BHCN First Edition-1

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Big Heart Christian News March 2011

King of Egypt? Gwacheon or Bust

-Jong Hoon Shin-
Mubarak was the Egyptian
dictator, who ruled Egypt for
30 years. The citizens of Egypt wanted a
democratic nation, so they had a revolution. On -Pedroh Kim-
Feb 12, 2011 Mubarak finished his 30 years of On February 25, 2011 we went to Gwacheon
dictating. The Egyptian citizens won. The power National Science Museum. In the Museum,
of the citizens of Egypt is strong because they there were 8 halls we could enjoy. There was a
want a democratic society. They cheered when planetarium too. I think this field trip gave us
Mubarak finished his dictatorship. Egyptian some basic knowledge of science. I think the
citizens desire a braver authority than that of Advanced Technology Hall and Planetarium
Mubarak. Now this event is finished, but it will was the best part of the field trip.
be remembered by all citizens of Egypt. The Planetarium gave us some basic
knowledge of constellations. Then, we saw a
video clip about astronauts. I think the
It's a Big Mess! planetarium was the best program. Many
-Da Eun Choi- students who came to field trip liked it. I think
I want to recommend a good book for grades some of the students liked the Advanced
1 through 3. The title of this book is ‘More or Technology Hall. My favorite part of the
Less a Mess’ The author is Sheila Keenan, and Advanced Technology Hall was the area of
illustrated by Patrick Girouard. space and the universe. I think all students
enjoyed this field trip. I think this field trip will
be a good memory for all students.

The body is a unit, though

it is made up of many
parts; and though all its
A girl who is messy was playing in her room. parts are many, they form
Her room was very dirty. Then suddenly her one body. So it is with
mom came up to her room. She said, “Clean Christ.
your room right now.” She was worried about 1 Corinthians 12:12
cleaning her room. Then she was trying to find a
What do you think it will happen next? If you
want to find out what happens next, read this
book! You can find it in the BHCS library.

Volume 1 Issue #1 Online at:

Big Heart Christian News March 2011

Meet “Lunch Money”

Meet the
Teacher -JuHun Kim-
The title of this book, “Lunch
Money” usually represents the
-Da Eun Choi- money that American kids bring
On Feb. 17th, I interviewed Ms. to school to buy their lunches.
Kim. She answered my questions But in this book, a boy named
honestly and kindly. Greg Kenton, a boy that is very
Daeun: How old are you? talented in making money, was
Ms. Kim: No Comment. so interested in lunch money as a
Daeun: Where are you from? target in business
Ms. Kim: I’m from Busan. Greg started to sell dolls and toys. After a
Daeun: Why did you want to be a Korean teacher? while, students were not interested in dolls and
Ms. Kim: There were two reasons. First, when I was
toys. Greg made his own comics to sell at
in middle school, my Korean teacher was really
nice. That’s why I wanted to be like her, Second, I school. Maura Shaw was Greg’s neighbor, she
just love Korean. always followed Greg’s idea of making money.
Daeun: What is most difficult while you’re teaching Now, Maura was also selling books at school.
students? What should Greg do to her? Read this book in
Ms. Kim: Using lots of energy is most difficult, the BHCS Library to find out what happens
while I’m teaching. Because preparing for each class next.
need a lot of energy. And when some students are
not interested in Korean class, that is difficult too.
Daeun: In each grade, who is the best student in
your class?
Ms. Kim: All students do very great job, so it’s hard
I Have a Test?!?!?!
to choose. But, when I choose some students in each
group, I will choose Si Hyun in first grade, Ji Woo in
second grade, Ye Jun and Ji Ho in third grade, Tae
Eun, Jee yun and So Hee in fourth grade, Yun Soo in
fifth grade, and sixth grade is No Comment.
Daeun: What is your plan for the next semester? -Before the Test-
Ms. Kim: I am planning for teaching ‘In Moon Ko Write a schedule of when your tests are
Jun’. I will teach ‘In Moon Ko Jun’ more easily. Make sure you schedule enough time to study
Daeun: Do you want to keep teaching Korean until for each test.
you become old?
Ms. Kim: I’m not sure. Because I can have other -The Morning of the Test-
plans for new things. But, I will do other things that
Eat breakfast.
are related to Korean.
Daeun; When you were young, were you a good Take some time to pray and focus.
Ms. Kim: When I was young, I was really quiet, and -During the Test-
I almost acted like a shadow. But, when I became 9th Make sure your name is on the top.
grade, I became very brave student. I said my Read the directions carefully.
opinion a lot at my class. Write Neatly.
Daeun: What do you want to say to other students? Check your answers.
Ms. Kim: I love you all through God. I keep praying -Yun Soo Seo-
for you. And I believe that God will use our students
of Korea for the future of the world.

Volume 1 Issue #1 Online at:

Big Heart Christian News March 2011

Let's Run
A Television Review by Pedroh Kim
Running Man is a variety program that Who Are You?
shows the landmarks of Korea. This
show starts at 5:20 p.m. and goes until
6:30 p.m. on Sundays,
on SBS. They went to landmarks, such -by JuHun Kim-
as Gwacheon National Science I did an interview with Yun Soo. I thank her
Museum, Peongchang Alpensia, Korean Weather
for her cooperation.
Center, Coex, and The Hall of Art. I think all people
can enjoy this program. JuHun: What grade are
There are eight hosts in Running Man. Two main you in?
hosts are Jae Suk Yoo and Jong Guk Kim. Every Yun Soo: I am in the 5th
week, one or two guests come on Running Man. At grade.
the landmarks, they play tag, and they have some JuHun: What color do
missions to solve. This TV show can give us great you like the best?
joy, I recommend you watch Running Man. Yun Soo: My favorite
color is yellow.
JuHun: What is your
Movie Review: Rapunzel favorite food?
Yun Soo: My favorite food is kimchi.
-Joon Young Yoo- JuHun: What is your favorite subject?
There was a tower where Yun Soo: My favorite subject is P.E.
Rapunzel and the witch lived. JuHun: What do you want to be when you
She wanted to go outside, but grow up?
the witch said, “Outside is a Yun Soo: I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
dangerous place.” She couldn't JuHun: What fruit do you like the best?
go out, but when Flynn went Yun Soo: I like oranges the best.
inside of the tower she told him
JuHun: What sports do you like the best?
to take her to where she could
see the stars. So he decided to Yun Soo: I like dodge ball the best.
guide her. Then they left and JuHun: What country would you like to go to?
they had an adventure. I think this movie is good for Yun Soo: I would like to go to Japan.
anyone. If you want to find out what happens next JuHun: What T.V. program do you like to
then go see it! watch?
Yun Soo: I like to watch “Dream High”.
Do you think BHCS should have a mascot? JuHun: Who is your favorite star?
Yun Soo: I like Woo Young Jang (2pm).
JuHun: What instruments can you play?
Yun Soo: I can play the piano.
JuHun: Which of the 4 seasons do you like the
43 Yes best?
11 No Yun Soo: I like winter the best.
6 Maybe JuHun: How long do you sleep?
Yun Soo: I sleep about 6 hours.
JuHun: What do you want to get as your
birthday present?
Yun Soo: I want to get cash for my birthday

Volume 1 Issue #1 Online at:

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