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Ocvlus_ Smart Watch

Bluetooth Partner



Shubham Garq-BL.EN.UY CSE20153

Con tents
About tho Product

Tnstruchiora for UsSe

uar fun ty


dosiqnod to Provido beot
Ocuus Smart
Oculus Watches are

by usinq its I.22 inch IPS TFT

exberience to it vsers
Tebolutieo. t is
touch Screen, 29Ox240 bixela disblay
Compatible with Bluetooth 4.OLE and 3.0

Buitt - in heart date sen Ser, monitor your hoat Tate tnbtan
Smart waRo up, you Can Simply Taise Our arm ShaRe

your arm to wake u the devico.

Recieve and display notifcatiens from your smartphena indtantty.

Boilt- in Padomotan, meosUre your Steþs, Calculate distanCo catories.
LBuitt Sleeb moniteru, sedentary Temindon,

LRemote Control mosicblay baaR Temote cabture photo en your

Smartph6ne via 6luetooth.
Anti - theft functien, watch wi(l alert youSmartshenu
is More than 10 meters ouat
Built -to
Built-io 300 mAh i-poly battëry, ubto day Standby time
Magnatic PO- o Pin Charge daign
Built- io Loud speaRer and microphera

Fully Compatible with C0S7 or above and Anbroid 4.2 eu
Lpifferant dabigh Stles feu Hour diffenont occasiens
and preferen cea.


nabdraqen Wear 3100 Chi

4 mm and 3 mm Cos Sizes

Tnterchan qable straps and bracelets C18 mm/22 mm)

Giocgle Wear OS

Heartrate, NFS, GPS and Bluetooth

Magnotic rapid Charqing

Batter- 300 mAh batery
Design Rectangular, Flat dial
Display - 1.22 inch ( 3.1 cm)

Display Techno logy TFT

Screen Resolutien 240 x 240 pixels

Touch Creen- Capacltve Tovch Screen, molttouchb
Pixel density SharbÞnea - 208 Þpi

Charging made via USB

Barttery Life Ub to 7 daus


welcome to Oculos -I
benefit rem our
Lngratulatiena en your rchaao. To fully
Support, vegisttn your prcduct at https ://www OculuS.cem

what s n ThO uatch


Power Butten
A Short Preas to return to active moda
Hold 3 seconds to tom off
CHold 1d Secends te reset

Heart Rate Sensor
i c r o - USB Port (ey Use fer charg ing)
Deseriph'en of the watth




O Frot Camera ard Video Recordinq:
5 mP end Camera, clear ard mea shootinq ard video TeCording
Tha microphena Can heor all tha Loay ub to 20 KH2

USB Port
Mico- USB Port ter
Pouer Buten:
AunRen or turn off screen or boc to maio menu

OGS Capatirtance Touch Hanel

Each functien (mmin menu) will be Shown and disblayed on
Cabacitive touch Screen

Built-n LoudspaRer wth high audio resolutien.


1. Dounlaad. the Android Abb
T his aP Is Oly Used for sunc behueen wat ch and
ph ono, wil
ot tae
your phone GaPRS. If yw alreody dowlocded the related
Sottwae, blease cleck ho version and the etwest
use reated
Softuare in order to ensure
all fonctien nor al Use. Peae Ubdate
the Softuare when it has a new Gno. PleaDe indta tha andsoidl

apbliatien your Smart hor You Can store it into your phore
memory or instal by Syne Assistant.
2. Bluetooth Connection and Sunc tunctien
2.1 om phene to uatch:
Phonc Settings (urn
tha BDetooth Search for Devices

Please click ai derices when found

OVO8, ad also Chccse
yes in your mobile phono, aired dero.
Please choose "suce when there is
phene book request , neanwhile
you would better choose "no Temird
when you ConnEct
again, tis S Cenvenience
next tine Cwithout emind againn)
2.2 From watth to þhono
BT Dialer en APLUS Search neLo device > Ffourol your Smat
mtch (5vch a o 1S500) -5 Comect

3. Base fonctien
3.1 Message Sync phone or tch message
3.2 8luetooth Sets ha ue tooth S tatus turn en/ off
3.3 Calls Kecord- 7ou Can Check your phone call TeCords
eL yoo Connec with the Blvetoorth.
3. BT Dialer Pouced device rem Smart watch
3.5 Remote lotifieo latch uoil
noffy yov to read intoming messageb.
6 Remole Cameras - Use þhoro Camera to lake photos, but dberate
Using untch.

3.7 Anti lost uutch SeeR þhone, ór phore 5ee R watch

3.8 Settinq- Sets clecR display and ttoma in phona stlting

.9 Pacdermeter -
Measures Calerie» Or cdlories consumbtien based
nCollected data Such a Umber Of Steps, distance
Spee, tima, etc.
3.(D Sleeb Monit o r - Show youT Sleep q,ualty boaed on your Sleeb

3.11 Sedentary Reminder 4oo Can set a time Temind you ub

to Some exercise, we so9get you this

tme Could be one hoUT
3.12 uicR Resbonse It Can download Sunc softuare whan

Saan tha Guick response.

3.13 Smart Search Search Lnforrmatien about uatth
hena ha a SIm Card and
3.14 Phere aQ -

o needs that your

Can Surf tha intenat

3.15 Brouwser - Browser need your phone to Surt the intelnat

. Other Noted
4. full Charqe tefore use, tho charge tima needadl is 2 hours
.2 Use tho thona acessorita Cable and charger or your watch
4.3 Bluetooth will dsco nnect whon exceed the dis tancea,
afte Swtch on anti lost, he Smart search funcnion dan't
be used before reconnecting with Bluetooth.
4 Please eCo onect with BT if its disconnetd Ocaasi Onally

4.5 uhan blaying the MUsie, Stma of the music's name Can
be Shouwn ard Some Can't t is normal, becauu
android phenos are diffeunt
Co mnon trouble Shooting
Pleaxe efer belouo Rey functiên for any problems oith th otch. f
tha þroblem s Still un Solvad, pleaao Condalt with our dealer or
Service man apbointed.
5.1 Unable to switch 0n
Tha time of þress the power butten tdo Short , þlease keep it
More than 3 secondp
low Fower, pleaaa Charge it
5.2 Shut down automatically
lot Peuer, leane charge tho atch.
S.3 Using time tdo Short
Batter is not fuu, þlease make Sure tt is at fuu pouer
Durinea the use of SIm card, the pouer will run off Scen if the

Signal is oor

5. Unable to charqe
afle a tew years. Please
Tho batery's Gfe wil be reduced
check if he batHery is o r King
Change tho charger if it îsnot
in t o USB slot.
Please check tha dharger is Comecting prpery
5.S- No Caller's Nama When inComing Call
forgot to choose uploa the þhone booK when Connecting with BT

or Unselected. Reeb uplond tho þhero book.

Forgot to Syne the phona whan econnected, þleaae þairthe devica
ana connect BT again

5.6-Bad. Phona Coall Voice

Watch and phoro are separated too far, þlease Ceme closec.

LBad signal of BT.

B a d siqnal of your bhon

Thank You for purchobina Oculus Smart datch I.

Please read tte instructions Carefully before Dsing tt, in order t

Rnou the prober oberatien of tho wat ch.

Just in Cabe SSUe, this broduct comes wth Ono year

you have an

AmHed arranty and amazing CUStdmec service.

uarraty Cectificate

This Certificate extends the warranty of tho modal dleScribed

for a beriod Ot huelve NMonths . h s warantu

Covers tho rebair or replacenendt of the broKen unit at our

This certificate does not pfovids Coverage tor lost or dastroyed
Smart watch. This certificale is void if altered in ay a y .

Smart uatch Smart Watch Dale of

Moded t Serial Nb. Purc hane


Please Oote that Our smat wrtch doesn t Teplace tha

posiHion of yoor doctc. Toomost not take an health
decisio based On data b m Smart watch. Alwaus seek

inal and Superior odvice tDm uour doctbr.

We at Smart watch chart make Stringent eforts to ensbre
Erenytntormation for ever y product Spes 1S 100% accu rate
and most times g0 the extra mile Teach out to manutac tucers
D ensure the accualenen of iotormaten On every product's
s pecs

Not othstadling our obsepsien wth uatchop, all the information

in this manua is published in good faith and for general
informathion borboses eny. Thora ae no 9uantecs about the

Completenesa, eliabilit ard oaccuracy of the infor matien n

Smart watch. Hmy actien you t a e Upen tho intormnatin you

fird in Smart oatch iS Strictty at yoUr Ouwn S , Oculus

will not be resbonsible for oany tosses and damages in Conoectien

with the use of his product

The prodwct is available for private, nOn- Commerciol Use only

which is incorporated intb, placed in ansociction
sith, or targeted touard the Content of fhs prouct , withovt
tha e a r u approva ard knowledge of develobers, is forbiddon.

edit, modify, g edistri bUte reduct 's in for mahien.

ou moy not
Tho developers of this Smartwatch ubs Ume no iability fo

any aCh vitio in Connectien with ths Product or


of this prodct in Connection wIth any otho uebste Computer

OY play i

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