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Marcela Gregg

Persuasive Speech Outline

Topic: Free music school program

Title: Music for all

Specific Purpose: To inform audience the impact of music on psycho-emotional development, and to

show/persuade the audience why free music education is good.

I. Introduction

A. Introduce topic by informing about current studies that have shown how music

transmits emotions and can affect the way a person thinks and acts.

B. According to data from Alluri et al., (2013) music activates large areas of the brain.

C. Today I will attempt to persuade you why learning/listening to music should be free and

available of every American.

II. “People needs to pay to get music education”

A.    Studies prove that learning a musical instrument increases gray matter volume

in various brain regions.

1. Musical training can enhance verbal memory.

2. Musical training can enhance reasoning.

3. Musical training can enhance literacy skills.

B. Music is considered to be o09mf great importance to humans:

1. Allows to express fears.

2. Express joy.
III. The effects of music on the body are also a matter of chemistry and have their own name:


A. Classical music that, according to some studies, causes the generation of serotonin,

a chemical that causes relaxation and calms stress and anxiety levels.

IV. learning to play an instrument has short-term and long-term benefits for the brain.

1. Musicians are more sensitive to rhythm and sounds, which promotes the development

of attention and cognitive skills. Playing an instrument makes the auditory, motor and

sensorimotor integration areas of the brain more flexible and that is why neuroscience

has long been interested in studying the impact that music can have on our brain.

2. The average cost of music lessons is $ 55 per lesson, with prices ranging from $ 30 to $

80 + per lesson in the US in 2020.

V. Musical training helps develop language and reasoning: Students who have early musical

training will develop the areas of the brain related to language and reasoning.

VI. Conclusion

A. Every musical instrument demand discipline and a lot of perseverance; In other words,

playing an instrument takes time, effort and a lot of consistency. Whoever plays an

instrument becomes a methodical person who takes care of details, plans tasks well and

has a great attention span.

B. With the help of these free Music Programs, we could make a difference to our society

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