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Student Declaration

I______Muhammad Rizwan_______ Registration No._____17-arid-5420_____, hereby

declare that by attempting the paper for the course _____Introduction to E-Commerce____, I

will not be involved in any kind of cheating/copying/plagiarizing in solving the short

questions based paper of Mid Term Examination Fall 2020. I take full responsibility of my

conduct. If I found involved in any kind of such activity of cheating/copying/plagiarizing,

then Institute reserves the right to take any disciplinary action against me.

Student Signature
Mid Exam / Fall 2020 (Paper Duration 24 hours)
(Online Assignment Based Question Paper)

Course No.: MGT-644 Course Title: Introduction to E commerce

Total Marks:18 Date of Exams: December 07, 2020
Degree:BBA Semester: 7th Section:
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Obtained/
Total Marks
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the Teacher:
Who taught the course: Signature of Teacher / Examiner:

To be filled by Student

Registration No.: 17-arid-5428 Name: Muhammad Rizwan


Answer the following questions.

Q.No.1. (08)
E-commerce has grown due to coronavirus in 2020. It has become a substitute source and
considered top in this condition, and e-retailers provides goods that usually consumers bought in
superstore traditionally. Coronavirus has created an impact on whole e-commerce including food
industry even in a small town like Sahiwal. Comment on it with the reference of Food Panda’s
establishment and growth in Sahiwal.
1. Candidate must not narrate the concepts of e-commerce. He should apply them.
2. Candidate must include facts and figures rather than general knowledge.
3. Word limit 200-250

Due to covid-19 pandemic in Pakistan, retail and food services sales were down by 7 to 13 %
in coronavirus situation as compared to same last mid or 2019. In other side the sale utility
stores increased 17% respectively because of phone call orders. In worst business condition
due to coronavirus, restaurants and other businesses shift from brick-and-mortar retail to e-
commerce are likely significant in the country even a small town.

In this situation “Food Panda” was the only source for the cuisine lovers because most of
the restaurants have not facility to provide the food at your door. Food Panda cover the all
the restaurants and small café and provide a single click order facility to the all customers in
town. In these circumstances e-commerce provide the following facilities through its best
platform (website);

 The customers can access more kinds of cuisines.

 The customers can access all the food points even these are “brands food and street
food points”.

 The customers also can order on the base of cost “cheap and expensive food”.

 It became easy to access and daily need of the customers.

An expected estimates suggest that online orders were up across several regions during the
first half of 2020. E-commerce had already increased significantly during the first quarter of
2020 in state of Pakistan, while the increase occurred after the circumstances. In “ rural
areas” local hotels and stores also provide the delivery services. They get orders at their
phone calls.


In preceding analysis of e-commerce, it came to know that e-commerce made the public
addict to using internet and order by a single click and get the product at the home door. In
statistics, it also came to know that e-commerce being a reason to increasing the sale and
customers loyalty by deliver the product at the customer’s door.

Q.No.2. (05)
Compare and contrast the Traditional Business with Electronic commerce in a book shop business.

Traditional book shop E-commerce book shop

E-book shop provide the facility to visit and

Customers will access a traditional books
find the book at any time in 24/7.
shop only during selected business hours.
In a traditional book shop, your reach and
accessibility are only if you are willing to You can reach to any e-shop through
travel. internet from anywhere.

e-book shop just provide a look of the front

page of the book or novel, you just can read
In traditional book shop you are free to
the given description by the provider.
read the book before purchasing.

If you want to ask anything, you have to

You can ask the questions to the retailer
text or email to provider by given chat
and get detailed description about the book
dialog box.
or novel

e-book shop is a globally platform to buying

any book all over the world, you can access
Traditional book shop is physical exist in
e-shop through a website by using the
specific area and cover limited customers.

In e-book shop you can order the book and

book will deliver you after specific time;
If you visit a traditional book shop, you can
after 24 hours or some days.
pay and take the book at the same time.

Q.No.3. (05)
What are the pros and cons of e-commerce?


In sense of buyers;

 In e-commerce buyers can find the product by visiting several relevant e-shops with
a single click.

 By using e commerce, buyers can find and order a products at any time in 24/7.

 It has no any physical store so there is no any geographically restrictions, buyers can
reach to any product from anywhere.

 Buyers can easily select products from different providers without moving around
In sense of business executive;

 E-commerce saves the operational costs, for example; employee’s salaries and setup
costs because e-store has no physical exist.

 It is quickly setup business and easy to manage the business.

 It is cash basis business, so there is minimum risk of debt and creditor buyers.


In sense of buyers;

 It is difficult to recognize the quality of a product because we cannot touch it, we can
just order the product on the base of belief.

 Buyers can face the difficulties in deliver the product. E-commerce requires time to
deliver the order.

 E-commerce needs source of internet and specific device to order so the customers
in rural areas cannot access to e-commerce.

In sense of business executive;

 There are many hackers who look for opportunities, and thus an e-commerce site,
service, payment gateways, all are always prone to attack.

 Executive of e-commerce business can face a high competition because any one,
good or bad, can easily start a business. And there are many bad sites which eat up
customers’ money.

 There is minimum chance of direct customer to company interactions, customer

loyalty is always on a check.

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