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(books that made impression on the speakers)

Listen to the five short extracts again and focus on the vocabulary used by the speakers to
describe their books. Fill in the gaps below with suitable words to make common
collocations in English.

1. never got around to it

2. a leather bound edition took pride of place in my parents' bookcase.

3. supposedly impressive film version

4. I picked up a second-hand copy

5. What a fantastic read it is!

6. I do read wildly

7. subtle ironic touch

8. make it this timeless classic

9. beautiful prose: it's intricate poetic and flowing

10. set against a battle between good and evil

11. I was drawn to the cover illustration

12. and ____________ you into fantasy world

13. You could call me an eclectic reader but one genre that I find a real turn-off is prize
winning modern novels

14. blockbuster movies

15. a book that stands out for me

16. really fired my imagination

17. browsing in a bookshop or online

18. deserves much wider readership

1. blockbuster movie                                        insights 
2. captivating story                                          classic 
3. compelling characters                                   read 
4. cover illustration                                           circle 
5. daunting task                                               movie 
6. eclectic reader                                               touch 
7. fantastic read                                              illustration 
8. fast-moving storyline                                     message 
9. flowing narative                                              edition 
10. fresh insights                                                 plot 
11. human endeavour                                          story 
12. intricate details                                               readership 
13. ironic touch                                                   characterisation 
14. leather-bound edition                                     details 
15. light-hearted look                                        sense of humour 
16. perceptive characterisation                           narrative 
17. quirky sense of humour                                 storyline 
18. reading circle                                                characters 
19. real eye-opener                                              copy 
20. second-hand copy                                       look 
21. timeless classic                                              eye-opener 
22. underlying message                                        endeavour 
23. unfolding PLOT                                                reader 
24. wide READERSHIP                                         task 

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