Hadith 19 & 20

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Hadith 19

(a) describe their teachings about what Muslims believe; [2]

(b) explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action. [2] Also share the
points noted during the class [1].

(a) A believer in this world is like a prisoner, he does not consider this world as his home and
his example is that of a prisoner. A prisoner is not free to do anything that he wants. He has to
carry out the commands to others in all matters. He eats and drinks what is given to him.
Besides, a prisoner never considers his home a prison. He avoids all sinful acts like adultery,
drinking, theft etc. “The worldly life for an unbeliever is Paradise” means that the unbeliever
may do whatever he wants and follow his own evil temptations. Unbeliever gets so deeply
involved in wanting this world that he starts considering it the ultimate end of his existence.

(b) Muslims must abide by the limits ordained by shariah, they must shun all kinds of evil
deeds; avoid all sinful acts. He must refrain from adultery, lying, drinking and etc.

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