Evaluación de Entrada

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Name: ………………………………… Level: Intermediate

Grammar C Look at the underlined parts of the
A Complete the conversations. Write conversation. Check (✓) the sentences that
the correct forms of the verbs. are correct. If they are not correct, write the
A: Hi, Bruno. (0) Did you get correct form.
(get) my text about Sumiko? A: So, Giulia, when (0) were you going to Russia?
B: It was in 2002. I (21) went for six weeks, to
B: Yes, I (1) (read) it a few minutes ago. a language school in St. Petersburg.
What (2) to her? (happen) A: Why (22) were you deciding to go there?
B: Well, I (23) was working as a journalist at that time,
A: She had a car accident last night. She
and Russian was useful for my work.
(3) (drive) home when she
A: And (24) were you enjoying your time there?
(4) (lose) control of her car. It
B: Oh, yes – and for a special reason! While I (25)
(5) (rain) at the time.
lived there I (26) met Yuri, and now we’re married! It
was a big surprise – I certainly (27) wasn’t looking
A: What (6) Johnny Depp
for a husband. My parents were so shocked when
(do) when he was discovered? I (28) told them. In fact, they were very unhappy at
first. My mother (29) wasn’t coming to our wedding.
B: He (7) (play) in a rock band and he
A: That’s a shame.
(8) (make) a TV series when Tim
B: Yes, but then I (30) was having my baby son and
Burton (9) (start) using him in his
she loves him so much, so everything is OK now.
movies. He soon (10) (become) a
0 did you go
A: Where (11) (be) you and
Vanessa last night?

B: We (12) (study) for the exam at

Vanessa’s. I (13) (try) to call you when 24
I got there, but you (14) (not answer).

A: I (15) (watch) a movie at home. 26

drove past him yesterday.
B Choose the correct form of the verb
in each sentence.
0 Yesterday, I bought / was buying a birthday
present for my sister online.
16 I was talking / talked to my friend on the
phone when the doorbell rang.
17 I was meeting / met Stephanie while I was
traveling in Thailand.
18 Kate and Elizabeth were going / went to their
first concert when they were 14.
19 What were you doing / did you do at this time last year?
20 Gianni didn’t see / wasn’t seeing me when I

27 30

Score / 30

openMind LEVEL 2

Vocabulary C Complete the sentences with words

A Complete the sentences with the from the box. There is one extra option.
words in the boxes. There is one extra
option in each box. excited happy worried upset interested
surprised angry

angry blog browse interested online surprised upset

0 Mona’s dog died and she’s very
about it.

interested in the internet. 16 The children can’t sit still! They’re so

My father is very (0)
about going on vacation tomorrow!
He spends hours (1) . He likes to
17 Sara broke my phone. I’m really
(2) videos and he also writes a
with her.
(3) . I was very (4) by his
18 Nils passed his exam. I’m very by it,
reaction to an article I sent him about older people because he didn’t do any work.
and the internet. He was very (5) about it. 19 Gita’s daughter is not home and it’s very late.
Gita is about her.
email Google read shocked worried checking 20 Javier is very in history, and reads a lot
of books about it.
I was (6) my (7) this morning
Score / 20
and I was (8) by a message Matt sent me.
He said he (9) your blog and he’s
Total score / 50
(10) about you. You seem upset.

B Complete the definitions. The first

letters of the missing words are shown.
0 If you look at lots of different websites,
you b rowse the internet.
11 If you put a message on a website,
you p it.
12 If you get files from the internet,
you d them.
13 If you write a short message on
Twitter, you t .
14 Things that are on the internet are o .
15 If you put something like a picture or video on
the internet, you u it.

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