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Distributions of Strength in
Simple Fatigue and
The Associated Reliabilities

Dimitri B. Kececioglu
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Dept., The University of Arizona
Richard E. Smith
Sandia Laboratories

Ernest A. Feisted
Rock Island Arsenal, U. S. Army Weapons Command

THE DESIGN QF MECHANICAL COMPONENTS subjected to At least two design approaches of determin
fatigue has traditionally utilized the technique ing the reliability of components subjected to
of applying safety factors to strength values fatigue are available. First, if tbe operating
obtained from handbooks or S-N diagrams in order stress level is well fixed with no significant
to establish a design point such as cycles of variability of stress, then cycles-to-failure
life or level of operating stress. However, distributions are needed to determine the compo
safety factors and point estimates of such values nent's reliability for a specified cycles of life,
do not adequately account for the variability of as shown in Fig. 1. Second, if there is a vari
the many parameters involved in the actual design ability in the operating stress level, then
[1].* This approach is most unsatisfactory in a strength distributions in terms of stress levels
situation requiring a component to have a predic to failure at specific cycles of life are needed
table finite life, as well as the optimization of to determine the component's reliability, as also
weight, size, and cost at a specified reliability. shown in Fig. 1. This paper will cover the lat
In particular, when components are subjected to ter case, while a previous paper has covered
fatigue under alternating loads, a constant the former [4] , and will illustrate the deter
strength cannot be assumed. Instead, there is mination of the reliability of a component to be
a unique component strength distribution associa designed to a specified reliability for a de
ted with the required cycles of life [2]. sired cycles of life when the level of the maxi
Statistical techniques may be used for ana mum alternating operating stress is kept
lyzing components displaying variability in their essentially constant or has a normal or a Weibull
design parameters and for predicting their relia distribution.
bility [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. By so doing, Fatigue strength traditionally has been
the actual variability of the parameters that summarized and presented graphically as an S-N
control failures are taken into account with diagram. The general technique used in obtain
their true effects considered in determining ing strength versus cycles-to-failure data is
reliability. to test a few specimens to failure at incremen
tal stress levels, determine the average cycles
to-failure for each stress level, and then to
*Numbers in brackets designate References plot the log of the average cycles-to-failure
at end of paper. versus the log of stress at failure, or strength,


A method for determining fatigue strength into a part for a specified cycle of finite life
distributions at specific cycles of finite life, are given and are illustrated for the cases when
given cycles-to-failure data, is presented and the level of the maximum alternating operating
applied to steel and aluminum wire fatigue data. stress is kept essentially constant, or has a
Methods for calculating the reliability designed normal or a Weibull distribution.

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Dimitri B. Kececioglu, et al.

as shown in Fig. 2. A more realistic and mine the needed strength distributions at specific
reliability-wise useful representation of design cycles of life, as shown in Fig. 1, by testing
data far fatigue is the distributions of cycles- at different maximum alternating stress levels
to-failure at various alternating stress levels, is such a manner that components would operate
as shown in Fig. 3 [5]. Previous work has pre- for the specified number of cycles and fail im-
sented methods for determining these distribu- mediately thereafter. One way to obtain such
tions and using them to calculate or predict data is to employ the "staircase method" of test-
reliability when components are subjected to ing [11]. However, this requires an a priori
reversed bending, and the maximum operating knowledge of the lower tail of the strength dis-
Stress level in reversed bending is constant tribution, and this knowledge is usually not
[2, 4 ] . The variability in the cycles-to-failure available. Furthermore, the "staircase method"
at a given stress level, illustrated in Fig. 1, does not provide the data required to establish
can be attributed primarily to the randomness cycles-to-failure distributions, which can be
of the process of crack initiation and propaga- used to advantage to calculate reliability for
tion leading to the failure of each component. the cases presented in the prior paper [4]. A
It would be desirable to be able to deter- different method is presented in this paper,
whereby the data necessary to develop the cycles-
to-failure distributions are generated first,
and these distributions are subsequently conver-
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Distributions of Strength 661

ted to stress-to-failure or strength distribu- The strength frequency histogram ordinate at the
tions at specific cycles of life. j-th stress level and at the specific, N, cycles
of life is given by

Once the cycles-to-failure distributions

are generated as described in the previous paper
[4], distributions at a specific cycles of life
may be determined using a method somewhat simi- where F (N) and F . (N) are calculated using Eq. (1)
lar to the "probit analysis" of Finney [11]. In Once the strength frequency histogram is
essence, the stress versus cycles-to-failure obtained, standard statistical techniques can be
graph when analyzed at a specified number of used to fit the appropriate distribution to it
cycles, N, gives a series of cumulative failure and determine its parameters thus obtaining a
distributions for each stress level tested, as strength distribution at specific cycles of life.
shown in Fig. 4. The cumulative failure dis- To obtain an accurate strength distribution,
tribution function is given by an adequate number and a sufficient range of
stress levels are required so that the complete
strength frequency histogram range is covered.
Also, there must be a sufficient number of speci-
mens tested to determine the cycles-to-failure
distributions adequately at each stress level.
All specimens should come from the same population
where f.(N) fj the cycles-to-failure distribution thus exhibiting similar characteristics. Cycles-
at the Jj-th stress level, and F.(N) is the cumu- to-failure distributions are usually obtained for
lative failure probability up to a life of N approximately 5 to 8 stress levels for the com-
cycles for the j-th stress level. Note that Eg. plete strength range of the specimens, with over
(1) is truncated at zero for the lower limit be- 30 specimens tested at each stress level. How-
cause it is impossible to have negative cycles ever , this would result in a strength histogram
of operation. When the cycles-to-failure distri- from which only gross indications of the actual
butions are known for a sufficient range of strength distributions could be obtained. To
stresses, a cumulative failure probability range rectify this problem, additional cycles-to-
from zero to 100 percent can be obtained for failure distributions must be determined, by
each stress level as indicated in Fig. 4 [2]. interpolation and extrapolation, for stresses
The cumulative failure probability at speci- between and outside of the stress levels tested.
fic cycles of life and stress level gives the A convenient method of obtaining the strength
proportion of specimens that will fail with a histograms and distributions for a complete range
strength equal to or less than the specific stress of cycles of life is to employ a suitable digital
level. This condition is true for all stress computer program. A computer program can be PRE
levels; and if, for specific cycles of life, a pared that will use the cycles-to-failure distri-
plot is made of the cumulative failure probabi- butions of the test data and synthesize, by
lity versus stress level, a cumulative histogram interpolation and extrapolation, the additional
is obtained as shown in Fig. 9. From this a distributions. From this expanded cycles-to-
strength frequency histogram can be calculated. failure data, an array of strength cumulative
probability graphs for various stresses versus
specific cycles of life can be determined using
Eq. (1), and the strength frequency histogram and
polygon can be obtained using Eq. (2).
The computer program may also include the
calculation of the parameters of the strength
distribution, such as the coefficients of skew-
ness and kurtosis, and the Chi-squared goodness
of fit. The computer program may be made suf-
ficiently general so that the strength distribu-
tions at various specific cycles of life may be
The procedure is best suited for fatigue
data generated at stress levels which are signi-
ficantly above the endurance strength of the
components tested: in other words, for fatigue
data in the portion of the S-N diagram to the
left of the knee, as shown in Fig. 1. For the
strength distributions for specific cycles of
life to the right of the knee, one of the better
fatigue testing methods to use is the "staircase
method" [12, 13]. The data and methods presented
here are for the portion of the S-N diagram to
the left of the knee.
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662 Dimitri B. Kececioglu, et al.

FATIGUE DATA USED pure, reversed bending. The characteristics of

these specimens are given in Table 3.
The fatigue data used in this paper and pre- The test setup used is shown schematically
sented in Tables 1 and 2 were obtained by Corten in Fig. 5. The results were statistically ana-
and reported previously [14, 15, 16]. They were lyzed [4], and it was concluded that the cycles-
also described and analyzed in a previous paper to-failure data at each stress level, for stresses
[4]. The data are for steel and aluminum ro- significantly above the endurance strength, were
tating wire specimens subjected to essentially best represented by the lognormal distribution.
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Distributions of Strength 663

Consequently, in this paper, it is assumed that bability for each stress level for a series of
all of the cycles-to-failure data for each stress log cycles of life.
level are lognormally distributed and the method (d)Calculate the strength frequency histo
described previously will be used to determine grams for each specific cycle of life.
the strength distributions at specific cycles of (e)Calculate the strength distribution
life, for life to the left of the knee. parameters for a normal and lognormal distribution
fit. The parameters are the mean, the standard
DETERMINATION OF STRENGTH DISTRIBUTIONS FROM deviation, and the coefficients of skewness and
EXPERIMENTAL DATA kurtosis. Also calculate the Chi-squared good
ness-of-fit values.
The lognormal cycles-to-failure distribution (f) Print out all data including the
data given in Tables 1 and 2 were used in conjunc strength histograms, the strength distribution
tion with an IBM 7072 digital computer Fortran parameters for each specific cycles of life, and
program to calculate the strength distributions the Chi-squared goodness-of-fit values.
for a series of cycles of life [2, 17]. The cumulative strength probability graphs
The main steps of the program are as fol and some of the strength frequency histograms
lows: determined in this manner, for the steel and
(a)Read into the computer the cycles-to aluminum specimens, are given in Figs. 6 and 7,
failure distribution parameters of Tables 1 and respectively. The points drawn are for the
2. stress levels at which there were cycles-to
(b)Calculate additional cycles-to-failure failure data. This was necessary for the Chi
distribution parameters at stress increments of squared goodness-of-fit test discussed later in
200 psi by straight-line interpolation between this paper.
the values given in Tables 1 and 2. The strength distribution parameters so ob
(c)Calculate the cumulative strength pro tained for normal and lognormal strength distri
bution fits for the steel specimens are given
in Tables 4 and 5. Similar data for aluminum
specimens are given in Tables 6 and 7. Each
table lists the log10 cycles of life value for
the particular strength distribution under con
sideration, the strength distribution mean and
standard deviation assuming a normal and a log
normal distribution fit, the corresponding
coefficients of skewness and kurtosis, and the
Chi-squared goodness-of-fit values.
It is apparent that as the life of the speci
mens increases, the mean strength decreases, while
the standard deviation appears to increase slight
ly for the steel specimens and significantly for
the aluminum specimens.
Tables 4 and 5, for steel specimens, show
that the coefficient of skewness is generally
negative for most of the strength distributions
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664 Dimitri B. Kececioglu, et al.

thus indicating that a normal distribution fit is values show that for the steel specimens the
superior to the lognormal. On the basis of co- normal distribution fits the data better than
efficient of skewness values, the normal distri- the lognormal for 14 out of 20 cases.
bution is better than the lognormal for 17 out A similar analysis of the data in Tables 6
of 20 strength distributions. The coefficient of and 7, for the aluminim specimens, indicates that
kurtosis indicates that most of the strength the normal distribution fits the strength data
distributions are near normal with the values better than the lognormal distribution in the
fluctuating around 3.0. On the basis of kur- majority of the cases. The coefficient of skew-
tosis, the normal distribution is a better fit ness and the coefficient of kurtosis favored the
to the strength data for 12 out of 20 strength normal distribution 30 and 31 times, respectively,
distributions. out of 43 cases while the Chi-squared goodneess
Chi-squared goodnees-of-fit values were cal- of-fit value favored the normal distribution 24
culated for a comparison of the observed to the out of 43 cases, with the values being identical
expected frequencies of the strength histogram for both distributions in 8 cases.
where actual data contributed to the strength From the previous discussion, it may be seen
distribution. The points plotted in Fig. 6 are that the normal distribution fit to the strength
for the tested stress levels which did contri- data was superior to the lognormal for both the
bute to the Chi-squared values. The Chi-squared steel and the aluminum specimens. Consequently,
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Distributions O T oTrenciTn ooo

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666 Dimitri B. Kececioglu, et al.

only the normal strength distribution data has with increasing cycles of life, as expected.
been used in this paper for further analysis The plus and minus 3 standard deviation enve
and reliability calculations. lopes increase slightly for the steel specimens
The mean strength as well as the plus and as the cycles of life increase, and significantly
minus 3 standard deviation envelopes of the more for the aluminum specimens.
strength are plotted versus log10 cycles in The strength distribution data given in
Figs. 8 and 9, for steel and aluminum specimens, Tables 4 and 6 can now be used for the reliability
respectively. Reference to these figures indi predictions once the distribution of the stress
cates that the mean strength decreases uniformly to which a component is subject is known.
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Distributions of Strengtt bb/

DETERMINATION OF RELIABILITY OF COMPONENTS Since the specimens analyzed in this paper have
SUBJECTED TO FATIGUE LOADS INDUCING COMPLETELY a normal strength distribution whose parameters
REVERSED BENDING STRESS vary with cycles of life as shown in Tables 4 and
6, the determination of the reliability of com-
For a mechanical component, reliability is de- ponents subjected to completely reversed bending
fined as the probability that its strength is will be given for the following three cases:
greater than its applied stress [1], or (a) constant maximum operating stress level,
s1, in reversed bending;
(b) A variable operating maximum stress
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668 Dimitri B. Kececioglu, et al.

level which can be represented by a normal dis-

tribution, f N (s);
(c) A variable operating maximum stress
level which can be represented by a Weibull dis-
tribution, f (a).
Case (a) - Figure 10 illustrates the case
where strength is distributed normally and the
operating stress is constant at s1 . Referring
to Fig. 10 and Eq. (3), it may be seen that the
reliability, R, is given by the area under the
normal strength probability density function
from s1 to -H=°, or

Since f(S) is normal, Eq. (4) may be evaluated


where <j>(z) is the standardized normal probability

density function, and
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Distributions of Strength 669

The reliability is then the percentage of the

area under the standardized normal distribution
from z1 to ∞ and can be found from arma tables Using Eq. (8), the reliability is obtained from
of the standardized normal distribution. the standardized normal distribution area tables
Case (b) - Figure 11 illustrates the case as the area from z1 to ∞ .
where the strength and the maximum value of the It may be seen that with Eq. (8), to deter­
operating stress are distributed normally. The mine the reliability it is only necessary to know
operating stress distribution is assumed not the means and standard deviations of the normal
to change significantly with time, i.e. , the strength and stress distributions.
f (s) at about N 2 « N 1 and the f(s) at about N Case (c) - Figure 12 illustrates the case
are essentially the same distributions. The solu­ where the strength is normally distributed, and
tion also assumes that the strength distribution the maximum value of the operating stress is
at N reflects the results of a stress-to-failure Weibull distributed. The stress-to-failure his­
history up to N identical to that represented tory described in Case (b) and the limitations
by f(s) up to N . Methods for calculating relia­ thereupon apply to this case also. The Weibull
bilities with other stress histories, such as distribution has been chosen because it is a
with cumulative damage and various stress inter­ popular and a very versatile distribution. The
actions are under investigation. prevailing loading situation and the findings of
Referring to Fig. 11, it may bE seen that regression analyses should dictate the selection
there is a cross-hatched area in the overlapping of the appropriate distribution to be used. Re­
region of the two distributions which gives the ferring to Fig. 12, it may be seen that there is
unreliability, Q(N ) , and the reliability R(N ) an area in the region of overlap of the two dis­
is then given by tributions which is equal to the unreliability,
Q(N ) . The reliability, R(N ) is given by
1 - Q(N ) . When f(S) and f(s) are not both nor­
mally distributed, the reliability may be obtained
from the following reliability equation [1]:
Analytically, when the stress and strength dis­
tributions are both normally distributed, the
reliability is given by [1]
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670 Dimitri B. Kececioglu,etal.

where fw(s) is the Weibull stress distribution,

f (S) is the normal strength distribution, and
Y is the location parameter of the Weibull dis-
Equation (9) can be evaluated using the
following Mellin transforms [1]:
The cumulative Weibull distribution is given

The evaluation of F in Eq. (11. may then be

obtained from Eq. (15) also.
The evaluation of G in Eq. (10) would in-
volve looking up values in the area tables of the
standardized normal distribution.


The Mellin transform method of evaluating Illustrative reliability design problems

Eq. (9) is a general one, and can be used with for the three cases discussed previously are
all combinations of F(s) and fbS), provided given neat.
Eqs. (10) and (11) can be evaluated.
Case (a) - A steel shaft, similar to those
Figure 13 shows a plot of F versus G, as for which the data presented in this paper were
evaluated from Eqs. (10) and (11). The relia- generated, is required to operate at a constant
bility is the cross-hatched area under the curve. maximum reversed bending stress of 76,000 psi
Since fw(s) , in this case, is a Weibull for 100,000 cycles. What is its reliability, R?
distribution, a brief discussion of it follows:
The probability density function of the
Weibull distribution is given by

Case (b) - An aluminum spindle is expected

to operate for 446,700 cycles (log10 446,700 =
5.65). The maximum reversed banding stress is
normally distributed with a mean of 23,000 psi
and a standard deviation of 1,000 psi. What is
its reliability, R?
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Distributions of Strength 671

and then the values of G are plotted versus the

values of F, as shown in Fig. 13. The cross
hatched area under the curve represents the
reliability of the shaft, which in this case is
0.992. For a more exact answer, numerical tech
niques may be used in conjunction with a digital
computer (1) .
Sample calculations for row 2 of Table 8 are
Case (c) - A steel shaft is expected to as follows:
operate for 100,000 cycles (log 100,000 = 5.00).
At that number of cycles, its strength is distri
buted normally with S = 79,170.6 psi, and ss =
2,008.3 psi, from Table 4. It is operating in a
stress environment which may be represented by
the Weibull distribution. The minimum value of
the expected reversed bending stress is 70,000
psi, or Y = 70,000 psi. The shape parameter,
ß, of the distribution is 2, and the scale para
meter, ?, is 2,000. What is the shaft's
reliability, R?
The Mellin transform is used to evaluate
Eq. (9) . The equations which must be evaluated
first are

A table, such as Table 8, is constructed by list

ing values of stress in 1,000 psi increments CONCLUSION
beginning with the minimum expected reversed
bending stress value, or 70,000 psi. The values This paper demonstrates that the designer
of G and F are determined for each stress listed. can design specified reliabilities into compo
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672 Dimitri B. Kececioglu, et al.

nents subjected to pure reversed bending fatigue Consideration for Failure Incidence and Property
loading in an environment of either constant Degradation." Proceedings of SAE-ASME-AIAA Aero-
stress or varying stress. It must be pointed space Reliability and Maintainability Conference,
out, however, that this is made possible only June, 1964, p. 566.
by the generation of statistical data which may 4. D. Kececioglu, R. E. Smith, E. A. Felsted,
be reduced into strength distributions for vari- "Distributions of Cycles-to-Failure in Simple
ous cycles of life of the nature given in Tables Fatigue and the Associated Reliabilities." 1969
4 and 6 and in Figs. 8 and 9, by determining the Annals of Assurance Sciences, Eighth Reliability
applied stress distribution, and by properly using and Maintainability Conference, Denver, Colo.,
this data as illustrated by the three cases pre- 7-9 July 1969, p.357.
sented here to determine the associated relia- 5. D. Kececioglu, M. J. Saroni, H. Broome,
bilities. and F. McConnell, "Design, Development, and
Design data of the nature presented in Fig. Results from Combined Bending-Torsion Fatigue
2 do not permit the determination of component Reliability Research Machines." Report to NAAA
reliability, hence, are inadequate to meet today's under grant NGR-03-002-044, July 15, 1969, 57 pp.
needs of designing specified reliabilities into 6. C. Lipson, N. J. Sheth, and R. L. Disney,
components. Why design a specified reliability? "Reliability Prediction - Mechanical Stress/
Because reliability is the best quantitative strength Interference." Technical Report No.
measure of the performance integrity of the de- RADC-TR-66-710 to Rome Air Development Center,
signed component. Reliability tells us quanti- N. Y., March, 1967, 450 pp.
tatively how good or how bad the design is. 7. J. H. Bompas-Smith, "The Determination
Furthermore, the designer may so choose the of Distributions that Describe the Failures of
material, the stress distribution, and the life Mechanical Components." New York: Gordon and
of the component in terms of cycles of operation, Breach Science Publishers, 1969. pp. 343-356.
that he can attain the specified reliability. 8. A. M. Freudenthal, "Planning and Inter-
Through these approaches the designer knows how pretation of Fatigue Tests." ASTM, Special
much to vary the mean strength and stress, the Technical Publication No. 121, Philadelphia, Pa.,
variability in stress and strength, or the num- 1952, 10 pp.
ber of cycles of operating life to achieve the 9. D. Kececioglu and E. B. Haugen, "Inter-
required reliability. He can also evaluate the action among the Various Phenomena Involved in
resulting cost, weight, and other design para- the design of Dynamic and Rotary Machinery and
meters to determine which combinations are op- Their Effects on Reliability." First Technical
timum for a specified reliability. Report to Office of Naval Research on contract
In closing, it is urged that more design N00014-67-A-0209-002, 1968, 379 pp.
data of the type presented in this paper be gene- 10. D. Kececioglu and E. B. Haugen, "Inter-
rated, reduced, and published for the benefit of action among the Various Phenomena Involved in
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Their Effects on Reliability." Second Technical
Report to Office of Naval Research on contract
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS N00014-67-A-0209-002, 1969, 241 pp.
11. D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis; A Statis-
The authors wish to express their apprecia- tical Treatment of theSigmond Response Curve."
tion to Dr. H. T. Corten, Professor of Theoretical Cambridge University Press, 1947, 318 pp.
and Applied Mechanics, College of Engineering, 12. "Symposium of Statistical Aspects of
University of Illinois, who conducted the com- Fatigue." ASTM, Special Technical Publication
prehensive research which resulted in a large No. 121, Philadelphia, Pa., 1952., 64 pp.
body of aluminum and steel fatigue failure data,
13. W. J. Dixon, and A. M. Mood, "A Method
and who generously furnished this data for the
for Obtaining and Analyzing Sensitivity Data."
reliability study presented in this paper.
Journal of the American Statistical Association,
Vol. 43, pp. 109-126, 19483, pp. 109-126.
REFERENCES 14. H. T. Corten and G. M. Sinclair, "A
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1. D. Kececioglu and D. Cormier, "Designing Influence of Complex Stress Histories." ASTM
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and Maintainability Conference, June, 1964, p. 546i Damage under Varying Stress Amplitudes." NASA
2. R. E. Smith, "Time Dependent Reliability Technical Note D-657, November, 1960, 68 pp.
of Components Subjected to Simple Fatigue." 16. H. W. Liu and H. T. Corten, "Fatigue
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3. M. J. Bratt, G. Reethof, and G. W. Weber, "Numeeical Methods and Fortran Programming."
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