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Final Project

Course 15
Mystery of the witches in Valle de Chapala

Angel Duviel Delgado Ramos

Teacher: Eleazar
In Valle de Chapala neighborhood is known that there are some people
that know how to use the “black magic” and the most of them are
women. I talked with a guy and he explained that the people go mostly
to know their future, enchantments for their crushes and stuffs like that.
Also, a friend of mine that lives close to me told me that in the midnight
behind his house he heard noises and screams like “Satanas!”. The
screams were made by a woman and my friend thinks that the house is
used like a coven.
Now, even in my street I get
the feeling that my close
neighbors are kind of learning
about that things. A couple of
weeks ago my little brother
went to the store and passed
close to the house of my
neighbor that I suspect is
learning witchcraft. He walked
slowly because he heard
weird things about
enchantments headed to their
husbands, of course he
shouldn’t have spied them
because is not polite listening
to other’s people
conversations but well, that
increases my suspicions.

Another thing to think about it, is that strange smell that came from my
neighbor’s house, I knew that the smell was provoked by an incense,
but sources explained that the incense smell could mean 2 things, first,
it can work like a house flavoring or that can give a witchcraft
They must have had a witch meeting to exchange
enchantments or magical objects, taking in
consideration the past facts. Invocations books,
symbols made of wood or bones, desiccated skins
and poisonous plants and animals were used by
witches for a long time to practice the black
magic, according to reliable sources (like The
Blair Witch Project), so, maybe you would find
some of those things if you had the courage to
visit some of those houses or if you want some of
their services.

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