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Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

Teacher: Ms. Rubino Grade Level: 9 Subject: Algebra I Time: 80 minute block

Overview & Purpose (What will be

learned and why it is useful.) Students will learn how to solve quadratic equations using various methods during this unit. This skill will help students
understand how to recognize different types of quadratic function problems and determine the most appropriate
strategies or methods to solve quadratic equations effectively. Students can apply this skill to solving real world
situations and scenarios.

Education Standards Addressed NYS/CCSS

(The state/national education standards
that this lesson satisfies.) NYS Next Generation Math Learning Standards Key Idea/Strand Performance indicator #
Algebra I Reasoning with Equations & Algebra Strand - A.A.27 Understand and apply the
Inequalities Students will perform multiplication property of zero to
AI-A.REI.1a Explain each step when solving a algebraic procedures solve quadratic equations with
linear or quadratic equation as following from the accurately. integral coefficients and integral
equality of numbers asserted at the previous roots.
step, starting from the assumption that the Representation Strand - A.R.1 Use physical objects,
original equation has a solution. Students will create and use diagrams, charts, tables, graphs,
AI-A.REI.4b Solve quadratic equations by: representations to organize, symbols, equations, or objects
inspection, taking square roots, factoring, record, and communicate created using technology as
completing the square, the quadratic formula, and mathematical ideas. representations of math concepts.

ISTE*S 2016

1. Empowered Learner 4. Innovative Designer

2. Digital Citizen 5. Computational Thinker

3. Knowledge Constructor X 6. Creative Communicator - Students communicate

clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety
of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats
and digital media appropriate to their goals.
6a. Students choose the appropriate platforms and
tools for meeting the desired objectives of their
creation or communication.
6b. Students create original works or responsibly
repurpose or remix digital resources into new
6c. Students communicate complex ideas clearly and
effectively by creating or using a variety of digital
objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
6d Students publish or present content that
customizes the message and medium for their
intended audiences.

7. Global Collaborator

(Specify skills/information that will be By creating an interactive quiz using Microsoft Excel, SWBAT correctly determine the factored form of a quadratic
learned.) Be sure to include all 4 equation in order to solve it algebraically and explain the process of factoring without error.

Essential Question(s) How can we solve quadratic equations algebraically?

Information/Content to be covered Do Now/ Prior Knowledge to recall when beginning today’s lesson- How to factor a quadratic equation:
(Give and/or demonstrate necessary
information; for ex. Outline of teacher


Therefore, (x-6) would be the factor that represents the width of the rectangle.

New Concept- Zero- Product Property:

For any real numbers a and b, if ab=0, then a=0 or b=0
ex: (4X + 1)(X - 2)=0 then,
4X +1 =0 or X-2=0
Visual and language support diagram:

You can also use the zero-product property to solve equations of the form ax2+bx+c =0 if the quadratic equation can be
Important Note: You may need to add or subtract terms from each side in order to write the equation in standard form,
then factor the quadratic expression (ex. x2 + 14x =-49)

Steps for Success:

❏ Make sure the quadratic equation is equal to 0
❏ Write the quadratic equation in standard form
❏ Identify a, b, & c in ax2+bx+c =0
❏ Factor- looking for two numbers that multiply to your c term and add/subtract to your b term
❏ Apply the zero-product property to set each factor equal to 0
❏ Use inverse operations to solve your new separate equations and identify the solutions
❏ Use a calculator to check your work by graphing the equation and identifying x-intercepts as solutions

Model Examples of Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring:

Instructional Introductory Instructional Method(s):
Design Activity and
adaptations: Procedures X Lecture X Video/DVD
Simplify directions (include time
Publicly post frames) as you X PowerPoint Computer
directions provide details be
Condense new sure to include Presentation Outside speaker
content and instructional
display method(s) used. If X Notes Field Trip
instructions on use groups be
screen sure to specify Board work Other (specify):
Learning size and means of
Strategies: group creation. Details about this segment of lesson:
Learning Strategy. 1. Students will complete the Do Now activity mentioned above independently for approximately 5 minutes to recall
USE A PEER TO factoring a quadratic equation
HELP IN 2. Review Do Now as a whole class and teacher will address any misconceptions
STARTING 3. Teacher will review new concept of zero-product property to factor and solve quadratic equations mentioned above
ASSIGNMENTS. If and provide students with the diagram for visual and language support
a student finds it 4. Students will watch a short 5 minute video modeling an example of how to solve quadratic equations by factoring
difficult to get 5. Teacher will remind students of steps for success mentioned above that they should keep in mind as a helpful tip
organized and when solving quadratic equations by factoring
begin independent 6. Students will work with a partner for approximately 10 minutes to complete a “Think-Pair-Share” activity and practice
seatwork activities, solving the following quadratic equations by factoring. Students should also conduct peer and self reflections and
select a supportive check their solutions by graphing (students have learned how to graph quadratic equations as a method to identify the
peer or adult in the solutions in a previous lesson).
classroom who Find the solutions of the following quadratic equations:
can get the a: (x+3)(x+2)=0
student organized b: (2x + 3)(x - 4)=0
and started on the c : x2 + 8x + 15=0
assignment. d : p2 + p - 20=0
Student e: x2 - 9x + 14=0
Behavior: f: 2x2 - 5x -3=0
Work g: x2 - 9x =-14
collaboratively with 7. Teacher Check for Understanding/Pulse: How confident do you feel with determining the factored form of a quadratic
a partner and equation in order to solve it algebraically?
participate in class Explain expectations/assessment criteria for the rest of the lesson.
Use (30 minutes total)
help signal as
Behavior: Allow
think time Elicit
responses Create
pairs for activity
and facilitate work
time, checking for
and overall

Instructional Developmental Instructional Method(s):

Design Activity and
adaptations: Procedures Lecture Video/DVD
Simplify directions (include time
Publicly post frames) as you PowerPoint X Computer
directions provide details be
Display sure to include Presentation Outside speaker
Instructions and instructional
model example of method(s) used. If Notes Field Trip
design on screen use groups be
Learning sure to specify Board work Other (specify):
Strategies: CUE size and means of
IMPORTANT group creation. Details about this segment of lesson:
Identify concepts, Laptop cart is scheduled to be in the room during this math blocked time.
ideas, or other Students have already learned how to use Microsoft Excel to generate an interactive quiz in their technology class.
academic content Students will be provided with a model example of what is expected for the interactive quiz.
to be evaluated.
Teacher can draw 1. Students will take turns walking to the laptop cart to retrieve their pre-assigned laptop by number.
attention to 2. Students will be instructed to create a quiz on determining the factored form of a quadratic equation in order to
important content solve it algebraically. Directions for the interactive quiz students will create are posted largely for reference on
while explaining the screen.
task - Open a blank Microsoft Word workbook and create one quiz sheet and one answer key sheet
PROVIDE WORK - Include a section with Number of Questions and User Overall Score
SAMPLES AND - Format your quiz as a table including a column for the question, answer, and result
EXEMPLARS. - Choose FIVE quadratic equations
Provide samples - Create five questions to include in your quiz sheet asking users to factor each quadratic equation
of successfully - Include all five answers to your questions on the answer key sheet
completed - Insert the appropriate excel formulas to check quiz answers and keep score
academic items - Hide your answer sheet and protect your workbook, only allowing users to access the answers column
(e.g., math to type their responses to each question
computation or - Include a handout with a written explanation of your process. Explain how you determined the factored
word problems) or form of the quadratic equation in order to solve it algebraically.
exemplars (e.g.,
samples of Students will be reminded every 5 minutes of the time they have left to complete this activity in order to best pace
well-written themselves through the task.
paragraphs or Students will check in with the teacher at the halfway point and before they are ready to submit their work, to ensure
essays) for the they are on the right track.
student to refer to Students will be asked to turn in their work by sharing a link on the Google Classroom page. Students will then be
when working asked to return their laptops to the appropriate location in the cart and plug them back in to charge 5 minutes before the
independently. period block ends.
Behavior: (40 minutes total)
focus on task and
check in with
help signal as
Conduct progress
checks with
Maximize the
likelihood of
compliance with
commands by (1)
gaining attention
of the student, (2)
stating the
command calmly
in clear and simple
language as a ‘do’
statement, (3)
commands one
step at a time, and
(4) waiting for
compliance with
each step before
moving to the

Instructional Concluding Instructional Method(s):

Design Activity
adaptations: (Describe the Lecture Video/DVD
Simplify directions independent/concl
Publicly post uding activity to PowerPoint Computer
directions reinforce this
Display lesson) as you Presentation Outside speaker
Instructions on provide details be
screen and sure to include Notes Field Trip
indicate instructional
submission method(s) used. If Board work X Other (specify): individual reflection
method use groups be
Learning sure to specify Details about this segment of lesson:
Strategies: CUE size and means of
IMPORTANT group creation. Exit Slip:
INFORMATION. In the final 10 minutes of the period block, students will be asked to independently complete a written response in the
Identify concepts, form of an exit slip and hand it in on their way out of class.
ideas, or other 1. Explain using key vocabulary words from today’s lesson: How can you determine the factored form of quadratic
academic content equations in order to solve them algebraically?
to be evaluated. 2. Describe one way solving quadratic equations can be applied to a real life situation.
Teacher can draw
attention to The teacher will analyze the exit slips as a way to evaluate the students’ overall understanding of solving quadratic
important content equations by factoring and provide feedback for students.
while explaining (10 minutes total)
students who are
off-task during
seatwork, set up a
study carrel in the
corner of the room
or other
work area. The
teacher can then
either direct the
distractible student
to use that area
seatwork is
assigned or can
permit the student
to choose when to
use the area.
Focus on
summary task
help signal as
Allow think time
Monitor student
brainstorming and
Plans for students with diverse Accommodations:
Include self-regulation strategies to X Seating Assignment notebook
help students make adjustments to
aid learning Segmented assignments Test/quiz accommodations

Assignment length Peer tutor

X Directions clarified Resource room

X Copy of teacher notes X Other (specify): -Additional Support Videos and notes
-Screen reader: software program that connects to
the computer to read text out loud and allows visually
impaired to access electronic information.

Details about accommodations for student(s):

Student X needs to be seated close to the board and receive a copy of teacher notes due to limited vision.

Student Y needs directions read aloud individually for any assignment or task due to individual learning needs.

Student Z requires a screen reader that turns text into synthesized speech due to visual impairments.

Visual and auditory learners or students who need more support in learning and understanding the lesson will be
provided with additional videos and notes.

Alternative activities
(emergency plans/flexibility) If the laptop cart has not been charged, students will factor their quadratic equations and begin to create a draft of their
Microsoft Excel interactive quiz on paper first.

Evaluation/Verification Type of Assessment(s):

(Steps to check for student
understanding which can but are not Homework check Review
limited to assignments, in-class work,
etc.) Test/Quiz Presentation
Include reference to the objective(s)
X Project (Microsoft Excel Interactive Quiz) Oral Responses

Participation X Observation
X Class work (Do Now, Think-Pair-Share, Other (specify)
Exit Slip)

Details & Connection to Objectives:

The rubric given below will be used to evaluate student understanding of how to correctly determine the factored form
of a quadratic equation in order to solve algebraically. Appropriate use of technology will be used as a resource to
demonstrate their work and understanding.

Materials Needed X Textbook : Pearson Savvas Realize: Algebra I Digital Textbook

Pencil X Overheads (specify): Mini Lesson and Task Instructions on Screen
Other Resources X Workbook/Handouts (specify): Microsoft Excel Interactive Quiz Sample Model & Password: 3579
(e.g. Web, books, etc. be sure to
include source information) Multimedia Materials (specify):

X Hands-on materials (specify): Laptops

X Reference materials (specify): Web Resources

Glossary, examples, practice questions:
Microsoft Excel: spreadsheet application featuring calculation, graphing tools, and a programming
for students to create interactive quiz:

X Other (specify):
Screen reader software program for students with visual impairments
Support video for students with diverse needs:
Support material for students with diverse needs:
Grading Rubric: Microsoft Excel Interactive Quiz
Exemplary Meets Work in Progress Needs Work Earned
Task (3) Expectations (1) (0) Points

Math Content The work Demonstrates a The work Demonstrates

demonstrates a nearly complete demonstrates some limited or no
Student complete understanding of understanding of the understanding of
accurately understanding of the math concepts mathematical math concepts
reflects the the mathematical needed to concepts needed to
important math in concepts needed determine the needed to determine determine the
the problem and to determine the factored form of the factored form of factored form of
its solution factored form of the the quadratic the quadratic the quadratic
quadratic equation equation in order equation in order to equation in order
in order to solve it to solve it solve it algebraically to solve it
algebraically algebraically with accuracy algebraically
with accuracy with accuracy with accuracy

Problem Illustrates the entire Illustrates the Illustrates the Does not
Solving process of factoring process of process of factoring illustrate the
quadratic equations factoring quadratic quadratic equations process of
There is in order to solve equations in order in order to solve factoring
evidence the them algebraically to solve them them algebraically quadratic
student and demonstrates a algebraically and demonstrates a equations in
proceeded from complete and demonstrates limited order to solve
a plan and their understanding of a general understanding of the algebraically and
approach to the the relationship understanding of relationship between demonstrates
problem was between the the relationship the quadratic no strategy or
thoughtful and quadratic equation between the equation in standard understanding of
logical in standard form quadratic equation form and factored the relationship
and factored form. in standard form form between the
and factored form. quadratic
equation in
standard and
factored form
Communication Handout with Handout with Handout with Little or no
written explanation written written explanation written
Able to clearly & precisely explanation attempts to explain explanation of
understand the explains using key sufficiently how to determine the process is
student’s thinking vocabulary how to explains the factored form of provided
process determine the how to determine the quadratic
factored form of the the factored form equation in order to
quadratic equation of the quadratic solve it algebraically,
in order to solve it equation in order but is vague or
algebraically to solve it difficult to interpret.

Neatness and The work is The work is The work is Illegible,

Organization presented in a presented in a presented in a unorganized
highly organized neat, clear, somewhat or no attempt
Work is way demonstrating organized fashion organized fashion made
structured and a higher level of that is easy to but is hard to know
easy to see thinking. read what goes together
at times

Setup of Includes quiz and Correctly designs Correctly designs 1 Does not
Interactive Quiz answer sheet, 5 3 of the 4 or 2 of the 4 correctly design
quadratic any of the 4
equations, 5
questions, excel

Timeliness Completed on time 1 day late 2 days late Over 2 days late

Total Points: /18

16-18 = A 13-15 = B 10-12 = C 7-9 = D <7 = F
Teacher Notes:

***See attached Microsoft Excel Interactive Quiz Sample Model & Password: 3579

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