GLA 4/26/21 Press Release On IACHR Granting Yoe Suarez Precautionary Measure

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Courthouse Square

510 King Street, Suite 340

Alexandria, Virginia 22314
P 703.566.3041

Monday, April 26, 2021 (703) 566-3037


GLA Supported Cuban Lawyers in Cuba Who Spearheaded the Petition Effort

Alexandria, Virginia - On Thursday, April 22, the Organization of American States’

(OAS) Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) granted precautionary measures
on behalf of Cuban journalist Yoe Suárez and his family. On March 19, 2021, the Global Liberty
Alliance (GLA) and Cuba-based attorneys had applied on his behalf.

The IACHR issued the precautionary measures since Mr. Suárez provided proof he has
been in a “grave and urgent” human rights abuse situation. He has been banned from travel,
detained, threatened, summoned, even kidnapped by Cuban political police. The pattern of abuse
has escalated since last year. On multiple occasions, his wife and mother have also been subject
to harsh police interrogations and threats. The young Mr. Suárez and his family members have
been summoned or detained by police twelve times in the past year. From this, he and his family
suffer serious psychological repercussions, including “permanent stress” any time a car parks
outside his home. He, his wife, and his mother have been threatened that the secret police will
ensure “serious consequences” for his family if he continues reporting the news.

“My family and I thank the IACHR for granting us these precautionary measures. […]
Even though the socialist tyranny will not hold to the recommendations of international human
rights entities, this is an important step to raise awareness about the harassment we’ve been
suffering. […] On the island, there are 140 political prisoners, arbitrary arrests every day against
independent journalists, activists, and artists. Some 250 people have been ‘regulated,’ or
restricted from leaving the island for political reasons from 2018 until now; I myself have been
living for a year and three months as a ‘prisoner’ in Cuba under this restriction. Every one of
these arbitrary actions undertaken against a person destroys a family. I ask the citizens of the free
world to pay attention and denounce what is happening under the red yoke.”1

"Mi familia y yo agradecemos a la CIDH el concedernos esta medida cautelar. Entendemos que aunque la
tiranía socialista no acate las recomendaciones de mecanismos internacionales de Derechos Humanos, este es
un paso importante para visibilizar el hostigamiento por el que hemos pasado.
“Aprovecho esta oportunidad para denunciar que en la isla existen 140 presos políticos, hay detenciones
arbitrarias todos los días contra periodistas, activistas y artistas independientes. También unas 250 personas
hemos estado ‘regulados’ o prohibidos de salir de la isla por causas políticas de 2018 hasta hoy; yo mismo
llevo un año y tres meses ‘preso’ en Cuba bajo esta regulación. Cada una de estas arbitrariedades se cometen
A part of The Global Rule of Law & Liberty Legal Defense Fund
Cuban counsel for Mr. Suárez stated: “The work of Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) must
be recognized, since through their efforts they have contributed to advancing the protection of
human rights in Cuba. In the middle of a crisis, when economic, social, political, and cultural
rights of Cuban citizens are violated, when we cannot depend on appropriate tools for protection
of their human rights, I recommend seeking the assistance and orientation of Cuban and
international consultants and attorneys for securing them.”2

The Global Liberty Alliance defends fundamental rights, free enterprise, and the rule of
law, including the fundamental right to freedom of speech. You can find more information about
GLA’s work on the GLA news page, Facebook page, Twitter account, or podcasts.


contra una persona, destroza a una familia. A los ciudadanos del mundo libre les pido atención y sus denuncias
sobre lo que ocurre bajo el yugo rojo".
“Es de reconocer el Trabajo de la Alianza por la Libertad Global (GLA), que con su labor ha contribuido a
que se den pasos de avance en la protección de los Derechos Humanos en Cuba. En medio de la crisis, donde
son vulnerados los derechos los derechos económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales de los ciudadanos
cubanos, que no contamos con mecanismos idóneos de protección de sus derechos humanos, recomiendo
buscar ayuda y orientación de abogados y asesores nacionales e internacionales para su amparo.”

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