How The World Works

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How the World

Extreme Weather
Unit Vocabulary
List the terms that you learn during the unit of inquiry.
Vocabulary Definition

Atmosphere It is layer of gases surrounding Earth.

‫الغالف الجوي‬
Oxygen It is one of many gases in air.
Temperature It is how hot or cold something is.
‫درجة الحرارة‬
Weather It is the day to day changes in the atmosphere.
Climate It is what the weather is like over a long period of
‫المناخ‬ time.
I am a scientist and I will study the world around me.
.‫أنا عالم وسأدرس العالم من حولي‬

I ask scientific questions about extreme weather.

.‫أطرح أسئلة علمية حول الطقس القاسي‬

I use the inquiry skills to investigate during this unit.

‫استخدم المهارات العلمية للبحث واالستكشاف خالل الوحدة‬
Inquiry Skills:
Observe ‫المالحظة‬: I use my senses to find information.
Communicate‫ التواصل‬: I write down, draw, or tell my ideas to other people.
Infer ‫االستنتاج‬: I will use facts or prior knowledge to draw conclusions.
Measure ‫القياس‬: I will use thermometer to measure temperature and
anemometer to measure wind speed.
Earth is surrounded by a layer of
gases. This layer of gases is
Earth`s atmosphere. ‫الغالف الجوي‬

Oxygen is one of the gases in

Earth`s atmosphere. Most living
things need oxygen to live.
What is the difference between weather and
extreme weather?

Weather: sunny, cloudy, windy, sonwy, rainy, …..

Extreme Weather: unexpected, unusual weather

Tornadoes, hurricane, ice storm, …..
Types of Clouds
Cirrus – cumulus – stratus

Cirrus clouds Cumulus clouds Stratus clouds

shape: thin and feathery shape: have flat bottoms and fluffy on shape: look like a blanket
top (piles of cotton)

Sign that the weather is about to Sign of fair weather means that light rain or snow is
change coming
After Watching the Video,
What is Weather?
‫ما هو الطقس؟‬
It is the day to day changes in the atmosphere.‫حالة الطقس في مكان معين خالل يوم أو عدة ايام‬

What is climate?
‫ما هو المناخ؟‬
It is what the weather is like over a long period of time in a specific area. ‫كيف يتصرف الغالف‬
‫الجوي على مدى فترات زمنية طويلة‬
How weather and climate different?
‫كيف يختلف المناخ عن الطقس؟‬
Weather is what happens around you in the short term (the next day or week). Climate is what
you expect to be like in the longer term (like how you might expect it to be hot in the summer
and cold in the winter depending upon where you live).
Meteorologist ‫عالم األرصاد الجوية‬
What is the job of a meteorologist?

• Study the atmosphere to predict and understand the weather.

• Collect weather data such as temperature, precipitation

(amount of rain), wind speed, wind direction and air pressure

using tools at a weather station.

• Use his understanding of all this data to make prediction about

the next few days of weather in her area.

• Create a forecast based on data and presents it on TV using

maps and graphics projected on a green screen.

Measuring Weather
Thermometer Rain gauge Wind vane
measure tempreture measure amount of rain Measure wind direction
‫قياس درجة الحرارة‬ ‫قياس كمية المطر‬ ‫قياس اتجاه الرياح‬
‫الط ْقس‬
ِ ‫القَا‬
‫عاصفة رملية‬
Sandstorms in Riyadh City

I observe ________________ Infer________________

‫العاصفة الرملية هي عاصفة تحمل فيها الرياح كميات كبيرة من الرمل والغبار في‬
.‫الهواء كما أنها تحجب الرؤية‬

A sandstorm refers to a high amount of wind occurring in sandy

areas, usually in deserts, where the wind speed is able to lift the top
layer of sand from the ground, and push it in every imaginable.

When the sandstorm hits, you’re engulfed in sand and debris. You can’t
see anything and your eyes, mouth and nose are coated with sand.
‫عاصفة ثلجية‬
I observe ________________ Infer________________
A blizzard is a snowstorm with strong wind and
a very low temperature.
‫عاصفة ثلجية مصحوبة برياح قوية وثلوج ودرجة حرارة‬
.‫منخفضة للغاية‬
During blizzards, the snow blows so fast it is
hard to see through. Being out in a blizzard it
cold and dangerous.
‫ تهب الثلوج بسرعة كبيرة حيث‬، ‫خالل العواصف الثلجية‬
.‫ الخروج في عاصفة ثلجية بارد وخطير‬.‫تصعب الرؤية‬
‫عاصفة رعدية‬
I observe ________________ Infer________________
:‫العواصف الرعدية مصحوبة‬
‫األمطار الغزيرة‬ •
‫الرعد والبرق‬ •
‫الرياح القوية‬ •
Thunderstorms are strong storms that have thunder and lightning. Often there is
heavy rain and strong wind, too.

Lightning is a flash of electricity that happens during a thunderstorm. Lightning can kill
people. Always stay indoors during a thunderstorm.

‫ ابق دائ ًما في الداخل‬.‫ البرق يمكن أن يقتل الناس‬.‫البرق هو وميض من الكهرباء يحدث أثناء العاصفة الرعدية‬
.‫أثناء العاصفة الرعدية‬
‫اإلعصار الحلزوني‬
‫إعصار ينشأ من المحيط‬
I observe ________________ Infer________________
:‫اإلعصار الحلزوني‬
.‫عاصفة قوية مع رياح دوارة‬
.‫يتشكل فوق مياه المحيط الدافئة‬
.‫يتحرك بشكل دائري‬
.‫يدمر معظم األشياء التي تواجهه‬

• Hurricane is a large rotating storm with high-speed winds.
• They form over warm ocean water.
• Hurricanes can do a lot of damage when they reach land.
‫اإلعصار القمعي‬
‫إعصار ينشأ من اليابسة‬
I observe ________________ Infer________________
• They are small, spinning columns of very strong wind.
• They form over land.
• Tornados are most common in states, such as Texas where there are large
• Tornado winds are so strong that they can rip a tree out of the ground and
move a car through the air.
:‫اإلعصار القمعي‬
‫• هي عاصفة قوية مع رياح دوارة‬
‫• يتشكل على األرض‬
‫• يبدو كقمع‬
.‫ مثل تكساس حيث توجد سهول كبيرة‬، ‫عا في الواليات‬
ً ‫• تعتبر أكثر شيو‬
.‫• رياحها قوية جدًا لدرجة أنها تستطيع اقتالع شجرة من األرض وتحريك السيارة في الهواء‬
‫أقارن بين اإلعصار الحلزوني واإلعصار القمعي‬
Compare and contrast between tornados and hurricane

‫اإلعصار القمعي‬ ‫اإلعصار الحلزوني‬

‫يتشكل على األرض‬ ‫يتشكل على المحيطات‬ ‫التشكل‬ Connection

It forms over It forms over warm Where it forms.
land. ocean water.

‫يتحرك بشكل قمع طويل‬ ‫الحركة‬

‫يتحرك بشكل دائري‬ Movement
It is spinning It is a large
columns of very rotating storm.
strong wind.
‫أنواع الطقس القاسي‬

‫األعاصير‬ ‫العواصف‬

‫اإلعصار القمعي‬ ‫اإلعصار الحلزوني‬ ‫عاصفة الثلجية‬ ‫عاصفة رعدية‬ ‫عاصفة‬

‫• عاصفة قوية مع رياح دوارة‪.‬‬ ‫• رياح قوية وثلوج‬ ‫رملية‬
‫هي عاصفة قوية مع رياح دوارة‬ ‫•‬ ‫• األمطار الغزيرة‬
‫يتشكل على األرض‬ ‫•‬ ‫• يتشكل فوق مياه المحيط الدافئة‪.‬‬ ‫• درجة حرارة منخفضة‬ ‫• الرعد والبرق‬ ‫• تحمل الرياح كميات‬
‫يبدو كقمع‬ ‫•‬ ‫• يتحرك بشكل دائري‬ ‫• الرياح القوية‬ ‫كبيرة من الرمل‬
‫والغبار في الهواء‪.‬‬
‫تحجب الرؤية‪.‬‬ ‫•‬
Form ‫أنواع الطقس القاسي‬
‫الشكل‬ Kinds of Extreme Weather

‫األعاصير‬ Storms
Tornados and Hurricane

‫عاصفة الثلجية‬ ‫عاصفة رعدية‬ ‫عاصفة رملية‬

‫اإلعصار الحلزوني‬ Blizzards Thunderstorms Sandstorms
‫اإلعصار القمعي‬
Hurricanes • A snowstorm with • Strong winds • A high amount
strong wind and • Heavy rain of wind
• It is a large rotating storm • It has thunder
It is spinning columns very low occurring in
with high-speed winds. and lightning
of very strong wind. temperature. sandy areas.
• It forms over warm ocean
It forms over land. • You can not
see during
Connection and Function
Sorting out Activities

Types of Clouds
Kinds of Extreme Weather

Brain Check
:‫العاب باللغة العربية‬
- ‫تقلبات الطقس‬Match up (
Tools to Measure the Weather - ‫انواع الغيوم‬Match up (
- ‫أدوات قياس الطقس‬Match up (
Connection and Function Making Conclusions

• You will learn the important terms hurricane,

thunderstorm, tornado, and blizzard.

• You will make flashcards with the definition and

important facts on one side and pictures on the other
Connection and Function Making Conclusions
This an example for the flashcards:

Sandstorm Blizzard Thunderstorm Hurricane Tornado

It is a storm which
winds carry large
Lots of snow It is a tall,
amount of sand. Thunder,
and wind; spinning
very cold lightning, and It starts over the column of air.
You can not see usually rain. ocean; strong wind
during sandstorm
and rain.
Science Fusion-Grade 3

Interactive Science- Grade 3

Weather vs. Climate

Weather vs. Climate Video For Kids | 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade (

Extreme Weather Solutions

Extreme Weather Video For Kids | 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade (

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