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Azizah Putri Pertiwi


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One aspect of global culture that soon will be happening for the future is life style.

Lifestyle that I take here is shopping at the Supermarket. Supermarket is a form of

grocery store, is a self-service store offering a wide variety of food and household

merchandise, organized into departments., Jakarta Director of AC Nielsen Yongky S Susilo said the

shopping center is no longer seen as mere shopping center but has become a center of

recreation for families, children and people of Indonesia.

"European Community on the weekend would rather do adventure or adventure,

while the Indonesian people prefer to go to the Super market or shopping center. The

goal is to make recreation with family or acquaintances," said Yongky, in a press

release seminar "Shopping Centers and Retail Challenges 2011" held by PM Institute

and Retail in Jakarta, Sunday (12/12).

Based survey research institute retailers and business development "AC Nielsen"

"15,000 respondents in Asia Pacific 2003 on the trend of people shopping, most

consumers spend their money at the supermarket (39%). For Indonesia, among 1019

respondents in Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya as much as 33 % who shop in

supermarkets. According to Yong, research conducted by AC Nielsen shows that the

Indonesian people do have strong characteristics to shop compared with people from

various other countries.

Maybe the people have reasons why they shopping in the supermarkets.

According to them many advantages of shopping at the supermarket location is clean,

well maintained, air-cooled, and everything orderly and organized. Many other activities

that can be done at the Super market besides shopping. The price of each product

listed clearly. The outlets for their products was clearly clustered with either. When

someone is looking for a product, they can easily find it. There is a clear indication. And

the price was immediately known. This is very beneficial in many ways the buyer. There

is no waste of time having to search for goods, as well as a bargain price, which is not

necessary won by the buyer. Many more advantages than shopping at the supermarket,

that our brains automatically record that the events were fun.

President Director of Property Management Janti GMT Rusly, predicts the

prospect of shopping centers in the year 2011 it will become more passionate. This is in

line with improved economic growth.

Based on data from PT ACNielsen Indonesia (2007) percentage, growth markets

and modern shops is higher than the percentage of the market and traditional shops,

the modern stores grew 14 percent, while traditional stores only 3 percent. Research on

consumers grow / develop in an interesting line with consumer shopping experience

associated with multiple consumptive activities between for fun or out of necessity. The

value of fun in the shop described the entertainment value and emotional potential. Not

everyone is conducting due to meet the needs of shopping, but there is also a

reasonable person as part of shopping for fun or as an escape when facing problems.

That is why I believe that shopping at supermarket is one aspect of people life

that will be global soon.










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