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Rochester Public Schools Interim Superintendent Search

Stakeholder Engagement: Interim Superintendent Search Survey

Overview: On April 2, 2021, the “Rochester Schools Interim Superintendent Search Survey”
was made available to the public both online and in hard copy in eight languages (English,
Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Khmer). The survey remained open
for respondents until April 12, 2021, and a total of 899 people completed the survey (893
English, 5 Chinese, 1 Spanish).

RESULTS: Survey takers were asked to identify the role that best reflected the basis for their
responses. The categories selected by the survey takers are provided below.
• 64.22% of respondents selected “Parent”
• 28.54% of respondents selected “Staff Member”
• 5.02% of respondents selected “Community Member”
• 1.11% of respondents selected “Student”
• 1.11% of respondents selected “Other”

Areas of Expertise: Those who responded to the survey were also asked to identify the top five
desirable areas of expertise they believe the Interim Superintendent must possess. The most
frequently noted areas of expertise are listed below in order of preference.
• Student Learning
• Collaborative Leadership
• Strategic Planning and Growth
• Community and Parent/Caregiver Engagement
• Budget and Finance

Previous Experience: Respondents were asked if previous superintendent experience or

experience as a cabinet-level administrator in a district the size of Rochester or larger is
important. Based on the results, 58.50% of the respondents selected “Yes,” while 41.50% of the
respondents selected “No.”

Education: Respondents were asked if it is important that the Interim Superintendent hold a
Doctorate in Education. Based on the results, 35.62% of the respondents selected “Yes,” while
64.38% of the respondents selected “No.”

Personal Characteristics: Survey takers were also asked to identify the top five personal
characteristics they believe the new superintendent must possess. The most frequently noted
personal characteristics are listed below in order of preference.
• Honest and ethical
• Effective communicator
• Problem solver
• Approachable and Personable
• Transparent

Additional comments: Finally, respondents were given the opportunity to answer open-ended
questions in the survey and on average, 494 of the 899 respondents provided additional
commentary. These results were then reviewed by MSBA representatives, with reappearing
ideas identified and grouped into themes. These themes are highlighted below for each of the

CONTENT OF SURVEY: The survey consisted of the following four questions:

1. What is important for the Interim Superintendent to know about positive things taking
place in the Rochester Public School District?
2. What is important for the Interim Superintendent to know about challenges facing the
Rochester Public School District?
3. What is important for the Interim Superintendent to know about the students and staff
of the Rochester Public School District?
4. What is important for the Interim Superintendent to know about the community in
which the Rochester Public School District is located?

1. What is important for the Interim Superintendent to know about positive

things taking place in the Rochester Public School District?
Rochester Public Schools has a great staff that is dedicated to providing each student with a
quality education. (158 related responses)
There are dedicated teachers.
The staff at the schools is committed and dedicated to the students.
Highly qualified staff.
Many dedicated staff members.
Lots of opportunities for professional growth.
Our teachers are professional, dedicated and ready to ensure our students close any
achievement gaps this pandemic has created or made worse.
There is a lot of collaboration taking place within buildings and across buildings.
Our teachers have worked EXTREMELY hard this last school year and that has not felt valued.
Readiness, adaptability, and organization of the staff in regard to major schedule changes
due to the pandemic.
The district has a dedicated staff who continually strive for what is best for students.
Teachers work hard.
We have great teachers and staff.
Our schools are great. The teachers are the best/positive thing.
Smart, capable, thoughtful teachers who overwhelmingly care about their students.
How incredibly hard the Principals are working to support not only staff but also
students/parents. They deserve a round of applause. Sleepless nights, constant worry and
recreating what school looks like all while keeping all safe.

Talented teaching pool. Committed staff.
There are great teachers, principals, and support staff.
Staff is dedicated and knowledgeable.
The District has done great things to ensure the mental health needs of students are being
addressed. They District also has managed this Covid crisis with keeping staff's health and
safety in mind in addition to students.
The district has prioritized social-emotional learning and health. This includes adding
counselors and social workers to the district.

Rochester Public Schools meet students’ needs through a variety of curricular, co-
curricular, and extra-curricular programs and the strong integration of technology. (93
related responses)
We are expanding programs to meet the needs of our students with the addition of the on-
line option.
Many different options for families and students (choice schools, different programs,
innovative options).
Great educational opportunities.
This district has a lot of creative problem solvers, so we have a lot of resources to tap into in-
One to one technology in all schools. Grading for learning in skyward for most classrooms.
At the heart of it, RPS is a great district! We have so many strong programs and the
personnel to match.
Use of technology and social media to promote connectedness, resources, and support.
I love that the district is almost 1-1 technology for middle and high schoolers.
We are continuing to support the use of technology in a 1:1 basis across the schools as the
budget allows.
The district has great programs like the Spanish Immersion program that can be further
developed and used as assets to the school district.
Class variety.
We are a district of innovative problem-solvers. If we could harness this and create systems
to strategically spread good ideas, we would be unstoppable.
We have a strong history of high achievement.
The support for Special Education is good.
A lot of good work is happening in the buildings.
That they can walk into any building any day and see many positive things happening.
We love the choice schools and the small class sizes of those schools.
Available resources.
Lots of honors for academic achievement. A number of community schools, which offer
support to the families which is wonderful. Offers a variety of school options. Have a
planetarium which offers district students a unique experience.

Rochester Public Schools is a leader in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion with the
school system. (56 related responses)
No two schools are alike. The diverse offerings around our community with district-wide
schools are an important part of keeping students in Rochester.
Very inclusive schools.
LGBTQ+ inclusion.
We're moving toward some promising equitable changes and we should not lose momentum
in that.
I'm blown away by the amount of equity work on the ground at schools here.
The American Indian Parent Advisory Committee has been supporting the school district for
decades in support of Native American/Alaskan Native/Native Hawaiian and all students.
Increasing emphasis on diversity and inclusivity; ability to attract and retain people from
across the globe.
The increase in training for equity and inclusive education for staff.
We have a diverse population in our schools which should be celebrated.
Diversity and respect.
Equity, Ethics, and Inclusion.
Culturally responsive classrooms.
Diversity/Inclusion is a priority to RPS.
There is an interest in learning more about CRTL practices.
Celebrates diversity and inclusion. Each school has its own culture that must be supported
and respected. Growth in the district continues.

The Rochester community is growing in population, diversity, and opportunities. Rochester

Public Schools is expanding and updating its facilities to accommodate this growth. (53
related responses)
RPS is located in a community with the potential to grow and thrive and with the right
leadership significant innovation and strategic growth to improve children's education can
Rochester is a growing and expanding community.
Growth. This is a city and community that continues to grow.
Growth of the student body.
Growth and increased diversity in the community.
Our growth rates in a diverse population will offer amazing opportunities to become a leader
in a school system that values equity, diversity and inclusion as we have room to grow within
those areas.
RPS is a growing district- this growth comes with a lot of positives but also some challenges.
New and upgraded facilities.
Good growth plan and new school buildings.
Opportunities based on growth and expansion of RPS infrastructure.

A major building referendum passed-new schools are being built, swimming pools are being
refurbished, etc. Lots of growth and change at RPS.
More space/new buildings, growth of the population, growth of the area.
Continue Growth of the School district with opening up of new schools in the area.
New schools are being built to ease crowding.

Rochester Public Schools enjoy a high level of community support and family engagement.
(50 related responses)
Fabulous community of parents/caregivers who are hugely invested in their students and
their schools.
High parental engagement.
Community support.
The value our community places on education.
Parents and community are engaged and want to be at the table with the district.
There is a high amount of community engagement.
Public willingness to invest.
The families want to support the district.
You have parents that will support you if you are transparent and willing to allow parents to
have a voice.
Community Schools supporting their families/neighborhoods.
Parents are engaged and willing to support the students' academic success.
Community support/engagement is high.
The community continues to pass community referendums even during the pandemic.
We have community support and the opportunity to build (and maintain) beautiful schools
for our students.
The community is supportive of the public school systems and will continue to provide
engagement towards improvement and growth of the students.

2. What is important for the Interim Superintendent to know about challenges

facing the Rochester Public School District?

Trust has been broken between the community and school district due to a lack of
transparency, communication, and collaboration. (181 related responses)
Overcoming recent history of failure in selecting top talent and exemplary leadership
qualities in superintendent role. A lack of transparency on the part of the board and
superintendent, and a failure to listen to parents and other stakeholders.
Lack of transparency, and lack of the district actually acting on community input.
The poor communication and problem solving of the school district/school board during
Covid has been incredibly disappointing.
There is a need to rebuild trust and confidence within our system.

Lack of trust in current/previous superintendent and school board.
Communication with families has not always been clear. There have specifically been
questions regarding report cards and grading practices this year.
There is a distrust between "leadership" and teachers, staff, and community.
Willingness to hear honestly from many stakeholders and make them part of the solution.
Lack of trust and ability to collaborate.
Lack of communication.
Honesty and transparency is crucial in gaining the confidence back of parents.
Overcoming trust issues (perceived and otherwise) created by previous superintendent and
sometimes the school board.
The district historically likes to say they take input from parents but just do what they want
anyway. The board is way too political.
Lack of communication and clarity is really hurting us. Lack of trust in our system by some
needs to be fixed.
Lack of personal interaction via staff insofar as soliciting opinions of staff in the field.
They are walking into a district that has been through hell and back! They have a lot to prove
to not only staff, but the community as a whole.
Lack of communication from each school and from district needs help.
Staffs’ lack of trust in leaders.
Admin (district level) has not been honest with us and have not been respectful to staff,
students, or community members. We deserve better.
We haven't been happy with leadership in a long time. Communication/transparency is
sorely lacking.

There is a divide between Rochester Public School stakeholders when it comes to diversity,
equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the schools. Most stakeholders believe there needs to be an
increase in DEI education (133 related responses); however, some stakeholders believe the
schools should focus on academics more than DEI (24 related responses).
We have a large number of students who do not have resources at home, and an equally
large number of students who do have plenty of resources. Providing an equitable education
for all is a challenge.
Education gap, and equity.
Inequity in discipline rates.
RPS is growing rapidly both in numbers and diversity, thus still has a ways to go to assure this
is reflected within all aspects of the district.
Lack of staff diversity.
Removing barriers for minorities in the district - minority students, families, and staff.
Creating equal opportunities across the district - some schools (due to PTSA, staff willingness,
etc.) are afforded different opportunities or luxuries that other schools are not given.

There is a very distinct inequity problem in this district. Not only with access to materials and
technology, but in discipline. Students of color are disproportionately disciplined over their
white counterparts and it is creating an unsafe environment within our schools.
Equity. We need more diversity among teachers and administrators.
We are challenged with actually putting our equity beliefs into practice. I also believe we can
do better with reviewing data consistently to make strong decisions.
Equitable education in a diverse community.
Diverse needs for large student body.
Inclusivity, diversity, equity, justice.
In our equity work, we have hired all the big names in the business to speak here over the
past 12 or so years. We are ready to move beyond self-reflection in our professional
development and in our resources for our equity work.
This is a "rich" city with many upper middle class and frankly well-off people, but there is an
underclass that if we don't educate and get them a place at the starting line the price for this
down the road will be immense.
There is a lot of restorative practices that need to be implemented between: Leadership and
staff, District and Community (specifically families of color), staff and community.
Too much focus and waste on equity (the intention is good but the strategies are poor...
proven to be a waste of money).
Teachers/school Board don't put education first. They will spend the majority of their time
pleasing the teachers union and minorities who care less about learning and focus on social
They are far more concerned with equity than they are with education.
Way too much effort, energy and emphasis spent on inclusiveness and diversity instead of
ensuring students receive a high quality of education. Lack of foresight on ensuring that
leading edge technology is integrated into all teachers' and classrooms' curriculums.

The Rochester community is concerned about community growth leading to overcrowded

classrooms and continual changes to school boundaries. (71 related responses)
Boundaries and crowded schools.
No neighborhood schools, kids shipped all over the place.
Growth: people hate it when the boundaries change.
Teacher to student ratio.
As growth of the city is a positive thing, it’s a challenge too!
Large class sizes.
Losing the personal touch because of size.
Rochester is growing and will require creative solutions to challenges that will come.
Need for a new high school is coming - let's not get behind the ball on this! Also, boundaries
should make sense - kids shouldn't be bussed past their closest school to another. Make the
boundaries better.

We are growing and need space.
Losing students to open enrollment in other districts.
The district is losing students to neighboring districts. Our district needs to listen and be more
responsive, like our neighboring districts.
Redrawing school boundaries.
Class size is a continuing factor in teachers' ability to meet the needs of students. Also,
students need more interventions to bridge reading and math gaps.

The Rochester community is concerned about the academic standards of the school
district. (57 related responses)
Lagging academic attainment of students from E-12.
Improving academics.
Many people are upset about the new elementary time change for the 2021-22 school year
and would like it changed. (6 related responses)
How to bring about more innovation in education.
High level of importance at the high school level on testing, credits verses individual student.
Decreasing education standards.
Quality of education/standards of teaching, especially in secondary education, seems to be
trending downward to better target lower level students, thereby short changing higher level
The school district does not have a big picture vision. It seems to have great community to
support but limps along with “bare minimum” goals.
Math achievement could be improved, more support for minority/immigrant students
There is a lack of learning and student engagement.
Grading for Learning is a huge challenge and not effective at the secondary level. (8 related
Decisions that affect the Elementary students, that are made for the benefit for the high
school student should be considered.
Losing focus on core academics.
Too many of our students are not reading or writing at grade level.
The performance of Rochester Public School has been going significantly downward over the

Other challenges it is important for the Rochester Public Schools Interim Superintendent to
know about are:
The Rochester community has a number of concerns related to school staff. (49 related
• We need more teachers and staff in buildings. Smaller class sizes and more support

• Staff have been unhappy this past year, for many reasons, as have family members.
Our leadership is under extreme scrutiny and community members are not afraid to
voice their concerns.
• Holding staff/administration accountable for their actions.
• There is a continuous need to hire and KEEP great staff working within the district.
The Rochester community is concerned about the academic and mental ramifications of
the pandemic on the students and staff in the district. (47 related responses)
• Parents are concerned about where their children are academically and how they will
"catch up."
• I think with the year of distance learning there are gaps in every student’s learning
from that year. I think that the next 1-2 years it will be important to identify the
students where that is the case, and to help them review & fill those gaps.
• The mental health and wellness of both staff and students is suffering, and has been
suffering since before the pandemic hit. In order to be a successful district, we need
to prioritize wellness.
• Distance learning has been fairly weak on the actual education aspects. Our kids are
more behind other nearby counties where the children have been in person longer.
The Rochester community wants an increased focus on mental health and behavior
concerns in the schools. (33 related responses)
• We have many mental health needs in our student body.
• There is a lot of room for growth when it comes to teaching and demonstrating Social
Emotional Learning.
• Peace officers in schools is a hot debate. The role of these professionals needs to be
• Lack of accountability from our students. Our students need to learn and be
respectful to their peers and teachers and someone needs to hold them to this!

3. What is important for the Interim Superintendent to know about the

students and staff of the Rochester Public School District?

Rochester Public Schools has a great staff that is dedicated to providing each student with a
quality education. (176 related responses)
Excellent teachers who deserve quality leadership.
Great staff overall.
Most of us are hardworking and care about education.
They are great and committed.
We are doing great work. It should be rewarded.
They are heroes!
They are some of the most amazing people you will find in our community.
They work together, along with the community, to make RPS a great place to learn and grow.
The majority of staff are fantastic and go above and beyond for their students.

Many of them are committed to helping kids be successful.
The staff are 100% dedicated to our students.
They are dedicated to students no matter what!!
The amazing job the staff does.
Our teachers are amazing, dedicated professionals that deserve a respectful, supportive
leader to facilitate their awesomeness.
Best staff around!
They want what is best for their students.
Friendly and helpful staff.
We are competent professional leaders who care for our students.

The community believes both Rochester Public Schools staff and students need more
support from the district. Both groups should be treated respectfully and deserve a voice
in the district’s decision-making process. (131 related responses)
Empower the kids to engage.
Students need support to meet goals. Staff need support to get students to their goals.
They need a leader who is WITH them. Someone who knows their struggles and challenges,
who will talk to them about their ideas for solving problems rather than imposing answers on
Understand their needs and necessities.
They've been through a lot and we need a strong leader for the future.
The kids need a strong reliable superintendent to lead the district many kids don’t have
resources at home. The teachers need to be allowed to teach and have support for kids who
disrupt class.
Staff are professionals and should be treated as such. When making decisions, please ask the
classroom teachers and the staff that are IN the schools working.
I have seen many new staff members (to the district and/or their specific roles) not receive
the support/training they need to know how to do their job.
The students and staff need more direct support and much less administrative overhead.
The students and staff are the primary stakeholders, and they should be treated as such.
Interim must be willing to talk to staff and students regularly.
They need Unity! We're very divided and tired of being unheard.
The interim superintendent needs to know how to best serve students and how to help staff
when needed.
Enforce and expand the support to as many students possible so they can achieve high
academic performance. Support and engage kids with special needs and kids from
challenging family environments.
Students/staff need to respect superintendent so decisions made will be supported.
Both students and staff need more support.
Make sure students and staff both feel like they have a voice in how our district is run.

They must be treated with the respect and truly inclusive and celebratory approach they
deserve. There is tremendous potential, and important local partners, including non-profits
and higher education providers.
We are a positive group and need a leader who can work as a team member.
Staff needs support to so that they can be the best that they can be for their students.
Staff and students should be included in decision-making so that building administrators are
not the only ones speaking on their behalf.

Rochester Public Schools has incredible students that are resilient, creative, and motivated
to learn. (120 related responses)
My students here are incredible. They are slightly jaded when it comes to educational
institutions, but if we can find a way to make them love their school, they will amaze you
with their creativity and compassion.
Rochester students are great.
Most of the students are great kids.
Many students are goal oriented and have many interests in academics and activities.
The students are the most precious resource in our society.
Most students want to learn.
Many students find school to be an extension of family in their social friend groups and
mentors at school.
Diverse and smart students.
All very driven to succeed.
Both are high achieving and want to represent their school in a positive manner.
RPS has a great student body and a caring staff. The pride within RPS by both students and
staff is amazing. The opportunities are endless.
Everyone is willing to learning.
For the most part they are phenomenal.
Passionate and motivated.
We have great students.
The students want to be in school and learn.
Students: Many involved and motivated. They are advocates for change, social and racial
I think students are students and want to do well and be successful regardless of where they
are or which schools they go to.
Students are generally high performing and motivated.
Students are eager to learn in the classroom and with their peers.

Both the staff and students at Rochester Public Schools are highly diverse. (94 related
Big economic disparity between top and bottom.
Diversity at most schools.
The socioeconomic range of students and families served.
They are diverse. Students and staff should not be judged by their disability or skin color.
We have diverse students who deserve to be represented.
They are incredible, but this is a shockingly diverse community and needs to be treated as
We have a diversity within our students and staff that provides a sense of the "real-world."
We need to also provide opportunities to grow our own future staff by finding opportunities
for students to see themselves as future educators or other staff in our district.
They are diverse and the staff has a lot of knowledge. They don't need to be micromanaged.
The students are diverse and deserve someone who will put their needs above the political
and one upping that happens.
A diverse group who needs to grow stronger in unity. We are very divided right now.
We have a diverse student body that needs to be recognized for all achievements made.
There is a wide diversity of academic and cultural differences in the student body.
They should be aware of the great range of culture, ethnicity, and race of our district and
celebrate this in positive ways.
There are a lot of different cultures, ethnicities, languages, skin colors, etc. in RPS! That
doesn't mean that the superintendent needs to be an expert on all of them but being aware
of them and wanting to learn and wanting to be culturally responsive is important.
We are incredibly diverse- every subgroup needs to be heard and advocated for.
The students and staff are made of a diverse and unique population.
We are diverse student body.

4. What is important for the Interim Superintendent to know about the

community in which the Rochester Public School District is located?

The Rochester community is highly diverse. (138 related responses)

It is ethnically diverse. More so than many other parts of Minnesota.
Very diverse.
It is a diverse community that needs diverse staff.
Not all view the education system the same way and that causes different views on diversity
and every other facet.
We are a diverse community that is more than the Mayo Clinic. I think it’s important to look
at neighboring school districts and what they offer to the many families that leave RPS.

It is diverse and requires knowledge of many communities, their cultures and needs in order
to make equitable decisions for all the children he/she is responsible for.
It is so diverse in both population and ideals.
There is disparity between many of the communities in the district.
Our community is outside of the norm on many measures due to, income, location, local
employers, and diversity. We should be our own standard, not compared to others that may
only measure up on one or two levels.
We are diverse and want to build community relationships. We reject discrimination.
The inequities in this community, especially socioeconomically, are staggering, we need to
find a leader who can help bridge gaps and find creative solutions.
Rochester is a growing and changing community with diverse populations and diverse needs.
Even though we have a very diverse community, there is still a lot of work to be done with
understanding diversity. We have a very "have" and "have not" community.
We are a diverse community with many needs.
It has quite a difference in economic means and diversity.
Inclusivity can be a significant issue, particularly with the bimodal distribution of wealth
between the relatively high number of physician/executive families and other community
It is very diverse especially socially and economically.
The community contains families from extreme ends of the social spectrum.
Community is widely diverse.
I think they should know how vastly diverse our community is.

The Rochester community is very supportive of and has high expectations for Rochester
Public Schools. (106 related responses)
Education is a focus for the community. We support levies and tax increases as needed.
We are all working families that support and love our kids and want them to succeed but
cannot also be teachers.
The community is very supportive.
The community is supportive and willing to be involved.
We are very loyal to our students and their successes. Neighborhood schools exist and
people want that community base.
We are giving and care about our school, students.
The community is really supportive.
The community as a whole truly supports public education.
Rochester is a high expectation community and deserves better for our children and their
Passionate and concerned for our students to receive the best education they can.
The community has appropriately high expectations for the school, the board, and its
leadership. We can't ask students to aspire to something that the board, the superintendent,
and the faculty and staff don't demonstrate.

We want our kids and schools to succeed.
High expectations from parents.
Most parents really care about their children’s education here.
It is rapidly growing and people that live here expect public schools that are great
academically and provide enrichment.
We have high hopes for our public schools and want to have our kids there.
We love our children and want them to learn how to be good people smart adults that will
succeed in life.
The community wants a school district to be proud of.
We have a community that expects an excellent school system that provides a quality
education for all students that prepares them go on to a career or high education.
This is a very engaged community that supports our students.

The Rochester community desires increased collaboration and transparent communication

from the district. There is a concern that the voice of certain stakeholders carries more
weight than others. (73 related responses)
We need to serve all in our community. Sometimes we only listen to the loud voices in the
room which are community members who have a lot of say. We also need to seek out other
voices to really have a good sense of what the community needs.
NEEDS to connect with ALL stakeholders on a CONSISTENT basis.
We can't let the loudest control all, but listen to everyone in the community.
There needs to be an increase of open communication with families and staff.
It will be important to interface with the community in many different ways.
Partnerships need to be made to best serve all of our students.
Louder voices are not representative of the community at large.
We are an alert and vigilant people that expect honesty, transparency, and that our leaders
have the academic interests of our students at the forefront of their minds.
The parents of all these kids have opinions and great ideas. Tap into them.
Like any other community they value transparency, honesty and having a voice at the table.
Communication between the school district and community needs to improve.

5. Additional comments included:

The Rochester community desires the interim superintendent have superior leadership that
will collaborate and communicate with stakeholders, be a visionary, and be visible in the
district. (56 related responses)
This is a difficult role to fill - please look for a leader willing to collaborate and grow staff.
Please select an ethical and honest person this time.
Must be able to bring RPS forward, future thinking.
GET this person in the buildings to see what is going on, talk to students and ALL staff and
LISTEN to their comments.

You must include diversity and systemic racism in any plan to move forward, but there needs
to be a deep commitment to doing the hard work in the district.
We need someone who listens--continues the tradition of community listening posts.
Have them be versed in social media as well as how to tell the district's story.
We need a leader who has an open mind. We need a leader who believes in what teachers
say. We need a leader who does not dream up ideas just to be an "innovator". I am very
worried about the future of RPS......
A collaborative leader who can mend/repair/restore trust in the community, both internally
and externally is who we need. Someone who can start laying the foundation for equitable
practices that are in alignment with the other youth servicing organizations.
I'm hoping for someone who wants to be here, not just for the money - but to make a real
difference. Be real and honest.
Please chose a new superintendent who does not lead with fear and intimidation or one who
holds grudges. A new superintendent who can heal, encourage, and be honest with the staff.
Choose one who earns the respect of their employees.
I would love to see the next superintendent be selected based on qualifications and
capabilities. Selecting someone with a history of honesty and integrity would be a big plus,
given the track records of the past two superintendents.
Would like to have a superintendent that is present within the buildings, they just don't show
up at schools when news cameras are at the school covering positive news for the district.
The superintendent should step in every classroom in the district at least once a year, it can
be done.


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