True or False Quiz All Answers Videoquizhero

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True Or False Quiz All Answers

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Q 1. Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America.

Answers:- True

Q 2. The sun revolves around the Earth.

Answers:- False
Q 3. Chocolate is bad for dogs.

Answers:- True

Q 4. Peanut butter was invented by George Washington Carver.

Answers:- False

Q 5. Japan has left-hand traffic.

Answers:- True
Q 6. If you have a flu, antibiotics will get rid of it.

Answers:- False

Q 7. Bananas are berries.

Answers:- True

Q 8. Albert Einstein failed at math classes.

Answers:- False – but he failed his first university entrance

Q 9. A blue whale’s blood vessels are wide enough for a human to
swim through.

Answers:- True – and their heart is the size of a car

Q 10. Cookie Monster’s real name is Sid.

Answers:- True – and he had a purple antecedent named


Q 11. In the United States, 7000 people pass away each year because
of their doctor’s sloppy handwriting.

Answers:- True – and another 1.5 million are injured

Q 12. Queen Elizabeth II and Marilyn Monroe were born the same year.

Answers:- True – they were both born in 1926

Q 13. In Old English, “the” was spelled and pronounced “ye”.

Answers:- False

Q 14. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

Answers:- False – he just developed the first practical one

Q 15. Sherlock Holmes was a real person.

Answers:- False – but the character was inspired by Joseph

Bell, a surgeon with similar skills

Q 16. The officers in Rembrandt’s painting, “The Night Watch”, are

bathed in sunlight.

Answers:- True – the title is incorrect and was added later

Q 17. Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth above sea level.

Answers:- True – it beats K2 by almost 240 meters

Q 18. Unscramble the sentence below – is it true or false?

Answers:- False

Q 19. How many words can you find that make this a TRUE factual
statement: Cats are _______?

Answers:- 6

Q 20. Unscramble the sentence below and then choose the answer
with the correct truth value.

Answers:- 2/3 true

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