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Ipad features to

improve your
learning through
Makalynne Dyer
Ipad Pro ios version 14.4.1
The GoodNotes app

The goodnotes app in available in the app store and has a TON of valuable features for
students who struggle with learning. Its main feature it is used to take notes, just like pencil
and paper students write their notes in the app using the apple pencil.

The app allows you to customize

everything about your notes from pen
type to colors and hylite so your notes
can be exactly what you need them to be
for each individual students learning
The app also has a search
feature so while you are studying
if there is a specific word or
section you want to review you
can search keywords to quickly
find what you need
Siri and dictation
Siri is available in all apple products. But in terms of using this tool on the ipad it is great for
dictation. Students can speak there paper into siri and she will type it for you.

This is also a great feature to use if you are struggling

with how to spell a word. Saying the word to siri and it
can be spelled for you.
To activate siri while typing there is a microphone
button on your keyboard or by holding down the home
button/side button depending on version of ipad
Handwriting to text
This feature is available in both goodnotes and the note app that comes with the ipad.
Handwriting is so helpful to students in note taking but often there is struggles when it
comes to studying with handwritten notes. This feature allows students to get the benefits
of handwriting but studding from written notes.

Select want converted to text,

then click convert and it is
converted into text that you can
then put into a new notebook to
study from
Reading assistance
Listing while students read is a valuable tool. Through the ipad students can have their
Ebooks read outloud to them while following along.

Students select the

text they want read
out loud and then
click speak.
Easy definitions
While reading or working on assignments student often come across words they don't
recognize. Through ipad student can easily find definitions of words so they can continue on
without spending An excess amount of time trying to figure out what a word means.

When a unknown word

comes up highlight it and
click look up. A pop up
will appear with the
dictionary definition,
website suggestions and
more without having to
leave the original article

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