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 Altman, Linda Jacobs. Genocide The Systematic Killing of a People (Issues in Focus) . New York:

Enslow, 1995. Print.

 Barrett, Devlin. “Hate Crime on Rise: Gay, Religious Targets See Biggest Jump.” The

Huffington Post 09 Nov. 2009. Print

This is a very important source in which we can show a current and important part of

how our topic is affecting this world. We will be able to connect our topic to show how hate

crimes are a big issue from past to current time. Also using this article will help us narrow our

topic to certain types of hate crimes and in this article point out the really important ones

currently taking place.

 Cathcart, Rebecca. "Boy’s Killing, Labeled a Hate Crime, Stuns a Town." The New York

Times. 23 Feb. 2008. Web. 15 Mar. 2010.

This will be used to show how people will go to desperate measures all because they do

not agree with what someone is.

 Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B. Hate Crimes Causes, Controls, and Controversies. Minneapolis: Sage

Publications, Inc, 2003. Print.

 Planer “killing Put focus on Crimes against.” Cable News Network 24 Oc6t. 2009, web.

14 Mar. 2010.

This source will create the understanding of the topic by showing how the government

and media could be involved in hate crimes in the world today. It will show how hate crimes are

still occurring and the government needs to help stop it not start it.
 Roleff, Tamara L. History Firsthand-The Holocaust Death Camps. New York:

Greenhaven, 2001. Print

This book explains what people subjugated to hate crimes had to go through and how the

hate effected them. It will be used to get the students to see what the hate does, so they will stop

their hate.

 Roleff, Tamara L..  "Introduction." “Current Controversies: Hate Crimes”. Ed. Tamara L.

Roleff. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2000. August 2004. 21 February 2010.


 Sanchez, Writer. Interview. “Hate Crime Victim Gives Exclusive Interview.” With El

Diario/La Prensa. New America Media. Jan. 2009

This interview gives an example of an accurate description of an attack of hate crimes.

Also describes what happens after the attack. It was a possible case study.

 Sullivan, Jennifer. “hate-crime charged in a cab attack.” The Seattle times [Seattle] 28

Nov. 2007. The Seattle Times Paper. 28 Nov. 2007

` This article tells what specific hate crimes are going on and how the victims deal with

them. Also, tells what the victims have to deal with and why the person commits the crime.

 Takosugi, Tricia, “SoCal Muslims Targeted in Hate Crimes.” Fox 4 Jan. 2010

This news cast shows yet another way people are targeted, and effected by hate crimes,

this time in religious ways, it will be used to provide more background on religious hate crimes.

 Wiesel, Elie, and Marran Wiesel. Night. New York: Hilland Wing, A division of Earrar,

Straviand Girax, 2006. Print

 “About Hate Crimes.” Homepage.Web. 09 Mar. 2010

This website can help us on solutions and list examples of everyday hate crimes that

occur with paying attention. This website has examples of all types of ahte crimes and even on

ones that we are really focusing on (race, religion, and gay hate crimes). Thes can help us focus

not only on the big general problems but also to list everyday hate crimes that can take place at

for instance elementary school grounds.

 “Arce, Grinberg, Planer” Police officers among 5 people indicted in Race-related

beating.” Cable News Network, 15 Dec. 2009. Web. 14 Mar. 2010.

This source is essential because it is showing how the biases of young men lead to attacks

and crimes based on the person’s race, religion or sexual orientation. It shows how police and

teens can do hate crimes and have a cover up just because of a thought that they had.

 “Hate Crimes” Family counseling & coaching.web.03 Mar.2010.


This site explains hate crimes and gives examples of specific hates, and how they are

associated with the law. This will tell which hate crimes are happening now.

 Hate Crimes. San Diego, CA. Greenhaven, 1996.

 “Hate Crimes” UC Davis, Psychology. 1997. Web Feb 2010.

This site shows what a hate crime is and shows studies about hate crimes. They will be
used to show how bad things are.
 Hate Groups opposing viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2004. Print
It tells why people have hatred toward other races or religions. Also, it tells what effects
they have on their victims, it will be used to explain what a hate crime is and why it is a terrible
 Media and Politicians Responsible for Rise in Hate Crimes against Muslims in London,

Study Finds. Islamophobia. Web. 4 Mar. 2010. <http://www.islamophobia-


This source helps create the understanding of my topic by it explaining how crimes are

not against Latinos and how young defenders can affect a whole community. It will show how

ordinary kids can do such violent things and how everyone has to be aware of how a person

thinks and how to avoid a hate crime.

 "New Details Emerge in Matthew Shepard Murder." ABC News. 26 Nov. 2004. Web. 15

Mar. 2010.

This is an article on the shocking Matthew Shepard hate crime and how this one crime

can gather so much attention and all the other hate crimes haven’t even made a dent. This

unimportant hate crimes are to people.

 "The Plight of Al Samouni Family in Gaza: in Their Own Voices." Al Haq. Web. 15 Mar.

2010. <>.

This is going to be used as our case study. It is about how a family was fired upon

because they were Palestinian.

 “Recent Hate Crimes put UC Davis on Edge.” KTVU 1 Mar. 2010. Print

This article shows that hate crimes are even happening in schools, and how the schools

take action against them. Also shows how schools deal with the hate crimes.

 “Religious Hate Crime”. Website of the UK government: Directgov.web. 04 Mar. 2010



This is just one of the many types of hate crimes. This particular article focuses mainly

on religious hate crimes, tells of the laws against it, and gives incitement to religious hatred.
 “Two charged with hate crimes in gay man’s”

news, U.S., Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 21 Feb. 2010.


 “Upgraded Hate-Crimes Law singed. “Arizona Local News-Phoenix Arizona News-

Braeking 05 Mar. 2010


This is an important article because it will help us explain how and present examples of

how people are trying to help stop hate crimes. It will help us with background information

about hate crimes and how they are affecting people to the point where the country has to protect

its people from these incidents.

 "What Are Hate Crimes?" Sharing the Sikh Experience | SikhNet. Web. 05 Mar. 2010.


This source will increase the understanding of hate crimes by it showing what the goals

are, it differentiate between hate crimes and hate incidents and what you can do to help. This

information will be used to show the indication of a person and the goals to address the issue and

what the person does and how to stop the hate.

 What is a hate crime? San Diego, Ca. Greenhaven 2002.

It tells of many different hate crimes and it will help us narrow down our topic to focus more

on one or two types of hates crimes. It will allow us to present more explicit information on the

type we will focus on.

 "11 Facts about Hate Crimes | Do Something." Volunteer | Do Something. Web. 04 Mar.

2010. <>
This source will increase the understanding of hate crimes by learning about the statistics

on hate crimes. This information will be used in the presentation to show who they are mostly

against and how you can act to stop hate crimes.

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