joy I think the wrong voice could be worse than
text. You can sense caring thru text. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:53:21 PST 2011

13 of 16 3/10/11 10:09 PM
#RNchat - Healthcare Twitter Transcript http://hashtags.foxepractice.com/healthcare-hashtag-transcript....

CyFanRN @holisticnurses @joecascio YES!! #rnchat = group therapy for sure! :)

Thu Mar 10 18:53:29 PST 2011

CyFanRN @holisticnurses @joecascio YES!! #rnchat = group therapy for sure! :)

Thu Mar 10 18:53:29 PST 2011

onlinenursing @chemosabe Way to go Glen - sarcasm, group therapy, and connection all
through #RNChat - sounds pretty therapeutic to me.
Thu Mar 10 18:53:44 PST 2011

onlinenursing @chemosabe Way to go Glen - sarcasm, group therapy, and connection all
through #RNChat - sounds pretty therapeutic to me.
Thu Mar 10 18:53:44 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning I think there is potential to add Online comms, #QuantifiedSelf data, communities
and visual data trends for "Alerts" to intervene #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:54:36 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning I think there is potential to add Online comms, #QuantifiedSelf data, communities
and visual data trends for "Alerts" to intervene #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:54:36 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat T2 I wonder if groups like AA use any online media?

Thu Mar 10 18:54:52 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat T2 I wonder if groups like AA use any online media?

Thu Mar 10 18:54:52 PST 2011

CyFanRN @onlinenursing A chunk of my job is online meetings...def. have their purposes!

Thu Mar 10 18:55:01 PST 2011

CyFanRN @onlinenursing A chunk of my job is online meetings...def. have their purposes!

Thu Mar 10 18:55:01 PST 2011

holisticnurses @onlinenursing Ooohhhh...what did you use? Can you share? Congrats on the
positive comment, btw. T2 #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:55:55 PST 2011

holisticnurses @onlinenursing Ooohhhh...what did you use? Can you share? Congrats on the
positive comment, btw. T2 #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:55:55 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning Facebook therapy? LOL Sharing data with EVERYONE - no thanks on THAT
forum #RNChat Good point @JoeCascio on Google!!
Thu Mar 10 18:56:25 PST 2011

14 of 16 3/10/11 10:09 PM
#RNchat - Healthcare Twitter Transcript http://hashtags.foxepractice.com/healthcare-hashtag-transcript....

MatthewBrowning Facebook therapy? LOL Sharing data with EVERYONE - no thanks on THAT
forum #RNChat Good point @JoeCascio on Google!!
Thu Mar 10 18:56:25 PST 2011

CyFanRN @AmandaLynn138 Yes...def could feel more open abt sharing! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:57:07 PST 2011

CyFanRN @AmandaLynn138 Yes...def could feel more open abt sharing! #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:57:07 PST 2011

onlinenursing @holisticnurses Well I liked GOOGLE Wave - but it is gone :(, Use skype and
Gmail, google documents to share. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:57:14 PST 2011

onlinenursing @holisticnurses Well I liked GOOGLE Wave - but it is gone :(, Use skype and
Gmail, google documents to share. #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:57:14 PST 2011

RNchat Remember, you can always add topics - http://tinyurl.com/RNtopic #RNchat

Thu Mar 10 18:58:39 PST 2011

RNchat Remember, you can always add topics - http://tinyurl.com/RNtopic #RNchat

Thu Mar 10 18:58:39 PST 2011

holisticnurses Sounds like a great project! RT @nur3563: RT @luvdubgirl11: #RNchat T2 I

wonder if groups like AA use any online media? (hmmm. anonymity?)
Thu Mar 10 18:58:52 PST 2011

holisticnurses Sounds like a great project! RT @nur3563: RT @luvdubgirl11: #RNchat T2 I

wonder if groups like AA use any online media? (hmmm. anonymity?)
Thu Mar 10 18:58:52 PST 2011

JoeCascio @rnchat Speaking of time, and "caring" over a comm channel, I have a very hot
skype date at 10pm. :) #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:58:53 PST 2011

JoeCascio @rnchat Speaking of time, and "caring" over a comm channel, I have a very hot
skype date at 10pm. :) #rnchat
Thu Mar 10 18:58:53 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat thanks for letting me join in

Thu Mar 10 18:58:53 PST 2011

luvdubgirl11 #RNchat thanks for letting me join in

Thu Mar 10 18:58:53 PST 2011

onlinenursing @chemosabe O.K. now you just made me paranoid and I now need therapy or
group therapy #RNChat

15 of 16 3/10/11 10:09 PM
#RNchat - Healthcare Twitter Transcript http://hashtags.foxepractice.com/healthcare-hashtag-transcript....

Thu Mar 10 18:58:59 PST 2011

onlinenursing @chemosabe O.K. now you just made me paranoid and I now need therapy or
group therapy #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:58:59 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke #RNchat good discussion! Good night all, or g-day Glen!

Thu Mar 10 18:59:32 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke #RNchat good discussion! Good night all, or g-day Glen!

Thu Mar 10 18:59:32 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RNchat As Phil says - Nurses are the last Jedi Knights of the republic. You guys
are full of good points & Ideas. Goodnight! #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:59:35 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RNchat As Phil says - Nurses are the last Jedi Knights of the republic. You guys
are full of good points & Ideas. Goodnight! #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:59:35 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning @RNchat EVERYONE is INVITED to #hcct in New Haven on April 2, 2011 :-)
http://bit.ly/gjqRU8 #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:59:52 PST 2011

MatthewBrowning @RNchat EVERYONE is INVITED to #hcct in New Haven on April 2, 2011 :-)
http://bit.ly/gjqRU8 #RNChat
Thu Mar 10 18:59:52 PST 2011

16 of 16 3/10/11 10:09 PM

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