Food and Travel - Discussion

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Food and travel – discussion

1. When you travel, how important is it for you to try the local food?
Have you ever had a meal prepared by a local when you were traveling? What was it?
What was special about it? If you haven’t …
2. What is your favorite food memory? Can you recall any specific details about where this
memory took place? Were you on holiday?
3. What is particular about food in the region you come from? Can you name any favorite
recipes from your region?
4. Are there any food festivals in your region or country? Have you ever participated in one?
What’s the allure of a food festival? Why are they organized?

I wish I had traveled to Spain and thereby tasted some of their delicious meals.

I wish I had participated in the Food & Beer festival in Poznan when I had a chance.

It is essential that tourists try the local food.

I would advise that the locals should try.

It’s time I started travelling more to taste some of the local food in more exotic places.

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